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Instruction-set-simulator-less Virtual Prototype Framework for Embedded Software DevelopmentNi, Nick 15 December 2011 (has links)
With continuous advancement in silicon technology and high feature demands on
consumer electronics, the complexity of embedded software has led the software
development effort to dominate System-On-Chip (SoC) design. Virtual Prototype
(VP) addresses the problem by enabling early software development before hardware
arrival. However, VP still poses challenges: 1) Instruction Set Simulator (ISS)
degrades simulation time, 2) Development is restricted to embedded processor
specific tools and 3) Applications and drivers are dependent on system software
completion. In this work, we propose an abstraction framework which: 1) Removes
ISS from VP, achieving native host
software execution time, 2) Activates rich suites of desktop development tools in host
by compiling embedded software in host binary and 3) Allows system software
independent application and driver development. With this framework, we
successfully demonstrated up to 2000% speed-up in VP run-time over conventional
VP and improved software development productivity significantly.
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Outils ensemblistes d'analyse et de synthèse des lois de commande robustes pour des systèmes incertains.Luca, Anamaria 26 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Le travail de recherche concrétisé par ce mémoire de thèse se trouve à l'intersection de deux domaines importants, la commande robuste des systèmes linéaires (LTI, LPV, en commutation) à temps discret affectés par des perturbations permanentes bornées et des contraintes et les ensembles invariants ellipsoïdaux maximal ou minimal. La première partie de ce mémoire se focalise sur l'analyse de la stabilité entrée-état (en anglais ISS) du système par rapport à une perturbation bornée et le calcul des ensembles invariants ellipsoïdaux minimal ou maximal (ou sous forme d'ellipsoïdes tronqués) satisfaisant les contraintes. La deuxième partie envisage la synthèse d'une commande par retour d'état ISS stable et robuste vis-à-vis de perturbations bornées, garantissant l'ellipsoïde invariant maximal satisfaisant les contraintes ; puis la synthèse d'une loi decommande par retour d'état et observateur ISS stable vis-à-vis de perturbations bornées, garantissant une certaine performance ; enfin la synthèse d'un paramètre de Youla afin de garantir la projection maximale sur le sous-espace de l'état initial. La projection obtenue possède alors un volume plus grand que celui obtenu sans le paramètre de Youla d'où une amélioration en termes de robustesse. Une dernière étape vise à obtenirun compromis entre la robustesse et la performance en utilisant des critères basés sur le placement de pôles ou sur la vitesse de décroissance de la fonction de Lyapunov. Tous les résultats théoriques obtenus sont exprimés sous forme d'inégalités matricielles et sont validés en simulation et de façon expérimentale dans le cadre de la commande d'un convertisseur de puissance.
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Alternative splicing and its regulation under normal and abnormal conditionsAckelman, Jenny January 2010 (has links)
During the maturation of pre-mRNA introns are removed and exons are spliced together, to form a primary transcript, a reaction that is catalyzed by the spliceosome. Alternative splicing is a complex reaction that mainly utilizes one of four mechanisms; exon skipping, 5’ splice site choice, 3’ splice site choice and intron retention. To achieve accurate splicing four sequence elements are essential, two of which are located in the splice sites themselves; 5’ splice sites and 3’ splice sites, but also the polypyrimidine tract and the branch point sequence. Alternative splicing can be regulated by histone or chromatin modulations, siRNA, transcription efficiency and various proteins, many of which belong to either the SR protein family or the hnRNP family of proteins. SR proteins usually promote exon inclusion, while hnRNP proteins usually promote exon skipping. There are also regulatory elements that are called exonic splicing enhancers or silencers depending on if they promote or inhibit the inclusion of the exon they reside in. These elements also exist in introns and are then called intronic splicing enhancers or silencers. The enhancer elements are most commonly targeted by SR proteins and the silencer elements are usually targeted by hnRNP proteins. This paper will mainly focus on the regulation of alternative splicing and the role of alternative splicing under abnormal conditions, such as when mutations cause disease.
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A Virtual Platform for System-level Architecture Simulation and EvaluationLiu, Jin-lin 17 August 2005 (has links)
With complexities of Systems-on-Chip rising almost daily, the system designers have been searching for new methodology that can handle given complexities with increased productivity and decreased times-to-market. The obvious solution that comes to mind is increasing the level of abstraction. However, the most important things that system designers care about are system architectures (components topology), HW/SW performance, and the communication protocols. System designer has to make decisions on these factors in a very short time. Furthermore, the transaction level model (TLM) can satisfy the requests on simulation speed and the information that system designer need.
