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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Thematic Oppositions in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice / Tematisk opposition i Jane Austens Stolthet och fördom

Sandy, Silav January 2017 (has links)
This essay examines anticipation and real outcome structured as two oppositions in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. These opposites will be analyzed through Austen’s use of literary devices such as “free indirect speech” and irony. Pride and Prejudice is written in third-person, but the focus is often limited to Elizabeth’s perspective, creating what is termed free indirect speech, a narrative technique that Austen is considered to be one of the first novelists to use. While the omniscient narrator seems all-knowing and gives the illusion of being objective, she is deliberately selective in her choice of what aspects of the story that she wants to emphasize, which makes her subjective. That the narrator is both objective/omniscient and subjective/limited brings out an opposition between the anticipated and real outcome. Austen also uses irony as a literary device, which too can be interpreted as a kind of opposition used to bring out anticipated and real outcome.

Variation och kontrast i en ”naturlig” miljö : En studie om åldersinkluderande utomhusmiljö för förskolebarn i åldrarna ett till sex år / Variety and contrast in a "natural" environment : A study of an age inclusive outdoor environment for preschool children aged one to six years

Norrlander, Moa January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur den rumsliga utformningen av utomhusmiljön i förskolan främjar inkludering av barn i åldrarna ett till sex år där möjlighet till olika typer av lek och pedagogisk verksamhet understöds. Studien är förlagd till Mullvadens förskolegård på Södermalm i Stockholm. Det är en kvalitativ studie där observations-, intervju-, enkät- och litteraturstudier har genomförts. I resultatdelen har tre tematiska områden lyfts fram; åldersanpassning, rumslighet och pedagogisk verksamhet. Genom designprocessen har sedan dessa tematiska områden brutits ner till temat för gestaltningsförslaget; variation och kontrast. Empirin och teori ligger till grund för gestaltningsförslaget och har utförts för att undersöka förutsättningar, problem och visioner. Resultatet av studien visar att det finns potential för att, genom rumsliga element, förbättra förutsättningarna för inkludering, genom att ändra rörelseflöden och struktur samt tillföra material. Naturmiljöer framhålls genomgående som positivt för barns utveckling, vilket är en stor utmaning att tillgodose i en stadsmiljö. Gestaltningsförslaget avser att ge Mullvadens förskola en variationsrik gård med kontraster i en ”naturlig” miljö. Naturelement och material har tillförts vilket ämnar bidra till att egenskaper från naturen, så som att vara levande och modifierbar erhålls. / The purpose of this study is to investigate how the spatial design of the preschool outdoor environment has the potential to promote inclusivity of children aged one to six years, when utilised in conjunction with different types of play and educational activities. The study is located in Mullvadens preschool in Stockholm. This is a qualitative study were observation, interview, survey and literature studies have been conducted. The results have highlighted three key thematic areas; age adjustment, spatiality and educational work. The design process has these themes, "boiled down” to the theme of the design proposal; variety and contrast. The empirical data and theory underpin the design proposal and have been conducted to determine current conditions, problems and visions. The results of this study show that there is potential to, by utilisation of spatial elements, change the climate of inclusion. It is argued that this can be achieved by both the addition of materials and the removal of items, with the aim of changing the flow of motion and structure in the space. Natural environment is emphasised throughout as positive in the development of children, posing a major challenge in an urban environment. The design proposal aims, however, to make this challenge central and to provide Mullvadens preschool with a diversified yard which includes the "natural" environment. By using natural elements and materials an environment is proposed which not only links to nature but is, itself, more natural in that it is alive and modifiable.

Contrast sensitivity of the human eye and its effects on image quality /

Barten, Peter G. J. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, 1999. / Originally published: Knegsel : HV Press, 1999. Includes bibliographical references and index. Online version available. http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/3.353254

Josef Čapek: "V barokním temnosvitu". / Chiaroscuro and Josef Čapek.

