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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Respiratory health effects of occupational exposure to bushfire smoke in Western Australia

De Vos, Johanna B. M. January 2008 (has links)
Bushfires are an integral part of the Australian environment, and consequently Australian fire fighters are regularly confronted with the challenge of bushfire fighting activities. Bushfires can be extensive and long-lasting, and as a result fire fighters can be exposed to bushfire smoke for long periods without respite. Anecdotal evidence suggests that bushfire smoke exposure can lead to respiratory symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. In an optimal environment, fire fighters are equipped with respirators and protective filters to prevent the inhalation of the air toxics in bushfire smoke. Yet, reports from the fire ground indicate that the protective filters are not effective in preventing the inhalation of bushfire smoke. As a result, fire fighters have increasingly expressed concern about the ineffective equipment and the resultant respiratory symptoms during and after bushfire fighting. This research aims to establish a scientific data base to support the anecdotal evidence. The objectives of the research were: (1) to identify and quantify the air toxics in Western Australian bushfire smoke; (2) to profile the acute respiratory health effects associated with bushfire smoke exposure; (3) to assess the effectiveness of three different types of filters under controlled conditions in a smoke chamber, and in the field during fuel reduction burn-off; (4) to formulate recommendations for reducing fire fighters' exposure to bushfire smoke; and (5) to inform policy decision makers about the most effective form of respiratory protective equipment for bushfire fighting. Exposure trials were conducted in an experimental setting utilising bushfire smoke conditions in a smoke chamber and during prescribed burn-offs. Repeated measurements of respiratory symptoms, pulmonary function and oximetry were undertaken before and after bushfire smoke exposure. In addition, personal air sampling inside the respirators was undertaken to quantify and compare the levels of filtered air toxics. The analysis of the collected data demonstrated that, of those compared, the particulate/organic vapour formaldehyde filter was most effective in protecting fire fighters' respiratory health during the smoke exposure period of maximally 120 minutes. Further research would be useful to determine the v effectiveness of the filters under more realistic conditions during bushfire fighting activities. The findings of this research have resulted in a policy review in Western Australia. In 2006, the Fire and Emergency Services Authority of Western Australia (FESA) reviewed its Bush Fire Smoke Exposure Standard Operational Procedures 51, and now issues the recommended particulate/organic vapour/formaldehyde filters to the 1,000 FESA career fire fighters. The use of protective equipment for bushfire fighters is inadequately regulated worldwide and the recommendation implemented by FESA can be seen as proactive and in advance of national and international best practice. In conclusion, this project was instrumental in the translation of public health research into best practice that protects occupational health, without the need for the lengthy process of legislative reform. Fire fighter organisations in other countries with high frequencies of bushfires could learn from this example, and move to review their policies and introduce adequate personal protection for fire fighters.

Compensation and control, silicosis in the Ontario hardrock mining industry, 1921-1975

Hogaboam, Dieter Grant January 1998 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Analysis of employee participation in occupational health and safety activities in a cement manufacturing organisation in South Africa

Brijlall, Mathurapersadh 11 1900 (has links)
Globally organisations face unacceptable levels of fatalities that translate into financial losses and bad publicity, which can be attributed to the inadequate employee engagement in decision making in daily work activities. This study explores the participative role of employees in the management of occupational health and safety (OHS), and investigates the impact of employee participation on the decision making processes that create a safe workplace. The joint labour-management committees encourage employee participation that improves the injury and disease prevention programs. Four participative approaches exist in the decision making processes, namely Directed Participation, Involvement, Pro-active Participation and Ownership, that are interrelated and integrated with the decision making process. When employees are required to abide by set guidelines and procedures, Directed Participation is appropriate. This has been observed to occur with little or no input from employees, whilst the application of legislation requires the process of involvement where critical decisions are made outside the domain of the employee. The pro-active participation process entails the sharing, consulting and making of joint decisions, which is most suitable in the Safety Health and Environmental committees, ensuring the process of Ownership empowers employees to champion the OHS activities. In OHS management there are instances when numerous participative approaches are utilised simultaneously to make decisions. All employees, both blue collar workers and management have a positive influence in creating a safe workplace, with the likelihood of older and experienced employees participating more than their younger counterparts in the decision making processes within the various OHS forums. Also, the more employees assume full responsibility for their health and safety, the greater is their influence to find solutions to the safety challenges. Additionally, making joint decisions to create a safe workplace will, in turn, encourage employees to participate more. The use of the participative approaches results in an improvement in the iii decision making processes within S.H.E. committees and OHS management processes, thereby making a positive contribution. More research is recommended to explore the relationships between employee participation in decision making and the compliance to OHS legislation, employee training, the safety culture and the influence of trade unions. / Business Management / DBL

