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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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徐核朋, hsu,Hopeng Unknown Date (has links)
隨著IC卡的使用,它正深深地影響著我們的未來生活方式,其應用發展趨勢也是值得我們重視的課題。本研究主要從「IC智慧卡成為主流的資訊載具」、「我國內政部、衛生署、交通部及財政部等中央各部,對IC卡之應用發展各擁管轄範圍且各自發展」、「民間業者各自引進或發行電子現金儲值卡」等三方面,說明其可能造成的結果及相關重要課題,以作為本研究之動機。 本研究從我國IC卡應用發展相關文獻中,搜集和本研究主題較相關者,提出IC卡票證整合、IC卡安全整合機制及IC卡規模經濟等值得研究課題,以作為進行IC卡應用發展趨勢研究之參考。 對於IC卡目前應用發展現況,本研究主要說明政府推動國民卡的沿革、政府推動自然人憑證的沿革、政府推動健保IC卡沿革及交通IC票卡目前應用發展,以利了解我國IC卡目前應用發展現況。 針對交通IC票卡,本研究說明北、中、南各地區電子票證IC智慧卡應用發展,包括悠遊卡、台中e卡通、Taiwan Money Card等,後續說明IC票卡規格發展及交通IC票卡系統架構發展,以更深入了解交通IC票卡目前應用發展現況。 本研究針對IC卡應用發展問題,進行更深入的分析,主要論述面向,包括技術面(IC卡規格、IC卡系統架構) 、法令面(IC卡法令規定)、經營管理面(含IC卡管理組織、發行、經營模式)等方面,以發掘問題,分析問題及提出解決策略。 本研究針對所提出之解決策略,予以聚焦,以提出更關鍵的解決策略,包括:(一)技術面:1.建立IC卡共同憑證。2.建立IC卡安全認證。3.建立IC卡整合架構。(二)法律面:1.修改銀行法及交通運輸相關法規中不合IC卡現有運作之規定。2.增訂電子票證法規。(三)經營管理面:1.建立規模經濟發卡量。2.建立IC卡發卡機構經營模式。 3.建立憑證認證機構公信力。4.建立IC卡資訊交換中心。 本研究針對三個構面,提出核心解決策略為「一卡通用」及其整體解決架構及實施步驟,且對整體解決策略之構想方案,提出IC卡卡片規格整合矩陣架構圖,以找出更為適當的IC卡規格方案,該矩陣架構圖,以「共同憑證一卡整合」及「多憑證一卡整合」二構面為縱軸,及「IC卡規格中不存放各類別資料」和「IC卡規格中存放各類別資料」二構面為橫軸,提出四種IC卡片規格整合架構,並列出其優缺點,經研析後,本研究建議初期以具有共同憑證及各類別憑證但不存放各類別資料之架構,作為一卡通用整合規格初期架構,稱為「IC卡共同多憑證不存放各類別資料一卡整合」,最後本研究提出長期一卡通用願景,以「IC卡共同憑證不存放各類別資料一卡整合」為目標。 本研究之結論為:1.我國各類別IC卡規格各行其道,未有整合前瞻性。2.各產業IC卡系統運作架構未整合,導致我們卡滿為患。3.IC卡應用發展於法律面應積極訂定「交通運輸業電子票證法」。4.「非銀行不得發行現金儲值卡」已超越母法規定應修法。5.IC票卡發行機構透過銀行發卡可享有發卡權利金等商機。6.建立IC票卡資訊中心作為全台IC票卡整合運作中心。7.IC票卡業者透過整合可增加發卡量,共創雙贏。8.IC卡於技術面應發展整合技術,以達成一卡通用目標。9.IC卡一卡通用宜建立IC卡資訊交換中心及憑證整合認證中心。10.IC卡一卡通用宜建立整體解決架構之實施步驟。11.IC卡一卡通用卡片規格整合可建立矩陣架構圖,以利分析。12.IC卡一卡通用共同憑證之運作於技術上為可行方案。 最後建議未來可持續探討之課題:1.IC卡一卡通用宜建立認證API(Application Programming Interface)程式介面及標準作業程序。2.IC卡一卡通用宜建立憑證整合認證中心及資訊中心之經營模式。3.IC卡一卡通用宜評估對IC卡產業及憑證認證產業之衝擊。 / A study of trends in the applications and developments of IC cards The IC card is being used widely and it will deeply affect our future living mode. Therefore, trends in its applications and developments have become important subjects of study. This research explores the possible outcome and related important subjects for the utilization of IC card, based on the following three propositions. 1. The IC card is one of the modern world’s primary information media. 2. Government units such as the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, the Ministry of Finance ROC, the Department of Health and the Executive Yuan ROC all have jurisdiction over the development and control of development and potential applications of the IC card. 3. Private enterprises have introduced or developed electronic cash-stored cards. The information related to the research subject was collected from the relevant literatures in regard to the applications and developments of IC card in Taiwan, presenting the current safety and integration mechanism of IC ticket cards and the economical magnitude of IC card use, which are both topics that should be taken into consideration in the study of the applications and developments of IC cards. Based on the current situation of the applications and developments for IC cards, the main purpose of this research is to show the evolution of IC cards promoted by the our government, including National Card, Citizen Digital Certificate IC Card, National Health Insurance IC Card, as well as current applications and developments of the Transportation IC Card, in order to help understand the current situation for the applications and developments for existing IC cards in Taiwan. In the Transportation sector, this research shows the applications and developments of various IC smart cards in north, central and south Taiwan, i.e. Easy Card, Taichung e-Cartoon Ticket Card and Taiwan Money Card. It also shows the development of the specification for IC Ticket Cards as well as the development of Transportation IC Cards’ systematic infrastructure, in order to help understand the present situation for the applications and developments of a Transportation IC Card. This research is an analysis of IC card’s applications and developments, covering technical issues (specification and systematic framework of IC card), legislation issues (laws and regulations for IC Card), management issues (operation and administration, release and business model for IC cards), so as to discover and analyze the possible problems as well as propose solutions. Focusing on strategies for finding solutions, presenting more critical strategies for IC Cards, consisting of: 1. Technical: (1) To establish a common certificate (2) To establish safety authentication (3) To establish integration infrastructure 2. Legislation: (1) To revise the Banking Law as well as the laws and regulations relating to public transportation, which are not suitable for the existing operations (2) To revise and augment the laws and regulations for electronic tickets 3. Management: (1) To establish an economic circulation of scale (2) To establish the management pattern for card-issuing organization (3) To establish public credibility for a certificate authentication organization (4) To establish information interchange center To consolidate the above-mentioned three areas, this research proposes a core strategic solution – the concept of “one card for common use (All-in-One Card)” along with integrated solution scheme and operation steps. In addition, for an overall solution strategic plan, in this research it also presents a matrix composition for the integration of specifications to discover a more applicable specification scheme for the IC card. The matrix composition is proposed in four types of framework of specification integration with a file of advantages/disadvantages, based on the concept of X, Y coordinate system – X axis being “One Card integrated with Common Certificate” and “One Card integrated with Multi-Certificates”, Y axis being “No data deposited in the IC card specification” and “All sorts of data deposited in the IC the card specification”. Through detailed research and analysis, it is suggested that at the primary stage, to create the “One card for common use” with an integration of “Common Certificate and Multi-Certificates but no data depositing in the IC card specification”, which is called “One card with common and multi-certificates but no any data deposited in the specification.” The long-term goal will be to achieve “One card with common certificate only and no data deposited in the card specification” for long-term use. Conclusions: 1. In this country, various IC cards have their own specifications and there is still no prospect for integration. 2. The IC card system being used by different industries is still not being integrated, so the market is full of different IC cards. 3. The enactment of the “law on electronic tickets” should be pursued more vigorously for the IC card applications and developments. 4. The stipulation of “A non-bank may not issue a stored value card” might have overtaken the stipulation of “Banking Act”. It should be amended. 5. So long as the IC Ticket Card agency issues IC cards through a bank, the agency will possess the business opportunity of charging the bank a card-issuing fee. 6. To establish an IC Ticket Card information center to integrate the operation of the many IC ticket cards using in Taiwan area. 7. It will be a win-win situation, if IC ticket card operations can be integrated, and this will increase card-issuing quantity as well. 8. On the technical front, integration technology for IC cards should be developed in order to achieve the goal of an “All-in-One Card”. 9. An “IC Card Information Interchange Center” and an “Authentication Center of Certificate Integration” for the “All-in-One Card” should be established. 10. A standardized operational procedure should be established for an overall solution to the “All-in-One IC Card”. 11. The integration of the specifications of the “All-in-One IC Card” can be done through a matrix composition to assist analysis. 12. Technically, an “All-in-One IC Card” with “Common Certificate” is a feasible plan. In the end, this research also offers suggestion on valuable topics that can be the subject of continued discussion in the future: 1. “All-in-One IC Cards” should have an authentication with API (Application Programming Interface) program as well as a standard operational procedure. 2. A business model for “IC Card Information Center” and “Authentication Center of Certificate Integration” should be established. 3. An evaluation of the impact on the IC card industry and the certificate authentication industry should be made.


