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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Memórias de metalúrgicos grevistas do ABC paulista / Memories of striker metallurgists from the ABC Paulista area.

Guilherme Gibran Pogibin 09 March 2009 (has links)
Os metalúrgicos da região do ABC Paulista sofreram, desde o golpe militar em 1964, de um lado, a repressão política que impossibilitava a organização dos trabalhadores, tanto sindical como grevista; e de outro, o arrocho salarial e a carestia, causados pela política econômica do governo que, nesta época, era quem determinava os índices de reajuste salarial. Paralelamente, durante a década de 70, o Sindicato dos Metalúrgicos de São Bernardo do Campo e Diadema, progressivamente, adotou um discurso de aproximação aos trabalhadores. Ainda, muitos movimentos populares se organizaram neste período na Grande São Paulo, articulando-se com os movimentos sindicais. Tais processos desencadearam uma série de greves de trabalhadores do setor metalúrgico no ABC Paulista, em um ciclo que começou em 1978 e se estendeu até meados da década de 80. As greves marcaram a fundação do que se chama hoje de novo sindicalismo, além de ter raízes na fundação da CUT (Central Única dos Trabalhadores) e do PT (Partido dos Trabalhadores). A presente pesquisa tem por objetivo analisar, a partir de uma perspectiva psicossocial, a memória que trabalhadores metalúrgicos do ABC Paulista têm das greves, bem como dos processos que a antecederam. A psicologia social, ciência que foca o homem enquanto participante de grupos ou coletividades, que vive em companhia dos outros, é um campo do conhecimento adequado para a análise de fenômenos políticos, como foram as greves dos metalúrgicos do ABC. O recurso à memória, por meio de depoimentos, traz pistas de como se deu a participação do trabalhador na greve, assim como da relação dele com as pessoas envolvidas (colegas, sindicalistas, patrões). Foram entrevistados cinco metalúrgicos que participaram das greves referidas, e um que não participou das greves, mas viveu o momento em que elas aconteceram na condição de trabalhador metalúrgico. Foram feitas entrevistas semi-dirigidas, que privilegiaram a narrativa dos fatos vividos. A análise das entrevistas foi feita seguindo uma linha qualitativa, e foi dividida em quatro eixos, expostos a seguir: 1) Sobre os significados das greves, estes apareceram de múltiplas formas. As greves apareceram relacionadas à violência, à conquista de direitos e ao resgate de uma dignidade perdida; 2) A partir dos depoimentos percebe-se uma construção coletiva das memórias das greves, principalmente em relação aos acontecimentos com participação de grande número de pessoas, como as grandes assembleias. Cada depoente, no entanto, destaca o que foi marcante para si. E as narrativas de acontecimentos que tiveram uma participação ativa do depoente têm importante destaque nas entrevistas; 3) Nas trajetórias de formação política dos grevistas aparece com destaque a importância do sindicato e dos movimentos sociais, como o ligado à Igreja Católica. A mediação de tais movimentos coletivos exerce papel fundamental na conscientização sobre a organização política e social relacionada às greves; e 4) O entrelaçamento temporal nos depoimentos mostra que é inevitável a comparação dos fatos lembrados do passado com o momento presente. As avaliações das consequências das greves no presente e as perspectivas políticas para o futuro estão ligadas ao que o trabalhador construiu como horizonte utópico. / The metallurgist workers from the ABC Paulista area suffered, since the military coup détat in 1964, from on side, the political repression that made impossible the workers oragnization (either concerning to labor unions or to calling strikes); from the other, the salary devaluation and the accentuated raise of prices, caused by the the economical politics of the government that, in those times, was who determined the salary rates. At the same time, during the 1970s, the São Bernardo do Campo and Diadema Metallurgist Labor Union, pregressively, adopted the intention to get closer to the workers causes. Furthermore, many popular movements were organized during this period in the Great São Paulo, also tying up with the labor unions. Such processes leaded to a series of strikes of the metallurgist workers in the ABC Paulista, starting in 1978 and continiung until the mid 1980s. These strikes are related to the foundation of the so-called New Labor-Unionism, as well as having straight relations with the foundation of the CUT (an important labor union central in Brazil) and the PT (Workers Party). The aim of this research is to analyse, in a psycho-social perspective, the memories that the metallurgist workers have of these strikes, as well as the memories of the processes that preceded them. Social psychology, a science that has its focus on the person that takes part on groups or collectivities and that lives in company of others, is a suitable subject for the analysis of any political phenomena, such as the strikes. The support of the memory, brought up by the testimony of those who wer involved on the happenings, can give us clues of how the involvement of the workers in the strike were, as well as their relations with the people who took part on the processes (co-workers, union traders, bosses). Five metallurgist workers that took part os the strikes mentioned above were interviewed. Also one worker that didnt take part on the strikes, but was working in an metallurgist factory at that time, was interviewed. The interviews were based on the semi-direct method, focusing on the narration of the events. The analysis of the interviews was made according to a qualitative stream, and was divided in four axes, which are the following: 1) About the meaning of the strikes, these apperaed in multiple forms. They were related to violence, to the conquering of rights and to the rescue of a lost dignity; 2) A collective construction of the memory of the strikes was noticed, especially over the events that had a great amount of people involved, like some assemblies. Each interviewee, though, made stand out the facts that were most meaningful for himself. And the events that had an active participation of the interviewees had an important distinction on the narrations; 3) About the political upbringing of the strikers, the union trades and the social movements (such as the one linked to the catholic church) play an important role. The mediation of these movements are essential for bringing up the consciousness of the political and social organization related to the strikes; and 4) There is an inevitable interlacement between past and present during the remebering process. The judgement of the consequences of the strikes on the present and the political perspectives of the future are linked to how the worker constituted his utopic horizons.

