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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Om man inte ens har begreppet, så är man bara annorlunda liksom : En studie av transsexuellas identitetsskapande i en heteronormativ skola

Frisén Vastesson, Leonor January 2010 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen har haft som syfte att undersöka hur fem unga transsexuella upplevt sin skoltid och hur detta har påverkat deras identitetsskapande. De tre frågeställningarna har varit: Hur har intervjupersonerna skapat sin könsöverskridande identitet i en skolkontext? Vilka är de praktiker och diskurser som de format och formar sina "jag" genom? Mot vilka diskurser, om några, gör de intervjuade personerna motstånd genom sitt identitetsskapande? Uppsatsen poängterar att forskning inom utbildningsvetenskap med koppling till sexualitets- och identitetspolitik är essentiellt för lärarutbildningens och läraryrkets utveckling. Det finns redan uttryckligen formulerat i styrdokumenten men verkligheten i verksamheten tycks se annorlunda ut. Skolan har ansvar för alla barn och unga som befinner sig i verksamheten. Man kan därför inte blunda för de rapporter om ohälsa och utsatthet som redovisats av statliga institutioner såsom Folkhälsoinstitutet och Ungdomsstyrelsen. / This thesis originates from an experienced lack of knowledge within the teacher trainee program. The lack consists of a close to non-existent information of the LGBT-group as a norm breaking group of students in our schools. This essay focuses in particular on the transgender group. The essay claims that this lack of knowledge within our schools leads to discrimination against students which can cause health problems. But most importantly it complicates the identity formation process of young transgender people.

Spiritual Violence: Queer People and the Sacrament of Communion

Diz, Sabrina 28 March 2013 (has links)
This thesis addresses spiritual violence done to queer people in the sacrament of Communion, or Eucharist, in both Protestant and Roman Catholic churches in the U.S. Rooted in the sexual dimorphic interpretation of Genesis, theologians engendered Christianity with sexism and patriarchy, both of which have since developed into intricate intersections of oppressions. Religious abuse is founded on the tradition of exclusionary practices and is validated through narrow interpretations of Scripture that work to reassert the authority of the experiences of the dominant culture. The resultant culture of oppression manifests itself in ritualized spiritual violence. Queer people are deemed “unworthy” to take ‘the body and blood of the Christ’ and, in fact, are excluded altogether. This “unworthiness” is expressed as spiritual violence against queer people who are shunned and humiliated, internalize hateful messages, and are denied spiritual guidance or life-affirming messages. By “queering” Scripture, or reading the Bible anew through a framework of justice, queer people have begun to sacramentalize their experiences and reclaim their place at the table.


Falkenberg, Aron, Freij, Emma January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this study is to highlight the situation for LGBT-people in Bali with regard to the political changes in the country. Firstly, the living situation for LGBT-people have been investigated and secondly the possible effects that the newly implemented anti-LGBT policies have had on LGBT-people have been examined through interviews with six informants currently living in Bali. What has been unearthed is that LGBT-people have in the past lived in a climate of relative tolerance with discretion as a caveat; as long as LGBT-identities weren’t officially proclaimed, and same-sex relations were handled discreetly, LGBT-people haven’t been burdened with discrimination and violence. Contemporary research suggests that the current political developments regarding LGBT-rights, marked by swift and sweeping changes of a radical nature, have resulted in LGBT-people in Indonesia now facing discrimination and violence - even when LGBT-people attempt to handle their sexuality with discretion. However, this research suggests that this is not the case, and that LGBT-people aren’t as greatly affected or concerned with the political developments as have been suggested by scholars. As explained, reasons for this appear to be found in how LGBT-people lead their lives with discretion, which is a recurrent theme for many LGBT-people in Indonesia. However, another reason for this can be found in the strength of the LGBT-community, which appear to refute the negative consequences of belonging to a stigmatised and marginalised group for its members. Indeed, many LGBT-people found friendship, emotional support, improved healthcare and employment through the community.

La actitud de los limeños ante el spot publicitario con contenido lgbt de la campaña la emoción nos une de movistar

