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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modular Scaled Development Platform for Steering Algorithms using LEGO Mindstorms. / Modulär Skalbar Utvecklingsplattform för Styralgoritmer baserad på LEGO Mindstorms.

YANG, GEPENG, ADOLFSSON, JONATHAN January 2019 (has links)
The topic of the thesis is to build physically similar systems to simulate behaviors of real-life heavy-duty vehicles using LEGO Mindstorms as hardware platform and Buckingham π theorem as theoretical basis for the parameter scaling. The thesis work includes software and hardware system design and theoretical research in order to prove a newly proposed concept: Using LEGO to build a scaled model of real-life vehicles with specific similar physical properties. To implement the work described above, scaled models were built with LEGO and a software and hardware system was developed for controlling the scaled model. Tests were performed both on real-life vehicles and scaled models. A generalized mathematical model for the vehicle was derived in order to interpret the behaviors of the vehicle in a scientific way. Then, test results of both real-life vehicles and the corresponding scaled model were compared with the mathematical model in order to investigate if they have similar behaviors. Finally it was concluded that the scaled model built with LEGO Mindstorms combined with Buckingham π theorem could calculate the speed and turning radius of the physically similar real-life vehicle with an average accuracy of 94.68% within low speed, conservatively speaking. For further investigation and research, similar research could be performed with higher speeds to generalize the conclusions and results. / Uppsatsen ämnar till att bygga ett fysiskt likvärdigt system, som simulerar beteendet av verkliga tunga fordon, med LEGO Mindstorms som hårdvaruplattform och med Buckingham П teoremet som teoretisk grund from skalning av parametrar. Arbetet inkluderar mjukvaru- och hårdvarusystemdesign samt teoretisk forskning för att kunna bevisa ett nyligen föreslaget koncept: Att använda LEGO för att bygga en skalad modell av verkliga fordon med specifika likartade fysiska egenskaper. För att implementera det ovan föreslagna arbetet, byggdes skalade modeller i LEGO samt ett kombinerat hård- och mjukvarusystem för att styra den skalade modellen. Tester utfördes på både riktiga lastbilar samt de skalade modellerna. För att kunna identifiera parametrar samt simulera och tyda fordonens beteende så adapterades en generell matematisk modell. Testresultaten för på verkliga samt motsvarande skalade modeller jämfördes med den matematiska modellen för att påvisa om beteendet är likartat. Till sist drogs slutsatsen att den skalade modellen bygg med LEGO Mindstorms och parameterskalad med hjälp av Buckingham П teoremet kunde beräkna skalningsfaktorn av hastighet samt svängradie för det fysiskt likartade fordonet med en tillförlitlighet på 94.68%, konservativt räknat. Detta gäller för låga hastigheter och som fortsatt forskning skulle en liknande studie med starkare och snabbare motorer genomföras för att generalisera slutsatserna och resultaten.

Integrating planetary boundaries into the life cycle assessment of electric vehicles : A case study on prioritising impact categories through environmental benchmarking in normalisation and weighting methods when assessing electric heavy-duty vehicles / Integrering av planetära gränser i en livscykelanalys av elektriska fordon : En fallstudie för att prioritera påverkanskategorier genom metoderna normalisering och viktning i en livscykelanalys av elektriska tunga fordon