A ação regressiva acidentária como instrumento de tutela do meio ambiente do trabalho

Zimmermann, Cirlene Luiza 24 November 2010 (has links)
O meio ambiente do trabalho e a ação regressiva acidentária são os objetos de estudo do presente trabalho. O meio ambiente equilibrado, nele compreendido o do trabalho, é tratado pela Constituição Federal de 1988 como direito fundamental, indispensável à concretização do princípio-base da dignidade da pessoa humana, a ser obtida com o usufruto de uma sadia qualidade de vida. Por tal razão, diversos instrumentos jurídicos são disponibilizados pela ordem vigente para a tutela desse direito. A ação regressiva acidentária, prevista no art. 120 da Lei nº 8.213/91, é um desses instrumentos. Todavia, durante muito tempo foi praticamente ignorada pela Previdência Social, enquanto titular do direito/dever de regresso, omissão que, felizmente, vem sendo suprimida nos últimos anos pela atuação da Advocacia-Geral da União, através da Procuradoria-Geral Federal, que inseriu a ação regressiva acidentária entre suas ações prioritárias. A sociedade, por desconhecer o instituto, também não cobrava sua utilização, apesar do seu potencial de tutela do direito dos trabalhadores de exercerem suas atividades laborais em ambientes seguros e salubres, advindo, principalmente, do seu caráter pedagógico-punitivo. Sobre os valores sociais do trabalho fundamenta-se nossa República, sendo o exercício de atividades laborais elemento indispensável aos cidadãos para a consolidação desse direito. Contudo, não se trata de qualquer trabalho, mas aquele desempenhado em condições adequadas, sem riscos, que garanta a vida, a saúde e a integridade física e mental dos trabalhadores, pois somente com o atendimento desses pressupostos é que se efetiva o princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana. As estatísticas oficiais sobre os acidentes do trabalho no Brasil, ainda que só reflitam o quadro do emprego formal, evidenciam verdadeira afronta ao direito fundamental ao trabalho, ao meio ambiente equilibrado, nele incluído o do trabalho, e à dignidade da pessoa humana. Os princípios ambientais exercem importante papel no controle dos riscos laborais, motivo pelo qual devem servir de orientação a todos os responsáveis pela tutela do ambiente do trabalho em sua tarefa contínua de melhorar as condições desse meio. Por outro lado, os princípios constitucionais da ordem econômica precisam ser compatibilizados com o direito fundamental ao meio ambiente equilibrado, que vem a ser também um dever da coletividade. O clássico instituto da responsabilidade civil necessita ser reformulado para poder ser aplicado satisfatoriamente na esfera ambiental e isso vai além da mera pacificação acerca da sua incidência na modalidade objetiva. O dever de assumir as responsabilidades pelos riscos ambientais deve ser antecipado à ação, de modo a evitar as consequências sobre as quais tradicionalmente recai o instituto. O exercício do trabalho em ambientes dignos é direito que deve ser garantido a todos os trabalhadores, independentemente do meio de formalização da relação de trabalho e do tamanho da empresa em que ele é exercido, não servindo o pagamento do seguro contra acidentes de trabalho como autorização para o descumprimento do dever. O desenvolvimento de políticas públicas em prol do meio ambiente do trabalho, assim como o estudo aprofundado dos seus instrumentos de tutela, como é o caso da ação regressiva acidentária, é essencial para garantir o direito. / Submitted by Marcelo Teixeira (mvteixeira@ucs.br) on 2014-06-04T19:36:58Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Cirlene Luiza Zimmermann.pdf: 1702588 bytes, checksum: 26d412b7f8f125411a3f01aeb9edfced (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-04T19:36:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Cirlene Luiza Zimmermann.pdf: 1702588 bytes, checksum: 26d412b7f8f125411a3f01aeb9edfced (MD5) / The environment of work and the regressive action related accidents are the objects of the present study. The sound environment, including that of the work, is handled by the Federal Constitution of 1988 as a fundamental right, essential to the implementation of the basic principle of human dignity, to be obtained with the enjoyment of a healthy quality of life. For this reason, several instruments are available by standing order for the protection of that right. The action regressive related accidents, under art. 120 of Law No. 8.213/91, is one such instruments. However, had long been virtually ignored by social security, as a holder of the right/duty to return, an omission which, fortunately, have been suppressed in recent years by the actions of the Attorney General´s Office, through the Federal Attorney General, which issued regressive action related accidents among its priority actions. The society, by ignoring the institute, also did not charge its use, despite its potential for protection of the right of workers to perform their working activities in safe and healthy, coming mainly from its pedagogical-punitive. About the social values of work is based on our Republic and the exercise of their professional activities is indispensable to the citizens for the consolidation of that right. But not just any job, but he played under appropriate conditions, without risk, to ensure the life, health and physical and mental health workers, because only with the care of these assumptions is that the actual principle of the dignity of human person. Official statistics about accidents at work in Brazil, although only reflect the framework of formal employment, they show real affront to the fundamental right to work, balanced environment, the work included therein, and human dignity. The environmental principles play an important role in controlling workplace risks, why should serve as guidance to all those responsible for overseeing the work environment in their continuing work to improve conditions in this environment. Moreover, the constitutional principles of economic order must be reconciled with the fundamental right to a balanced environment, which also happens to be a collective duty. The classic institute of liability needs to be reformulated before it can be satisfactorily applied in the environmental sphere and that goes beyond mere pacification about its impact on the objective modality. The duty to assume responsibility for environmental risks must be anticipated to action, to avoid the consequences of which traditionally falls on the institute. The work performed in the right environment is worthy to be guaranteed to all workers, regardless of the means of formalizing the working relationship and the size of the company in which it is exercised, not serving the payment of insurance against accidents at work as authorization for dereliction of duty. The development of public policies on the environment of work, as well as the detailed study of their instruments of protection, as is the case of the regressive action related accidents, it is essential to guarantee the right.

