Spelling suggestions: "subject:"distory anda literature"" "subject:"distory ando literature""
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Formação nacional e cânone ocidental : literatura e tradição no novo mundoAlexander, Ian January 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho procura compreender a relação entre as culturas literárias do Novo Mundo e a tradição ocidental em termos de idiomas, espaços geográficos, unidades políticas, regiões culturais e centros de população. A partir dessa perspectiva, são analisadas as abordagens históricas do australiano Henry Green, do estadunidense Harold Bloom, do brasileiro Antonio Candido e do argentino Jorge Luis Borges em relação aos seus respectivos contextos intelectuais: Sydney, Nova York, São Paulo e Buenos Aires. Ao fim, se propõe um projeto para elaborar uma história da literatura no Novo Mundo a partir da comparação das perspectivas de várias regiões dos Novos Mundos latino e anglófono. / This study aims to comprehend the relationship between the literary cultures of the New World and the Western tradition in terms of languages, geographical spaces, political units, cultural regions and population centres. On the basis of this perspective, it compares the historical approaches of the Australian Henry Green, the US American Harold Bloom, the Brazilian Antonio Candido and the Argentinean Jorge Luis Borges in relation to their respective intellectual contexts: Sydney, Nova York, São Paulo and Buenos Aires. Finally, it proposes the elaboration of a history of literature in the New World on the basis of the comparison of perspectives from different regions of the Latin and Anglophone New World.
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Les vers latins en France au XIXème siècle / Latin verses in France in the nineteenth centuryJalabert, Romain 03 September 2015 (has links)
Les vers latins ne furent pas un pensum pour tous les collégiens du XIXe siècle. Ils eurent un rôle récréatif dans l’enseignement des humanités, au sein duquel ils favorisaient l’étude des poètes de langue française, parfois contemporains, par le biais de traductions. Ils furent une introduction aux belles-lettres pour quelques-uns, dont Sainte-Beuve, Musset, Baudelaire, Bourget et Rimbaud. Des périodiques et des recueils de poésie néo-latine, qui n’étaient pas tous scolaires, poursuivaient une tradition humaniste privilégiant l’épigramme et les jeux versifiés. Ces publications reflétaient également l’évolution des formes poétiques : essoufflement de l’épopée et de la fable, fortune de l’ode civique et des genres didactiques et descriptifs, recherche d’une synthèse entre esthétique des belles-lettres et philosophie sensualiste, succès du romantisme lamartinien. Dans cette tradition, le poème de Baudelaire « Franciscae meae laudes », dont la fortune se confondit avec celle du latin décadent dans la littérature française, constituait un cas à part. Durant la deuxième moitié du XIXe siècle, la période 1750-1830 fut considérée comme l’âge d’or des humanités. Elle fut l’apogée de l’institution Sainte-Barbe et du concours général et correspondit à une génération d’élèves et de professeurs arrivés aux responsabilités à la fin du XVIIIe siècle et revenus au pouvoir après la Révolution. La poésie de cette période eut une inspiration commune, en latin ou en français. / Latin verses were not an extra duty for all students in the nineteenth century. They had a recreational role in teaching humanities, as they favoured the study of French poets, sometimes the contemporary ones, through translations. They were in deed an introduction to the belles-lettres for some students like Sainte-Beuve, Musset, Baudelaire, Rimbaud and Bourget. Periodicals and neo-Latin publications, which were not all bound to school, followed a humanist tradition favouring epigrams and versified games. These publications also reflected the evolution of poetic forms : the slowing of epic and fable, the health of civic ode and didactic and descriptive poems, search for a synthesis between aesthetics of belles-lettres and philosophy sensualist, fame of Lamartine’s romanticism. In this tradition, Baudelaire's poem "Franciscae meae laudes", whose success was bound to that of the decadent Latin in French literature, was a special case. During the second half of the nineteenth century, the 1750-1830’s period was considered as the golden age of the humanities. It was the apogee of the Sainte-Barbe’s institution and the concours général and corresponded to a generation of students and teachers who arrived to political responsibilities in the late eighteenth century and returned to power after the Revolution. The poetry of this period had a common inspiration, in Latin or in French.