Job Transitioning Experiences of Blue-Collar Employees After Federal Downsizing

Hurtado, Eduardo 01 January 2019 (has links)
Downsizing, realignment, and closure of military bases have forced many low-skilled, blue-collar federal employees into involuntary job loss and job transition. The impact of involuntary job loss on blue-collar workers has been linked to stress and other adverse psychological effects. There is gap in the literature regarding the lived experiences of federal blue-collar employees following downsizing of military bases. The purpose of this qualitative, interpretive phenomenological study was to examine lived experiences of job loss and job transition for federal blue-collar employees following downsizing of military bases. Schlossberg's transition theory provided a conceptual framework for the study. Ten ex-federal blue-collar employees were recruited through purposeful sampling and interviewed using a semistructured interview strategy. The modified Moustakas and Stevick-Coliazzi-Keen method of analysis was used to analyze the data and report emergent themes. The following 7 themes emerged from the data: transition was associated with negative feelings, employer was unprepared for transition process, support provided by employer, emotional support from family and significant others, engaged in other activities, accepted the transition process, and drew motivation from family. The findings from this study may contribute to positive social change by providing important information that human resource managers, industrial/organizational psychologists, and government agencies can use to advocate for the need for developing programs that support civilian job transition services to individuals who are affected by federal downsizing.


Peterson, Nicholas L. January 2011 (has links)
In 1913, the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) led a strike of silk workers in Paterson, New Jersey. Several New York intellectuals took advantage of Paterson's proximity to New York to witness and participate in the strike, eventually organizing the Paterson Pageant as a fundraiser to support the strikers. Directed by John Reed, the strikers told their own story in the dramatic form of the Pageant. The IWW and the Paterson Silk Strike inspired several writers to relate their experience of the strike and their participation in the Pageant in fictional works. Since labor and working-class experience is rarely a literary subject, the assertiveness of workers during a strike is portrayed as a catastrophic event that is difficult for middle-class writers to describe. The IWW's goal was a revolutionary restructuring of society into a worker-run co-operative and the strike was its chief weapon in achieving this end. Inspired by such a drastic challenge to the social order, writers use traditional social organizations--religion, nationality, and family--to structure their characters' or narrators' experience of the strike; but the strike also forces characters and narrators to re-examine these traditional institutions in regard to the class struggle. / English

?Caiu no meu ?ntimo?: repercuss?es dos acidentes de trabalho na vida dos trabalhadores. / "It fell in my innermost": repercussions of work accidents on workers' live.

