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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Los costos sociales de la legislación laboral

Abugattas-Abusada, Said January 2015 (has links)
Busca demostrar como los altos costos de la legislación laboral operan de manera similar al control de precios, teniendo consecuencias bastante negativas para el mercado laboral y para los trabajadores. Algunos de los ejemplos que se presentan tienen como objetivo probar que, en ocasiones, una norma en favor de los trabajadores puede terminar afectando el mismo derecho que se intenta proteger. / Tesis

A súmula 331 do TST como instrumento de precarização laboral

Costa, Tatiana Cesarina Tôrres 27 May 2010 (has links)
Submitted by Biblioteca Central (biblioteca@unicap.br) on 2017-10-11T22:46:38Z No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacao_tatiana_costa.pdf: 892403 bytes, checksum: 0d00cd50fc377a6a4040dd19d3bea3f8 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-11T22:46:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacao_tatiana_costa.pdf: 892403 bytes, checksum: 0d00cd50fc377a6a4040dd19d3bea3f8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-05-27 / Il seguente lavoro ha come tema “la sintesi 331 del TST come uno strumento precarizzazione del lavoro”. Il titolo scelto è stato il risultato delle preoccupazioni dell'autore, per quanto riguarda le modifiche avvenute nel rapporto di lavoro. Il metodo utilizzato in questo lavoro, con l'aiuto di libri, riviste e ricerche, è stato quello deduttivo. In un primo momento, l'autore fa un'analisi dei diritti e principi fondamentali del lavoratore. Successivamente, sono stati analizzati alcuni dei modi attuali e atipici di assunzione di lavoratori, frutti di politiche più flessibilizzanti, con particolare attenzione sulla terziarizzazione e la sumula 331 del Tribunale Superiore del Lavoro. Durante lo studio, l'autore farà un collegamento tra questi temi in un tentativo di dimostrare che la terziarizzazione, fondata in base al suo strumento legislativo (sumula 331 della Tribunale Superiore del Lavoro), raggiunge negativamente i diritti e i principi del lavoratore, scuotendo l'intera struttura di protezione che cade su di esso. Come potrà essere analizzato, dopo molte indagini, notasi che la terziarizzazione, legittimamente riconosciuta dallo Stato, attraverso la corte del lavoro più alta del paese, è in contrasto con principi costituzionali di applicabilità ai lavoratori, così come ai suoi fondamentali diritti legali. / O trabalho que segue tem como tema “a súmula 331 do TST como instrumento de precarização laboral”. O título escolhido foi fruto de inquietações próprias do autor, no que concerne às modificações pelas quais vem passando a relação de trabalho. O método utilizado neste trabalho, com o auxílio de livros, periódicos e pesquisas, foi o dedutivo. A princípio, o autor faz uma análise acerca dos direitos e princípios fundamentais do trabalhador. Posteriormente, foram analisadas algumas das formas atuais e atípicas de contratação de trabalhadores, frutos de políticas flexibilizadoras, com foco especial sobre a terceirização e a súmula 331 do Tribunal Superior do Trabalho. No decorrer do estudo, o autor fará um liame entre esses assuntos, numa tentativa de demonstrar que a terceirização, fundada no seu instrumento normativo (Súmula 331 do Tribunal Superior do Trabalho), atinge, de forma negativa, os direitos e princípios do trabalhador, abalando com toda a estrutura de proteção que sobre ele recai. Como poderá ser analisado, após muitas investigações, constata-se que a terceirização, legitimamente reconhecida pelo Estado, através da mais alta corte trabalhista do país, contraria princípios constitucionais de aplicabilidade para os trabalhadores, bem como direitos jusfundamentais.

