Spelling suggestions: "subject:"1mportance"" "subject:"dmportance""
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Studijní dráhy studentů z rodin bez vysokoškolského vzdělání / Academic trajectories of first in the family university studentsSejčková, Šárka January 2019 (has links)
Sociologists offer a rich description of families from higher and lower social classes in their work. Some individuals, however, manage to break out of the system of social inequalities and receive an academic degree, even though their parents have a lower level of education. The aim of the thesis is to describe the specifics of such students and outline the psychological level of the given issue. Psychological oriented authors in other countries call this population first generation college students. In particular, key life moments that have influenced the individual's educational path will be examined. Another goal will be to find out how such individuals perceive themselves as a student and also find out which attributes are associated with this role. The research also focuses on the family and the wider social environment of the individual to discover whether this social environment provide some support. The thesis also contributed to explanation of motivation and integration as main factors associated with and academic success of students. The research method is semi-structured interviews and respondents were young people in Master's / engineering programs at universities. The basic condition was that they have parents without higher education. Data analysis revealed that for respondents are...
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New Zealand businesses in India: opportunities and challengesNagar, Swati January 2008 (has links)
As a resource based economy international engagement plays a critical role for the growth and development of New Zealand. One of the most notable trends over the past 15 years has been the rise of some of the largest markets around the world, that have led to a rapid and substantial increase in international trade and investment flows. The liberalisation and consequently the rise of emerging markets has today changed the economic geography for the business world, with companies entering these markets with the hope of getting superior returns arising from rapid economic growth and related market opportunities. Amongst other emerging markets, the economic resurgence of the Indian market in the recent years has been widely noticed and in many senses has influenced and changed the structure and operations of businesses around the world. The prospects offered by India have allowed firms to substantially expand their activities beyond their domestic borders and access new growth opportunities generating significant productive growth. The benefits that markets like India today generate are likely to be particularly significance for New Zealand, given the small size of the domestic market. Indeed, increasing New Zealand’s exporting and international investing activity is vital to raising New Zealand’s growth rate. The rapid rise and deregulation of the Indian market has seen a rise in the number of New Zealand businesses keen to tap into the vast prospects across different sectors over the recent years. Nevertheless, New Zealand businesses have not been participating to nearly the same extent as most businesses from other small developed countries currently operating in the Indian market. Reasons for this limited interaction are unclear and not well documented in the current literature that examines the economic activities amongst the two markets. Given the importance of international engagement New Zealand businesses cannot afford to isolate themselves from the opportunities provided by the Indian market. Considering this, the main aim of this research is to focus on the opportunities that India provides and the benefits that New Zealand businesses stand to gain from those. On identifying, this may help devise actions that might lead to substantially increased levels of international investments by New Zealand firms, given the challenges of entering the Indian base from a small remote country. Drawing on insights gained from existing literature and case studies of companies operating in India, the research will identify appropriate strategies and policies that might help New Zealand businesses to succeed and better direct operations in India.