Zevallos Flores, Andrea Johanna 20 September 2020 (has links)
La constante búsqueda por reconocimiento e integración de la comunidad LGBT ha causado que el mundo cambie, y que diversos países como España y Argentina hayan ido adaptando sus leyes, y que las sociedades comiencen a aceptarla y tolerarla. Ante esto, diversas marcas se han sumado con el tiempo creando mensajes y estrategias que reflejen su apoyo hacia esta causa. Pero no en todas partes se desarrolla la misma situación. En el Perú, donde la mayoría de sus ciudadanos son conservadores, no se tiene una respuesta favorable para este grupo. Sin embargo, diversas marcas se han arriesgado a producir contenido visual con mensajes a favor de la comunidad LGBT que han causado polémica y generado diversas críticas y problemáticas hacia ellas. Dentro de ellas se encuentra Movistar, que en el 2020, tras lanzar un comercial con temática LGBT obtuvo respuestas que generaron conflicto. En el siguiente estudio, se busca investigar, a través de una metodología cualitativa, el impacto que tiene la publicidad con contenido LGBT de Movistar en la actitud de los limeños, y así poder estimar si estas estrategias realizadas son positivas o no para la marca. / The constant seek for recognition and integration of the LGBT community so that the world changes, and that various countries such as Spain and Argentina have been adapting their laws, and that societies begin to accept and tolerate it. Given this, various brands have joined over time creating messages and strategies that reflect their support for this cause. But not in all the parts the same situation develops. In Peru, where the majority of its citizens are conservatives, it does not have a favorable response for this group. However, various brands have risked producing visual content with messages in favor of the LGBT community that have caused political problems and generated various criticisms and problems towards them. Among them is Movistar, which is 2020, after launching an LGBT-themed commercial, obtained responses that generated conflict. In the following study, the objective is to investigate, through a qualitative methodology, the impact of advertising with Movistar LGBT content on the attitude of Lima residents, and thus be able to estimate whether or not these strategies are positive for the brand. / Trabajo de investigación

LGBT+ rights and the gender gap : A comparative study of LGBT+ anti-discrimination legislation in the United States

Herlitz Gunnarsson, Rebecka January 2021 (has links)
This thesis seeks to examine if there is a connection between female representation among U.S. legislators at state level and support of legislation protecting LGBT+ people from discrimination in terms of adoption and foster care. Using the theories of substantive and descriptive representation, three hypotheses regarding female representation and partisanship were tested. In the analysis, it became clear that there is a positive significant correlation between female legislators and voting in favour of anti-discrimination legislation in terms of LGBT+ rights. In addition to this, the study found that partisanship also has a significant effect of the voting outcome, in fact one that is even greater than the effect of gender.

"Fully Acceptable" : Policies on Homosexuality in the Swedish Parliament between 1933-2010

Sjölén Gustafsson, Markus January 2020 (has links)
This study looks at the development in policy towards homosexuals in Sweden from criminalization to constitutional protection. A study on the ideational development in parliament has yet to be conducted. By studying the frames expressed in the official documents between 1933 and 2010 the study analyses ideas in terms of problems and solutions to describe how change occurred. The result is that Swedish policy towards homosexuals has been determined by two frames of understanding: a sexual frame  and an emotional frame. The policy process of the frames developed similarly in terms of institutionalization. Initially both frames saw homosexuals as dangerous which resulted in a different legal status. The frames gradually harmonized with a new scientific understanding that reinterpreted homosexuality as harmless and the different legal status problematic.

Estrategias narrativas implementadas en el spot publicitario digital "Pizza con piña" en Facebook, como parte de la campaña "Amistad Sin Diferencias" de Pilsen, para generar inclusión en temáticas LGBT

Diaz Estacion, Lorena Alejandra 13 July 2020 (has links)
La innovación de estrategias de marketing en el Perú encuentra diversificación respecto a las diversas temáticas sociales inscritas en el contenido publicitario. El gay advertising o publicidad LGBT empieza a ocupar espacio en la malla de contenido y comunicación de marcas que lideran el mercado peruano. Pilsen Callao tomó la iniciativa de transformarse renovando su identidad de marca, buscando generar conciencia sobre equidad de género a través de la campaña “Amistad Sin Diferencias”. Esta campaña presentó el concepto de amistad desde la perspectiva del respeto y la igualdad. Debido al auge de la creación de marcas que compiten en las mismas categorías, nace la necesidad de estrategias de marketing que permitan generar afinidad con el consumidor. Uno de los métodos más conocidos es el storytelling, dicha técnica narrativa permite desarrollar la identidad de una marca, que tiene como objetivo crear empatía y llamar la atención del consumidor. Ante este contexto, el storytelling, se emplea como táctica publicitaria para abarcar diversos segmentos y nichos de mercado. En base a ello, el presente trabajo de investigación académica tiene como objetivo analizar dichas herramientas empleadas —permitiendo de este modo renovar su discurso— en la campaña digital "Amistad Sin Diferencias" de Pilsen efectuada en la plataforma Facebook. El desarrollo de la investigación se lleva a cabo mediante una metodología cualitativa, basada en la revisión de bibliografía y entrevistas realizadas a especialistas del rubro publicitario. / The innovation of marketing strategies in Peru finds diversification with respect to the various social themes inscribed in the advertising content. Gay advertising or LGBT advertising begins to occupy space in the content and communication mesh of brands that lead the Peruvian market. Pilsen Callao took the initiative to transform itself by renewing its brand identity, seeking to raise awareness about gender equality through the “Friendship Without Differences” campaign. This campaign presented the concept of friendship from the perspective of respect and equality. Due to the rise in the creation of brands that compete in the same categories, the need arises for marketing strategies that allow generating affinity with the consumer. One of the best-known methods is storytelling, this narrative technique allows developing the identity of a brand, which aims to create empathy and attract the attention of the consumer. In this context, storytelling is used as an advertising tactic to cover various market segments and niches. Based on this, the present academic research work aims to identify these tools used - thus allowing them to renew their discourse - in Pilsen's "Friendship Without Differences" digital campaign carried out on the Facebook platform. The development of the research is carried out through a qualitative methodology, based on the literature review and interviews with specialists in the advertising field. / Trabajo de investigación