We implement a TLM virtual prototype platform with SystemC composing with the variable wrappers. The basic modules: ISS interface, user-define modules and a flexible bus. Based on the infrastructures, a much faster modeling process of the system can be achieved in this thesis. Finally, the platform will run the whole-system-simulation to verify the functional model and collect the dynamic information on the buses and IPs to diagnose the bottle-neck of the system.
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ICE Cubes Mission: Design, Development and Documentation of the Cube-Zero SystemMannes, Quentin January 2017 (has links)
The International Space Station provides a high-quality of microgravity and extended exposure time which makes it a platform of choice for microgravity research. In order to increase accessibility of onboard experimentation, Space Applications Services will soon launch the ICE Cubes facility as part of its ICE Cubes Service. The facility is foreseen to host standardized plug-and-play payload cubes to reduce overall cost and procedure time required to install payloads on the station. To remotely support the facility it is decided to develop a utility cube named Cube-Zero that will be launched and installed with the facility on the station. This thesis work included the complete design, development and documentation of the cube. The thesis started by conducting a preliminary needs and market study from which two specific purposes were defined for the cube. In addition to its original function of support-utility, the cube is tasked to be a technical commercial demonstrator for the service. This led to the conceptual design of the cube as a multidisciplinary framework able to host two user-defined experiment modules. The preliminary concept was further refined in this paper and with support of prototypes, simulations and analyses led to a final functional design for the Cube-Zero. The work is concluded with the manufacturing of an engineering model of the cube. The model is fully operational, can support the test of the facility before launch and can demonstrate to users its versatility and ease of use in operating any kind of experiment module. Eventually, the information gathered in this thesis report will support future users into developing their own Cube-Zero payload module and guide Space Applications Services into manufacturing, testing and operating the Cube-Zero protoflight model. / ICE Cubes
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Small State Influence in the European Union : The case of SwedenBalod, Erik January 2014 (has links)
Uppsatsen behandlar små staters möjligheter att utöva inflytande inom EU. Detta är intressant då en större del av de europeiska medlemsstaterna består av mindre stater. Studiens empiri har varit till för att belysa det svenska nationella arbetet kring organiserad brottslighet och utformandet av Stockholmsprogrammet, då med hänsyn till att Sverige var ordförandeland i EU:s ministerråd hösten 2009. Utifrån Stockholmsprogrammet skapades sedan EU:s interna säkerhetsstrategi (ISS). Denna undersökning har ämnat belysa till vilken grad Sverige har använt sitt ordförandeskap för att utöva inflytande i skapandet av Stockholmsprogrammet och till vilken grad detta inflytande hade på EU:s interna säkerhetsstrategi som skapades under det spanska ordförandeskapet våren 2010. Studiens teoretiska anknytning har varit forskning som bedrivits kring småstaters möjlighet till att utöva inflytande i EU. Undersökningen har genomförts utifrån två metodologiska steg, det första steget har gjorts genom en explaining- outcome process-tracing för att se på det svenska arbetet fram till Stockholmsprogrammet och den andra delen av studien har genomförts genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys, för att utröna ifall det svenska inflytandet från Stockholmsprogrammet gett några avtryck på EU:s interna säkerhetsstrategi (ISS). Resultatet för studien visar på att Sverige sett ordförandeskapet i EU som en essentiell plattform för att implementera nationella intressen och åsikter på den europeiska nivån. Undersökningen har sträckt sig från 2007 då Sverige startade sin nationella satsning mot grovt organiserad brottslighet till 2010 då både Stockholmsprogrammet och EU:s interna säkerhetsstrategi togs i bruk. Undersökningen tillbakavisar Diane Pankes teori att äldre småstater tenderar att inte se ordförandeskapet som ett centralt forum för att utöva inflytande, något denna studie i motsats påvisar att Sverige gjort. Studien har även visat på att det svenska inflytandet har gett vissa avtryck på den europeiska interna säkerhetsstrategin (ISS).
