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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Experience of Well-being Following Job Loss: A Case Study

Synard, Jacqueline January 2016 (has links)
Positive psychology has significantly advanced our understanding of well-being, yet there remains a need to better understand the how, what, and why of both positive and negative well-being. This study combined positive psychology and job loss perspectives to investigate the subjective experience of well-being following job loss. Using a qualitative-focused case study methodology, this three article dissertation explored the experiences of 20 workers who were displaced from the Ottawa, Canada technology sector from 2000-2006. The first article explored the experience of well-being from a bottom-up, naturalistic point of view and compared these inductive notions with existing a priori theories. Findings support integrated conceptualizations of hedonia and eudaimonia, while also potentially identifying new notions of well-being. Identified themes include (a) life evaluation, (b) transitory experiencing, (c) growth and grounding, (d) environmental mastery/stability, (e) mental ill-being/ill-health, and (f) motivational mindsets/conditions. This study showed well-being to be a rich, pluralistic construct. It included the non-dualistic notions of both subjectivity and objectivity, as well as encompassing notions related to the what and how of well-being. The second and third articles present inductively derived themes which helped to explain the relationship between job loss and well-being (i.e., the how and why). Three externally focused themes were reported in the second article: (a) systemic factors (e.g., broader business environment), (b) interpersonal factors (e.g., social support), and (c) chance (e.g., luck and serendipity). The third article identified two internally focused major themes: (a) differential coping responses and processes and (b) protective and sensitizing processes. Coping specifically consisted of problem-focused coping, meaning-making, attitudes and expectancies, behavioural processes, and emotional processes. Protective and sensitizing processes included identity and self-esteem, the impact of past adversity, and personal resources and characteristics. Implications for theory, research, and practice for both positive psychology and job loss are discussed. Keywords: positive psychology, job loss, unemployment, qualitative research, case study, hedonia, eudaimonia, coping, meaning, meaning-making, resilience, post-traumatic growth, social support, relationships, theory, processes

Från en glasklar karriär till ett brokigt CV : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om individers upplevelse av pandemin som en påtvingad brytpunkt i karriären / From a crystal-clear career to a cracked CV : A qualitative interview study examining individuals’ experiences of the pandemic as a forced turningpoint in their career.

Stahl, Pernilla, Ahnér, Ingeli January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine how individuals who became involuntary unemployed due to the Covid-19 pandemic experience and handle the situation as unemployed. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, demand for products and services in certain industries has drastically reduced and work opportunities have decreased.  Whilst working as career counsellors within support during this year we have encountered a new group of job seekers – those who have higher education experience, who, before 2020, were not part of the natural unemployment in Sweden. During the interviews it was noticed that most of these participants expressed a strong professional identity associated with their previous professional role.  This, in turn, could be attributed to having an impact on their coping strategies and their way of reflecting over their situation of being unemployed. The empirical data that was produced using qualitative interviews were later analysed using Hodkinson and Sparkes careership theory, Mezirow's Transformative learning and Ylva Ulfsdotter and Malin Lindes explanation of the term Professional Identity. This study highlighted that most participants continued to have a strong connection to their previous professional identity and that a forced turning point due to the pandemic contributed to a feeling that unemployment would only be temporary. It also concluded that those participants who had an inherent idea of a new career or a new lifestyle acted quickly and were able to make the transition to a different occupation. The turning point also contributed to the participants learning as they planned alternative careers as backups for eventual, future, turning points to come / Det här examensarbetet syftar till att skapa en förståelse för individers upplevelser och hantering av en påtvingad brytpunkt och ofrivillig arbetslöshet orsakad av Covid -19 pandemin. I våra yrkesroller som studie och yrkesvägledare inom Stöd och matchning har vi under 2020 kommit att möta en ny grupp arbetssökanden vilken är målgruppen för studien. Målgruppen vilken vi benämner som den nya gruppen arbetssökanden är individer med eftergymnasial utbildning som vid uppsägningen befann sig mitt i karriären i yrken förknippade med deras tidigare utbildningsval. Den nya gruppen arbetssökande befann sig innan 2020 mitt i karriären och var inte var en utmärkande del av den naturliga arbetslösheten i Sverige.  I många branscher har efterfrågan på produkter och tjänster minskat drastiskt till följd av pandemin och arbetsmöjligheterna är få. Empirin togs fram genom kvalitativa intervjuer som senare analyserades till stöd av Hodkinson och Sparkes Careership teori, Mezirows begrepp referensramar samt Ylva Ulfsdotter och Malin Lindes förklaring av begreppet yrkesidentitet. Under intervjuerna har vi reflekterat över att en stark yrkesidentitet förknippad med tidigare yrkesroll påverkat respondenternas hantering och upplevelse av den ofrivilliga arbetslösheten. Det framgick även att respondenter som haft en inneboende idé om en ny karriär eller en ny livsstil tenderat att agera snabbt och åter komma i sysselsättning. Resultatet visar på att en effekt av brytpunkten var att respondenterna planerade alternativa akademiska karriärer som backup för eventuella framtida brytpunkter.

