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A public clients’ opportunity to create motivations in the procurement strategy to obtain an effective project performance / En offentlig beställares möjligheter att skapa drivkrafter vid upphandling för att uppnå ett effektivt projektgenomförandePietrewicz, Natalie, Rörström, Elin January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to develop knowledge about collaborative procurement strategies and how these strategies can contribute with motivation for an effective project performance in smaller municipal infrastructure projects. The study also aims to develop an understanding about how a construction logistics centre is applicable to an infrastructure project. Also, how the procurement strategies can create motivation to obtain an effective utilization of a construction logistic centre. To achieve the purpose with the study, a case study of Stockholm Royal Seaport (Norra Djurgårdsstaden) with focus on two infrastructure projects with a mandatory utilization of a construction logistic centre, has been examined. By an abductive method, in terms of literature studies and semi- structured interviews, this study results in that partnering and the payment form cost reimbursement have been a considerable important strategy for the project success. The main conclusion in this study is that collaborative procurement strategies and its components are applicable to a smaller municipal infrastructure project. Significant components to obtain an effective project performance has also been found. Furthermore, the study has shown that a construction logistics centre, designed as in Stockholm Royal Seaport, is not fully adapted to infrastructure projects with similar conditions as the two studied projects. This makes it difficult to draw general conclusions about how procurement strategies should be formed to create motivations for an effective utilization of a construction logistic centre. However, suggestions are given about how procurement can create motivation to obtain an effective utilization of a construction logistic centre by using literature studies. Conclusions can be drawn that partnering and a focus on long term relationships has created motivations for the actors to work effective. / Studiens syfte är att skapa kunskap kring samarbetsinriktade upphandlingsstrategier och hur dessa kan skapa drivkrafter mot ett effektivt projektgenomförande i mindre kommunala anläggningsprojekt. Studien syftar även till att skapa en förståelse om hur ett bygglogistikcenter förhåller sig till anläggningsprojekt samt hur upphandlingsstrategin kan skapa drivkrafter mot ett effektivt nyttjande av ett bygglogistikcenter. För att uppnå syftet med studien har en fallstudie av Norra Djurgårdsstaden med fokus på två anläggningsprojekt, med ett obligatoriskt nyttjande av ett bygglogistikcenter, undersökts. Genom en abduktiv forskningsmetod, i form av litteraturstudier och semi- strukturerade intervjuer, resulterar denna studie i att samverkan och ersättningsformen löpande räkning har varit en betydande strategi för projektens framgång. En huvudsaklig slutsats i studien är att samarbetsinriktade upphandlingsstrategier passar i mindre kommunala anläggningsprojekt. Betydelsefulla komponenter för att uppnå ett effektivt projektgenomförande har även påträffats. Dessutom har studien visat att ett bygglogistikcenter, utformat som i Norra Djurgårdsstaden, inte är helt anpassat till ett anläggningsprojekt. Detta gör det svårt att dra slutsatser från resultatet kring hur upphandlingsstrategier bör formas för ett effektivt nyttjande av ett bygglogistikcenter. Däremot ger studien förslag på hur entreprenadupphandlingen kan skapa drivkrafter för ett effektivt nyttjande av ett bygglogistikcenter med hjälp av litteraturstudier. Avslutningsvis kan slutsatser dras om att samverkansentreprenader, och ett fokus på långsiktiga relationer, skapar drivkrafter till aktörer att utföra ett effektivt projektgenomförande.
