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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le prix de la ville : Le marché immobilier à usage résidentiel dans l'aire urbaine de Marseille-Aix-en-Provence (1990-2010)

Boulay, Guilhem 21 November 2011 (has links)
La France a comme beaucoup de pays de l’OCDE connu une très forte inflation immobilière ces quinze dernières années. La hausse des prix a été particulièrement prononcée dans l’aire urbaine de Marseille-Aix-en-Provence, mettant en relief les limites des catégories et des méthodes d’analyse des marchés immobiliers de l’économie standard. L’apriorisme et les hypothèses anthropologiques de cette dernière ne permettent pas de rendre compte des dynamiques spatio-temporelles des prix. En se fondant alternativement sur les travaux de Simiand et Halbwachs d'une part et sur ceux des néo-ricardiens et néo-marxistes d'autre part, on montre qu’il est plus approprié de recourir aux notions de rente et de valeur d’opinion pour comprendre les mécanismes de formation et de différenciation spatiale des prix. A partir de données désagrégées et localisées à échelle fine sur les transactions immobilières, on identifie alors différents modes de formation des prix qui permettent d’expliquer le paradoxe apparent entre la puissante homogénéisation spatiale des prix et la très grande permanence des hiérarchies spatiales héritées de la période antérieure à l’inflation immobilière que révèle l’analyse spatiale de la hausse. Cette identification des régimes de formation des prix met en valeur le rôle des dispositifs de marché qui, à toutes les échelles, permettent le fonctionnement du marché et garantissent socialement les prix. Ces dispositifs (discours et structures géographiques avant tout) confèrent à certains territoires un rôle assurantiel qui peut exacerber à terme les inégalités inhérentes au modèle d’accession à la propriété. / In the last fifteen years, real estate prices have steeply increased in France, as in other OECD countries. Price increases have been particularly strong in the urban area of Marseille-Aix en Provence, challenging conventional economic categories, analytical methods and interpretations of real estate markets. Apriorism and the anthropological assumptions lying at the core of orthodox economics cannot account for spatial-temporal price dynamics in the Marseille region. By drawing on the work of both Simiand and Halbwachs, and of neo-Ricardian and neo-Marxist economists, this dissertation develops a framework based on the notions of "economic rent" and "opinion value" that provides a better account of price formation and spatial differencing in real estate markets. Different modes of price formation are evidenced using spatially localized, highly disaggregated data of real estate sales: the spatial analysis of real estate inflation helps explain the apparent contradiction between an increased spatial homogeneity of prices and the preservation of pre-existing price hierarchies. Further analysis of price formation regimes highlights the importance of those market devices that allow the market to work and act as price guarantees of a social nature. Such devices (essentially geographical discourses and structures) provide a form of spatial insurance against price decreases that calls into question the legitimacy and sustainability of the 'home ownership for everyone' model.

Trh s byty v Hodoníně a v Uherském Hradišti / Housing market in Hodonín and Uherské Hradiště

Důbravová, Zuzana January 2009 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on housing market in Hodonín and Uherské Hradiště. The goal of this thesis is the evaluation of some housing market determinants in both cities and the identification of their influence on the housing market supply and demand as well as on the diference of the flat prices in both mentioned cities. The characteristic of the housing fund in Hodonín and Uherské Hradiště and the analysis of the flat prices in these cities, which has been accomplished with usage of the own examination, is also the object of this diploma thesis.

A verticalização no Butantã e o avançar de uma nova fronteira / The verticalization in Butantã and the advancement of a new frontier