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”Sanassa maahanmuuttaja on vähän kitkerä jälkimaku”:kirjallisen elämän ylirajaistuminen 2000-luvun alun SuomessaNissilä, H.-L. (Hanna-Leena) 09 February 2016 (has links)
Globalization, immigration and the multiculturalization of society have had a deep impact on Finland in the last few decades. But what effect did these altered cultural-societal circumstances have on literary life in Finland in the early 2000s? The object of research in this article-based dissertation is the transnationalization of literary life in Finland. This is investigated through what is called ’new transnational literature’ in this study by means of analyzing literature published by writers with migrant backgrounds during the first decade of the 20th century in Finland. The study analyzes the reception of debut novels by Ranya ElRamly, Umayya Abu-Hanna, Zinaida Linden and Alexandra Salmela. Furthermore, it considers how this reception has implicitly defined and canonized Finnish literature, and how transnational and cross-border writers are situated in the literary field in Finland. By problematizing how to approach the transnational in literary studies, this dissertation contributes to current debates on methodological nationalism.
The research material consists of works of fiction as well as texts published on internet and print media that deal with the reception of the novels. These sources are examined within the framework of cultural studies, mainly from the perspectives of close reading and sociological criticism, media studies-oriented reception theory, and the history of literature, as well as transnational approach that goes beyond national framework.
This research demonstrates that approximately 90 writers with migrant backgrounds, often writing in languages other than Finnish, Swedish or Sami, have published texts in Finland in the 2000s. Although many of them have been successful, most of them have continued working without due recognition hampered by prevailing monolingualism. New transnational literary works have been placed in rigid categories, and the reception has emphasized authors’ backgrounds and national borders, thus concealing the literary dimensions and qualities of their works. New transnational literature questions the understanding of literature as nation-bound. According to this study, Finnish literary life appears to be a transnational and multi-lingual space, in which writers simultaneously belong to both transnational and national literary cultures. The significance of gender is also evident, in that women writers and their books have had a pivotal role in the transnationalization of Finnish literature. / Tiivistelmä
Globalisaatio, maahanmuutto ja yhteiskunnan monikulttuuristuminen ovat viime vuosikymmeninä luonnehtineet Suomea. Miten muuttunut kulttuuris-yhteiskunnallinen tilanne on vaikuttanut kirjalliseen elämään 2000-luvun alun Suomessa? Artikkeliväitöskirjassa tutkitaan suomalaisen kirjallisen elämän ylirajaistumista. Tätä hahmotellaan tarkastelemalla maahanmuuttajataustaisten kirjailijoiden julkaisemia tekstejä, joita kutsutaan tässä uudeksi ylirajaiseksi kirjallisuudeksi. Tutkimuksessa analysoidaan myös teosten vastaanottoa, vastaanoton sisältämää suomalaisen kirjallisuuden määrittelyä ja kanonisointia sekä ylirajaisten kirjailijoiden sijoittumista kirjalliselle kentälle Suomessa. Pohtimalla sitä, miten tutkia kirjallisuuden ylirajaisuutta, tutkimus osallistuu kansainväliseen keskusteluun metodologisesta nationalismista.
Tutkimusaineisto koostuu kaunokirjallisuudesta, erityisesti Ranya ElRamlyn, Umayya Abu-Hannan, Zinaida Lindénin ja Alexandra Salmelan esikoisteoksista, sekä internetissä ja printtimediassa julkaistusta, kirjallisuutta käsittelevästä tekstimateriaalista. Aineistoa lähestytään tekstilähtöisen ja yhteiskunnallisen kirjallisuudentutkimuksen, mediatutkimuksellisesti painottuneen vastaanottotutkimuksen, kirjallisuushistoriallisen tutkimuksen sekä kansallisesta kehyksestä irtaantuvan ylirajaisen lähestymistavan suunnista.