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Lärande i projektbaserade organisationer : En kvalitativ studie om organisatoriskt lärande från stora komplexa projekt i projektbaserade organisationer / Learning in project-based organisations : A qualitative study on organisational learning from large complex projects in project-based organisationsLindberg, Matilda, Nilsson, Disa January 2023 (has links)
This study aims to investigate and analyse organisational learning in project-based organisations (PBOs) that work with complex projects. The focus is to contribute to the knowledge about how PBOs can enhance the management of experiences derived from complex projects to promote organisational learning. This is investigated by studying how experience is captured and transferred within a project, across different projects, from project to the line organization and reintegrated into new projects. Additionally, the study examines challenges related to knowledge transfer and evaluates human and structural capital. To fulfil this, a case study is conducted on a consulting PBO that works with complex infrastructure projects. Qualitative interviews were conducted with individuals in various roles within the organisation. Furthermore, participant observations were conducted on meetings where project experience was discussed, both during ongoing projects and at project completion. The findings show that employees have a lot of knowledge and experience after working in complex projects. Experiences are collected and shared with other colleagues in various forums in complex projects. The findings suggest that PBOs can enhance their management of experiences from complex projects by the following strategies: (1) creating time for reflection to collect, discuss and evaluate experiences on an ongoing basis, (2) promoting knowledge exchange among colleagues to transfer tacit knowledge, (3) making documentation searchable and accessible beyond the project organization and (4) conducting regular and in-depth analysis to uncover patterns that can improve the structural capital. In future studies, it would be interesting to explore how artificial intelligence and machine learning could aid in conducting in-depth analysis of experiential data from complex projects. This to facilitate the identification of patterns and relationships within the data, providing valuable insight for enhancing organisational learning in PBOs.
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Användande av projektmodeller och sin påverkan på måluppfyllelse och effektivitet : Inom transportsinfrastrukturprojekt i offentliga sektor. / Use of project models and their impact on objective fulfillment, goal fulfillment, efficiency and effectiveness : for transport infrastructure projects in the public sectorXin Erixon, Vivian January 2022 (has links)
Transportinfrastruktur har en samhällsbärande nyckelfunktion eftersom de flesta av oss nyttjar någon form av transport dagligen. För transportinfrastrukturprojekt i den offentliga sektorn behöver flera aspekter vägas in och är i allmänhet tids- och resurskrävande och förbrukar betydande ekonomiska resurser via allmänna skattemedel. I syfte att få stabilitet i projekt under hela projektprocessen och att nå projektmål och öka effektiviteten, används projektmodeller. Samtidigt upplevs införande och användande av en projektmodell inte alltid ge önskad effekt för projektverksamheten. Projektmodeller är komplexa och kräver förankring, ledning och projektmedarbetares kunskap och kompetens för att kunna tillämpas och användas på rätt sätt. Syftet med denna studie är att skapa förståelse om och i vilken utsträckning projektmodeller används i den offentliga sektorns transportinfrastrukturprojekt, och hur detta upplevs att påverka projektets måluppfyllelse och effektivitet. En kvalitativ studie har genomförts och primärdata har samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. I studien har det framkommit att användande av projektmodeller för infrastrukturprojekt inom olika organisationer i den offentliga sektorn varierar. Det finns komplexitet i anpassning och modifiering av projektmodeller till en organisationsspecifik version och strategi, samt svårighet i att anpassa en universell projektmodell till alla olika projekt. Studien utgör ett bra exempel på fenomenet i offentlig sektor, att driva transportinfrastrukturprojekt utan projektmodell, eller driva projekt med magkänsla, till att tillämpa styrmedel i form av en projektmodell. Samband mellan användande av projektmodell och respondenternas upplevelse av projektmåluppfyllelse och att nå inre effektivitet finns utifrån denna studie. Däremot saknas starkt samband mellan användande av projektmodell och projekteffektmåluppfyllelse samt att nå yttre effektivitet. Projektmodeller upplevs kunna bidra till projektorganisationen med att utveckla ett gemensamt projektspråk, en kultur av öppen kommunikation med intressenter och en förståelse för de kritiska projektrelaterade faserna. Projektmodeller har fördelarna som styrning och standardisering, minskad risk för projektmisslyckande, ökad produktivitet, förbättrad kvalitet och förbättrad kommunikation, med en betoning på projekts inre effektivitet. Användande av projektmodeller upplevs hjälpa till att nå projektmålet och därmed ökar automatiskt chansen att nå effektmål och yttre effektivitet, under förutsättning att det är rätt projekt som har beställts. / The purpose of this study is to get an understanding of whether and to what extent project models are used in the public sector for transport infrastructure projects, and how this is perceived to affect the project’s objective fulfillment, goal fulfillment, efficiency and effectiveness. A qualitative study has been conducted and primary data have been collected through semi-structured interviews. The study has shown that the use of project models for infrastructure projects within different organizations in the public sector varies. It is perceived there is a connection between the use of the project model and project goal fulfillment and achieving efficiency. On the other hand, it is perceived there is a lack of strong connection between the use of a project model and project objective fulfillment and achieving effectiveness. Project models are perceived to be able to contribute to the project organization by developing a common project language, a culture of open communication with stakeholders and an understanding of the critical project related phases. Project models have the benefits of control and standardization, reduced risk of project failure, increased productivity, improved quality and improved communication, with an emphasis on project efficiency. The use of project models is perceived to help achieve the project goal and thus automatically increases the chance of achieving project objective and effectiveness, provided that it is the right project that has been ordered in the beginning.