Rocha, Robson Edgar 12 March 2015 (has links)
A região do Butantã, fragmento da metrópole de São Paulo, vem passando por um importante processo de verticalização desde a década de 1990. Além de representar uma transformação no padrão de urbanização que se verificou no período anterior, indicando a passagem da produção para a reprodução do espaço, a verticalização no Butantã se expressa como o avançar de uma nova fronteira urbana. Este trabalho procura demonstrar como hipótese que o avanço dessa fronteira impõe ao Butantã a tendência de se integrar morfologicamente às áreas mais centrais e adensadas da metrópole paulistana e, principalmente, de se integrar economicamente ao eixo de valorização que se desdobra da centralidade que ficou conhecida como Vetor Sudoeste. Na esfera econômica, o processo de verticalização no Butantã representa uma frente de acumulação capitalista que se favorece da reserva de valor formada no período anterior ao da verticalização. Portanto, este trabalho tem como objetivo revelar, por meio de recomposição histórica, a constituição de uma situação geográfica permeada por um potencial de valorização e de discutir como a atuação do Estado e o processo de financeirização do setor imobiliário permitem hoje efetivar a valorização. / A fragment of São Paulos metropolis, the Butantãs zone is passing by an important verticalization process since the 1990s decade. The transformation from space production to space reproduction, indicated by a transformation in the urbanization pattern, the verticalization in Butantã is expressed as the new urban frontiers advancement. This researchs aim is to demonstrate that this frontiers advancement inflicts to Butantã a trend to integrate morphologically to the central and dense zones of the São Paulos metropolis, and mainly, to integrate economically to axis valuation that since centrality known as Vetor Sudoeste. In the economic sphere, verticalizations process in Butantã represents a front of capitalist accumulation favored by store value formed previously from verticalization. Therefore, this research aims to reveal, through historical recomposition, the constitution of a geographical situation permeated by a valuation potential and to discuss how the state acting and financializations process of real state allows today the valuation.

Étude des mutations sociospatiales, système financier et marché immobilier en Grèce : tendances de financiarisation du système du logement à Athènes au cours des années 2000. / Study of sociospatial mutations, financial system and real estate market in Greece : tendencies of financialization of the housing system in Athens in the 2000s

Patatouka, Eleni 05 May 2017 (has links)
La présente thèse concerne les mutations sociospatiales introduites par des tendances de financiarisation du système du logement grec au cours des deux dernières décennies. Comment les processus mondiaux de financiarisation se sont-ils accommodés à un contexte local pour développer leur version grecque ? Le but de notre travail est de mettre en lumière la transformation d’une économie autofinancée et basée sur les réseaux familiaux en marché hypothécaire. Notre hypothèse est que ces bouleversements du financement de la fabrique résidentielle, c’est-à-dire l’apparition de la finance comme un « nouvel acteur » sur les circuits de production du logement, vont de pair avec des dynamiques de précarisation du logement et des nouvelles géographies sociospatiales.Dans les années d’après-guerre, Athènes, ville méditerranéenne et périphérique de l’Europe du Sud, est caractérisée par une forte mobilité sociale, sur laquelle les circuits de production du logement ont fonctionné comme un «ascenseur social ». Depuis le début des années 1990, Athènes doit faire face à la fois à un nouveau contexte et à la persistance des structures préexistantes. C’est la première période d’un véritable développement du crédit au logement en Grèce qui fait notablement augmenté les prix des logements. L’analyse quantitative et qualitative, le cas d’étude ainsi que les entretiens semi-directifs mettent en valeur de nouveaux acteurs, représentations et pratiques, mais aussi de tendances de l’exclusion bancaire. Cette étude souligne l’importance de l’aspect géographique ainsi que le rôle signifiant de réseaux familiaux, de l’échelle du quartier et de la vie quotidienne dans l’analyse de la finance ainsi que l’interdépendance entre système financier et l’économie informelle. / The present thesis concerns the sociospatial mutations produced by the financialization trends of the Greek housing system in the past two decades. How are the global processes of financialization accommodated in a local context in order to generate a Greek version of financialization? Aim of the thesis is to shed light on the transformation of a self-financing economy, based on family networks to a mortgage market. The hypothesis is that these changes in the field of financing the residential urban fabric, or the emergence of finance as a "new actor" on housing production circuits, are associated with the precarization of housing and new sociospatial geographies.During the postwar decades, Athens, a Mediterranean city and, at the same time, a south European peripheral urban center, is characterized by strong social mobility, when housing production circuits functioned as a “social elevator”. Since the early 1990s, Athens is facing both new challenges and the persistence of pre-existing structures. It is the first time of a crucial expansion of housing credit in Greece, when housing prices have significantly increased. The quantitative and qualitative analysis, the case study and the semi-structured interviews highlight new actors, their actions, representations and practices as well as tendencies of financial exclusion. This study highlights the importance of the geography as well as the significant role of family networks, the scale of neighborhood and everyday life in analyzing finance and the interconnections of the financial system with the informal economy.

