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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Globos namuose gyvenančių paauglių adaptyvaus elgesio ugdymas(sis) / Development of adaptive behavior in teenagers living in foster care homes

Samašonok, Kristina 28 August 2009 (has links)
Analizuojama globos namuose gyvenančių paauglių adaptyvaus elgesio ugdymo(si) problema, kaip svarbi asmens pozityvų psichologinį ir socialinį prisitaikymą lemianti sąlyga. Pristatomas teoriškai pagrįstas ir praktiškai pritaikytas globos namuose gyvenančių paauglių kompleksinis adaptyvaus elgesio ugdymo(si) modelis, apimantis santykio su savimi, santykio su kitais žmonėmis, probleminių situacijų sprendimo ir prosocialaus, save įtvirtinančio elgesio socialinėse situacijose sritis. Pateikiami konstatuojamojo ir ugdomojo eksperimento statistiniai duomenys. Remiantis diagnostinio tyrimo duomenimis, lyginamuoju aspektu analizuojami paauglių iš globos namų ir pilnų šeimų adaptyvaus elgesio ypatumai bei skirtumai. Taip pat lyginami nevienodomis sąlygomis gyvenančių paauglių adaptyvaus elgesio duomenys lyties ir amžiaus aspektu. Analizuojama, kaip kinta globos namuose gyvenančių paauglių adaptyvus elgesys, taikant pedagoginio poveikio priemones. Nustatytos bei eksperimentiškai patikrintos šių paauglių adaptyvaus elgesio ugdymo(si) galimybės. Mokslinės literatūros analizės ir disertacinio tyrimo išvadų pagrindu parengtos rekomendacijos specialistams globos namuose gyvenančių paauglių adaptyviam elgesiui ugdyti(tis). / The problem of developing adaptive behavior in teenagers living in foster care homes as an important condition, determining positive psychological and social adaptation of an individual is analyzed within the thesis. A theoretically grounded and practically applied complex model of developing adaptive behavior in teenagers living in foster care homes is presented, involving the spheres of intrapersonal relations with oneself, interpersonal relations with other people, problem situation solution and pro-social behavior anchoring oneself in social situations. The statistic data of declarative and developmental experiments are presented. On the basis of the diagnostic research, peculiarities and differences of adaptive behavior in teenagers living in foster care homes and in complete families are analyzed in the comparative aspect. The data of adaptive behavior in teenagers living under different conditions are compared in the aspects of gender and age. The change of adaptive behavior in teenagers living in foster care homes is analyzed while applying measures of pedagogical impact. The prospects for developing adaptive behavior in these teenagers are determined and tested experimentally. On the ground of scientific literature analysis and the conclusions of dissertation research, recommendations were prepared for the specialists in order to develop adaptive behavior in teenagers living in foster care homes.

Informacinių technologijų (informacinių sistemų) naudojimas mažų įmonių rinkodaroje / Information technologies (systems) usage in small business marketing

Tvaranavičius, Ričardas 25 November 2010 (has links)
Išanalizavus mokslinę literatūrą, taikant alternatyvų ir analogijos metodus teorinių tyrimų analizėje randama, kad rinkodaros kompleksas yra vienas iš pagrindinių verslo esmę aprašančių modelių. Vartotojų poreikiai pasidarė patys svarbiausi įmonių strateginiuose planuose. Taikant apibendrinamosios abstrakcijos metodą, paaiškėjo, jog informacinės technologijos ir informacinės sistemos davė didžiausią poveikį rinkodaros plėtrai pastaruosius kelis dešimtmečius. Labiausiai besivystanti sritis tapo naujų technologijų atradimai, kuriuos nedelsdamas adaptavosi verslas savo poreikiams, taip mažindamas veiklos kaštus, didindamas konkurencingumą. Organizacijos turėdamos milžiniškus rinkodarai skirtus biudžtus investavo didelius pinigus į įvairius tyrimus, naujų technologijų diegimą - darėsi vis pranašesnis ir dar didesneis tempais plėtėsi. O nespėjantys su technologijomis ženkliai atsilikdavo ar net krisdavo nelygioje konkurencinėje kovoje. Tuo tarpu mažosios įmonės, turėdamos ribotus investicinius išteklius skirtus rinkodariniams veiskmams gerinti, liko šėšėlyje. Kadangi mažasis verslas sudaro didelę rinkos dalyvių apimtį, todėl labai svarbu tirti jų veiklos ypatumus. Tam, buvo atliktas kokybinis tyrimas – atvejo analizė, pasirenkant interviu ir įmonės dokumentų analizės metodus. Gauti tyrimo duomenys leido nustatyti, kad tirtoje įmonėje informacinės technologijos ir sistemos yra naudojamos patenkinamu lygiu. Nors pripažįstama, kad naujų pagrindinių technologijų ir sistemų diegimo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Key words: marketing, marketing complex, information systems, informational technologies, the usage of information systems and information technologies in small companie marketing. The goal of the essay is to the usage of information systems and information technologies in lithuanian small companies. To reach the goal was chosen the following objectives: to analyse the marketing complex and its role in the performance of the company; to analyse that are uses in companies operations; to identify the specific aspects of the usage informational systems and informational technologies in small companies; to conduct a research in the informational systems and technologies of small companies by using the case study and finalize the essay with the conclusions and offers for improvement of information systems and technologies usages in the activity of the analysed company. Using the methods of scientific analysis combining with alternative and analogue methods discovered that marketing complex is the main model describing the meaning for the business and the needs of the customers are the most important aspect in the strategy on the company. Using the concluding abstract method discovered that the informational technologies and the informational systems influenced the expansion of the marketing activity the last decades. Because of the fact that business adopted fast development of the new discoveries in informational technologies and the informational systems the competition had... [to full text]

