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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise de estratégias de ensino/aprendizagem em materiais didáticos de alemão como língua estrangeira: perspectivas pós-comunicativas em contraste / Analysis of learning/teaching strategies in teaching materials of German as a foreign language: post-communicative perspectives in contrast

Max Clark de Castro Cunha 21 June 2013 (has links)
A partir da quantificação e interpretação dos tipos de exercícios e estratégias existentes nas lições Start auf Deutsch e Café D, ambas do livro Studio D A1 (2008) e Europa: Politik und mehr, do livro Studio D B1 (2008), este trabalho teve como objetivo investigar se estas lições estão sedimentadas com base nos princípios pós-comunicativos, conforme descritos em Funk (2010). Após a quantificação dos tipos de exercícios destas lições, foram investigadas as estratégias didáticas presentes nas lições para verificar se as estratégias do material estão apoiadas nas estratégias da abordagem intercultural, conforme apresentadas em Roche (2001) e na pedagogia pós-método (KUMARAVADIVELU: 1994 e 2001), que fazem parte deste novo cenário póscomunicativo. Ambas tem princípios que podem ser relacionados à teoria sociocultural e interacionista. A pesquisa sobre a perspectiva pós-comunicativa possibilitou mudanças de parâmetros no ensino/aprendizagem de língua estrangeira na década de 90. Destes estudos surgiu o Quadro Comum Europeu de Referência para as Línguas Estrangeiras (QCERL) e no Brasil os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais- Línguas Estrangeiras (PCN-LE), ambos os parâmetros de ensino, europeu e brasileiro, propõem que a realidade do aluno e as trocas culturais sejam um meio de facilitação à autonomia de aprendizagem. O material didático escolhido para análise faz parte da realidade do QCERL, por isso, preocupou-se em analisar se estão presentes nestas lições os tipos de exercícios propostos por Rampillon (2000) e Häussermann & Piepho (1996). Também foram comparadas as estratégias didáticas do livro do professor com as estratégias de ensino aprendizagem discutidas em Bimmel & Rampillon (2001). Fez-se uma breve descrição do papel dos recursos midiáticos na era pós-comunicativa. Em síntese, com base nestes pressupostos, este trabalho investigou se nestas lições encontram-se subsídios para a aplicação dos tipos de exercícios, estratégias didático-pedagógicas póscomunicativas. / With the quantification and the interpretation of the exercises typologie and strategies of the lessons Start auf Deutsch and Café D, both of the book Studio D A1 and Europa: Politik und mehr, of the book Studio D B1, this work aims at investigation of this lessons in comparisons to the post-comunicative principles, as treated in Funk (2010). After this quantification, the teaching/learning strategies of this teaching material was investigated if these strategies follow the strategies of the intercultural aproach, as discussed in Roche (2001) and the strategies of the post-method pedagogy (KUMARAVADIVELU:1994, 2001), these are part of the post-comunicative era and have principles that are related to the sociocultural and interacionist theory. The research on the postcomunicative outlook culminated in the changing of the foreing languange teaching/learning parameters in the 90s, with this, arise the Common European Framework for Foreing Languages (CEFR) and in Brazil the Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais para as Línguas Estrangeiras (PCN-LE), both educational parameters, european and brazilian, propose that the reality of learners and cultural exchange are means of the autonomous learning facilitation. The chosen teaching book are part of this CEFR scenario, therefore, it itended to investigate if in these lesson are applied the exercise tipologies as proposed by Rampillon (2001) and Häusserman & Piepho (1996). Also was comparated the strategies of the teaching book with the learning/teaching strategies as proposed by Bimmel & Rampillon (2001). In this work was also discussed the role of the media ressources in the post-comunicative era. On the basis of all these assumption, this work investigated if in these lessons are included subsidies to the application of the exercise tipologie, strategies and principles of the post-comunicative era.

