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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effects of Planning systems of Universities on Management Control Systems and Organizational Performance : A case study at KTH

Higgoda, W R S M Ubaya Ashandika January 2012 (has links)
Plannings systems which can be considered as modules of an Enterprise Resource Planning system play a vital role in different types of organizations. The effects of the planning systems towards the Management Control Systems and organizational performance are less investigated in the context of not-for-profit/service providing organizations. This study sheds light on the effects of the planning systems on informal management controls and non-financial organizational performance by investigating the Swedish university sector through a case study performed at the Royal Institute of technology where the data were gathered using semi-structured interviews from different administrators using the planning systems. The study presents the effects of ten planning systems towards personnel controls, cultural controls and planning & decision making controls. It further examines how the planning systems affect the personnel development, workplace relationships, employee satisfaction and other type of organizational performance measures. In this endeavour, the results of this study shows how the personnel controls affects the personnel development, cultural controls affects the workplace relationships and planning & decision making controls affects the employee satisfaction, all in the light of different planning systems. Furthermore, it was also found out how different planning systems affect different organizational performance measures, namely, quality and efficiency of processes, quality of staff, employee health & safety, gender equality, premises and infrastructure, student attractiveness, quality assurance, research & education and external professional relationships. Finally this study generalizes the results found through investigating each planning system, which can be applied to the university sector/not-for-profit organizational sector in Sweden. / ME200X
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Determination of a gravimetric geoid model of Kazakhstan using the KTH-method

Inerbayeva (Shoganbekova), Daniya January 2010 (has links)
This study work deals with the determination of the gravimetric geoid model for Kazakhstan by using the KTH-method. A number of data sets were collected for this work, such as the gravity anomalies, high-resolution Digital Elevation Model (DEM), Global Geopotential Models (GGMs) and GPS/Levelling data. These data has been optimally combined through the KTH approach, developed at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm. According to this stochastic method, Stokes’ formula is being used with the original surface gravity anomaly, which combine with a GGM yields approximate geoid heights. The corrected geoid heights are then obtained by adding the topographic, downward continuation, atmospheric and ellipsoidal corrections to the approximate geoid heights. To compute the geoid model for Kazakhstan as accurately as possible with available data set different numerical tests have been performed: Choice of the best fit geopotential model in the computation area Investigations for the best choice of the initial condition for determination of the least-squares parameters Selection of the best parametric model for reducing the effect of the systematic error and data inconsistencies between computed geoid heights and GPS/Levelling heights.  Finally, 5'x5' Kazakh gravimetric geoid (KazGM2010) has been modelled.
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Heavy duty EPS and its theoretical requirements

Essén, Christopher January 2022 (has links)
In today’s lighter vehicles, EPS has had smaller breakthroughs, but not in heavyduty due to its high initial cost and lack of research. Even though there ispotential in the future when trucks may go electric. In this report, the theoreticalrequirements to implement an EPS system will be determined and investigatedalong with an in depth analysis of the electrical motor and planetary gearbox used.A preferred EPS system will consist of a Permanent magnet electric motor and aplanetary gearbox with optimized characteristics regarding voltage, cost, shape,dimensions and layout. The results lead to a theoretical EPS system that can befitted into a heavy duty truck’s engine compartment. Problems with implementingEPS, such as cost, electrical issues and limited space as well as possibilities forfuture work are discussed.

Is the University Key to Digital Development? : A study of the role of KTH in the digital development of the Swedish news media industry between 1990 to 2005