陳純綾, Chen, Chun-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
在現今知識經濟的世紀中,智慧資本已成為企業獲取競爭優勢的關鍵要素。 隨著智慧資本愈來愈重要,許多企業也逐漸在年報或其他公開資訊的管道中,揭 露更多有關智慧資本的資訊。透過更多智慧資本資訊的揭露,為企業本身及投資 人、債權人間建立起彼此溝通的橋樑。 綜上所述,智慧資本的報導和揭露顯得日趨重要。相關智慧資本資訊的揭露 能使投資人及相關利害關係人更了解公司發展的潛力及價值。而過去的文獻指出 公司資訊揭露的程度會降低資金成本、提高公司股價、降低分析師盈餘預測誤差 等效益。資訊的揭露可以使投資人修正對公司價值的評價,有提高股票流動率等 效益。因此智慧資本揭露及報導能提昇財務報導的價值攸關性,適當地反應公司 真正的價值。因此,對公司而言應多揭露相關智慧資本資訊,以期為公司帶來相 關的效益。但是,哪些公司特性因素會影響智慧資本揭露程度及其是否會影響智 慧資本揭露程度和其效益間的關聯性亦是值得我們進一步探討。 若能透過一系列的分析,找出公司智慧資本揭露政策不足之處,相信能給公 司適當的建議,以符合市場上的需求,適當地揭露智慧資本,以期反應公司真正 的價值並提高公司價值。 本研究係以我國資訊電子業之上市公司為研究對象,蒐集相關資料以統計分 析方法進行,發現之結果如下: 一、公司智慧資本揭露程度和公司價值呈顯著正相關。 二、「公司規模」、「舉債程度」、「公司年齡」會顯著影響公司智慧資本揭露程度。 三、「公司規模」、「獲利能力」、「公司年齡」、「智慧資本降加價值係數(VAICTM )」 會顯著影響智慧資本揭露程度及公司價值間的關聯性。 / In this knowledge-based economy, intellectual capital is the key factor to help firms get its competitive advantage. As intellectual capital is more and more important, many enterprises gradually disclose IC-related information in annual reports or other ways. With more IC-related information disclosures, it could build a bridge to communicate between enterprises, investors, and creditors. To sum up the above-mentioned, intellectual capital disclosure and report is more and more significant with time. IC-related information discourses can make investors and stakeholders understand the value and potential of the company much more. Prior research indicates disclosing information could reduce the average cost of capital and increase company’s stock value and reduce analyst forecast errors. Information disclosure can make investors revise upward valuations of the company’s stocks and increase stock liquidity. Therefore, for companies, they should disclose IC-related information in order to bring effects. But, which kind of company would affect IC-related information and affect the relation between IC-related information and its effects is also worth to investigate further. If we can find out deficiency of company’s IC-related information with above analysis, it will be believed to give some appropriate suggestions in order to match market’s needs. Disclosing IC-related information is aimed to react the company’s real value. In this study, collecting data and statistics analysis are used. The public firms in the electronic industry are the objects of the thesis. We fund that: 1. There is a positive and significant correlation between IC disclosure and market capitalization. 2. Company size, leverage, and age will affect IC-related information disclosure significantly. 3. Company size, profitability, age, and VAIC TM will affect the relation between IC-related information disclosure and its effects (market capitalization) significantly.


