Spelling suggestions: "subject:"historiebruk"" "subject:"historiebruks""
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Battlefield 1 i historieundervisningen : Att spela spel med dina eleverKalhitmrawe, Malek January 2019 (has links)
This examination will analyze the possibility of using the game Battlefield 1 while teaching history. Throughout the analysis, Battlefield 1s campaign which is called War Stories will be analyzed together with the introduction of the game which is called Prologue. The analysis of the campaign will be to check how the campaign uses history and what potential historical consciousness can a player of the game obtain. After these two are analyzed, there will be ananalysis on the possibility of using the Prologue and the War Stories while teaching history. In order to analyze the Prologue and the War Stories use of history and historical consciousness, Peter Aronsson and Klas-Göran Karlsson’s theories on how history can be used and their ideas on historical consciousness will be present. A reason for analyzing the Prologue and War Storiesis to see if there is a possibility to use a game that is about World War 1 in the classroom. There are five different War Stories and each one will be analyzed to see how it uses history and if it raises a potential historical consciousness for the player who plays the game. The method for this examination is that the Prologue and the five War Stories will be analyzed through the framework of professor Martin A. Wainwright’s seven thematic units. The Prologue and the War Stories use history in different ways such as an existential way of using history and they raise potential historical awareness on how World War 1 potentially looked like. They also raise knowledge on historical places, figures and weapons such as Lawrence of Arabia and the iconic British tank Mark V. There is a possibility of using the Prologue and War Stories during history lessons, but the main thing for that regards to time and knowledge by the teacher. You have to have time to teach pupils on the game and its mechanics and also the knowledge for how the game is played. This research field regarding videogames and education is not a developed field, and therefore there is a lack of an analysis model for using videogames while teaching. Hopefully, this examination will contribute the research field, so it gets more developed regarding videogames and education.
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Det sköna har ersatts med "kultur" : En studie i Miljöpartiet de Grönas historiebruk / The lovely has been replaced by "culture" : A study of historical uses within the Green partyFrylén, Jonathan January 2019 (has links)
Miljöpartiet de Gröna är ett parti som på relativt kort tid etablerat sig i svensk politik. Mellan 1982 och 2013 har de antagit nio program som var och ett definierar vilken politik de velat föra vid respektive antagningstillfälle. Den här studien avser att undersöka på vilka sätt historia brukas i dessa program samt hur bruket förändras över tid. Studien är en kvalitativ textanalys som utgår från Karlssons typologi för historiebruk. Resultatet av undersökningen visar på ett utbrett pedagogisk-politiskt bruk och ett fåtal exempel på ideologiskt- existentiellt- och moraliskt bruk. Historia brukas framförallt i inledningen av stycken men även när den egna rörelsen ska beskrivas. Programmen bär spår av sin samtid och det finns trender i hur vissa historiebruk till- och avtar där det tydligaste är en ökning av ideologiskt historiebruk i de två yngsta programmen.
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Att använda minnet av en kung : Historiebruk kring Gustav III / To use the memory of a king : The use of history in relation to Gustav III of SwedenZwettler, Niclas January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this master's dissertation is to examine the use of history in relation to Gustav III (1746-1792). A notable historic figure in Swedens history who ruled as king from 1771 until he was murdered in 1792. The artifacts and material used in this study ranges from a movie, biographies, theatre plays, an opera, newspapers, novels, a poem, a ballet, historical landmarks and textbooks. With this material and by applying a theoretical framework of a three categorization: educational, popular and commemorative, made by the Swedish historian Anders Dybelius, the ways in which Gustav III has been used in the time period of 1895-2014 is examined. Through the applyed theoretical framework and the analysis of the material, a distinct and evenly use of Gustav III memory from the time he was still alive and until our days is revealed. This is shown by the poem written by the Swedish poet Carl Michael Bellman mere days after Gustav III coup d'etat in 1772, and that movies, tv shows, biographies and theatre plays based on his memory are still being made in the 21st century. Further, the study has shown that his memory and symbolic figure is higly adaptable. This is shown by the wide range of new assignments his memory and symbolic figure have been assigned over the studied time period. The study also points to the fact that the use of Gustav III:s memory have been influenced based on the direction and era of the Swedish society. During his regin and until early 20th century, his memory was often used as a cultural or national symbol, both in a negative or positive light. When you arrive in late 20th century and the 21st century his memory have new assignments, such as a symbol for tough parenting, open borders or a symbolic figure for people in the hbtq community.
