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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

師父工作不安全感與師徒功能關係之探討:組織競爭氣候知覺與師徒關係類型之調節效果 / Job insecurity and mentoring support: the moderating roles of intraorganizational competitiveness climate perception and mentorship formality

周廷穎, Chou, Ting Ying Unknown Date (has links)
師徒關係是組織中重要的人際關係,而師父是師徒功能的提供者,故探討影響師父是否提供師徒功能的因素有其理論與實務上的的意涵。然而,現有文獻大多從徒弟特質或環境因素來探討促進師父提供師徒功能之因素,而忽略了師父本人的動機因素。有鑑於此,本研究將反向思考,探討降低師父提供師徒功能之因素。本研究首先探討師父工作不安全感與師徒功能之負向關係。並進一步探討師父的組織競爭氣候知覺與師徒關係類型是否調節前述之負向關係。本研究以便利抽樣之方法進行資料收集,共獲得170份有效問卷。根據迴歸分析結果顯示,師父工作不安全感與師徒功能有負向關係,但僅有師父的組織競爭氣候知覺調節前述之負向關係。當師父的組織競爭氣候知覺高時,前述負向關係的強度更強。但師徒關係類型(正式或非正式)則不對於上述關係具有調節效果。本論文也針對研究結果的理論與管理意涵進行討論。 / Mentors are the providers for mentoring support to protégés. However, the available studies focus on factors relevant to protégés or contexts and overlooked the role of mentors. Given that mentor plays an indispensable role in mentoring relationships, understanding the mentor-related factors that contribute to mentors’ provision of mentoring support has theoretical and practical implications. To this end, the current study examined the factors that prevent mentors from providing mentoring support to their protégés. Specifically, I argue that mentors’ job insecurity will be negatively related mentoring support provided. Furthermore, mentors’ intra-organizational competitiveness climate perception and mentorship formality will moderate the above negative relationship. Using a convenience sampling strategy, data from 170 mentoring pairs were collected. Results of hierarchical regression analysis indicated that job insecurity was negatively related with mentoring functions. Furthermore, intra-organizational competitiveness climate perception moderated the negative relationship between job insecurity and mentor functions such that the negative relationship was stronger for mentors who have high intra-organizational competitiveness climate perception. Finally, mentorship formality failed to moderate the above relationship. Theoretical and practical implications of this research were discussed.


VIGANI, DARIA 03 April 2017 (has links)
La presente tesi, attraverso l’utilizzo di diverse fonti di dati, sia longitudinali che trasversali, contribuisce alla letteratura esistente in materia di lavoro precario, invecchiamento e discriminazione di genere, fornendo evidenza empirica riguardo le conseguenze in termini di salute e benessere della precarietà, del pensionamento e della leadership femminile nel mercato del lavoro. Il primo capitolo esamina la relazione esistente fra insicurezza sul lavoro, prospettive di reimpiego e disagio psicologico, utilizzando dati cross-country provenienti dalle European Working Conditions Surveys del 2010. Il secondo capitolo è dedicato alla stima dell’effetto causale del pensionamento sull’utilizzo dei servizi sanitari in 10 paesi Europei nel periodo 2004-2013. In particolare, il capitolo approfondisce il tema della riduzione del costo opportunità del tempo libero dopo il pensionamento, che può dare luogo ad aumenti improvvisi nell’utilizzo dei servizi sanitari. Il terzo capitolo, infine, studia la relazione esistente tra leadership femminile, pratiche organizzative a livello aziendale e discriminazione di genere per 30 paesi Europei, considerati nel periodo 1995-2010. / The present dissertation, using both longitudinal and cross-sectional data from different sources, contributes to existing literature on precarious employment, aging and gender discrimination providing empirical evidence on the health and wellbeing outcomes of work-related insecurity, retirement and female leadership across European countries. Chapter 1 examines the relationship among perceived job insecurity, employability and psychological distress in Europe, using cross-country data from the 2010 European Working Conditions Surveys. Chapter 2, using SHARE data (from 2004 to 2013) for 10 European countries, is devoted to the analysis of the (causal) effect of retirement on health care utilization. In particular, it explores the existence of a discontinuous change in health investment at the time of retirement, as suggested by the theory, asking whether this ``puzzling'' jump is associated with the drop in the opportunity cost of time induced by retirement. Chapter 3 investigates the association between female leadership, work organization practices and perceived gender discrimination within firms, using EWCS data for 30 European countries for the period 1995-2010.

