Spelling suggestions: "subject:"interactional"" "subject:"interactionnal""
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Investigating the influence of manager behaviour on the turnover intentions of employees in the mining industry / Juná BothmaBothma, Juná January 2010 (has links)
The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of manager behaviour on the turnover intentions of employees with scarce and critical skills in the mining industry. A cross-sectional survey design was used. A purposive sample (n = 505) was used to collect the data at a platinum operation. Questionnaires were given to employees with scarce and critical skills who fall within the C1 - D1 Patterson level range.
Cronbach alpha coefficients were used to assess the reliability and validity of the measuring instruments. All the factors relating to manager's behaviour proved reliable, with the exception of feedback, and recommendations were made to improve the reliability of this specific scale. Results indicated statistically significant relationships between job satisfaction, recognition, feedback, communication from the manager and supervisor support, while a lack of job satisfaction, recognition, feedback, communication from the manager and supervisor support could be applied to predict turnover intentions of employees with scarce and critical skills. The moderating effect of supervisor social support between levels of recognition and turnover intention was supported.
Based on the results obtained, conclusions were made after which recommendations were made for future research. / Thesis (M.Com. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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Investigating the influence of manager behaviour on the turnover intentions of employees in the mining industry / Juná BothmaBothma, Juná January 2010 (has links)
The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of manager behaviour on the turnover intentions of employees with scarce and critical skills in the mining industry. A cross-sectional survey design was used. A purposive sample (n = 505) was used to collect the data at a platinum operation. Questionnaires were given to employees with scarce and critical skills who fall within the C1 - D1 Patterson level range.
Cronbach alpha coefficients were used to assess the reliability and validity of the measuring instruments. All the factors relating to manager's behaviour proved reliable, with the exception of feedback, and recommendations were made to improve the reliability of this specific scale. Results indicated statistically significant relationships between job satisfaction, recognition, feedback, communication from the manager and supervisor support, while a lack of job satisfaction, recognition, feedback, communication from the manager and supervisor support could be applied to predict turnover intentions of employees with scarce and critical skills. The moderating effect of supervisor social support between levels of recognition and turnover intention was supported.
Based on the results obtained, conclusions were made after which recommendations were made for future research. / Thesis (M.Com. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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[pt] A tese apresenta pesquisa realizada com professores contratados do Departamento do Primeiro Segmento do Colégio Pedro II tendo como questão principal: O que os relatos dos docentes contratados do Departamento do Primeiro Segmento do CPII nos dizem sobre o significado de seu trabalho, sua identidade e experiência? Tardif e Lessard (2005) são referenciais teóricos usados para as reflexões sobreo trabalho docente, com as categorias teóricas atividade, experiência e identidade; Ball (2001, 2012) contribui com o conceito de atuação de políticas, e Dubet (2014), com a discussão sobre desigualdades. Como referencial teórico-metodológico foi utilizado Goffman, com os conceitos de face e estigma, entre outros, e para a análise sociolinguístico-interacional. A pesquisa qualitativa utilizou como estratégias de coleta e geração de dados: a) pesquisa bibliográfica sobre leis e documentos reguladores do trabalho de professores contratados no Colégio Pedro II, b) entrevistas semiestruturadas com quinze professoras, c) catorze entrevistas com gestores do Colégio e representantes da Associação de Docentes. A análise de conteúdo foi utilizada para a análise dos dados coletados em documentos e gerados nas entrevistas. Buscou-se, também, através do diálogo entre a Educação e a Linguagem, especialmente a Sociolinguística Interacional (GOFFMAN, 2013 [1964], 2013 [1979], b MISHLER, 1986a, 1986b), analisar as entrevistas como um encontro social, assim, a interação da entrevistadora com os entrevistados e a construção do sentido pelos atores foram também colocadas em foco. Como resultados, constatou-se que as professoras contratadas do Colégio Pedro II têm mais direitos assegurados que colegas de outras redes, como