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成就動機、作業重要性、與兩人合作結果對合作關係的情緒影響 / The effect of achievement motivation, task importance and task outcome on individuals' emotion胡昌亞, Hu, Chang-Ya Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討在兩人合作狀況下,當個人相對工作貢獻較合作夥伴多時,其在得知合作結果前後,是否會有不同的情緒強度與理由?研究者首先以60名受訪者為對象進行探索研究,以了解可能影響個體合作經驗的因素,並根據探索研究的結果設計正式研究問卷。正式研究中則以情境實驗法對150名大學生進行研究,分別在受試者得知合作結果之前(階段一)與之後(階段二),測量受試者的情緒強度與理由。階段一為完全受試者間實驗設計(2 × 2),探討作業重要性(高、低)與個人成就動機(高、低),對個人得知合作結果前情緒強度的影響。研究結果發現,個人得知合作結果前的情緒,並不因為成就動機高低或是作業重要性高低而有所差異。階段二為完全受試者間實驗設計(2 × 2 × 2),探討作業重要性(高、低)、個人成就動機(高、低)與合作結果(成功、失敗)三變項,對個人得知合作結果後情緒強度的影響。研究結果發現,個人得知合作結果之後的情緒,會受到作業重要性、合作結果及此二變項交互作用的影響而有不同。作業重要性高組的負向情緒強度比重要性低組強;合作結果失敗組的負向情緒強度比成功組強;當合作結果成功時,作業重要性高組與重要性低組的情緒差異不大,但是當合作結果失敗時,作業重要性高組的負向情緒比重要性低組的負向情緒更強。
此外,研究者也以描述性的方式,呈現全體受試者得知合作結果前的情緒理由、成功組與失敗組受試者得知合作結果後的情緒理由、受試者情緒變化的動態歷程以及在合作之後受試者可能的行為傾向。研究者最後檢討本研究的限制,以對未來的研究提出建議,並討論本研究在工商實務上可能的應用。 / The purpose of this research is to study individual's emotion intensity in a cooperative dyad when one's contribution to the task is more than his /her partner. Whether individual's emotion intensity differed after he/she knew the cooperative outcome was examined. Researcher first interviewed 60 subjects to gather the possible reasons that affect the cooperative experiences. The formal research design is base on the result of pre-experirnent interview. In the experiment, a story which described a cooperative condition of two people was used as the simulative task. 150 undergraduate students of National Chengchi University attended the experiment. Researcher measured their emotion intensity before (stage 1) and after (stage 2) they knew the result of the simulative task. A 2 (task importance : high or low) × 2 (achievement motivation: high or low ) between subject design was used to examine the effect on stage 1. The result showed that individual's emotion intensity did not affect by these two variables. A 2 (task importance : high or low) × 2 (achievement motivation: high or low ) × 2 (cooperative outcome: success or failure) between subject design was used to examine the effect on stage 2. The result showed that task importance, cooperative outcome, the interaction of task importance and cooperative outcome affected subjects' emotion intensity.
Researcher also narrated the reasons of each kind of emotion, the possible dynamic process of individuals' emotion shift, and the possible behavioral intention of individuals. Researcher discussed the restrictions of the research, the suggestions for fUrther research, and possible applications of this research.
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客戶重要性對審計意見之影響--中國之實證研究 / The impact of client importance on audit opinion賴宜渟, Lai, Yi Ting Unknown Date (has links)
Chen et al.(2010)以中國審計市場為調查對象,研究會計師對簽證客戶的經濟依存度(以資產衡量)對審計品質的影響。他們發現在2001年以前經濟依存度會傷害審計品質;然而在2001年至2004年間,因中國法律規範的改善,而未發現經濟依存度的負面影響。基於近年中國資本市場的長足發展且審計公費成為公眾可取得之資訊,本文延伸他們的研究樣本期間(至2008年)並以實際的審計公費計算經濟依存度。實證結果發現,無論以整體事務所或合夥會計師來計算經濟依存度,Chen et al.(2010)的結論並未改變。 / Chen et al.(2010) examine how the legal and regulatory changes in China affect the relationship between client economic importance (measured by assets audited by audit firm ) and audit quality. They find that audit quality is negatively correlated with client importance from 1995 to 2000. Therefore, when the institutional environment became more investor friendly, started from 2001 to 2004, they do not find that audit quality negatively correlated with client importance anymore. Following Chen et al.(2010), this study extends the sample period to 2008 and I use ratio of client’s total audit fees to audit firm’s total revenue as proxies for client importance to examines whether the client importance affect audit quality in china. Based on the data for firms listed in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges from 2004 to 2008, I do not find that audit partners compromise independence for economically important clients, no matter at the firm or the partner level.