Pehrson, Ida January 2020 (has links)
The transport sector is facing great challenges for achieving development within the Earth’s boundaries. Currently, LCA studies on heavy- and medium-duty vehicles have mainly assessed the ‘well-to-wheel’ stage and the impact category climate change. To understand the full range of environmental impacts from a truck, a holistic view needs to be adopted, to acknowledge several sustainability dimensions. The development of new vehicle technologies, such as battery electrical vehicles (BEV), the impact will mainly occur in the production and end-of-life stage, thereby it is crucial to adapt a cradle-to-grave approach in LCA. This thesis have interpret Scania’s current LCA results through normalization and weighting. The normalization and weighting methods used have been based on the planetary boundaries (PBs) and other scientific thresholds of earth’s carrying capacity. The normalised results display that considering a heavy-duty truck with diesel (B5) climate change is the major impact, but for BEV with EU electricity mix it is freshwater ecotoxicity, stratospheric ozone formation and climate change that are the main impacts to consider. For the BEV with wind electricity, it is freshwater ecotoxicity and climate change which are the major impacts. According to the weighed results, the impact on ́climate change ́ and ́fossil resource scarcity ́ are most important for diesel (B5) and considering BEV with EU mix it is the impact categories of ́climate change ́ and ́fossil resource depletion ́ followed by ́mineral resource scarcity ́. Considering BEV with wind electricity it is ́mineral resource scarcity ́ followed by ́climate change ́ and ́fossil resource scarcity ́. The weighted results also display that the impact categories, ‘human toxicity cancer’, ‘freshwater ecotoxicity’, ‘particulate matter’ and ‘water resource scarcity’ are important to consider in an LCA of a BEV. Concludingly, it is a need for future research in the area of connecting the PBs with the LCA framework. Moreover, it is a need to develop normalisation reference (NR) and weighting factors (WF) based on a company and sectorial allowances of the carrying capacity to understand a product or company’s environmental impact in absolute terms. / Transportsektorn står inför stora utmaningar för att nå en utveckling inom planetens gränser. I nuläget har LCA studier för tunga och medeltunga transporter fokuserat på ‘well-to-wheel’ vilket är stegen bränsleproduktionen (från källan till tanken) och konsekvenserna av fordonets användning (från tank till hjul) och påverkanskategorin klimat. För att förstå fordonets totala miljöpåverkan, behövs ett holistiskt synsätt för att förstå flera hållbarhetsdimensioner av fordonets miljöpåverkan. Utvecklingen av nya fordonstekniker, så som batterifordon, kommer leda till att miljöpåverkan möjligen främst uppstår i produktions och avfallsfasen av livscykeln, det är därav viktigt att analysera ett fordon från ́vaggan till graven ́. Denna uppsats har analyserat Scanias LCA resultat genom normalisering och viktning. Normaliserings- och viktningsmetoderna som används är baserade på dom planetära gränserna och andra tröskelvärden för planetens bärkapacitet. Det normaliserade resultatet visar att för en diesel lastbil är klimat en betydande påverkanskategori, dock för en BEV (”Battery Electric Vehicle”) med EU elektricitet är det sötvattentoxicitet, stratosfärisk ozonbildning och klimat som är dom mest betydande påverkanskategorierna. Det normaliserade resultatet för BEV med vindenergi visar att det är sötvattentoxicitet och klimat som dom mest betydande påverkanskategorierna. Enligt den valda viktningsmetoden framgår det att klimat och fossil resursutarmning är dom viktigaste påverkanskategorierna för en diesel lastbil. För en BEV med EU mix är den viktigaste klimat och fossil resursutarmning följt av mineralresursbrist. För BEV laddad med energi från vindkraft, är dom viktigaste påverkanskategorierna mineralresursbrist, klimat och fossil resursutarmning. Det viktade resultatet visade även att påverkanskategorierna, humantoxicitet cancer, sötvatten ekotoxicitet, partiklar och vattenresursbrist bör tas i beaktning i en LCA av en BEV. Slutligen behövs det mer forskning kring sammankoppling av planetära gränser och LCA ramverket, även utveckling av normaliseringsreferenser och viktningsfaktorer som är baserat på företags- och sektorsnivåer för utsläppsrätter behövs för att ett företag ska förstå produkters absoluta miljöpåverkan.

Comparsion of Power-to-Methane Technology and Hythane as Heavy-Duty Vehicle-Fuels on Gotland

Wolving, Lova January 2024 (has links)
To reach the 1.5°C-goal of the Paris Agreement, all sectors have to be involved in the transition. The transport sector poses a considerable challenge regarding sustainable development and, within the sector, road transport contributes to the largest part of emissions in the EU. The development of fuels for heavy-duty vehicles is not as fast as for other types of vehicles. However, approaches combining biomethane and green hydrogen as alternative fuels have gained interest. There are plans to both expand the biogas sector and implementing hydrogen production on Gotland. Therefore, this study examines how two of these approaches, hythane and power-to-methane technology, compare to each other as HDV-fuels on Gotland. A simplified MCA has been conducted to compare the two alternative fuels’ performance against each other based on several criteria. The results show that hythane performed better than power-to-methane in the criteria categories technical performance and feasibility Gotland, while power-to-methane performed better regarding environmental impact. As hythane performed better in a larger number of criteria than biomethane produced through power-to-methane, the results of the study imply that, based on Gotland’s pre-conditions, hythane is preferable as HDV-fuel over using power-to-methane technology. However, prioritization of the criteria is not conducted and further research that includes weighing of the criteria, as well as examines the economic and social factors of the two systems, is required for a sufficient feasibility study.