陳鋒銘, Chen, Fong Ming Unknown Date (has links)
合約訴訟管理流程主要目的是在控制及預防公司可能發生訴訟賠償的內部流程;本研究將探討合約訴訟管理流程架構及發展出適於IC設計公司之管理模式。 IC產業是台灣經濟的重要命脈亦是能在國際舞台上佔有一席之地的產業之一,IC 產業具有技術密集、高投資成本、高設備折舊、競爭激烈的產業特性,且各生產階段精細分工,上至晶圓、封裝廠乃至IC設計公司,下至組裝廠、品牌商客戶等,在這緊密合作的供應鏈關係下,合作與競爭不斷產生,在此技術掛帥的環境下,IC設計公司若沒有做好專利、商標等智慧財產權管理並做好合約審核及履行追縱之流程控管的話,IC設計公司將隨時會遭遇第三人主張侵權請求或面臨違約損害賠償之風險,故為維持IC設計公司獲利能力及在全球的競爭力,因此有效之合約訴訟管理流程將更顯其重要性。   本研究利用Tsaih and Lin (2006)所發展之PWIO (Process-Wide Information Organism)分析方法論來探索如何系統化地重現與評估管理流程,並以台灣-A個案IC設計公司法務中心的現行之合約訴訟管理流程為研究對象,進行:(1)重現、分析與評估該合約訴訟管理流程;(2)就流程分析結果,討論個案公司改善該合約訴訟管理流程時應重視之議題,並做成高階主管日後評估調整合約訴訟管理策略之參考;(3)發展平衡計分卡之內部流程構面的基礎,進行個案公司法務中心合約訴訟管理流程目標的描述,以及目標達成之績效衡量指標的呈現,讓策略能落實到合約訴訟管理流程,以避免及預防個案公司合約訴訟風險產生。 / The main goal of the Process of Contract Lawsuit Management (POCLM) is the process of a company that can control and prevent from arising protential lawsuit and indemnification. In this research, I will discuss the basic architecture of POCLM and develop a POCLM model applicable to the IC design company. The Integrated Circuit Industry (IC Industry) is essential economic lifeblood in Taiwan. The characteristics of the IC industry include technology-intensive, high investment cost, high equipment depreciation and intensely competitive environment. Every production process is divided into detail parts. Based on the close relationship of Supply Chain, the competition and cooperation is arising constantly. If the IC design company does not manage the intellectual property management efficiently and establish the contract reviewing and tracking process in the technology based environment, the IC design company will face the high risk of lawsuit, claim and indemnification. In order to maintain the profitability and the competitiveness of the IC design company in the world, it is more and more important to lead an effective POCLM model into the IC design company. In this research, I use the research method of PWIO (Process-Wide Information Organism) of Tsaih and Lin (2006) on a contract review process of a legal department of A IC Design Company in Taiwan, to discuss how to rebuild and evaluate the management process systematically. And I will do following studys: (1). Rebuild, analyze and evaluate the POCLM; (2). Upon the study result, provide A Design Company with a improvement suggestion of POCLM and related management issues for its director’s reference on adjusting the strategic in the future; (3). Develop the basic of Internal Business Process Perspective of Balance Scorecard (BSC), describe the goal of POCLM of the legal department of A Design Company and build the performance indicator of the goal achiving for A Design Company by BSC, to implement the strategic into the POCLM and avoid and prevent from arising any contract lawsuit against A Design Company.