Walerud, Beatrice January 2021 (has links)
The digital development of the 1990s and early 2000s had a major effect on the Swedish media industry, including newspapers. Still, it is not clear what role academia had during this process. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to examine the role of the university in the digital development of the Swedish news media industry. To investigate this, a case study has been performed, focusing on the Swedish technical university KTH Royal Institute of Technology. A theoretical background was created, consisting of the three waves of digitalization by Yoo et al. (2010), the emerge of the entrepreneurial university, and the Triple Helix model. Data were collected through archival research consisting of the Swedish magazines Ny Teknik and Pressens Tidning, and semi-structured interviews with seven individuals. The results showed that the digital development of the Swedish news media industry was characterized by the rise of the Internet, which generated both new news channels and contributed to digitally develop the printing industry. The results indicate that KTH’s role in this development was to provide the industry with well-educated engineers as well as innovations through research projects, to help media companies handle the opportunities and the challenges the digital development offered. The results also indicate that KTH in some ways can be compared to an entrepreneurial university, since the university has contributed to economic activities in society. However, most of these activities would not have been possible without the participation of the media industry, demonstrating that the concept of the Triple Helix to some extent also can be applied to this case study. / Den digitala utvecklingen av 1990- och tidigt 2000-tal hade en stor effekt på den svenska medieindustrin, inklusive tidningsindustrin. Det är dock inte klart vad för roll universiteten hade under denna process. Syftet med denna uppsats är därför att undersöka universitetets roll i den digitala utvecklingen av den svenska nyhetsmedieindustrin. För att undersöka detta har en fallstudie genomförts, som fokuserar på det svenska tekniska universitetet KTH Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan. En teoretisk bakgrund togs fram, bestående av de tre vågorna av digitalisering av Yoo et al. (2010), framväxten av det entreprenöriella universitetet och modellen Triple Helix. Data samlades in genom arkivforsknings bestående av de svenska tidningarna Ny Teknik och Pressens Tidning, samt semistrukturerade intervjuer med sju personer. Resultaten visade att den digitala utvecklingen av den svenska nyhetsmedieindustrin karaktäriserades av uppkomsten av Internet, vilket genererade både nya nyhetskanaler och bidrog till en digital utveckling av tryckeribranschen. Resultaten indikerar att KTH:s roll i denna utveckling bestod av att bidra med välutbildade ingenjörer till industrin, likväl som innovation genom forskningsprojekt, vilket hjälpte industrin hantera möjligheterna och utmaningarna som den digitala utvecklingen medförde. Resultaten indikerar också att KTH i viss utsträckning kan jämföras med det entreprenöriella universitetet, eftersom universitetet har bidragit till ekonomiska aktiviteter i samhället. De flesta av dessa aktiviteter hade dock inte varit möjliga utan medieindustrins delaktighet, vilket demonstrerar att modellen Triple Helix i viss utsträckning kan appliceras på denna fallstudie.
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Building A Fixed Wing Autonomous UAV

Barsby, Erik, Augustsson Savinov, Casper January 2022 (has links)
The goal of this bachelor thesis has been to evaluate and test the available open source software and commercial hardwarefor potential later use as the electrical system in the ALPHAUAV. ALPHA is a student project, with the goal of building an autonomous drone capable of high altitude, long-endurance missions to gather data from electromagnetic phenomena in the atmosphere. Data later to be used in research at the facility ofSpace and Plasma physics at KTH. The evaluation has been done by constructing of an MVP, to prove that the open source softwareand commercial hardware can be used to build an autonomousUAV. / Målet med denna kandidatuppsats har varit att evaluera och testa öppen källkod tillsammans med kommersiell hårdvara för att potentiellt kunna nyttjas som elektriskt system i ALPHA UAV. ALPHA UAV är ett studentprojekt, med målet att bygga en autonom drönare kapabel att genomföra höghöjdsflygningar med lång uthållighet för att kunna samla in data från elektromagnetiska fenomen i atmosfären. Data som senare kan nyttjas i forskningssyfte på institutionen för rymd-och plasmafysik på KTH. Evalueringen har gjorts genom att konstruera en MVP, för att bevsia att öppen källkod och kommersiell hårdvara kan nyttjas för att bygga en autonom UAV. / Kandidatexjobb i elektroteknik 2022, KTH, Stockholm
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System för minskad fimpnedskräpning / System for reduced butt littering