Rozbořilová, Adéla January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with literary work of Josef Čapek in relation to the concept of visual contrast. First, the historical background is set up, with highlights of then exposed interest in Baroque era on one hand, and increasing threat of World War II on the other. Both of these moments were relevant in connection with one of the most crucial cultural events in First Czechoslovak Republic: the exhibition of Pražské baroko 1600-1800. The essential hypothesis suggests that based on what has been indicated, some elements of the Baroque aesthetics appeared to be relevant for Josef Čapek's unique artisic expression as well, since they became subject of integration to his aesthetic frame. In this respect, the common ground between Čapek's modern artistic approach and Baroque aesthetics is believed to be shaped by the notion of visuality. Finally, these ideas are applicated on Čapek most prominently Baroque-influenced works, Kulhavý poutník and Psáno do mraků. Keywords: Josef Čapek, Baroque, exhibition, Pražské baroko 1600-1800, visuality, contrast, chiaroscuro, Kulhavý poutník, Psáno do mraků

Hodnocení vlivu různých aspektů na kvalitu v 3DTV: Subjektivní testy / Assessment influence of the various aspects on the QoE in 3DTV: Subjective tests

Slíž, Martin January 2014 (has links)
This thesis studies aspects influencing image quality 3D TV systems. Thesis is focused on comparing TV´s of the same brand with different diagonals and compares the change in perception of the evaluators by this parameter. The basic evaluated parameters are image depth, contrast, color rendition, image crossover and overall impression. Describes the creation of testing sequences for subjective tests, testing and evaluation of testing.

Detekce průtoku pomocí optických interferenčních metod / Flow detection using optical intereference methods

Hoštáková, Nina January 2015 (has links)
The thesis deals with LSCI (Laser Speckle Contrast Imaging), an optical method utilizing laser speckle contrast for the estimation of blood flow changes. LSCI is non-invasive and technically not demanding approach, capabilities of which have not yet been fully exploited. The literature review part contains detailed description of the operating principle, imaging techniques, potential for medical applications with considering the limiting factors. The main aim of the thesis is to design and construct a complete LSCI system including appropriate phantoms able to simulate blood flow through the tissue. Imaging algorithms for the obtained data evaluation were implemented in Matlab® development enviroment. Finally, the created system was tested using different acquisition parameters as well as varying the image processing schemes. The resulting qualitative flow images were subsequently discussed and confronted with the theoretical assumptions.

Negativa tal i två läromedel för årskurs 5 : En variationsteoretisk undersökning

Evefalk, Georg January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka hur de negativa talen synliggörs i två läromedel, för årskurs 5, genom att identifiera vilka kritiska aspekter som framstår i dessa läromedel samt hur de kritiska aspekterna varieras. De läromedel som har analyserats är Prima Formula 5 och Matte Direkt Borgen 5B. Analysen är kvalitativ och genomförs med hjälp av två ramverk där variationsteori står som teoretisk utgångspunkt. Analysen genomförs i två delar. En första del där läromedlen undersöks för att se vilka kritiska aspekter som synliggörs. Därefter en andra del där de identifierade kritiska aspekterna undersöks för att se vilka variationsmönster som framstår då de kritiska aspekterna varieras i läromedlet. Av resultatet framkommer att de aspekter som framstår som kritiska i Prima Formula 5 är tallinjen, tal mindre än 0, de negativa talens storleksordning och minustecknets olika funktioner. I Matte Direkt Borgen 5B framstod de kritiska aspekterna tallinjen, tal mindre än 0 och de negativa talens storleksordning. Däremot tolkades inte minustecknets olika funktioner som en kritisk aspekt i det läromedlet. De variationsmönster som hittades vid analys var främst kontrast och generalisering. Fusion framstod i Prima Formula 5 men endast för de kritiska aspekterna tallinjen, tal mindre än 0 och de negativa talens storleksordning. Minustecknets olika funktioner varierades inte med fusion. I Matte Direkt Borgen 5B används inte fusion för någon av de kritiska aspekterna. De kritiska aspekter som framstår i läromedlen beskrivs i diskussionen som rimliga utifrån tidigare forskning. Avslutningsvis diskuteras att lärare kan behöva komplettera för variationsmönster som saknas, samt betydelsen av val av läromedel.

