Spelling suggestions: "subject:"historieämnen"" "subject:"historieämnet""
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Den politiska sjukan : Dalupproret 1743 och frihetstida politisk kulturSennefelt, Karin January 2001 (has links)
The dissertation deals with political culture in the Age of Liberty as it is manifested in the uprising in Dalarna in 1743. The object of the study is the political repertoire used by the peasants – a combination of utilisation of political institutions and different forms of protest such as tax boycotts and a march from Dalarna to the capital. Emphasis has been placed on the interactive aspects of the movement. Thereby, the repertoire used by central authorities to suppress the movement is equally important. Results show that the peasants formed their actions in close connection with the reactions they were met with by the authorities. Initially, the attempts to demobilise the peasants’ movement actually facilitated its mobilisation. As the peasants’ political repertoire is uncovered, it has been possible to study the movement’s mobilisation process through the use of mobilising structures, political opportunities, and interpretative processes. Hence, the significance of the uprising to the protesters is clarified. The protesters viewed their actions as part of an ongoing political debate, legitimised by the government’s neglect of its obligations towards the people, rather than as a subversive uprising. The Dalarna uprising of 1743 was an integral part of political culture in the Age of Liberty through its combined use of formal and informal political institutions and arenas. The uprising is an eloquent expression of the increasing political assertiveness among the peasantry and the peasant estate in Sweden in the eighteenth century.
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Den politiska sjukan : Dalupproret 1743 och frihetstida politisk kulturSennefelt, Karin January 2001 (has links)
The dissertation deals with political culture in the Age of Liberty as it is manifested in the uprising in Dalarna in 1743. The object of the study is the political repertoire used by the peasants – a combination of utilisation of political institutions and different forms of protest such as tax boycotts and a march from Dalarna to the capital. Emphasis has been placed on the interactive aspects of the movement. Thereby, the repertoire used by central authorities to suppress the movement is equally important. Results show that the peasants formed their actions in close connection with the reactions they were met with by the authorities. Initially, the attempts to demobilise the peasants’ movement actually facilitated its mobilisation. As the peasants’ political repertoire is uncovered, it has been possible to study the movement’s mobilisation process through the use of mobilising structures, political opportunities, and interpretative processes. Hence, the significance of the uprising to the protesters is clarified. The protesters viewed their actions as part of an ongoing political debate, legitimised by the government’s neglect of its obligations towards the people, rather than as a subversive uprising. The Dalarna uprising of 1743 was an integral part of political culture in the Age of Liberty through its combined use of formal and informal political institutions and arenas. The uprising is an eloquent expression of the increasing political assertiveness among the peasantry and the peasant estate in Sweden in the eighteenth century.
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Trolldomsprocess i Ångermanland på 1670-talet : En jämförande källstudie rörande trolldom och rannsakning i Torsåkers sockenJohansson, Jessica January 2010 (has links)
I denna uppsats studeras en sedan tidigare obehandlad källa rörande häxprocessen i Torsåkers socken i Ångermanland under 1600-talet. Källan som innehåller två rättsliga protokoll och en berättande text kring den ovan nämnda processen påträffades av en arkivarie vid namn Göran Gullbro i arkivet på länsmuseet Murberget i Härnösand. I och med studien har en avskrift av källan gjorts samt att dess innehåll har studerats och jämförts med redan sedan tidigare kända källor rörande ämnet. Här avses häradsrättens rannsakningsprotokoll från händelsen samt en avhandling i ämnet som publicerades 1771 författad av en Jöns Hornaeus. Studien ger ett möjligt svar på frågan kring den funna källans beskaffenhet, samt en redogörelse för dess innehåll inför kommande studier. Hypoteserna om Jöns Hornaeus som författare till källans berättande del samt att de två protokollen skulle kunna vara avskrifter av det sedan runt 300 år tillbaka förlorade kommissionsdomstolsprotokollet testas med spännande resultat.