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[pt] Desenvolvimento sustentável e emissões de dióxido carbono têm sido amplamente debatido no setor de óleo e gás, que desenvolve planos para reduzir a emissão deste gás em suas operações. Movimentos nesse sentido são influenciados pelos compromissos assumidos no Acordo de Paris que limita o aumento da temperatura global em até 2 graus Celsius pela redução de emissão de gases de efeito estufa (GEE). Além disso, recentes manifestações de fundos de investimentos para que organizações tenham ações de proteção ao meio ambiente indicam ser necessária a preparação das empresas brasileiras para mapear as emissões de GEE em toda a sua cadeia de valor. É objetivo deste trabalho contribuir para que iniciativas de redução de emissão de GEE sejam incluídas em processos licitatórios de projetos de investimento de capital. O estudo foca em projetos de infraestrutura logística e apoio a áreas industriais, especificamente na execução de serviços de construção e montagem de forma a dar materialidade às iniciativas de sustentabilidade ambiental da área de gestão e implantação de empreendimentos. Lançando mão de um estudo de caso, a documentação referente a quatro oportunidades de contrato de construção e montagem de obras de infraestrutura e de apoio a áreas industriais abertas ao mercado brasileiro foi avaliada à luz de critérios levantados na literatura para identificar iniciativas de redução de emissões de GEE durante a fase de construção. Entrevistas com profissionais experientes em gestão e implantação de empreendimentos desse tipo, observação direta da preparação da documentação para contratação de serviços para dois empreendimentos em fase de projeto e revisão de documentos de arquivo e dados corporativos compuseram o estudo. Esta análise permitiu compreender que algumas iniciativas já são encontradas sob a forma de requisitos contratuais com vistas à eficiência energética, minimização de custos e maximização de produtividade associados ao uso de equipamentos e máquinas emissores de GEE e podem ser amadurecidas no cenário da organização estudada, recomendando-se para isso um guia para incorporação de iniciativas de sustentabilidade ambiental com foco em redução de emissão de GEE aos processos de contratação de serviços de construção e montagem de projetos de infraestrutura logística e de apoio às áreas industriais. / [en] Sustainable development and carbon dioxide emissions have been widely debated in the oil and gas sector, which is developing plans to reduce the emission of this gas in its operations. Movements in this direction are influenced by the commitments made in the Paris Agreement limiting the increase in global temperature by up to 2 degrees Celsius by reducing the emission of greenhouse gases (GHG). Also, recent manifestations of investment funds demanding organizations to take actions to protect the environment, mean a call to prepare Brazilian companies to outline GHG emissions throughout their value chain. The objective of this work is to contribute to the inclusion of initiatives to reduce GHG emissions in bidding processes for capital investment projects. The study focuses on logistics infrastructure and support for industrial areas projects, specifically in the execution of construction and assembly services to give materiality to the environmental sustainability initiatives in management and implementation of projects. Using a case study, the documentation related to four contract opportunities for the construction and assembly of infrastructure and offsite areas available in the Brazilian market was evaluated in the light of criteria raised in the literature to identify initiatives to reduce emissions of GHG during the construction phase. Interviews with experienced professionals in the management and implementation of projects of this type, direct observation of the preparation of the documentation for procurement process for two projects in the design phase, and review of archival documents and corporate data comprised the study. This analysis allowed us to understand that some initiatives are already found in the form of contractual requirements with a view to energy efficiency, minimizing costs, and maximizing productivity associated with the use of GHG-emitting equipment and machines and can be developed in the scenario of the studied organization, recommending to this end, a guide for incorporating environmental sustainability initiatives with a focus on reducing GHG emissions into the processes for procuring construction services and assembling of logistics infrastructure and offsite projects.
