Spelling suggestions: "subject:"forminformation modeling."" "subject:"informationation modeling.""
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The Impact of Implementing Building Information Modeling (BIM) on Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) During Construction / Påverkan av BIM på arbetsmiljö och säkerhet i byggproduktionenMatthei, Jonathan January 2021 (has links)
Health and safety during construction remains a worldwide challenge that the construction industry is facing. The German construction industry recorded an average of 110,000 accidents per year in the period of 2010 to 2019. A discernible trend toward a decrease in occupational accidents is not visible. In this context, traditional safety planning does not seem to be able to guarantee sufficient health and safety during construction. In line with the BIM Roadmap published by the German Ministry of Transport in 2015, it can be recognized that Building Information Modeling (BIM) is supposed to be increasingly used in upcoming years. This paper aims to identify how BIM could positively impact Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) during construction. Therefore, a thesis procedure, combining quantitative and qualitative research with an in depth literature review is introduced. This study reveals a high added value of using BIM for (1) safety rule checking and design validation and (2) safety education, training and communication. BIM as a decision supporting tool has the potential to reduce the underestimation of safety hazards and improve safety reporting, which have been identified as current vulnerabilities in the construction industry. Furthermore, an added benefit to sustainability following the concept of Construction Hazard Prevention through Design (CHPtD) is illustrated. In practice, however, BIM for OSH remains unused, while those working with BIM are not familiar with safety planning. This study indicates that in order to fully utilize the potential of BIM, intuitiveness and standardization is required, while those implementing BIM and those using BIM need to be aware of and willing to exploit the potential of new technologies. The challenge now is to recognize the potential of BIM in relation to OHS and to actively use BIM for health and safety purposes. / Att skapa en säker arbetsmiljö på byggarbetsplatsen är fortfarande en global utmaning för byggbranschen. I den tyska byggbranschen inträffade till exempel i genomsnitt 110 000 olyckor per år under perioden 2010-2019 och det syns ingen märkbar minskning. I detta sammanhang verkar traditionell säkerhetsplanering inte kunna garantera tillräcklig hälsa och säkerhet under byggandet. I samband med den strategiska BIM-implementeringsplanen som publicerades av det tyska transportministeriet 2015 ska Building Information Modeling (BIM) användas i allt större utsträckning under de kommande åren. Syftet med den här artikeln är att identifiera hur BIM skulle kunna ha en positiv inverkan på arbetsmiljö och säkerhet (OHS) på byggarbetsplatsen. Studien kombinerar kvantitativ och kvalitativ forskning med en djupgående litteraturgenomgång. Resultatet visar att det finns ett stort mervärde i att använda BIM för (1) kontroll av säkerhetsregler och validering av konstruktionen och (2) utbildning, träning och kommunikation om säkerhet. BIM som beslutsstöd kan möjliggöra en mer realistisk bedömning av säkerhetsrisker och förbättra säkerhetsrapporteringen, vilket har identifierats som aktuella sårbarheter i byggbranschen. Det finns också fördelar med att implementera konceptet Construction Hazard Prevention through Design (CHPtD). I praktiken är dock BIM för arbetsmiljöfrågor fortfarande oanvänd, samtidigt som de som arbetar med BIM inte är tillräckligt bekanta med säkerhetsaspekter. För att BIM:s potential ska kunna utnyttjas fullt ut krävs en ökad användarvänlighet och standardisering av verktygen. Samtidigt måste de som implementerar och använder BIM vara medvetna om och villiga att utnyttja den nya teknikens potential. Utmaningen är nu att förstå potentialen av BIM för arbetsmiljöaspekter och att proaktivt använda BIM för att öka säkerheten på byggarbetsplatser.
