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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Musiken tar vid där orden tagit slut : En intervjustudie om musikens plats i musikterapeutisk traumabehandling / The place of music in the treatment of trauma through music therapy

Tilles, Rebecca January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att genom kvalitativa intervjuer belysa musikens plats i musikterapeutisk traumabehandling. Tolkning av intervjumaterial har skett genom ett hermeneutiskt teoretiskt perspektiv. I bakgrunden presenteras litteratur och studier inom ämnesområdet musikterapi och trauma. I resultatet presenteras det tre teman som växt fram under intervjuerna: hur musiken kan vara hjälpsam vid musikterapeutisk traumabehandling, vilka musikterapeutiska arbetssätt och metoder musikterapeuter använder samt vilka terapeutiska kunskaper musikterapeuter besitter och utövar som möjliggör behandling. I diskussionen framkommer att resultat stärks av tidigare forskning och litteratur i ämnesområdet. / This thesis sheds light on the place of music in the treatment of trauma through music therapy. Qualitative interviews were conducted and interpreted through a hermeneutic theoretical perspective. Articles and prior research in music therapy and trauma are presented in the background chapter. In the results chapter three themes that emerged from the interviews are presented: ways in which music can be helpful in the treatment of trauma through music therapy, which music therapy methods are used by music therapists treating trauma as well as what type of therapeutic knowledge music therapists master to enable treatment. In the discussion chapter, the results from this study are supported by previous research and literature in the field.

Confronting the Unknown: Pain Catastrophizing, Emotion Regulation, Psychopathy, and Associations With Uncertainty / Att konfrontera det okända: Smärtkatastrofiering, känsloreglering, psykopati och deras association med osäkerhet

Björk, Gabriel, Sand, Sebastian January 2018 (has links)
Intolerance of uncertainty concerns how one views and reacts touncertainty, where one who’s highly intolerant would find it verydiscomforting when confronted with uncertain situations. The purposeof this study was to examine the associations between intolerance ofuncertainty, pain catastrophizing, emotion regulation andpsychopathic traits. These variables were to be examined in thecontext of a Beads Task and a Cold Pressor Test (CPT). Wehypothesized that there would be a positive significant associationbetween intolerance of uncertainty, pain catastrophizing, emotionregulation, psychopathic traits. We also hypothesized that there wouldbe a difference depending on the difficulty of the Beads Task. To doso, data was collected from 60 university students (32 females and 28males). The results showed that there was a significant, positiveassociation between intolerance of uncertainty, pain catastrophizing,emotion regulation and the Beads Task measurements. Some of theseresults were similar to previous studies. / Intolerans mot osäkerhet berör hur en person uppfattar och reagerarpå osäkerhet, där någon som är intolerant upplever osäkra situationersom obehagliga. Syftet med denna studie var att undersökaassociationerna mellan intolerans mot osäkerhet,smärtkatastrofiering, känsloreglering och psykopatiskapersonlighetsdrag. Dessa variabler undersöktes i sammanhang medBeads Task och ett Kallvattentest. Där några av hypoteserna var attdet finns positiva signifikanta associationer mellan intolerans motosäkerhet, smärtkatastrofiering, känsloreglering och psykopatiskapersonlighetsdrag. Vi hade också en hypotes att det kommer finnas enskillnad beroende på svårighetsgraden av Beads Task. För att göradetta samlades data in från 60 universitetsstudenter (32 kvinnor och28 män). Resultaten visade på en signifikant, positiv associationmellan intolerans mot osäkerhet, smärtkatastrofiering,känsloreglering och Beads Task-måtten. Några av dessa resultat varlikt de i tidigare studier.

Differences within emotion regulation frequency and perceived effectiveness amongst youth footballers / Differences within emotion regulation frequency and perceived effectiveness amongst youth footballers

Rudolfsson, Victor, Pizevski, Christian January 2021 (has links)
Previous research indicates that appropriate emotional responses might be beneficial in termsof improving physical ability, improving the quality of team interaction, reducing the risk oflosing self-control, reducing the risk of injury and improving interpersonal and organizationaldynamics. Furthermore, it is proposed that the effectiveness of emotion regulation (ER)strategies is a bearing factor regarding sport performance. The purpose of present study wasto examine whether differences exist between national and regional players in terms of howfrequent they regulate emotion and how effective they perceive themselves as. Youth national(n = 45) and regional (n = 76) footballers completed a questionnaire pack measuring their useof ER strategies and their perceived effectiveness. Results indicated differences between thetwo groups within their ER frequency and perceived effectiveness. Results were discussed inrelation to previous research. Practical implications and direction for future research weregiven.