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Orsak och förklaring till tids- och kostnadsöverskridande i små och okomplicerade infrastrukturprojekt : En fallstudie på Trafikverkets verksamhetsområde Investering region Öst i Uppsala / Cause and Explanation of Time and Cost Overruns in Small and Uncomplicated Infrastructure ProjectsLinder, Fredrik January 2023 (has links)
Infrastructure projects frequently exceed their budgets in both time and cost, which often burdens the taxpayers. A significant percentage of these projects are neither complex nor unique, where the contract sum is a fraction of the contract sum of known megaprojects however has a higher percentage of cost overruns. The purpose of this study is to identify the cause, particularly the explanation behind these small and uncomplicated infrastructure projects' time and cost overruns, and to propose methods to avoid this wastage of taxpayer money. To achieve this purpose, a qualitative case study has been conducted within the scope of the Swedish Transport Administration's (Trafikverket) Investment division in the Eastern region in Uppsala, with a focus on pedestrian and bicycle paths. Empirical data has been gathered using Trafikverket's tools for deviation management, and semi-structured interviews were conducted with forecasters at Trafikverket's Investment division in Uppsala. A literature review has been made and were used to better interpret the empirical results. The identified causes are manifold but can be summarized as legal, political, and bureaucratic obstacles, communication issues, working methods, lack of experience and bad luck. The explanations for time and cost overruns can solely be attributed to the phenomenon of optimism bias, as this encompasses the forecaster's role as a decision maker in the project and the extent to which they could anticipate emerging situations. To mitigate optimism bias, the method of reference class forecasting is proposed. Furthermore, it is suggested to Trafikverket to reconsider the intervals of forecasting to be reviewed and adjusted according to the industry's way of setting forecasts on time. In conclusion, this study states that this is an important topic for future research in cost overruns in infrastructure projects. The recommendation is to focus on small and uncomplicated infrastructure projects. In addition, research must find the explanations for the causes of cost overruns before addressing the problem with appropriate methods.
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Identification of the Critical Delay Factors in the Subway Tunnel Construction in Stockholm : An explanatory Study Investigating the Project Delay and its Consequences on Property Developers / Identifiering av kritiska förseningsfaktorer i utbyggnaden av Stockholms tunnelbana : En explorativ studie inom förseningar i projekt och dess negativa konsekvenser på fastighetsutvecklareStaflund, Johan, Östblom, Rickard January 2021 (has links)
Stockholm is one of the fastest growing conurbations in Europe, to accommodate for the increased population and urban growth, the current subway system needs to be extended. Appropriately, a joint initiative regarding housing and infrastructure development was signed in January 2014 by the Swedish government, Stockholm County Council and the afflicted municipalities Stockholm, Solna, Nacka and Järfälla. The joint initiative, the 2013 Stockholm negotiation, presented an extension of the current subway system with a total length of 19,6 km and 11 new stations in Stockholm, Solna, Nacka and Järfälla. Large-scale infrastructure projects often suffer from cost and time overruns. The Stockholm subway construction is no exception and has since the project started collected a delay equivalent of five years for Järfälla and Nacka, and a cost overrun of SEK 9,3 billion. The aim of this thesis is to objectively identify the critical delay factors of the subway tunnel construction in Stockholm and unveil the delay implication on property developers with housing projects in the adjacent areas to the new stations. The thesis will be limited to mainly focus on the extension to Järfälla and Nacka. To investigate the research questions, a systematic integration of quantitative and qualitative data has been collected through literature reviews, 9 interviews with the client, designers, consultants and a survey with 13 property developers. This thesis has identified one critical delay factor, linked to the poor project performance regarding the time overruns. With support from the literature review, interviews and surveys, the observed delay can be described as a consequence of political-economic explanations. The cause for the delay is rooted in the inaccurate estimations and unrealistic expectations presented in the 2013 Stockholm