Investigation of the transient nature of rolling resistance on an operating Heavy Duty Vehicle

Lundberg, Petter January 2014 (has links)
An operating vehicle requires energy to oppose the subjected driving resistances. This energy is supplied via the fuel combustion in the engine. Decreasing the opposing driving resistances for an operating vehicle increases its fuel efficiency: an effect which is highly valued in today’s industry, both from an environmental and economical point of view. Therefore a lot of progress has been made during recent years in the area of fuel efficient vehicles, even though some driving resistances still rises perplexity. These resistances are the air drag Fd generated by the viscous air opposing the vehicles propulsion and the rolling resistance Frr generated mainly by the hysteresis caused by the deformation cycle of the viscoelastic pneumatic tires. The energy losses associated with the air drag and rolling resistance account for the majority of the driving resistances facing an operating vehicle, and depends on numerous stochastic and ambient parameters, some of which are highly correlated both within and between the two resistances. To increase the understanding of the driving mechanics behind the energy losses associated with the complexity that is rolling resistance, a set of complete vehicle tests has been carried out. These tests were carried out on the test track Malmby Fairground, using a Scania CV AB developed R440 truck equipped with various sensors connected in one measurement system. Under certain conditions, these parameters can allow for an investigation of the rolling resistance, and a separation of the rolling resistance and air drag via explicit subtraction of the air drag from the measured traction force. This method is possible since the aerodynamic property AHDVCd(β) to some extent can be generated from wind tunnel tests and CFD simulations. Two measurement series that enable the above formulated method of separation were designed and carried out, using two separate measurement methods. One which enables the investigation of the transient nature of rolling resistance as it strives for stationarity, where the vehicle is operated under constant velocities i.e. no acceleration, and one using the well established method of coastdown, where no driving torque is applied. The drive cycles spanned a range of velocities, which allowed for dynamic and stationary analyses of both the tire temperature- and the velocity dependence of rolling resistance. When analysing the results of the transient analysis, a strong dependence upon tire temperature for given constant low velocity i.e. v ≤ 60 kmh−1 was clearly visible. The indicated dependency showed that the rolling resistance decreased as the tire temperature increased over time at a given velocity, and vice versa, towards a stationary temperature and thereby rolling resistance. The tire temperature evolution from one constant velocity to another, took place well within 50 min to a somewhat stationary value. However, even though the tire temperature had reached stationarity, rolling resistance did not; there seemed to be a delay between stationary tire temperature, and rolling resistance. The results did not indicate any clear trends for v ≥ 60 kmh−1, where the results at v = 80 kmh−1 were chaotic. This suggests that some additional forces were uncompensated for, or that the compensation for air drag was somehow wrongly treated at higher velocities. Several factors ruled out any attempts at proposing a new rolling resistance model. These included: the chaotic results for v = 80 kmh−1, the delayed rolling resistance response upon tire temperature stabilization, and the lack of literature support for the observed tendency. The results from the coastdown series on the other hand, showed good agreement with a dynamical model suggested in literature. The stationary temperature behaviour for the considered velocity range at assumed constant condition is also supported in literature. Finally, an investigation of the aerodynamic property AHDVCd inspired by ongoing work in ACEA (European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association), was carried out assuming both zero and non-zero air drag at low velocities. The results indicated surprisingly good agreement with wind tunnel measurements, especially when