Gestão de segurança do trabalho na construção civil: a manutenção predial em uma indústria de alimentos

Makishima, José Narumi de Queiroz 28 November 2011 (has links)
As organizações têm repassado para empresas especializadas os trabalhos que originalmente realizavam com empregados de seus quadros de efetivos. Este fenômeno tem provocado um crescente movimento de subcontratação de serviços conhecido como terceirização. As empresas terceirizadas têm se estabelecido de forma frágil do ponto de vista da segurança do trabalho, negligenciando os aspectos mais básicos estabelecidos pela legislação vigente, normas técnicas e as boas práticas nesta área no intuito de oferecer propostas mais econômicas para fazer frente a um mercado cada vez mais competitivo. Estabeleceu-se como objetivo para esta pesquisa identificar as práticas adotadas em matéria de segurança por uma companhia multinacional do ramo de alimentos, que é certificada na Norma OHSAS 18.001:2007, no que tange as empresas terceirizadas que prestaram serviços de manutenção predial com foco nas atividades de construção civil no período de julho de 2009 a junho de 2010. A metodologia utilizada consistiu de um estudo detalhado da documentação relativa ao sistema de gestão da organização contratante quanto aos trabalhos terceirizados e dos registros das subcontratadas concernentes a acidentes e medidas prevencionistas adotadas para o atendimento das exigências estipuladas pela contratante. Como resultado principal desta pesquisa identificou-se que dentre as medidas adotadas destacaram-se o estabelecimento de processos administrativos e técnicos, como a operacionalização de ações chaves como a fundamentação dos trabalhos com base em requisitos da Norma OHSAS 18.001, dos programas de treinamento, do atendimento a legislação, da definição de procedimentos para atividades administrativas e de risco, de uma boa relação entre contratante e contratada, da organização de profissionais de segurança, de preparação de emergências e atendimento médico. Como conclusão verificou-se que as medidas implantadas foram eficazes, pois contribuíram efetivamente para que a área de manutenção predial com foco em construção civil apresentasse o melhor desempenho em termos de indicadores de acidentabilidade. Desta forma recomenda-se considerar a aplicação das ações preventivas identificadas nesta pesquisa em virtude da sua eficácia, e pelo processo de implantação ser basicamente de ordem administrativa. / Organizations have transferred to specialized companies that originally held the jobs of their employees with effective frameworks. This phenomenon has caused a growing movement known as outsourcing services. The outsourced companies have been established so fragile from the standpoint of safety at work, neglecting the most basic aspects established by the legislation, technical standards and best practice in this area in order to offer more economic proposals to deal with a market every increasingly competitive. It was established as a goal for this research to identify the practices adopted in terms of safety by a multinational company in the food industry field that is certified under OHSAS 18.001:2007, regarding outside contractors who provide building maintenance services with focus on civil construction activities during July 2009 thru June 2010. The methodology consisted of a detailed study relating to the contracting organization management system concerning outside contractors as well as of the records of accidents and preventive measures adopted to meet the requirements stipulated by the contractor. As a main result of this research it was identified that among the measures adopted, it were highlighted the establishment of administrative and technical procedures, such as the operationalization of key actions like work oriented on the requirements of OHSAS 