negotiation. Thus, the project delay is to be categorized as non- acceptable, due to a five-year prolonged time plan. Additional delay factors have beenidentified but are not to be viewed as critical. This thesis has also identified a general frustrationamongst the developers in Järfälla and Nacka as they have perceived negative implications as a consequence of the delay of the subway extension. / Stockholm är en av de snabbast växande storstadsregionerna i Europa och för att tillgodose den ökade tillväxten behöver regionen utveckla sin infrastruktur och kollektivtrafik. I januari 2014 undertecknades en överenskommelse, avseende utveckling av bostäder och infrastruktur, mellan regeringen, Stockholm Läns Landsting, Stockholm- och Solna stad, Nacka samt Järfälla kommun. Avtalet benämns som 2013 års Stockholmsförhandling och omfattar en utbyggnad om 11 nya tunnelbanestationer i Stockholm, Solna, Nacka och Järfälla, med en total spårlängd om 19,6 km. Stora infrastrukturprojekt har historiskt sett blivit försenade och haft budgetöverskridande projektkostnader. Tunnelbaneutbyggnaden mot Järfälla och Nacka har båda blivit försenade med fem år samt överskridit budgeten med totalt 9,3 miljarder kronor. Syftet med denna masteruppsats är att objektivt identifiera de kritiska faktorer som orsakat förseningen av projektet samt redogöra för de konsekvenser som förseningen har orsakat för de bostadsutvecklare med projekt i områdena där de nya stationerna är planerade. Uppsatsen har avgränsats till att enbart skildra utbyggnaden mot Järfälla och Nacka. För att besvara studiens frågeställningar har kvalitativ och kvantitativ data integrerats genom litteraturstudier, intervjuer med 9 nyckelpersoner inom projektet, samt via en enkätundersökning med 13 fastighetsbolag, verksamma i Järfälla och Nacka. Uppsatsen har identifierat en faktor som ligger till grund för att projektet inte presterat enligt projektets tid- och kostnadsmål. Faktorn har sitt ursprung i de felaktiga och orealistiska beräkningar som presenterades i 2013 års Stockholmsförhandling. Ytterligare förseningsfaktorer har identifierats, men är inte att anses som kritiska eftersom de inte haft en betydande inverkan på projektet och dess färdigställande. Förseningen av projektet är att kategorisera som ej acceptabel med hänsyn till dess uppkomst och omfattning. Mot den bakgrundsdata som samlats in genom litteraturstudier, intervjuer och enkätundersökningar kan förseningen härledas som en konsekvens av politisk-ekonomiska orsakssamband. Uppsatsens resultat visar även på att förseningen orsakat flera negativa konsekvenser för de fastighetsbolag som är verksamma i Järfälla och Nacka, vilket har skapat ett generellt missnöje gentemot projektets beställarorganisation.
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Challenges of Reducing Carbon Emissions in Underground Construction Projects : Collaborative Strategies and Inter-Organisational Learning / Utmaningar med att minska koldioxidutsläpp i undermarksprojekt : Samarbete och interorganisatoriskt lärandePavliashvili, Anna, Butenko, Olha January 2024 (has links)
The need for carbon emission reduction is a pressing concern, particularly in the construction sector, which demands innovative and sustainable solutions. Public clients play a crucial role due to their ability to set demands and requirements that help to achieve national and regional carbon reduction goals. However, carbon management efforts face challenges and necessitate the identification of problem areas and solutions. This thesis examines a Swedish public client, the Administration for Extended Metro, through three projects executed by international construction contractors. Notably, the new metro has a long-term vision for carbon management and aims for a 25% reduction in emissions at all stages of the metro extension projects. The aim of the study is to identify the challenges and motivations influencing the achievement of carbon reduction targets in the construction stages of public infrastructure projects. The scope includes an exploration of the dynamics of cooperation between Swedish public clients and international contractors, examining the effectiveness of procurement requirements, collaboration and management practices in fostering knowledge sharing and learning. Due to the nature of the study, a qualitative approach was adopted. A literature review was conducted to understand the background of carbon reduction in the construction industry. The theory focused on prior research on learning and knowledge sharing, which facilitated the formulation of the created analytical framework for this thesis. Empirical data was gathered through document analysis and semi-structured interviews with the client and contractor representatives involved in the projects. Based on the results of the study, it is