Silva, Juliana Lopes da 30 January 2018 (has links)
Submitted by SBI Biblioteca Digital (sbi.bibliotecadigital@puc-campinas.edu.br) on 2018-03-15T12:53:06Z No. of bitstreams: 1 JULIANA LOPES DA SILVA.pdf: 861322 bytes, checksum: e82f01b514a8c8446ca0d8d80af3f8f1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-15T12:53:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JULIANA LOPES DA SILVA.pdf: 861322 bytes, checksum: e82f01b514a8c8446ca0d8d80af3f8f1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-01-30 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico - CNPq / Throughout human history, work accidents have been part of labor activities? reports. Despite all the technological development achieved nowadays, such events continue to be present in the quotidian of workers, generating many repercussions in their lives. The present dissertation, belonging to the field of Work Social Psychology, had the objective of analyzing reports of workers who suffered accidents typical of the industrial environment to understand their career paths and how they experience the repercussions of the accident on their lives. To do so, we conducted open in-depth interviews with workers from different industrial segments and localities, where they were presented to the researcher through their contact?s network. The analysis of the information obtained with the interviews was organized according to the themes that most stood out in their reports regarding their experiences after the occurrence of the work accident. The themes refer to access and non-fulfillment of constitutionally guaranteed rights, changes in the performance of daily work activities and the loss of recognition among co-workers, situations of violence and moral harassment, to the fallacy of business speech about worker?s appreciation, expressions of mental illness related to work and the psychic consequences coming from the accident. In the end, it was considered the relevance in discussing the repercussions of work accidents and the continuity of research on this subject, in order to subsidize actions that aim to change situations that cause suffering and illness due to work accidents. / Os acidentes de trabalho fazem parte de relatos sobre as atividades laborais ao longo da hist?ria da humanidade. Apesar de todo o desenvolvimento tecnol?gico alcan?ado nos dias atuais, tais eventos continuam presentes no cotidiano dos trabalhadores, gerando diversas repercuss?es em suas vidas. A presente disserta??o, situada no campo da Psicologia Social do Trabalho, teve como objetivo analisar relatos de trabalhadores que sofreram acidentes de trabalho t?picos em ind?strias, a fim de compreender seus percursos laborais e como vivenciam as repercuss?es do acidente em suas vidas. Para tanto, foram realizadas entrevistas abertas em profundidade com os trabalhadores de diferentes segmentos industriais e localidades, os quais foram apresentados ? pesquisadora por meio de sua rede de contatos. A an?lise das hist?rias acessadas por meio das entrevistas foi organizada de acordo com os temas que mais se destacaram nas falas dos trabalhadores a respeito das viv?ncias ap?s a ocorr?ncia do acidente de trabalho. Os temas se referem ao acesso e a n?o efetiva??o de direitos constitucionalmente garantidos, ?s mudan?as na realiza??o das atividades cotidianas de trabalho e ? perda do reconhecimento entre os colegas de trabalho, situa??es de viol?ncia e ass?dio moral, ? fal?cia do discurso empresarial de valoriza??o do trabalhador e express?es do adoecimento mental relacionado ao trabalho e ?s consequ?ncias ps?quicas do acidente de trabalho. Ao final, ponderou-se que a relev?ncia da discuss?o das repercuss?es do acidente e a continuidade de pesquisas sobre o tema, a fim de subsidiar a??es que visem a mudan?as das situa??es que propiciam sofrimento e adoecimento decorrentes dos acidentes de trabalho.

Processo de trabalho, divisão sexual do trabalho e práticas sociais das operárias na indústria eletroeletrônica no contexto da flexibilidade produtiva / Labour process, sexual division of labour and social practises of female industrial workers in eletricial & eletronic industry on manufacturing flexibility context

