Spelling suggestions: "subject:"interpretations"" "subject:"lnterpretations""
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Rozvoj vizuální gramotnosti u dětí předškolního věku prostřednictvím výtvarné činnosti / Development of visual literacy in preschool age children through art activities.LINHARTOVÁ, Kristýna January 2019 (has links)
My work deals with the development of visual literacy in pre-school age through art activities. The thesis is divided into two parts: theoretical and practical. The first chapter focuses on the pre-school age of children, their physical and mental development, the development of basic skills and skills, socialization and play. The second chapter focuses on the concept of visual literacy. The third chapter deals with the artistic activity in terms of its contribution to the personality of man. The fourth chapter describes how to develop visual literacy in practice through verbal and visual interpretation of visual arts. In the practical part of the diploma thesis I describe four art projects that I made with the children in the kindergarten. For each activity, the assignment, course of project, material, educational target, and final evaluation are given. The result of the thesis is the finding that the development of visual literacy is important for a person living in the 21st century. Visual art is a possibility how to develop visual literacy.
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Recortes na paisagem: uma leitura de Brazil e outros textos de Elizabeth Bishop / Clippings on landscape: a reading of Brazil and other texts of Elizabeth BishopFerreira, Armando Olivetti 17 April 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo anotar, traduzir e comentar uma parte da obra da escritora norteamericana Elizabeth Bishop (1911-1979), que viveu no Brasil durante cerca de vinte anos: seus textos de caráter jornalístico relacionados ao país. O mais extenso é o livro Brazil (1962), escrito sob encomenda dos editores da revista Life. O livro foi renegado pela autora, inconformada com as intervenções dos editores, e publicado sob coautoria. O cotejo entre os originais (preservados nos arquivos de Bishop, no Vassar College), o texto publicado em 1962 e as anotações da autora em seu exemplar (preservado na Harvard University) permite apontar as similaridades e, especialmente, os importantes contrastes entre a perspectiva de Bishop e a dos editores. Uma investigação sobre o momento em que o livro surgiu na vida da autora e na história do Brasil e dos Estados Unidos auxilia a compreensão não só do texto, mas também de sua escrita e dos episódios associados à sua edição. O trabalho se completa com a tradução e a anotação de outros cinco textos, dois dos quais ainda inéditos mesmo em inglês, vestígios de um projeto abandonado por Bishop: a elaboração de um novo livro sobre o país. / The aim of this work is to annotate, translate, and comment a part of the writings by Elizabeth Bishop (1911-1979), the North-American writer, who lived in Brazil for approximately twenty years, focusing on her journalistic texts about that country. Her largest piece is a book called Brazil (1962) which was commissioned by the editors of Life magazine. However, the book was rejected by the author who refused to accept the interventions made by the editors. As a result, they co-authored it. Comparing the original (preserved in the Bishop archives at Vassar College) with the published text allows us to compare two different views of Brazil, to highlight similarities and especially the important contrasts between them. A research on the period the book was published focused on the author\'s life, as well as on the history of both Brazil and the U.S.A. helps to understand not only the text itself, but also how it was written and the episodes associated to its edition. The present work includes five additional texts, remains of a project that was abandoned by Bishop: the making of another book on Brazil. Two of these texts have remained unpublished to date, even in English.