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Fanan, förrädarna och friheten : Musiktexter med ideologiska teman från Tredje Riket till Vit Makt-rörelsen – en komparativ textanalys / Banners, betrayers and freedom through blood : A qualitative text analysis regarding ideological themes in lyrics from the Third Reich and the swedish White Power-movementNilsson, Christian January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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De som avvek från normen : En studie av normalitet och avvikelse i Växjö fattigvårdsprotokoll för åren 1857-1919 - sett från ett barn-, familje- och maktperspektiv. / Those who deviated from the norm. : A study of normality and abnormality of Växjö Poor protocols for the years 1857 - 1919 - seen from a child, family, and power perspective.Ekstrand, Katharina January 2010 (has links)
Abstract Syftet med denna uppsats är att med hjälp av närläsning, analysera Växjö fattigstyrelses protokoll och föredragningslistor med rapporter. Ambitionen har varit att försöka urskilja vilka individer som var i kontakt med fattigvårdsstyrelsen och vilka ärenden de hade. Vidare också om vem som sågs som rätt respektive orätt fattig och vad för värderingar som kunde skönjas i materialet. Likaså om vilka makt- och kontrollfunktioner som utövades av Fattigvårdsstyrelsen och de som var knutna till den. Det vill säga hur makten kom att manifisteras. Ambitionen har också varit att pröva min hypotes om att gifta och ogifta kvinnor och deras barn behandlades olika och där de sistnämndas vandel påverkar deras möjligheter till ersättning negativt. Materialet analyserades utifrån ett barn-, familje och maktperspektiv i ljuset av Michel Foucaults teori om normalitet och avvikelse. Källmaterialet har bestått av rapporter, föredragningslistor och framförallt protokoll från Växjö Fattigvårdsstyrelse för åren 1857, 1876 och 1919. Denna undersökning visar bland annat att familjernas vandel påverkade utfallet av ansökningarna till Fattigvårdsstyrelsen. Exempelvis behandlades ogifta kvinnor och deras barn sämre än gifta kvinnor och änkor. Vidare visar resultaten att de klienter som var i kontakt med fattigvården fick redovisa allt vad de ägde och tjänade och de fick endast ersättning för existentiella behov i form av pengar till mat, kläder, konfirmationskläder, skodon, bränsle och i enskilda fall även till begravningskostnader. De klienter som var i kontakt med Fattigvårdsstyrelsen var främst ensamma familjeförsörjare som av olika skäl hade svårigheter med att försörja sina familjer, fosterföräldrar som begärde högre fosterlega eller klienter vars omgivning skickat in skrivelser om barn de misstänkte for illa. Nyckelord: Ogifta [unmarried], gifta [married], oäkta barn [bastards], fosterbarn [foster children], vandel [repute], fattigvård [poorhouse], normalitet [normality], avvikande [abnormal], värderingar [values]
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Att hålla folket på gott humör : Informationsspridning, krigspropaganda och mobilisering i Sverige 1655-1680 / Keeping the People in a Good Mood : Dissemination of Information, War Propaganda and Mobilisation in Sweden, 1655–1680Forssberg, Anna Maria January 2005 (has links)
Starting around 1500 a period of state formation changed the European map. The scattered medieval principalities were replaced with more centralised and better organised states with permanent armies. Sweden was quite successful in competing with these states and experienced a period of expansion. The means for warfare were drawn, to a large extent, from the peasantry, which meant that a great number of Swedes were sent to the front line and were never to return. This thesis investigates the dissemination of information, war propaganda and mobilisation in Sweden, 1655–1680. This period is interesting since it includes both offensive wars (under the reign of Karl X Gustav), a period of peace (under the regency) and defensive warfare(under Karl XI). A basic assumption has been that information is an important power resource. In the study both the dissemination and the content of the propaganda are examined. The most important sources have been the minutes and correspondence of the kings, the regency and the council of the realm, along with the sources from the diet and the provincial meetings. In particular, the prayer days and thanksgiving days, in both manuscript and printed sources, have been studied. To investigate the actual dissemination of information, the sources in the regional archives of the counties of Uppsala and Kopparberg and the archives of several episcopates have been examined. There existed developed media for the dissemination of information, namely, “the system of information”. Information was disseminated from the pulpits, at the diet and provincial meetings, by county governors and bailiffs, and by printed texts. In this thesis it is shown that the rulers were anxious to explain and justify the wars to the people and that they deliberately used the dissemination of information as a power tool. To keep the people in a good mood was vital for the war effort. War propaganda was spread both in times of war and peace, and its main messages remained the same during Sweden’s Age of Greatness. The main message of the long-term propaganda was that the wars were a divine punishment: it was because of the sinful people that wars broke out. According to the propaganda, the world was populated with evil enemies that were striving to destroy Sweden. The best protection against the enemies (next to God) was a good regent. It was also stated that, in the event of war, it was the duty of the subjects to contribute. The direct propaganda was conducted in four different phases. The first phase was about explaining the outbreak of war, the second phase was about mobilisation, the third phase was about disseminating information in order to uphold the morals and the fourth and last phase was about explaining the peace. The messages of the long-term propaganda had their equivalents in the direct propaganda. These arguments, however, were not always sufficient. The state representatives also highlighted the great perils threatening the country and used a patriotic rhetoric. The war propaganda depoliticised the wars, and made it possible to mobilise great resources from the population in times of war. The frequently used picture of threatening wars contributed to the legitimacy not only of a permanent army and offensive warfare, but also of the power of the king and the social order at large.