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Sand Sea Extents and Sediment Volumes on Titan from Dune ParametersArnold, Karl D. 16 June 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Linear dunes are one of the most abundant and important features on the surface of Titan. We present a model for estimating the volume of dune sediment using the area coverage of Titan's sand seas along with dune widths, spacings, and heights. This helps to reveal local sediment transport and deposition. We refine global dune area estimates from Cassini SAR (Synthetic Aperture RADAR) of 20 million km2 or 24 ± 3% of Titan's surface based on ~50% Cassini RADAR global coverage. Additionally, the global area of sand seas is estimated from a joint analysis of Cassini SAR and ISS (Imaging Science Subsystem) images of 12.8 ± 2 million km2 or 15.4 ± 2.4% of Titan's surface. Also, we provide the first area measurements by sand sea, then describe a new method for estimation of the volume of dune sands across the sand seas based on imagery and measured dune characteristics (i.e., width, spacing, profile, and height) on Titan and in Earth's Namib Sand Sea. Our volume thickness map shows sand sea volumes of 3.8--7.9 x 104 km3 in Senkyo, 6.1--12.7 x 104 km3 in Belet, 5.3--11.0 x 104 km3 in Shangri-La, and also 5.3--11.0 x 104 km3 in Fensal and Aztlan Sand Seas. Our estimate for global dune sand volume is 206,000 km3 - 427,000 km3. The volume map identifies regional changes in sediment thickness implying local variations in transport and deposition and spatial variations in wind strength and direction. We show that dunes might be isolated to equatorial regions because of wind strength, topography, sediment supply, and humidity. Our preliminary map can be used as a tool to understand sediment transport and deposition to explain spatial variations in eolian sediment volume on Titan.
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Adaptive Thresholding for Detection of Radar Receiver SignalsBenson, Stephen R. 01 November 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Ultra-Wideband Wireless Network for Enhanced Intra-Spacecraft Communication / Drahtloses Ultra-Breitband-Netzwerk für verbesserte Intra-Spacecraft-KommunikationDrobczyk, Martin January 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Wireless communication networks already comprise an integral part of both the private and industrial sectors and are successfully replacing existing wired networks. They enable the development of novel applications and offer greater flexibility and efficiency. Although some efforts are already underway in the aerospace sector to deploy wireless communication networks on board spacecraft, none of these projects have yet succeeded in replacing the hard-wired state-of-the-art architecture for intra-spacecraft communication. The advantages are evident as the reduction of the wiring harness saves time, mass, and costs, and makes the whole integration process more flexible. It also allows for easier scaling when interconnecting different systems.
This dissertation deals with the design and implementation of a wireless network architecture to enhance intra-spacecraft communications by breaking with the state-of-the-art standards that have existed in the space industry for decades. The potential and benefits of this novel wireless network architecture are evaluated, an innovative design using ultra-wideband technology is presented. It is combined with a Medium Access Control (MAC) layer tailored for low-latency and deterministic networks supporting even mission-critical applications. As demonstrated by the Wireless Compose experiment on the International Space Station (ISS), this technology is not limited to communications but also enables novel positioning applications.
To adress the technological challenges, extensive studies have been carried out on electromagnetic compatibility, space radiation, and data robustness. The architecture was evaluated from various perspectives and successfully demonstrated in space.
Overall, this research highlights how a wireless network can improve and potentially replace existing state-of-the-art communication systems on board spacecraft in future missions. And it will help to adapt and ultimately accelerate the implementation of wireless networks in space systems. / Drahtlose Kommunikationsnetzwerke sind sowohl im privaten als auch im industriellen Bereich bereits ein fester Bestandteil und ersetzen erfolgreich bestehende drahtgebundene Netzwerke. Sie ermöglichen die Entwicklung neuer Anwendungen und bieten mehr Flexibilität und Effizienz. Obwohl in der Raumfahrt bereits einige Anstrengungen unternommen wurden, um drahtlose Kommunikationsnetzwerke an Bord von Raumfahrzeugen einzusetzen, ist es bisher noch keinem dieser Projekte gelungen, die moderne drahtgebundene Architektur für die Kommunikation innerhalb von Raumfahrzeugen zu ersetzen. Die Vorteile liegen auf der Hand: Die Reduzierung des Kabelbaums spart Zeit, Masse und Kosten und macht den gesamten Integrationsprozess flexibler. Außerdem ist eine einfachere Skalierung möglich, wenn verschiedene Systeme miteinander verbunden werden.
Diese Dissertation befasst sich mit dem Entwurf und der Implementierung einer drahtlosen Netzwerkarchitektur zur Verbesserung der Kommunikation innerhalb von Raumfahrzeugen, indem mit den seit Jahrzehnten in der Raumfahrtindustrie bestehenden Standards gebrochen wird. Das Potential und die Vorteile dieser neuartigen drahtlosen Netzwerkarchitektur werden bewertet und ein innovatives Design mit Ultrabreitbandtechnologie wird vorgestellt. Es wird mit einer Medium Access Control (MAC) Schicht kombiniert, die für Netzwerke mit niedriger Latenz und Determinismus ausgelegt ist und sogar missionskritische Anwendungen unterstützt. Wie das Wireless Compose-Experiment auf der Internationalen Raumstation ISS gezeigt hat, ist diese Technologie nicht auf Kommunikation beschränkt, sondern ermöglicht auch neuartige Positionierungsanwendung.