Použití experimentálního MR zobrazení v neurochirurgii, diagnostické markery u expanzivních procesů mozku. Diagnostické markery u pacientů s normotenzním hydrocefalem / The use of experimental MR imaging in neurosurgery, diagnostic markers in expansive brain processes. Diagnostic markers of patients with normal pressure hydrocephalus

Vlasák, Aleš January 2021 (has links)
Despite decades of research of normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH), a clear pathophysiological mechanism of the disease is sill unknown. This results in the absence of a unambiguous diagnostic biomarker. Moreover, NPH in contrast to similar neurodegenerative diseases is curable by insertion of a ventrikulo-peritoneal shunt. Now the diagnostics is based on invasive functional testing, on the contrary, imaging methods play only a supporting role. This work is processed with an effort to find a sufficiently sensitive and specific biomarker of MRI imaging using advanced analytical methods. For this reason, the structural volumetry and the phase contrast method were tested. The individual partial results of both of these modalities have already been described in the literature, but the conclusions were controversial. The main contribution of this work is the range of tested parameters and their to date untested advanced analysis - accurate automatic segmentation in volumetric study and machine learning algorithms in phase contrast study. In a volumetric study, we segmented a total of 26 structures in 74 patients (29 with diagnosed NPH, 45 without NPH). In the case of preoperative examination, we demonstrated statistically significant differences in the size of the left hippocampus, corpus callosum, left...

Objective measurement of video quality

Granström, Hugo January 2023 (has links)
Automatic video quality assessment has many potential use cases in today’s video-filledsociety, for example, when trying to find highlights in a video. This thesis studies the possibilityof extracting the best segments from a video automatically based on five selected metrics:sharpness, colorfulness, contrast, stability, and aesthetics. Multiple different methods from eachmetric category were compared against each other using datasets with subjective ratings ofimages from KADID-10k and videos from LIVE-Qualcomm. The best method from eachcategory was combined into a single video quality score. The combination was done through aweighted sum, obtained from a least-square fit on the subjective scores of a training dataset(KonViD-1k). The segment of a video with the highest average quality score was chosen as thehighlight. The video quality score achieved Spearman correlations of 0.67 and 0.7 whenevaluated on two validation datasets (KonViD-150k-B and LIVE-VQC). In conclusion, themetrics work well, but are currently too slow for the intended target platform (mobile devices)and thus future work should focus on improving their performance.

En bildkvalitésutvärdering av två datortomografer i syfte att rättfärdiga ett inköp av en ny datortomograf : En fantomstudie / An Image Quality Analysis of Two CT Scanners for The Purpose of Justifying a Purchase of a New CT Scanner : A Phantom Study

Burke, Molly, Gustafsson, Linnéa January 2022 (has links)
Antal datortomografiundersökningar har ökat under flera år i Sverige tack vare tekniska utvecklingar och ökad tillgänglighet på sjukvård. Södertälje sjukhus röntgenavdelningen är i behov av att byta ut en utdaterad datortomograf (eng: Computed tomography, CT) och avdelningen för medicinsk teknik har föreslagit ett inköp av en CT med fotonräknande-detektor. Bilddata framställdes genom en fantomstudie för att påvisa förhållandet mellanstråldosparametern CTDIvol och kontrast-brus-förhållandet (CNR) hos CT-systemen: SOMATOM Drive och NAEOTOM Alpha. Den genererade datan påvisade att det finns en väsentlig skillnad i CNR-CTDIvol-förhållandet mellan SOMATOM Drive och NAEOTOM Alpha. Resultaten tydliggör att NAEOTOM Alpha kan producera bilder med betydligt mindre brus vid lägre stråldoser. Ett inköp av en fotonräknande detektor CT skulle kunna rättfärdigas utifrån bildkvalitéförbättringen som systemet kan erbjuda. / The number of computed tomography (CT) scans has increased during the past years in Sweden due to technical advancements and increased availability of healthcare. The x-ray department at Södertälje hospital is in need of replacing an outdated computed tomography and the departmentof clinical engineering has proposed a purchase of a photon-counting detector CT. Image data was produced through a phantom study to demonstrate the relationship between the parameter CTDIvol radiation dose and the contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) of the CT systems: SOMATOM Drive and NAEOTOM Alpha. The generated data demonstrated that there is a substantial difference in the CNR-CTDIvol relationship between SOMATOM Drive and NAEOTOM Alpha. The results entail that NAEOTOM Alpha can produce images with considerably less noise at lower radiation doses. The purchase of a photon-counting CT could be justified by the improved image quality it can offer.

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