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Exploring the portfolio approach in purchasing and supply management : - the result of an international surveyFang Sjöberg, Ina January 2010 (has links)
<p>Although many scholars assert that portfolio approach can facilitate purchasing to live up to its strategic importance and contribute to company performance; and practitioners have applied portfolio approach in various purchasing activities, there are still limited empirical researches to confirm that portfolio can actually create the benefits. The purpose of the study is to explore the usefulness of portfolio approach as well as why companies decide to apply portfolio approach in purchasing and supply management.</p><p>Based on an international survey carried on a large number of European and North American manufacturing companies, the findings of the study provide strong evidence on the significant impact that the purchasing portfolio approach has on the business results, and also shed lights on the strategic importance of purchasing as a direct explanation to the application of the approach by companies. The empirical study confirms that the competency of the purchasing professionals plays a prominent role on the path of transforming the strategic importance of purchasing, with the help of portfolio approach, to the success of improved purchasing performance. A cross-discipline theoretical study reveals that different models share a common theoretical foundation and consist of similar basic elements in their construct.</p><p>The results of this study fill the research gap in analyzing the causes of the application of portfolio approach; provide quantitative empirical proof on the usefulness of portfolio approach in the industrial companies and thus give support to the existing theories. The study contributes to a growing research stream on how to improve purchasing business performance, reflecting the increasing strategic role that purchasing is given. The results send useful messages to company managements and provide valuable insights on an important tool for improving purchasing business performance.</p>
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Friluftslivets betydelse för dagens elever : En studie om förutsättningarna för friluftsliv och vad som kan legitimera mer friluftsliv / The importance of outdoor education for today’s students : A study of the conditions for outdoor education and what can legitimize more outdoor educationLagerqvist, Anna January 2010 (has links)
<p>Sammanfattning</p><p>Både grundskolans och gymnasieskolans kursplaner i Idrott och hälsa, framhäver friluftsliv som ett obligatoriskt moment i undervisningen. Samtidigt visar forskning att det bedrivs relativt lite friluftsliv i de svenska skolorna. Syftet med studien har därför varit, att utifrån de uppfattningar lärarna har om friluftsverksamheten i skolan, utveckla en djupare förståelse för betydelsen av friluftsliv och därmed skapa bättre förutsättningar i friluftsliv för dagens elever.<em> </em>Genom kvalitativa intervjuer med tre verksamma lärare, en idrottslärarutbildare samt en före detta idrottslärare, har jag kommit fram till flera värdefulla resultat. De viktigaste förutsättningarna för friluftslivets existens i skolan, är att den aktuella läraren har ett intresse för att driva en friluftsverksamhet, att det finns ett samarbete med andra lärare och att ledningen driver mot samma håll. Friluftslivets syfte kan beskrivas som att sätta in kunskap i ett större sammanhang. Friluftslivet kan också ses som en arbetsmetod för att nå mål som faller inom hela skolans verksamhet. Det kan t.ex. gälla den sociala eller den personliga utvecklingen hos individen.</p> / <p>Abstract</p><p>The sport curriculum of the compulsory school as well as that of the upper secondary school emphasise outdoor education as an obligatory part of the education. At the same time research shows that a relatively low quantity of outdoor education is being carried out in Swedish schools. The aim of the study was therefore, according to the perceptions teachers have about outdoor education in school, develop a deeper understanding of the importance of outdoor education and hence create better conditions for outdoor education to today’s students. Through qualitative interviews with one former and three active teachers, and one teacher working with education of sport teachers, I have come to more than a few valuable conclusions. The most important conditions for the existence of outdoor education at school, is the teacher’s interest in carrying out outdoor education, the collaboration with other teachers and the directors wanting to achieve the same purpose. The aim of outdoor education can be described as putting knowledge in a bigger framework. Outdoor education can be seen as a method to achieve objectives the entire school is striving to reach. Such objectives are e.g. the personal or social development of an individual. </p>
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Hur kan det gå ihop? : en studie om lärarutbildningens betydelse i yrketStenudd, Sara, Westergren, Johanna January 2007 (has links)