Berg, David January 2012 (has links)
Fimpnedskräpning är ett problem ur flera aspekter. Fimparnas filter har en lång nedbrytnings­tid och innehåller tungmetallen kadmium, den lagras i allt organiskt. Med den största andelen av den totala mängden skräp har samhället varken råd att låta fimparna ligga kvar i naturen eller att plocka upp alla från densamma. Kemiskt och estetiskt såväl som ekonomiskt är fimp­ned­skräpningen ett dåtida, ett nutida och ett framtida problem. Lösningsförslag handlar ofta om restriktioner, ökade investeringar i renhållning eller tillgänglighet. Men en skräpig miljö behöver inte fler skräpinsamlare och botskrivare, utan färre nedskräpare. Filtren på cigaretter består av en plast kallad cellulosaacetat. Pressas de ihop ordentligt är de­formationen plastisk, ett faktum efter utförda experiment. Det konstaterades att bestående tryckmönster i relief kan inpräntas i fimparnas filterplast. Detta ska uppfyllas via mobila ask­koppar, kallade LitterPress. Dessa släcker, kom­primerar och förvarar fimpar samtidigt som de omvandlar dess filter till lottsedlar. Vid användning märks filtren med respektive rökares person- eller telefonnummer i ett pressmoment. Alla ciga­retter är därmed potentiella lotter som kan spåras tillbaka till inlämnarna. Förslaget uppmuntrar rökarna att tömma sina mobila askkoppar i numrerade stationära ask­koppar, kallade LitterBox. Dessa fördelar slump­mässigt fimparna mellan två fack, ett huvudfack där de flesta hamnar och ett mindre fack där betydligt färre hamnar. Varje vecka slumpar ett dataprogram fram ett nummer mellan 1 och antalet uppsatta stationära askkoppar. De som har märkta fimpar, i den utlottade stationära ask­koppens mindre fack, erhåller en kännbar ekonomisk utdelning. Det ska gå att tilldela en eventuell utdelning till en specifik verksamhet. Detta uppfylls genom att den mobila askkoppen ställs in på att märk­a filtren med ett organisationsnummer. Oberoende av märkning kan det parallellt ske en fortlöpande utdelning till välgörande ända­mål, där en bestämd summa skänks för varje fimp i det mindre facket. Detta utgör konceptet Litter­Lott, ett skräplotteri med LitterPress och LitterBox som kompo­nenter. Alla deltagare har en chans att ta del av de skräpkostnader och miljöbelastningar de besparar samhället. Innovativt och pedagogiskt ökar medvetenheten kring både återvinning och kostnader kopplade till nedskräpning. En hemsida annonserar aktuell LitterBox och veckans ”återvinnare”. Där ska det gå att regi­strera medlemskap, följa utvecklingen av LitterLott och delta i ämnes­relaterade diskussioner. Företag, kommunala verksamheter, stiftelser och organisationer kan också anmäla sitt intresse i att vara med och samarbeta för en mer hållbar miljö. Projektets intention är att väcka debatt med fokus på viktiga frågor angående miljö, nedskräp­ning och återvinning. Frågor som är relevanta i dagens samhälle och nödvändiga för morgon­dagens. / Butt littering is a problem in several ways. The filter of the cigarette butts have long degrada­tion time and contain cadmium, a heavy metal stored in organic tissues. With a large fraction of the total amount of litter the society can neither afford to ignore or collect every cigarette butt dropped in the environment. Chemically and esthetically as well as economi­cally butt littering is a past, a present and a future problem. Suggestions of solutions often in­volve re­strictions, increased investments in cleaning efforts or in accessibility. But a littered environ­ment doesn’t need more bins or stricter laws, it needs less littering. Cigarettes have filters that contain a plastic fiber called cellulose acetate. If they are enough compressed the deformation is plastic, a fact after empirical experiments. Definite permanent patterns in relief could be formed within the plastic fiber of the filters. This will be achieved through mobile ashtrays, called LitterPress. These stub out, compress and store cigarette butts along with transforming its filters to lottery tickets. In use, a press motion marks the filters with the social security number or the phone number of each user respectively. In other words, all cigarettes are potential lottery tickets which can be traced to its recycler. The proposition encourages the smokers to empty their mobile ashtrays into numbered sta­tionary ashtrays, called LitterBox. These will randomly di­vide the butts between two com­partments. One is large where the majority end up and one is small, enclosing significantly fewer. A computer program will weekly and randomly pick a number between 1 and the num­ber of stationary installed ashtrays. Those who have their marked cigarette butts in the smaller compartment, of the stationary ashtray of the week, will collect a noticeable economic payoff. There will be possible to allocate any payoff to a specific business. This is done by adjusting the mobile ashtray to mark the filters with an organization number. Irrespective of marking there can also be a continuously payoff to charity, where a fixed amount is allocated for each cigarette butt in the smaller compartment. In action the two physical products are components in the concept of LitterLott, a lottery out of litter. Participants have a chance to receive a part of the litter ex­penses and environmental impositions they spare the society. In an innovative and pedagogic way the awareness in­creases around recycling and what the costs are to refrain. A homepage will announce current LitterBox along with the fortunate recyclers. One may register membership, follow the development of LitterLott and participate in discussions re­lated to the subject. Also companies, municipal businesses and organizations can declare their interests in being a part of the concept and co­operate towards a healthier environment. The intention is to start a debate focusing on important environmentally related questions, litter­ing in general and recycling. Those questions are relevant in today’s society and neces­sary for tomorrows.
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Geoid Model of Tanzania from Sparse and Varying Gravity Data Density by the KTH method