Santé, genre et qualité de l'emploi : une analyse sur données microéconomiques / Health, Gender and Job Quality : an analysis on microeconomic data

Weber-Baghdiguian, Lexane 19 June 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie l'influence du travail sur la qualité de l'emploi et la qualité de vie des individus. Cette dernière est approximée par la perception que les individus ont de leur santé. Le premier chapitre étudie les conséquences de la perte d'emploi liée à la fermeture d'un établissement sur l'ensemble des dimensions de la qualité de l'emploi retrouvé. Nous montrons que ce choc induit une dégradation, y compris sur le long terme, des salaires, de l'insécurité de l'emploi perçue, de la qualité de l'environnement de travail et de la satisfaction des travailleurs. Les deux derniers chapitres tentent de comprendre les déterminants des différences de santé perçue selon le genre. Dans le deuxième chapitre, nous analysons le rôle de la santé mentale dans les écarts de santé déclarée selon le genre. Le troisième chapitre étudie l'influence des normes sociales au travail, sur la santé perçue. Nous montrons que les femmes comme les hommes travaillant dans des collectifs de travail féminins déclarent davantage de problèmes de santé spécifiques que celles et ceux travaillant dans des collectifs masculins. Ce travail souligne donc, d'une part, l'effet négatif de la perte d'emploi sur la qualité de l'emploi retrouvé et la satisfaction à long terme et, d'autre part, l'importance du mal-être et des normes sociales au travail pour comprendre les différences de santé perçue entre les genres. / This thesis studies the influence of work on job and life quality, the latter being considered through the perception that individuals have of their own health. The first chapter focuses on the long-term effects of job losses due to plant closure on job quality. We show that job loss negatively affects wages, perceived job insecurity, the quality of the working environment and job satisfaction, including in the long run. The two last chapters investigate gender differences in self-reported health. The second chapter provides descriptive evidence on the relationships between self-assessed health, gender and mental health problems, i.e. depression and/or affective pains. Finally, in the last chapter, we study the influence of social norms as proxied by the gender structure of the workplace environment, on gender differences in self-reported health. We show that both women and men working in female-dominated environments report more specific health problems than those who work in male-dominated environments. The overall findings of this thesis are twofold. First, losing a job has a negative impact on several dimensions of job quality and satisfaction in the long run. Secondly, mental diseases and social norms at work are important to understand gender-related differences in health perceptions.

L'effet du sexe et de l'âge sur les motivations à retrouver un emploi après 45 ans