neglecting air drag at low velocities: as suggested by ACEA. / För att övervinna de motstånd som ett fordon utsätts för under drift krävs energi, vilket levereras genom förbränningen av bränsle. Genom att minska de körmotstånd som ett fordon utsätts för under drift, kan man öka dess energieffektivitet. Denna potential är idag högt värderad i fordonsindustrin, både ur ett miljömässigt och ekonomiskt perspektiv. På senare år har stora framsteg gjorts inom området energieffektiva fordon, men fortfarande råder det förvirring kring de energiförluster som förknippas med luftmotstånd Fd och rullmotstånd Frr, där luftmotståndet skapas av den omkringliggande viskösa luften, medan rullmotståndet genereras av hysteresen som uppstår när fordonets viskoelastiska pneumatiska däck utsätts för deformation. De energiförluster som förknippas med luft- och rullmotstånd motsvarar den största delen av de motstånd som ett fordon påverkas av, och beror på en mängd stokastiska och yttre parametrar, varav vissa är starkt korrelerade både inom och mellan nämnda motstånd. För att förbättra förståelsen kring dessa energiförluster, med fokus på förståelsen av rullmotstånd, har ett antal helfordonstest genomförts. Dessa genomfördes på provbanan Malmby Fairground med en R440 lastbil från Scania CV AB, utrustad med en mängd sensorer sammankopplade i ett mätsystem. Det uppbyggda mätsystemet möjliggjorde samtida mätningar av bl.a. drivande moment, motorvarv, fordonshastighet, däcktemperatur, omkringliggande lufts hastighet och dess riktning. Under specifika förhållanden kunde dessa parametrar möjliggöra analys av rullmotstånd genom en explicit subtraktion av luftmotstånd från den uppmätta drivande kraften. Denna metod är möjlig tack vare en förhållandevis bra modell av ekipagets aerodynamiska egenskap AHDVCd(β), som generats från vindtunneltest och CFD simuleringar. Två körcykler som möjliggjorde ovan formulerade separation designades och genomfördes. Dessa använder två skilda mätmetoder, varav den ena möjliggör analys av rullmotståndets övergående förlopp från dynamiskt till stationärt genom att hålla konstant hastighet. Den andra studerade det dynamiska förloppet genom den väletablerade metoden utrullning, dvs. utan något drivande moment. Dessa körcyklar genomfördes, för ett antal hastigheter, vilket möjliggjorde analys av både hastighets- och däcktemperaturberoendet hos rullmotstånd, under dynamiska såväl som stationära förlopp. Analysen av rullmotståndets dynamik i strävan mot stationära förhållanden visade på ett starkt temperaturberoende vid låga hastigheter dvs. v ≤ 60 kmh−1. Beroendet visade på att rullmotståndet avtog med ökande däcktemperatur och vice versa, tills dess att en någorlunda stationär temperatur för given hastighet uppnåtts. Däcktemperaturen stabiliserades till ett nytt stationärt värde inom 50 min från att hastigheten ändrats. Resultaten tyder dock på att även om stationär däcktemperatur uppnåtts finns det en fördröjning i rullmotståndets tidsspann innan rullmotståndet stabiliserat sig. För högre hastigheter, dvs. v ≥ 60 kmh-1, var dock inga klara trender synliga, varken i hastighet eller temperatur och resultaten vid v = 80 kmh-1 var kaotiska. Detta antyder att man missat att kompensera för någon kraft vid höga hastigheter, alternativt att man på något sätt kompenserar fel för luftmotståndet vid högre hastigheter. Flera faktorer hindrade försök att föreslå någon ny rullmotståndsmodell. Dessa faktorer inkluderar det kaotiska resultatet vid v = 80 kmh-1, tidsfördröjningen mellan stationärt rullmotstånd och däcktemperatur samt att resultatet för antagna stationära värden inte finner stöd i litteraturen. Resultatet från utrullningsprovet överstämmer dock bra med tidigare föreslagen dynamisk modell, samt att resultaten av beteendet hos stationär temperatur för olika hastigheter även de överensstämmer med och finner stöd i litteraturen. Slutligen har en studie kring den aerodynamiska egenskapen AHDVCd, inspirerad av pågående arbete inom ACEA (European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association) utförts både med antagandet av ett noll- skilt och med ett försumbart luftmotstånd vid låga hastigheter. Resultatet visar på en överraskande god överensstämmelse med vindtunnelmätningar, framför allt under antagandet av försumbart luftmotstånd vid låga hastigheter i enlighet med förslagen metod från ACEA.