Ulotu, Prosper January 2009 (has links)
Developed countries are striving to achieve a cm geoid model. Most developing countries/regions think that the situation in their areas does not allow even a few decimetre geoid model. GNSS, which provides us with position, is one of the greatest achievements of the present time. Conversion of ellipsoidal height to orthometric height, which is more useful, requires an accurate geoid model. In spite of the sparse terrestrial gravity data of variable density, distribution and quality (a typical situation in developing countries), this study set out to develop as accurately as possibly achievable, a high quality geoid model of Tanzania. Literature review of three more preferred geoid methods came to a conclusion, that the Royal Institute of Technology of Sweden (KTH) method of least squares modification of Stokes formula (LSMS) with additive corrections (AC) is the most suitable for this research. However, even with a good method, the accuracy and the quality of a geoid model depend much on the quality of the data. In this study, a procedure to create a gravity database (GDB) out of sparse data with varying density, distribution and quality has been developed. This GDB is of high density and full coverage, which ensures presence of high and low gravity frequencies, with medium frequencies ranging between fair and excellent. Also an alternative local/regional Global Gravitational Model (GGM) validation method based on quality terrestrial point surface gravity anomaly has been developed. Validation of a GGM using the new approach of terrestrial point gravity and GPS/Levelling, gave the same results. Once satisfactorily proved, the method has extra advantages. The limits of Tanzania GDB (TGDB) are latitudes 15 ° S to 4 ° N and longitudes 26 ° E to 44 ° E . Cleaning and quality control of the TGDB was based on the cross validation (XV) by the Kriging method and Gaussian distribution of the XV residuals. The data used in the LSMS with AC to develop a new Tanzania gravimetric geoid model 2008, TZG08, are 1′ ×1′ clean and statistically tested surface gravity anomalies. 39,677 point gravity in land and 57,723 in the ocean were utilised. Pure satellite ITGGRACE03S GGM to degree 120 was used to determine modification parameters and long-wavelength component of the geoid model. 3′′ Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) Digital Elevation Model (DEM), ITG-GRACE03S to degree 120 and EIGENCG03C to degree 360 combined GGM qualified to patch the data voids in accordance to the method of this research. TZG08 is referred to Geodetic Reference System 1980 (GRS80), and its extents are latitudes 12 ° S to 1 ° N and longitudes 29 ° E to 41 ° E . 19 GPS/levelling points qualified to assess the overall accuracy of TZG08 as 29.7 cm, and upon approximate removal of GPS and orthometric systematic effects, the accuracy of TZG08 is 27.8 cm. A corrector surface (CS) for conversion of GPS height to orthometric height referred to Tanzania National Height Datum (TNHD) has been created for a part of TZG08. Using the CS and TZG08, orthometric height of Mt. Kilimanjaro is re-established as it was in 1952 to be 5,895 m above the TNHD, which is still the official height of the mountain. / <p>QC 20100813</p>
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Deteção de extra-sístoles ventriculares

Silva, Aurélio Filipe de Sousa e January 2012 (has links)
Tese de mestrado integrado. Bioengenharia. Área de Especialização de Engenharia Biomédica. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 2012