Thaís de Souza Lapa 19 December 2014 (has links)
Os processos de flexibilidade produtiva com transformações tecnológicas e organizacionais nas empresas, que ocorrem no Brasil sob a égide da reestruturação produtiva capitalista desde 1980 e com maior ênfase em 1990, são observados neste estudo à luz da problemática da divisão sexual do trabalho, tomando como campo de análise o segmento de eletroeletrônicos, o qual possui a mais elevada proporção de mulheres da indústria metalúrgica. A pesquisa parte da problemática da visibilização de trabalhadoras como objeto de conhecimento nas análises sobre a classe trabalhadora, procurando oferecer contribuição à sociologia do trabalho a partir de reflexão empírica-teórica gendrada sobre o trabalho, sustentando assim a necessidade do reconhecimento da composição sexuada da classe e reivindicando a indissociabilidade das dimensões classe e gênero. Com base em estudo setorial focado em duas indústrias eletroeletrônicas transnacionais no ramo de telecomunicações e informática, cujas plantas analisadas localizam-se em municípios do interior de São Paulo, foram identificadas e analisadas características do processo de trabalho em diversos setores produtivos das empresas. Essas empresas fabricam no Brasil - uma desde a década de 1990 e outra desde 2000 - telefones celulares, tablets, monitores, notebooks, entre outros equipamentos, e empregam majoritariamente mulheres. A partir do enfoque sobre o processo de trabalho, a pesquisa procurou investigar formas contemporâneas de organização do trabalho (flexíveis ou rígidas) na indústria eletroeletrônica e as condições de trabalho que delas resultam, especialmente para as operárias. Estas condições se produzem em ambiente com flexibilidade interna e externa do processo produtivo que, contudo, manteriam mecanismos rígidos de gestão, como trabalho prescrito, controle sobre o tempo, pausas e cadência e pressão por metas, métodos que predominam nas funções taylorizadas e que costumam, também, ser funções femininas. Assim, foram analisados os critérios e as formas apresentados para a divisão sexual no interior do processo de trabalho em diversos setores das duas fábricas, abordando permanências históricas e mudanças nessa divisão, assim como especificidades sobre o controle e a qualificação do trabalho feminino. Foram investigados, também, elementos da subjetividade e significado social do trabalho para as operárias, bem como práticas sociais que derivam de sua condição de sujeitos sexuados, forjadas em relações sociais de sexo/gênero e classe, nos espaços interno e externo à fábrica. Por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas com trabalhadoras/es e dirigentes sindicais representantes das/os trabalhadoras/es das duas empresas, o estudo procurou compreender em que medida as formas de organização produtiva e de divisão sexual do trabalho identificadas na indústria eletroeletrônica influenciam na reprodução das relações sociais de classe e de gênero e/ou nas possibilidades de sua transformação. / The manufacturing flexibility processes together with technological and organizational changes in companies, which have occurred in Brazil under the aegis of the capitalist productive restructuring since 1980 and with special emphasis in 1990, are observed in this study in light of the sexual division of labour issues, taking the electrical & electronic field to be analysed, which has the highest proportion of women in the metallurgical industry. The research is built on the gender-awareness issues as knowledge object in the analysis of the working class, seeking to contribute to the sociology of work with a gendered empirical and theoretical reflection on work, thus justifying the need to recognize the gendered composition of the working class and claiming the inseparability of gender and class dimensions. Based on the sectorial study focused on two transnational electrical & electronic industries of the telecommunication and computer field, whose plots analysed are located in cities in the countryside of São Paulo State, characteristics of labour process were identified and analysed in various productive sectors of the companies. These companies have manufactured in Brazil - one since the 90s and the other since 2000 telephones, cellphones, tablets, monitors, laptops, among other pieces of equipment, and employed mostly women. Focused on the labour process, the research sought to investigate contemporary forms of work organization (flexible or rigid) in the electrical & electronic industry and their resultant working conditions, especially towards the female workers. Such conditions exist in an environment with internal and external flexibility of the productive process. However, these conditions would maintain strict management mechanisms such as predetermined tasks, strict time management, breaks and cadence and pressure to reach targets, methods which prevail in the Taylorized occupations which are often female occupations as well. Thus, the criteria and the forms presented to the sexual division within the labor process were analysed in various sectors of both factories, covering historical continuities and changes in this division, as well as specificities over the control and the qualification of female labour. Elements of subjectivity and the social significance of labour for the female workers were investigated, as well as the social practises that derive from their condition of gendered subjects, generated in social relations of sex/gender and class, in and out of the factory. Through semi-structured interviews with both female and male workers and trade union leaders, representatives of the workers from both companies, the study sought to understand to which extent the forms of productive organization and the sexual division of labour identified in the electrical & electronic industry influence on the reproduction of the social relations of class and gender and / or on the possibility of their transformation.