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En granskning av den svenska prefabricerade småhussektorns användande av BIM-teknik / A review of the Swedish prefabricated single-family house producers’ usage of BIM technologyNygren, Jonas, Zimic, Emir January 2022 (has links)
Introduction (and purpose) – Since the 1970s, digital development and modeling has improved from simple digital illustrations of a building to advanced software, such as Building Information Modelling (BIM), that allows contractors to easily collaborate on a shared model. These advanced modelling systems create the opportunity to optimize planning as well as produce a higher quality product by modelling how all the various parts of a build work together and decreasing the number of potential errors that occur on-site. To better understand how BIM can improve production, this study aims to investigate the current use of BIM and potential areas of opportunity within the prefabricated housing construction sector. Method – Data was collected through semi-structured interviews with five employees of five separate companies active in the Swedish production industry of single-family houses. Additional data was collected through a survey that was shared with a total of 17 companies, three of which partook in the survey and shared it with the companies’ employees. Results – The interviews and surveys revealed limited use of BIM technology in current developmental practice, although the company representatives still expressed interest in future technological advancement. The company representatives endorsed the ability to automate work processes in both the planning phase as well as the production phase as the greatest reason for expanding future usage. The survey revealed interest in using BIM technology to provide the opportunity to reduce the number of mistakes that occur between different contractors, where collisions may occur between unique models that have not been integrated by a single system. Analysis – According to the interview respondents, the use of BIM technology could create opportunities for businesses to remain relevant by more easily integrating future technological developments. In addition, the use of BIM technology can attract new, competent personnel. The possibility of using cloud-based BIM allows a greater degree of customer involvement in projects. However, the economic value of BIM implementation is not clear as changing established work processes may require new procedures in the company. Therefore, changing to a BIM-based work system may not be economically advantageous to companies that already have a working business model. Discussion – While indicating an interest in future development using BIM, this study revealed currently limited use of BIM technology in prefabricated housing companies, where companies currently dedicate various amounts of recourses for its technological development. A larger, randomized sample would allow for a more generalizable idea of BIM use, as this study’s results could be biased by including opinions only of those who chose to respond from a limited number of companies. The volunteer method of data collection may have skewed results, as people who choose to respond often have strong opinions about the topic. However, using a mixture of interviews and surveys did allow collection of both qualitative and quantitative data and provided an initial look into current opinions about BIM as well as areas where participants believed it could help in production, even if it is not currently in use. / Introduktion (och syfte) – Sedan 1970-talet har utvecklingen av digitala verktyg gått från enkla illustrationer, till Byggnadsinformationsmodellering (BIM), en avancerad samarbetsteknologi som tillåter olika yrkesgrupper att arbeta i en gemensam modell. Tekniken möjliggör både optimeringsmöjligheter vid planering och höjd produktionskvalitet där modelleringen av en byggnad kan minska andelen kollisioner som riskerar uppstå vid montage. För att bättre förstå hur BIM kan förbättra produktion fokuserade studien på att utvärdera nuvarande och framtida potentiella användningsområden inom den prefabricerade småhussektorn. Metod – Datainsamlingen bestod av fem semistrukturerade intervjuer från fem enskilda företag inom den svenska småhusbranschen. Intervjuerna kompletterades med en enkät som delades med totalt 17 företag, varav tre företags medarbetare delade enkäten internt inom företaget. Resultat – Både intervjuerna och enkäten visade ett begränsat användande av BIMteknik i företagens arbetsmetoder, trots det uppgav företagsrepresentanterna ett intresse i framtida teknikutveckling. Företagsrepresentanterna förespråkade möjligheterna att automatisera både projektering och produktion som drivande orsaker för fortsatt teknisk utveckling. Enkätundersökningen visade ett intresse att, i deras arbete använda BIMteknik för ökad kommunikation mellan yrkesgrupper, där potentiella kollisioner mellan modeller från olika system kan hanteras på ett effektivare sätt. Analys – Användandet av BIM-teknik kunde öka företagens möjlighet att lättare implementera framtida teknisk utveckling. Samtidigt som ett högt teknikanvändande kan attrahera ny kompetent personal. Möjligheten att förlägga BIM-tekniken till webbtjänster tillåter beställare att bli mer involverade i sitt husprojekt. Trots det är det inte klart vilket ekonomiskt värde BIM-användandet ger, där implementeringen av ett nytt system kan kräva att justering av flera redan befintliga system inom företaget. Implementeringen av ett BIM-baserat arbetssystem är därför inte en självklar investering för företag som redan i dag har en fungerande verksamhet. Diskussion – Trots ett, i dagsläget, begränsat användande av BIM-teknik visade företagen i den prefabricerande småhusindustrin ett intresse i teknikens framtida utveckling, där företag dedicerar varierande mängd resurser för teknikens utveckling. Fortsatta studier föreslås genomföra med mer omfattande, och slumpmässiga datainsamlingar eftersom undersökningen, som använt ett begränsat antal företag, har krävt att respondenten har velat delta i studien och kan med det tros kunnat gett en partisk bild om ämnet. Användandet av intervjuer för kvalitativa data och enkät för kvantitativa data tillät för en bredare spektrum av åsikter att bli hörda rörande det aktuella användandet av BIM-teknik, och inom
