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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Qui sont les associés d’audit des cabinets Big 4 ? : Une lecture interactionniste des carrières des auditeurs dans les cabinets Big 4 en France / Who are audit partners in Big 4 Firms ? : An interactionist interpretation of the partners’ careers in Big 4 Firms in France

Garnier, Claire 09 December 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse entend contribuer à l’étude des carrières des associés des firmes professionnelles en s’intéressant en particulier au processus de construction de l’identité d’associé. En nous appuyant sur le concept interactionniste de carrière nous analysons le « devenir associé » dans le contexte des grands cabinets d’audit internationaux (les Big 4). Ce devenir est un processus qui débute quasiment dès le recrutement et qui relève de mécanismes informels et tacites et de manœuvres politiques. Nous caractérisons ces mécanismes par la notion « d’écurie » qui permet à la fois de comprendre le fonctionnement des procédures de cooptation dans sa dimension non-officielle, mais également la hiérarchisation de la partnershipet le déroulement des carrières en son sein, une fois le stade de l’association passé. La conclusion à laquelle nous parvenons est que l’auditeur devient associé bien avant sa cooptation, en se reconnaissant lui-même comme un professionnel. Ce turning point n’est cependant que le premier sur le chemin qui mène à la partnership car c’est seulement au moment où il rejoint cette dernière que l’auditeur devient l’associé qu’il était, en se faisant reconnaître comme tel par ses pairs, achevant ainsi sa conversion identitaire d’auditeur en associé. Par notre travail, nous nous inscrivons dans la lignée des études en sociologie des professions et en théorie des organisations qui ont exploré le champ de la socialisation des professionnels de l’audit et de la construction de leur identité ainsi que le fonctionnement des grands cabinets internationaux / This PhD studies the process of becoming a partner in professional services firms, envisaged through the lens of the building of the partner identity. To this end, it implements the concept of « career » developed by interactionist sociology to analyse the making of a partner in the context of the Big 4 international audit firms. Becoming a partner is a process that starts right after recruitment and which is governed by complex and largely informal mechanisms and political manoeuvring. We characterize these mechanisms with the help of the notion of “stable”, whose purpose is to understand procedures of co-option in their unofficial dimension but also to account for the structuration of the partner level in firms and the role played by hierarchies within this level in post-partner career progression. We come to the conclusion that auditors actually become partners much earlier than their official promotion to the rank, from the moment they consider themselves as such. This awakening is yet only the first turning point on the road to partnership. It is only when they are officially co-opted that auditors become the partners they were, by being recognised as such by their peers, completing therefore their identity conversion.This work contributes to the literature in the sociology of professions and organizational theory fields by investigating how professionals are socialized and how their identity is constructed and by grasping more accurately the organization of professional services firms

Mångfald i samhället - universitetet som exempel : En kvalitativ studie om utlandsfödda studenters erfarenheter av att studera vid ett svenskt universitet / Diversity in society - the university as an example : A qualitativ study about foreign-born students’ experiences of studying at a Swedish university

Vincent, Judith January 2020 (has links)
I den här studien har jag undersökt utlandsfödda studenters upplevelser av svenskt universitet. Det de har gemensamt är att de kommer från en annan bakgrund än svensk, att de studerar eller har studerat på ett svenskt universitet och att de talar god svenska. Undersökningen visar prov på hur etnicitet och identiteter skapas och synliggörs i olika situationer, och att det svenska språket och tiden i Sverige är viktiga faktorer för att förstå normer och koder. Detta material har framtagits genom att jag intervjuat personer som överensstämmer med beskrivningen, kodat materialet, intervjuat igen och sedan analyserat och jämfört med tidigare forskning. / In this study, I have examined how foreign-born students experience studying at a Swedish university. What they have in common is that they originally come from a different country than Sweden, that they study or have studied at a Swedish university and that they speak and understand the Swedish language well. The survey shows how ethnicity and identities are created and made visible in certain situations, and that both the Swedish language and time in Sweden are important factors for understanding norms and codes. The material is collected by me intervjuing individuals that falls under the above discription. Then I have analysed the material and compared it with privious, similar studies.