Processo de trabalho, divisão sexual do trabalho e práticas sociais das operárias na indústria eletroeletrônica no contexto da flexibilidade produtiva / Labour process, sexual division of labour and social practises of female industrial workers in eletricial & eletronic industry on manufacturing flexibility context

Lapa, Thaís de Souza 19 December 2014 (has links)
Os processos de flexibilidade produtiva com transformações tecnológicas e organizacionais nas empresas, que ocorrem no Brasil sob a égide da reestruturação produtiva capitalista desde 1980 e com maior ênfase em 1990, são observados neste estudo à luz da problemática da divisão sexual do trabalho, tomando como campo de análise o segmento de eletroeletrônicos, o qual possui a mais elevada proporção de mulheres da indústria metalúrgica. A pesquisa parte da problemática da visibilização de trabalhadoras como objeto de conhecimento nas análises sobre a classe trabalhadora, procurando oferecer contribuição à sociologia do trabalho a partir de reflexão empírica-teórica gendrada sobre o trabalho, sustentando assim a necessidade do reconhecimento da composição sexuada da classe e reivindicando a indissociabilidade das dimensões classe e gênero. Com base em estudo setorial focado em duas indústrias eletroeletrônicas transnacionais no ramo de telecomunicações e informática, cujas plantas analisadas localizam-se em municípios do interior de São Paulo, foram identificadas e analisadas características do processo de trabalho em diversos setores produtivos das empresas. Essas empresas fabricam no Brasil - uma desde a década de 1990 e outra desde 2000 - telefones celulares, tablets, monitores, notebooks, entre outros equipamentos, e empregam majoritariamente mulheres. A partir do enfoque sobre o processo de trabalho, a pesquisa procurou investigar formas contemporâneas de organização do trabalho (flexíveis ou rígidas) na indústria eletroeletrônica e as condições de trabalho que delas resultam, especialmente para as operárias. Estas condições se produzem em ambiente com flexibilidade interna e externa do processo produtivo que, contudo, manteriam mecanismos rígidos de gestão, como trabalho prescrito, controle sobre o tempo, pausas e cadência e pressão por metas, métodos que predominam nas funções taylorizadas e que costumam, também, ser funções femininas. Assim, foram analisados os critérios e as formas apresentados para a divisão sexual no interior do processo de trabalho em diversos setores das duas fábricas, abordando permanências históricas e mudanças nessa divisão, assim como especificidades sobre o controle e a qualificação do trabalho feminino. Foram investigados, também, elementos da subjetividade e significado social do trabalho para as operárias, bem como práticas sociais que derivam de sua condição de sujeitos sexuados, forjadas em relações sociais de sexo/gênero e classe, nos espaços interno e externo à fábrica. Por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas com trabalhadoras/es e dirigentes sindicais representantes das/os trabalhadoras/es das duas empresas, o estudo procurou compreender em que medida as formas de organização produtiva e de divisão sexual do trabalho identificadas na indústria eletroeletrônica influenciam na reprodução das relações sociais de classe e de gênero e/ou nas possibilidades de sua transformação. / The manufacturing flexibility processes together with technological and organizational changes in companies, which have occurred in Brazil under the aegis of the capitalist productive restructuring since 1980 and with special emphasis in 1990, are observed in this study in light of the sexual division of labour issues, taking the electrical & electronic field to be analysed, which has the highest proportion of women in the metallurgical industry. The research is built on the gender-awareness issues as knowledge object in the analysis of the working class, seeking to contribute to the sociology of work with a gendered empirical and theoretical reflection on work, thus justifying the need to recognize the gendered composition of the working class and claiming the inseparability of gender and class dimensions. Based on the sectorial study focused on two transnational electrical & electronic industries of the telecommunication and computer field, whose plots analysed are located in cities in the countryside of São Paulo State, characteristics of labour process were identified and analysed in various productive sectors of the companies. These companies have manufactured in Brazil - one since the 90s and the other since 2000 telephones, cellphones, tablets, monitors, laptops, among other pieces of equipment, and employed mostly women. Focused on the labour process, the research sought to investigate contemporary forms of work organization (flexible or rigid) in the electrical & electronic industry and their resultant working conditions, especially towards the female workers. Such conditions exist in an environment with internal and external flexibility of the productive process. However, these conditions would maintain strict management mechanisms such as predetermined tasks, strict time management, breaks and cadence and pressure to reach targets, methods which prevail in the Taylorized occupations which are often female occupations as well. Thus, the criteria and the forms presented to the sexual division within the labor process were analysed in various sectors of both factories, covering historical continuities and changes in this division, as well as specificities over the control and the qualification of female labour. Elements of subjectivity and the social significance of labour for the female workers were investigated, as well as the social practises that derive from their condition of gendered subjects, generated in social relations of sex/gender and class, in and out of the factory. Through semi-structured interviews with both female and male workers and trade union leaders, representatives of the workers from both companies, the study sought to understand to which extent the forms of productive organization and the sexual division of labour identified in the electrical & electronic industry influence on the reproduction of the social relations of class and gender and / or on the possibility of their transformation.