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<p dir="ltr">Building Information Modeling (BIM) supports engineering and performance analysis for buildings and civil infrastructure from the initial design stage. BIM offers engineers access to building and infrastructure objects, along with their associated data, which can be utilized across various platforms to develop analytical models. However, the interoperability between BIM and analytical models is still limited and challenging. One such limitation and challenge is in the interoperability between BIM and Building Energy Modeling (BEM). Despite the fact that interoperability of geometry and material information between BIM and BEM has been extensively investigated, the interoperability of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) information, which is a crucial part in BEM, was underinvestigated. Another limitation is that the shared objects frequently lose their identification across different models during the processes of their creation, design iterations, and model transformation. In addition, current building and civil infrastructure projects mainly rely on Portable Document Format (PDF) plans as the official deliverables and documents to be stored, communicated, and transferred among different stakeholders. The transition from 2D PDF plans to 3D BIM remains challenging because manually creating a BIM instance model from 2D drawings can be laborious, time-intensive, and susceptible to errors.</p><p dir="ltr">To address these gaps, this dissertational research introduces new Industry Foundation Classes (IFC)-based algorithmic methods that utilize the state-of-the-art Data-driven Reverse Engineering Algorithm Development (D-READ) method and the invariant signatures of architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) objects to (1) develop algorithms that can extract the information from 2D PDF drawings and reconstruct the 3D semantically segmented and enriched BIM instance models, (2) develop object mapping algorithms for interfacing BIM and analytical models (e.g., BEM, structural analysis models, etc.) by automatically mapping building objects, and (3) iteratively develop the HVAC information transformation algorithm between BIM and BEM. Following the proposed methods, algorithms were developed to (1) semi-automate the creation of semantically segmented and enriched 3D IFC-based bridge BIM instance models using 2D PDF bridge plans, (2) map space objects between BIM instance models and BEM (OpenStudio model) based on their invariant signatures, and (3) transform HVAC objects from IFC-based BIM instance models to BEM with all the necessary information for energy simulation, using (1) PDF drawings for 12 bridges located in various parts of Indiana, (2) a 2-story duplex apartment building, and (3) a 2-story office building model and a 2-story residential building model, respectively.</p><p dir="ltr">The developed algorithms were tested on three cases: (1) the PDF information extraction algorithm was tested on six bridges, which achieved 97.7% precision and 94.4% recall. In addition, it decreased the time required to create bridge BIM instance models by 94.9% compared to the manual approach; (2) the object mapping algorithm was evaluated using a 4-story office building model containing 82 spaces. The results demonstrated that the algorithm attained 90% precision and 90% recall in mapping space objects. Additionally, a 4.88% improvement in the accuracy of energy simulation results was observed when compared to simulations without space mapping; (3) the HVAC transformation algorithm was tested on two models with distinct HVAC systems: a 4-story office building model featuring a boiler radiator system and a 2-story clinic building featuring a VAV system. The algorithm achieved transformation accuracies of 97.5% and 98.7%, respectively, compared to manually created evaluation models in OpenStudio. Additionally, the algorithm-generated models demonstrated satisfactory performance with regard to precision, with less than 9.6% error in total annual energy consumption compared to the evaluation models.</p><p dir="ltr">This dissertational research introduces a new IFC-based approach to fill the forementioned research gaps in BIM interoperability for buildings and civil infrastructures. It facilitates improved accessibility compared to a proprietary workflow and will contribute to filling informational gaps (1) between 3D BIM and 2D PDF drawings, and (2) between BIM and analytical models. It builds a solid foundation for achieving (1) automated BIM reconstruction using 2D plans, and (2) smooth, accurate, and fully-automated HVAC objects transformation between BIM and BEM, for complete BIM-BEM interoperability. The proposed approach can also be leveraged to further expand BIM interoperability support by providing a novel data-driven approach for building and civil infrastructure projects.</p>
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Diseño adaptado de técnicas de examen no destructivas para su implementación en sistemas robotizados en inspección de fachadasSánchez Gómez, Santiago 15 February 2024 (has links)