Caracterização espaço-temporal do sistema estuarino-lagunar de Cananéia-Iguape (SP) a partir das associações de foraminíferos e tecamebas e suas relações com as variáveis ambientais / Spatio-temporal characterization of lagoon-estuarine system Cananéia-Iguape (SP) from the associations of foraminifera and thecamoebians and their relationships with environmental variables

Jaworski, Katia Simone 19 November 2010 (has links)
A população de foraminíferos e tecamebas no SELCI evidenciou variação espacial, caracterizando alta dominância de hialinos e porcelanáceos no verão, e aglutinantes no inverno. Essa distribuição da microfauna estava associada a maior influência marinha dos setores externos e a forte influência do regime regional de chuvas nos setores internos. Constatou-se como bioindicadores a espécie Pararotalia cananeiaensis indicando o alcance da cunha salina nas porções internas do sistema, os miliolídeos indicando ambientes com renovação de águas marinhas e fluxos mais energéticos no sistema, o gênero Miliammina spp. e as tecamebas indicando ambientes de baixa salinidade. Através do Ic foi possível detectar o impacto do balanço entre as influências continentais e marinhas no sistema, com a intrusão salina sazonalmente distinta, devido às próprias condições regionais e geomorfológicas do sistema. Na tentativa de encontrar ambientes hipóxicos foi aplicado o IAE, porém este índice não gerou resultados satisfatórios neste sistema estuarino, visto que outros fatores representaram ser variáveis mais importantes do que a concentração de oxigênio dissolvido. O cálculo da BFAR foi testado revelando que a geomorfologia do SELCI foi um fator determinante na distribuição das espécies e que a BFAR foi uma medida qualitativa do fluxo de MO no sistema. Através das análises estatísticas multivariadas foi possível determinar as associações da microfauna, sendo estas condicionadas, nas duas campanhas, principalmente pelos fatores salinidade, substrato e profundidade. / The population of foraminifera and thecamoebians in the CILES (Cananéia-Iguape Lagoon Estuarine System) evidenced spatial variation, characterizing high dominance of hyalines and porcelanaceous during the summer and agglutinated in the winter. This microfauna distribution was associated to stronger marine influence in the outer sections and to strong regional pluviosity in the inner sections. The bioindicator species were Pararotalia cananeiaensis, evidencing the extent of the salt water wedge in the inner portion of the system, the miliolidae, indicating environments with renewal of marine water and more energetic fluxes in the system and the gender Miliammina spp. and thecamoebians indicating areas of low salinity. Trough the Ic it was possible to identify the impact of the balance between marine and fresh waters influence in the system, with saline intrusion seasonally distinct, due to the system\'s own regional and morphological conditions. An attempt to identify hypoxia areas was made using the AEI (Ammonia-Elphidium Index) test, however, this index did not reveal satisfactory results in this estuarine system, since other factors seem to be more representative than the dissolved oxygen concentration. The geomorphology of the CILES was proved to be a determinant factor in the distribution of the species through the BFAR (Benthic Foraminifera Accumulation Rate) calculation, which was also a qualitative measure of the flux of organic matter (TOC) in the system. Statistical analysis proved that the associations of microfauna, was driven, in both campaigns, by salinity, substract and depth.

國內企業導入ERP系統之模式探討-以IC製造業為例 / The Research on Developing a Model of Implementing ERP Systems for the IC Manufacturing Industry in Taiwan

朱麗芬, Chu, Li-Fen Unknown Date (has links)
由於全球化營運的趨勢,許多企業皆邁向跨國的經營模式,組織的層級與規模隨業務需要逐漸擴大,導致對於整合與控制企業資源、企業流程和資訊系統的需求日益增強。不但必須了解國內外企業的所有資源與營運狀況,還需將所有資源加以整合,並整合上下游成為一個完整的供應鏈模式,以能即時提供對企業有利的資訊供決策之用。而企業經營面對的競爭也是全球性的,更快速地反應市場及客戶需求,或是更流暢地與上、下游廠商溝通,都是企業必備的條件,但這樣的理想便需要透過作好組織內部的企業資源規劃(Enterprise Resource Planning,ERP)來達成;亦即良好的企業資源規劃為供應鏈有效運作之基礎。 因此國內企業也逐漸體認企業資源規劃系統的重要性,尤其面對全球化競爭、組織扁平化、產業知識快速擴散與新科技對企業的衝擊,國內各企業無不全力投入提升企業競爭力的行列,對於企業資源規劃系統的需求也就日益增加。但目前國內尚無適合台灣企業本土化的導入方法,可作為企業資源規劃系統導入實施的步驟依據,故而提出一套能適合國內企業導入企業資源規劃系統的方法實為當務之急。 有鑑於此,本研究透過文獻探討蒐集彙整的方式,以瞭解成功導入企業資源規劃系統之方法;接著,利用模式推導方式,提出一適合國內企業導入企業資源規劃系統的參考模式及建議;再者,本研究將以半導體產業之IC製造業為例,對事先選定的個案公司透過深入訪談、實際觀察、文件及檔案資料收集等方式,輔以非結構化問卷進行個案研究;最後,藉由個案研究所得之結論,針對之前所提之參考模式加以修正,以供國內半導體產業之IC製造業的借鏡,並作為未來導入企業資源規劃系統之參考。 / For the trend towards global operations, the business models of many enterprises become in international style, and the organizational hierarchies and sizes of these enterprises are also becoming expanded. Therefore it extraordinarily needs to integrate and to control the business resources, processes and information systems of an enterprise to overcome these changes. To reach this goal, an enterprise must draw up the right enterprise resource planning (ERP). And also, a right enterprise resource plan is the basis to integrate its upstream and downstream as to be an efficient and effective supply chain. To face the worldwide competition and new information technologies striking, many enterprises in Taiwan are growing to realize the importance of implementing ERP systems to enhance their competition capabilities. Although the demand of implementing ERP systems is becoming great, it lacks a model of implementing ERP systems for the enterprises in Taiwan. Therefore, to provide a suitable model for the Taiwan’s enterprises is a task of the urgency at present. In this research, firstly we survey the existing models for the implementation of information technology applications and ERP systems. Secondly, we study the operating characteristics of the enterprises in Taiwan, and propose a preliminary model of implementing ERP systems for the enterprises in Taiwan. Finally we analyze the properties of IC manufacturing industry and visit an IC manufacturing enterprise as to be our real study case to get its implementation experience, and use this information to revise our preliminary model. The model proposed in this thesis could be used as a reference model for the IC manufacturing enterprises to implement their ERP systems.