constatado na revisão empírica. Sobre a atividade docente, as professoras indicam valorizar a estrutura física e acompanhamento pedagógico realizado pelas equipes de Orientação e Coordenação, e percebem-se mais satisfeitas no trabalho, apesar da precariedade formal, do que em outras redes onde trabalham. A experiência de trabalho foi vista como formativa, percebida como uma faculdade, momento de renovação, de capacitação. Algumas professoras destacam ter aprendido a dar aula, a avaliar e a ensinar adaptando o ritmo e conteúdos às necessidades dos alunos. A experiência de contrato é procurada como um possível trampolim para a condição de efetiva, desejo da maioria. Em relação à identidade, embora a experiência de trabalho tenha propiciado uma ressignificação do ser professora para algumas, criticam a falta de aval para a realização de alguns projetos, a falta de voz para a manifestação em alguns espaços, e outras se sentem uma mão de obra descartável, apesar de perceberem o quanto a escola precisa de seu trabalho. Demandam um tratamento mais igualitário, tanto em aspectos formais (horas trabalhadas, salário), quanto simbólico, e sugerem a valorização de sua experiência nos concursos para efetivos. A análise sociolinguístico-interacional mostra como as professoras procuraram, durante a interação, equilibrar a dupla hierarquia de poder (pesquisadora e professora efetiva x entrevistada e professora contratada) e o estigma do qualificante contratada, através de estratégias de anulação do estigma, por meio da construção de uma face de professoras competentes, merecedoras de pertencer ao Colégio Pedro II, ou pela denúncia do estigma que marca a situação de professora contratada. / [en] The thesis presents a research carried out with substitute teachers of the First Segment Department of the Colégio Pedro II and it has as the main question: What do the reports of the substitute teachers of the CPII s First Segment Department tell us about the meaning of their work, their identity and experience? As theoretical references, Tardif and Lessard (2005) were used for the reflections on the teaching work and theoretical categories (activity, experience and identity); Ball (2001, 2012), for the theoretical reflection on the concept of policy and policy enanctment, and Dubet (2014), for the discussion on inequalities. Goffman s concepts of face and stigma, among others, was used as theoretical-methodological reference, including the socio-linguistic-interactional analysis The research has a qualitative framework. The researcher used as strategies to collect and generate data: a) bibliographical research on laws and regulatory documents of the work of substitute teachers in Colégio Pedro II, b) semistructured interviews with fifteen teachers, c) fourteen interviews with schools managers and Teacher s Association delegates. Content analysis was used to analyze the data collected in documents and generated in interviews. The dialogue between Education and Language, especially Interational Sociolinguistics (GOFFMAN, 2013 [1964], 2013 [1979], b MISHLER, 1986a, 1986b), contributed to analyze the interviews as a social event. The interviewer s interaction with the interviewees and the construction of meaning by the actors were also placed in focus. As a result, the substitute teachers of Colégio Pedro II have more assured rights than colleagues from other networks in Brazil. Regarding the teaching activity, the teachers indicate that they value the school structure, both physical and pedagogical – the last carried out by the Orientation and Coordination teams. Despite the formal precariousness they are more satisfied than the substitute teachers of other networks, public or private. The work experience was perceived as formative, a faculty, renewal, empowerment moment. Some teachers emphasize having learned to teach, to evaluate, and also to teach by adapting the rhythm and content to the needs of the students. The experience of contract is sought as a possible trampoline to the condition of permanent teacher, the majority s desire. Regarding identity, although the work experience has led to a re-signification of being a teacher for some, they criticize the lack of endorsement for the realization of some projects, the lack of voice for the manifestation in some spaces. Some of the substitute teachers feel as a disposable labor even though they realize how much the school needs their work. They demand more egalitarian treatment, both in formal (worked hours, salary) and symbolic aspects, and they suggest that their experience should be valued in permanent teachers’selection. The sociolinguistic analysis shows how teachers manage, during the interviews, to balance the dual hierarchy of power (permanent teacher researcher vs. interviewed substitute teacher) and the stigma of the substitute, through stigma avoidance strategies and the construction of a competent teachers face, or through the reporting the stigma that marks the position of substitute teacher.