Construcción de la identidad en ex barristas de un club de fútbol de Lima (Perú)

Olano Ferreyra, María del Rosario 16 June 2021 (has links)
El objetivo del estudio fue describir la construcción del sentido de pertenencia y la valoración de la trascendencia de la pertenencia en ex barristas de un club de fútbol de Lima (Perú). Para tal fin, se desarrolló un estudio cualitativo con diseño fenomenológico a través de la aplicación de entrevistas semi estructurada a siete ex barristas que asistían a los estadios en los años 90 y ejercieron un rol protagónico dentro de la barra. Los resultados muestran que los ex barristas han construido su identidad mediante la interacción con sus pares con los que comparten la misma afición por un equipo de fútbol y han establecido códigos, comportamientos y valores que los distinguen e identifiquen como grupo. Asimismo, identifican que lo más valioso de haber vivido esta experiencia de pertenencia, es haber aprendido a luchar por sus metas e ideales y el orgullo de haber forjado vínculos que mantienen hasta hoy. Se concluye que los ex barristas han desarrollado competencias como el liderazgo y la resiliencia; y su pertenencia ha tenido impactos significativos en su autoestima y forma de percibirse en el mundo que constituye su expresión de identidad, lo que confirma la identidad social positiva. / The objective of the study was to describe the construction of the sense of belonging and the assessment of the significance of belonging in ex barristas of a soccer club in Lima (Peru). For this purpose, a qualitative study with phenomenological design was developed through the application of semi-structured interviews to seven ex barristas who attended stadiums in the 90s and played a leading role within the bar. The results show that the ex barristas have built their identity by interacting with their peers with those who share the same fondness for a soccer team and have established codes, behaviors and values ​​that distinguish and identify them as a group. Likewise, they identify that the most valuable thing in having lived this experience of belonging is having learned to fight for their goals and ideals and the pride of having forged bonds that they maintain to this day. It is concluded that the ex barristas have developed skills such as leadership and resilience; and their belonging has had significant impacts on their self-esteem and way of perceiving themselves in the world that constitutes their expression of identity, which confirms their positive social identity. / Tesis

Editorial: Transgender

Vollbrecht, Ralf, Dallmann, Christine 21 July 2017 (has links)
Das Begriffsfeld zu Transgender und verwandten Begriffen ist stark ausdifferenziert. Es soll hier nun nicht der Versuch unternommen werden, einen umfassenden Überblick über die komplexe Transgender-Thematik zu geben. Die Frage ist vielmehr, wie eine Pädagogik der Vielfalt am Beispiel von Transgender auch in Schulen umgesetzt werden kann und Schülerinnen und Schüler für dieses Thema sensibilisiert werden können. Für eine pädagogische Auseinandersetzung eignen sich insbesondere Spielfilme – und mittlerweile gibt es eine ganze Reihe geeigneter Filme zum Thema Transgender. Der Film „Transamerica“, den Hamisch in ihrem Beitrag analysiert, verdeutlicht vor allem die Identitätsherausforderungen, denen sich die Protagonistin des Films stellen muss. Dies ermöglicht einen pädagogisch-didaktischen Zugang zum Thema, der nicht von normativen Positionen ausgeht, die die Schülerinnen und Schüler mitbringen, sondern zur Reflexion über die eigene Identität anregt.

Passive radicalisation without mobilisation : A narrative analysis of collective identities and emotions as driving forces of online radicalisation

Lewenhaupt, Ida January 2020 (has links)
Scholars often consider ideology a crucial factor for radicalisation, but some groups appear radical even though they have been described as lacking clear ideologies. This thesis will explore why members of the incel community appear radical despite the community’s lack of a rigid ideology. I explore this through a narrative analysis focusing on collective identities and emotions as narrated and potential driving forces of radicalisation. My study has identified two narratives, the incel as inferior and the incel as superior. The analysis shows that radicalisation is more prominent in the second narrative. In the first narrative, the victimhood and hopelessness serve as a foundation for the expressions of violence found in the second one based on perceived injustices. My findings suggest that the narration of collective identities and emotional dimensions is crucial for the radicalisation of members of the incel community since collective identities create a sense of belonging to the community and guide actions based on “emotional batteries”.