台灣地區IC設計業公司圖書館(資料單位)經營之研究 / A Study on the Management of Corporate Libraries (Information Center) for Integrated Circuit Corporate in Taiwan

楊舒萍, Yang, Su-Ping Unknown Date (has links)
在繁忙的工商界,資訊代表一種情報、一種利器,如何掌握商情資訊,是企業界提昇競爭力的不二法門。IC設計業為一知識密集產業,有鑑於資訊流通、知識管理的重要性,IC設計公司成立公司圖書館(資料單位),以便於有效地保存資料,迅速提供資訊服務。本研究採用深度訪談與問卷調查法,以18家IC設計業公司圖書館為研究對象,目的在瞭解IC設計業公司圖書館的經營狀況,以及在公司知識管理中所扮演的角色。 本調查發現,IC設計業公司圖書館尚屬於起步階段,需協助公司進行品質管理,參與ISO9001的認證,所以主管單位為品保部門;人員編制少,多為一人圖書館,但服務對象卻涵蓋全公司、客戶與晶圓廠;公司圖書館蒐集資料的來源包含客戶、晶圓廠、研究機構以及公司的內部文件與研發資料,並為公司圖書館內的資源製作索引,以提供查詢、借閱。在知識管理的角色扮演上,目前IC設計業公司圖書館已掌握的資源為技術知識,以及公司內已經外顯化的知識,對於資訊知識與內隱知識,尚缺乏管理。 根據調查結果,提出以下五點建議,供IC設計業公司圖書館經營之參考:1.進行文件管理,協助品質認證;2.加強專利資料的蒐尋,實行專利、智慧財產權的管理;3.加入館際合作組織,彌補資源不足的現況;4.強調知識管理的理念,為IC設計公司整合圖書資訊系統;5.館員需要培養主動積極的態度,以知識管理者自居,經常與外界接觸,思考公司圖書館未來經營的方向,並爭取主管與工作同仁的支持與認同、協助蒐集資源。此外,在圖書資訊學系所課程部份,應建立建教合作的關係,重新規畫專門圖書館教育的課程,使圖書資訊學的專長,能運用在公司企業的資料管理。

IC設計產業創新服務營運之研究 – 以山寨產品之案例分析 / An innovation service model study of IC design industry – cases study over Shanzhai products