18001, training programs, the legislation attendance, the definition of administration procedures and for risk management activities, a good relationship between the contractor and subcontractors, the organization of safety professionals, emergency preparedness and medical care. As conclusion it was found that the measures implemented were effective because they contributed to the branch of building maintenance with a focus on civil construction on presenting the best performance in terms of accident rates. Therefore it is recommended to consider the application of the preventive actions identified in this survey due to its effectiveness, and for the fact that the deployment process is basically administrative.

Um sistema de gestão da higiene, saúde e segurança no meio ambiente do trabalho, com foco no fator acidentário de prevenção - FAP, aplicado a uma empresa de construção civil

Maich, Élbio Gonçalves 05 December 2011 (has links)
A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo propor, implementar e avaliar um Sistema de Gestão da Higiene, Saúde e Segurança no Meio Ambiente do Trabalho (SGHSSMAT), em uma empresa do setor da construção civil com atuação na cidade de Curitiba, estado do Paraná, visando à redução do Fator Acidentário de Prevenção - FAP. Primeiramente, foi realizado um diagnóstico inicial das condições de Higiene, Saúde e Segurança no Meio Ambiente do Trabalho. Logo após, foi formulado e implementado o SG-HSSMAT, fundamentado em três eixos: atendimento à Legislação; Práticas Seguras; e, Inspeções de Segurança. A medição do desempenho do SG-HSSMAT foi efetivada por meio de nove avaliações quadrimestrais, com base no atendimento à Norma Regulamentadora nº 18 (NR-18 - Condições e Meio Ambiente de Trabalho na Indústria da Construção, e também pelas informações disponibilizadas anualmente pela Previdência Social em relação ao FAP. No período da pesquisa, de janeiro de 2009 a setembro de 2011, a empresa pesquisada teve um ganho importante nas avaliações das condições de Higiene, Saúde e Segurança no Meio Ambiente do Trabalho, e a redução em 50% do Fator Acidentário de Prevenção. Além disso, a implementação do SG-HSSMAT tornou a empresa mais justa, e seus trabalhadores conquistaram condições de trabalho digno. Desta forma, o projeto de pesquisa poderá ser utilizado por outras empresas e ser útil para a sociedade contemporânea. / This paper has as its main goal to propose, implement and evaluate a Management System of Hygiene, Health and Security at the Work Environment (SG-HSSMAT), at a civil construction company in Curitiba’s city, state of Parana, in order to reduce the Accident Prevention Factor – FAP. First, we performed an initial diagnosis of Hygiene, Health and Safety at Work Environment’s conditions. Then, it was formulated and implemented the SG-HSSMAT, based on three axes: Compliance with Legislation, Safe Practices and Safety Inspections. The performance measuring of SG-HSSMAT was produced according to the result of nine evaluations made quarterly. Those evaluations were based on the Regulatory Norm No. 18 (NR-18) - Conditions and Work Environment in the Construction Industry- and also on the information provided annually by the Social Security Institute concerning the Accident Prevention Factor (FAP). During the research period from January 2009 to September 2011-, the company where this project was implemented had a significant improvement on its evaluations of Hygiene, Health and Safety at Work Environment, and also a 50% (fifty percent) reduction of the Accident Prevention Factor. Additionally, the implementation of the SG-HSSMAT has provided to this company a more pleasant place to work and has also provided the employees better working conditions. Therefore, the research project may be used by other companies and can be useful for the contemporary society.