Anställdas deltagande i läraktiviteter : En studie av arbetsplatslärande i ett industriföretag

Baumgarten, Maud January 2006 (has links)
<p>Avhandlingen behandlar en grupp industriarbetares deltagande i olika läraktiviteter på arbetsplatsen i samband med en organisationsförändring. Företaget var i behov av mångkunnig personal och organiserade därmed läraktiviteter. Syftet är att beskriva anställdas deltagande i dessa läraktiviteter i termer av faktiskt deltagande och inställningen till deltagande, samt att förklara eventuella skillnader.</p><p>Deltagande förstås i termer av motivation som utvecklas i ett komplext samspel mellan individrelaterade faktorer och faktorer som har med arbete, läraktiviteter, förändringsprocess och yttre omgivning att göra. De motivationsteorier som används är förväntan-valensteori, arbetsrelaterad teori samt en kontextuell motivationsteori.</p><p>Studien baseras på en fallstudie inom en avdelning vid ett traditionellt produktionsföretag. Det huvudsakliga empiriska materialet utgörs av intervjuer med de industrianställda. Dessutom har ett flertal informella studiebesök på arbetsplatsen genomförts, liksom dokumentinsamling och informantintervjuer.</p><p>I resultatet framträder tre grupper med olika deltagarmönster, som utifrån mönstren kan benämnas de ”engagerade”, de ”motvilliga” och de ”osäkra”. Det visar att industrianställda inte är någon enhetlig grupp. För gruppen ”engagerade” fanns få hinder för att delta i läraktiviteter. De hade även egna personliga motiv för deltagande. De individrelaterade förklaringarna, tycks vara särskilt viktiga för att förklara motivationen, och de hade kommit in i något som kan beskrivas som positiva lärspiraler. Gruppen ”motvilliga” såg inte deltagandet i läraktiviteter som något viktigt. De var inte överens om företagets mål och kände sig inte delaktiga i förändringsprocessen. De kontextuella förklaringarna har alltså ett stort värde för att förstå deltagandet i denna grupp. Gruppen ”osäkra” hade låg tilltro till sin förmåga, och hade ringa erfarenhet av tidigare läraktiviteter. Hur läraktiviteterna var utformade, var särskilt viktiga för denna grupp. De ”osäkra” liksom de ”motvilliga” tycks ha kommit in i negativa lärspiraler. Studien visar således att olika faktorer är betydelsefulla för olika grupper.</p> / <p>This dissertation focuses on the participation of a group of industrial workers in different learning activities at the workplace in connection with an organizational change. The purpose is to describe the employees’ participation in learning activities in terms of actual participation and attitude to participation, and to try to explain any differences.</p><p>Participation is understood in motivational terms, which exist in a complex interaction between individual-related factors and factors connected to work, learning activities, change process and external environment. The motivational theories used are the expectancy-valence theory, work-related theory and one contextual motivation theory.</p><p>The study is based on one case study within a department of a traditional production company. The empirical material consists mainly of interviews with the industrial workers. In addition, data have been collected through informal study visits at the workplace, as well as through documentary analysis and informant interviews.</p><p>Three groups with different participation patterns emerge from the data, and based on these patterns they are called “the dedicated group”, “the reluctant group” and “the insecure group”. This indicates that industrial workers are not a homogenous group. The “dedicated” group saw no obstacles in participating in learning activities. They also had their own personal motives for participation. The individual-related explanations seem particularly important to explain motivation, and this group had entered something which could be described positive learning spirals. The “reluctant” group did not consider it important to participate in learning activities. Their relationship to the company appear to be significant. Consequently, the contextual explanations are of great importance in order to understand the participation of this group. The “insecure” group showed little confidence in their own ability and had limited experience of previous learning activities. The design of the learning activities was especially important to this group. The “insecure” and the “reluctant” groups seems to have entered negative development spirals. The study thus shows that different factors are important to different groups.</p>