L’évolution de la qualité d’emploi des immigrants du Canada par rapport aux natifs : une comparaison interprovinciale

Boulet, Maude 06 1900 (has links)
Il est bien connu que les immigrants rencontrent plusieurs difficultés d’intégration dans le marché du travail canadien. Notamment, ils gagnent des salaires inférieurs aux natifs et ils sont plus susceptibles que ces derniers d’occuper des emplois précaires ou pour lesquels ils sont surqualifiés. Dans cette recherche, nous avons traité de ces trois problèmes sous l’angle de la qualité d’emploi. À partir des données des recensements de la population de 1991 à 2006, nous avons comparé l’évolution de la qualité d’emploi des immigrants et des natifs au Canada, mais aussi au Québec, en Ontario et en Colombie-Britannique. Ces comparaisons ont mis en évidence la hausse du retard de qualité d’emploi des immigrants par rapport aux natifs dans tous les lieux analysés, mais plus particulièrement au Québec. Le désavantage des immigrants persiste même lorsqu’on tient compte du capital humain, des caractéristiques démographiques et du taux de chômage à l’entrée dans le marché du travail. La scolarité, l’expérience professionnelle globale et les connaissances linguistiques améliorent la qualité d’emploi des immigrants et des natifs. Toutefois, lorsqu’on fait la distinction entre l’expérience de travail canadienne et l’expérience de travail étrangère, on s’aperçoit que ce dernier type d’expérience réduit la qualité d’emploi des immigrants. Dans ces circonstances, nous trouvons incohérent que le Canada et le Québec continuent à insister sur ce critère dans leur grille de sélection des travailleurs qualifiés. Pour valoriser les candidats les plus jeunes ayant peu d’expérience de travail dans leur pays d’origine, nous suggérons d’accroître l’importance accordée à l’âge dans ces grilles au détriment de l’expérience. Les jeunes, les étudiants étrangers et les travailleurs temporaires qui possèdent déjà une expérience de travail au Canada nous apparaissent comme des candidats à l’immigration par excellence. Par contre, les résultats obtenus à l’aide de la méthode de décomposition de Blinder-Oaxaca ont montré que l’écart de qualité d’emploi entre les immigrants et les natifs découle d’un traitement défavorable envers les immigrants dans le marché du travail. Cela signifie que les immigrants sont pénalisés au chapitre de la qualité d’emploi à la base, et ce, peu importe leurs caractéristiques. Dans ce contexte, la portée de tout ajustement aux grilles de sélection risque d’être limitée. Nous proposons donc d’agir également en aval du problème à l’aide des politiques d’aide à l’intégration des immigrants. Pour ce faire, une meilleure concertation entre les acteurs du marché du travail est nécessaire. Les ordres professionnels, le gouvernement, les employeurs et les immigrants eux-mêmes doivent s’engager afin d’établir des parcours accélérés pour la reconnaissance des compétences des nouveaux arrivants. Nos résultats indiquent aussi que le traitement défavorable à l’égard des immigrants dans le marché du travail est plus prononcé au Québec qu’en Ontario et en Colombie-Britannique. Il se peut que la société québécoise soit plus réfractaire à l’immigration vu son caractère francophone et minoritaire dans le reste de l’Amérique du Nord. Pourtant, le désir de protéger la langue française motive le Québec à s’impliquer activement en matière d’immigration depuis longtemps et la grille de sélection québécoise insiste déjà sur ce critère. D’ailleurs, près des deux tiers des nouveaux arrivants au Québec connaissent le français en 2011. / It is well documented that immigrants face many difficulties in the Canadian labour market. Particularly, compared to native-born, they earn lower wages, occupy more precarious jobs and are often overqualified. In this research, we discuss these three issues in terms of job quality. Using the data from the 1991 to 2006 Canadian population censuses, we compare the trends in job quality of immigrants and native-born in Canada, Quebec, Ontario and British Columbia. These comparisons highlight the rising gap in job quality between immigrants and native-born in the four geographical areas, but especially in Quebec. This gap persists even after controlling human capital, demographic variables and unemployment rate at entry in the labour market. Overall, we found that education, work experience and language skills improve the job quality of immigrants and their native-born counterparts. However, when we separate Canadian and foreign work experience, we find that the latter type of experience reduces job quality of immigrants. In these circumstances, it is counterproductive that Canada and Quebec continue to insist on this criterion in the point systems. We also suggest increasing the importance of age in the point systems in order to encourage the admission of younger candidates with little or no foreign experience. Youth, foreign students and temporary workers who already have work experience in Canada appear to be ideal candidates for immigration. Nevertheless, using Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition method, we show that the job quality gap between immigrants and natives is mainly due to unfavourable treatment of immigrants in the labour market. This means that immigrants are penalized in terms of job quality regardless of their characteristics. In this context, the selection of the best candidates for immigration may produce a limited effect. We therefore suggest acting downstream with public policy to support employment integration of immigrants. To do so, a better coordination between all actors in the labour market is required. Professional orders, government, employers and immigrants must establish accelerated pathways of skills recognition for newcomers. In addition, our results indicate that the treatment of immigrants in the labour market is more problematic in Quebec compared to Ontario and British Columbia. It is likely that Quebec society is less open to immigration given its francophone character and its minority status in North America. Since the beginning, the desire to protect the French language motivates Quebec to be actively involved in immigration and the Quebec point system already emphasizes this criterion. Moreover, nearly two-thirds of newcomers to Quebec speak French in 2011.