Svängningar på bostadshyresmarknaden-en studie av hur kommuner arbetar med höga vakanser / Fluctuations in the rental housing market - a study of how municipalities act to reduce high vacancy rates in residential property.

Grehn, Anna-Lena, Nordlund, Katrin January 2007 (has links)
<p>Under 1980-talets andra halva hade bostadsmarknaden sin storhetstid, många nya bostäder byggdes och antalet vakanser var nästan obefintliga. Till följd av den stora fastighetskraschen som inträffade under tidigt 1990-tal fick många bostadsföretag ekonomiska problem. Många kommunala bostadsföretag fick höga vakanser att arbeta med. För att komma till rätta med dessa problem behövde bostadsföretagen vidta åtgärder och dessa kunde bland annat vara, hyressänkningar och rabatter, marknadsföring, försäljningar, rivningar, ombyggnad och att lägga fastigheter i malpåse. För de mest utsatta kommunerna fanns i slutet av 1990-talet även möjligheten att söka statligt stöd.</p><p>Som en bakgrund till studien ges en förklaring till begreppet vakanser och naturlig vakansgrad, här beskrivs även hur vakanser i vissa fall kan ha uppkommit. Vidare ges en översiktlig beskrivning av hur bostadsmarkanden utvecklats under åren 1986 till 2006 – vad som har påverkat utvecklingen hos de kommunala bostadsföretagen och vad som har inträffat under perioden.</p><p>Syftet har i studien varit att reda ut hur kommuner med höga vakanser har arbetat, om åtgärder vidtagits och i sådana fall vilka. För att undersöka detta har ett urval på 10 kommuner med höga vakanstal gjorts. Dessa kommuner är Arboga, Bräcke, Eda, Fagersta, Karlsborg, Munkedal, Skara, Skellefteå, Surahammar och Överkalix. För att få en tydlig bild av utvecklingen i dessa kommuner har ekonomisk och demografisk statistik noggrant bearbetats.</p><p>Studien visar att alla kommuner som undersökts har vidtagit någon typ av konkret åtgärd för att komma till rätta med sina vakansproblem. Det har även visat sig att alla de kommuner som fått statligt stöd valt åtgärden rivning medan de kommuner som inte sökt stöd haft större benägenhet att även välja andra alternativ. Få kommuner har använt sig av åtgärder som exempelvis olika typer av rabatter och ökad marknadsföring för att fylla de tomma lägenheterna, utan de har istället vidtagit åtgärder som lett till minskning av hela bostadsbeståndet.</p><p>6</p> / <p>During the late 1980’s the Swedish housing market was booming, there were almost no vacancies and the construction of new housing was substantial. The big real estate collapse that occurred in the early 1990’s left many housing companies with economic problems. Many municipality-owned housing associations faced high vacancy rates. To solve their problems the housing associations had to consider a number of measures, including rent reductions and discounts, marketing, selling, demolishing, reconstruction for alternative use and to put properties in mothballs. In the late 1990’s the most exposed municipalities could even apply for Government subsidies.</p><p>As a background, the concepts vacancy rate and natural vacancy, are explained as well as the cause of vacancies in some cases. Furthermore, there is a description of how the housing market developed from 1986 to 2006, what influenced the housing associations and what happened during the period.</p><p>The purpose of this study is to investigate how municipalities with high vacancies have acted to dealing with their problem, if any measures have been taken and if so; what measures? Ten municipalities with high vacancies were examined. These municipalities are Arboga, Bräcke, Eda, Fagersta, Karlsborg, Munkedal, Skara, Skellefteå, Surahammar and Överkalix. To get a clear image of the development in these municipalities economic and demographic statistics have been carefully analysed.</p><p>The study shows that all the municipalities examined have taken some concrete measures to deal with their vacancy problems. All the municipalities that were given Government subsidies have demolished housing properties rather than tried other measures. Few municipalities has used offered rent discounts or applied marketing activities to fill empty apartments. Instead, measures that lead to a reduction of the number of apartments have been used.</p>