The potential use of a personal portfolio for identity development of an adolescent

Quinn, Magdalena Katarzyna 15 June 2011 (has links)
This study focuses on how a Personal Portfolio can facilitate the narration of an adolescent’s life story and the outcome on self understanding. An instrumental case study that was exploritative and descriptive in nature was used to gain insight into the potential value of using a Personal Portfolio to reflect an adolescent’s quest for identity development. Data were collected by means of Personal Portfolio activities, open-ended interviews, tape-recordings of participant interviews, reflective reports written by the research participant as well as observations and field notes recorded in a diary by the researcher. The thematic analysis of the data was done within a constructivist-interpretivist framework. Five core categories: Identity Crisis/Confusion, Identity Exploration,Identifying Developmental Assets, Unresolved Past Issues, and the Experience of Compiling a Personal Portfolio emerged. These core categories were further linked to sub-categories and related themes. This study found that compiling a Personal Portfolio supported the research participant’s quest for identity. In particular, it facilitated a process of self exploration regarding career choice and sexual identity and resulted in increased self-knowledge, an awareness of personal assets and an overall improved sense of self-worth and self-confidence. This study also provided the research participant with a platform to work from and the means to solve some personal problems. The study further more concluded that a Personal Portfolio is a cost effective method that is suitable for use in a diverse South African context which could be utilised by counsellors and educators with their task to assist adolescents with their identity development. / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Educational Psychology / unrestricted

"Livet är inte lätt men man lär sig att kämpa" : En kvalitativ utredning om unga klienters identitetsskapande på särskilda ungdomshem

Hansen, Linda January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna utredning var att undersöka hur unga klienter skapar och utvecklar sin identitet som intagna på SiS särskilda ungdomshem. Ingen datainsamling har skett i samband med utredningen. Istället har utredningen utgått från ett publicerat material; tre upplagor av bokserien SiS unga berättar. Utredningen har genomförts med utgångspunkt i en kvalitativ ansats med fokus på beskrivning, tolkning och förståelse. Materialet analyserades med hjälp av en kvalitativ textanalys som bestod av två steg: kodning och tolkning. Olika mönster, teman och nyckelbegrepp identifierades vid kodningen. Vid tolkningen relaterades de olika delarna i kodningen till varandra och kopplades till teoretiska begrepp samt jämfördes med tidigare forskning. Goffmans (2014) teori om totala institutioner och Giddens (1999) teori om identitet användes som teoretiska utgångspunkter i den här utredningen. Resultatet av utredningen visade att tillvaron på de särskilda ungdomshemmen kan ha betydelse för unga klienters identitetsskapande då klienterna lever i en mycket speciell kontext utan handlingsfrihet och med mycket begränsade kommunikationsmöjligheter. Även sociala relationer kan bidra till unga klienters identitetsskapande. För unga klienter är ofta relationen med familj och vänner mycket värdefull och trygghetsskapande. Samtidigt tyder utredningens resultat på att komplicerade relationer med representanter från socialtjänsten är vanligt bland unga klienter. Framtiden är viktig men oviss för många unga klienter. Både handlingar i klientens förflutna och framtida möjligheter kan vara betydelsefulla för de unga klienternas identitetsskapande. / The purpose of this investigation was to explore how young clients create and develop their identity as inmates at SiS special residential homes. No data collection has been made duringthe investigation. Instead, the investigation has been based on a published material; three editions of the Swedish book series SiS Unga berättar. The investigation has been carried out on the basis of a qualitative approach with a focus on description, interpretation and understanding. The material was analyzed using a qualitative text analysis that consisted of two steps: coding and interpretation. Different patterns, themes and key concepts were identified during the coding. In the interpretation, the different parts of the coding related to each other were linked to theoretical concepts as well as previous research. Goffman's theory of total institutions and Gidden’s theory of identity were used as a theoretical perspective in this investigation. The results of the investigation showed that the environment in the special residential homes can be important for young clients' identity creation as the clients live in a very special context without freedom of action and with very limited communication opportunities. Social relationships can also contribute to young clients' identity construction. For young clients, the relationship with family and friends is often very important and contributes to the clients feeling of safety. At the same time, the results of the investigation indicate that complicated relationships with representatives from the social services are common among young clients. The future is important but uncertain for many young clients. Both actions in the client's past and future opportunities can be important for the young clients' identity construction.