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Så länge någon kan minnas : Historiebruk i samisk identitetsbildning 1969-2018Björklund, Sandra January 2019 (has links)
This paper deals with how different operators use Sami history, what kind of use of history they apply. The material I have analysed are lesson plans from Samiskt informationscentrum, The Sami – an Indigenous People in Sweden by Sametinget and the government, brochures by Gaaltije/Sydsamiskt kulturcentrum and the journal Samefolket the years 1969-2018. The study answers two main questions: - Which use of history is made by the actors claiming Sami history? How do they use Sami history? - In what way are global historical references used in the writing of history? I have used a hermeneutic method as a tool in my analysis to try to understand in what aim the use of Sami history is made. My main conclusions are that there often are deep historical arguments that are used, where the authors in my material are trying to legitimize the presence of the Sami people as far back in time as possible. A genealogical perspective is used in all the material, where the history that is important for them is shown, as well as that the actions of the Sami peoples ancestor is often raised. This is connected with an ideological use of history, because arguments like “the Sami have been here as long as anyone can remember” are used. This is linked with the existential use of history where I see it as an aim to legitimize the rights of land, fishing, hunting and reindeer husbandry. There is also a moral use of history that are shown in connection with an existential use of history, where I see it as strive for remembering the history of the Sami, but also a reconciliation and restoration with the past. Often the moral, ideological and existential use of history is used together to achieve the same thing – more rights for the Sami’s. There is a political dimension of history culture that I see in my material where the history is used to legitimize, in this case, the rights of the Sami people. The use of global historical references is partly showed in Samefolket, some of the brochures and in one of the lesson plans about colonialism; where there are comparisons with how the Jews, the indigenous Americans and aborigines were treated.
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Spelfilm i historieundervisning : En studie om historiemedvetande, historiebruk och källkritikNord, Roaa January 2019 (has links)
Denna uppsats åsyftar att utreda huruvida två spelfilmer, Schindler’s List och La vita é Bella kan ageraundervisningsmaterial för årskurs nio på grundskolan utifrån tre teoretiska begrepp som starkt betonas iLGR11, nämligen historiemedvetande, historiebruk samt källkritik. Det medvetna valet att behandla tematFörintelsen baseras på dess relevans i kursplanens centrala innehåll. Utifrån en nära granskning av blandannat narrativ, scener, dialoger och porträttering av karaktärer har det i uppsatsen framkommit att bådaspelfilmerna erbjuder ett stort tolkningsutrymme och fungerar därför väl i undervisningssyfte. Resultatet av studien är att spelfilmerna aktiverar och stimulerar åskådarens historiemedvetande genomatt de ger uttryck för de olika historiebruken som handlar om hur historia brukas, av vem och i vilket syfte.Historiemedvetandet som kan ses som en dubbel tankeoperation, påverkar den information som inskaffasmen blir samtidigt självt påverkat av den inhämtade kunskapen. Den inhämtade kunskapen behöverdäremot granskas ur ett källkritiskt perspektiv för att historiska felaktigheter inte ska tolkas som korrekta.Källkritiken är viktig för att den sentida människan ska kunna tolkas och förstås utifrån hennes egnapremisser. Detta i förlängning påverkar elevens historiemedvetande, då tolkning av det förflutna påverkarförståelsen av samtiden och uppfattningen om framtiden. / <p>Betygsdatum 2019-01-18</p>
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To be a muse or to be amusing : En källkritisk granskning av datorspelet Battlefield 1Svensson, Philip January 2019 (has links)
This essay’s main purpose is to analyze the historical facts and data that are presented to the player during the game’s main missions and their use of history. This will mainly be done through source criticism of the historical events that occured during the great war’s time era and trying to connect these events with the ones in the missions. However this turned out to be harder than expected because no dates are presented in the game and rerely the exact geagraphic location so alot of research about the different battles of the war had to be done to complete this task. Even though most of the ”hard facts” such as when the battles takes place are accurate, there are some less impactful facts on a lower level such as characteristics of vehicles and weapons that hurts the historical authenticity by a tiny fraction but increases the player experience by alot. The conclusion, of what I managed to analyze from the game, is that alot of apects of the game is made out of pure comercial intentions. That’s not necessarily a bad thing since more people are therefor willing to buy the game and experience the great war, but the the facts that the players encounters seems to aim to satisfy historical stereotypes. Overall it’s a relatively historical corretct game in the sense of historical authenticity and the intentionally exaggerated stereotypes does not have much of an impact on the storytelling and as a player you rarely even notice, it rather makes the game more playable and enjoyable.