Tutkimus tuo esille sen, miten Suomessa on 2000-luvun mittaan julkaissut erilaisia tekstejä noin 90 maahanmuuttajataustaista ja usein muulla kuin suomen-, ruotsin- tai saamen kielellä työskentelevää kirjailijaa. Vaikka moni on menestynyt hyvin, edelleen suurin osa työskentelee näkymättömissä erityisesti kieleen liittyvien esteiden keskellä. Vastaanotossa aineiston kirjallisuutta on aseteltu jähmeisiin kategorioihin ja kirjailijoiden maahanmuuttajuutta on tuotu esille, mikä on korostanut kansallisia rajoja ja häivyttänyt teosten kaunokirjallisia ulottuvuuksia.
Uusi ylirajainen kirjallisuus on horjuttanut käsitystä kansallisesta kirjallisuudesta. Suomalainen kirjallinen elämä näyttäytyy tutkimuksessa transnationaalisena ja monikielisenä tilana, jossa kirjailijat kuuluvat sekä ylirajaisiin kirjallisiin yhteisöihin että kansallisiin kirjallisuuksiin. Tutkimusaineisto havainnollistaa myös sukupuolen merkitystä. Kirjailijanaisilla ja heidän teoksillaan on keskeinen rooli kirjallisuuden ylirajaistumisessa ja neuvotteluissa suomalaisesta kirjallisuudesta.
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Official voices of a revolution : a social history of Islamic republican poetryShams-Esmaeili, Fatemeh January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is primarily concerned with the literary aspects of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Its immediate focus rests on the evolution of the Islamic republican poetic trend, encompassing both the disillusioned and conformist voices that rose to prominence in the course of the 1979 Revolution and their on-going engagement with the ruling political power. In this vein, this thesis investigates the various cultural policies of the state, as well as select political transformations of the past three decades, all of which played a pivotal role in this literary evolution. The thesis shows how the official poets that emerged during the 1979 Revolution, and which proved significantly active throughout the immediate history subsequent to that event (war with Iraq, the death of Ayatollah Khomeini and the rise and fall of the reform movement), evolved over time and thereby either received political support for their commitment to the state ideology or became gradually excluded from official cultural institutions. Finally, this thesis reviews the manner in which state strategies have shaped an institutionalised form of poetry that is monitored and reinforced by the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic and official cultural authorities. It demonstrates how an innate linking of the project of Islamic republican literature to underlying ideologically defined notions such as 'religious verse', 'legitimate poetry' and 'commitment' was and continues to be an intrinsic part of the literary foundations of the ideological apparatus of the Islamic Republic.
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"The struggle of memory against forgetting" contemporary fictions and rewriting of historiesPatchay, Sheenadevi January 2008 (has links)
This thesis argues that a prominent concern among contemporary writers of fiction is the recuperation of lost or occluded histories. Increasingly, contemporary writers, especially postcolonial writers, are using the medium of fiction to explore those areas of political and cultural history that have been written over or unwritten by the dominant narrative of “official” History. The act of excavating these past histories is simultaneously both traumatic and liberating – which is not to suggest that liberation itself is without pain and trauma. The retelling of traumatic pasts can lead, as is portrayed in The God of Small Things (1997), to further trauma and pain. Postcolonial writers (and much of the world today can be construed as postcolonial in one way or another) are seeking to bring to the fore stories of the past which break down the rigid binaries upon which colonialism built its various empires, literal and ideological. Such writing has in a sense been enabled by the collapse, in postcolonial and postmodernist discourse, of the Grand Narrative of History, and its fragmentation into a plurality of competing discourses and histories. The associated collapse of the boundary between history and fiction is recognized in the useful generic marker “historiographic metafiction,” coined by Linda Hutcheon. The texts examined in this study are all variants of this emerging contemporary genre. What they also have in common is a concern with the consequences of exile or diaspora. This study thus explores some of the representations of how the exilic experience impinges on the development of identity in the postcolonial world. The identities of “displaced” people must undergo constant change in order to adjust to the new spaces into which they move, both literal and metaphorical, and yet critical to this adjustment is the cultural continuity provided by psychologically satisfying stories about the past. The study shows that what the chosen texts share at bottom is their mutual need to retell the lost pasts of their characters, the trauma that such retelling evokes and the new histories to which they give birth. These texts generate new histories which subvert, enrich, and pre-empt formal closure for the narratives of history which determine the identities of nations.