Becoming Marriageable: Young Blind Women and their Experiences of Gender and Disability

Akbar, Sadia 22 April 2022 (has links)
In dieser Studie wird untersucht, wie auf Fähigkeiten basierende soziale Erwartungen, die in weibliche Normen eingebettet sind, die Konzeptualisierung von Behinderung beeinflussen und subjektive Strategien zur Aushandlung des Behindertenstatus im Prozess des Werdens einer "behinderten Frau" formen. Ich stützte mich auf die Theorie des sozialen Konstruktivismus (Berger und Luckmann 1966) und untersuchte Erfahrungen von zwanzig körperbehinderten Frauen in Pakistan. Ziel war es, die soziokulturellen Prozesse und Praktiken zu untersuchen, die behinderten Frauen in ihrem Lebensverlauf Wissen über Geschlecht und Behinderung vermitteln. Biographien von drei blinden Frauen wurden für eine detaillierte Fallrekonstruktion ausgewählt. Die Analyse ergab, dass die Interpretation der Behinderung durch die Familie die soziale Integration behinderter Frauen und ihr Verständnis von Behinderung erheblich beeinflusst. In Familien mit einem niedrigeren sozioökonomischen Hintergrund verstärken tief verinnerlichte Weiblichkeitsnormen die soziale Ausgrenzung blinder Frauen. Umgekehrt wurde festgestellt, dass die Familien der Oberschicht aktiv an der Überwindung der Behinderungsbarrieren mitwirken, indem sie behinderten Frauen instrumentelle Unterstützung gewähren. Die Wertschätzung der Familie für die Hochschulbildung ist mit dem Wunsch verbunden, die Heiratsaussichten ihrer jungen, körperlich behinderten Tochter zu verbessern. Die behinderten Frauen sehen jedoch in der Hochschulbildung ein Mittel, um unabhängig zu werden. Da die gesellschaftliche Anerkennung als "Frau" eng mit der Fähigkeit von Frauen verbunden ist, die Erwartungen an die Geschlechterrolle zu erfüllen, beziehen sich körperlich behinderte Frauen stark auf die kulturelle Vorstellung von Weiblichkeit, um dem Behinderungsaspekt ihrer Identität zu widerstehen. Folglich stellen sie die repressiven Normen der Weiblichkeit nicht unbedingt in Frage, obwohl sie gebildete und wirtschaftlich unabhängige Frauen sind. / This study investigates how ability based social expectations embedded in feminine norms affect the conceptualisation of disability and shape subjective strategies for negotiating disabled status in the process of becoming a ‘disabled woman’. I drew on the theory of social constructivism (Berger and Luckmann 1966) and researched the biographical experiences of twenty (20) young physically disabled women, living in Pakistan. The purpose was to investigate the sociocultural processes and practices that provide disabled women with knowledge about gender and disability in their life course. Among twenty interlocutors, the biographies of three blind women were selected for detailed case-reconstruction. Analysis revealed that the family’s interpretation of their daughter’ disability significantly influences the social integration of disabled women and their understanding of disability. In families with a lower socioeconomic background, deeply internalised norms of femininity intensify the social exclusion of blind women. Conversely, the upper class families were found to be active in overcoming the disabling barriers by providing means of instrumental support to disabled women. The research demonstrated that higher education is comprehended by the interlocutors and their families as the key source of gaining social inclusion. The family’s appreciation of higher education is intertwined with their desire to enhance the marriage prospects of their young physically disabled daughter. However, disabled women perceive higher education as a means of becoming economically independent. Since social recognition as ‘woman’ is closely associated with women’s ability to fulfil gender role expectations, physically disabled women relate strongly to the cultural notion of femininity to resist the disability aspect of their identity. Consequently, they do not absolutely challenge the repressive norms of femininity despite being educated and economically independent women.

Normative Power Europe, Challenged at Home? : A discourse analysis exploring EU identity work in responding to the undemocratic turn in Hungary

Pontén, Rebecca January 2022 (has links)
Through the conception of the EU as a normative power, scholars envisage moving beyond the traditional notion of power in international relations. Scholars have argued that this “new kind of political ethics” entails an expectation on political discourse to avoid antagonistic othering and for consistency between the internal and external dimensions of identity construction. By exploring the previously overlooked internal dimension of Normative Power Europe (NPE), in light of Hungary challenging the upholding of the EU’s founding values, this thesis investigates how EU representatives discursively manage differences “at home”. The discourse analysis identified a dominant pattern of antagonistic othering towards the Hungarian government, suggesting a dilemma in upholding EU values while complying with the expectation that being a “new kind of power” entails. The results further suggest that the internal dilemma has implications on the credibility of the EU as an actor in foreign policy. In studying the managing of internal differences, this thesis adds to previous NPE scholarship on how the EU, in addressing internal fallacies, could work as a “laboratory” and project credible normative power in international relations.