Perceived job insecurity, wellbeing and transitions : from biographical interviews to diary study approach / Insécurité de l’emploi perçue, bien-être et transitions : des entretiens biographiques aux journaux de bord / Insicurezza lavorativa percepita, benessere e transizioni : dalle interviste biografiche al diary-study

Giunchi, Marianna 04 December 2017 (has links)
Objectifs - Les changements dans le monde du travail ont entraîné une augmentation de l’insécurité de l’emploi perçue chez les travailleurs, avec des conséquences négatives sur leur bien-être. Cette thèse vise à contribuer à la littérature sur l’insécurité de l’emploi en présentant trois études portant sur des aspects qui doivent être étudiés davantage : les expériences personnelles et subjectives d’insécurité, ses conséquences sur certains résultats de bien-être général, les ressources et les stratégies de coping pour y faire face comme facteurs qui peuvent réduire les perceptions et les conséquences de l’insécurité de l’emploi. Méthodologie - Les données ont été recueillies au moyen d’une approche multi-méthode, consistant en : une étude qualitative par entretiens biographiques, une étude quantitative par questionnaire auto-compilé et une étude par journaux de bord. Résultats - Dans l’ensemble, les résultats montrent que l’insécurité de l’emploi est une perception subjective et que les personnes dans la même situation peuvent rapporter différents niveaux d’insécurité. Les facteurs liés à la capacité des personnes à activer les ressources, personnelles et contextuelles, et à mettre en place des stratégies de coping efficaces contribuent à déterminer les niveaux d’insécurité perçus et ses conséquences sur le bien-être général et les trajectoires de vie. Limites – En général au niveau méthodologique les trois études ne permettent pas d’établir la direction de la relation entre les variables observées, elles utilisent des mesures d’auto-évaluation et une méthode d’échantillonnage de convenance. Implications pratiques - Les résultats de cette thèse encouragent le développement de l’accompagnement individuel et de l’orientation professionnelle et des pratiques d’assistance afin d’aider les personnes: a) à réfléchir sur leurs objectifs personnels et de travail; b) à identifier les meilleurs moyens d’activer les ressources personnelles et contextuelles; c) à élaborer des stratégies d’adaptation efficaces pour faire face à l’insécurité de l’emploi, aux transitions professionnelles et préserver leur bien-être. / Purpose – The changes in the labour market have led to an increase in perceived job insecurity among workers, with negative consequences on their wellbeing. This thesis aims to contribute to the literature on job insecurity by presenting three studies that deepen several aspects that need to be explored further: the personal and subjective experiences of job insecurity, its consequences on some general wellbeing outcomes, resources and coping strategies as factors that may reduce job insecurity perceptions and consequences. Design/Methodology – Data were collected through a multi-method approach, consisting of a qualitative study through biographical interviews, a quantitative study through a self-reported questionnaire and a diary-study. Results – Overall, findings show that job insecurity is a subjective perception and that people in the same situation can report different levels of insecurity. Factors related to the ability of people to activate resources, personal and contextual, and to put in place effective coping strategies contribute to determine to what extent job insecurity is perceived and its consequences on general well-being and trajectories in life. Limitations – Limitations of this thesis concern the methodology: in general, the three studies do not allow to state any direction of causality between the studied variables, they all use self-reported measures and a convenience sampling method. Practical implications – The results of this thesis encourage the development of practices of career support and career guidance, at individual level, in order to help people: a) to reflect on their personal and professional goals; b) to identify their best ways to activate personal and contextual resources; c) to develop effective coping strategies to address job insecurity, work transitions and to preserve their well-being. / Obiettivi – I cambiamenti avvenuti nel mondo del lavoro hanno determinato nei lavoratori un aumento dell’insicurezza lavorativa percepita, con conseguenze negative sul loro benessere. Questa tesi si propone di contribuire alla letteratura sull’insicurezza lavorativa presentando tre studi che indagano alcuni aspetti che necessitano approfondimento: i vissuti personali e le esperienze soggettive d’insicurezza, le sue conseguenze su alcuni risultati di benessere generale, le risorse e le strategie di coping come fattori che possono ridurre le percezioni e le conseguenze dell’insicurezza lavorativa. Metodologia – I dati sono stati raccolti attraverso un approccio multi-metodo, composto da uno studio qualitativo tramite interviste biografiche, uno studio quantitativo tramite questionari auto-compilati e un diary-study. Risultati – Nell’insieme i risultati evidenziano che l’insicurezza lavorativa è una percezione soggettiva e che persone nella stessa situazione possono riportare diversi livelli d’insicurezza. Fattori legati alla capacità delle persone di attivare risorse, personali e contestuali, e di mettere in atto strategie di coping efficaci concorrono nel determinare i livelli d’insicurezza lavorativa percepita e le sue conseguenze su benessere generale e traiettorie di vita. Limiti – I limiti di questa tesi riguardano la metodologia: in generale tutti e tre gli studi non permettono di affermare la direzione di casualità tra le variabili osservate, utilizzano misure self-report e un metodo di campionamento di convenienza. Implicazioni pratiche – I risultati di questa tesi incoraggiano la messa a punto di interventi e pratiche di sostegno e orientamento alla carriera, a livello individuale, in modo da aiutare le persone: a) a riflettere sui loro obiettivi personali e di lavoro b) ad identificare i modi migliori per attivare risorse personali e contestuali c) a mettere a punto strategie di coping efficaci per affrontare l’insicurezza lavorativa, le transizioni lavorative e preservare il proprio benessere.