The operational and safety effects of heavy duty vehicles platooning

Alzahrani, Ahmed 01 January 2019 (has links)
Abstract Although researchers have studied the effects of platooning, most of the work done so far has focused on fuel consumption. There are a few studies that have targeted the impact of platooning on the highway operations and safety. This thesis focuses on the impact of heavy-duty vehicles (HDVs) platooning on highway characteristics. Specifically, this study aims at evaluating the effects of platooning of HDVs on capacity, safety, and CO2 emissions. This study is based on a hypothetical model that was created using the VISSIM software. VISSIM is a powerful simulation software designed to mimic the field traffic flow conditions. For model validity, the model outputs were compared with recommended values from guidelines such as the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) (Transportation Research Board, 2016). VISSIM was used to obtain the simulation results regarding capacity. However, in addition to VISSIM, two other software packages were used to obtain outputs that cannot be assessed in VISSIM. MOVES and SSAM are two simulation software packages that were used for emission and safety metrics, respectively. Both software packages depended on input from VISSIM for analysis. It was found that with the presence of HDVs in the model, the capacity, the emission of CO2, and the safety of the roadway would improve positively. A capacity of 4200 PCE/h/ln could be achieved when there are enough HDVs in platoons. Furthermore, more than 3% of the traffic flow emission of CO2 reduction is possible when 100% of the HDVs used in the model are in platoons. In addition to that, a reduction of more than 75% of the total number of conflicts might be obtained. Furthermore, with the analysis of the full factorial method and the Design of Experiment (DOE) conducted by using Excel and Minitab respectively, it was possible to investigate the impact of the platoons’ factors on the highway parameters. Most of these factors affect the parameters significantly. However, the change in the desired speed was found to insignificantly affect the highway parameters, due to the high penetration rate. Keywords: VISSIM, MOVES, SSAM, COM-interface, HDVs, Platooning, Number of Conflicts

Consideration of dynamic traffic conditions in the estimation of industrial vehicules energy consumption while integrating driving assistance strategies / Prise en compte des conditions de trafic dynamique dans l'évaluation des consommations énergétiques des véhicules industriels en intégrant les stratégies d'aide à la conduite

Cattin, Johana 18 April 2019 (has links)
Le monde industriel, et en particulier l’industrie automobile, cherche à représenter au mieux le réel pour concevoir des outils et produits les plus adaptés aux enjeux et marchés actuels. Dans cette optique, le groupe Volvo a développé de puissants outils pour la simulation de la dynamique des véhicules industriels. Ces outils permettent notamment l’optimisation de composants véhicules ou de stratégies de contrôle. De nombreuses activités de recherche portent sur des technologies innovantes permettant de réduire la consommation des véhicules industriels et d’accroitre la sécurité de leurs usages dans différents environnements. En particulier, le développement des systèmes d’aide à la conduite automobile ITS et ADAS. Afin de pouvoir développer ces systèmes, un environnement de simulation permettant de prendre en compte les différents facteurs pouvant influencer la conduite d’un véhicule doit être mis en place. L’étude se concentre sur la simulation de l’environnement du véhicule et des interactions entre le véhicule et son environnement direct, i.e. le véhicule qui le précède. Les interactions entre le véhicule étudié et le véhicule qui le précède sont modélisées à l’aide de modèles mathématiques, nommés lois de poursuites. De nombreux modèles existent dans la littérature mais peu concernent le comportement des véhicules industriels. Une étude détaillée de ces modèles et des méthodes de calage est réalisée. L’environnement du véhicule peut être représenté par deux catégories de paramètres : statiques (intersections, nombre de voies…) et dynamiques (état du réseau). A partir d’une base de données de trajets usuels, ces paramètres sont calculés, puis utilisés pour générer de manière automatisée des scénarios de simulation réalistes. / The industrial world, and in particular the automotive industry, is seeking to best represent the real world in order to design tools and products that are best adapted to current challenges and markets, by reducing development times and prototyping costs. With this in mind, the Volvo Group has developed powerful tools to simulate the dynamics of industrial vehicles. These tools allow the optimization of vehicle components or control strategies. Many research activities focus on innovative technologies to reduce the consumption of industrial vehicles and increase the safety of their use in different environments. Particularly, the development of ITS and ADAS is booming. In order to be able to develop these systems, a simulation environment must be set up to take into account the various factors that can influence the driving of a vehicle. The work focuses on simulating the vehicle environment and the interactions between the vehicle and its direct environment, i.e. the vehicle in front of it. The interactions between the vehicle under study and the vehicle in front of it are modelled using mathematical models, called car-following models. Many models exist in the literature, but few of them deals specifically with heavy duty vehicles. A specific focus on these models and their calibration is realized. The vehicle environment can be represented by two categories of parameters: static (intersections, number of lanes) and dynamic parameters (state of the network). From a database of usuals roads, these parameters are computed, then, they are used to automatically generate realist traffic simulation scenarios.