evident that the Administration is developing requirements, which still need further clarification and detail. Additionally, improvements are necessary to the process to attract and select suitable contractors. The study identifies specific challenges in knowledge exchange and learning at intra- and inter-organisational levels and highlights the role of individuals in carbon management efforts. In addition, more general challenges were outlined for actors to consider when it comes to carbon reduction efforts during a collaboration between public organisations and international contractors. The study outlines seven groups of challenges faced during the execution of the new metro projects: resource and expertise deficits, skill and knowledge gaps, the interrelation of carbon and the iron triangle, cultural differences and intra-organisational relationships, engagement and resistance, organisational alignment and communication complexities, and industrial restrictions. In conclusion, the client should clarify their intended role in the projects, deciding whether to adopt the role of an educator to guide contractors' knowledge development, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of carbon management efforts. The recommendations emphasise the need for improved work practices at the project level, and the implementation of internal knowledge and learning management systems at the organisational level. Suggestions are applicable to both public clients and contractors, including the Administration for Extended Metro and international contractors working on the new metro projects. / Behovet av att minska koldioxidutsläppen är stort, inte minst inom byggsektorn, där innovativa och hållbara lösningar efterfrågas. Offentliga beställare spelar en avgörande roll eftersom de kan ställa krav som bidrar till att uppnå nationella och regionala reduktionsmål. Arbetet med att minska koldioxidutsläppen medför dock utmaningar, vilket kräver att problemområden och lösningsåtgärder identifieras. I detta examensarbete studeras en svensk offentlig beställare, Förvaltningen för utbyggd tunnelbana i Stockholm, genom tre projekt som utförs av internationella entreprenörer. Beställarorganisationen har en långsiktig vision för sitt klimatarbete och strävar efter att minska koldioxidutsläppen med 25 % i samtliga skeden av de nya tunnelbaneprojekten. Syftet med denna studie är att identifiera de utmaningar och drivkrafter som påverkar i vilken mån offentliga infrastrukturprojekt kan uppnå sina mål för minskade koldioxidutsläpp i byggskedet. Studien omfattar en granskning av dynamiken i samarbetet mellan den svenska beställaren och internationella entreprenörer, med fokus på effektiviteten i upphandlingskrav, samarbete och ledningspraxis för att uppnå kunskapsdelning och lärande. På grund av studiens karaktär har en kvalitativ ansats valts. En litteraturgenomgång genomfördes för att ge en bakgrund till drivkrafter och metoder för att uppnå koldioxidreduktion i byggbranschen, medan teorin fokuserade på tidigare forskning om lärande och kunskapsdelning. Detta ledde fram till ett analytiskt ramverk som har använts i examensarbetet. Empiriska data samlades in genom dokumentanalys och semistrukturerade intervjuer med representanter för beställare och entreprenörer som var involverade i projekten. Granskningen av resultaten tyder på att beställarorganisationen utvecklar krav, men att det finns ett behov av ytterligare förtydligande och detaljering av dessa. Dessutom krävs förbättringar i processen för att attrahera och upphandla lämpliga entreprenörer. Studien identifierade utmaningar gällande kunskapsutbyte och lärande på både intra- och interorganisatorisk nivå. Dessutom lyftes individernas roll i arbetet med att minska koldioxidutsläppen fram, samt generella utmaningar för aktörer att ta hänsyn till när vid samarbete mellan offentliga organisationer och internationella entreprenörer. Rapporten avslutas med att identifiera sju grupper av utmaningar som ställdes under genomförandet av de nya tunnelbaneprojekten: resurs- och kompetensbrister, kompetens- och kunskapsluckor, sambandet mellan koldioxid och järntriangeln (tid, kostnad, kvalitet), kulturella skillnader och relationer inom organisationen, engagemang och motstånd, organisatorisk anpassning och kommunikationskomplexitet samt industriella restriktioner. En viktig slutsats är att beställaren bör klargöra sin roll i projekten och ta ställning till om de vill ta på sig uppgiften att utbilda och vägleda leverantörerna i deras kunskapsutveckling, för att på så sätt öka effektiviteten i klimatarbetet. Rekommendationer ges för att förbättra både arbetsmetoderna på projektnivå och den interna organisationens kunskap och lärande, vilket gynnar både offentliga kunder, inklusive Förvaltningen för utbyggd tunnelbana, och entreprenörer.
