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Vergleichende immunhistochemische Untersuchungen zum LH/hCG-Rezeptor (LHCGR) im Urothel und Detrusor der Harnblase mit Veränderungen bei Bladder Pain Syndrome/Interstitial Cystitis (BPS/IC)Schulze, Claudia 16 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
BPS/IC (Bladder Pain Syndrome/Interstitial Cystitis) ist ein sehr schweres und noch weitgehend unverstandenes Krankheitsbild in der Urologie. Viele Frauen sind im Alltag durch den ständigen Harndrang und die Schmerzen stark eingeschränkt und von Depressionen betroffen. Die Aufklärung der Pathogenese ist deshalb sehr wichtig, um eine adäquate Therapie für die Betroffenen zu entwickeln und die Krankheit möglichst frühzeitig diagnostizieren zu können. Das Schwangerschaftshormon hCG (humanes Choriongonadotropin) besitzt differenzierende und wachstumsfördernde Eigenschaften und eine Rolle in der Urothelregeneration und – stabilisierung scheint möglich. Daher ist das Ziel dieser Arbeit seinen Rezeptor, den LHCGR (Luteinizing-Hormone/Choriogonadotropin Rezeptor), in der Harnblase nachzuweisen und die urothelialen und muskulären Charakteristika zwischen gesunden und an BPS/IC erkrankten Harnblasen zu vergleichen. Die Darstellung des LHCGR erfolgte auf Proteinebene mittels indirekter Immunfluoreszenz und auf mRNA-Ebene durch Standard-PCR. Es zeigten sich im Urothel von Harnblase und Ureter 5 unterschiedliche Verteilungsmuster des Rezeptors hinsichtlich seiner Expression in verschiedenen Zellschichten und seiner subzellulären Lokalisation. Je nach Urothelzustand und zwischen den Entitäten Kontroll- bzw. BPS/IC-Harnblase variierten diese Muster in ihrer Häufigkeit. In anderen Epithelien, wie dem Vaginalepithel, änderte sich die zelluläre Verteilung des LHCGR in Abhängigkeit vom Differenzierungsgrad der Zellen. Es scheint möglich, dass auch die Rezeptorexpression in Urothelzellen deren verschiedene Differenzierungszustände widerspiegelt. Dies unterstützt den für hCG vermuteten Einfluss auf die Epithelregeneration. Ein Vergleich der urothelialen Fluoreszenzintensitäten zwischen weiblichen Kontroll – und BPS/IC-Harnblasen zeigte eine signifikant stärkere Expression des Rezeptors bei erkrankten Patienten. Dem gegenüber war kein Unterschied im Detrusor, weder zwischen Kontroll – und BPS/IC-Harnblasen noch im geschlechtsspezifischen Vergleich, festzustellen. Damit scheint der Rezeptor seine Hauptaufgabe vorrangig im Urothel zu entfalten. Die Korrelationsanalysen ergaben keinen signifikanten Zusammenhang zwischen dem Erkrankungsalter (Zeitpunkt der Diagnosestellung und Biopsieentnahme) und der LHCGR-Immunfluoreszenz. Ein endokrinologischer Einfluss auf die Rezeptorexpression wurde dadurch unwahrscheinlich und unterstützt die immer akzeptiertere Auffassung, dass BPS/IC nicht mehr mit der Menopause assoziiert ist. Neben dem Urothel und Detrusor zeigten auch Lamina propria und Gefäße von Harnblase und Ureter die Expression des LHCGR in der Immunhistochemie. Unterschiedliche Clustermuster des Rezeptors im Detrusor ließen auf die Oligomerisierung des Rezeptors schließen. Die Bedeutung dieser Zusammenschlüsse ist jedoch noch unklar, wobei unterschiedliche funktionelle Zustände des Rezeptors vermutet werden. Orientierung bieten andere Rezeptoren, die durch Dimerisierung verschiedener Rezeptorvarianten ihre Funktionalität verbessern oder verschlechtern konnten. Obwohl für keine bisher entdeckte Variante des LHCGR eine definitive Aufgabe ermittelt werden konnte, scheinen doch viele Varianten auch unterschiedliche Funktionen wahrnehmen zu können. Besonders auf der Regulierbarkeit des Rezeptors mittels interagierender Splicevarianten sollte das Augenmerk zukünftiger Studien liegen. Ob durch Komplexbildung verschiedener Varianten oder Bildung nichtfunktioneller trunkierter Rezeptoren, die Kontrollmöglichkeiten sind vielfältig und können auch auf Liganden wirken. Letztlich ließ der Nachweis des LHCGR in allen Schichten von Harnblase und Ureter eher eine globale Rolle des Rezeptors im Harntrakt des Menschen vermuten. Dazu passten auch die bereits nachgewiesenen Einflüsse seiner Liganden auf die Blasenfunktion von Hunden. Die hier vorgelegte Arbeit untersuchte zum ersten Mal die Expression des LHCGR mittels PCR und Immunhistochemie in humanen Harnblasen und Ureteren. Dabei löste sie sich von den sonst üblichen Vorstellungen einer Beziehung des Rezeptors zu Blasentumoren, Schwangerschaft oder Inkontinenz. Diagnose und Therapie von BPS/IC sind zur Zeit noch ständigen Wandlungen unterworfen und dabei entgehen viele Patienten der (frühen) Diagnosestellung und einer adäquaten Behandlung. Diese Studie sollte dazu beitragen neue Einblicke in die Pathophysiologie der Erkrankung zu erlangen, um eine kausale Therapie entwickeln zu können. Zukünftig könnten diese Ergebnisse dabei helfen die Anwendung einer sensitiven und vor allem spezifischen Diagnostik auf molekularer Ebene (mRNA - oder Proteinnachweis) zu ermöglichen.