Virtualiųjų mokymosi objektų taikymas IV-V klasėse mokant aritmetikos veiksmų / Application of virtual teaching and learning objects, teaching arithmetic operations in forms 4 and 5

Šalkuvienė, Orinta 10 February 2012 (has links)
Visais laikais aritmetika buvo svarbus mokomasis dalykas mokykloje: mokiniai susipažįsta su natūraliaisiais ir trupmeniniais skaičiais, išmoksta aritmetikos veiksmų, sudarančių sudėtingą pakopinę struktūrą. Kiekvienas paprastas veiksmas yra sudėtingesnių veiksmų sudėtinis elementas, todėl svarbu, kad kiekvieną paprastesnį veiksmą mokinys išmoktų atlikti greitai ir be klaidų, „negalvodamas“. Daugumai mokinių aritmetikos veiksmų atlikimo sunkumai yra pagrindinė priežastis, trukdanti mokytis ne tik aritmetikos, bet ir kitų matematikos temų. Todėl svarbu ieškoti būdų, metodų ir priemonių, kaip padėti mokiniams įveikti šiuos kliuvinius. Manoma, kad mokymo(si) turinį perkeliant į elektroninę erdvę, pavyks rasti būdų, leisiančių veiksmingiau organizuoti mokymo(si) procesą. Vis dažniau kalbama apie virtualiąsias mokymo(si) aplinka, kur mokymo(si) turinys pateikiamas nepriklausomais medžiagos gabalėliais – virtualiaisiais mokymo(si) objektais. Šiuo disertaciniu tyrimu siekta nustatyti, kokios yra virtualiųjų mokymo(si) objektų taikymo galimybės ir veiksmingumas, ugdant mokinių gebėjimus atlikti aritmetikos veiksmus IV–V klasėse. / In all times arithmetic has been an important subject at school: pupils familiarize themselves with natural and fractional numbers, learn arithmetic operations, acquire computation abilities. Actions of teaching and learning mathematics make up a complicated tiered structure. Every simple operation is a constituent of more complicated operations; therefore, the pupil has to learn to perform these operations quickly and without mistakes, „without thinking“. For the majority of pupils difficulties in performing arithmetic operations is the main reason hindering not only to learn arithmetic but also other topics of mathematics. Therefore, it is important to search for the ways, methods and means facilitating pupils to cope with these hindrances. It is supposed that as the content of teaching and learning moves to the electronic space, ways enabling to control and manage the teaching and learning process will be successfully found. More often virtual teaching and learning environments are mentioned, where the content of teaching and learning is presented in independent pieces of teaching material – virtual teaching and learning objects This dissertation research was designed to determine what is a virtual teaching and learning objects the application possibilities and efficiency, developing pupils' abilities to perform arithmetic operations in forms 4 and 5.

