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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Logical Volume Management unter Linux

Schreiber, Alexander 15 March 2002 (has links)
Flexible Verwaltung von Plattenkapazität, Umbauten an Volumes zur Laufzeit, konsistente Backups aus dem laufenden Betrieb - LVM.

Lagen om Vård av Missbrukare "På Liv och Död" : En kvalitativ studie om yrkesverksammas reflektioner och erfarenheter av samsjuklighet i LVM-utredningar / The Law of Compolsory Drug Treatment "A Matter of Life or Death" : A qualitaive study of professionals´ reflections and experiences of comorbidity in LVM-cases

Bengtsson, Patricia, Eriksson, Elin January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med examensarbetet är att undersöka fem informanters upplevelser och reflektioner kring samsjuklighet mellan missbruk och psykiatriska sjukdomstillstånd inom ramen för LVM-utredningar. Detta har gjorts genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med yrkesverksamma socionomer som samtliga har erfarenhet kring det sociala arbetet gällande missbruk och insatsen LVM. De socionomer som intervjuats kommer från tre kommuner av olika storlek i Sverige. De teoretiska ramarna som utgör grunden för förståelsen av datamaterialet är stigmatiseringsteorin samt den biopsykosociala teorin.  Resultaten har visat på att informanterna ansåg att samsjuklighet är vanligt förekommande i socialt arbete mellan missbruk och psykiatriska sjukdomstillstånd. Tillstånden kan samspela och påverka varandra vilket kan innebära en komplexitet i det sociala arbetet inom missbruksvården. Resultaten har visat att en psykiatrisk sjukdomsdiagnos ofta kan ligga till grund för att ett missbruk utvecklas, likväl kan ett missbruk leda till att en psykisk ohälsa uppkommer. Informanterna ansåg att det är viktigt att ha en helhetssyn i arbetet med missbruksproblematik då detta kan innebära att vården och förståelsen en individs situation kan förbättras. En helhetssyn kan bland annat innebära att se till de yttre risk och skyddsfaktorer som finns runt individen, samt att fokus bör riktas mot hela individens livssituation.  Det har framkommit resultat om att samsjuklighet enligt informanterna skulle tas hänsyn till i de LVM-utredningar som skrivs utifrån att en helhetssyn eftersträvas av de yrkesverksamma. Informanterna ansåg att yrkesverksamma bör ta hänsyn till de begrepp och ordval som används i LVM-utredningar utifrån att vissa begrepp kan anses vara stigmatiserande gentemot individen. De individer som har en samsjuklighet kan anses ha en dubbel stigmatisering att förhålla sig till. Detta då både missbruket och det psykiatriska sjukdomstillståndet kan anses vara normbrytande i samhället.  Av det som framkommit i examensarbetet går det att resonera att det kan finnas skillnader i hur det sociala arbetet med missbruksvård bör genomföras i teorin kontra vilka faktiska möjligheter det kan finnas för att vården ska kunna genomföras i praktiken. Det framkommer i resultaten att det i dagsläget även kan finnas brister inom missbruksvården som behöver åtgärdas för att ge möjlighet till en bättre missbruksvård.

Indexing Left Ventricular Heart Mass in Children: Age Specific Reference Intervals

Khoury, Philip R. January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

MPC: Relevant Identification and Control in the Latent Variable Space

Laurí Pla, David 17 April 2012 (has links)
Control predictivo basado en modelos (MPC) es una metodología de control ampliamente utilizada en la industria por su habilidad para controlar procesos multivariable con restricciones en sus entradas y sus salidas. Se distinguen dos fases en la implementación de MPC: identificación y control. El propósito de esta tesis es doble: realizar contribuciones en la identificación para MPC y proponer una nueva metodología de control MPC. La respuesta en bucle cerrado de una implementación de MPC depende, en gran medida, de la capacidad de predicción del modelo; luego la identificación del modelo es un punto crucial en MPC y la parte que a menudo exige la mayor parte del tiempo del proyecto. El primer objetivo que cubre la tesis es la identificación para MPC. Puesto que un modelo es una aproximación del comportamiento de un proceso, dicha aproximación se puede hacer teniendo en cuenta el fin que se le va a dar al modelo. En MPC, el modelo se utiliza para realizar predicciones dentro de una ventana futura, luego la identificación para MPC (MRI) tiene en cuenta dicho uso del modelo y considera los errores de predicción dentro de dicha ventana para el ajuste de los parámetros del modelo. En esta tesis, se cubren tres temas dentro de MRI. Primero se define MRI y las distintas formas de abordarlo. Luego se compara en términos de MRI el ajuste de un modelo con múltiples entradas y múltiples salidas con el ajuste de varios modelos con múltiples entradas y una salida concluyendo que el ajuste de un único modelo con múltiples entradas y múltiples salidas proporciona mejores resultados en términos de MRI para horizontes de predicción lo suficientemente grandes. Por último, se propone el algoritmo PLS-PH para implementar MRI con modelos paramétricos en el caso de correlación en los datos de identificación. PLS-PH es un método de optimización numérica por búsqueda lineal basado en PLS (mínimos cuadrados parciales). Se muestra en un ejemplo como PLS-PH es capaz de proporcionar mejores modelos que las técnicas convencionales de MRI en modelos paramétricos en el caso de correlación en los datos de identi ficación. Una vez obtenido el modelo se puede formular el controlador predictivo. En esta tesis se propone LV-MPC, un controlador predictivo para procesos continuos que implementa la optimización en el espacio de las componentes principales. / Laurí Pla, D. (2012). MPC: Relevant Identification and Control in the Latent Variable Space [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/15178