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Historicization without periodization: post-postmodernism and the poetics of politicsHerrmann, Sebastian M., Kanzler, Katja, Schubert, Stefan January 2015 (has links)
A large number of recent scholarship in (American) literary and cultural studies is devoted to describing the contemporary moment as a
monumental break from the previous (or current) period, postmodernism, by hailing our contemporary times as the era of post-postmodernism, late
postmodernism, metamodernism, cosmodernism, or of a similarly termed
construction. In these different proclamations, we recognize a pervasive
tendency to periodize, an attempt to separate phases of human existence and cultural creation into neat stages that ‘logically’ follow after one another to form a supposedly coherent narrative. This practice of periodizing comes with a number of pitfalls that many of these studies seem not fully aware of, and it in turn speaks to (and characterizes) the contemporary moment as one marked by a desire for the boundedness of such clear divisions. In the following pages, we chronicle the quandaries that follow from such implicit and explicit efforts of periodization by focalizing them through three different ‘creation myths’ of the
contemporary that such efforts at periodization typically subscribe to. As a way of sidestepping these, we accentuate the strengths of more ‘local’ critical lenses, approaches that historicize without periodizing. As one such lens, we suggest to engage the contemporary moment through the ‘poetics of politics,’ a historical discursive formation in which literary and popular texts’ desire for political relevance is matched by a recognition, in politics, of the (meta)textual quality of political action.
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Specifika ruské fenomenologie a její význam pro interpretaci literárního textu / The Specifics of a Russian Phenomenology and IIs Its Relevance for Literary StudiesŠimák, Petr January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to think over the possibilities of the history of literature and some other literature theories in the field of interpretation. The history of literature describes literary texts as historical objects. Although it's a human science, it disregards a human beings and their life-world. It rather categorize technically literary texts into different groups. This approach is purely scientific. The history of literature as many other branches of literary science solves their own abstract problems through the abstract theories which has no aim to interpret the literary text as a specific experience for a reader. The article points out how the scientific approach to the literary text disable to interpret a conrete literary text in the sense for human being. I use phenomenological philosophy as a proposal of another type of approach to the interpretation. Interpretation in the phenomenological sence means that through literary text the interpret seeks to understand our living world. In the other parts I follow the trail of phenomenological philosophy in tradition of Prague structuralism. Especially I focus on specifics of Russian phenomenology, particularly in philosophies of these Russian philosophers which dealed with interpretation of art (namely J. Golosovker, B. Engelgardt, G....
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Specifika ruské fenomenologie a její význam pro interpretaci literárního textu / The Specifics of a Russian Phenomenology and IIs Its Relevance for Literary StudiesŠimák, Petr January 2015 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to advert to precarious position of the history of literature and some other literature theories. The history of literature describes literary texts as dead historical objects. Although it's a human science, it disregards a human beings and their life-world. It rather categorize technically literary texts into different groups. This approach is purely scientific. The history of literature as many other branches of literary science solves their own abstract problems through the abstract theories which has no aim to interpret the literary text as a specific experience for a reader. The article points out how the scientific approach to the literary text disable to interpret a conrete literary text in the sense for human being. I use phenomenological philosophy as a proposal of another type of approach to the interpretation. Interpretation in the phenomenological sence means that through literary text the interpret seeks to understand our living world. In the other parts I follow the trail of phenomenological philosophy in tradition of Prague structuralism. Especially I focus on specifics of Russian phenomenology, particularly in philosophies of these Russian philosophers which dealed with interpretation of art (namely J. Golosovker, B. Engelgardt, G. G. Shpet, M. Bakhtin etc.). At the...