王德仁 Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣半導體產值已佔全球半導體產值的百分之二十,而臺灣IC設計產值亦已佔全球第二位之重要位置,然而現今在全世界之市場、產品定義、及產品規範都掌控於歐美世界大廠之手,臺灣IC設計產業如何擺脫低價競爭之厄運,甚至有時就算低價競爭,也無法在歐美IC設計大廠已攤平開發成本下,在價格上取得任何優勢;因此在原有臺灣IC設計產業舊有之經營模式,大陸山寨市場提供一個絕佳從資通訊產業上、中、下游之產業鏈重組之模式,臺灣IC設計產業因此在經營模式上必須找出一可以創造產業鏈上、中、下游多贏之經營模式。山寨手機是目前相當成功的一個案例,也創造出一個華人市場特有的手機產業鏈模式,因此此一成功案例也成為目前臺灣IC設計產業最想複製並找出其中致勝之道。 本研究主要探討之問題有四:晶片設計產業,在擴散其核心競爭力時,往往是跨產業別之新的開始,應考量之要點為何? 為切入成熟市場,新的晶片設計公司從”邊陲市場”切入該產業時,產品需提供何種差異化?需提供何種服務並如何取捨? 晶片設計公司原本為腦力密集產業,強調是小而美;然而面對現今山寨產品之風行,山寨系統廠將營運重心轉往銷售及量產管理,則晶片設計公司在組織上如何因應此種產業分工之改變? 晶片設計公司之核心能耐擴展,在山寨市場所需具備之條件為何? 本研究主要藉由策略與組織、技術能力、與市場因素三個構面做為主要分析架構。由三主要架構再細分各架構之變項,在策略與組織中,共有企業經營團隊、核心競爭優勢、組織架構、及網絡定位等變項;在技術能力中,則有過去所累積之產品開發經驗、內部知識傳遞之效率、外部可利用之資源網絡、產品開發管理制度、組織學習能耐及企業之知識管理系統等變項;在市場因素中,則有市場需求之變化、產品行銷、產業合作網絡、及政策因素。 本研究所獲得之研究發現則針對於策略與組織、技術能力、與市場因素此三構面分別描述如下: 一、 在IC產業擴展產業別時,穩扎穩打以鞏固進入產業核心競爭力之根基為企業領導者之主要任務,因此循序漸進為較適當之策略展開作法。 二、 IC設計公司為對客戶提供更多的服務,且面對新的挑戰時,從現有組織分出一獨立組織,或是在公司內部創造出新的組織結構,以便重新定義新流程或定義新的工作型態。 三、 當IC設計產業為因應山寨產業之生態,若需跨足原先IT產業分工中,屬於品牌廠所需負責之工作時,因財務之負擔,必須審慎以對。 四、 企業以”邊陲進入”之模式切入成熟產業,若在硬體平台相類似下,僅以低成本之差異,但無法取得消費者在其他產品特性方面之認同,則將難以形成產品認同。 五、 企業在跨入其他產業時,利用購併之方式快速取得核心技術,重新定義新任務所需之流程及價值觀為首要任務。 六、 技術追隨者在進入市場時,選擇以”邊陲市場”進入為一正確之選擇,然而利用”五力分析”分析市場競爭者之動態,隨時調整本身策略為更重要之功課。 / According to the market report, 20% market share of world wide semiconductor market is supplied by Taiwan’s companies, and the total market share of Taiwan’s IC design house is ranked as second within world wide IC design companies. But until now, all of the product definition and product specification are dominated by USA or Europe companies. Even to offer the price competition strategy to the target market, sometimes Taiwan’s IC design house also cannot break even by the traditional quickly follower business model. China market offers a good market, which is different with the traditional business model, to re-organize the business chain, and we called it as “Shanzhai” market. Taiwan’s IC design company could define a new business supply chain to win back some market share within the mature market. “Shanzhai” mobile phone market is a successful case, and it also create a special business supply chain within Chinese countries. Based on this successful case, other Taiwan’s IC design companies also want to analyze and find out the successful business model. Within this research, there are four questions should be covered, and shown as below.  Within the IC design industry, what’s kind of consideration should be discussed when it try to expand it’s core competition?  When a new IC design company want to cut in a mature market, what’s kind of service should be considered except the product differentiation?  IC design house is a high technology company and focus on small size but with high quality engineers. If IC design companies tried to target on servicing the “Shanzhai” market, they how to re-organize the traditional organization to meet the different models with small quantities business models.  To expand the IC design house core competition for servicing “Shanzhai” market, what’s kind of conditions should be prepared? Within this research, it consists and discussed from three dimensions which are strategy and organization, technology capability, and market factors. Under the three dimensions, there are some detailed key factors should be covered. Under the strategy and organization, it should cover company management team, core competition analysis, organization structure, and the position within the supply chain. Under the technology capability, it should cover the product development experience, the knowledge communication efficiency internally, the learning capability of new technology, and knowledge management system. Under the market factor, it should cover the analysis of market demanding, market promotion, business cooperation, and policy consideration. By the three dimensions(strategy and organization, technology capability, and market factors), this research have the following finding. 1. When the IC design company expand it’s core business, it is better to expand the core business sequentially as it’s strategy. 2. In order to provide more new services other than traditional services of IC design company, the IC design house is much better to organize a new supporting organization or re-organize a new section to support to re-define the working SOP or define a new working model. 3. In order to service the “Shanzhai” market, the IC design company may involve the service of traditional brand name company’s business. The financial burden is a critical issue should be considered at first. 4. When the IC design house tried to step into a mature market as technology follower, it should try to find other differentiation point other than lower price only. 5. When the IC design house try to merge other IC design company for quickly step into a new market, the first priority is to re-define the new working SOP and target task for new group. 6. The technology follower select a second/or third priority market as their target market is a correct selection. But the most important is to adjust the own strategy dynamically according to competitor’s status.

台灣IC設計公司競爭模式與成長策略 / The competitive patterns and growth strategies of Taiwan fabless IC design