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Why are employment figures in airport studies too high?Reumann, Andreas, Thießen, Friedrich 15 October 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Luftverkehrsprognosen stellen ein wichtiges Instrument dar, die Luftverkehrsinfrastruktur zu beeinflussen. Hinter vielen der Projekte, die von Luftverkehrsprognosen begleitet werden, stehen Interessen. Dies gilt insbesondere für Ausbauvorhaben von Flughäfen, die von eindeutigen Zielen und Wünschen getragen werden. Die Gutachter, die im Rahmen solcher Ausbauvorhaben tätig werden, sind der Gefahr ausgesetzt, beeinflusste Prognosen zu erstellen. Die Art und Intensität dieser Beeinflussung sowie die Methodik dieser Analysen sind Gegenstand dieses Aufsatzes. Zunächst wurden neuere Ergebnisse der OECD und EU erarbeitet und denen der Flughafenstudien gegenübergestellt. Nachfolgend wurde die Intensität der Beeinflussung auf Grundlage einer eigenen Untersuchung analysiert. Dabei wurden politische Entscheidungsträger im Rhein-Main-Gebiet nach Ihrer Verwendung von Studien und deren Ergebnisse befragt. Die Impact Study, als häufigste Forschungsmethodik, wurde in ihre Bestandteile zerlegt und mit der Full Cost-Benefit-Analyse, welche die durch die FAA empfohlene Methode ist, verglichen. Grundsätzlich sind solche Gutachten meist externe Analysen aus privatwirtschaftlicher Hand, die einerseits im Auftrag von regionalen Entscheidungsträgern, aber andererseits auch im Auftrag von Flughafen- und Fluggesellschaften angefertigt wurden. Die Unabhängigkeit der Prognosen ist damit gefährdet. Auf Grundlage der (neutralen) OECD- und EU-Ergebnisse zeigte sich, dass etwaige regionale Wirtschaftsimpulse und damit einhergehendes Beschäftigungswachstum durch erhöhten Flugverkehr nicht zu finden sind. Die kritische Analyse von „bezahlten Studien“ ist demnach von Bedeutung. Die Mehrzahl der politischen Amts- und Entscheidungsträger in Deutschland trifft allerdings Entscheidungen auf Basis keiner oder ausschließlich nicht-neutraler, bezahlter Auftragsstudien. Historisch betrachtet ist dies kein Novum. Bereits in den 60er Jahren kann man solche Studien und Entscheidungen nachweisen. Bezüglich des Forschungsdesign zeigte sich, dass Impact-Studien kaum für zur Beurteilung des Luftverkehrs geeignet sind. Sie beziehen die relevanten Effekte nur teilweise in ihre Berechnungen ein. Es wurde eine Reihe von systematischen Fehlern identifiziert. Die FAA-Richtlinien in den USA für methodisch korrekte Studien greifen nur wenig. Für weitere Forschung sehen wir die wichtige Aufgabe, die Methodik der Full Cost-Benefit-Analyse für die Prognose möglicher Effekte zur Anwendung zu bringen. / Aviation traffic forecasts and airport analyses are important instruments which influence decisions on aviation related infrastructure. Behind many of such infrastructure projects, which are supported by forecast analyses, one finds political interests. This is especially the case for aviation projects, such as infrastructure enlargement projects of airports, which are motivated by distinct goals and desires. Referees who act within this framework are exposed to the risk of producing biased results. The form and degree of intensity of such influence and manipulation, as well as the methodology of such forecast analyses, are the subject of this working paper. To begin with, newer research results by the OECD and the EU have been formulated and further compared to results of studies commissioned by airport operators. Subsequently, the degree of intensity of such influence has been analysed on the basis of our own research. A survey was thereby produced, investigating the application of neutral and non-neutral studies in the decision-making processes of the public administration in the Rhein-Main-area. Impact studies, which are currently the most used method, have been segmented and compared with studies using full cost-benefit-analysis, the recommended method by the FAA. With regard to these results, it can be argued that most forecast analyses are produced by private consultancies, by order of public entities but also by order of airport operators. The independence of such research and its results is therefore endangered. Recent OECD and EU research results have shown that eventual effects, such as regional economic stimulus and employment growth, are absent. Thus, care in the application of study results in this field is necessary. However, the majority of policy makers (in Germany) unfortunately base their decisions mostly on non-neutral studies. Historically seen, this is not a novelty. Regarding the research design, impact studies are hardly suitable for airport studies. Further, it can be shown that impact studies incorporate mostly only non-negative items in their cash flow calculations, compared to full cost-benefit-analyses which incorporate all relevant items. A number of systematic flaws are further identified. The regulation-guidelines by the FAA, which demand to incorporate all items, have had little impact on the research design of airport studies in the US so far. The promotion and fostering of full cost-benefit-analyses is necessary to lift the quality of airport studies.