La precariedad laboral y su impacto sobre la salud. Un estudio en trabajadores asalariados en España

Amable, Marcelo 27 July 2006 (has links)
El objetivo de esta tesis es comprender y analizar la precariedad laboral y su impacto sobre la salud. Se pone en evidencia la necesidad de un marco sociológico y económico para la investigación epidemiológica. Se propone una definición de la precariedad laboral multidimensional (la inestabilidad del empleo, el empoderamiento, la vulnerabilidad, el nivel salarial, los beneficios sociales y la capacidad de ejercer los derechos laborales), capaz de describir una realidad social presente en la vida cotidiana pero oculta detrás de la temporalidad. Asimismo se presenta la validación de una nueva escala de Precariedad Laboral (PREQ) para el estudio epidemiológico en población de trabajadores asalariados. Se explora su relación con la salud mental como indicadores de efectos de la precariedad laboral y su comparación con la inseguridad laboral. Los resultados de este estudio tienen importantes implicaciones para la investigación epidemiológica y para las políticas de salud pública. / The objective of this thesis is to understand and analyze the work precariousness and its impact on the health. The necessity of a sociological and economic frame for the epidemiological research is put in evidence. A definition of the multidimensional work precariousness (the instability of the employment, the empowerment, the vulnerability, the wage level, the social benefits and the capacity to exert the worker's rights) is offered; able to describe a social reality present in the daily life but it hides behind the contingent employment. Furthermore, the validation of a new scale of Work Precariousness (PREQ) for the study epidemiologist in population of wage-earning workers is presented. Its relation with the mental health like indicators of effects of the work precariousness and their comparison with the job insecurity is explored. The results of this study have important implications for the epidemiological investigation and the policies of public health.