LVM och motivationsarbete : Från klientens perspektiv / Swedish coerced addiction treatment and motivational work : From the clients perspective

Österberg, Emma, Samnegård, Marie January 2021 (has links)
With this bachelor thesis we want to research the correlation between motivation and coerced addiction treatment among clients. We want to know more about what the clients think about coerced addiction treatment, what possibilities there are to create motivation to change and what the clients experiences of the motivational work is. Coerced addiction treatment has been a part of Swedish history for a long time. Even though it has changed over the years there is still the question regarding how ethical it is and also whether coerced treatment is the most effective way to help people with an addiction problem. When a person is taken against their will to enter addiction treatment it is most likely done as a last resort trying to save a life. There are no written guidelines on how each treatment-institution should work regarding treatment and motivation, it is up to every single institution itself to decide. To get a better understanding of this we have done a literature study of two doctoral dissertations that has focused on clients opinion regarding coerced treatment and motivational work. Our findings showed us that motivation during coerced treatment is very complex because there are a number of factors that play important roles. Even though the opinion from the clients regarding their own coerced treatment and the motivational work at LVM-institutions varied, it gave us the understanding that there needs to be change. There needs to be more research on how to best help and support people with addiction problems during coerced treatment.

Kvinna eller man, spelar det någon roll? : En kritisk diskursanalys av språkliga genuskonstruktioner i LVM-domar / Female or male, does it matter? : A critical discourse analysis of linguistic gender constructions in LVM judgments

Petersson, Emma, Karlsson, Josefina January 2024 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate how conceptions of gender are expressed in the construction of women and men in judgments on the Care of Substance Abusers (Special Provisions) Act (LVM). According to Swedish law everyone must be treated equally, regardless of gender. In addition, the social services have an important responsibility to promote gender equality. At the same time there are conceptions of gender in our society that have been shown to influence the treatment of women and men. It is therefore important to examine, from a gender perspective, whether and how conceptions of gender are expressed in judgments. The empirical material consisted of 30 court cases, whereof 14 cases concerned women and 16 cases concerned men. The data has been analysed through the method “critical discourse analysis”, which focuses on the implicit rather than the explicit. The method allowed us to examine the language in judgments. The main results showed that, despite of a neutral law, women and men were described different. Through the descriptions, four discourses were found. Two on each gender, which acted as opposites. Women as passive victims versus men as active agents. Women as deviant versus men as the norm. The gender discourses showed conceptions of gender that expressed a separation and a hierarchy between women and men.

"Motsatsen till relativism... stavas absolutism" : En kritisk diskursanalys av LVM i svensk nyhetspress

Alsin, Johan, Kaufeldt Lönn, Pia January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this study have been to examine how lagen (1988:870) om vård av missbrukare i vissa fall [LVM] (involuntary treatment for addicts) is constructed in Swedish news press and what discourses are being produced regarding LVM and involuntary treatment. Out of the 195 articles that fit the search criteria, extending a period of ten years, 36 were selected and analyzed, using a critical discourse analysis according to the three-dimensional model proposed by Fairclough. The theoretical perspective derives from the hypothesis of social constructionism. This study shows that LVM is subject to a silent assumption of an economic constraints discourse that´s being produced in news press, regarding the shortage of funds in public sector. In turn, this discourse also exhibits close relationship with the greater addiction discourse, which deems drug- and alcohol abuse as sickness, or disease. Furthermore, a set of minor discourses are identified, that to some degree stems from the economic constraints discourse. The media depiction presents an ongoing medicalization process that in social practice results in a higher death rate among drug abusers. The notion that medicinal treatment of addiction is more cost effective than LVM, nonetheless spurs society in adding evermore medicinal treatment of addicts. / <p>VT, 2016</p>