Um sistema de gestão da higiene, saúde e segurança no meio ambiente do trabalho, com foco no fator acidentário de prevenção - FAP, aplicado a uma empresa de construção civil

Maich, Élbio Gonçalves 05 December 2011 (has links)
A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo propor, implementar e avaliar um Sistema de Gestão da Higiene, Saúde e Segurança no Meio Ambiente do Trabalho (SGHSSMAT), em uma empresa do setor da construção civil com atuação na cidade de Curitiba, estado do Paraná, visando à redução do Fator Acidentário de Prevenção - FAP. Primeiramente, foi realizado um diagnóstico inicial das condições de Higiene, Saúde e Segurança no Meio Ambiente do Trabalho. Logo após, foi formulado e implementado o SG-HSSMAT, fundamentado em três eixos: atendimento à Legislação; Práticas Seguras; e, Inspeções de Segurança. A medição do desempenho do SG-HSSMAT foi efetivada por meio de nove avaliações quadrimestrais, com base no atendimento à Norma Regulamentadora nº 18 (NR-18 - Condições e Meio Ambiente de Trabalho na Indústria da Construção, e também pelas informações disponibilizadas anualmente pela Previdência Social em relação ao FAP. No período da pesquisa, de janeiro de 2009 a setembro de 2011, a empresa pesquisada teve um ganho importante nas avaliações das condições de Higiene, Saúde e Segurança no Meio Ambiente do Trabalho, e a redução em 50% do Fator Acidentário de Prevenção. Além disso, a implementação do SG-HSSMAT tornou a empresa mais justa, e seus trabalhadores conquistaram condições de trabalho digno. Desta forma, o projeto de pesquisa poderá ser utilizado por outras empresas e ser útil para a sociedade contemporânea. / This paper has as its main goal to propose, implement and evaluate a Management System of Hygiene, Health and Security at the Work Environment (SG-HSSMAT), at a civil construction company in Curitiba’s city, state of Parana, in order to reduce the Accident Prevention Factor – FAP. First, we performed an initial diagnosis of Hygiene, Health and Safety at Work Environment’s conditions. Then, it was formulated and implemented the SG-HSSMAT, based on three axes: Compliance with Legislation, Safe Practices and Safety Inspections. The performance measuring of SG-HSSMAT was produced according to the result of nine evaluations made quarterly. Those evaluations were based on the Regulatory Norm No. 18 (NR-18) - Conditions and Work Environment in the Construction Industry- and also on the information provided annually by the Social Security Institute concerning the Accident Prevention Factor (FAP). During the research period from January 2009 to September 2011-, the company where this project was implemented had a significant improvement on its evaluations of Hygiene, Health and Safety at Work Environment, and also a 50% (fifty percent) reduction of the Accident Prevention Factor. Additionally, the implementation of the SG-HSSMAT has provided to this company a more pleasant place to work and has also provided the employees better working conditions. Therefore, the research project may be used by other companies and can be useful for the contemporary society.