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快速跟隨、產業聚落與社會鑲嵌:以台灣IC設計產業為例 / Fast Follower, Industrial Cluster, and Social Embeddedness: An Inquiry into IC Design Industry in Taiwan曾聖文, Tseng, Sheng-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本論文有以下主要研究結論:(一)IC設計廠商在台灣形成新竹與台北兩個產業聚落,新竹產業聚落包含「快速跟隨型」與「專業化型」兩種台灣IC設計廠商,台北則是「專業化型」廠商群聚。「快速跟隨型」IC設計廠商採取「次進市場」時間策略,「專業化型」IC設計廠商則以「市場區隔」時間策略切入產品生命週期;(二)新竹地區廠商的快速跟隨策略,由速度、彈性與成本控制的制度環境所支撐,其群聚效應與成長速度高於台北產業聚落;(三)本論文驗證了知識的快速流動空間,有助於地方空間的快速技術學習與產業群聚效應。 / Taiwan’s IC design industry, located mainly in the Taipei-Hsinchu corridor, has important status in the global value chain of the world semiconductor industry. Nevertheless, it neither has cutting edge technology nor has the lowest cost advantage; it is besieged between leading innovative cluster (eg. Silicon Valley) and catch-up cluster that is based on production cost (eg. Shanghai). Most significantly, it still continues to grow in the age in which place is said to be meaningless due to the tendency of space of flows. This study thus aims to answer the following question: why does IC design industry still continue to embed in and to grow in the northern part of Taiwan?
My research findings can be summarized as follows. First of all, it is found that there are two major IC design clusters in the northern part of Taiwan: Hsinchu and Taipei. Secondly, it is found that firms in Hsinchu cluster have both “fast follower” and “specialist” characteristics, whereas IC design firms in Taipei has only “specialist” features. Fast follower firms adopt “second-to-market” strategy and specialist firms adopt “market-segmentation” strategy to enter the product market in the product-life-cycle. Thirdly, due to the fact that fast follower firms in Hsinchu are supported by institutionalized features that can sustain speed, flexibility, and cost-control which Taipei lacks, Hsinchu thus has better agglomeration effect and growth rate. Finally, this study concludes that current tendency of space of flows in which knowledge can be transmitted through space is contributive to Taiwan’s fast technological learning and clustering effect.
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Uma an?lise da aplica??o do modelo de Rede Neural RePART em Comit?s de classificadoresSantos, Araken de Medeiros 01 February 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-02-01 / RePART (Reward/Punishment ART) is a neural model that constitutes a variation of the Fuzzy Artmap model. This network was proposed in order to minimize the inherent problems in the Artmap-based model, such as the
proliferation of categories and misclassification. RePART makes use of additional mechanisms, such as an instance counting parameter, a reward/punishment process and a variable vigilance parameter. The instance counting parameter, for instance, aims to minimize the misclassification
problem, which is a consequence of the sensitivity to the noises, frequently presents in Artmap-based models. On the other hand, the use of the variable vigilance parameter tries to smoouth out the category proliferation problem, which is inherent of Artmap-based models, decreasing the complexity of the net. RePART was originally proposed in order to minimize the aforementioned problems and it was shown to have better performance (higer accuracy and lower complexity) than Artmap-based models. This work proposes an
investigation of the performance of the RePART model in classifier ensembles. Different sizes, learning strategies and structures will be used in this investigation. As a result of this investigation, it is aimed to define the main advantages and drawbacks of this model, when used as a component in
classifier ensembles. This can provide a broader foundation for the use of RePART in other pattern recognition applications / O RePART (Reward/Punishiment ART), modelo neural que se constitui numa varia??o do modelo Fuzzy Artmap, foi proposto objetivando minimizar problemas inerentes aos modelos da classe Artmap, tais como: prolifera??o de categorias e m? classifica??o. Por essa raz?o, o RePART faz uso de
mecanismos adicionais, como: um par?metro contador de inst?ncia, um processo de recompensa/puni??o e um par?metro de vigil?ncia vari?vel. O par?metro contador de inst?ncia busca minimizar o problema de m? classifica??o, resultante da sensibilidade ? ru?dos, freq?entemente presente
nos modelos da classe Artmap. O uso da vigil?ncia vari?vel tem como objetivo minimizar o problema de prolifera??o de categorias, diminuindo a complexidade da rede, quando utilizado em aplica??es com um grande n?mero de padr?es
de treinamento. A proposta do RePART visou a minimiza??o desses problemas e foi mostrado que o RePART obteve desempenho superior que alguns modelos da classe Artmap. Neste trabalho ? proposta a realiza??o de uma investiga??o do desempenho do modelo RePART em comit?s de
classificadores. Nesta investiga??o ser? realizada uma an?lise com comit?s utilizando diferentes tamanhos, estrat?gias de aprendizados e estruturas. Os resultados obtidos com esta investiga??o servir?o como meio de descoberta das vantagens e desvantagens de cada um dos modelos abordados em comit?s. Com isso, poder? ser dado um embasamento ainda mais amplo ? utiliza??o do RePART em outras aplica??es de reconhecimento de padr?es
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Caracterização espaço-temporal do sistema estuarino-lagunar de Cananéia-Iguape (SP) a partir das associações de foraminíferos e tecamebas e suas relações com as variáveis ambientais / Spatio-temporal characterization of lagoon-estuarine system Cananéia-Iguape (SP) from the associations of foraminifera and thecamoebians and their relationships with environmental variablesKatia Simone Jaworski 19 November 2010 (has links)
A população de foraminíferos e tecamebas no SELCI evidenciou variação espacial, caracterizando alta dominância de hialinos e porcelanáceos no verão, e aglutinantes no inverno. Essa distribuição da microfauna estava associada a maior influência marinha dos setores externos e a forte influência do regime regional de chuvas nos setores internos. Constatou-se como bioindicadores a espécie Pararotalia cananeiaensis indicando o alcance da cunha salina nas porções internas do sistema, os miliolídeos indicando ambientes com renovação de águas marinhas e fluxos mais energéticos no sistema, o gênero Miliammina spp. e as tecamebas indicando ambientes de baixa salinidade. Através do Ic foi possível detectar o impacto do balanço entre as influências continentais e marinhas no sistema, com a intrusão salina sazonalmente distinta, devido às próprias condições regionais e geomorfológicas do sistema. Na tentativa de encontrar ambientes hipóxicos foi aplicado o IAE, porém este índice não gerou resultados satisfatórios neste sistema estuarino, visto que outros fatores representaram ser variáveis mais importantes do que a concentração de oxigênio dissolvido. O cálculo da BFAR foi testado revelando que a geomorfologia do SELCI foi um fator