Šiuolaikinių lietuvių rašytojų populiarinimo(si) strategijos / Strategies of the (Self)promotion of Contemporary Lithuanian Writers

Gudėnaitė-Špokauskienė, Rita 29 June 2012 (has links)
Šio darbo objektas – šiuolaikinių lietuvių rašytojų (Marcelijaus Martinaičio, Zitos Čepaitės, Jurgos Ivanauskaitės, Vytauto V. Landsbergio, Sigito Parulskio) populiarinimo ir populiarinimosi strategijos. Norint atskleisti populiarinimo(si) procesus, rašytojo vardas tyrinėjamas kaip prekės ženklas.Nagrinėjant rašytojo vardą kaip prekės ženklą, remtasi Wally Olinso keturių vektorių apibrėžtimi iš knygos „Prekės ženklas“ (2006), kur pristatomos darnaus prekės ženklo dedamosios dalys – produktas, aplinka, elgesys ir komunikacija. Kadangi Olinsas tik apibendrintai pristato prekės ženklo ypatumus ir nesiūlo prekės ženklo tyrimų būdų, tinkančių šio darbo objektui, pasitelkiama naratologo Gerardo Genette parateksto („Paratexts: Thresholds of Interpretation“, 2001) teorija, kurioje preciziškai išanalizuojamas kiekvienas knygos elementas. Peritekstų analizė (tai, kas knygos viduje – formatas, viršeliai, turinys etc.) padėjo ištirti kūrybinio produkto (knygos) įvaizdį; epitekstų analizė (tai, kas knygos išorėje – reklama, vieši autoriaus pasirodymai, kritika; neliteratūriniai rašytojo produktai etc.) padėjo įvardinti rašytojo kaip prekės ženklo kuriamą įvaizdį. Tyrimo medžiaga – verbali (bulvarinė spauda, kultūriniai leidiniai, interneto svetainės etc.) ir vizuali (televizija ir kitos masinės komunikacijos priemonės). / The theme of this work – promotion and self promotion strategies between contemporary Lithuanian writers (Marcelius Martinaitis, Zita Cepaite, Jurga Ivanauskaite, Vytautas V. Landbergis, Sigitas Parulskis). On purpose to reveal the processes of (self)promotion, the name of the writer is studied as a brand. When studying the name of the writer as a brand, I make reference to the definition of four vectors from the Wally Olins book “On brand” (2003), where he introduces the component parts of a well–proportioned brand – product, environment, behavior and communication. Olins only roughly introduces pecularities of brand and doesn’t suggest exploratory methods of brand, which could be helpful to the theme of this work, that’s why the narratology theory of Gerard Genette about paratext („Paratexts: Thresholds of Interpretation“, 2001) was invoked, it helps to analyse with precision each element of a book. Analysis of peritexts (everything in the book – format, cover, content etc.) helped to study the image of an creative product (book); analysis of epitexts (everything about the book – publicity, public appearances of an author, interview, critique, unliterary products of a writer etc.) helped to detect the image which writer as a brand creates. The material of study is verbal (gutter– press, cultural publications, web pages etc.) and visual (television and the other mass means of communication).

Kūdikių namų vaikas: ankstyvoji kalba ir jos ugdymas / A child of infants’ home: early language and its development

Preikšaitienė, Audrė 07 August 2012 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe „Kūdikių namų vaikas: ankstyvoji kalba ir jos ugdymas“ pristatoma kūdikių namų vaikų kalbos raida ir jos ugdymo(si) ypatumai, kurie nustatyti tiriant vaikų kalbos tekstyną, aiškinantis kalbos reikšmių ir funkcijų perpratimo galimybes. Tikslas: ištirti kūdikių namų vaikų kalbos ypatumus bei jos ugdymo(si) galimybes. . Uždaviniai: 1. Ištirti kūdikių namų vaikų sakytinės ir rašytinės kalbos ypatumus. 2. Atskleisti kūdikių namų vaikų kalbos supratimo ir vartosenos ypatumus kalbinėje veikloje. 3. Sukurti kalbinio ugdymo projektą. Metodai: sisteminė mokslinės literatūros analizė, ilgalaikis vaikų kalbos stebėjimas, ilgalaikis pedagogų poveikių stebėjimas. Tiriamieji: 157 kūdikių namų auklėtiniai, 25 auklėtojos. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad kūdikių namų vaikų kalbos raida dalinai atliepia normaliom sąlygom augančių vaikų kalbą; orientuotas į kalbinės raidos stimuliavimą kūdikių namų vaikų ugdymas sudaro galimybes kalbinės raiškos kaitai. / The Master’s thesis “A Child of Infants’ Home: Early Language and Its Development” introduces the development of language of children in the infants' home and the peculiarities of (self )education of language, which were ascertained by studying the corpus of children’s speech and clarifying the possibilities of understanding the language meanings and functions. The aim: to study the peculiarities of language of children in the infants' home and the possibilities of (self )education of language. The tasks: 1. To analyse the peculiarities of written and spoken language of children in the infants' home. 2. To disclose the peculiarities of language understanding and use in linguistic activities of the children in the infants' home. 3. To create a project of language education. The methods: systemic analysis of scientific literature, long-term monitoring of the children’s language, long-term monitoring of the effect of educators. The subjects: 157 children and 25 educators in the infants’ home. The research results indicate that the development of language of the children in the infants’ home partially corresponds to the language of children growing under normal conditions; education of the children in the infants’ home oriented towards the stimulation of language development provides the possibilities for the change of linguistic expression.