L’évolution de la qualité d’emploi des immigrants du Canada par rapport aux natifs : une comparaison interprovinciale

Boulet, Maude 06 1900 (has links)
Il est bien connu que les immigrants rencontrent plusieurs difficultés d’intégration dans le marché du travail canadien. Notamment, ils gagnent des salaires inférieurs aux natifs et ils sont plus susceptibles que ces derniers d’occuper des emplois précaires ou pour lesquels ils sont surqualifiés. Dans cette recherche, nous avons traité de ces trois problèmes sous l’angle de la qualité d’emploi. À partir des données des recensements de la population de 1991 à 2006, nous avons comparé l’évolution de la qualité d’emploi des immigrants et des natifs au Canada, mais aussi au Québec, en Ontario et en Colombie-Britannique. Ces comparaisons ont mis en évidence la hausse du retard de qualité d’emploi des immigrants par rapport aux natifs dans tous les lieux analysés, mais plus particulièrement au Québec. Le désavantage des immigrants persiste même lorsqu’on tient compte du capital humain, des caractéristiques démographiques et du taux de chômage à l’entrée dans le marché du travail. La scolarité, l’expérience professionnelle globale et les connaissances linguistiques améliorent la qualité d’emploi des immigrants et des natifs. Toutefois, lorsqu’on fait la distinction entre l’expérience de travail canadienne et l’expérience de travail étrangère, on s’aperçoit que ce dernier type d’expérience réduit la qualité d’emploi des immigrants. Dans ces circonstances, nous trouvons incohérent que le Canada et le Québec continuent à insister sur ce critère dans leur grille de sélection des travailleurs qualifiés. Pour valoriser les candidats les plus jeunes ayant peu d’expérience de travail dans leur pays d’origine, nous suggérons d’accroître l’importance accordée à l’âge dans ces grilles au détriment de l’expérience. Les jeunes, les étudiants étrangers et les travailleurs temporaires qui possèdent déjà une expérience de travail au Canada nous apparaissent comme des candidats à l’immigration par excellence. Par contre, les résultats obtenus à l’aide de la méthode de décomposition de Blinder-Oaxaca ont montré que l’écart de qualité d’emploi entre les immigrants et les natifs découle d’un traitement défavorable envers les immigrants dans le marché du travail. Cela signifie que les immigrants sont pénalisés au chapitre de la qualité d’emploi à la base, et ce, peu importe leurs caractéristiques. Dans ce contexte, la portée de tout ajustement aux grilles de sélection risque d’être limitée. Nous proposons donc d’agir également en aval du problème à l’aide des politiques d’aide à l’intégration des immigrants. Pour ce faire, une meilleure concertation entre les acteurs du marché du travail est nécessaire. Les ordres professionnels, le gouvernement, les employeurs et les immigrants eux-mêmes doivent s’engager afin d’établir des parcours accélérés pour la reconnaissance des compétences des nouveaux arrivants. Nos résultats indiquent aussi que le traitement défavorable à l’égard des immigrants dans le marché du travail est plus prononcé au Québec qu’en Ontario et en Colombie-Britannique. Il se peut que la société québécoise soit plus réfractaire à l’immigration vu son caractère francophone et minoritaire dans le reste de l’Amérique du Nord. Pourtant, le désir de protéger la langue française motive le Québec à s’impliquer activement en matière d’immigration depuis longtemps et la grille de sélection québécoise insiste déjà sur ce critère. D’ailleurs, près des deux tiers des nouveaux arrivants au Québec connaissent le français en 2011. / It is well documented that immigrants face many difficulties in the Canadian labour market. Particularly, compared to native-born, they earn lower wages, occupy more precarious jobs and are often overqualified. In this research, we discuss these three issues in terms of job quality. Using the data from the 1991 to 2006 Canadian population censuses, we compare the trends in job quality of immigrants and native-born in Canada, Quebec, Ontario and British Columbia. These comparisons highlight the rising gap in job quality between immigrants and native-born in the four geographical areas, but especially in Quebec. This gap persists even after controlling human capital, demographic variables and unemployment rate at entry in the labour market. Overall, we found that education, work experience and language skills improve the job quality of immigrants and their native-born counterparts. However, when we separate Canadian and foreign work experience, we find that the latter type of experience reduces job quality of immigrants. In these circumstances, it is counterproductive that Canada and Quebec continue to insist on this criterion in the point systems. We also suggest increasing the importance of age in the point systems in order to encourage the admission of younger candidates with little or no foreign experience. Youth, foreign students and temporary workers who already have work experience in Canada appear to be ideal candidates for immigration. Nevertheless, using Blinder-Oaxaca decomposition method, we show that the job quality gap between immigrants and natives is mainly due to unfavourable treatment of immigrants in the labour market. This means that immigrants are penalized in terms of job quality regardless of their characteristics. In this context, the selection of the best candidates for immigration may produce a limited effect. We therefore suggest acting downstream with public policy to support employment integration of immigrants. To do so, a better coordination between all actors in the labour market is required. Professional orders, government, employers and immigrants must establish accelerated pathways of skills recognition for newcomers. In addition, our results indicate that the treatment of immigrants in the labour market is more problematic in Quebec compared to Ontario and British Columbia. It is likely that Quebec society is less open to immigration given its francophone character and its minority status in North America. Since the beginning, the desire to protect the French language motivates Quebec to be actively involved in immigration and the Quebec point system already emphasizes this criterion. Moreover, nearly two-thirds of newcomers to Quebec speak French in 2011.