determinante na distribuição das espécies e que a BFAR foi uma medida qualitativa do fluxo de MO no sistema. Através das análises estatísticas multivariadas foi possível determinar as associações da microfauna, sendo estas condicionadas, nas duas campanhas, principalmente pelos fatores salinidade, substrato e profundidade. / The population of foraminifera and thecamoebians in the CILES (Cananéia-Iguape Lagoon Estuarine System) evidenced spatial variation, characterizing high dominance of hyalines and porcelanaceous during the summer and agglutinated in the winter. This microfauna distribution was associated to stronger marine influence in the outer sections and to strong regional pluviosity in the inner sections. The bioindicator species were Pararotalia cananeiaensis, evidencing the extent of the salt water wedge in the inner portion of the system, the miliolidae, indicating environments with renewal of marine water and more energetic fluxes in the system and the gender Miliammina spp. and thecamoebians indicating areas of low salinity. Trough the Ic it was possible to identify the impact of the balance between marine and fresh waters influence in the system, with saline intrusion seasonally distinct, due to the system\'s own regional and morphological conditions. An attempt to identify hypoxia areas was made using the AEI (Ammonia-Elphidium Index) test, however, this index did not reveal satisfactory results in this estuarine system, since other factors seem to be more representative than the dissolved oxygen concentration. The geomorphology of the CILES was proved to be a determinant factor in the distribution of the species through the BFAR (Benthic Foraminifera Accumulation Rate) calculation, which was also a qualitative measure of the flux of organic matter (TOC) in the system. Statistical analysis proved that the associations of microfauna, was driven, in both campaigns, by salinity, substract and depth.
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Intellectual capital measurement practices in the Swedish banking sector : An explorative study / Mätning av intellektuellt kapital i den svenska banksektorn : En explorativ studieNordmark, Max January 2017 (has links)
Ever since its conception, Intellectual Capital has undergone substantial transformation both in terms of its general definition and its prevalence in external reports. Although consistently focusing on intangibles, over time, intellectual capital has become an area focused on intangibles in accordance with the basic principles of the Resource-Based View regarding how assets can be used to acquire sustainable superior performance. Proponents of intellectual capital adhere to its framework and classification of different intangibles, claiming that it offers increased understanding as to how value is derived from intangible assets. The understanding of the measurement and subsequent reporting of intellectual capital being value creating is, however, a disputed claim. The field of intellectual capital has also been stated to be suffering from a lack of empirical studies focused on specific sectors. Although organisations from among the banking sector have been included in empirical studies within the realm of intellectual capital, there are few such studies which include Swedish banks, let alone studies focused on the Swedish bank sector. The question of whether organisations among the Swedish banking sector are dedicating themselves towards measuring intangible assets included in the intellectual capital framework has so far not been closely studied. Neither has a study focused on exploring the underlying motivations as to why organisations within this sector would choose to dedicate themselves to such work been made. By means of a qualitative research method focused on interviews with respondents from three banks belonging to the Swedish banking sector, this study demonstrates that although intellectual capital is virtually unknown within the sector, examples of the organisations’ measuring practises of intangibles included in the intellectual capital framework are numerous. By implementing resourced-based view and legitimacy theory, the primary motivation behind organisations implementing such measurements is suggested to primarily be to better understand and utilise the resource. The findings of this study also suggest that disclosure of intellectual capital is not viewed as legitimising, despite similarities between organisations in the sector leading to expressed wishes of certain intangibles being disclosed for differentiation purposes. / Intellektuellt Kapital har gått igenom en omfattande förvandling både vad gäller dess generella definition och sin utbredning i externa rapporter sedan begreppet först myntades. Även om begreppet konsekvent har fokuserat på immateriella tillgångar har intellektuellt kapital, över tid, blivit ett område där immateriella tillgångar behandlas i enhet med de grundläggande antaganden hos Resursbaserad Teori i fråga om hur tillgångar kan användas för att uppnå varaktiga konkurrensfördelar. Förespråkare av intellektuellt kapital ansluter sig till dess ramverk och klassificering av olika immateriella tillgångar och påstår att det erbjuder en ökad förståelse gällande hur värde härleds från dessa tillgångar. Huruvida mätningen och följaktiga rapportering av intellektuellt kapital är värdeskapande är däremot ett omtvistat område. Intellektuellt kapital har även hävdats lida av en brist av empiriska studier fokuserade på specifika sektorer. Även fast organisationer från banksektorn har varit inkluderade i empiriska studier inom området intellektuellt kapital så finns det få sådana studier som inkluderar svenska banker, för att inte tala om studier som fokuserar på den svenska banksektorn. Frågan om huruvida organisationer från den svenska banksektorn aktivt mäter immateriella tillgångar som inkluderas i ramverket av intellektuellt kapital har hittills inte studerats grundligt. Inte heller har en studie gjorts som fokuserar på att utforska de underliggande motivationerna varför organisationer inom denna sektor skulle ägna sig åt sådant arbete. Genom en kvalitativ studie baserad på intervjuer med respondenter från tre banker från den svenska banksektorn demonstrerar denna studie att trots att intellektuellt kapital är praktiskt taget okänt inom sektorn så återfinns ett flertal exempel av mätning av immateriella tillgångar som inkluderas i ramverket hos intellektuellt kapital bland dessa organisationer. Genom implementering av resursbaserad teori och legitimitetsteorin så framgår att den huvudsakliga orsaken till att organisationer implementerar sådan mätning är att få ökad förståelse för resursen och bättre kan utnyttja den. Resultaten visar även på att redovisning av intellektuellt kapital inte ses som legitimerande, trots att likheter mellan organisationer i den svenska banksektorn tycks leda till att vissa immateriella tillgångar redovisas för att organisationen ska kunna differentiera sig från sina konkurrenter.