Lacasse, Lucie 12 1900 (has links)
Au tournant des années 1990, des données démographiques probantes annonçait la pénurie de main-d’œuvre vécue présentement au Québec. L’actualité fait état du vieillissement de la population active, et de pratiques pour attirer et retenir la main-d’œuvre, notamment les travailleurs dit « âgés ». Entre 2006 et 2016, des statistiques québécoises révèlent une augmentation du taux de chômage chez les travailleurs âgés de plus de 55 ans, et suggère une forme d’âgisme latent. Alors que la pénurie de main-d’œuvre annoncée s’intensifiera d’ici 2030, peu d’études se sont intéressées aux motivations des travailleuses et travailleurs âgés. Dans cette perspective, notre étude vise une meilleure compréhension des motivations des femmes et des hommes à retrouver un emploi à la suite d’une perte d’emploi involontaire en mi et fin de carrière. En ce qui a trait aux motivations intrinsèques, inspirées du modèle kaléidoscopique de Mainiero et Sullivan (2005), nous examinons les dimensions du Défi, de l’Équilibre, et de l’Authenticité. Compte tenu du contexte de la perte d’emploi, les motivations extrinsèques relatives à la Sécurité d’emploi et la Sécurité financière ont été retenues. Dans le cadre d’une recherche qualitative, des entrevues semi-dirigées ont été effectuées auprès de dix-neuf participants comprenant dix femmes et neuf hommes dans deux catégories d’âge : 45-54 ans, et 55 ans et plus. L’analyse des résultats permet de conclure que les motivations à retrouver un emploi sont différentes pour les femmes et les hommes selon la catégorie d’âge. L’interprétation des résultats montre l’effet combiné du sexe et de l’âge, et révèle que les motivations chez les hommes entre 45-54 ans sont davantage extrinsèques, et chez les femmes de 55 ans et plus, intrinsèques. Les résultats sont applicables auprès des organisations, des professionnels en transition de carrière, et des instances gouvernementales. Nous proposons des pratiques RH concrètes et favorables au mieux-être au travail, et à l’inclusion des travailleuses et travailleurs plus âgés pour contrer les effets néfastes de la pénurie de main-d’œuvre. / At the turn of the 1990s, convincing demographic data announced the labor shortage currently experienced in Quebec. News reports on the aging of the working population, and practices to attract and retain labor, especially so-called "older" workers. Between 2006 and 2016, Quebec statistics reveal an increase in the unemployment rate among workers over the age of 55 and suggest a latent form of ageism. While the predicted labor shortage will intensify by 2030, few studies have looked at the motivations of older workers. From this perspective, our study aims at a better understanding of the motivations of women and men to find a job following an involuntary job loss in the middle and end of their career. Inspired by the Kaleidoscopic Model of Mainiero and Sullivan (2005), with regard to intrinsic motivations, we examine the dimensions of Challenge, Balance, and Authenticity. Given the context of the job loss, the extrinsic motivations of Job Security and Financial Security were retained. Within the framework of qualitative research, semi-structured interviews were conducted with nineteen participants including ten women and nine men in two age categories: 45-54 years, and 55 years and over. Analysis of the results leads to the conclusion that the motivations to find a job are different for women and men depending on the age category. The interpretation of the results shows the combined effect of gender and age and reveal that motivations in men aged 45-54 are more extrinsic, and in women aged 55 and over, intrinsic. The results are applicable to organizations, professionals in career transition, and government authorities. We offer concrete HR practices that promote well-being at work, and the inclusion of older workers to counter the negative effects of the labor shortage.

Narratiewe pastorale terapie met broodwinners tydens 'n rasionaliseringsproses

Gardiner, Elizabeth 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Hierdie navorsing is gerig op die aanwending van narratiewe pastorale terapie met breadwinners wat werksonsekerheid tydens 'n rasionaliseringsproses ervaar. Die studie is kwalitatief van aard en is gebaseer op narratiewe pastorale gesprekvoerlng esook die proses van meervoudige refleksie waardeur die navorsing gerig en aangepas word. As navorser was ek deelnemer in die proses van verandering waarin veralgemening genegeer is en die rol van persoonlike kennis beklemtoon is. Die terapie is gerig op proaktiewe optrede tydens die rasionaliseringsproses en is ten opsigte van elkeen van die deelnemers aangewend in pasmaakgesprekke waartydens hul unieke behoefles aandag geniet het. Deur die metode van eksternalisering is die invloed van werksonsekerheid op die deelnemers geeksploreer en is hulie aangemoedig om in 'n ander verhouding tot die probleem van werksonsekerheid le staan. Namate die deelnemers tydens hierdie proses belangrike skuiwe op die vlak van identiteit gemaak het, ken hulie die toekoms met nuwe hoop bejeen. / The research was directed at the application of narrative pastoral therapy with breadwinners experiencing job insecurity during a process of rationalisation. This qualitative study was based on narrative pastoral conversations as well as the process of multiple reflection through which the research was directed and adapted. As researcher, I was a participant in the process of change in which generalisations were negated and the role of personal knowledge emphasised. The therapy was directed at proactive action during the rationalisation process and was applied in respect of each of the participants in a customised conversation. The influence of job insecurity on the participants was explored through the method of externalisation and they were encouraged to adopt a new relationship to the problem of job insecurity. In the process, as each participant made important shifts on the level of identity, they wera able to view the future with new hope. / Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Praktiese Teologie (Pastorale Terapie))