How newly appointed chief information officers take charge : exploring the dynamics of leader socialization

Gerth, Anthony B. 06 1900 (has links)
The transition for any executive into a new appointment is a challenge. This transition for the newly appointed Chief Information Officer (CIO) is especially challenging given the complexity and ambiguous nature of their role. Investment in information technology (IT) has steadily increased over the past twenty years and contributes to enabling business changes that drive organizational performance improvements. The role of the Chief Information Officer (CIO) has evolved into an executive who holds significant responsibility for leading the organization in realizing these investment benefits. Therefore unsuccessful CIO transitions can negatively impact the extent to which the organization’s IT benefits are fully realized. This research has one objective: to increase our understanding of the process of taking charge for the newly appointed Chief Information Officer (CIO). This increased understanding contributes to academic research as well as provides insights to practicing CIOs that will increase their probability of successfully taking charge of a new appointment. The project explores this phenomenon in depth from both the CIO’s and non-IT executive’s (CxO) perspective through semi-structured interviews with 43 executives. Participants included twenty-one Chief Information Officers and twenty-two C-suite, non-IT executives. The study integrates concepts from role theory and leader socialization with CIO leadership challenges. Findings indicate that the newly appointed CIO experiences a mutual adjustment process when they take charge. This adjustment occurs within their role set; the IT leadership team, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and the other top management team members (CxOs). The data suggests that CIOs experience three overlapping phases of taking charge; Entry, Stabilization and Renewal. These phases result in confidence, credibility and legitimacy as a new leader in the organization. The data further reveals that the type of transition (Start-up, Turnaround, Realignment or Success-sustaining) encountered by the CIO is a significant influence on the taking charge process. CIO socialization is influenced heavily by their role set and the expectations within it. CIOs will encounter CxO peers with varying preferences on interaction style and focus. In addition the CxOs in the study identified three different views of CIOs that reinforce the role ambiguity for the newly appointed CIO. The study reveals that CIOs experience organizational socialization in two domains of leadership. These domains are supply-side and demand-side leadership. The data suggests that supply-side socialization occurs prior to demand-side socialization. These socialization outcomes are dependent on transition type. This research extends previous work done on CIO transitions by identifying phases, activities and outcomes. An additional contribution is the first empirical model of new CIO socialization. Leader socialization research is enhanced with the study of a non-CEO executive. This model contributes a deeper understanding of the mutual adjustment process experienced by a newly appointed CIO. Practicing CIOs can apply these findings in developing transition plans and actions for taking a new appointment. The CxO types and attitudes can inform the newly appointed CIO on customizing their relationship building approaches. Understanding that taking charge requires 2-3 years can lead to more realistic expectations of the executive. The findings of this study can lead CIOs to a higher probability of success in taking charge of a new appointment.

Elektroninis mokymas(is) kaip sociokultūrinės sistemos fenomenas universitetinėse studijose / The phenomenon of e-learning as a socio-cultural system in university studies