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Vergleichende immunhistochemische Untersuchungen zum LH/hCG-Rezeptor (LHCGR) im Urothel und Detrusor der Harnblase mit Veränderungen bei Bladder Pain Syndrome/Interstitial Cystitis (BPS/IC)Schulze, Claudia 01 October 2013 (has links)
BPS/IC (Bladder Pain Syndrome/Interstitial Cystitis) ist ein sehr schweres und noch weitgehend unverstandenes Krankheitsbild in der Urologie. Viele Frauen sind im Alltag durch den ständigen Harndrang und die Schmerzen stark eingeschränkt und von Depressionen betroffen. Die Aufklärung der Pathogenese ist deshalb sehr wichtig, um eine adäquate Therapie für die Betroffenen zu entwickeln und die Krankheit möglichst frühzeitig diagnostizieren zu können. Das Schwangerschaftshormon hCG (humanes Choriongonadotropin) besitzt differenzierende und wachstumsfördernde Eigenschaften und eine Rolle in der Urothelregeneration und – stabilisierung scheint möglich. Daher ist das Ziel dieser Arbeit seinen Rezeptor, den LHCGR (Luteinizing-Hormone/Choriogonadotropin Rezeptor), in der Harnblase nachzuweisen und die urothelialen und muskulären Charakteristika zwischen gesunden und an BPS/IC erkrankten Harnblasen zu vergleichen. Die Darstellung des LHCGR erfolgte auf Proteinebene mittels indirekter Immunfluoreszenz und auf mRNA-Ebene durch Standard-PCR. Es zeigten sich im Urothel von Harnblase und Ureter 5 unterschiedliche Verteilungsmuster des Rezeptors hinsichtlich seiner Expression in verschiedenen Zellschichten und seiner subzellulären Lokalisation. Je nach Urothelzustand und zwischen den Entitäten Kontroll- bzw. BPS/IC-Harnblase variierten diese Muster in ihrer Häufigkeit. In anderen Epithelien, wie dem Vaginalepithel, änderte sich die zelluläre Verteilung des LHCGR in Abhängigkeit vom Differenzierungsgrad der Zellen. Es scheint möglich, dass auch die Rezeptorexpression in Urothelzellen deren verschiedene Differenzierungszustände widerspiegelt. Dies unterstützt den für hCG vermuteten Einfluss auf die Epithelregeneration. Ein Vergleich der urothelialen Fluoreszenzintensitäten zwischen weiblichen Kontroll – und BPS/IC-Harnblasen zeigte eine signifikant stärkere Expression des Rezeptors bei erkrankten Patienten. Dem gegenüber war kein Unterschied im Detrusor, weder zwischen Kontroll – und BPS/IC-Harnblasen noch im geschlechtsspezifischen Vergleich, festzustellen. Damit scheint der Rezeptor seine Hauptaufgabe vorrangig im Urothel zu entfalten. Die Korrelationsanalysen ergaben keinen signifikanten Zusammenhang zwischen dem Erkrankungsalter (Zeitpunkt der Diagnosestellung und Biopsieentnahme) und der LHCGR-Immunfluoreszenz. Ein endokrinologischer Einfluss auf die Rezeptorexpression wurde dadurch unwahrscheinlich und unterstützt die immer akzeptiertere Auffassung, dass BPS/IC nicht mehr mit der Menopause assoziiert ist. Neben dem Urothel und Detrusor zeigten auch Lamina propria und Gefäße von Harnblase und Ureter die Expression des LHCGR in der Immunhistochemie. Unterschiedliche Clustermuster des Rezeptors im Detrusor ließen auf die Oligomerisierung des Rezeptors schließen. Die Bedeutung dieser Zusammenschlüsse ist jedoch noch unklar, wobei unterschiedliche funktionelle Zustände des Rezeptors vermutet werden. Orientierung bieten andere Rezeptoren, die durch Dimerisierung verschiedener Rezeptorvarianten ihre Funktionalität verbessern oder verschlechtern konnten. Obwohl für keine bisher entdeckte Variante des LHCGR eine definitive Aufgabe ermittelt werden konnte, scheinen doch viele Varianten auch unterschiedliche Funktionen wahrnehmen zu können. Besonders auf der Regulierbarkeit des Rezeptors mittels interagierender Splicevarianten sollte das Augenmerk zukünftiger Studien liegen. Ob durch Komplexbildung verschiedener Varianten oder Bildung nichtfunktioneller trunkierter Rezeptoren, die Kontrollmöglichkeiten sind vielfältig und können auch auf Liganden wirken. Letztlich ließ der Nachweis des LHCGR in allen Schichten von Harnblase und Ureter eher eine globale Rolle des Rezeptors im Harntrakt des Menschen vermuten. Dazu passten auch die bereits nachgewiesenen Einflüsse seiner Liganden auf die Blasenfunktion von Hunden. Die hier vorgelegte Arbeit untersuchte zum ersten Mal die Expression des LHCGR mittels PCR und Immunhistochemie in humanen Harnblasen und Ureteren. Dabei löste sie sich von den sonst üblichen Vorstellungen einer Beziehung des Rezeptors zu Blasentumoren, Schwangerschaft oder Inkontinenz. Diagnose und Therapie von BPS/IC sind zur Zeit noch ständigen Wandlungen unterworfen und dabei entgehen viele Patienten der (frühen) Diagnosestellung und einer adäquaten Behandlung. Diese Studie sollte dazu beitragen neue Einblicke in die Pathophysiologie der Erkrankung zu erlangen, um eine kausale Therapie entwickeln zu können. Zukünftig könnten diese Ergebnisse dabei helfen die Anwendung einer sensitiven und vor allem spezifischen Diagnostik auf molekularer Ebene (mRNA - oder Proteinnachweis) zu ermöglichen.