Essays on Monetary Policy

Bayar, Omer 01 August 2010 (has links)
Central banks use a series of relatively small interest rate changes in adjusting their monetary policy stance. This persistence in interest rate changes is well documented by empirical monetary policy reaction functions that feature a large estimated coefficient for the lagged interest rate. The two hypotheses that explain the size of this large estimated coefficient are monetary policy inertia and serially correlated macro shocks. In the first part of my dissertation, I show that the effect of inertia on the Federal Reserve’s monthly funds rate adjustment is only moderate, and smaller than suggested by previous studies. In the second part, I present evidence that the temporal aggregation of interest rates puts an upward bias on the size of the estimated coefficient for the lagged interest rate. The third part of my dissertation is inspired by recent developments in the housing market and the resulting effect on the overall economy. In this third essay, we show that high loan-to-value mortgage borrowing reduces the effectiveness of monetary policy.

Svängningar på bostadshyresmarknaden-en studie av hur kommuner arbetar med höga vakanser / Fluctuations in the rental housing market - a study of how municipalities act to reduce high vacancy rates in residential property.

Grehn, Anna-Lena, Nordlund, Katrin January 2007 (has links)
Under 1980-talets andra halva hade bostadsmarknaden sin storhetstid, många nya bostäder byggdes och antalet vakanser var nästan obefintliga. Till följd av den stora fastighetskraschen som inträffade under tidigt 1990-tal fick många bostadsföretag ekonomiska problem. Många kommunala bostadsföretag fick höga vakanser att arbeta med. För att komma till rätta med dessa problem behövde bostadsföretagen vidta åtgärder och dessa kunde bland annat vara, hyressänkningar och rabatter, marknadsföring, försäljningar, rivningar, ombyggnad och att lägga fastigheter i malpåse. För de mest utsatta kommunerna fanns i slutet av 1990-talet även möjligheten att söka statligt stöd. Som en bakgrund till studien ges en förklaring till begreppet vakanser och naturlig vakansgrad, här beskrivs även hur vakanser i vissa fall kan ha uppkommit. Vidare ges en översiktlig beskrivning av hur bostadsmarkanden utvecklats under åren 1986 till 2006 – vad som har påverkat utvecklingen hos de kommunala bostadsföretagen och vad som har inträffat under perioden. Syftet har i studien varit att reda ut hur kommuner med höga vakanser har arbetat, om åtgärder vidtagits och i sådana fall vilka. För att undersöka detta har ett urval på 10 kommuner med höga vakanstal gjorts. Dessa kommuner är Arboga, Bräcke, Eda, Fagersta, Karlsborg, Munkedal, Skara, Skellefteå, Surahammar och Överkalix. För att få en tydlig bild av utvecklingen i dessa kommuner har ekonomisk och demografisk statistik noggrant bearbetats. Studien visar att alla kommuner som undersökts har vidtagit någon typ av konkret åtgärd för att komma till rätta med sina vakansproblem. Det har även visat sig att alla de kommuner som fått statligt stöd valt åtgärden rivning medan de kommuner som inte sökt stöd haft större benägenhet att även välja andra alternativ. Få kommuner har använt sig av åtgärder som exempelvis olika typer av rabatter och ökad marknadsföring för att fylla de tomma lägenheterna, utan de har istället vidtagit åtgärder som lett till minskning av hela bostadsbeståndet. 6 / During the late 1980’s the Swedish housing market was booming, there were almost no vacancies and the construction of new housing was substantial. The big real estate collapse that occurred in the early 1990’s left many housing companies with economic problems. Many municipality-owned housing associations faced high vacancy rates. To solve their problems the housing associations had to consider a number of measures, including rent reductions and discounts, marketing, selling, demolishing, reconstruction for alternative use and to put properties in mothballs. In the late 1990’s the most exposed municipalities could even apply for Government subsidies. As a background, the concepts vacancy rate and natural vacancy, are explained as well as the cause of vacancies in some cases. Furthermore, there is a description of how the housing market developed from 1986 to 2006, what influenced the housing associations and what happened during the period. The purpose of this study is to investigate how municipalities with high vacancies have acted to dealing with their problem, if any measures have been taken and if so; what measures? Ten municipalities with high vacancies were examined. These municipalities are Arboga, Bräcke, Eda, Fagersta, Karlsborg, Munkedal, Skara, Skellefteå, Surahammar and Överkalix. To get a clear image of the development in these municipalities economic and demographic statistics have been carefully analysed. The study shows that all the municipalities examined have taken some concrete measures to deal with their vacancy problems. All the municipalities that were given Government subsidies have demolished housing properties rather than tried other measures. Few municipalities has used offered rent discounts or applied marketing activities to fill empty apartments. Instead, measures that lead to a reduction of the number of apartments have been used.