Lived Experiences of Women Over 50 Who Have Experienced Involuntary Job Loss

Phillips, Roxine Denise 01 January 2015 (has links)
Both the short-term and long-term unemployment rates for older workers in the United States have increased significantly since the 2007 recession. Researchers who examine the impact of involuntary job loss have predominantly focused on the experiences of men. Limited prior research exists on the job loss experiences of women over 50 years of age compared to men. The goal of this study was to address this gap in knowledge by examining the lived experiences of women over 50 who had experienced involuntary job loss, the barriers faced to reemployment, and the ways women overcame the barriers to reemployment. A phenomenological design was employed to gather data from a convenience sample of 10 women in a northeastern metropolitan city. Guided by the frameworks of Bandura and Leana and Feldman, this transcendental approach aimed to capture the lived experiences of the women who incurred involuntary job loss. Data transcribed from audio-taped interviews were manually coded and aligned with the appropriate research question. The findings highlighted the emotions, finances, family and social life of women following job loss. The findings suggest women faced age discrimination, organizational practices, technological challenges, and stereotypical beliefs in their attempts toward reemployment. The results of the study can be used to inform organizational leaders of the need for greater emphasis on programs offering solutions to older female workers seeking reemployment. The study promotes potential positive social change by informing organizational leaders of the experiences of women over 50 who had experienced involuntary job loss.

Lived Experiences of Women Over 50 Who Have Experienced Involuntary Job Loss

Phillips, Roxine Denise 01 January 2015 (has links)
Both the short-term and long-term unemployment rates for older workers in the United States have increased significantly since the 2007 recession. Researchers who examine the impact of involuntary job loss have predominantly focused on the experiences of men. Limited prior research exists on the job loss experiences of women over 50 years of age compared to men. The goal of this study was to address this gap in knowledge by examining the lived experiences of women over 50 who had experienced involuntary job loss, the barriers faced to reemployment, and the ways women overcame the barriers to reemployment. A phenomenological design was employed to gather data from a convenience sample of 10 women in a northeastern metropolitan city. Guided by the frameworks of Bandura and Leana and Feldman, this transcendental approach aimed to capture the lived experiences of the women who incurred involuntary job loss. Data transcribed from audio-taped interviews were manually coded and aligned with the appropriate research question. The findings highlighted the emotions, finances, family and social life of women following job loss. The findings suggest women faced age discrimination, organizational practices, technological challenges, and stereotypical beliefs in their attempts toward reemployment. The results of the study can be used to inform organizational leaders of the need for greater emphasis on programs offering solutions to older female workers seeking reemployment. The study promotes potential positive social change by informing organizational leaders of the experiences of women over 50 who had experienced involuntary job loss.

Narratiewe pastorale terapie met broodwinners tydens 'n rasionaliseringsproses

Gardiner, Elizabeth 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Hierdie navorsing is gerig op die aanwending van narratiewe pastorale terapie met breadwinners wat werksonsekerheid tydens 'n rasionaliseringsproses ervaar. Die studie is kwalitatief van aard en is gebaseer op narratiewe pastorale gesprekvoerlng esook die proses van meervoudige refleksie waardeur die navorsing gerig en aangepas word. As navorser was ek deelnemer in die proses van verandering waarin veralgemening genegeer is en die rol van persoonlike kennis beklemtoon is. Die terapie is gerig op proaktiewe optrede tydens die rasionaliseringsproses en is ten opsigte van elkeen van die deelnemers aangewend in pasmaakgesprekke waartydens hul unieke behoefles aandag geniet het. Deur die metode van eksternalisering is die invloed van werksonsekerheid op die deelnemers geeksploreer en is hulie aangemoedig om in 'n ander verhouding tot die probleem van werksonsekerheid le staan. Namate die deelnemers tydens hierdie proses belangrike skuiwe op die vlak van identiteit gemaak het, ken hulie die toekoms met nuwe hoop bejeen. / The research was directed at the application of narrative pastoral therapy with breadwinners experiencing job insecurity during a process of rationalisation. This qualitative study was based on narrative pastoral conversations as well as the process of multiple reflection through which the research was directed and adapted. As researcher, I was a participant in the process of change in which generalisations were negated and the role of personal knowledge emphasised. The therapy was directed at proactive action during the rationalisation process and was applied in respect of each of the participants in a customised conversation. The influence of job insecurity on the participants was explored through the method of externalisation and they were encouraged to adopt a new relationship to the problem of job insecurity. In the process, as each participant made important shifts on the level of identity, they wera able to view the future with new hope. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Praktiese Teologie (Pastorale Terapie))