Butrimė, Edita 07 March 2012 (has links)
Disertacijoje analizuojamas elektroninio mokymo(si), kaip sociokultūrinės sistemos, fenomenas universitetinėse studijose. Pirmojoje dalyje pristatoma mokslinės literatūros ir dokumentų analizė, kurios pagalba išryškintos technologinės ir kultūrinės prielaidos, kurios leidžia el. mokymą(si) analizuoti kaip sociokultūrinę sistemą. Išanalizuoti el.mokymo(si), kaip sociokultūrinės sistemos, esminiai sistemą kuriantys ir jos funkcionavimą palaikantys elementai. Išanalizuota mišriojo mokymo(si), kaip elektroninio mokymo(si) formos sampratos raida ir turinio sklaida. Išryškinta šiuolaikinių IKT kaita (iš saityno 1.0 į saityno 2.0). Aprašyta dėstytojų kolegialios ir profesionalios edukologinės paramos virtualaus centro projekto, kurio tikslas yra el. mokymo(si), kaip sociokultūrinės sistemos fenomeno, plėtra universitete, koncepcija. Empirinėje dalyje kokybinis tyrimas leido išryškinti dėstytojų ir studentų požiūrį į mišrųjį mokymą(si), kaip el.mokymosi formą. Kokybiniu tyrimu pagrįsta dėstytojo, kaip el. mokymo(si) sociokultūrinės sistemos elemento dalyvio, veiklos reikšmė, plėtojant el. mokymo(si), kaip sociokultūrinės sistemos fenomeną. Atskleisti naujosios saityno 2.0 technologijomis grindžiamos plėtros subkultūros aspektai el.mokymo(si), kaip sociokultūrinės sistemos, elemento (dalyvio- dėstytojo) veikloje. Kiekybinis tyrimas atskleidė, kad dauguma dėstytojų žino saityno 2.0 įrankius, tačiau juos nuolat naudoja gerokai mažesnis skaičius (dažniau laisvalaikiui negu darbui)... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The Thesis analyses the phenomenon of e-learning as a socio-cultural system in university studies. The first part presents the analysis of scientific literature and documents, highlighting technological and cultural assumptions allowing to analyse e-learning as a socio-cultural system. Main elements, forming the socio-cultural system and supporting its operation, are analysed. The development of the conception and content dispersion of blended learning, as a form of e-learning, is analysed. The change of contemporary ICT from web 1.0 to web 2.0 is highlighted. Conception of a virtual centre for peer and professional educological support with the goal of developing e-learning as a phenomenon of a socio-cultural system at the university was described. Qualitative research in the empirical part allowed to highlight attitude of students and teachers to blended learning as a form of e-learning. The qualitative reasearch justifies the value of the activities of a teacher as an element of system in the development of the phenomenon of e-learning as a socio-cultural system. The aspects of development subculture based on web 2.0 technologies in the activities of teacher. Quantitative research show, that a lot of lecturers are aware of the tools related to web 2.0; however it is constantly used by a significantly smaller number, and more often for leisure than for work; lecturers tend to learn and look for information independently, although they state that qualification refreshment... [to full text]

The phenomenon of e-learning as a socio-cultural system in university studies / Elektroninis mokymas(is) kaip sociokultūrinės sistemos fenomenas universitetinėse studijose

Butrimė, Edita 07 March 2012 (has links)
The Thesis analyses the phenomenon of e-learning as a socio-cultural system in university studies. The first part presents the analysis of scientific literature and documents, highlighting technological and cultural assumptions allowing to analyse e-learning as a socio-cultural system. Main elements, forming the socio-cultural system and supporting its operation, are analysed. The development of the conception and content dispersion of blended learning, as a form of e-learning, is analysed. The change of contemporary ICT from web 1.0 to web 2.0 is highlighted. Conception of a virtual centre for peer and professional educological support with the goal of developing e-learning as a phenomenon of a socio-cultural system at the university was described. Qualitative research in the empirical part allowed to highlight attitude of students and teachers to blended learning as a form of e-learning. The qualitative reasearch justifies the value of the activities of a teacher as an element of system in the development of the phenomenon of e-learning as a socio-cultural system. The aspects of development subculture based on web 2.0 technologies in the activities of teacher. Quantitative research show, that a lot of lecturers are aware of the tools related to web 2.0; however it is constantly used by a significantly smaller number, and more often for leisure than for work; lecturers tend to learn and look for information independently, although they state that qualification refreshment... [to full text] / Disertacijoje analizuojamas elektroninio mokymo(si), kaip sociokultūrinės sistemos, fenomenas universitetinėse studijose. Pirmojoje dalyje pristatoma mokslinės literatūros ir dokumentų analizė, kurios pagalba išryškintos technologinės ir kultūrinės prielaidos, kurios leidžia el. mokymą(si) analizuoti kaip sociokultūrinę sistemą. Išanalizuoti el.mokymo(si), kaip sociokultūrinės sistemos, esminiai sistemą kuriantys ir jos funkcionavimą palaikantys elementai. Išanalizuota mišriojo mokymo(si), kaip elektroninio mokymo(si) formos sampratos raida ir turinio sklaida. Išryškinta šiuolaikinių IKT kaita (iš saityno 1.0 į saityno 2.0). Aprašyta dėstytojų kolegialios ir profesionalios edukologinės paramos virtualaus centro projekto, kurio tikslas yra el. mokymo(si), kaip sociokultūrinės sistemos fenomeno, plėtra universitete, koncepcija. Empirinėje dalyje kokybinis tyrimas leido išryškinti dėstytojų ir studentų požiūrį į mišrųjį mokymą(si), kaip el.mokymosi formą. Kokybiniu tyrimu pagrįsta dėstytojo, kaip el. mokymo(si) sociokultūrinės sistemos elemento dalyvio, veiklos reikšmė, plėtojant el. mokymo(si), kaip sociokultūrinės sistemos fenomeną. Atskleisti naujosios saityno 2.0 technologijomis grindžiamos plėtros subkultūros aspektai el.mokymo(si), kaip sociokultūrinės sistemos, elemento (dalyvio- dėstytojo) veikloje. Kiekybinis tyrimas atskleidė, kad dauguma dėstytojų žino saityno 2.0 įrankius, tačiau juos nuolat naudoja gerokai mažesnis skaičius (dažniau laisvalaikiui negu darbui)... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Veiklos taisyklėmis pagrįsta IS projektavimo metodika / Integrating Business Rules into Software Development Process Model