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Mål att sträva mot : en kvalitativ intervjustudie kring lärares tolkningar av strävansmål i grundskolans kursplan i matematikKannius, Gunnel, Larsson, Linda January 2008 (has links)
Vid införandet av de nuvarande styrdokumenten Lpo 94 medföljde att lokala tolkningar av styrdokumenten ska formuleras. Tolkningen av styrdokument anser vi vara en komplex del av läraryrket. Syftet med denna studie är att ta reda på vad matematiklärare, vilka undervisar i grundskolans senare år, uttrycker för tolkningar av begreppet strävansmål samt två utvalda strävansmål ur kursplanen i matematik för grundskolan. Vår förhoppning är att på så sätt bidra till ökad reflektion och kunskap gällande tolkning av skolans styrdokument. Vi valde att genomföra en kvalitativ intervjustudie med fyra matematiklärare i grundskolans senare åldrar. Lärarna, vilka medverkar i denna studie, har olika lång arbetslivserfarenhet inom läraryrket. Resultatet visar att lärare gör olika tolkningar av de två strävansmålen samt att de också tolkar själva begreppet strävansmål olika. Resultatet visar också att lärare anser att tolkningen är svår. Vi drar slutsatsen att dessa olika tolkningar kan få följder för intentionen om en likvärdig skola för alla. / When the current national curricula for the compulsory school system, Lpo 94, was implemented, local interpretations followed. We consider interpretation of curriculum and syllabi as a complicated part of teachers work. The aim of this study is to find out which interpretations elementary school teachers do on goals to aim for, taken from the syllabi of mathematics of the elementary school. Our expectations are that this study will contribute to increased reflections and knowledge concerning formulations of national curricula for the compulsory school system. We choose to perform a qualitative interview study with four teachers of mathematics in the upper school. The teachers, whom contribute to this study, experience of teachers work was varied. The result shows that teachers do various interpretations of the two goals to aim for. The teachers also interprets the concept of goals to aim for differently. The result also shows that the teachers consider the interpretation as difficult. Our conclusion is that these different interpretations can effect the intention of an equivalent school for all.
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Mål att sträva mot : en kvalitativ intervjustudie kring lärares tolkningar av strävansmål i grundskolans kursplan i matematikKannius, Gunnel, Larsson, Linda January 2008 (has links)
<p>Vid införandet av de nuvarande styrdokumenten Lpo 94 medföljde att lokala tolkningar av styrdokumenten ska formuleras. Tolkningen av styrdokument anser vi vara en komplex del av läraryrket. Syftet med denna studie är att ta reda på vad matematiklärare, vilka undervisar i grundskolans senare år, uttrycker för tolkningar av begreppet strävansmål samt två utvalda strävansmål ur kursplanen i matematik för grundskolan. Vår förhoppning är att på så sätt bidra till ökad reflektion och kunskap gällande tolkning av skolans styrdokument. Vi valde att genomföra en kvalitativ intervjustudie med fyra matematiklärare i grundskolans senare åldrar. Lärarna, vilka medverkar i denna studie, har olika lång arbetslivserfarenhet inom läraryrket. Resultatet visar att lärare gör olika tolkningar av de två strävansmålen samt att de också tolkar själva begreppet strävansmål olika. Resultatet visar också att lärare anser att tolkningen är svår. Vi drar slutsatsen att dessa olika tolkningar kan få följder för intentionen om en likvärdig skola för alla.</p> / <p>When the current national curricula for the compulsory school system, Lpo 94, was implemented, local interpretations followed. We consider interpretation of curriculum and syllabi as a complicated part of teachers work. The aim of this study is to find out which interpretations elementary school teachers do on goals to aim for, taken from the syllabi of mathematics of the elementary school. Our expectations are that this study will contribute to increased reflections and knowledge concerning formulations of national curricula for the compulsory school system. We choose to perform a qualitative interview study with four teachers of mathematics in the upper school. The teachers, whom contribute to this study, experience of teachers work was varied. The result shows that teachers do various interpretations of the two goals to aim for. The teachers also interprets the concept of goals to aim for differently. The result also shows that the teachers consider the interpretation as difficult. Our conclusion is that these different interpretations can effect the intention of an equivalent school for all.</p>
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一國兩制與基本法在香港的實踐與挑戰—三次人大釋法案例研究 / The challenge of “One Country, Two Systems”in Hong Kong ── A study of the NPC interpretations of Hong Kong Basic Law陳智菡 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵詞:香港、基本法、一國兩制、人大釋法、中港關係 / Hong Kong has been a Special Administrative Region (SAR) of People’s Republic of China (PRC) since 1997, it maintains a high degree autonomy except it matters of defense and foreign affairs. It has well-established institutions that support the rule of law and vigorous civil society by the Basic Law.