Feasibility Study of Small Scale Standalone Wind Turbine for Urban Area : Case study: KTH Main Campus

Gebrelibanos, Kalekirstos Gebremariam January 2013 (has links)
The recent worldwide economic crisis, climate change and global warming have emphasized that the need for low carbon emissions while also ensuring the economic feasibility. In this paper, wind power potential of ETD in KTH was investigated. The technical and economical feasibility of tower mounted small scale standalone wind turbine installation is conducted. The potential of wind power production was statistically analysed. The average wind speed data of four-season interval of one year period (2011) which its measurement was taken on the roof top of the ETDB, and this was adopted and analysed in order to find out the potential of wind power generation. The Rayleigh distribution probability was applied to calculate the wind speed distribution at KTH, by doing so the annual wind power potential at the area and annual energy production of the chosen wind turbine was estimated, after the selection of a proper wind turbine have been made upon the site conditions. Therefore, the study result shows that installation of the wind turbine at 24 meters hub height for this particular area will have a better performance of annual energy production, capacity factor, carbon savings and better economical value than the current turbine installed at 17 meters height at the ETD. The economic evaluation shows that the turbine can save an electricity bill of US$3661.05 per year and cover 1.84% of the electricity consumption of the ETD by reducing its respective CO2 emission from the electricity use at the department. Moreover, the payback period of the turbine installation with the inclusion of the green certificate is approximately 14 years which is more feasible if it is considered for small wind turbines too, which is already in practice for renewables including wind power in Sweden.
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After the Architects

Hambraeus Victorson, Mattias January 2015 (has links)
Developed from a desire to explore alternative ways of addressing aspects of architecture, the project After the Architects tells the story of the KTH School of Architecture building through the eyes of me - one of its many users. The project consists of a film, an exhibition and a hand book with mental excercises. Investigating the tools we have at hands as architects in the context of storytelling as a mean of communication, I wanted to dissect the many layers of interpretation and experiences a building consists of. It is often said that the core of a building is what it does and how it does this. Since buildings, rooms and spaces are experienced differently by everyone, I think the active use of subjectivity is the best way of approaching this theme. The KTH School of Architecture building has been my second home for five years. It has hosted architecture education since 1970, but after the summer of 2015, it is entering a new phase as the school is moving to a new building. Therefore, as a student leaving the building, I’m using my subjectivity as a tool for investigating the relationship between the course of time, the school building, and myself.  Which effects and stories has it staged over the years and how has the building affected me, on an intellectual-, as well as on a personal level? Some of the themes I’ve been working with are; the aspects of time, memories and nostalgia, the different roles of a building, spaces as references, and the interplay between perspective, interpretation and meaning. / Sprunget ur en önskan att undersöka alternativa sätt att diskutera arkitektoniska aspekter skildrar projektet After the Architects historien om KTH arkitekturskolans byggnad sett genom mina ögon i egenskap av en av dess många användare. Projektet består av en film, en utställning och en handbok med tankeövningar. Genom att använda mig av formen av historieberättande vill jag belysa den mängd av lager av tolkningar och upplevelser som en byggnad skapar förutsättningar för. Det sägs att kärnan i vad en byggnad är består av det den gör och hur den gör detta. Eftersom vi upplever byggnader, rum och platser på olika sätt anser jag att en aktiv användning av det subjektiva perspektivet är det bästa sättet att ta sig an detta ämne. KTHs Arkitekturskola har varit mitt andra hem de senaste fem åren. Sedan 1970 har det inrymt arkitekturutbildningen i Stockholm, men efter vårterminen 2015 går byggnaden in i en ny fas, då skolverksamheten flyttar till en ny byggnad. I egenskap av en student som lämnar byggnaden använder jag mig av min subjektivitet som ett analysverktyg för att undersöka relationen mellan tidens gång, byggnaden och mig själv. Vilka upplevelser och historier har den iscensatt genom åren och hur har byggnaden påverkat mig; både på ett intellektuellt- och på ett känslomässigt plan? Några av de teman jag arbetat med är: tiden &amp; byggnaden, minnen &amp; nostalgi, byggnadens olika roller, platser som referenser, och sambandet mellan perspektiv, tolkning och meningsskapande.
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