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The Historian-Filmmaker's Dilemma : Historical Documentaries in Sweden in the Era of Häger and VilliusLudvigsson, David January 2003 (has links)
This dissertation investigates how history is used in historical documentary films, and argues that the maker of such films constantly negotiates between cognitive, moral, and aesthetic demands. In support of this contention is discussed a number of historical documentaries by Swedish historian-filmmakers Olle Häger and Hans Villius. Other historical documentaries supply additional examples. The analyses take into account both the production process and the representations themselves. The history culture and the social field of history production together form the conceptual framework for the study, and one of the aims is to analyse the role of professional historians in public life. The analyses show that different considerations compete and work together in the case of all documentaries, and figure at all stages of pre-production, production, and post-production. But different considerations have particular influence at different stages in the production process and thus they are more or less important depending on where in the process the producer puts his emphasis on them. In the public service television setting, the tendency to make cognitive considerations is strong. For example, historical documentarists often engage historians as advisors, and work long and hard interpreting visual source materials such as photographs. The Häger and Villius case also indicates that the influence exerted on programmes by aesthetic considerations grows as the filmmaker learns about the medium. Among general conclusions are that it is not always important that the producer be a trained historian. What is crucial is that whoever is to succeed in making fine historical programmes must learn both history and filmmaking, must learn to balance the demands of content and form. Previously, researchers have suggested that historical documentaries function as entertainment, orientation, and restoration; this study adds the functions of interpretation and legitimisation. Finally, the study submits that typically historical documentaries attempt to convey cognitive and moral insights about the past.
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The Historian-Filmmaker's Dilemma : Historical Documentaries in Sweden in the Era of Häger and VilliusLudvigsson, David January 2003 (has links)
This dissertation investigates how history is used in historical documentary films, and argues that the maker of such films constantly negotiates between cognitive, moral, and aesthetic demands. In support of this contention is discussed a number of historical documentaries by Swedish historian-filmmakers Olle Häger and Hans Villius. Other historical documentaries supply additional examples. The analyses take into account both the production process and the representations themselves. The history culture and the social field of history production together form the conceptual framework for the study, and one of the aims is to analyse the role of professional historians in public life. The analyses show that different considerations compete and work together in the case of all documentaries, and figure at all stages of pre-production, production, and post-production. But different considerations have particular influence at different stages in the production process and thus they are more or less important depending on where in the process the producer puts his emphasis on them. In the public service television setting, the tendency to make cognitive considerations is strong. For example, historical documentarists often engage historians as advisors, and work long and hard interpreting visual source materials such as photographs. The Häger and Villius case also indicates that the influence exerted on programmes by aesthetic considerations grows as the filmmaker learns about the medium. Among general conclusions are that it is not always important that the producer be a trained historian. What is crucial is that whoever is to succeed in making fine historical programmes must learn both history and filmmaking, must learn to balance the demands of content and form. Previously, researchers have suggested that historical documentaries function as entertainment, orientation, and restoration; this study adds the functions of interpretation and legitimisation. Finally, the study submits that typically historical documentaries attempt to convey cognitive and moral insights about the past.