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Fotombyte i teckenspråkstolkning : Erfarna tolkars koordineringsarbete på diskursnivå / Change of footing in sign language interpretingSterby, Pia January 2018 (has links)
Tolkens uppgift är att överföra budskapet från ett språk till ett annat på ett ekvivalent sätt. För att göra det måste tolken koordinera samtalet. Tolkens koordineringsarbete och tolkens förmåga att navigera mellan de olika modaliteterna där talad svenska och teckenspråk förekommer är avgörande för en funktionell tolkning. Den här uppsatsen har fokuserat på sekvenser där tolken i sitt koordineringsarbete ägnar sig åt att förflytta sig mellan olika samtalsramar. Detta kallas för change of footing (sv. tolkens fotombyte). I det filminspelade materialet har fyra kategorier av change of footing påträffats. Den första handlar om den förändrade deltagarstatusen som uppstår när tolken från väntläge går in i rollspelet. Den andra kategorin handlar om tolkens självpresentation som för teckenspråkstolkar innebär att hantera en oväntad direkt fråga. Den tredje kategorin handlar om när tolken själv tar initiativ till omfrågning för att försäkra sig om innehållet och/eller innebörden av det som yttrats. Den fjärde och sista kategorin handlar om den förändrade deltagarstatusen som tolken förflyttar sig till när rollspelet avslutas. Just avrundning av pågående samtal är ofta en process som kan pågå i flera minuter där både de primära parterna och tolken signalerar detta på en rad olika sätt. / The task of an interpreter is to convey the message from one language to another in an equivalent way. In order to do that the interpreter needs to coordinate the interaction. The coordination and the ability to navigate between the different modalities that spoken Swedish and Swedish sign language are part of is decisive to achieve a functional interpretation. This thesis has focused on sequences where the interpreter in her work moves between different interactional frames. This movement is called change of footing. In the film-recorded data, four different categories of change of footing have been found. The first one concerns the changes in participation status, which occur when the interpreter moves from a “waiting position” into the roleplay. The second category is about the interpreters’ self-presentation, which for sign language interpreters is an unexpected direct question to handle. The third category deals with an interpreter-initiated repair in order to make sure the meaning of an utterance or a word is correctly understood. The fourth and final category is about the changed participation status when the interpreter moves out of ongoing roleplay as it ends. Finishing an ongoing interaction is often a process that might go on for several minutes and that is signalled by both the primary parties and the interpreter in a number of different ways.
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L’art oratoire chez les Bapunu du Gabon : pour une rhétorique interactionnelle / Oratory in Punu Traditional Society : an Interactional ApproachNzamickale, Damien 06 March 2012 (has links)
Dans les assemblées traditionnelles des Bapunu du Gabon, l’exercice de la parole constitue toujours un « événement de communication » (communicative event). Cette étude, qui porte sur l’art oratoire de ce peuple bantu d’Afrique centrale, en est une démonstration manifeste. À partir du cas de deux types de « palabre » à la fois différents et apparentés, à savoir le mariage traditionnel et le jugement coutumier, l’auteur nous plonge au coeur d’une rhétorique interactionnelle particulière. Il nous montre que l’art oratoire punu a un caractère tout à la fois dialogique et monologique : les orateurs, au cours de ces événements communicatifs, se donnent la réplique dans l’« espace de discours » qu’ils occupent tour à tour. Mais ces interventions ― contributions individuelles à l’échange ― correspondent, en fait, à des tirades au cours desquelles se déploient à la fois l’argumentation et un certain nombre de procédés rhétoriques qui mettent à contribution l’auditoire. / In ritualized encounters of the Bapunu in Gabon, there is no doubt that speech is always a communicative event. This dissertation deals with two types of speech events – traditional weddings and customary trials. In these two different though related events, the author gives evidence of a very specific interactional rhetoric. He shows that punu oratory presents aspects of dialogue and aspects of monologue all at the same time. In fact, each orator comes to take the « speechfloor » in order to answer other orator’s contradictions. But these dual contributions to the interaction are intrinsically tirades where argumentation is displayed, and some rhetoric processes are designed to seek the public’s reaction. On the whole, the demonstration leads us to a comprehensive and insightful approach to Punu oratory.