The Basic Law has been published in nine years. During this period, The Standing Committee of PRC’s National People’s Congress (NPC) has been approved to interpret the law for three times. Although the interpretation rights of The Standing Committee of NPC is undeniable, those moves are still causing a great deal of concerns---such as the validity of judicial procedure of interpretations and whether the PRC government interfere with the Hong Kong’s autonomy affairs or not, and so on…. Those controversial issues are not only causing a huge controversy over Hong Kong society, but also lower people's confidence in “one country, two systems”.
If the Standing Committee of NPC’s thrice interpretation actions were just reflecting part of NPC membership’s opinions and Bejing’s will but totally disregarded of the view of the Hong Kong people. It will not only cripple the power of legal interpretation of Hong Kong’s judicial body. And even worse, it might cause Hong Kong’s judicial system towards to the mainland one. Meanwhile, by vesting power jointly with Bejing and the HK chief executive, the mainland authorities have succeeded in bring public opinions in HK under their thumb.
This essay is aimed at the thrice interpretations, including the source, contents, process and the following issues. The NPC interpretations will have a deep impact on the development of HK’s judicial and political system. I believe, by observing the following situation after the interpretations in the HK, we will have a better understanding of the “one country, two systems”.
Keywords:Hong Kong, Basic Law, One country two systems, the NPC interpretations, National People’s congress.
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Jesu mor – från Kana till korset : En hermeneutisk analys av bibelkommentarer till Johannesevangeliet / The Mother of Jesus – from Cana to the Cross : A Hermeneutical Analysis of Bible Commentaries on the Gospel of JohnHellgren, Samuel January 2018 (has links)
Denna uppsats söker besvara frågan ”Hur tolkas Jesu mor i nutida bibelkommentarer till Johannesevangeliet, utifrån de exegetiska forskningsfälten historicitet, litterärkritik och teologi?”. Syftet är att bidra till ett kritiskt och reflekterande samtal kring den exegetiska bibelkommentaren som genre, och i synnerhet bidra till en ökad förståelse av hur nutida exegetiska bibelkommentarer behandlar en teologiskt omstridd biblisk gestalt. Uppsatsen utgår från en teoretisk utgångspunkt som innebär att exegetik inte kan bedrivas opåverkad av exegetens egna föreställningar, varför skillnader mellan olika tolkningar är att förvänta. Uppsatsen har en kvalitativ, hermeneutisk metodansats. Det metodologiska tillvägagångssättet är att med hjälp av problemformuleringen och arbetsfrågorna analysera och diskutera hur Jesu moders historiska, litterära och teologiska roll i bibeltexterna Joh 2:1-11 och 19:25-27 tolkas i nio utvalda exegetiska kommentarer till Johannesevangeliet.I kapitel 1 introduceras teori, metod, avgränsningar, begrepp, angränsande forskning, material och disposition. I kapitel 2 presenteras de grekiska texterna till de aktuella perikoperna 2:1-11 och 19:25-27, som ett stöd för läsaren. I kapitel 3 analyseras de nio bibelkommentarerna i tur och ordning enligt arbetsfrågorna. I kapitel 4 sätts bibelkommentarernas respektive tolkningar i relation till varandra; och en diskussion kring likheter, skillnader och mönster förs. I samma kapitel presenteras en sammanfattande diskussion, uppsatsens slutsatser och förslag till framtida forskning.Uppsatsens slutsatser är (1) att Jesu mor som historisk gestalt är indirekt föremål för diskussion, genom en mer övergripande diskussion om Johannesevangeliet som ögonvittnesskildring eller ej, (2) att Jesu mor i allmänhet framstår som en rund, statisk (se 1.3 Teori och metod för en förklaring av dessa begrepp) karaktär i de analyserade kommentarerna, och (3) att Jesu mor av de flesta anses som en viktig teologisk gestalt, framförallt som en del i en uppfattad johanneisk teologi om en familj av troende som instiftas av Jesus; en ståndpunkt som dock väcker debatt och möter motstånd
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Perspectives of Qur'ánic commentators with specific reference to Prophet Músá [P.B.U.H]Cassim, Munira 30 November 2004 (has links)
Chapter One contains a lengthy discussion of tafsír, outlining its meaning, its need to the present study and the different forms in which it exists, whilst at the same time clarifying its obscurities and commending it as an indispensable science.