Interkulturellt förhållningssätt med hjälp av skönlitteraturen : En intervjustudie om fyra svensklärares arbete med interkulturalitet i undervisningen / Intercultural approach through fiction. : An interview study about four Swedish teachers' work withinterculturality in teaching.

Lönn, Moa, Svensson, Elina January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna empiriska studie är att undersöka hur svensklärare arbetar med skönlitteratur för att bidra till ett interkulturellt förhållningssätt och vilken skönlitteratur som lärarna använder till detta. Den tidigare forskningen visar att läsning av böcker kan bidra till mer än bara läsförståelse. Det beskrivs att skönlitteraturen kan ge kunskap om människors olika livsvillkor och på så sätt förklaras litteraturen kunna bidra till ett interkulturellt förhållningssätt. Vidare beskrivs det interkulturella förhållningssättet som väsentligt i skolan och att det har blivit allt viktigare på senare tid, i och med skolornas ökande mångkulturalitet. Studien bygger på fyra intervjuer med yrkesverksamma svensklärare som i intervjuerna delar med sig av hur de arbetar interkulturellt genom skönlitteraturen och vilken skönlitteratur de använder till detta. Intervjusvaren ställdes därefter mot den tidigare forskningen för att reda ut likheter och skillnader mellan dessa. Studien visar att många strategier som den tidigare forskningen tar upp också används av de intervjuade lärarna. Utöver dessa ger lärarna andra exempel på användbara strategier såsom högläsning, diskussioner i grupper och skönlitterära verk för undervisningen som inte framkommer i den tidigare forskningen.

Enjeux de l’enseignement de la génétique humaine : ses représentations dans les manuels scolaires et chez les enseignants, dans 19 pays / The teaching of Human Genetics in 19 countries : the representation of genetics in textbooks and teachers’ conceptions