”Stopp! Vad är det jag känner? ” : En kvalitativ studie av ungdomars och föräldrars beteendeförändringar efter att ha genomgått färdighetsträning i känsloreglering / “Stop! What is it that I´m feeling?” : A qualitative study of adolescents’ and parents’ changes in behaviour after attending an emotion regulation skills training

Thunberg, Malin January 2022 (has links)
Svårigheter med känsloreglering har uppmärksammats som en orsak tillpsykologiska svårigheter samt som en förklaring till olika beteendeproblem. Behandling med fokus på känsloreglering kan således ge effekt inom flera olika områden i livet. Att utforska patienters egna erfarenheter av utfall av sådan behandling har inte skett i särskilt omfattande utsträckning. Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie är att undersöka deltagares upplevelse av utfall avseende faktiska beteendeförändringar efter att ha genomgått en gruppbehandling i färdighetsträning i känsloreglering för ungdomar och föräldrar i en barn- och ungdomspsykiatrisk kontext. Studien avser svara på frågeställningar om; vilka beteendeförändringar deltagarna upplever att de själva gjort, vilka beteendeförändringar deltagarna upplever att personen de deltog i färdighetsträningen tillsammans med har gjort samt om andra personer i deltagarnas omgivning uppmärksammat beteendeförändringar hos deltagarna. Tjugoen deltagare (10 ungdomar och 11 föräldrar) intervjuades och intervjuerna analyserades med reflexiv tematisk analys. I analysen framkom olika beteendeförändringar som tolkats i två huvudteman. Första temat, Koverta beteenden, hade följande subteman: ”Lyssna inåt”, ”Kunskapsbaserad insikt”, ”Det är okej” samt ”Nya perspektiv och förhållningssätt”. Andra temat, Overta beteenden hade följande subteman: ”Kommunikation om känslor förenar”, ”Förnuft och känsla” samt ”Konflikthantering”. Analysen ledde fram till slutsatsen att färdighetsträning i känsloreglering förefaller leda till beteendeförändringar hos deltagarna. Kliniska implikationer diskuteras. / Difficulties with emotion regulation has been identified as a common factor that can lead to various psychological difficulties and behavioral problems. Treatments that focus on emotion regulation can thus have an effect in several different areas of life. Exploring patients’ own experiences of outcomes of such treatments has not been extensively studied. The purpose of this qualitative study is to investigate participants’ experiences of outcomes regarding behavioral changes after undergoing a group treatment in emotion regulation skills training in a child- and adolescent psychiatric outpatient setting. The study intends to answer questions about; what behavioral changes the participants feel they have made themselves, what behavioral changes the participants feel that the person they participated in the skill training together with has made and whether other people in the participants’ surroundings have noticed behavioral changes in the participant. Twenty-one participants (10 adolescents and 11 parents) were interviewed and the interviews were analyzed using reflexive thematic analysis. In the analysis, various behavioral changes emerged, which are interpreted into two overarching themes. The first theme, Covert behaviors, had the following subthemes: "Listen inwardly", "Knowledge-based insight", "It's okay" and “New perspectives and approaches". The second theme, Overt behaviors, had the following sub-themes: "Communication about emotions unites", "Reason and emotion" as well as "Conflict management". The analysis led to the conclusion that skills training in emotion regulation appears to lead to behavioral change in the participants. Clinical implications are discussed. / <p>Linköpings universitet | Institutionen för Beteendevetenskap och lärande Psykoterapeutexamensuppsats, 15 hp | PsykoterapeutprogrammetHöstterminen 2022</p>

Emotionellt lönearbete inom socialt arbete : Likheter och skillnader mellan två verksamheter inom det sociala arbetet / Emotional labour in social work : Similarities and differences between two units within social work

Kjell, Linnea, Lindström, Malin January 2019 (has links)
Emotions are a part of social work, and how the employees manage and process them can affect the quality of the services that they provide. It is therefore of importance to explore how social workers can manage and process their emotions and which support and possibilities to do so their organizations provide. This study is based on Hochschild´s theory of emotional labour, using her concept deep acting and surface acting. The aim of this study has been to examine similarities and differences in managing emotions between two different social work practices, one social services unit and one treatment unit. In order to explore this we conducted two focus group interviews, one at each unit. The study showed that both units were affected emotionally by their work and the actions of their clients. The treatment unit appears to primarily use deep acting and the social services unit appears to primarily use surface acting. The need to process their emotions is fulfilled in both places, primarily through collegial support and because they themselves creates the time to process, but the organization does not create any specific space for this.

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