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A competência interacional de aprendizes de língua estrangeira (italiano) durante a produção oral espontânea em sala de aula: uma análise da conversa / The interactional competence of foreign language (italian) learners during spontaneous oral production in the classroom: a conversation analysisVinicio Corrias 22 January 2015 (has links)
A presente dissertação analisa como se configura a Competência Interacional (He; Young, 1998) de aprendizes adultos brasileiros durante um curso de italiano durante conversa espontânea. Os dados foram coletados durante um semestre, com foco em conversas livres, isto é, em interações imprevisíveis, sem duração definida e cujos temas nasciam a partir de algum acontecimento em sala de aula, sem planejamento prévio. A análise dos dados teve dois focos principais: a análise do sistema de turnos e dos reparos, procurando verificar de que forma a construção desses recursos determina aspectos da interação e do desempenho de papeis de professor e de aluno em sala de aula. Os dados foram analisados com base na disciplina, fortemente empírica, da Análise da Conversa; de modo mais específico, foram utilizadas as categorias encontradas por Sacks, Schegloff e Jefferson (1974) e por Schegloff, Jefferson e Sacks (1977), para análise do sistema de turnos e dos reparos, respectivamente. A análise dos dados indicou que os aprendizes utilizaram o sistema de turnos de forma parecida com o da conversa fora da sala de aula, já que na maioria dos casos se auto-selecionam como próximos falantes, o que nos levou a identificar uma postura autônoma e a percepção, por parte dos aprendizes, de um ambiente mais próximo ao genuíno de comunicação. Por outro lado, nota-se que os turnos dos aprendizes têm, quase sempre, menor duração do que os do professor, possivelmente, por causa de uma menor competência linguístico-comunicativa. Os dados evidenciam ainda, que os alunos utilizam pouco, muito menos que o professor, a seleção de um outro falante. Quanto à análise do sistema de reparos, verificaram-se duas tendências principais. Em primeiro lugar, os alunos, frequentemente, pedem para ser corrigidos, mas, ao mesmo tempo, há muitas ocorrências em que eles não esperam que alguém responda a esses pedidos e continuam a conversa. Em segundo lugar, o professor, na maioria dos casos, não corrige os desvios linguísticos dos alunos e, quando o faz, não parece existir uma lógica que guie essas ações. Se olharmos com mais atenção para os dados analisados, configura-se uma situação complexa, em que os alunos, por exemplo, corrigem outros alunos, ou em que eles interrompem o professor. Em conclusão, a detalhada análise das interações evidencia que, em vários momentos, os papeis de professor e alunos estão bem marcados, mas estão longe de ser os papeis tradicionais em que o professor é quem avaliava e distribui os turnos, e os alunos estão em posição mais passiva. Isso nos permite afirmar que a conversa é uma atividade de sala de aula em que os participantes têm liberdade de ação e na qual os recursos interacionais são aspectos essenciais não apenas na configuração da interação, como também na construção da competência interacional dos aprendizes e na compreensão do processo de ensino-aprendizagem de línguas em sala de aula. / This study analyzes the nature of Interactional Competence (He; Young, 1998) of adult Brazilian learners, attending a Italian language course, during spontaneous conversation. The data, collected during a semester, focused on unplanned conversations, which had no defined duration and whose topics emerged from anything occurring in the classroom. The analysis of the data consists of two main foci: speaker selection and repairs. They were analyzed in order to verify how their construction could determine aspects of interaction and how it influences the roles that the professor and the learners play in the classroom. The data were analyzed based on the, strictly empirical, discipline of Conversation Analysis; in particular, were used the categories found by Sacks, Schegloff e Jefferson (1974), and Schegloff, Jefferson e Sacks (1977), for speaker selection and repair, respectively. The analysis of the data revealed that the learners use speaker selection in a way that similar to that outside classroom, that is to say, they mainly selected themselves in order to take the floor. This learners skill is viewed as evidence of autonomous stance; furthermore, it indicates that they perceive the classroom as characterized by genuine communication. On the other hand, it can be noticed that learners turns are mainly shorter than professors, probably due to their lesser linguistic-communicative competence. In addition, the data show that the learners select the other participants fewer times than the teacher. Examination of the system of repairs revealed two main trends. Firstly, in spite of the fact that the learners frequently ask for a linguistic repair, they frequently do not wait for somebody to realize that repair and keep on speaking. Secondly, the teacher, in most of the cases, does not repair the learners linguistic problems and when it occurs, the fact does not seem to be supported by any underlying logic. At a closer look, the data show a complex situation in which the learners use the other-repair resource or interrupt the teacher. Finally, the detailed conversation analysis shows that even though many times the roles teacher and learners play are well defined, they are not even close to the traditional ones in which the teacher used to evaluate and distribute the turns, and the learners had a passive attitude. The analysis serve as evidence to affirm that conversation is a classroom activity in which students can perform freely and in which the interactional resources are aspects essential, not only to better understand and categorize the interaction, but also to the construction of the learners interactional competence and for the understanding of the foreign language classroom teaching process.