Strategier och styrsystem för seniorboendemarknaden

Ahlström, Petter January 2008 (has links)
Den demografiska utvecklingen i Sverige går mot en befolkningssammansättning med allt högre medelålder. Prognosen tyder på att nästan var fjärde svensk år 2025 kommer vara 65 år eller äldre. Många av dessa individer har en aktiv, frisk och relativt lång ålderdom framför sig. Studier har visat att morgondagens seniorer är en relativt välbeställd grupp med höga krav och stora förväntningar på ålderdomen och det framtida boendet. Allt detta innebär en utmaning för samhället där nödvändiga prioriteringar kan leda till att individen måste ta ett större ansvar och eget initiativ för boende och omvårdnadstjänster gentemot tidigare. I avhandlingen (”studien”) har seniorboendekonceptet med integrerade service-, vård- och omsorgstjänster studerats särskilt. Seniorboenden är ett marknadssegment med kraftig tillväxt under 2000-talet. Antalet seniorbostäder i Sverige har ökat från ca 10 000 år 2000 till ca 28 000 år 2007. Det som karaktäriserar konceptet är att boendet och de anslutande tjänsterna har anpassats och särskilt utformats för ett liv i åldrande. Studien rapporteras i form av en monografi bestående av två olika delstudier. Forskningsfrågan som varit vägledande för den första delstudien är ”Vad skapar en stark marknadsposition för en aktör på seniorbostadsmarknaden med integrerad service, vård och omsorg?”. Forskningsfrågan i den andra delstudien är ”Vilka produktionsstrategier och styrsystem går att identifiera hos några av de mest framgångsrika konceptbyggarna?”. Den andra delstudien utgår från den första delstudiens resultat. Forskningen, som har bedrivits som en explorativ fältstudie, har pågått under perioden 2002-2008. Mätinstrumentet har bestått av fasta intervjufrågor med öppna svarsalternativ. De underliggande intervjuerna har tillsammans med sekundärdata presenterats i ett antal fallbeskrivningar. I studien har ett antal framgångsrika, såväl svenska som nordamerikanska, aktörer medverkat. Den första delstudien har analyserats utifrån en föreställningsram som byggts upp kring begreppen omgivning, strategi, resurs, tjänstekoncept och konkurrenskraft. Resultaten har formulerats i ett antal strategiska vägval vilka sammanfattats i begreppen differentiering, fokus, integration, samverkan, kontroll, verksamhetsutveckling, kärnkompetens och resurser. Det har kunnat påvisas att framgångsrika aktörer följer den differentieringsstrategi om Porter (1980) definierat. Vidare har en affärsstrategisk typologi över aktörer på seniorboendemarknaden formulerats. Den första delstudiens slutsatser har formulerats i fyra strategiska idealtyper: förvaltare, konceptbyggare, entreprenörer och idealister. Utgångspunkten i den andra delstudien, som bl.a. hämtats i Nilssons och Rapps (2005) teoretiska ramverk, har varit idealtypen konceptbyggare. Med vissa kompletteringar har detta ramverk nyttjats och utvecklats för att beskriva och analysera orsakssambanden kring strategisk kongruens och integrerad styrning. Kompletteringar och justeringar har skett för att även omfatta strategier och styrsystem för bygg- och tjänsteproduktion. Föreställningsramen har, utifrån den erfarenhet som erhållits vid analysen av insamlad data, justerats. Justeringen har bestått i klassificeringsdimensionerna IT, organisationskultur och värdegrund. I studien, som bl.a. består av fallbeskrivning och analys av konceptbyggare, har framkommit att de konceptbyggare som nått framgång också har lyckats uppnå strategisk kongruens och integrerad styrning. Studien har bl.a. kunnat påvisa vad betydelsen av boendets fysiska planering innebär för möjligheten att bedriva tjänsteproduktion. Studien har bl.a. visat att nordamerikanska konceptbyggare har en hög grad av samstämmighet mellan strategi och styrsystem. Samstämmigheten kan sammanfattas i marknadskännedom, tydlig verksamhetsidé, branscherfarenhet, insikt om skalfördelar via klustring, organisatorisk småskalighet, känsla för värdeskapande, målinriktning, långtgående befogenheter och delegerat ansvar, värdestyrd verksamhet och en väl utvecklad organisationskultur. De nordamerikanska konceptbyggarna har definierat sina verksamheter som hotellverksamhet för seniorer vilket innebär att de boende blivit kunder och de äldre i allmänhet betraktas som en tillgång. / The demographic trend in Sweden features a population with a rising average age. According to forecasts, nearly one Swede out of four will be 65 or older by the year 2025. Many individuals in this category of older persons, or seniors, can look forward to an active, healthy and relatively long old age. Studies have shown that tomorrow’s seniors and retirees will be relatively well off as social groups. In addition, attitude and generation surveys have indicated that these groups have high demands and expectations for their old age, future housing and related services. Society will thus face a considerable challenge, which includes maintaining a basic commitment to continue guaranteeing the standard of quality in housing and services for the elderly that is presently taken for granted. Necessary societal priorities, however, may require individuals to take more initiative and assume greater financial responsibility than before in some of these areas. In the 2000’s a new market segment has been