工作不安全感與高才低就對工作滿意度之關係─師徒功能與徒弟前瞻性人格之調節角色 / Job Insecurity and Overqualification on Protégés’ Job Satisfaction: The Roles of Mentor Functions and Protégés’ Proactive Personality

莊謹維 Unknown Date (has links)
如何提升員工滿意度為目前組織經營的當務之急,因此,探究影響員工的滿 意度的因素有其必要性。本研究以「工作不安全感」與「高才低就」兩壓力源為 出發點,以師徒關係中的徒弟員工為樣本,探討此二變項與工作滿意度之關係。 並進一步探討師徒功能與員工本身的前瞻性人格特質是否會對於上述關係產生調 節效果。本研究採取便利抽樣,對 153 份有效樣本進行分析。根據階層迴歸分析 結果顯示,工作不安全感與工作滿意度有負向關係,但徒弟的高才低就感受與工 作滿意度無顯著關係;且員工的前瞻性人格對於上述結果具有調節效果。然而, 前瞻性人格增強工作不安全感與工作滿意度之負向效果,卻減弱對高才低就與工 作滿意度之負向效果;而師徒功能僅調減弱高才低就與工作滿意度間的負向關係。 此研究結果可供未來管理實務參考,相關討論將於後續章節論述。

Job insecurity in a retail bank in South–Africa : scale validation and an exploration of negative attitudinal outcomes / Prinsloo M.

Prinsloo, Mariechen January 2011 (has links)
The objective of this study was, firstly, to investigate the reliability of a measure of qualitative and quantitative job insecurity and, secondly, to determine the relationship between qualitative and quantitative job insecurity, job satisfaction, affective organisational commitment, turnover intention and locus of control. A cross–sectional survey design was used which included participants randomly selected from a retail banking group across junior, supervisory and middle management levels (n=178). The job insecurity scales of Hellgren, Sverke and Isaksson (1999); job satisfaction scale of Hellgren, Sjöberg and Sverke (1997); affective organisational commitment scale of Allen and Meyer (1990); turnover intention scale of Sjöberg and Sverke (2001) and the locus of control scale of Levenson (1981) were administered. Descriptive statistics were used in order to analyse the data. Structural equivalence was used for the comparison of the factor structures of the job insecurity scale for the three language groups. Furthermore, in order to determine the relationships between the variables, the Pearson product–moment correlation coefficients were used, while the dependent variable turnover intention was predicted by means of a regression analysis. As indicated at the outset, two research articles form the basis of this mini–dissertation: Based on the first article, results indicate that both the qualitative and quantitative scale presented satisfactory levels of reliability across different language groups, and a relationship between these dimensions (quantitative and qualitative) was noticeable. However, the item “I think my future prospects and opportunities within the organisation are good” included in the qualitative job insecurity scale could well be problematic, the deduction being that language barriers probably played a role in participants’ interpretation of the question. According to the second article, both qualitative and quantitative job insecurity positively related to turnover intentions. Furthermore, job satisfaction reported a negative relationship with turnover intention, and a negative relationship between qualitative job insecurity and job satisfaction came to the fore. Locus of control, on the other hand, had a direct bearing on qualitative job insecurity, while only job satisfaction and quantitative job insecurity directly predicted employees’ turnover intention in the banking sector. Finally, locus of control seemingly had no mediating effect when predicting turnover intention. Based on the afore–going, this mini–dissertation will conclude by offering deductions and making recommendations for further research as well as offering possible solutions to the commercial banking sector as far as the retention of staff is concerned. / Thesis (M.Com. (Human Resource Management))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.