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Interação, autonomia e mediação tecnológica no ensino-aprendizagem de inglês como língua adicionalCypriano, Ana Paula Tavares de Moraes Silva 13 April 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Fabiano Vassallo (fabianovassallo2127@gmail.com) on 2017-04-11T17:59:23Z
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Tese-AnaPaulaCypriano.pdf: 39989736 bytes, checksum: 2298172210f8f89db684123c7e7f938c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Josimara Dias Brumatti (bcgdigital@ndc.uff.br) on 2017-04-13T13:58:15Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
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Tese-AnaPaulaCypriano.pdf: 39989736 bytes, checksum: 2298172210f8f89db684123c7e7f938c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-13T13:58:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2
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Tese-AnaPaulaCypriano.pdf: 39989736 bytes, checksum: 2298172210f8f89db684123c7e7f938c (MD5) / Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Centro de Educação e Humanidades. Rio de Janeiro, RJ / Este estudo tem como objetivo geral averiguar a contribuição da fala-em-interação institucional de uma docente na promoção da autonomia discente, do tipo reativa, em contextos mediados pelas novas tecnologias. Situa-se no contexto de ensino e aprendizagem de língua inglesa como língua adicional, em uma escola pública de ensino fundamental, localizada no município do Rio de Janeiro. Os dados foram coletados dentro da abordagem quali-quantitativa de pesquisa. Os instrumentos de pesquisa utilizados foram questionário, gravações em vídeo e áudio de aulas da professora, atividades produzidas pelos discentes, conversas em chat da rede social Facebook e entrevista estruturada. As análises foram feitas considerando-se o conceito de autonomia como sistema multifacetado, conceitos da Análise da Conversa Etnometodológica, e da Sociolinguística Interacional que servem de instrumentos para a análise da fala-em-interação institucional. Os resultados mostram que quando a fala-em-interação institucional leva em conta as várias facetas da autonomia, ela contribui positivamente para a promoção da autonomia discente, do tipo reativa, em ambientes mediados por novas tecnologia / This study aims to determine the contribution of a teacher’s institutional talk-in-interaction in promoting learner’s reactive type autonomy in technology-mediated learning contexts. Its context is related to teaching and learning English as an additional language in a public elementary school, in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro. Data were collected considering the qualitative and quantitative research approach. The research instruments used were questionnaire, recordings of the teacher’s classes, activities produced by students, interactions in Facebook chats and structured interviews. The data were analyzed considering the concept of autonomy as a multifaceted system, concepts of Conversation Analysis, and Interactional Sociolinguistics as tools for the analysis of institutional talk-in-interaction. The results show that when institutional talk-in-interaction takes into account the various facets of autonomy, it contributes positively to the promotion of student’s reactive type autonomy in technology-mediated learning contexts
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Drivna män, dynamiska kvinnor? : Kontaktstrategier och könsassociationer i Nordnets platsannonser / Driven men, dynamic women? : Relationship building strategies and gender associations in Nordnet's job postingsStrandvall, Malin January 2013 (has links)
Studiens primära syfte är att undersöka hur målgruppen potentiellt framtida kvinnliga arbetssökande upplever det språkliga tilltalet i nätbanken Nordnets platsannonser. Hypotesen att det språkliga tilltalet i Nordnets platsannonser bär spår av manliga drag och attraherar män i högre utsträckning än kvinnor är en central utgångspunkt för undersökningen som görs. Ett sekundärt syfte med studien är även att ur språkvetenskapligt perspektiv undersöka hur de relationsskapande strategierna ser ut i fem slumpmässigt utvalda platsannonser från Nordnet. Studien utgår från frågeställningar som berör attityder till det språkliga tilltalet och hur platsannonsernas relationsskapande strategier associeras med manligt eller kvinnligt språk. Frågeställningarna besvaras med hjälp av två kvantitativa metoder: en enkätundersökning samt en textanalys, vars resultat legat till grund för enkätundersökningens utformning. 39 respondenter deltog i enkätundersökningen, varav 22 kvinnor och en kontrollgrupp på 17 män. Till grund för textanalysen låg fem slumpmässigt utvalda platsannonser från Nordnet. Studien har en sociolingvistisk ansats och bygger vidare på Gaucher, Friesen & Kays (2011) forskning om effekterna av könsbundna ord i platsannonser samt Xiaoli Fus (2012) forskning om platsannonsens kontaktskapande strategier. Resultaten från textanalyserna visar att de kontaktskapande strategierna i Nordnets platsannonser stämmer väl överens med tidigare forskning samt att användningen av olika attitydmarkörer och läsarinkluderande pronomen har en gynnsam effekt på målgruppen. Vidare talar resultaten för hypotesens förkastande - åtminstone vad gäller den undersökta gruppen - då merparten av de undersökta kvinnorna uppger sig vara lockade att söka en tjänst hos Nordnet och även upplever platsannonsens kontaktskapande strategier på ett positivt sätt. Inte heller uppgav de kvinnliga respondenterna att de associerade det språkliga tilltalet med manligt språk; tvärtom skattade männen i kontrollgruppen valda delar av platsannonsens språkliga tilltal som mera maskulint än kvinnorna. / The objective of this study is to investigate how a specific target group; potential, future female applicants, perceive the language in Nordnet’s job postings. The hypothesis that the language used in Nordnet’s job postings attracts men to a greater extent than women is a central starting point for the investigation. A secondary objective for the study is also to examine how the interactional metadiscourse, e.g. relationship building strategies, look like in five randomly selected job postings from Nordnet. The study is based on questions that apply to attitudes towards linguistic traits in the job postings and how the relationship building strategies is associated with masculinity or femininity. These questions are answered by two quantitative methods : a survey and a text analysis, the results of which formed the basis of the questionnaire survey design. 