established and shown vigorous growth. That segment is the senior housing market, where various housing concepts are offered to the target group, seniors, or persons aged 55+. The number of senior housing units in Sweden has soared in the last few years, from about 10 000 in 2000 to some 28 000 in 2007. In this study, the concept of senior housing, with features of integrated service and care, has been of special interest. What characterizes this housing concept is that housing and related services have been adapted and specially designed for living as an aging individual. This dissertation (”the survey”) is reported in the form of a monograph consisting of two separate studies. The research question that has guided the first study is, “What creates a strong market position for a player on the senior-housing market with integrated service, health care and other forms of service and care?” The research question for the second study is, “What production strategies and control systems can be identified for some of the most successful concept-builders?” The two studies are related in that the latter is based on the results of the former. The studies were conducted over a period from 2002 to 2008. The research was done as an exploratory field study. The field-study approach has given priority to breadth and inclusion of many aspects. The instrument of measurement has consisted of set interview questions with open-ended alternative responses. The underlying interviews, together with secondary data, have been presented as a number of case studies. In the survey, a number of successful players have been selected on the basis of the criteria considered typical of successful actors on the senior housing market. Both Swedish and North American organizations have participated in the survey. The empirical material of the survey has been analyzed on the basis of the theoretical conceptual frameworks developed for the two respective studies. The first study has been analyzed with a framework based on the concepts of environment, strategy, resources, service and competitiveness. The results have been formulated in a number of strategic choices that are summarized in the concepts of differentiation, focus, integration, collaboration, control, business development, core competence and resources. In this connection, it has been possible to show that actors who operate a successful business follow largely what Porter (1980) has defined as a strategy of differentiation. Moreover, a business-strategy typology of actors on the senior housing market has also been constructed. Also, the tentative conclusions of the first study have been formulated in four strategic ideal types: administrators, concept-builders, entrepreneurs and idealists. The point of departure for the second study has been the ideal type referred to as the concept-builder. The conceptual framework has therefore been developed further, based in part on the theoretical framework of Nilsson and Rapp (2005). With certain additions, these foundations have been used to construct a detailed theoretical framework for the study. The conceptual framework has been designed to describe and analyze the causal relationships relating to strategic congruence and integrated control. In this regard, additions and adjustments have been made to include strategies and control systems for the construction of buildings and the production of services. The results of the second study include a case description and an analysis of successful concept-builders. One reason for their success is assumed to be their ability to achieve strategic congruence and integrated control. In light of the findings from the analysis of the data, the conceptual framework has been somewhat modified. This adjustment has consisted in classification along the dimensions of IT, organizational culture and fundamental values. In this connection it has been possible to demonstrate the importance of the physical planning of housing for the production of services. Emphasis has been placed on designing the physical facility and housing right from the beginning so as to facilitate the service-producing operation in a later stage of the life cycle. One finding of the survey is that with North American concept-builders there is a high degree of consistency between strategies and control systems. The factors underlying this consistency can be summarized as market knowledge, industry experience, understanding the economies of scale attainable through clustering, organization on a small scale, a clear concept of business, a sense of value creation, a focus on objectives, farreaching delegation of authority and responsibility to the operating level, skilled management, value-oriented operations and a well-developed organizational culture. Through the survey, a number of customer-controlled operations have been illustrated in the case studies. It is apparent that compared to the past, there has been a shift in industry attitude in North America, creating a situation that differs from Swedish conditions in some respects. The North American concept-builders have defined their businesses as hotel operations for seniors. This has automatically shifted the focus toward one where residents have become customers and older people in general are regarded as assets.