Teknoekonomisk studie för potentialen för lokal vätgasproduktion i Västerås regionen : För försörjning av regionens interna behov från tunga transporter

Aspitman, Amez, Magid, Barek January 2022 (has links)
In conjunction with Sweden's goal of reducing emissions and dependence on fossil fuels in the transport sector, hydrogen technology has received considerable attention. Today, several studies are being carried out into hydrogen technology that focus on developing the production, application, storage and distribution of hydrogen. Energimyndigheten is investigating various strategies for hydrogen development to increase hydrogen production, develop green transports and opportunities for energy storage in Sweden. This study is about estimating the potential for hydrogen in heavy-duty vehicles in Västerås and investigating various possibilities for local hydrogen production. Gasification plants with capacities of 1, 5 and 10 MW are studied to analyze the gasification plant's design, operating conditions, costs and investment profitability. In addition, it is investigating the possibility of building a hydrogen filling station with hydrogen produced by an electrolysis plant in Rocklunda. For the electrolysis plant in Rocklunda, alkaline electrolysis from Nel Hydrogen (A150 and A300) with a power of 660 and 1320 kW and a daily production of 320 and 640 kg of hydrogen respectively are investigated. The electrolysis is connected to the electricity grid and the PV system in Rocklunda, while waste heat from the electrolysis is used to balance the district heating network.   The results of this study show that the potential for hydrogen can vary depending on the number of heavy hydrogen-powered vehicles, the mileage and the depreciation period. Different scenarios are discussed to get an estimation of what the development of hydrogen demand may look like. For a long-term scenario with high hydrogen demand, hydrogen production with a gasification plant is considered suitable. The total investment costs are estimated at 2.3, 4.7 and 7.7 million euros for 1, 5 and 10 MW plants. The production cost for each plant is estimated at 3.45, 2.28 and 2.12 euros per kg of hydrogen. The results also show that efficiency and costs for operation and maintenance are factors that have the greatest impact on production costs. For the net present value, efficiency and sales price are two factors that constitute the greatest impact.  For the A150 and a hydrogen filling station with a storage capacity of 400 kg per day, the total investment cost is estimated at 2.5 million euros. For the A300 and a hydrogen filling station with a capacity of 800 kg per day, the total investment cost amounts to 4.7 million euros. MATLAB is used to optimize hydrogen production that meets the estimated hydrogen demand and minimize costs in Rocklunda. The production cost per kg of hydrogen is estimated at 8 and 7 euros for the A150 and A300. For the electrolysis plant, the results show that the price of electricity has the greatest impact on the production cost, while the net present value is most affected by the electricity price and sales price for hydrogen. Furthermore, the results show that approximately 70% of the annual hydrogen production takes place with the electricity grid between 21 and 05 when the electricity price is low, which means that the hydrogen is not classified as green hydrogen.   The conclusion that has been drawn in this study is that hydrogen enables the electrification of heavy-duty vehicles with long driving distances. In 2024, it is expected that there will be the possibility of selling produced green hydrogen to build hydrogen filling stations in Sweden. Hydrogen production with an electrolysis plant in Rocklunda is a suitable method that can meet the hydrogen demand in the short term. However, this means higher costs for one kg of produced hydrogen.   To produce green hydrogen, green electricity from local electricity grid must be used in the electrolysis. Increased capacity on the PV system in Rocklunda is an alternative for increasing the proportion of green hydrogen. Hydrogen production with a gasification plant entails high investment costs but is suitable for large-scale production, which means that a high demand in the market is required to ensure investment profitability.