林帛曉, Lin, Po Hsiao Unknown Date (has links)
台灣半導體業自1970年代發展至今,垂直分工完整,從上游的IC設計、製造,到下游的封測與配銷,都有眾多企業投入。本研究著眼於台灣半導體產業中,最上游的IC設計公司之競爭策略與經營模式,主要有幾個原因: 1.台灣有超過300間IC設計公司,吸納了眾多理工相關人才。 2.在全球範圍內,近年的產業結構劇變導致IC設計公司消長迅速。 3.IC設計可靠著正確的產品崛起,但也容易後續乏力,是高風險高獲利的產業。 4.經20餘年發展,世界前20大IC設計公司中,台灣企業已佔到5席。此時回顧IC設計公司的發展歷程,探究其成長策略,當可做為未來其他新進業者參考。 企業成長的策略模式是多樣化的,本研究整理相關文獻與個案發展歷程,針對四家台灣不同領域的IC設計公司所做分析,提出IC設計公司成長策略的擬定,可以由「市場面」、「技術面」,和「策略面」出發。目的在於,探討台灣IC設計業在成長過程中,面對外部競爭環境如何擬定競爭策略以建立、維持競爭優勢。 本研究實證結果摘要以下幾點: 1.技術面:新創IC設計公司資源不足,專攻特定技術可盡速累積經驗與未來發展資源。為了補足資源缺口,可以考慮緊跟產業標準制定者,進行產品規劃。 2.市場面:透過挑選指標型客戶,建立穩定的訂單來源,以及市場聲譽。 3.策略面:引進重要客戶或業界龍頭入股,加深合作關係。 關鍵字:IC設計、競爭模式、創新策略、成長策略、競爭優勢。 / Since 1970s, the semiconductor industry in Taiwan has formed a complete vertical specialized system which consisted of numerous companies from the upstream IC design, manufacturing, assembly & testing to the downstream IC distribution. The reasons why this study focused on the competitive patterns and business models of IC design includes: 1.There are more than 300 fabless IC design house in Taiwan and the whole industry attracted lots of young engineering talents and became remarkable to Taiwan economy. 2.Significant structural transformations changed the whole industry recently. 3.IC design house can rise rapidly by just one right product and fall even faster if they missed the right timing. So the industry is about high operation risks with high return on investments. 4.To learn the successful stories of Taiwanese IC design could be reference classes for the coming start-ups. The growth strategies of corporations are quite diversified, therefore, this study induced the related documents and generalized the history of four case companies to find how they develop growth strategies. This study proposed the growth strategies could be formulated out of three dimensions: the market orientation, the technology orientation and the strategy orientation as below: 1.Technology orientation: In order to accumulate necessary resources for future growth, IC design start-ups may concentrate on core technologies and keep in step with the industry standard setters to plan their product line. 2.Market orientation: Collaborate with key clients to gain stable purchasing orders and reputations. 3.Strategy orientation: Leverage key clients or industry leaders to do market development. Keywords: Fabless IC Design, Competitive Patterns, Innovation Strategy, Growth Strategy, Competitive Advantage.

台灣IC產業專利發明人的合作網絡機制 / Innovation Mechanisms of the Patent-Based Inventor Networks in Taiwan IC Industry

官逸人, Guan, Yi Ren Unknown Date (has links)
IC(積體電路)產業是台灣過去三十多年來發展最完整、且在世界上最具有競爭力的創新型產業。研發與技術專利成長快速,也代表這個產業的技術創新成果。台灣IC 產業技術創新和專利的研究累積了一些成果,但較缺乏使用研發創新發明人網絡所做的分析。本研究使用IC 產業專利發明人網絡資料,從結構洞(structural holes)和地位訊號(status signal)這兩個過去西方半導體和生物科技等創新產業研究中,最能解釋創新行動者與網絡系統和創新表現理論機制的學術研究累積成果出發,並反省台灣特有IC 產業分工技術利基位置、流動型勞力市場,發展出專利發明人網絡對專利發明成果影響機制之模型。研究發現,分析結果支持發明人地位訊號、結構洞網絡理論機制有助於專利創新發明的假設。而比較特殊的例外是,上游的專利發明網絡,結構洞低的類型反而有比較好的專利創新。這是由於上游的IC設計產業技術特性,需仰賴同一團隊的人重複合作方能完成設計,所以大多與重疊的人合作,結構限制較高,因此呈現與結構洞理論不同的情況。此外,研究發現,流動並不一定帶來較佳的技術創新,台灣IC產業專利人才流動對於技術發展與創新的正面影響,較多是在上游的IC設計產業。 因此創新發明鑲嵌在台灣特有半導體的不同技術利基環境中,還必須考慮到不同產業位置的技術特性,與產業技術發展所在的階段,才能正確解釋台灣IC產業的創新發明機制。 / The IC (integrated circuit) industry has been the most complete, competitive and innovative industry in Taiwan over the past three decades. The rapid growth of patents in this field demonstrates the marvelous outcomes of technological innovations. A huge amount of patent-based research has been accumulated in this industry, but only a little is related to the inventor network. Structural holes and status signal are two competing perspectives in explaining the dynamic mechanisms between innovative actors and network systems of the most innovative industries, semiconductor and biotechnology, in advanced countries. We use these two theories and network data of patent-based inventors to discuss the specific niche of vertical disintegration and fluid labor market in Taiwan IC industry, and develop models on mechanisms of how inventors’ networks affect the outcome of inventors’ patents. The findings reveal that the hypothesis on the effects of status signals and structural holes in inventors’ collaboration networks on the citations of inventors’ patents was supported. However, the patent inventions of the upstream IC design firms, the collaborative invention teams seem to be small or high structural constraints. Most of the patents of these newly growing firms in IC design industry are specialized in consumption products. The structural constraints are high, but the impact of is large. Besides, inventors’ fluidity would not necessarily create more influential patents. The fluidity of patent-based inventors was positive impact to the patent inventions, more was found in the IC designs company. The IC industry has been vertically differentiated into three sectors: the IC designs, the IC foundry, the package and test. In principle, these three sectors demand different levels of technology. The maturity of technological niches will affect the impacts of the patents.