39 respondents participated in the survey, including 22 women and a control group of 17 men. The basis for text analysis were five randomly selected job postings from Nordnet. The study has a sociolinguistic approach and builds on Gaucher, Friesen & Kay's (2012) research on the effects of gendered wording in job postings and Xiaoli Fu's (2011) research on interactional metadiscourse in job postings. The results from the text analysis shows that the relationship building strategies of Nordnet’s job postings are consistent with previous research and the use of different attitude markers and reader-inclusive pronouns has a beneficial effect on the target audience. Furthermore, the results speak for hypothesis rejection - at least for the group studied – since most of the female participants claimed to be attracted to apply for a position within Nordnet and also experienced the job posting’s strategies in a positive way. Neither did the female participants associate the language with masculinity; on the contrary, instead the male participants rated selected parts of the job postings interactional metadiscourse as more masculine than the women did.
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Aux portes de la police : vocations et droits d'entrée : contribution à une sociologie des processus de reproduction des institutions / Enter police : vocations and entrance fee : contribution to a sociology of processes of institutions reproductionGautier, Frédéric 11 December 2015 (has links)
Comment peut-on être policier ? C'est à cette question que tente de répondre cette thèse qui se propose d'analyser à la fois les processus de construction de l'attrait pour le métier de gardien de la paix et les modalités de la sélection des candidats. Elle s'intéresse d'abord aux droits d'entrée dont doivent s'acquitter les candidats. Bien que la nature et le « montant » de ces droits d'entrée fassent l'objet d'une définition officielle, le jugement des gatekeepersde l'institution est, en pratique, inapte à garantir la conformité des recrues auxexigences spécifiques du poste. En ce sens, les opérations de recrutement paraissent constituer un moment critique pour la stabilité de l'institution. Les processus qui conduisent à l'émergence et à la consolidation d'une vocation policière ont cependant pour effet de fabriquer des candidats biens disposés à l'égard de l'institution, prêts à se rendre compatibles. Ainsi, la police nationale constitue moins l'objet d'étude que le terrain d'investigation de cette thèse, qui propose une contribution à l'analyse des processus de reproduction des institutions engagées dans la mise en oeuvre de l'action publique. / How can one be a police constable ? This thesis tries to answer this question by analysing the building process of attraction to police jobs and the procedures for selecting the candidates. It deals first with the entrance fee candidates must pay. Although the nature and the amount of this fee is officially defined, the sentence pronounced by the gate-keepers of the institution is, in fact, unable to ensure the compatility of the recruits with the requirements of the position. Recruitment actions can be seen, therefore, as a critical moment for the stability of the institution. However, the rise and consolidation of the vocation for police jobs make candidates socially prepared to comply with the institution.The police is more the inquiry field than the object of this thesis, that propounds a contribution to the analysis of the reproduction of institutions involved in public policy.
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This research was designed to examine the moderating effect of interactional justice on the relationship between justice constructs and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) with organizational identification as a mediator of the influence of justice perceptions on OCB. This study was based heavily on social exchange, the norm of reciprocity, and psychological contracts between individuals and their supervisors. The study sample was comprised of respondents drawn from a crowd sourcing internet website (N = 250). Niehoff and Moorman’s Organizational Justice Scale was used to measure justice perceptions. Mael and Ashforth’s Organizational Identification Scale was used to measure the degree of the respondents’ identification with their organization; and Podsakoff, MacKenzie, Moorman, and Fetter’s OCB Scale was used to measure extra-role behaviors. Linear regression in IBM’s SPSS statistical package was used to test the proposed relationships. The results showed no support for the moderating effect of interactional justice on the relationships between justice dimensions and OCB. However, support was found for organizational identification as a mediator of the effect of interactional justice on OCB. Theoretical and managerial implications and suggestions for future research are discussed.
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