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IC (Intellectual Capital): Organisationers osynliga värde : En studie om redovisning av intellektuellt kapital inom rekryterings- och bemanningsbranschenNorlin, Emil January 2020 (has links)
I dagsläget finns det ett stort gap mellan det bokförda värde till vilket organisationer värderar sina tillgångar och det marknadsvärde till vilket organisationerna är värderade. Vad detta osynliga värde består av kan delvis beröra något som teoretiker och praktiker kommit att kalla intellektuellt kapital (IC). IC består av bland annat anställda, kompetens, strukturer, system, kundbaser och relationer. I dagens kunskapsföretag kan detta omfatta stora delar av företagens tillgångar. Anledningen till att detta gap uppstår beror till stor del på en problematik att värdera dessa tillgångar inom IC med det nuvarande ramverket för redovisning. Då det inte existerar några lagar gällande hur IC ska redovisas har företagen hamnat i en situation där detta sker genom frivillig redovisning. Detta tar sig i uttryck på olika sätt, vilket skapar spretiga presentationer inom ett redovisningsfält som annars styrs av en röd tråd och kontinuitet. Ett kommunikationsmedel som kommit att användas för att presentera information om IC är årsredovisningen.Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur, i termer av omfattning, företag inom rekryterings- och bemanningsbranschen presenterar information om IC i sina årsredovisningar. För att studera IC används begreppen humankapital, strukturkapital och relationskapital vilka utgör en väl vedertagen uppdelning. Dessa bryts ned i ett antal indikatorer vilka undersöks. Metoden som används för att besvara studiens frågeställningar är en kvantitativ innehållsanalys. Detta med bakgrund av att det är ett effektivt medel för att studera mönster i kommunikation och göra bedömningar av förmedlad information.Resultatet från studien talar för att relationskapitalet är det som generellt rapporteras mest, följt av humankapital och slutligen strukturkapital. Det framgår att samtliga företag redovisar information om IC i sina årsredovisningar, och samlat utgör medelvärdet och medianen för redovisningen över hundra rapporterade indikatorer per företag. Det förekommer vissa skillnader mellan vilka faktorer som mest frekvent redovisas hos företagen, där exempelvis två av företagen redovisade humankapital mer och några andra företag redovisade betydligt mycket mer IC generellt. Resultaten diskuteras utifrån ett antal redovisningsteoretiska utgångspunkter och det framgår att det skulle kunna röra sig om geografiska och nationella skillnader. Det som slutligen kan fastslås är att företagen tycks lägga stort fokus på att redovisa information om kunder, anställda och olika partners. Det var vanligt förekommande att olika nöjdhetsindex presenterades för att visa hur bra dessa behandlas. Det som var utmärkande inom redovisningen av strukturkapitalet var att företagen lade mest vikt på att redovisa information om kultur inom organisationerna. / There is a significant gap between the book value in which companies’ valuate their assets and the market value. What this invisible value consists of is something that theorists and practitioners are calling intellectual capital (IC). IC contains information about employees, competence, structures, systems, customer base and relations, to mention a few. In today’s knowledge-based companies, the IC is often a vast part of a company’s assets. The reason this gap exists is because of shortcomings in today’s restrictions and laws within accounting. Because there are no laws regarding how the IC should be reported, companies have found themselves in a position where this occurs through voluntarily disclosure. This is expressed in different ways, which creates straggling presentations of IC within an otherwise structured accounting field. A mean for communication of companies’ IC is through the annual report.The purpose of this study is to examine, in terms of the extent, how companies within the recruitment and staffing industry presents information about IC in their annual reports and to compare the companies to each other. To study IC, the terms human capital, structure capital and relational capital is used. These are broken down into several indicators that are examined. A quantitative content analysis is used as a research method to answer the research question. This is used because of its efficiency in studying patterns in communication and later drawing conclusions about a given set of information.The result of the study proves that the relational capital is what is most frequently reported, followed by human capital and lastly structure capital. It appears that all companies disclose information about IC in their annual reports, and that together the mean and median of indicators reported exceeds one hundred. However, there are a few differences among the organizations regarding the most frequently reported factors. For instance, two of the companies reported most of human capital, while other reported more IC in general. The results are discussed from an accounting theoretical approach, and factors including geographical and national differences seem to influence the IC reporting. What is finally concluded is that companies tend to put focus on reporting information about customers, employees, and partners. It was common that companies disclosed information about indexes where employee, customer and partner satisfaction was highlighted. What was remarkable within the disclosure regarding structure capital was that the companies focused mostly on information about the culture within the organizations.