Adverse effects of shift work at a biscuits manufacturer

Mhlongo, Philisiwe Kenlly January 2017 (has links)
Submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Masters in Technology: Environmental Health, Durban University of Technology, 2017. / Shift work is a necessity for many organizations. Reasons for shift work are mainly to ensure continuous and optimized operations. Many studies on shift workers have concluded that it can lead to adverse physiological, social and psychological health effects. This study examines challenges associated with working shifts at a biscuits manufacturing factory. Results should be able to assist the employer in implementing effective interventions directed at limiting the negative effects of shift work on employees. This is a convergent parallel design multi method stud among 152 shift workers in a biscuits manufacturer located in Durban, KwaZulu Natal. An abbreviated and modified form of the validated SSI questionnaire was used (Barton et al. 1995). The questionnaire contained a battery of items designed to examine the relationship of health and personal adjustment to shift work. Owing to the exploratory nature of the study, a focus group methodology was also used and this allowed for in-depth qualitative research which catered for a more comprehensive understanding of the current shift work issues. A retrospective review of injury records of employees who sustained occupational injuries between 2012 and 2013 was also conducted. The sample comprised of 85 (56%) males and 63 (42%) females. Logistic regression was used to estimate the association between shift work and the likelihood of sleep disturbance, poor health outcomes and limited time for social and domestic activities, adjusting for age, sex, partner working, years working night shift, marital status, job class and years employed. Odds ratio (OR) for reported sleep disturbance was slightly higher among women (OR=1.65; 95% CI = 0.25; 10.84; p < 0.05) compared to males, but this was not statistically significant. Longer shift work experience (i.e.11-20 years) was significantly associated with better health status (OR=0.18; 95%CI = 0.06; 0.46; p < 0.05). Shift work experience (11 to 20 years) was also found to be significantly associated with limited time for both social (OR = 0.10; 95%CI = 0.03; 0.30) and domestic activities (OR= 0.25; 95% CI = 0.11; 0.57; p < 0.05) (Table 4). Age had no effect on social and domestic activities, but those 40 years and above were more likely to have limited time for social and domestic activities (OR = 3.06; 95%CI =0.60; 15.60 and OR= 2.5; 95%CI=0.47; 13.06). Those with more shift work experience seemed to have more time for social and domestic activities compared to those with less than 10 years experience. Findings from the FGD’s revealed that most participants (91%) did not get sufficient sleep time after night shift; this was mainly because of the chores they had to do after getting home form night shift and disturbances from the household and neighbours. The average time spent sleeping by majority of participants after night shift was 5 hours. Swollen feet, gastric, sleep disorders, indigestion and headaches were some common complaints experienced by shift workers in this study. About 27% of participants reported to have been injured at work before. These incidents were reported to be related to drowsiness and fatigue. The company’s incident records showed a total of 160 injuires between 2012 and 2013, of which 38 occurred during night shift. In 2012, the company recorded 65 injuries which included 51 first aid (FA) injuries, 6 minor injuries (MI) and 8 lost time (LT) injuries, as categorized by the company. 2013 had the highest number of incidents, with 95 total injuries, averaging to 7.9 injuries annually. There were 84 first aid incidents recorded for year 2013, 9 minor injuries and only 2 lost time injuries. Twenty three percent (15, n=65) incidents occurred during night shift in year 2012, of which 11% (7, n=65) were females. The number of night shift incidents slightly increased to 24% (23, n=95) in 2013 and females accounted for 9.40%. The records showed that majority of injuries happened between 17h00 and 21h00 at night. Results of this study provides evidence that shift work impacts negatively on the lives of the employees and can lead to adverse health outcomes such as poor dietary intake, headaches and swollen feet to mention but a few. / M

Risk assessment and the effects of overhead work - an automotive industry example