Vergleichende immunhistochemische Untersuchungen zum LH/hCG-Rezeptor (LHCGR) im Urothel und Detrusor der Harnblase mit Veränderungen bei Bladder Pain Syndrome/Interstitial Cystitis (BPS/IC)

Schulze, Claudia 16 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
BPS/IC (Bladder Pain Syndrome/Interstitial Cystitis) ist ein sehr schweres und noch weitgehend unverstandenes Krankheitsbild in der Urologie. Viele Frauen sind im Alltag durch den ständigen Harndrang und die Schmerzen stark eingeschränkt und von Depressionen betroffen. Die Aufklärung der Pathogenese ist deshalb sehr wichtig, um eine adäquate Therapie für die Betroffenen zu entwickeln und die Krankheit möglichst frühzeitig diagnostizieren zu können. Das Schwangerschaftshormon hCG (humanes Choriongonadotropin) besitzt differenzierende und wachstumsfördernde Eigenschaften und eine Rolle in der Urothelregeneration und – stabilisierung scheint möglich. Daher ist das Ziel dieser Arbeit seinen Rezeptor, den LHCGR (Luteinizing-Hormone/Choriogonadotropin Rezeptor), in der Harnblase nachzuweisen und die urothelialen und muskulären Charakteristika zwischen gesunden und an BPS/IC erkrankten Harnblasen zu vergleichen. Die Darstellung des LHCGR erfolgte auf Proteinebene mittels indirekter Immunfluoreszenz und auf mRNA-Ebene durch Standard-PCR. Es zeigten sich im Urothel von Harnblase und Ureter 5 unterschiedliche Verteilungsmuster des Rezeptors hinsichtlich seiner Expression in verschiedenen Zellschichten und seiner subzellulären Lokalisation. Je nach Urothelzustand und zwischen den Entitäten Kontroll- bzw. BPS/IC-Harnblase variierten diese Muster in ihrer Häufigkeit. In anderen Epithelien, wie dem Vaginalepithel, änderte sich die zelluläre Verteilung des LHCGR in Abhängigkeit vom Differenzierungsgrad der Zellen. Es scheint möglich, dass auch die Rezeptorexpression in Urothelzellen deren verschiedene Differenzierungszustände widerspiegelt. Dies unterstützt den für hCG vermuteten Einfluss auf die Epithelregeneration. Ein Vergleich der urothelialen Fluoreszenzintensitäten zwischen weiblichen Kontroll – und BPS/IC-Harnblasen zeigte eine signifikant stärkere Expression des Rezeptors bei erkrankten Patienten. Dem gegenüber war kein Unterschied im Detrusor, weder zwischen Kontroll – und BPS/IC-Harnblasen noch im geschlechtsspezifischen Vergleich, festzustellen. Damit scheint der Rezeptor seine Hauptaufgabe vorrangig im Urothel zu entfalten. Die Korrelationsanalysen ergaben keinen signifikanten Zusammenhang zwischen dem Erkrankungsalter (Zeitpunkt der Diagnosestellung und Biopsieentnahme) und der LHCGR-Immunfluoreszenz. Ein endokrinologischer Einfluss auf die Rezeptorexpression wurde dadurch unwahrscheinlich und unterstützt die immer akzeptiertere Auffassung, dass BPS/IC nicht mehr mit der Menopause assoziiert ist. Neben dem Urothel und Detrusor zeigten auch Lamina propria und Gefäße von Harnblase und Ureter die Expression des LHCGR in der Immunhistochemie. Unterschiedliche Clustermuster des Rezeptors im Detrusor ließen auf die Oligomerisierung des Rezeptors schließen. Die Bedeutung dieser Zusammenschlüsse ist jedoch noch unklar, wobei unterschiedliche funktionelle Zustände des Rezeptors vermutet werden. Orientierung bieten andere Rezeptoren, die durch Dimerisierung verschiedener Rezeptorvarianten ihre Funktionalität verbessern oder verschlechtern konnten. Obwohl für keine bisher entdeckte Variante des LHCGR eine definitive Aufgabe ermittelt werden konnte, scheinen doch viele Varianten auch unterschiedliche Funktionen wahrnehmen zu können. Besonders auf der Regulierbarkeit des Rezeptors mittels interagierender Splicevarianten sollte das Augenmerk zukünftiger Studien liegen. Ob durch Komplexbildung verschiedener Varianten oder Bildung nichtfunktioneller trunkierter Rezeptoren, die Kontrollmöglichkeiten sind vielfältig und können auch auf Liganden wirken. Letztlich ließ der Nachweis des LHCGR in allen Schichten von Harnblase und Ureter eher eine globale Rolle des Rezeptors im Harntrakt des Menschen vermuten. Dazu passten auch die bereits nachgewiesenen Einflüsse seiner Liganden auf die Blasenfunktion von Hunden. Die hier vorgelegte Arbeit untersuchte zum ersten Mal die Expression des LHCGR mittels PCR und Immunhistochemie in humanen Harnblasen und Ureteren. Dabei löste sie sich von den sonst üblichen Vorstellungen einer Beziehung des Rezeptors zu Blasentumoren, Schwangerschaft oder Inkontinenz. Diagnose und Therapie von BPS/IC sind zur Zeit noch ständigen Wandlungen unterworfen und dabei entgehen viele Patienten der (frühen) Diagnosestellung und einer adäquaten Behandlung. Diese Studie sollte dazu beitragen neue Einblicke in die Pathophysiologie der Erkrankung zu erlangen, um eine kausale Therapie entwickeln zu können. Zukünftig könnten diese Ergebnisse dabei helfen die Anwendung einer sensitiven und vor allem spezifischen Diagnostik auf molekularer Ebene (mRNA - oder Proteinnachweis) zu ermöglichen.

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