Anställdas deltagande i läraktiviteter : En studie av arbetsplatslärande i ett industriföretag / Empoyee participation in learning activities : A study of workplace learning in an industrial company

Baumgarten, Maud January 2006 (has links)
Avhandlingen behandlar en grupp industriarbetares deltagande i olika läraktiviteter på arbetsplatsen i samband med en organisationsförändring. Företaget var i behov av mångkunnig personal och organiserade därmed läraktiviteter. Syftet är att beskriva anställdas deltagande i dessa läraktiviteter i termer av faktiskt deltagande och inställningen till deltagande, samt att förklara eventuella skillnader. Deltagande förstås i termer av motivation som utvecklas i ett komplext samspel mellan individrelaterade faktorer och faktorer som har med arbete, läraktiviteter, förändringsprocess och yttre omgivning att göra. De motivationsteorier som används är förväntan-valensteori, arbetsrelaterad teori samt en kontextuell motivationsteori. Studien baseras på en fallstudie inom en avdelning vid ett traditionellt produktionsföretag. Det huvudsakliga empiriska materialet utgörs av intervjuer med de industrianställda. Dessutom har ett flertal informella studiebesök på arbetsplatsen genomförts, liksom dokumentinsamling och informantintervjuer. I resultatet framträder tre grupper med olika deltagarmönster, som utifrån mönstren kan benämnas de ”engagerade”, de ”motvilliga” och de ”osäkra”. Det visar att industrianställda inte är någon enhetlig grupp. För gruppen ”engagerade” fanns få hinder för att delta i läraktiviteter. De hade även egna personliga motiv för deltagande. De individrelaterade förklaringarna, tycks vara särskilt viktiga för att förklara motivationen, och de hade kommit in i något som kan beskrivas som positiva lärspiraler. Gruppen ”motvilliga” såg inte deltagandet i läraktiviteter som något viktigt. De var inte överens om företagets mål och kände sig inte delaktiga i förändringsprocessen. De kontextuella förklaringarna har alltså ett stort värde för att förstå deltagandet i denna grupp. Gruppen ”osäkra” hade låg tilltro till sin förmåga, och hade ringa erfarenhet av tidigare läraktiviteter. Hur läraktiviteterna var utformade, var särskilt viktiga för denna grupp. De ”osäkra” liksom de ”motvilliga” tycks ha kommit in i negativa lärspiraler. Studien visar således att olika faktorer är betydelsefulla för olika grupper. / This dissertation focuses on the participation of a group of industrial workers in different learning activities at the workplace in connection with an organizational change. The purpose is to describe the employees’ participation in learning activities in terms of actual participation and attitude to participation, and to try to explain any differences. Participation is understood in motivational terms, which exist in a complex interaction between individual-related factors and factors connected to work, learning activities, change process and external environment. The motivational theories used are the expectancy-valence theory, work-related theory and one contextual motivation theory. The study is based on one case study within a department of a traditional production company. The empirical material consists mainly of interviews with the industrial workers. In addition, data have been collected through informal study visits at the workplace, as well as through documentary analysis and informant interviews. Three groups with different participation patterns emerge from the data, and based on these patterns they are called “the dedicated group”, “the reluctant group” and “the insecure group”. This indicates that industrial workers are not a homogenous group. The “dedicated” group saw no obstacles in participating in learning activities. They also had their own personal motives for participation. The individual-related explanations seem particularly important to explain motivation, and this group had entered something which could be described positive learning spirals. The “reluctant” group did not consider it important to participate in learning activities. Their relationship to the company appear to be significant. Consequently, the contextual explanations are of great importance in order to understand the participation of this group. The “insecure” group showed little confidence in their own ability and had limited experience of previous learning activities. The design of the learning activities was especially important to this group. The “insecure” and the “reluctant” groups seems to have entered negative development spirals. The study thus shows that different factors are important to different groups.