Tvingad till vård : missbrukares syn på LVM, motivation och egna möjligheter

Ekendahl, Mats January 2001 (has links)
<p>Compulsory treatment is regulated by the Care of Alcoholics and Drug Abusers Act (LVM; 1988:870), and aims, among other things, at motivating addicts to treatment. Research has, up til now, mostly disregarded the client-perspective on compulsory measures. This dissertation has its starting point in the experiences of 54 alcohol- and drug addicts. The intention is to describe and analyse their view on coercive care and the possibilities to become motivated for change and/or voluntary treatment in such a context.</p><p>A central question during the interviews (which took place at five different institutions for compulsory commitments) is the addicts´ problem recognition, desire for help and willingness to participate in treatment. These dimensions are also illuminated quantitatively by use of a questionnaire. The results of this questionnaire form the basis of a division of the addicts into three groups with varying de-gree of treatment motivation. Comparisons between the groups are done with reference to the evaluation of present treatment context and of the institutions’ efforts to enhance motivation. In addition to this the groups are compared regarding how they perceive limita-tions in their freedom of action.</p><p>The results showed that the three groups had different motiva-tional structures. The “least motivated” stated that the addiction was not their major problem and wanted no help with that aspect of their lives. The “middle-group” claimed to have alcohol-/drug problems that, however, were not too serious. They were not sure that the coercive care was adequate for their situation. The “most motivated” said that they had vast problems with their addiction, were help-seeking and satisfied with having the chance to participate in any kind of treatment program at all. Less differences between the groups were noticeable when it came to a direct evaluation of com-pulsory treatment. The majority reported that they, through the co-ercion, had been exposed to violations of their autonomy. Whether motivated for treatment or not, the interviewees were also sceptical about the possibilities of the institutions to enhance motivation among the incarcerated addicts.</p><p>In the dissertation, addiction and motivation is furthermore dis-cussed from the perspective of rational choice and motivational the-ory. It is concluded that committed addicts think and act strategically in order to maximise their personal use of involuntary incarcerations. It is also asserted that their view on what happens during commit-ment, in some respects, is opposed to the “establishment’s”. For instance, the addicts claim that you don’t become motivated by way of compulsory treatment, while the opposite of their notion form the basis of the legislation.</p>

Tvingad till vård : missbrukares syn på LVM, motivation och egna möjligheter

Ekendahl, Mats January 2001 (has links)
Compulsory treatment is regulated by the Care of Alcoholics and Drug Abusers Act (LVM; 1988:870), and aims, among other things, at motivating addicts to treatment. Research has, up til now, mostly disregarded the client-perspective on compulsory measures. This dissertation has its starting point in the experiences of 54 alcohol- and drug addicts. The intention is to describe and analyse their view on coercive care and the possibilities to become motivated for change and/or voluntary treatment in such a context. A central question during the interviews (which took place at five different institutions for compulsory commitments) is the addicts´ problem recognition, desire for help and willingness to participate in treatment. These dimensions are also illuminated quantitatively by use of a questionnaire. The results of this questionnaire form the basis of a division of the addicts into three groups with varying de-gree of treatment motivation. Comparisons between the groups are done with reference to the evaluation of present treatment context and of the institutions’ efforts to enhance motivation. In addition to this the groups are compared regarding how they perceive limita-tions in their freedom of action. The results showed that the three groups had different motiva-tional structures. The “least motivated” stated that the addiction was not their major problem and wanted no help with that aspect of their lives. The “middle-group” claimed to have alcohol-/drug problems that, however, were not too serious. They were not sure that the coercive care was adequate for their situation. The “most motivated” said that they had vast problems with their addiction, were help-seeking and satisfied with having the chance to participate in any kind of treatment program at all. Less differences between the groups were noticeable when it came to a direct evaluation of com-pulsory treatment. The majority reported that they, through the co-ercion, had been exposed to violations of their autonomy. Whether motivated for treatment or not, the interviewees were also sceptical about the possibilities of the institutions to enhance motivation among the incarcerated addicts. In the dissertation, addiction and motivation is furthermore dis-cussed from the perspective of rational choice and motivational the-ory. It is concluded that committed addicts think and act strategically in order to maximise their personal use of involuntary incarcerations. It is also asserted that their view on what happens during commit-ment, in some respects, is opposed to the “establishment’s”. For instance, the addicts claim that you don’t become motivated by way of compulsory treatment, while the opposite of their notion form the basis of the legislation.

Tvång som livräddande insats? : En kvalitativ studie om enhetschefers erfarenheter av beslutsfattande enligt LVM / Coercive care as a life saving effort? : A qualitative study on decision-making officials experiences of decisions based on LVM.

Månsson, Elin January 2015 (has links)
Tvångsvården av missbrukare är ett av samhällets sista verktyg för att vårda missbrukare som lever ett väldigt destruktivt och farligt liv. Tvångsvårdslagstiftningen har kritiserats för att vara svårtolkad, och det finns stöd för att lagstiftningen tillämpas olika i landets socialnämnder. Genom att intervjua socialtjänstens enhetschefer om deras tolkning och tillämpning av tvångsvårdslagstiftningen syftar uppsatsen till att belysa skillnader och likheter i tolkning och tillämpning av lagstiftningen samt att bidra med kunskap om vilka faktorer som kan försvåra arbetet. Resultaten visar på att det finns skillnader i hur tvångsvårdslagstiftningen tolkas, vilket även verkar resultera i skillnader i hur lagstiftningen tillämpas. Enhetscheferna verkar vara klämda mellan å ena sidan den lagstiftning och de krav som finns från politikerna, och å andra sidan det behov av individualiserad behandling som finns hos klienterna. Enhetschefernas dubbla kravbild stämmer väl överens med den konfliktsituation som domänteorin beskriver. Lagstiftningen har inte genomgått speciellt stora förändringar sedan den rädde i kraft. En översyn av lagstiftningen föreslås, där behovet av sex månaders vårdtid ifrågasätts och där vikten av att socialtjänsten som ansvarig utförare får komma till tals betonas.

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