Job insecurity in a retail bank in South–Africa : scale validation and an exploration of negative attitudinal outcomes / Prinsloo M.

Prinsloo, Mariechen January 2011 (has links)
The objective of this study was, firstly, to investigate the reliability of a measure of qualitative and quantitative job insecurity and, secondly, to determine the relationship between qualitative and quantitative job insecurity, job satisfaction, affective organisational commitment, turnover intention and locus of control. A cross–sectional survey design was used which included participants randomly selected from a retail banking group across junior, supervisory and middle management levels (n=178). The job insecurity scales of Hellgren, Sverke and Isaksson (1999); job satisfaction scale of Hellgren, Sjöberg and Sverke (1997); affective organisational commitment scale of Allen and Meyer (1990); turnover intention scale of Sjöberg and Sverke (2001) and the locus of control scale of Levenson (1981) were administered. Descriptive statistics were used in order to analyse the data. Structural equivalence was used for the comparison of the factor structures of the job insecurity scale for the three language groups. Furthermore, in order to determine the relationships between the variables, the Pearson product–moment correlation coefficients were used, while the dependent variable turnover intention was predicted by means of a regression analysis. As indicated at the outset, two research articles form the basis of this mini–dissertation: Based on the first article, results indicate that both the qualitative and quantitative scale presented satisfactory levels of reliability across different language groups, and a relationship between these dimensions (quantitative and qualitative) was noticeable. However, the item “I think my future prospects and opportunities within the organisation are good” included in the qualitative job insecurity scale could well be problematic, the deduction being that language barriers probably played a role in participants’ interpretation of the question. According to the second article, both qualitative and quantitative job insecurity positively related to turnover intentions. Furthermore, job satisfaction reported a negative relationship with turnover intention, and a negative relationship between qualitative job insecurity and job satisfaction came to the fore. Locus of control, on the other hand, had a direct bearing on qualitative job insecurity, while only job satisfaction and quantitative job insecurity directly predicted employees’ turnover intention in the banking sector. Finally, locus of control seemingly had no mediating effect when predicting turnover intention. Based on the afore–going, this mini–dissertation will conclude by offering deductions and making recommendations for further research as well as offering possible solutions to the commercial banking sector as far as the retention of staff is concerned. / Thesis (M.Com. (Human Resource Management))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.

Narratiewe pastorale terapie met broodwinners tydens 'n rasionaliseringsproses

Gardiner, Elizabeth 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Hierdie navorsing is gerig op die aanwending van narratiewe pastorale terapie met breadwinners wat werksonsekerheid tydens 'n rasionaliseringsproses ervaar. Die studie is kwalitatief van aard en is gebaseer op narratiewe pastorale gesprekvoerlng esook die proses van meervoudige refleksie waardeur die navorsing gerig en aangepas word. As navorser was ek deelnemer in die proses van verandering waarin veralgemening genegeer is en die rol van persoonlike kennis beklemtoon is. Die terapie is gerig op proaktiewe optrede tydens die rasionaliseringsproses en is ten opsigte van elkeen van die deelnemers aangewend in pasmaakgesprekke waartydens hul unieke behoefles aandag geniet het. Deur die metode van eksternalisering is die invloed van werksonsekerheid op die deelnemers geeksploreer en is hulie aangemoedig om in 'n ander verhouding tot die probleem van werksonsekerheid le staan. Namate die deelnemers tydens hierdie proses belangrike skuiwe op die vlak van identiteit gemaak het, ken hulie die toekoms met nuwe hoop bejeen. / The research was directed at the application of narrative pastoral therapy with breadwinners experiencing job insecurity during a process of rationalisation. This qualitative study was based on narrative pastoral conversations as well as the process of multiple reflection through which the research was directed and adapted. As researcher, I was a participant in the process of change in which generalisations were negated and the role of personal knowledge emphasised. The therapy was directed at proactive action during the rationalisation process and was applied in respect of each of the participants in a customised conversation. The influence of job insecurity on the participants was explored through the method of externalisation and they were encouraged to adopt a new relationship to the problem of job insecurity. In the process, as each participant made important shifts on the level of identity, they wera able to view the future with new hope. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Praktiese Teologie (Pastorale Terapie))

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