Chapter Two offers a concise overview of five Qur'ánic commentators selected for this particular study. This assessment is based on the eras from which they emerged which has a definite bearing on their commentaries.
Chapter Three is a résumé of my subject's biography adopted primarily from Qur'ánic sources. As a frequently mentioned prophet in the Qur'án the story of Músá [p.b.u.h] is drawn from various chapters highlighting substantial aspects of his life.
Chapter Four concentrates on two frequently mentioned events in the life of prophet Músá [ p.b.u.h], namely, his call to prophethood and the proclamation to the pharaoh and his people.
Chapter Five concludes this work by presenting an overview of the perspectives of the different commentators. / Religious Studies and Arabic / M.A.
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The religious thought of Emmet Fox in the context of the New Thought MovementVenter, Maré 30 November 2004 (has links)
The religious significance of Emmet Fox (1886-1951), a pioneer in the New Thought movement, is the focus of this study. The relevance of Fox's religious thought will be determined in reference to and in the context of contemporary theorist Ken Wilber's theoretical framework of integral hermeneutics. On the basis of Fox's primary writings, biographical information, the ideas and philosophy of modern New Thought scholars and Wilber's literature, Fox's religious thought was interpreted and evaluated. Aspects of Fox's belief, such as creative mind, scientific prayer, meditation and healing, concepts such as God, Jesus Christ, death, reincarnation, karma and end times, as well as his method of biblical exegesis are discussed. It becomes apparent that Emmet Fox, preacher and teacher, had never intended to provide a scientific or academic structural doctrine in which to deliver his teaching. His non-conformist, simple, yet well thought-through beliefs, which include esoteric, eastern and universal truths, focused on the fundamental truths that are necessary for humanity's evolutionary development. This approach made Fox's teaching valuable to his audience of the time, a changing American consciousness, as well as appropriate to a transformational South Africa, where it is relevant in bridging the various cultures, languages, and religious beliefs within a continuously changing spiritually minded population, and most of all, beneficial to every person's inner spiritual journey towards ultimate enlightenment.
Fox's underlying religious belief is that `the thought is the thing' and this endorses the whole of the New Thought teaching, which states that `whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve' or `be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind'. Probably the most remarkable feature of his religious thinking is his popular allegorical interpretation of the Bible, which he interprets spiritually.
It is apparent that there is an affinity between the religious thought of Emmet Fox and that of Wilber. Although the intent of this study is not to compare these scholars, it is interesting and valuable to Fox's interpretation that they advocate a similar underlying belief in the holistic Kosmos and the importance of having an integral vision. / Religious Studies and Arabic / D. Litt. et Phil. (Religious Studies)
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The importance and challenges of finding Africa in the Old Testament: the case of the Cush textsLokel, Philip 06 1900 (has links)
The thrust of this study proceeds from the presupposition that first, the Cush texts of the Old Testament which may be used as a conduit for finding `Africa' in the Bible have generally been `ignored' or not given the priority they deserve especially by traditional western biblical scholarship. Second, that when, however, they have been accorded a `token paragraph or two', the interpretations given more often than not tend to portray a negative image of the African Cush. As a result, those of African ancestry who tend to trace their identity (however that term is understood) and historical roots to the biblical Cush tend to take offence at such interpretations. They perceive them as a deliberate attempt to `de-Africanize' or `de-emphasize' the African presence in and contribution to the Bible. This thesis argues that there are serious consequences for `de-Africanizing' the Bible, especially for the African peoples. This constitutes the fundamental argument in chapter one.