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Public-private partnership in the case of huge infrastructure projects. The example of High-Speed Railway Moscow - Kazan / Partenariat public-privé dans la mise en œuvre de grands projets d'infrastructure sur l'exemple de la construction de LGV Moscou - KazanLavrinenko, Petr 25 June 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse les tendances mondiales dans le financement de grands projets d'infrastructure dans le secteur des transports, en identifiant les caractéristiques distinctives du financement dans les pays développés et en développement. Un nouveau mécanisme de financement est proposé dans le contexte de contraintes budgétaires strictes grâce à l'utilisation d'un certain nombre d'effets économiques indirects découlant de l'amélioration de l'accessibilité des différents territoires en matière de transport. Comme le sujet de l'analyse, il y avait un projet de la construction d'un chemin de fer à grande vitesse en Russie Moscou-Kazan. / This paper analyzes global trends in financing large infrastructure projects in the transport sector, identifying the distinctive features of financing in developed and developing countries. A new financing mechanism is proposed in the context of strict budgetary constraints through the use of a number of indirect economic effects arising from improved transport accessibility of individual territories. As the subject of the analysis, there was a project of the construction of a high-speed railway in Russia Moscow-Kazan.
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[pt] O Brasil, país pioneiro na implantação do BRT, possui alguns corredores
com prioridade para serviços de transporte coletivo por ônibus. O sistema BRT no
Rio de Janeiro começou a ser desenvolvido há tempos, mas ficou parado por fatores
externos até princípio do ano 2021. A partir dessa data, o seu desenvolvimento foi
retomado com uma perspectiva diferente para não cometer os mesmos erros do
passado. O novo modelo pretende eliminar o risco de demanda, assim como fazer
a separação entre fornecimento e operação dos equipamentos, permitindo a
participação de atores especializados. Portanto, neste trabalho pretende determinar
a viabilidade do novo modelo implementado do sistema BRT pela perspectiva
financeira. Foi feito uma pesquisa geral sobre os principais incentivos
governamentais, as características dos BRT e o conhecimento acumulado em
diferentes países para a avaliação do modelo de negócio e contrato desenvolvido
pela Prefeitura. Além disso foram analisados os fluxos de caixa através dos
principais indicadores financeiros. Os resultados mostram que do ponto de vista
financeiro o projeto é rentável e lucrativo. O novo modelo permite também uma
melhoria na eficiência do sistema de transporte público na cidade e o aumento da
satisfação do usuário. A principal contribuição do trabalho é o estudo qualitativo
brindando uma comparação entre as diferentes experiências internacionais neste
âmbito para conhecer os aspectos favoráveis que se possam ajustar a realidade
brasileira da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. / [en] Brazil is a pioneer in the implementation of BRT and has some corridors
with priority for public transport services by bus. The BRT system in Rio de Janeiro
began to be developed many years ago but was put on hold due to external factors
until early 2021, when its development was resumed with a different perspective so
as not to make the same mistakes as in the past. The new model intends to eliminate
demand risk, as well as implement the separation between supply and operation of
the equipment, allowing the inclusion of specialized actors. Therefore, this work
intends to determine the feasibility of the new implemented model of the BRT
system from a financial perspective. A general survey was carried out on the main
government incentives, the characteristics of BRT and the knowledge accumulated
in different countries for the evaluation of the business model and contract
developed. In addition, cash flow analysis was done using the main financial
indicators. The results indicate that from a financial perspective the project is
profitable and profitable for the investment. The new model also allows for an
improvement in the efficiency of the public transport system in the city and an
increase in user satisfaction. The main contribution of the work is the qualitative
study providing a comparison between the different international experiences in this
field to know the favorable aspects that can adjust to the Brazilian reality of the city
of Rio de Janeiro.
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