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[pt] O efeito do envelhecimento em tempo real nas propriedades mecânicas, químicas e cinéticas da borracha de copolímero de copolímero etileno-propileno-dieno não conjugado (EPDM) foi quantificado, após ser exposto a condições reais de operação no sistema artificial de elevação de petróleo, do campo de Peregrino (administrado pela Equinor Brasil Ltda.). A borracha EPDM foi coletada de parte da camada de proteção mecânica (Jacket) dos cabos de alimentação elétrica das bombas eletro-submersíveis (ESP). O estudo envolve amostras de 0, 2 a 4.8 anos e com profundidades que variam de 0, 760 a 2170 m abaixo do nível do mar. O envelhecimento foi acompanhado por estudos de técnicas de espectroscopia de infravermelho por transformada de Fourier (FTIR) assistida por reflexão total atenuada (ATR), microscópio eletrônico de MEV, juntamente com espectrômetro de dispersão de energia (EDX), analisador térmico simultâneo (STA), medição da fração de reticulação, dureza (escala Shore D), testes de tração uniaxial e testes de adsorção no fluido de proteção (Parker-fluido mais safe-Scan). A estabilidade da borracha EPDM foi estudada por métodos não isotérmicos como: Kissinger-Murray-White (KMW), Ozawa-Flynn-Wall (OFW), Friedman (FR), análise cinética combinada (CKA) e correção da cinética combinada análise por isoconversão (CKA-ic). Uma oscilação de 5 por cento na energia de ativação aparente (E2 igual a 48 kJ/mol) durante a degradação térmica do material em N2, mostra uma reação que produziu uma ordem de reação (n igual a 0.93), um fator preexponencial (A igual a ln(40 /min-1)) e indica que o material não sofre ataque hidrolítico ou degradação por oxidação, comparando com os observada nos testes de envelhecimento na presença de água e compressão. Por outro lado, as propriedades do teste de tração uniaxial mostram sensibilidade à profundidade de as amostras, o que pode muito bem indicar degradação de áreas amorfas de EPDM, produto de altas temperaturas e pressões no depósito. / [en] The effect of aging in real time on the mechanical, chemical and kinetic properties of copolymer ethylene propylene diene monomer rubber (EPDM) was quantified, after being exposed to real operating conditions in the artificial petroleum lift system, from the Peregrino field. (managed by Equinor Brasil Ltda.). The EPDM rubber was collected from part of the mechanical protection cover (Jacket) of the electrical supply cables of the electro-submersible pumps (ESP). The study involves samples from 0, 2 to 4.8 years old and with depths ranging from 0, 760 to 2170 m below sea level. The aging was followed by studies of infrared spectroscopy techniques by Fourier transform (FTIR) assisted with attenuated total reflection (ATR), SEM electron microscope, along with energy dispersion X ray spectrometer (EDX), simultaneous thermal analyzer (STA), reticulation fraction measurement, hardness (Shore D scale), uniaxial traction tests and adsorption tests in the protection fluid (Parker-fluid plus safe-Scan). The stability of EPDM rubber was studied by non-isothermal methods such as: Kissinger-Murray-White (KMW), Ozawa-Flynn-Wall (OFW), Friedman (FR), combined kinetic analysis (CKA) and correction of the combined kinetics analysis by isoconversion (CKA-ic). A 5 per cent oscillation in the apparent activation energy (E equal248 kJ/mol) during the thermal degradation of the material in N2, shows a reaction that produced a reaction order (n equal 0.93), a pre-exponential factor (A equal ln(40 /min-1)) and indicates that the material does not suffer hydrolytic attack or oxidation degradation observed in aging tests in the presence of water and compression. On the other hand, the properties of the uniaxial tensile test show sensitivity to the depth of the samples, which may well indicate degradation of amorphous areas of EPDM, a product of high temperatures and pressures in the deposit.
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Modelling the effect of condensation and evaporation of water on the transient temperatures inside the exhaust system of an IC engine during a cold startHaworth, Leanne 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING:Die navorsing wat hier uiteengesit word ondersoek die hipotese dat kondensasie
en die gevolglike verdamping van water wat teenwoordig is in die uitlaatgas van
‘n binnebrandenjin, plaasvind in die gedeeltes van die uitlaatstelsel tussen die
uitlaatklep en die katalitiese-omsetter se uitlaat. Daar word verder veronderstel
dat hierdie tweefasevloeieffekte die tydafhanklike temperatuurprofiele in die
uitlaatstelsel beïnvloed, wat moontlik kan lei tot ‘n vertraging in die tydsduur vir
die katalitiese omsetter om temperature van 200-300 °C te bereik, wat nodig is om
noemenswaardige omsetting te bewerkstellig.
Om hierdie veronderstelling te evalueer is ‘n tydafhanklike, eendimensionele
wiskundige model van die termo-vloei gedrag in die uitlaatstelsel gedurende ‘n
koue inwerktreeding, insluitende vogtigheidseffekte, opgestel en opgelos deur van
‘n rekenaaralgoritme gebruik te maak. Warmte- en massaoordragsteorie was
gebruik om die ongestadigde massa-, energie- en
momentumbehoudsvergeleikings te formuleer. Die tweefasige vogeffekte was
gemodelleer deur gebruik te maak van die verhouding tussen warmte- en
massaoordrag, wat verdamping en heterogeniese kondensasie (die kondensasie
van damp teen die pypwand) voorspel as gevolg van die dampdrukgradient tussen
die grootmaat damp en die versadigde damp by die oppervlak van die
vloeistoffilm. Homogene kondensasie (die kondensasie van vloeistof in die vorm
van druppels in die dampstroom) was ook in aanmerking geneem indien die
grootmaatgas temperatuur onder die versadigingstemperatuur van die
grootmaatdamp gedaal het.