Skiftarbetares upplevelser av god sömn och möjligheter till goda sömnvanor : En kvalitativ intervjustudie / Shift workers' experiences of good sleep and opportunities for good sleep habits

Aronsson, Josefine January 2022 (has links)
Problemformulering: År 2020 arbetade ungefär var femte anställd skift eller annan typ av schema med arbetstid som förlagts under olika tider på dygnet. Det mest förekommande problemet med skiftarbete handlar om sömn och det är vanligt förekommande med störd sömn, sömnbrist och trötthet hos skiftarbetare. Tidigare forskning har visat att bristande sömnvanor bland skiftarbetare kan ha negativa konsekvenser för den fysiska och psykiska hälsan. Goda sömnvanor kan däremot minska risken för olika typer av sjukdomar. Många arbeten kräver bemanning dygnet runt, trots att det finns forskning som visar på att skiftarbete kan ha negativa konsekvenser på hälsan är det omöjligt att slopa alla skift. Denna studie kan bidra med kunskap till arbetstagare och arbetsgivare kring hur goda sömnvanor kan upprätthållas trotts skiftarbete. Syfte: Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie är att beskriva skiftarbetares olika upplevelser av goda sömnvanor. Metod: Kvalitativ intervjustudie med semistrukturerad intervjuguide. Insamlade data analyserades genom fenomenografisk analysmetod. Resultat: Ett huvudtema, fyra kategorier och tio subkategorier identifierades. Huvudtemat för den fenomenorafiska analysen är att god sömn är en process med olika möjligheter. Kategorierna, med tillhörande subkategorier, sträcker sig över fyra olika delar av dygnet. Resultatet visar vad skiftarbetare upplever som god sömn och vad som bidrar till god sömn. Slutsats: Denna studie visar att god sömn är en process med olika möjligheter som sträcker sig över hela dygnet. Resultatet belyser möjligheterna till goda sömnvanor bland skiftarbetare och lyfter fram deltagarnas egna upplevelser. Resultatet bidrar till det hälsofrämjande perspektivet genom att medvetandegöra de faktorer som främjar en god sömn. Detta gör det möjligt att skapa stödjande miljöer och tillhandahålla kunskap för att på vis och underlättar att göra hälsosamma val gällande sömnen. / Aim: The purpose of this qualitative study is to describe shift workers' different experiences of good sleeping habits. Method: Qualitative interview study with a semi-structured interview guide. Collected data were analyzed by phenomenographic analysis method. Results: One main theme, four categories and ten subcategories were identified. The main theme of the phenomenographic analysis is that good sleep is a process with different possibilities. The categories, with associated subcategories, extend over four different parts of the day. The results show what shift workers experience as good sleep and what contributes to good sleep. Conclusion: The results of this study show that good sleep is a process with different possibilities that extends throughout the day. The results highlight the opportunities for good sleeping habits among shift workers and highlight the participants' own experiences. The results contribute to the health-promoting perspective by raising awareness of the factors that promote good sleep. This makes it possible to create supportive environments and provide knowledge to make healthy choices regarding sleep.

American career of James Connolly

Brewer, Kara P. 01 January 1972 (has links) (PDF)
So badly wounded that he had to be propped up in a chair to face the firing squad, James Connolly was executed by the British on May 10, 1916 in Dublin's infamous Kilmainham Jail. He had been one of the leaders of the abortive Easter 'Rising against English control of Ireland. This event in itself was sufficient to guarantee him a significant place in Irish history but Connolly had achieved prominence in other activities as well. Besides being a revolutionary nationalist he had been a Marxist and a labor leader, had founded the Irish Socialist Republican Party and had played a major role in the general strike in Dublin from August, 1913 through March, 1914. Altogether, it is not surprising that all the biographies of Connolly have concentrated on his role in Irish history and that little if any attention has been given to his significance in the history of American radicalism.

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