Transient thermal management simulations of complete heavy-duty vehicles

Svantesson, Einar January 2019 (has links)
Transient vehicle thermal management simulations have the potential to be an important tool to ensure long component lifetimes in heavy-duty vehicles, as well as save development costs by reducing development time. Time-resolved computational fluid dynamics simulations of complete vehicles are however typically very computationally expensive, and approximation methods must be employed to keep computational costs and turn-around times at a reasonable level. In this thesis, two transient methods are used to simulate two important time-dependent scenarios for complete vehicles; hot shutdowns and long dynamic drive cycles. An approach using a time scaling between fluid solver and thermal solver is evaluated for a short drive cycle and heat soak. A quasi-transient method, utilizing limited steady-state computational fluid dynamics data repeatedly, is used for a long drive cycle. The simulation results are validated and compared with measurements from a climatic wind tunnel. The results indicate that the time-scaling approach is appropriate when boundary conditions are not changing rapidly. Heat-soak simulations show reasonable agreement between three cases with different thermal scale factors. The quasi-transient simulations suggest that complete vehicle simulations for durations of more than one hour are feasible. The quasi-transient results partly agree with measurements, although more component temperature measurements are required to fully validate the method.

Li-ion titanate technology for SLI battery applications in commercial vehicles / Li-jon titanat teknologi för SLI-batteritillämpning i kommersiella fordon

Vasilevich, Liliya January 2021 (has links)
Litiumjon-batterier har blivit väldigt populära för tillämpning i fordon. Den här teknologin har fler olika kemier att erbjuda som kontinuerligt förbättras. Litium-titanat-oxid-batterier använder (LTO) LTO som anod och erbjuder långt cyklingsliv samt minskar risk för SEI-bildning och litiumplätering.  Det här examensarbetet siktade på att undersöka om LTO-batterier kan användas som startbatterier i kommersiella fordon. Metodologin inkluderade två motorstart försök med en kommersiell 12s1p LTO-modul, laddnings/urladdningtester med en kommersiell LTO-cell med nominell spänning 2.3V samt överurladdningstester med byggda pouchceller. Materialet för pouchceller extraherades från en kommersiell LTO-cell och sedan studerades med SEM-EDX före och efter överurladdningstesterna. Resultatet visade att LTO-batterier kan användas som startbatterier i en diesel V8 motor även vid 39%SoC. Dessutom visade simuleringar att LTO-batterier kan användas inom Kinetic Energy Recovery System (KERS) tillämpning och behålla 60% SoC efter 500 laddning/urladdnings cykler. Resultaten från både KERS och motorstarterna visade att LTO är en lovande kandidat för ersättning av blybatterier. Laddnings/urladdnings tester visade att en kommersiell 12s1p LTO modul kan maximalt uppnå 73%SoC när den laddas med fordon-liknande strömmar. Däremot var SoC oberoende av laddningsström. Överurladdningstester med pouchceller visade att det är relativt ofarligt att urladda LTO 0.4V under spänningsgränsen utan stora ökningar i impedans eller stor kapacitetsförlust. Största förluster kopplades till åldring av NMC-baserade positiva elektroden. / Lithium ion batteries have become quite popular in vehicle applications in the past few decades. This technology offers multiple chemistries to choose from, that are continuously studied and improved. Lithium-titanate-oxide (LTO) batteries use LTO material as an anode, providing long cycling life, as well as essentially eliminating risk for SEI formation and lithium plating.  This Master thesis project aimed to investigate how well LTO-based lithium-ion batteries can perform in Start Ignition Lighting (SLI) application in commercial vehicles. The methodology included two engine crank tests with a commercial 12s1p LTO module, charge/discharge tests on a commercial LTO cell with nominal voltage 2.3V, as well as overdischarge cycling tests on assembled pouch cells. The materials for the pouch cells were extracted from a commercial LTO cell and later analysed with SEM-EDX before and after overdischarge tests. The results demonstrated that LTO-based Li-ion batteries can be successfully start a diesel V8 engine even at 39% SoC. Furthermore, when simulating an urban vehicle with an implemented Kinetic Energy Recovery System (KERS) application, a commercial cell LTO cell achieved and retained around 60\%SoC throughout 500 charge/discharge cycles. Combined results from KERS and engine start tests imply that LTO is a strong candidate for replacing lead-acid in these applications. Charge/discharge tests showed that commercial 12s1p LTO cell can maximum reach around 73%SoC when charged in a vehicle-like way. However, this maximum SoC limit was more or less independent of applied charging current. Furthermore, electrochemical overdischarge tests on the pouch cells demonstrated that it is relatively safe to overdischarge the cell 0.4V below the specified safety limit without significant rise in impedance or capacity fade. Major performance losses were attributed to the aging of the NMC-based positive electrode.