[ES] La investigación desarrollada para la tesis doctoral ha estado ligada con el proyecto de investigación ROBIM (Robótica autónoma para inspección y evaluación de edificios existentes con integración BIM) y tiene como objetivo general el desarrollo de una tecnología automatizada, activa y multidisciplinar de inspección, evaluación y diagnóstico de la composición, estado de conservación y eficiencia energética de los cerramientos del patrimonio inmueble, que facilite la obtención de información fiel y suficientemente detallada de los sistemas constructivos y lesiones que afectan a la envolvente de los edificios. Para llevar a cabo todos los objetivos planteados, se ha desarrollado un trabajo de 4 años con un equipo multidisciplinar que ha tomado las decisiones en función de los distintos avances desarrollados por la investigación de cada uno de los componentes del equipo. En el caso que ocupa esta investigación, se ha desarrollado una metodología de inspección exprofeso, teniendo como horizonte final el colectivo de técnicos en inspección que tienen que proponer soluciones para la rehabilitación de edificios. Estos técnicos en la mayoría de ocasiones no tienen un protocolo claro a seguir para afrontar la inspección y diagnóstico de un proyecto de rehabilitación, esto ha motivado el desarrollo de esta metodología que de manera semiautomática es capaz de aunar las diferentes etapas bajo un mismo formato para ordenar y facilitar la inspección completa. / [CA] La investigació desenvolupada per a la tesi doctoral ha estat lligada amb el projecte d'investigació ROBIM (Robótica autónoma per a inspecció i avaluació d'edificis existents amb integració BIM) i té com a objectiu general el desenvolupament d'una tecnologia automatitzada, activa i multidisciplinària d'inspecció, avaluació i diagnòstic de la composició, estat de conservació i eficiència energètica dels tancaments del patrimoni immoble, que facilite l'obtenció d'informació fidel i prou detallada dels sistemes constructius i lesions que afecten l'envolupant dels edificis. Per a dur a terme tots els objectius plantejats, s'ha desenvolupat un treball de 4 anys amb un equip multidisciplinari que ha pres les decisions en funció dels diferents avanços desenvolupats per la investigació de cadascun dels components de l'equip. En el cas que ocupa esta investigació, s'ha desenvolupat una metodologia d'inspecció ex-profeso, tenint com a horitzó final el col·lectiu de tècnics en inspecció que han de proposar solucions per a la rehabilitació d'edificis. Estos tècnics en la majoria d'ocasions no tenen un protocol clar a seguir per a afrontar la inspecció i diagnòstic d'un projecte de rehabilitació, això ha motivat el desenvolupament d'esta metodologia que de manera semiautomàtica és capaç de conjuminar les diferents etapes sota un mateix format per a ordenar i facilitar la inspecció completa. / [EN] The research carried out for the doctoral thesis has been linked to the ROBIM research project ROBIM (Autonomous Robotics for Inspection and Evaluation of Existing Buildings with BIM Integration) and its general objetive is the development of an automated, active and multidisciplinary technology for the inspection, evaluation and diagnosis of the composition, state of conservation and energy efficiency of building envelopes, which facilitates obtaining accurate and sufficiently detailed information on the construction systems and injuries that affect the building envelop. In order to achieve all the objectives, set out, work has been carried out over four years with a multidisciplinary team that has taken decisions based on the different advances developed by the research of each of the members or the team. In the case of this research, an ex profeso inspection methodology has been developed, having as a final horizon the group of inspection technicians who have to propose solutions for the rehabilitation of buildings. In most cases, these technicians do not have a clear protocol to follow the dealing with the inspection and diagnosis of a refurbishment project. This has motivated the development of this methodology which, in a semi-automatic way, is capable of bringing together the different stages under a single format in order to organize and facilitate the complete inspection / Sánchez Gómez, S. (2024). Diseño adaptado de técnicas de examen no destructivas para su implementación en sistemas robotizados en inspección de fachadas [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/202737
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Leverans av digitala tvillingar : En fallstudie av utmaningar och dess orsaker / Delivery of Digital Twins : A Case Study of Challenges and Their CausesLindström, Niklas, Sundman, Hanna, Nilsson, Olivia January 2024 (has links)
The concept of a digital twin was originated by Nasa who used advanced simulation techniques during their first moon landing but has since evolved and the areas of application have broadened considerably. In recent years, the phenomenon has received a lot of attention in relation to the real estate industry in particular, which have been followed by plenty of research into digital twins within the informatics field. However, there is still a great lack of studies that focus on the supplier’s perspective of the implementation. Therefore, the aim of this study is to identify the root causes of perceived challenges with digital twins from a supplier perspective by identifying what gives rise to problems and difficulties with the implementation of digital twins. This research contributes empirically by delving into the supplier's viewpoint, enhancing theoretical understanding through the identification of underlying causes, and practically by proposing ways to manage these foundational challenges effectively. The findings underscore the importance of addressing the knowledge gap between suppliers and clients early in the implementation process, recommending organizational and technical strategies to optimize digital twin utilization and management.