Écoute de musique et construction identitaire des jeunes à l’ère du « streaming »

Gagné, Juliette P. 08 1900 (has links)
Le présent mémoire porte avant tout sur les rôles que prend la musique dans la construction de l’identité des jeunes qui en consomme beaucoup. D’abord un sujet d’étude populaire au cours des années 1990 et 2000, la question de la musique et de l’identité est ensuite retombée dans l’ombre. Une vingtaine d’années plus tard, nous remarquons d’importantes transformations dans l’industrie de la musique, ainsi qu’au niveau des parcours identitaires des jeunes. En s’appuyant sur la littérature du tournant du siècle, nous tentons alors de mettre en lumière comment s’articulent les usages identitaires de la musique dans un contexte d’abondance et d’omniprésence de la musique où les jeunes sont appelés à « être eux-mêmes », une individualisation normée et généralisée. À l’aide d’une approche cognitive du développement de l’identité, nous adoptons dans le cadre de notre recherche une vision holistique de l’identité qui ne la divise pas en différentes composantes. Plutôt que de considérer l’identité personnelle et l’identité sociale séparément, nous adoptons la conception d’un continuum qui unit un pôle réflexif et un pôle social, sur lequel chacun déploie un amalgame unique de procédés identitaires. Parmi nos participants, nous avons également distingué trois profils identitaires, les introspectifs, les observateurs et les explorateurs, qui prennent place sur ce continuum en se distinguant notamment par les sources desquels ils tirent des informations sur eux-mêmes. Cette recherche s’appuie sur 15 entrevues semi-dirigées conduites auprès de jeunes étudiants fréquentant les cégeps du grand Montréal. Au cours de ces entrevues, les participants ont notamment partagé leurs parcours identitaires, leurs pratiques musicales, ainsi que la place qu’occupe la musique dans leur vie et dans leur conception d’eux-mêmes. Au travers de notre analyse, nous décelons des relations changeantes à la musique, surtout au niveau des répertoires qui prennent de l’ampleur, et des moments d’écoutes, qui se font de plus en plus fréquents. Nous observons également que les participants font des usages différents de la musique en fonction de leur profil identitaire. Ainsi, la musique intervient surtout au niveau de la réflexion, de l’analyse de soi et de ses émotions chez notre profil introspectif, tandis qu’elle intervient plutôt au niveau des appartenances chez les observateurs, et au niveau de l’exploration chez les explorateurs. Finalement, nous observons des logiques changeantes au niveau du reflet de soi par la musique, et proposons le concept de « cartographie de soi » pour substituer au concept bien connu de « badge identitaire » proposé par Simon Frith. / This thesis focuses on the roles that music can play in the identity construction of young listeners who consume it at high levels. While initially a popular topic of study during the 1990s and 2000s, the topic of music and identity has since lost its steam. Twenty years later, we are noticing important transformations in the music industry, as well as in the area of identity construction among the youth. Drawing on this turn-of-the-century literature, we attempt to shed light on how identity-related uses of music are articulated in a context of abundance and omnipresence of music where young people are also called upon to be themselves, in a context of normalized and generalized individualization. Using a cognitive approach to identity development, our research takes a holistic view of identity that avoids dividing it into different components. Rather than considering personal identity and social identity, we adopt a continuum that joins a reflexive pole and a social pole, on which each deploys a unique amalgam of identity processes. Finally, we also distinguish three identity profiles among our participants, the introspectives, the observers, and the explorers, who distinguish themselves by the sources from which they draw information about themselves. This research is based on 15 semi-structured interviews conducted with young students attending CEGEPs in the greater Montreal area. During these interviews, the participants shared their identity pathways, their habits of music consumption, as well as the place of music in their lives, and their concept of self. Our analysis reveals changing relationships to music, especially in terms of repertoires which are becoming more extensive and listening times which are becoming more frequent. We also observe that the identity profiles use music differently, notably at the level of reflection, self-analysis, and emotions for our introspective profile, music intervenes at the level of belonging and identification for the observers, and the level of exploration for the explorers. Finally, we observe changing logic at the level of self-reflection through music and propose the concept of self-mapping to substitute Simon Frith's identity badge.

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