Lukošius, Vilius 25 May 2005 (has links)
Today’s business’s more and more depend on information systems to give them edge on competition and keep double digit growth rates needed to satisfy shareholders. And information systems, serving their needs, have to keep up with changing business requirements. Business Rules Approach [10] seems to be the answer to their demands, but not many service and solution providers can satisfy their needs, because there is no standard based software engineering process to efficiently provide solution to customers. This works provides methodology of integrating business rules approach into existing and time proven software development process as well as providing needed infrastructure to creating solution specification and integrating externalized business rules with created system specification. This work concentrates on tasks: 1. Creating business rules management model; 2. Selecting software development process, adaptable to business rules approach; 3. Integrating business rules management model into selected software development process; 4. Relating externalized business rules with specification entities; 5. Providing comparison of unmodified software process with provided proposal.

IS/IT Risk Assessment in the Implementation of a Business Continuity Plan : An integrated approach based on Enterprise Risk Management and Governance of Enterprise IT

Hidalgo Valdez, Cristina Cecilia January 1900 (has links)
Business continuity is an area of research that ensure continuity of enterprise operations. Business continuity requires knowledge and input from business and IT leaders to assess and manage risks associated with critical business processes to develop a plan that can allow the organization to resume operations. Organizations that have a holistic enterprise risk management approach can better manage business and technology risks. The increasing dependency on technological resources asserts the need to assess business and technology risks to develop business continuity. Nevertheless, governance and enterprise leaders find difficult to determine the scope and impact of risks associated with enterprise operations. In organizational contexts, business continuity planning is perceived as an element of contingency instead of an opportunity for improvement. In addition, there is a lack of academic literature related to the organizational implementation of a business continuity plan. For this reason, there is a need to merge enterprise risk management and governance of enterprise IT views to provide an integrated perspective of business and technological risk in the im-plementation of a business continuity plan.The objective of the study relies on assessing how the implementation of a business continuity plan is conducted, together with its challenges and benefits, to provide insights on the elements that facilitates a business continuity plan implementation. The study focuses on the preparation phase of a business continuity plan, where enterprise risks are identified, evalu-ated and mitigated. The study results are based on a case study performed at a multination retail and manufacturing enterprise in Spain. The results indicates that awareness from the higher governance body and senior management on the dependency that enterprises have developed on IS/IT key resources is a factor that influence how risk management and technology risk is perceived in organizations. This influence how the higher governance body views the need to implement enterprise risk management, governance of enterprise IT and business continuity initiatives. Likewise, the elements facilitating a business continuity imple-mentation are associated with the sponsorship and leadership from organizational actors, the involvement of an external organizational agent that can bring expertise and methodology related to business continuity planning, identification of enterprise critical areas and processes and the creation of business and IT risk scenarios to depict threats to the organization operations and processes. This internal reflection brings challenges and benefits to the or-ganization and both are addressed in the study.The study concludes with the presentation of two high level frameworks that can aid enter-prise leaders to visualize and understand the influence that enterprise risk management and governance of enterprise IT has on the implementation of a business continuity plan and the underlying elements that facilitate a business continuity plan implementation in organizations.

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