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Mirakler och helgonkult : Linköpings biskopdöme under senmedeltidFröjmark, Anders January 1992 (has links)
This work studies the introduction of three new cults of saints in the Linköping Bishopric during the Late Middle Ages. Two of them were based at Vadstena Convent: the Holy Bridgel (Birgitta, d. 1373) cult which had its beginning in 1374 and the cult of Katarina Ulfsdotter (d. 1381), which started during the 1410's. The third, the cult of Bishop Nils Hermansson (d. 1391), which originated at the latest in I40l. was associaled w ith the cathedral in Linköping. The introduction of a saint's cult may be relaled to the need of many people in medieval society for healing and protection. The tales about the saint's posthumous miracles played a key role in the introductory phase of the cults. In the dissertation such tales are used as the foundation for the analysis of the varied geographic and social patterns of distnbution of the three cults. The cult of the Holy Bridget was as much an intemational as a Swedish cult. The other cults studied were two of manv attempts to ride on the wave created by the successes of the Bridget cult. They may furthermore be regarded a response to various types of crises which the sponsoring institutions experienced. / Den 29 juni 1374 anlände ett skepp till Söderköpings hamn. Ombord fanns kvarlevorna efter den heliga Birgitta, vilka nu av dottern Katarina efter moderns önskemål skulle föras till Vadstena. När resföljet anlände till Sverige strömmade människor till från alla håll. De var redan klara över att i kistan låg relikema efter ett helgon. Ryktet om Birgittas förmåga att med sina förböner hjälpa sjuka och olycksdrabbåde människor var ett centralt inslag i den helgonkult som byggdes upp kring henne. Birgittakultens exempel lockade till efterföljd. Under det kommande århundradet etablerades ett pärlband av nya helgonkulter i Linköpings stift, däribland kulterna av Birgittas dotter Katarina (1381) och av biskop Nils Hermansson (1391). Denna doktorsavhandling fokuserar intresset på dessa helgonkulter i deras lanseringsskede. Den identifierar de grupper och institutioner som var särskilt aktiva i detta skede, och diskuterar de behov i dåtidens samhälle som gjorde att befolkningens breda lager tog till sig de nya helgonen. / <p>Doktoravhandlingen framlagd vid Uppsala universitet 1992</p>
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Medeltider : samtida mobiliseringsprocesser kring det förflutnas värden / The Middle-Ages : Contemporary mobilization processes around values of the pastGruber, Göran January 2010 (has links)
Den här studien använder en bred förståelse av begreppet medeltider för att visa hur värden och handlingsnormer skapas och omförhandlas i samtida historiebruk. Den bidrar till analysen och diskussionen kring minnespolitikens centrala spänningsförhållanden där representativa demokratiska och nationella mål ställs mot direkt demokratiska och mångkulturella tankemönster. I två fallstudier som följer medeltidsbruket i Östergötland synliggörs hur spänningen påverkar och hanteras i praktiken. Den ena fallstudien följer tätt på en konflikt mellan bevarande av människoskelett från en medeltida avrättningsplats i Vadstena och näringslivsutveckling i form av en fabriksutbyggnad. Den andra utgår från orten Skänninge och tecknar en bredare bild av hur det medeltida förflutna och dess materiella spår i landskapet används i regional och lokal utvecklingspolitik. De empiriska studierna följer aktörer i olika situationer och hur dessa binds upp kring varierande problemformuleringar. Fokus ligger på hur dessa processer går till, vilka resurser som utnyttjas men också på retorik och handling. Analysen resulterar i tre övergripande mobiliseringsprocesser vilka kopplas till begrepp som bevarande, upplevelse och lokal politik. Genom dessa synliggörs hur bruket av medeltider följer parallella värdesystem och logiker vilket när de interagerar skapar konfliktfyllda situationer. Avhandlingen visar hur de traditionella institutionernas strukturer utgör en barriär vilken motverkar en samverkan mellan de många aktörsgrupperna, det breda bruket av det förflutna som den nationella politiska retoriken efterfrågar. / This study apply to a broad understanding of the term Middle-Ages as an analytical concept to show how values and norms of actions are established and negotiated through contemporary uses of history. It contributes to the analysis and discussion of central tensions in memory policy between, on one hand, the representative democratic system, and on the other hand, a direct democracy based on the idea of everyone's ability and right to participate in the use of the history. In two case studies, that maps the use of the Middle-Ages in the county of Östergötland, this study shows how this tension effects and is handled by Stakeholders in every day praxis. One case focus on a conflict between, on one hand, ancient remains of human skeletons from a medieval gallows hill, and on the other hand, private business development due to the construction of a new factory in the town of Vadstena. The other case analyses a broader use of the Middle-Ages as resources in regional and local development policies in the town of Skänninge. The study analysis varied situations where Stakeholders are mobilized around different problems. It focus on how these processes are carried out and which recourses that are used, both rhetorical and through actions. The study shows how values of the past is created, produced and negotiated in contemporary processes of mobilization which are related to terms such as Preservation, Experience and Local policies. It also shows how traditional institutional structures creates barriers that prevent fruitful cooperation between the Stakeholders, and the broader use of the past that the national policies are asking for.
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