Elliott, Andrew Brent January 2008 (has links)
The focus of this investigation was an analysis of the work demands being placed on South African automotive industry workers as there is a recognised problem with regard to the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). Preliminary work was conducted to highlight the dominant risks and areas which elicited higher numbers of MSDs within the chosen automotive plant. An area of concern was highlighted through medical record analysis and the use of risk assessment tools, thereby prioritising the need for ergonomic intervention. In particular, the effects of varying restricted and overhead work heights on the biomechanical, physiological and psychophysical responses of an individual were investigated. Twenty-eight subjects were required to complete sixteen conditions. The conditions consisted of the adoption of restricted and upright overhead static postures, with half requiring the holding of four kilograms of weight in the hands and the remaining eight conditions having no weight. Testing was carried out using an electromyography unit, ergospirometer and a perceptual Body Discomfort Map and Scale. This involved a habituation and testing session. The results of the testing revealed the biomechanical and physiological responses were dependant on the change in height. Body discomfort was also shown to be variable over the changing height conditions. This indicates that there is a significant effect of height on an individual’s responses during overhead work. The extreme restricted (-200mm and -100mm) and upright (+300mm and +400mm) overhead conditions within this study were limiting, as they elicited the highest muscle activation, physiological responses and body discomfort ratings. Positions that are preferable to adopt, which were identified from the results in this study, indicate conditions closer to head height (0mm and +100mm) were favourable. The results therefore illustrate how awkward working postures during work are likely to elicit higher demands from an individual, which could lead to an increased risk for the development of a musculoskeletal disorder. The added factor of weight elicited significant results over all variables, excluding a respiratory The focus of this investigation was an analysis of the work demands being placed on South African automotive industry workers as there is a recognised problem with regard to the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). Preliminary work was conducted to highlight the dominant risks and areas which elicited higher numbers of MSDs within the chosen automotive plant. An area of concern was highlighted through medical record analysis and the use of risk assessment tools, thereby prioritising the need for ergonomic intervention. In particular, the effects of varying restricted and overhead work heights on the biomechanical, physiological and psychophysical responses of an individual were investigated. Twenty-eight subjects were required to complete sixteen conditions. The conditions consisted of the adoption of restricted and upright overhead static postures, with half requiring the holding of four kilograms of weight in the hands and the remaining eight conditions having no weight. Testing was carried out using an electromyography unit, ergospirometer and a perceptual Body Discomfort Map and Scale. This involved a habituation and testing session. The results of the testing revealed the biomechanical and physiological responses were dependant on the change in height. Body discomfort was also shown to be variable over the changing height conditions. This indicates that there is a significant effect of height on an individual’s responses during overhead work. The extreme restricted (-200mm and -100mm) and upright (+300mm and +400mm) overhead conditions within this study were limiting, as they elicited the highest muscle activation, physiological responses and body discomfort ratings. Positions that are preferable to adopt, which were identified from the results in this study, indicate conditions closer to head height (0mm and +100mm) were favourable. The results therefore illustrate how awkward working postures during work are likely to elicit higher demands from an individual, which could lead to an increased risk for the development of a musculoskeletal disorder. The added factor of weight elicited significant results over all variables, excluding a respiratory individual.

A ação regressiva acidentária como instrumento de tutela do meio ambiente do trabalho