’n Eksperimentele ondersoek was gedoen deur van twee enjins gebruik te maak,
’n 1.6 L Volkswagen Bora en ’n 1.6 L Ford RoCam, in die toetsselle van Cape
Advanced Engineering Pty (Ltd). Om die gastemperature so akkuraat moontlik te
meet, was spesiale radiasiegeskermde sensore met vinnige reaksietyd ontwerp en
installer in die pypseksies van die uitlaatstelsels van beide enjins. Die geskermde
sensore het temperature van tot 50 °C hoër as konvensionele termokoppels in
dieselfde areas gemeet. Dit is in koers is met resultate wat deur die
foutbeperkingsteorie, geassosieer met die meet van temperature in vloeïende gas
in uitlaatstelsels, voorspel word.
Vergelyking van die numeriese simulasie met die eksperimenteel gemete
temperature het aangedui dat in dele van die uitlaatstelsel voor die katalitieseomsetter,
die vog min uitwerking het op die termiese gedrag van die stelsel. In
hierdie gedeeltes is die konveksie warmte-oordrag dominant. In die katalitieseomsetter
was die vogeffekte invloedryk. Die eksperimentele resultate toon ‘n
duidelike vroeë toename in die gastemperature, gevolg deur ‘n tydperk van
konstante temperature by nagenoeg die versadigingstemperatuur van die
grootmaatdamp (verwys na as die temperatuurplato) by die katalitiese-omsetter se
kern en uitlaat. Die numeries gesimuleerde gastemperature het ook hierdie gedrag
getoon, maar ‘n baie hoë en skerp piek by die begin van die plato het voorgekom. Hierdie piek was nie te sien by die eksperimentele resultate nie en is toegeskryf
aan nie-ewewigstoestande in die verdampingsproses, wat aandui dat die tempo
van verdamping wat deur die massa-oordragmodel voorspel word te hoog is vir
die model en dat dit verfyn moet word. Verdere ondersoek van die invloed van
die individuele massa-oordragprosesse het getoon dat die homogene kondensasie
die dominante proses is in die vorming van vloeistof in die katalitiese-omsetter.
Heterogeniese kondensasie het plaasgevind, maar ‘n kleiner massa vloeistof is
produseer. Die maksimum hoeveelheid vloeistof wat voorspel is om in die
katalitiese-omsetter te vorm was 12 g/cm wat gelykstaande is aan ‘n film van
0.05.mm dik indien eweredig versprei oor die binneoppervlak van die monoliet.
Daar was in die simulasie gevind dat beide verdamping en kondensasie benodig
word om die temperatuurplato te simuleer, vanwaar die gevolgtrekking gemaak
kan word dat beide prosesse wel plaasvind en dat die eerste stelling in die
oorspronklike hipotese wel geldig is. Daar was egter teen die einde van die
toetsperiode gevind dat beide temperature wat met en sonder vogeffekte simuleer
was, die eksperimentele temperature nagevolg het, wat aandui dat die invloed van
vog beperk is tot die vroeë stadiums van die katalitiese-omsetter se
opwarmingstydperk. Die tweede gedeelte van die hipotese wat veronderstel dat
die voggedrag ‘n vertraging in die tydsduur om omsetting te bewerkstellig
veroorsaak, is dus bevind om ongeldig te wees.
Die wiskundige model wat opgestel is tydens die ondersoek is weens
noodsaaklikheid ‘n vereenvoudigde simulasie van komplekse termo-vloei
prosesse. Dit dien as nuttige grondwerk vir verdere in-diepte ondersoeke en
afronding van die teorie met betrekking tot voggedrag en die uitwerking daarvan
op die tydsafhanklike temperature in ‘n uitlaatstelsel. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The research presented here investigates the hypothesis that condensation and
subsequent evaporation of water vapour present in the exhaust gas of an internal
combustion engine occur in the sections of the exhaust system between the
exhaust port and the catalytic converter exit. It is further hypothesised that these
two-phase moisture effects influence the transient temperature profiles in the
exhaust system, and potentially cause a delay in the time it takes for the catalytic
converter to reach temperatures of 200-300 °C, which are required for light-off to
In order to evaluate this hypothesis a transient, one-dimensional mathematical
model of the thermo-fluid behaviour in the exhaust system during a cold start,
including moisture effects, was created and solved by means of a computer
algorithm. Heat and mass transfer theory was used to formulate the unsteady
conservation equations for mass, energy and momentum. The two phase moisture
effects were modelled using the analogy between heat and mass transfer, which
predicts evaporation and heterogeneous condensation (the condensation of vapour
against the pipe wall) due to a vapour pressure gradient between the bulk vapour
and a saturated vapour at the surface of the liquid film. Homogeneous
condensation (the condensation of liquid in the form of droplets in the gas stream)
was also accounted for if the bulk gas temperature dropped below the bulk vapour
saturation temperature.
An experimental investigation was performed using two engines, a 1.6.L
Volkswagen Bora and a 1.6.L Ford RoCam, in the test cells of Cape Advanced
Engineering Pty (Ltd). In order to measure the gas temperatures as accurately as
possible specialised radiation shielded sensors with fast time response were
designed and installed in the pipe sections of the exhaust systems of both engines.
The shielded sensors measured temperatures up 50 °C higher than the
conventional thermocouples installed at the same positions, which is in keeping
with the results predicted by the theory governing errors associated with
temperature measurement in the flowing gas in the exhaust system.
Comparison of the numerically simulated and experimentally measured
temperatures indicated that in the sections of the exhaust system leading up to the
catalytic converter the moisture has little influence on the temperature behaviour
of the exhaust system. In these sections the convective heat transfer is dominant.