Homes, markets, individuals

Linné, Carl-Oskar January 2013 (has links)
During a research process on financial speculation in relation to the home, Carl-Oskar Linné encounters statistics and reports that tell of rising unemployment among realtors. By investigating an alleged flight from the realtor profession and asking questions of prospective, current and former realtors, he attempts to understand the relationship of home sellers to their home, the housing list, the speculation mechanism and security. What are the living conditions and how is the relationship to housing policy? This essay tells about the state of the Swedish housing market and explains what has led to the work "Speculation"/"Mäklare", a work at its core questioning market ideology. The texts also describes work methods, sources of inspiration and some earlier work. / Under en researchprocess om finansiell spekulation i förhållande till hemmet stöter Carl-Oskar Linné på statistik och rapporter som berättar om en ökande arbetslöshet bland fastighetsmäklare. Genom att undersöka en påstådd flykt från mäklaryrket och ställa frågor till blivande, nuvarande och före detta fastighetsmäklare försöker han förstå bostadssäljarens förhållande sitt hem, bostadskön, spekulationsmekanismen och tryggheten. Vilka är livsvillkoren och hur är förhållandet till bostadspolitiken? Denna uppsats beskriver tillståndet på den svenska bostadsmarknaden och vad som har lett till arbetet "Mäklare", ett verk som i grunden ifrågasätter marknadsideologin. Texten beskriver även arbetsmetoder, inspirationskällor och tidigare arbete.

Overheated or Stable? : An Analysis Ff The Swedish Housing Market

Otterström, Oscar, Vahlberg, Niclas January 2010 (has links)
The Swedish housing market has been subject to extensive attention in the media recently, and the existence of a housing bubble has been questioned. The purpose of this thesis is to analyse the Swedish housing market to investigate if there are reasons to believe that the market is overvalued. The current situation in the housing market will be compared to the United States market prior to the crash of 2007. The models that are used in the paper is the house price-to-income, price-to-rent and imputed rent-to-rent. Other fundamental factors such as rent control, household debt, interest rates, and other policies effecting the housing market will be discussed. The main findings indicate that the Swedish housing market in 2010 is overvalued, however one has to consider that there are limitations to these models such as the extra benefits of owning a house compared to renting.

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