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Анализ развития жилищного строительства в Екатеринбурге с оценкой уровня применения ТИМ в 2018-2022 годах : магистерская диссертация / Analysis of the development of housing construction in Yekaterinburg with an assessment of the level of application of TIM in 2018-2022Болотов, Д. С., Bolotov, D. S. January 2024 (has links)
В работе рассматривается динамика развития жилищного строительства города Екатеринбурга. Рассмотрено как количество ввода жилья, его стоимость за квадратный метр и иные показатели отражают удовлетворенность социальными условиями граждан. Проведен анализ динамики численности, рождаемости, миграции населения и анализ рынка недвижимости в сегменте жилищного строительства. Проведена оценка уровня внедрения ТИМ. / The paper examines the dynamics of the development of housing construction in the city of Yekaterinburg. Considered as the quantity of housing commissioned, its cost per square meter and other indicators reflect satisfaction with the social conditions of citizens. An analysis of population dynamics, birth rates, population migration and an analysis of the real estate market in the housing construction segment were carried out. The level of BIM implementation was assessed.
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Разработка методических рекомендаций по подготовке цифровой информационной модели к проверке в ГАУ СО «Управление государственной экспертизы» : магистерская диссертация / Development of methodological recommendations for the preparation of a digital information model for verification in the State Autonomous Institution of the Sverdlovsk Region «Office of State Expertise»Вавилов, И. Е., Vavilov, I. E. January 2024 (has links)
Автором диссертации был проведен анализ требований ГАУ СО «Управление государственной экспертизы» к трехмерным моделям архитектурных и объемно-планировочных, конструктивных решений необходимых для прохождения экспертизы при использовании технологий информационного моделирования. Создана модель жилого здания раздела архитектурных и объемно-планировочных решений, конструктивных решений, описана технология информационного наполнения модели. Разработаны методические рекомендаций по подготовке цифровой информационной модели к проверке в ГАУ СО «Управление государственной экспертизы». / The author of the dissertation analyzed the requirements of the State Autonomous Institution of the Sverdlovsk Region «Office of State Expertise» for three-dimensional models of architectural and spatial planning, constructive solutions necessary for passing an examination using information modeling technologies. A model of a residential building has been created for the section of architectural and spatial planning solutions, constructive solutions, and the technology of information filling of the model is described. Methodological recommendations have been developed for the preparation of a digital information model for verification in the State Autonomous Institution of the Sverdlovsk Region «Office of State Expertise».