In the catalytic converter the moisture effects were found to be influential. The
experimental results clearly show an early rise in the gas temperatures, followed
by a period of constant temperature at approximately the saturation temperature of
the bulk vapour (referred to as the temperature plateau) at the catalytic converter
mid-bed and exit. The numerically simulated gas temperatures also exhibited this
plateau, but an initial very high and sharp peak in the simulated gas temperatures
occurred at the start of the plateau. This was not seen in the experimental results
and is attributed to non-equilibrium in the evaporation process, indicating that the rate of evaporation predicted by the mass transfer model used is too high for this
application and that the model needs to be refined. Further investigation of the
influence of the individual mass transfer processes indicated that the
homogeneous condensation is the dominant process in the formation of liquid in
the catalytic converter. Heterogeneous condensation was found to occur, but
produced a smaller mass of liquid. The maximum amount of liquid predicted to
form in the catalytic converter was 12 g/cm, which translates to a film 0.05 mm
thick if evenly distributed over the inner surface of the monolith.
In the simulation it was found that both evaporation and condensation are needed
in order to simulate the temperature plateau, from which it was concluded that
both these processes do occur and the first statement in the original hypothesis is
valid. However, by the end of the test period temperatures simulated both with or
without the moisture effects closely approached the final temperatures of the
experimental investigation, indicating that the influence of the moisture is limited
to the early stages of the catalytic converter warm-up. The second part of the
hypothesis, postulating that the moisture behaviour caused a delay in the time
taken to reach light-off temperature, is therefore concluded to be invalid.
The mathematical model constructed in this research is by necessity a simplified
solution to complex thermo-fluid processes. It serves as useful groundwork for
further elaboration and refinement of the theory related the moisture behaviour
and its influence on the transient temperatures in the exhaust system.
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Informed consent : communication and miscommunication in clinical trialsMoloi, Gaotswake Patience 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MCur)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Background
Informed Consent (IC) has been proposed as the optimal method for ensuring the
ethical entry of patients into clinical trials. IC is a vital part of the research process
and as such entails more than obtaining a signature on a form. The IC must be
given freely, without coercion, and must be based on a clear understanding of what
participation involves.
The overall aim of this study was to attain an understanding of participants'
knowledge regarding informed consent when participating in a research project.
The study was conducted at two public hospitals in a city in the Eastern Cape
Province of South Africa. The quantitative study used descriptive survey design. A
self administered questionnaire was used as a tool for data collection.
The sample size consisted of 170 women with an average of 25.9 years. The
majority had completed secondary level education. More than half of the participants
did not have knowledge of the purpose of the original study. The majority of
participants did not have knowledge of their responsibilities. Forty-two percent gave
uninformative responses and 26% indicated they did not know their responsibilities.
None of the participants understood the concept of randomization. The majority
(85.9%) of participants indicated that information provided on the IC forms was
sufficient for them to decide to participate.
Despite extensive efforts to ensure that participants understood their participation in
the original studies, this study found poor recall of vital information for IC. A signed
informed consent does not guarantee that participants understand information given. Recommendations
The existing methods of communicating and obtaining of an informed consent seem
to be insufficient for participants to make an informed decision. A new approach with
more interactive features such as combination of audio-visual techniques might
increase the possibilities of the understanding. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Agtergrond
Ingeligte toestemming (IT) is voorgestel as die optimale metode om die etiese
toelating van die pasiënte vir kliniese toetse te verseker. IT is 'n belangrike deel van
die navorsingsproses en as sodanig behels dit meer as die verkryging van 'n
handtekening op 'n vorm. Die IT moet vrylik gegee word, sonder dwang en moet
gebaseer wees op 'n duidelike begrip van wat die deelname behels.
Die algemene doel van hierdie studie is om 'n begrip van die deelnemers se kennis
met betrekking tot ingeligte toestemming te bepaal, wanneer hulle deelneem aan 'n
Die studie is uitgevoer by twee openbare hospitale in ’n stad in die Oos-Kaap in
Suid-Afrika. Die navorsingsontwerp is beskrywend van aard en ’n kwantitatiewe
benadering is toegepas. ‘n Self-geadministreerde vraelys is as 'n instrument gebruik
om data in te samel.
Die steekproefgrootte het bestaan uit 170 vroue met 'n gemiddelde ouderdom van
25.9 jaar. Die meerderheid van die vroue het opleiding tot op sekondêre vlak. Meer
as die helfte van die deelnemers het geen kennis van die doel van die oorspronklike
studie gehad nie. Die meerderheid van die deelnemers het ook nie kennis van hul
verantwoordelikhede gehad nie. Twee-en-veertig persent het nie toepaslike
antwoorde gegee nie en 26% het aangedui dat hulle nie weet wat hul
verantwoordelikhede in die studie is nie. Nie een van die deelnemers het die konsep
van verewekansiging verstaan nie. Die meerderheid (85.9%) van die deelnemers
het aangedui dat die inligting wat deur die IT verskaf word voldoende was om te
besluit of hulle aan die studie wou deelneem. Gevolgtrekking
Ten spyte van uitgebreide pogings om te verseker dat deelnemers hulle deelname
verstaan het in die oorspronklike toetsing, het hierdie studie die swak herroeping van
belangrike inligting aangaande IT bewys. ‘n Ondertekende ingeligte toestemming
gee geen waarborg dat die deelnemers die inligting waarvoor toestemming geteken
is, verstaan nie.
Die bestaande metodes van die kommunikasie en verkryging van ingeligte
toestemming blyk onvoldoende te wees om deelnemers ingeligte besluite te laat
neem. ‘n Nuwe benadering met meer interaktiewe eienskappe soos ’n kombinasie
van oudio-visuele tegnieke mag die moontlikhede om te verstaan, meer duidelik
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