Zimmermann, Cirlene Luiza 24 November 2010 (has links)
O meio ambiente do trabalho e a ação regressiva acidentária são os objetos de estudo do presente trabalho. O meio ambiente equilibrado, nele compreendido o do trabalho, é tratado pela Constituição Federal de 1988 como direito fundamental, indispensável à concretização do princípio-base da dignidade da pessoa humana, a ser obtida com o usufruto de uma sadia qualidade de vida. Por tal razão, diversos instrumentos jurídicos são disponibilizados pela ordem vigente para a tutela desse direito. A ação regressiva acidentária, prevista no art. 120 da Lei nº 8.213/91, é um desses instrumentos. Todavia, durante muito tempo foi praticamente ignorada pela Previdência Social, enquanto titular do direito/dever de regresso, omissão que, felizmente, vem sendo suprimida nos últimos anos pela atuação da Advocacia-Geral da União, através da Procuradoria-Geral Federal, que inseriu a ação regressiva acidentária entre suas ações prioritárias. A sociedade, por desconhecer o instituto, também não cobrava sua utilização, apesar do seu potencial de tutela do direito dos trabalhadores de exercerem suas atividades laborais em ambientes seguros e salubres, advindo, principalmente, do seu caráter pedagógico-punitivo. Sobre os valores sociais do trabalho fundamenta-se nossa República, sendo o exercício de atividades laborais elemento indispensável aos cidadãos para a consolidação desse direito. Contudo, não se trata de qualquer trabalho, mas aquele desempenhado em condições adequadas, sem riscos, que garanta a vida, a saúde e a integridade física e mental dos trabalhadores, pois somente com o atendimento desses pressupostos é que se efetiva o princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana. As estatísticas oficiais sobre os acidentes do trabalho no Brasil, ainda que só reflitam o quadro do emprego formal, evidenciam verdadeira afronta ao direito fundamental ao trabalho, ao meio ambiente equilibrado, nele incluído o do trabalho, e à dignidade da pessoa humana. Os princípios ambientais exercem importante papel no controle dos riscos laborais, motivo pelo qual devem servir de orientação a todos os responsáveis pela tutela do ambiente do trabalho em sua tarefa contínua de melhorar as condições desse meio. Por outro lado, os princípios constitucionais da ordem econômica precisam ser compatibilizados com o direito fundamental ao meio ambiente equilibrado, que vem a ser também um dever da coletividade. O clássico instituto da responsabilidade civil necessita ser reformulado para poder ser aplicado satisfatoriamente na esfera ambiental e isso vai além da mera pacificação acerca da sua incidência na modalidade objetiva. O dever de assumir as responsabilidades pelos riscos ambientais deve ser antecipado à ação, de modo a evitar as consequências sobre as quais tradicionalmente recai o instituto. O exercício do trabalho em ambientes dignos é direito que deve ser garantido a todos os trabalhadores, independentemente do meio de formalização da relação de trabalho e do tamanho da empresa em que ele é exercido, não servindo o pagamento do seguro contra acidentes de trabalho como autorização para o descumprimento do dever. O desenvolvimento de políticas públicas em prol do meio ambiente do trabalho, assim como o estudo aprofundado dos seus instrumentos de tutela, como é o caso da ação regressiva acidentária, é essencial para garantir o direito. / The environment of work and the regressive action related accidents are the objects of the present study. The sound environment, including that of the work, is handled by the Federal Constitution of 1988 as a fundamental right, essential to the implementation of the basic principle of human dignity, to be obtained with the enjoyment of a healthy quality of life. For this reason, several instruments are available by standing order for the protection of that right. The action regressive related accidents, under art. 120 of Law No. 8.213/91, is one such instruments. However, had long been virtually ignored by social security, as a holder of the right/duty to return, an omission which, fortunately, have been suppressed in recent years by the actions of the Attorney General´s Office, through the Federal Attorney General, which issued regressive action related accidents among its priority actions. The society, by ignoring the institute, also did not charge its use, despite its potential for protection of the right of workers to perform their working activities in safe and healthy, coming mainly from its pedagogical-punitive. About the social values of work is based on our Republic and the exercise of their professional activities is indispensable to the citizens for the consolidation of that right. But not just any job, but he played under appropriate conditions, without risk, to ensure the life, health and physical and mental health workers, because only with the care of these assumptions is that the actual principle of the dignity of human person. Official statistics about accidents at work in Brazil, although only reflect the framework of formal employment, they show real affront to the fundamental right to work, balanced environment, the work included therein, and human dignity. The environmental principles play an important role in controlling workplace risks, why should serve as guidance to all those responsible for overseeing the work environment in their continuing work to improve conditions in this environment. Moreover, the constitutional principles of economic order must be reconciled with the fundamental right to a balanced environment, which also happens to be a collective duty. The classic institute of liability needs to be reformulated before it can be satisfactorily applied in the environmental sphere and that goes beyond mere pacification about its impact on the objective modality. The duty to assume responsibility for environmental risks must be anticipated to action, to avoid the consequences of which traditionally falls on the institute. The work performed in the right environment is worthy to be guaranteed to all workers, regardless of the means of formalizing the working relationship and the size of the company in which it is exercised, not serving the payment of insurance against accidents at work as authorization for dereliction of duty. The development of public policies on the environment of work, as well as the detailed study of their instruments of protection, as is the case of the regressive action related accidents, it is essential to guarantee the right.

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