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Создание регламента разработки раздела «Архитектурные интерьеры. Места общего пользования (МОП). Отделочные чертежи» для компании Страна Девелопмент : магистерская диссертация / Creation of regulations for the development of the section «Architectural Interiors. Common areas. Finishing drawings» for the company Strana DevelopmentКолосова, К. А., Kolosova, K. A. January 2024 (has links)
Целью работы является моделирование процесса создания и поддержания в актуальном состоянии регламента создания раздела проектной строительной документации с использованием технологий информационного моделирования. Обсуждение ведется на примере процесса создания регламента для проектирования раздела «Архитектурные интерьеры», который был реализован в ГК «Страна Девелопмент». Использование регламента позволяет значительно сократить время, затрачиваемое на создание разделов рабочей строительной документации и уменьшить количество ошибок, возникающих за счет использование нестандартных решений. В ходе создания регламента были сформулированы общие правила для этого процесса, следуя которым, можно получать не формальные, а применяемые в практической деятельности документы. На основе созданного регламенты был разработан шаблон в ПО «Revit» и эталонный комплект по объекту ПЛХ ГП-15 секция 1. / The purpose of the work is to model the process of creating and maintaining up to date regulations for creating a section of design construction documentation using information modeling technologies. The discussion is based on the example of the process of creating regulations for the design of the “Architectural Interiors” section, which was implemented in the Strana Development Group of Companies. The use of regulations can significantly reduce the time spent on creating sections of working construction documentation and reduce the number of errors that arise through the use of non-standard solutions. During the creation of the regulations, general rules for this process were formulated, following which you can obtain not formal, but documents used in practical activities. Based on the created regulations, a template was developed in Revit software and a reference set for the PLH GP-15 section 1 object.
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Автоматизация расчета себестоимости строительства объекта «Комплекс жилых зданий со встроенно-пристроенными помещениями общественного назначения и подземными автостоянками квартала 4 в районе «Академический» города Екатеринбурга. Блок 4.5 : магистерская диссертация / Automation of the calculation of the cost of construction of the facility " is a complex of residential buildings with built-in attached public premises and underground parking lots of block 4 in the Akademicheskiy district of the city of Yekaterinburg. Block 4.5"Старцева, М. Г., Startseva, M. G. January 2024 (has links)
The dissertation is devoted to the use of these digital information models in the Kortros Group of Companies to estimate the cost of construction at the design stages and preparation for the contracting of construction and installation works. As part of the study , a business intelligence tool, the BI platform, is considered as a method for determining the cost of construction. A script has also been written to automate the production of construction costs using classification tables. As a result of the study, the authors made conclusions about the use of data analytics of information models at the early stages of work on an investment and construction project to predict the cost of construction, as well as about BI-platforms as tools for determining it. / Диссертация посвящена использованию данных цифровых информационных моделей в ГК «Кортрос» для оценки себестоимости строительства на этапах проектирования и подготовки к контрактации строительно-монтажных работ. В рамках исследования рассмотрен инструмент бизнес-аналитики — BI-платформа как метод определения стоимости строительства. А также написан скрипт для автоматизации получения себестоимости строительства с использованием классификационных таблиц. В результате исследования авторами сделаны выводы об использовании аналитики данных информационных моделей на ранних стадиях работы над инвестиционно-строительным проектом для прогнозирования стоимости строительства, а также о BI-платформах как инструментах ее определения.
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Информационно-моделирующая система расчета показателей теплового режима при изменении режимных и конструктивных параметров доменной печи : магистерская диссертация / Information modeling system calculation of thermal condition indicators when changing the operating and design blast furnace parametersШамсимухаметов, П. Р., Shamsimukhametov, P. R. January 2024 (has links)
Магистерская диссертация посвящена разработке информационно-моделирующей системы теплового режима доменной плавки на основе трехзвенной клиент-серверной архитектуры. Рассмотрены основные этапы разработки программного обеспечения: постановка задачи; анализ предметной области; определение требований; выбор технологии и средств реализации проекта; создание архитектуры системы; проектирование и реализация программного обеспечения, а также его публикация (развертывание). Представлено описание работы системы на примере расчета показателей теплового режима для условий работы доменного цеха ПАО «Магнитогорский металлургический комбинат». Основными функциями программного обеспечения являются: ручной ввод и корректировка исходных данных на основе заданного шаблона или ранее сохраненного варианта расчета; сохранение и загрузка вариантов исходных данных для базового периода; расчет показателей теплового состояния доменной плавки в базовом и проектном периодах; отображение результатов расчета в табличном и графическом видах; экспорт результатов во внешний формат офисных документов; ведение блока нормативно-справочной