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'Denk' mit, denk' nach! Mittelalter-Rezeption in deiner Stadt'Mierke, Gesine, Clauss, Martin, Werner, Karen 14 November 2017 (has links)
Handreichung für Lehrer der Sekundarstufe II zur Einführung in das Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten (mit Materialien). Grundlage der Handreichung ist ein interdisziplinäres Projekt, das sich mit der Rezeption des Mittelalters in der Stadt Chemnitz auseinandergesetzt hat. In diesem Rahmen sind Komplexe Lernleistungen und Besondere Lernleistungen entstanden.
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Kropp och knopp i gymnasieskolans svenskämne : Prövning av en didaktisk design i litteraturhistoria / Teaching Swedish with body and mind : A didactic design in history of literatureNilsson, Hanna January 2021 (has links)
I en nära samverkan med yrkesverksamma svensklärare utreder och prövar föreliggande studie hur undervisningen i litteraturhistoria kan utvecklas i praktiken. Med utgångspunkt i elevers och svensklärares uttryckta erfarenheter av arbete med litteraturhistoriska texter konstrueras en didaktisk design. Den didaktiska designen omsätter tidigare forskning rörande förkroppsligat lärande i en lektionsserie på sex lektioner där fokus ligger på bearbetning av en litteraturhistorisk text med hjälp av fyra fysiska komponenter: gester, röstläge-intonation, en visuell komponent samt en auditiv komponent. Iscensättningen av den didaktiska designen studeras med en triangulering som består av observationer, fokusgruppsamtal med elever och lärarintervjuer samt skriftliga exit tickets. Genom en tematisk analys visar resultatet att eleverna trots ett utmanande språk erövrar den litteraturhistoriska texten, engagerar sig i olika erbjudna livsvärldar, minns textinnehåll och inkarnerar nyvunnen kunskap med hjälp av kroppsliga representationer. Förklaringen spåras till kroppen och sinnets enhet samt det meningsskapande multimodala perspektivet, där föreliggande studie också visar den sociokulturella kontextens betydelse. Litteraturdidaktiska ställningstaganden diskuteras vidare och konstaterar att fysiska komponenter kan användas för att gynna en omfattande läsupplevelse, där både kropp och sinne förses med den litteraturhistoriska textens narrativ på olika sätt. Slutligen föreslås fysiska komponenter som en väg in i texten, vilket i sin tur potentiellt kan leda till ökad måluppfyllelse. / In collaboration with professional teachers who teach the Swedish language, this study explores how to develop teaching in history of literature within the field of design-based research. A didactic design is created and tried in an authentic learning situation. This didactic design refers to earlier studies of embodied learning. In a series of six lessons which focus on working with texts from the Enlightenment, four physical components are incorporated in the design: gestures, voices, a visual component and an auditive component. The staging of the didactic design is investigated through a triangulation consisting of observations, group conversations with pupils, interviews with the teacher and written exit- tickets by pupils. Through a thematic analysis the result shows that students, despite the challenging language, conquer the texts from the Enlightenment, engages themselves in different presented lifeworlds, remember contents and incorporates newfound knowledge while using bodily representations. The explanation is traced to the unity of body and mind and to the multimodal perspective that creates meaning. The presented study also shows the meaning of a sociocultural context while working with literature. Didactic literature positions are discussed further and state that physical components can be used as an entrance into texts from different time periods. All thanks to extensive reading experience, where body and mind are provided with narrative through multiply senses. The discussion continues and suggests that due to the fact that pupils are experiencing the narrative in the texts, they are able to perform more extensive analysis which is the focus of the curriculum.
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