Våld i nära relationer bland HBT-personer : En systematisk litteraturöversikt och metaanalys om förekomst av utsatthet för våld i nära relationer / Intimate partner violence among LGBT persons : A systematic literature review and meta-analysis of its prevalence

Poromaa, Axel, Lindberg, Samuel January 2021 (has links)
HBT-personer rapporterar lika stor, eller större utsatthet för våld i nära relationer jämfört med heterosexuella personer. Tröskeln att söka hjälp vid våldsutsatthet är hög. Ett sätt att förbättra omhändertagandet är att bidra med mer kunskap inom området. En metaanalys är en vetenskaplig metod som sammanfattar resultat från flera studier men har knappt använts inom området våld i nära relationer bland HBT-personer. Våra resultat visar att homosexuella män har 80 procent ökad risk att utsättas för våld jämfört med heterosexuella män, och homosexuella kvinnor har 15 procent ökad risk jämfört med heterosexuella kvinnor. Bisexuella män var inte mer utsatta för våld i jämförelse med homosexuella män, men bisexuella kvinnor hade 36 procent ökad risk jämfört med homosexuella kvinnor. Transpersoner hade 75 procent ökad risk jämfört med cispersoner, men sambandet kunde inte säkerställas. Dessa resultat kan öka förståelsen, förbättra omhändertagandet och minska barriären för utsatta HBT-personer att söka hjälp. / LGBT individuals report similar or greater risk of intimate partner violence (IPV) in comparison with heterosexuals. However, the barrier to seek help is high when exposed to IPV, and one way to improve the care of LGBT individuals is presenting firm knowledge. Meta-analysis is a scientific method which summarizes results from many studies but has rarely been used in this area. Our results showed that homosexual men had 80 percent greater risk of being exposed to IPV in comparison with heterosexual men. Homosexual women had 15 percent greater risk in comparison with heterosexual women. Bisexual men were not more exposed than homosexual men, however bisexual women had 36 percent greater risk of being exposed than homosexual women. Transgender individuals had 75 percent greater risk of being exposed in comparison with cisgender, although not significant. These results enhance our understanding of IPV and could improve support of those exposed to IPV.

Percepción del público peruano ante el personaje de Noé en la película Retablo / Peruvian public perception of a homosexual character in the film Retablo

Marchan Quispe , Isabel Beatriz 03 December 2020 (has links)
En los ultimos años la representación de la comunidad LGBT + ha ido en ascenso en el cine peruano y esto se ha originado en medio de un cambio social que tiene que ver con la lucha de la diversidad sexual y legislacion de derechos. Frente a estos hechos, el presente protocolo investiga la percepción del público peruano ante un personaje homosexual en la película Retablo. Para su desarrollo; en primer lugar, se explicará sobre el pensamiento queer en Latinoamérica; en segundo lugar, el cine y la comunidad LGBT + y finalmente la sociedad y homosexualidad. Esta investigación tiene una visión del mundo interpretativa que se realizará bajo un enfoque cualitativo. Asimismo, la técnica metodológica que se usará para la obtención de datos será una entrevista semi estructurada. / In recent years the representation of the LGBT+ community has been increasing on the rise in Peruvian cinema and this has originated during a social change that has to do with the fight for sexual diversity and rights legislation. Faced these facts, the present protocol investigates the perception of the Peruvian public before a homosexual character in the film Retablo. For its development; first, it will explain queer thinking in Latin America; second, cinema and the LGBT+ community and finally society and homosexuality. This research has a vision of the interpretive world. Likewise, the methodological technique that will be used to obtain data will be a semi structured interview. / Trabajo de investigación

Trans Play : Imagining the future of trans games and research from an insider's perspective

Enekvist Redig, Felix January 2021 (has links)
The discussion of LGBT, and specifically, trans identity and its place in games is oneflourishing with more and more research from scholars. Though a glaring issue stillseems to haunt the field, as the voice of LGBT creators and gamers seems to be missingfrom the video game industry and research alike, which is counterproductive to theultimate goal of bettering the environment of games for LGBT gamers and creators. Asa subset to this, a similarly lacking voice is that of the trans gamer. This thesis aims totherefore further explore the stories of a selection of trans gamers through a co-designdriven approach, in an attempt to explore what the trans audience desires from themedium of games, and to explore and to speculate approaches. The findings wouldshow that allowing the participants to themselves lead the study allows for a different,flourishing selection of ideas and hypotheses. / <p>Det finns övrigt digitalt material (t.ex. film-, bild- eller ljudfiler) eller modeller/artefakter tillhörande examensarbetet som ska skickas till arkivet.</p>

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