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Historieundervisning i statens intresse : Forum för levande historia och dess projekt Brott mot mänskligheten under kommunistiska regimerJohansson, Christian January 2008 (has links)
<p>Bakgrunden till denna studie grundar sig i den statliga myndigheten Forum för levande historia och dess kampanj Brott mot mänskligheten under kommunistiska regimer. Syftet har varit att ta reda på hur det utbildningsmaterial som tagits fram förhåller sig till de styrdokument som styr den svenska historieundervisningen i grundskolan och gymnasieskolan samt några utvalda läromedel i historia. Även den politiska debatt som föranlett det mediala intresset för projektet har implementerats och behandlats i undersökningen. Arbetets teoretiska del grundar sig på olika typer av historiebruk och har applicerats på den empiriska delen där materialet har analyserats. Undersökningen visar att det material som Forum för levande historia har tagit fram kan kritiseras för att vara onyanserat men att det också tillför en annan dimension av de behandlade områdena.</p> / <p>The background to this thesis is the Public authority ‘Forum för levande historia’ and their campaign “Violation of human rights in Communist states”. The purpose was to investigate how the educational material distributed stand in relation to the nation curricula and education acts that are directing the history teaching in the compulsory- and the upper secondary school in Sweden, together with selected textbooks in history. The political debate that has created the media’s interest for the project has been implemented and reviewed in the study. The theoretical part has its basis in different types of historiography and has been applied on the empirical study where the material has been analysed. The study shows that the material supplied by ‘Forum för levande historia’ on one hand can be criticized as biased, at the same time it is bringing a new dimension to the studied areas.</p>
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Kampen om historien : levande eller statlig historia i skolan?Edwardsson, Peter January 2009 (has links)
<p>Syftet med uppsatsen är dels att försöka se vilka frågor eller argument som kommit fram i debatten kring det uppdrag som Forum för levande historia (FFLH) har fått av regeringen se hur olika historielärare ser på informationskampanjen. Undersökningen inriktar sig på att genom användandet av de teoretiska verktygen historiemedvetande och historiebruk, försöka se om det finns en diskrepans mellan den akademiska världen och skolans värld, mellan forskare på våra universitet och historielärare ute på våra skolor och det utifrån den debatt som uppstått kring Forum för levande historias senaste uppdrag – att belysa och informera om brott mot mänskligheten under kommunistiska regimer. Det resultat som undersökningen kommer fram till, är att utifrån mitt undersöknings-material kan det påvisas att det finns en synlig diskrepans mellan den akademiska världen och grund- och gymnasieskolan. På frågan om man kan härleda de olika inblandades agerande utifrån olika historiebruk, så tror jag också att jag har fått fram att så är fallet.</p>
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Kampen om historien : levande eller statlig historia i skolan?Edwardsson, Peter January 2009 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är dels att försöka se vilka frågor eller argument som kommit fram i debatten kring det uppdrag som Forum för levande historia (FFLH) har fått av regeringen se hur olika historielärare ser på informationskampanjen. Undersökningen inriktar sig på att genom användandet av de teoretiska verktygen historiemedvetande och historiebruk, försöka se om det finns en diskrepans mellan den akademiska världen och skolans värld, mellan forskare på våra universitet och historielärare ute på våra skolor och det utifrån den debatt som uppstått kring Forum för levande historias senaste uppdrag – att belysa och informera om brott mot mänskligheten under kommunistiska regimer. Det resultat som undersökningen kommer fram till, är att utifrån mitt undersöknings-material kan det påvisas att det finns en synlig diskrepans mellan den akademiska världen och grund- och gymnasieskolan. På frågan om man kan härleda de olika inblandades agerande utifrån olika historiebruk, så tror jag också att jag har fått fram att så är fallet.
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Historiebruk och historiemedvetande i Venezuelas Förenade Socialistiska Partis Libro RojoAndersson, Erik January 2013 (has links)
This thesis examines the use of history, historical narratives and the relation to Venezuelan historical consciousness in Libro Rojo, a publication of The Unified Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV). It consists of four parts: an introduction, a declaration of principles, statutes and finally what is called the programmatical bases (bases programaticas) of the party. A starting point for this thesis is that this is an under prioritized area of research about the Bolivarian revolution in Venezuela. It aims to show the centrality of history in these fundamental documents of the biggest left-wing party in Latin America. The thesis finds that symbolically charged historical figures – mainly national icons of Venezuela´s struggle for national liberation - are mobilized to back up contemporary aspirations and influence public perception of what kind of future is possible and desirable. Libro Rojo structures the relationship between past, present and future in order to influence historical consciousness. It also finds that Libro Rojo constructs a vision of socialism which aims to show that the ideas and actions of Venezuela´s symbolically charged historical figures are compatible with the ideas of 19th and 20th century western Marxism. An illustration of this is the reference to Peruvian Marxist José Carlos Mariáteguí and his saying that socialism on the American continent can neither be an imitation nor a copy of foreign models, but a heroic creation of the people. Furthermore in Libro Rojo, the ideas of liberation theology, Christianity as well as "all universal and humanist thought" are evoked as foundations for the contemporary aspirations of the PSUV. The present is situated within a context of contemporary history in which themes such as the struggle of the peoples against neoliberalism and the threats to the survival of humanity due to climate changes, economic crisis and war are central. It describes a near future in which humanity will have a choice: between its salvation and flourishing through socialism, or its extinction through world capitalism.
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