Denna studie redogör för utbildningens betydelse i fråga om nyexaminerade lärares pedagogiska och vetenskapliga förhållningssätt. För att studera nyexaminerade lärares beskrivningar av sin yrkesverksamhet samt sin syn på utbildningen, har kvalitativa intervjuer genomförts med tre lärare under former som säkerställt etisk riktighet, reliabilitet och validitet. De kvalitativa intervjuerna har, i studien, en låg grad av standardisering och fokus på ett visst tema, trots en relativt hög grad av strukturering. Vidare har intervjuerna analyserats utifrån den nuvarande lärarutbildningens intentioner och tidigare forskning där lärarutbildningens betydelse, det vetenskapliga och pedagogiska förhållningssättet samt tiden som ny lärare berörs. Tre tydliga infallsvinklar på utbildningens betydelse har följaktligen urskiljts, vilka sedan användes för att presentera resultatet. Infallsvinklarna var kunskapssynen, det vetenskapliga förhållningssättet samt förhållandet mellan teori och praktik. Dessa infallsvinklar användes även vid resultatdiskussionen. Uppsatsens författare anser även att nyexaminerade lärares pedagogiska och vetenskapliga förhållningssätt är påverkade av utbildningen liksom av tidigare erfarenheter i flertalet avseenden. Författarna är även av åsikten att studenterna tidigt bör erhålla en medvetenhet om sitt eget lärande och utbildningens syfte samt utformning för att utbildningens betydelse ska optimeras. Denna åsikt baseras på de positiva erfarenheterna som erhållits av uppsatsförfattarna. / This study describes the importance of the teacher education concerning newly graduated teacher.s pedagogical and scientific approach. Qualitative interviews have been conducted with the purpose of studying newly graduated teacher.s descriptions of their profession as well as their views on the education. The reliability and ethics have been taken into consideration. The qualitative interviews, in this study, have a low grade of standardization and focus on a certain subject, in spite of the relative high grade of structuring. The interviews have been analysed with regard to both the intentions of the current teacher education and prior research on the subject. From the interview data three distinct views on the importance of the education have been revealed, which has been used to present the result. The different views have been organized into three separate categories which have been named: Epistemological Beliefs, A Scientific Approach and finally Theory and Practice. These same categories are also used in the discussion. The authors of the essay conclude that the new graduated teacher.s pedagogical and scientific approaches are affected by the education as well as by their earlier experiences in many different aspects. The authors are also by the opinion that the students need to be aware of their own learning and of the purpose of the education at an early stage, so that the importance of the education is optimized. This opinion is based on the positive experiences that the authors have gained during the compilation of this study.
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Friluftslivets betydelse för dagens elever : En studie om förutsättningarna för friluftsliv och vad som kan legitimera mer friluftsliv / The importance of outdoor education for today’s students : A study of the conditions for outdoor education and what can legitimize more outdoor educationLagerqvist, Anna January 2010 (has links)
Sammanfattning Både grundskolans och gymnasieskolans kursplaner i Idrott och hälsa, framhäver friluftsliv som ett obligatoriskt moment i undervisningen. Samtidigt visar forskning att det bedrivs relativt lite friluftsliv i de svenska skolorna. Syftet med studien har därför varit, att utifrån de uppfattningar lärarna har om friluftsverksamheten i skolan, utveckla en djupare förståelse för betydelsen av friluftsliv och därmed skapa bättre förutsättningar i friluftsliv för dagens elever. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer med tre verksamma lärare, en idrottslärarutbildare samt en före detta idrottslärare, har jag kommit fram till flera värdefulla resultat. De viktigaste förutsättningarna för friluftslivets existens i skolan, är att den aktuella läraren har ett intresse för att driva en friluftsverksamhet, att det finns ett samarbete med andra lärare och att ledningen driver mot samma håll. Friluftslivets syfte kan beskrivas som att sätta in kunskap i ett större sammanhang. Friluftslivet kan också ses som en arbetsmetod för att nå mål som faller inom hela skolans verksamhet. Det kan t.ex. gälla den sociala eller den personliga utvecklingen hos individen. / Abstract The sport curriculum of the compulsory school as well as that of the upper secondary school emphasise outdoor education as an obligatory part of the education. At the same time research shows that a relatively low quantity of outdoor education is being carried out in Swedish schools. The aim of the study was therefore, according to the perceptions teachers have about outdoor education in school, develop a deeper understanding of the importance of outdoor education and hence create better conditions for outdoor education to today’s students. Through qualitative interviews with one former and three active teachers, and one teacher working with education of sport teachers, I have come to more than a few valuable conclusions. The most important conditions for the existence of outdoor education at school, is the teacher’s interest in carrying out outdoor education, the collaboration with other teachers and the directors wanting to achieve the same purpose. The aim of outdoor education can be described as putting knowledge in a bigger framework. Outdoor education can be seen as a method to achieve objectives the entire school is striving to reach. Such objectives are e.g. the personal or social development of an individual.