Castera, Jérémy 23 March 2010 (has links)
Les connaissances de génétique humaine viennent d’évoluer profondément avec un changement de paradigme majeur : l'émergence de l'épigénétique, en rupture avec l'ère du «tout génétique». L’objectif de notre recherche est d'analyser jusqu'à quel point ces changements se sont opérés dans l’enseignement secondaire en biologie dans 19 pays. Nous interrogeons les relations entre science et société et plus précisément entre connaissances scientifiques, valeurs (par exemple celles qui fondent les idéologies innéistes, sexistes, voire racistes) et pratiques socioculturelles(spécifiques aux pays, à leurs systèmes éducatifs, aux religions). Cette thèse relève de la didactique de la biologie. Sa première partie présente d’une part et de façon succincte quelques connaissances de génétique humaine pour situer ce changement récent de paradigme et d’autre part, le contexte didactique de ce travail fortement lié à l’analyse des conceptions chez les enseignants et dans les manuels scolaires.La seconde partie est consacrée à la méthodologie. Élaborée conjointement avec les différentes équipes du projet BIOHEAD-CITIZEN, elle se compose d’une grille d’analyse pour les manuels scolaires et d’un questionnaire de 10 pages pour analyser les conceptions des enseignants. L’outil statistique des analyses multivariées est présenté de façon simple pour permettre à un lecteur non averti d'en maîtriser le sens.La troisième partie présente et discute les résultats, qui sont de deux types :- Analyse critique des manuels scolaires. Dans la majorité d'entre eux, ont été identifiés des indices montrant un ancrage de conceptions innéistes, souvent implicites. Par exemple, les images de jumeaux monozygotes suggèrent dans tous les pays que leur façon de s'habiller serait déterminée par leurs gènes. D’autres indices, en revanche, différencient les pays entre eux. Par exemple le syntagme programme génétique, aujourd'hui fortement contesté par les scientifiques, reste très présent dans certains pays (France, Finlande, Liban, etc.), alors qu'il a récemment disparu dans les manuels scolaires tunisiens, et qu'il n'est traditionnellement pas utilisé dans d'autres pays (ex-union soviétique).– Analyse des conceptions d'enseignants de 19 pays à propos du déterminisme génétique des performances et traits humains (7050 enseignants du primaire et du secondaire, de lettres et de biologie). Ces conceptions illustrent de fortes interactions entre les valeurs des enseignants et leurs connaissances sur l’hérédité. Il existe des différences importantes entre les pays. Par exemple des pays d’Europe méditerranéenne (France, Italie, Portugal) sont moins innéistes que les pays non européens. En Finlande, les enseignant(e)s sont à la fois plus innéistes qu'en France,mais tout aussi féministes. De façon plus générale, les conceptions des enseignants varient significativement avec leur degré de croyance et de pratique religieuse mais indépendamment de la confession religieuse. Elles varient aussi en fonction de leur âge, de leur sexe et de leur niveau d’étude. Au total, nos analyses mettent en évidence des systèmes de conceptions : les plus innéistes sont en même temps les plus créationnistes quant à l'évolution, et correspondent à certaines opinions politiques, religieuses et sociales.La conclusion insiste sur l'importance pour les enseignants de prendre conscience de la complexité de ce qu'ils enseignent en génétique humaine. La formation des maîtres gagnerait à les familiariser avec une approche critique des manuels qu'ils utilisent, mais aussi de leurs propres conceptions, en particulier en sachant identifier les interactions, fréquentes en génétique humaine,entre valeurs et connaissances scientifiques. / The rise of epigenetics as a major new paradigm for human genetics has profoundly transformed the field, marking a rupture with the “all genetics” era. The aim of our research is to analyze the effect of these changes for biology teaching in secondary education in 19 countries. We examine the relationship between science and society and more specifically between scientific knowledge, values (e.g. those associated with innatist, sexist or racist ideologies) and socio-cultural practices (specific to countries, their educational systems, and religions).This thesis is in the didactics of biology. The first part briefly presents some elements of human genetics to help situate the new paradigm, as well as introducing the educational context of this work, which highlights the analysis of conceptions among teachers and school textbooks.The second part is devoted to methodology. Developed in collaboration by the 19 teams of theBIOHEAD-CITIZEN project, it consists of a framework for analysing textbooks and the useof a 10-page questionnaire to assess teachers' conceptions. The statistical tool of multivariate analysis is then presented in a widely accessible manner. The third part presents and discusses the results, which are of two types:- Critical analysis of school textbooks. The majority of them still contained innatist conceptions, although often only implicit, as with images of monozygotic twins suggesting in all countries that their way of dressing is determined by their genes. However, other elements differed from one country to another. For example, the term "genetic program", now strongly challenged by scientists, is still regularly used in some countries (France, Finland, Lebanon,etc.), while it has recently disappeared from Tunisian textbooks, and has never been widely used in some others (like the former Soviet Union).- Analysis of teachers' conceptions about genetic determinism for human traits and performances in 19 countries (7,050 primary and secondary school teachers, in literature and biology). These conceptions illustrate the close interaction between teachers’ values and their knowledge about heredity. There are important differences between countries; for example,teachers in Southern Europe (France, Italy, Portugal) are less innatist than outside Europe. In Finland, the teachers are more innatist than in France, but not more sexist. More generally ,teachers’ conceptions vary significantly with their degree of belief in God and religious practice, irrespective of religious denomination. Conceptions also vary according to age, sex and level of education. Overall, our analysis highlights the concept of a ‘system of conceptions’: the most innatist groups are also the most creationist, and are characterized by certain political, religious and social features.The conclusion emphasizes the importance for teachers of becoming aware of the complexity of human genetics. Teacher-training needs to include a critical approach not only to textbooks, but also of the teachers’ own conceptions, helping them to identify interactions between values and scientific knowledge.