To highlight the problem dogging the Cush texts even more, a sample excursion into the works of the major interpreters of the Cush texts is offered. As a result of this, two groups of scholars emerge: the Eurocentric on one hand, and the Afrocentric on the other. It is observed that each of the two groups more or less interprets the texts from its own cultural perspective. This is basically the subject matter of chapter two.
Against this background, the researcher is consequently obligated to return to the sources and, in so doing, attempts another re-reading of all the fifty-six Cush texts from the historical-critical perspective, as well as from other perspectives. This is carried out with the intention of developing an interpretative model which, first of all, does justice to all the Cush texts, thereby offsetting what traditional western biblical scholarship has hitherto done; and which, second, attempts to offer an interpretation of the Cush texts which tries to take into consideration both Eurocentric as well as Afrocentric perspectives and concerns. In this way, a balance of sorts is struck. This is the main focus of chapters three, four and five, which comprise the main corpus of this thesis.
The approach employed in the analysis of the Cush references is a `thematic' one. In other words, texts are grouped according to their presumed `themes' and are analyzed under the subtitles of `Preliminary remarks' and `Analytical remarks'. The former generally focus on literary matters such as those pertaining to the grammar and syntax of the MT, although to a certain extent are also interpretative. The latter attempts an explanation of the given reference as the main focus, but also takes into consideration the views of other scholars. This is how all the references are treated. The MT however is the pivot around which all the analyses hinge. The procedure is `fluid', however, in that there is much overlapping of the arguments put forward. Finally, a conclusion summarizing the findings related to all the references belonging to one thematic group is provided at the end of each chapter.
The last chapter, which comprises the conclusion to the whole thesis, focuses on the importance and challenges of the Cush texts for Africa. In this connection a way forward is also proposed as to how such texts may be organized and read with some sense in a context of higher learning such as that which obtains in an African University. / Biblical and Ancient studies / D. Th. (Old Testament)
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Reclaiming Pusey for theology : allegory, communion, and sacrificeKarlowicz, Tobias Amadeus January 2013 (has links)
Edward Bouverie Pusey once towered over nineteenth-century British theology, but he has now fallen into almost entire insignificance. However, analysis of this decline (Chapter 1) leads to a reassessment. His development—especially his complicated relationship with pre-Tractarian High Church Anglicanism—shows a deep criticism of post-Enlightenment intellectual trends, from his early years through his association with the Oxford Movement and the Tracts for the Times, to the end of his life (Chapter 2). This criticism led him to the patristic use of allegory, both as a biblical hermeneutic and as a creative, complex, image-based approach to theology (Chapter 3). His development of High Church theology (seen especially through comparison with Waterland) and his use of allegory can be traced throughout his theology. His understanding of union with Christ and theosis reveals both: the sacraments have a strong symbolic dimension, while his positions on baptismal regeneration and the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist show a development rather than a rejection of earlier High Church theology (Chapters 4 and 5). His understanding of the atonement blends High Church reliance on sacrificial types with his unitive theology to reconfigure traditional satisfaction theory as restoration of love for God, rather than redemption from punishment—a position which marks Pusey as an important transitional figure in 19th c. theology (Chapter 6). The flexibility of Pusey's allegorical approach also allows him to blend a High Church tradition of spiritual sacrifice with sacramental participation in Christ's self-offering, so that sacrifice becomes an aspect of union with Christ (Chapter 7). Pusey's use of allegory shows similarities to postmodern theology, while his development of High Church theology shows his originality (Chapter 8).
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