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Mina klasskamrater kallar mig för den nya främmande : En kvalitativ studie om nyanlända elevers upplevelser av att börja om i ny skola / My classmates call me the new stranger : A qualitative study of newly arrived students’ experiences of starting over in a new schoolMohammad, Noura January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att belysa och analysera hur nyanlända ungdomar beskriver sina upplevelser av att börja om i en ny skola, i ett nytt land. Uppsatsen handlar om att förklara och belysa flyktingungdomars upplevelser av att börja om i ny skola och lära sig ett nytt språk och skaffa nya vänner och vad denna utmaning innebär. Med uppsatsen vill jag belysa språket och skolans betydelse för nyanlända elevers delaktighet. Min studie är baserad på kvalitativa metoder och jag har genomfört kvalitativa intervjuer med sex deltagare som har erfarenheter av att vara en nyanländ elev. Analysen av studien gjordes med IPA (Interpretative phenomenological analysis). IPA är en kombination mellan fenomenologi och hermeneutik. Teoretiska utgångspunkter är den sociokulturella teorin och postkolonial teori. Med sociokulturell teori analyserar jag delaktighetens och gemenskapens betydelse för lärandeprocessen bland nyanlända elever. Jag använder postkolonial teori för att analysera den postkoloniala ordningen i vår nutida skola. Jag har kommit fram till att nyanlända elever står inför en svår utmaning när de börjar skolan. Deltagarna upplevde att det var svårt att skaffa vänner, lära sig ett nytt språk och bli en del av samhället. Deltagarna upplevde både delaktighet och utanförskap i skolan och de har blivit utsatta för kränkning, stigmatisering och mobbning. Skolan hade en viktig roll i nyanlända elevers liv, speciellt under de första åren i Sverige eftersom nyanlända träffade jämnåriga och nya människor i skolan. Svenska språket är ett krav för att nyanlända ska klara sig och bli delaktiga i skolan. Det kräver lång tid för nyanlända elever att bli accepterade i skolan, lära sig ett nytt språk och anpassa sig till det nya landet. / The aim of this study is to illuminate and analyze how newly arrived adolescents describe their experiences of starting over in a new school, in a new land. The essay will explain and illuminate the refugee adolescents’ experiences of starting over in a new school and learn a new language and make new friends and what this challenge mean for them. The essay describes the language- and the school's impact on newly arrived students’ participation. My study is based on qualitative methods, based on interviews with six individuals who have the experience of being a newly arrived student. The analysis of the study was made with IPA (Interpretative phenomenological analysis). IPA is a combination of phenomenology and hermeneutic perspective. Theoretical premises are the socio-cultural theory and postcolonial theory. With socio-cultural theory I explain and analyze the participation and community importance for the learning process among newly arrived students. I use postcolonial theory to analyze the post-colonial order in our current school. I have found that newly arrived students are facing a difficult challenge when they start school. The participants experienced that it was difficult to make friends, learn a new language and become part of the community. The participants experienced both inclusion and exclusion in school and they have been exposed to violations, stigmatization and bullying. The school had an important role in the newly arrivals' lives, especially during the first years in Sweden because in school they meet peers and new people. Swedish language is a requirement for new arrivals so they will cope with life and get involved in school. It takes a long time for newly arrived students to be accepted in school, learn a new language and adapt to the new country.
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Exploring the portfolio approach in purchasing and supply management : - the result of an international surveyFang Sjöberg, Ina January 2010 (has links)
Although many scholars assert that portfolio approach can facilitate purchasing to live up to its strategic importance and contribute to company performance; and practitioners have applied portfolio approach in various purchasing activities, there are still limited empirical researches to confirm that portfolio can actually create the benefits. The purpose of the study is to explore the usefulness of portfolio approach as well as why companies decide to apply portfolio approach in purchasing and supply management. Based on an international survey carried on a large number of European and North American manufacturing companies, the findings of the study provide strong evidence on the significant impact that the purchasing portfolio approach has on the business results, and also shed lights on the strategic importance of purchasing as a direct explanation to the application of the approach by companies. The empirical study confirms that the competency of the purchasing professionals plays a prominent role on the path of transforming the strategic importance of purchasing, with the help of portfolio approach, to the success of improved purchasing performance. A cross-discipline theoretical study reveals that different models share a common theoretical foundation and consist of similar basic elements in their construct. The results of this study fill the research gap in analyzing the causes of the application of portfolio approach; provide quantitative empirical proof on the usefulness of portfolio approach in the industrial companies and thus give support to the existing theories. The study contributes to a growing research stream on how to improve purchasing business performance, reflecting the increasing strategic role that purchasing is given. The results send useful messages to company managements and provide valuable insights on an important tool for improving purchasing business performance.
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