информации. В ходе разработки использована гибкая методология создания программного обеспечения (Agile) с использованием итерационного подхода (спринтов) на основе трекера задач (task tracker) Microsoft Azure DevOps, а также удаленного репозитория хранения и совместной разработки программного кода IT-проектов GitHub. Научная новизна полученных в работе результатов заключается в: разработке методов эффективной организации, ведения процесса разработки и сопровождения, специализированного информационного, алгоритмического и программного обеспечений, включая базу данных и микросервисы TeploAPI и TeploClient; использовании гибкой методологии разработки (Agile, SCRUM) и таск-трекера Microsoft Azure DevOps для ведения проекта, взаимодействия с заказчиком во время разработки, отслеживания ошибок, визуального отображения задач и мониторинга процесса их выполнения; использовании методики коллективного владения программным кодом на основе сервиса (удаленного репозитория) GitHub. Практическая значимость результатов заключается в том, что разработанное программное обеспечение позволит: специалистам инженерно-технологической группы доменного цеха предоставит возможность автоматизированного моделирования газодинамического режима доменной плавки, сократить время на формирование отчетных документов; специалистам отдела сопровождения информационных систем снизить трудозатраты на сопровождение, совершенствование и развитие системы с учетом пожеланий пользователей за счет использования микросервисной архитектуры. Разработанное программное обеспечение предназначено для инженерно-технологического персонала доменных цехов металлургических предприятий, научных работников, занимающихся исследованием доменного процесса, а также может быть использовано в учебном процессе для проведения лабораторных и практических работ для студентов металлургических специальностей вузов. Результаты работы представлены и обсуждены на конференциях: X, XI и XII Всероссийской научно-практической конференции студентов, аспирантов и молодых учёных (Екатеринбург, УрФУ, 2022, 2023, 2024); всероссийской научно-практической конференции (с международным участием «Системы автоматизации (в образовании, науке и производстве): AS’2023». Результаты работы отражены в 3-х публикациях, получено 2 свидетельства о государственной регистрации программ для ЭВМ. / The master's thesis is devoted to the development of an information modeling system for the thermal regime of blast furnace smelting based on a three-tier client-server architecture. The main stages of software development are considered: problem statement; domain analysis; definition of requirements; selection of technology and means of project implementation; creation of system architecture; design and implementation of software, as well as its publication (deployment). A description of the operation of the system is presented using the example of calculating thermal parameters for the operating conditions of the blast furnace shop of PJSC Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works. The main functions of the software are: manual input and adjustment of source data based on a given template or a previously saved calculation option; saving and loading source data options for the base period; calculation of thermal state indicators of blast furnace smelting in the base and design periods; display of calculation results in tabular and graphical forms; exporting results to an external office document format; maintaining a block of regulatory and reference information. During the development, a flexible methodology for creating software (Agile) was used using an iterative approach (sprints) based on the task tracker Microsoft Azure DevOps, as well as a remote repository for storing and jointly developing program code for IT projects GitHub. The scientific novelty of the results obtained in the work lies in: development of methods for effective organization, management of the development and maintenance process, specialized information, algorithmic and software, including the database and microservices TeploAPI and TeploClient; use of flexible development methodology (Agile, SCRUM) and the Microsoft Azure DevOps task tracker for project management, interaction with the customer during development, error tracking, visual display of tasks and monitoring the progress of their implementation; using the methodology of collective ownership of program code based on the GitHub service (remote repository). The practical significance of the results is that the developed software will allow: specialists of the engineering and technological group of the blast furnace shop will be given the opportunity to automatically simulate the gas-dynamic regime of blast furnace smelting, reducing the time for generating reporting documents; specialists of the information systems support department to reduce labor costs for maintaining, improving and developing the system, taking into account the wishes of users through the use of microservice architecture. The developed software is intended for engineering and technological personnel of blast furnace shops of metallurgical enterprises, scientists involved in research of the blast furnace process, and can also be used in the educational process to carry out laboratory and practical work for students of metallurgical specialties at universities. The results of the work were presented and discussed at conferences: X, XI and XII All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference of Students, Graduate Students and Young Scientists (Ekaterinburg, UrFU, 2022, 2023, 2024); All-Russian scientific and practical conference (with international participation “Automation systems (in education, science and production): AS’2023.” The results of the work are reflected in 3 publications, 2 certificates of state registration of computer programs were received.
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