Um die technologischen Herausforderungen zu meistern, wurden umfangreiche Studien zur elektromagnetischen Verträglichkeit, Weltraumstrahlung und Robustheit der Daten durchgeführt. Die Architektur wurde aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln bewertet und erfolgreich im Weltraum demonstriert.
Insgesamt zeigt diese Forschung, wie ein drahtloses Netzwerk die bestehenden hochmodernen Kommunikationssysteme an Bord von Raumfahrzeugen bei zukünftigen Missionen verbessern und möglicherweise ersetzen kann. Darüber hinaus wird sie dazu beitragen, die Implementierung von drahtlosen Netzwerken in Raumfahrtsystemen an die jeweiligen Gegebenheiten anzupassen und damit letztlich die Integration dieser Systeme zu beschleunigen.
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Aspectos controvertidos da tributação do uso de software / Controversial aspects regarding the taxation of software usage.Iwase, Raquel Harumi 05 June 2013 (has links)
O objetivo do presente trabalho é analisar questões de elevada indagação jurídica quanto à tributação do uso do software no Brasil, levando-se em consideração os ditames previstos nas leis do software e de direito autoral, bem como o conteúdo decisório do acórdão proferido pelo STF nos autos do RE nº 176.626-3, em especial a classificação tripartite de programas: (i) de prateleira; (ii) sob encomenda; e, (iii) híbrido. Inicialmente, são analisadas questões importantes quanto ao sistema informático e a própria criação e composição de um programa de computador, passando pela sua natureza jurídica e pela proteção conferida pelo direito autoral, pondo em evidência as formas pelas quais são transferidos (parcial ou integralmente) os direitos patrimoniais de autor. Na sequência, com base na Constituição Federal e na lei, analisa-se a incidência do ICMS-operação mercantil, dado que os programas de prateleira são comumente disponibilizados em mídias (disquetes, CDs, etc.) e postos à disposição de interessados em lojas de departamento. Para tanto, discorre-se acerca do regime jurídico-tributário do imposto e sobre os conceitos de operações e mercadoria com base na doutrina e na jurisprudência. Considerando que o software elaborado sob encomenda e o híbrido ensejam questionamentos quanto à configuração de prestação de serviço, o arquétipo constitucional do ISSQN, inclusive na modalidade importação, é esmiuçado. A busca pela definição da expressão serviços de qualquer natureza definidos em lei complementar ganha destaque em razão de a LC nº 116/03 prever a incidência do ISS sobre ao licenciamento ou cessão de direito de uso de programas de computação. Por fim, são feitas breves considerações sobre outras controvérsias quanto à incidência do PIS-Importação, Cofins-Importação, CIDE e IRRF sobre os pagamentos remetidos ao exterior para a obtenção de licenças de uso de software. / This study looks at certain highly relevant legal issues regarding taxation of software usage in Brazil, taking into account both software and copyright legislation as well as the decision in an appeal court ruling handed down by the STF in RE 176.626-3, particularly the three categories used to classify programs: (i) \"off-the-shelf\"; (ii) \"tailor-made\"; and (iii) hybrid. Initially, we will look at some of the main issues presented by IT systems and the creation and composition of computer programs, their standing in law and the copyright protections they enjoy, discussing the ways in which (partial or fully) copyrights can be transferred to third parties. Based on the law and the Federal Constitution, we will then analyze the state tax on merchandise sales, as \"off the shelf\" programs are frequently made available on certain media (diskettes, CDs, etc.) and placed at the consumer\'s disposal in department stores. This will involve an assessment of the tax regime of ICMS as well as the concepts of \"transactions\" and \"merchandise\" in accordance with the doctrine and jurisprudence. Considering that both \"tailor made\" and \"hybrid\" software raises issues about the way in which services are rendered, we will look in detail at the constitutional model of ISSQN and how it is imposed on imports of services. The phrase \"services of any nature defined in supplementary law\" is increasingly relevant and it will be scrutinized as the LC nº 116/03 states that ISS applies to \"licensing or assignment of computer program user rights\". Finally, there will be a few remarks on other controversial issues related to PIS-Import, Cofins-Imports, CIDE and IRRF levied on the remittances of payments to a beneficiary resident or domiciled abroad to acquire software user licenses.
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