A sustainability assessment in the production of heavy-duty trucks : A case study at Scania: investigating the reduction of environmental impacts through design customization and LCA / En hållbarhetsbedömning vid produktion av tunga lastbilar

Celedón Cruz, Liliana Isabel January 2020 (has links)
The transport sector is currently facing challenges to reduce environmental impacts during the vehicle’s operation due to its reliance on fossil fuels. The introduction of new technologies such as alternative fuels or battery electric vehicles (BEVs) are therefore rapidly growing because they can significantly reduce the vehicle’s tailpipe emissions. There is however the concern that these could transfer environmental burdens to other life cycle phases such as production. Therefore, a development towards sustainable transport will require more than just the development of alternative fuels or EVs, but also a more sustainable production. Considering that 80% of the product related environmental impacts are determined during the design phase of a product, the significance of product design is studied. Scania offers the opportunity to customize trucks with a high level of detail through customized design, also called S-order design. Design engineers want to know if their customized solutions have the potential to reduce environmental impacts within the production of a truck. Therefore, the life cycle assessment (LCA) framework is used to know the environmental impacts of a truck designed with S- and A-order design and to compare them in order to determine if there is an environmental performance difference between these two designs. The results show that the production of a truck with a S-order design has on average 3% lower environmental impacts on all impact categories than when it’s produced with an A-order design. This is due to the S-order design’s great level of flexibility to consider small details of the truck’s functionality. Nevertheless, this design flexibility can lead to multiple configurations for one truck, thus meaning that the results will vary from product to product since the customer decides the specifications of the truck. The main conclusion is that the early implementation of adaptations through S-order design in heavy truck development at Scania can potentially reduce resource consumption and environmental impacts, and aid to sustainable production. / Transportsektorn står för närvarande inför utmaningar för att minska miljöpåverkan under fordonets drift på grund av dess beroende av fossila bränslen. Introduktionen av ny teknik som alternativa bränslen eller elektriska fordon (BEV) växer därför snabbt eftersom de avsevärt kan minska fordonets utsläpp från avgasröret. Det finns emellertid oro för att dessa skulle kunna överföra miljöbelastningar till andra livscykelfaser som exempelvis produktionen. Därför kommer en utveckling mot hållbara transporter att kräva mer än bara utveckling av alternativa bränslen eller eldrift, men också en mer hållbar produktion. Med tanke på att 80% av de produktrelaterade miljöeffekterna bestäms under en produkts designfas studeras därför produktens design. Scania erbjuder möjligheten att skräddarsy lastbilar med hög detaljnivå genom skräddarsydd design, även kallat S-orderdesign. Designingenjörer vill veta om deras skräddarsydda lösningar har potential att minska miljöpåverkan inom tillverkningen av en lastbil. En livscykelanalys (LCA) används därför för att känna till miljöpåverkan från en lastbil konstruerad med S- och A-orderdesign och för att jämföra dem för att avgöra om det finns en skillnad i miljöprestanda mellan dessa två konstruktioner. Resultaten visar att tillverkningen av en lastbil med S-orderdesign har i genomsnitt 3% lägre miljöpåverkan på alla kategorier av miljöpåverkan än en med A-orderdesign. Detta beror på S- orderdesignens stora flexibilitet för att ta hänsyn till små detaljer gällande lastbilens funktionalitet. Dock kan denna konstruktionsflexibilitet leda till flera konfigurationer för en lastbil, vilket innebär att resultaten kommer att variera från produkt till produkt eftersom kunden bestämmer lastbilens specifikationer. Huvudslutsatsen är att det tidiga genomförandet av anpassningar genom S- orderdesign vid utvecklingen av tunga lastbilar hos Scania potentiellt kan minska resursförbrukningen och miljöpåverkan och stöd till hållbar produktion.

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