”Har man ett interkulturellt perspektiv och ett sådant synsätt, så genomsyrar ju det hela undervisningen” : En intervjustudie om interkulturellt perspektiv och förhållningssätt i spanskundervisning på högstadium och gymnasium

Göransson, Madeleine January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to examine Spanish teachers’ understanding of the concepts of intercultural perspective and intercultural approach within the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language. The study investigates this understanding in relation to Swedish governing documents and directives. Another question is whether teachers consider themselves to include this in their own teaching and how they experience the support given by the schools where they operate concerning how to cover intercultural perspective and intercultural approach in Spanish language teaching and learning. In the study we use a qualitative method, specifically the semi-structured and explorative interview. Seven teachers are interviewed digitally. The results of this investigation indicate that the informants possess some knowledge as to the meaning and significance of intercultural perspective and intercultural approach within the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language. However, this knowledge seems to depend on the size of the community in which they operate and whether they consider themselves to be surrounded by multiple cultures or not and therefore have experience and continuous practice regarding the subject of the study. The results of the study also show that the informants share their view on work-related time pressure and that they claim this to affect their ability to work with an intercultural perspective.

Elevers delaktighet och inflytande i skolan genom rastverksamheten : En kvalitativ analys av elevers delaktig och inflytande i rastverksamheten utifrån ett fritidshemsperspektiv

Hägglund, Christer, Ottoson, Robin January 2023 (has links)
Pupils’ participation and influence in school by means of recess. We believe that recess and recess activities are an important arena for the leisure center'steaching. Therefore, in this study, we have investigated students' and teachers' perceptions of recess activities and its possibilities to offer students the right to democratic exercise from a leisure center perspective. Through interviews and surveys, students who do not feel involved within recess have been made visible.The thoughts and expressions of these students and educators have a joint contribution to insight into the possibility of recess activities as an arena for inclusive work, but also what obstacles exist. By having activated a relational perspective, a norm-critical perspective as well as children's perspective and child perspective in our analysis, our conclusion is that a broader intercultural approach, a distinct professional language and clearer consensus in the design of recess are needed. We hope that this study will contribute to a professional development of recess. A development where established terms and concepts regarding participation and influence become part of educators' daily work. We believe this would lead to more extensive democratic work where more students are enabled to participate and exercise influence.

Εκπαίδευση και πολιτισμός : Η πρόταση του «Προγράμματος Μελίνα»

Κοσμέτος, Ευάγγελος 10 June 2013 (has links)
Η εργασία αυτή διαπραγματεύεται το Πρόγραμμα «ΜΕΛΙΝΑ» το οποίο θεωρείται πρωτοποριακό στην Ελλάδα διότι προσφέρει, μέσα από τις δυνατότητες της τέχνης, την ευκαιρία για πολλαπλές αναγνώσεις τόσο των γνωστικών αντικειμένων όσο και των συναισθημάτων των μαθητών που μετέχουν στην επικοινωνία. Η κεντρική ιδέα του προγράμματος είναι το παιδί και η αυτοεκτίμησή του, ο σεβασμός στις ανάγκες του, στις ικανότητές του, στους ρυθμούς και στους χρόνους του, στις ιδιαιτερότητές του. Έτσι, το Πρόγραμμα έχει ως βασικό μέσο τις τέχνες για την προσέγγιση των γνωστικών αντικειμένων, αλλάζοντας τη μεθοδολογία του παραδοσιακού σχολείου και δίνοντας απάντηση στο πώς μπορούν να αναπτυχθούν κανονικά και ισάξια οι γνωστικές, συναισθηματικές, ψυχοκινητικές και κοινωνικές δεξιότητες του παιδιού, παράλληλα με την απελευθέρωση της φαντασίας και της δημιουργικότητάς του. / This paper discusses the "MELINA" Project, which is considered innovative because it offers in Greece, through the possibilities of art, the opportunity for multiple interpretations of both the subjects and the emotions of the students involved in communication. The central idea is the child and his self-esteem, respect their needs, their abilities, and the pace of the times, the peculiarities. Thus, the program is a key instrument for the arts approach of disciplines, changing the methodology of traditional school and giving answer to that can grow normally and equally cognitive, affective, psychomotor and social skills of the child, along with the release imagination and creativity.

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