Insurances against job loss and disability : Private and public interventions and their effects on job search and labor supply

Andersson, Josefine January 2017 (has links)
Essay I: Employment Security Agreements, which are elements of Swedish collective agreements, offer a unique opportunity to study very early job search counselling of displaced workers. These agreements provide individual job search assistance to workers who are dismissed due to redundancy, often as early as during the period of notice. Compared to traditional labor market policies, the assistance provided is earlier and more responsive to the needs of the individual worker. In this study, I investigate the effects of the individual counseling and job search assistance provided through the Employment Security Agreement for Swedish blue-collar workers on job finding and subsequent job quality. The empirical strategy is based on the rules of eligibility in a regression discontinuity framework. I estimate the effect for workers with short tenure, who are dismissed through mass-layoffs. My results do not suggest that the program has an effect on the probability of becoming unemployed, the duration of unemployment, or income. However, the results indicate that the program has a positive effect on the duration of the next job. Essay II: The well-known positive relationship between the unemployment benefit level and unemployment duration can be separated into two potential sources; a moral hazard effect, and a liquidity effect pertaining to the increased ability to smooth consumption. The latter is a socially optimal response due to credit and insurance market failures. These two effects are difficult to separate empirically, but the social optimality of an unemployment insurance policy can be evaluated by studying the effect of a non-distortionary lump-sum severance grant on unemployment durations. In this study, I evaluate the effects on unemployment duration and subsequent job quality of a lump-sum severance grant provided to displaced workers, by means of a Swedish collective agreement. I use a regression discontinuity design, based on the strict age requirement to be eligible for the grant. I find that the lump-sum grant has a positive effect on the probability of becoming unemployed and the length of the completed unemployment duration, but no effect on subsequent job quality. My analysis also indicates that spousal income is important for the consumption smoothing abilities of displaced workers, and that the grant may have a greater effect in times of more favorable labor market conditions. Essay III: Evidence from around the world suggest that individuals who are awarded disability benefits in some cases still have residual working capacity, while disability insurance systems typically involve strong disincentives for benefit recipients to work. Some countries have introduced policies to incentivize disability insurance recipients to use their residual working capacities on the labor market. One such policy is the continuous deduction program in Sweden, introduced in 2009. In this study, I investigate whether the financial incentives provided by this program induce disability insurance recipients to increase their labor supply or education level. Retroactively determined eligibility to the program with respect to time of benefit award provides a setting resembling a natural experiment, which could be used to estimate the effects of the program using a regression discontinuity design. However, a simultaneous regime change of disability insurance eligibility causes covariate differences between treated and controls, which I adjust for using a matching strategy. My results suggest that the financial incentives provided by the program have not had any effect on labor supply or educational attainment.

Onverwagse uitdienstrede: 'n pastoraal-narratiewe studie

Coetzee, Pieter Hendrik 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Om te luister na mense se verhale is om iets van hulle belewinge en singewing te probeer verstaan. Staatkundige verandering in Suid-Afrika. het die arbeidsposisie van veral die wit werker in onsekerheid geplaas. Saam met die internasionale gemeenskap kan gevolglik gese word: Daar bestaan nie meer iets soos werksekerheid nie. In hierdie studie skets drie wit Afrikanermans en hulle vrouens die invloed en gevolge van onverwagse uitdienstrede op hulself en hul gesinslewe. As gevolg van onsekerheid in die werksituasie het deelnemers bestaande sosiale- en geloofsdiskoerse bevraagteken. Deurdat die deelnemers egter hulle verhale in die teenwoordigheid van persone te midde van dieselfde omstandighede vertel het, kon hulle kom tot die ko-konstruering van betekenis en die skep van alternatiewe verhale. / To listen to the stories of people, is to comprehend something of their experiences and the meaning they apply to it. Political change in South Africa placed the vocational position of especially the white Afrikaner worker in an uncertain position. Together with the international community it can now be said: There is no longer such a thing as job security. In this study three white Afrikaner men and their spouses depict the influence and results of unexpected retirement on themselves and their families. Uncertainty in the job-situation led to the questioning of existing social and faith discourses. By telling their stories in the presence of people amid the same circumstances, participants were however able to co-construct meaning and create alternative stories. / Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)

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