O dever de minimizar as próprias perdas no contrato de trabalho : a aplicação do duty to mitigate the loss pela justiça do trabalho

Assur, João Pedro January 2018 (has links)
Esta pesquisa foi desenvolvida com o objetivo de compreender o instituto denominado duty to mitigate the loss, desenvolvido no direito inglês e positivado no direito internacional privado pela Convenção das Nações Unidas sobre a Compra e Venda Internacional de Mercadorias (Convenção de Viena de 1980) e, posteriormente, incorporado ao ordenamento jurídico interno pelo Decreto Presidencial nº 8.327, de 16 de outubro de 2014, em razão da adesão do Estado brasileiro à referida convenção das Nações Unidas. Ao mesmo tempo, o presente estudo dirige-se à análise da compatibilidade desse instituto estrangeiro com o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, em especial com o direito do trabalho, o que se faz a partir da análise das decisões proferidas no âmbito da Justiça do Trabalho brasileira pelos Tribunais Regionais que compõem a jurisdição trabalhista de primeira instância e as decisões finais dadas pelo Tribunal Superior do Trabalho. / This research was developed in order to understand the institute called "duty to mitigate the loss", developed in English law and established in private international law by the United Nations Convention on the International Sale and Purchase of Goods (1980 Vienna Convention) And subsequently incorporated into the domestic legal system by Presidential Decree no. 8,327 of October 16, 2014, due to the adhesion of the Brazilian State to said United Nations convention. At the same time and mainly, the present study is directed to the analysis of the compatibility of this foreign institute with the Brazilian legal system and, in particular, its application in national labor law, which was done from its application in the field of labor justice by the regional courts that make up the labor jurisdiction of first instance, and the final word speak about by Superior Labor Court of Brazil.

Odpovědnost zaměstnance za škodu / Liability of the employee for damage

Cozl, Marek January 2021 (has links)
Liability of the employee for damage Abstract The content of this thesis is the issue of employee's liability for damage caused to employer. The topic of the thesis is constantly relevant, as it concerns a large number of people, because in the first quarter of 2020 more than four million employees were registered in the Czech Republic. The issue of employee's liability for damage, respectively its compensation is a very sensitive topic for employees, as compensation for damage, for example in the amount of several monthly incomes, is a significant intervention in the economic situation of almost every employee. In addition, the regulation of employee liability for damage, given its long- term strong protection of employees, can have an impact on the labor market, as employers are often exposed to the significant risk of damages they may demand from employees. As a result, employers may prefer other forms of cooperation than on the basis of an employment contract. The aim of the thesis was to give a clear and comprehensive interpretation of the institute of employee's liability for damage, to analyze this institute in detail and analyze the legal regulation of various types of employee's liability for damage in connection with selected relevant case law, and finally to provide partial proposals de lege...

L’équipe de cinéma : genèse et portée de la qualification du travail dans la production cinématographique en France, 1895 - 2018 / The movie team : genesis and scope of the qualification of work in movie production in France, 1895 - 2018

Zarka, Samuel 05 December 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse restitue la construction des qualifications professionnelles dans les équipes de production de films de cinéma en France, sur longue période. Ainsi, ces collectifs de travail sont saisis à travers la question récurrente de la qualité professionnelle de leurs membres, comme le réalisateur, le chef opérateur, le chef décorateur, etc. et leurs auxiliaires techniciens et ouvriers. Cette qualité comprend plusieurs dimensions, comme le métier, la rémunération ou les représentations qui y sont attachées. Ce faisant, l’enquête porte sur la reconnaissance et l’articulation de ces dimensions :comment la qualification est-elle définie et reconnue ? Par qui et en fonction de quels déterminants ? Comment la qualification évolue-t-elle dans le temps ? Quelle relation est établie entre la qualification et les autres institutions sectorielles ? À travers une approche sociohistorique, la thèse entend montrer que la qualification se manifeste comme enjeu revendicatif récurent, engageant l'accès à l'emploi, la définition des hiérarchies et périmètres professionnels, la mobilité dans la carrière ou dans le parcours, etc. Dans le même temps, la thèse montre comment la qualification se constitue en assise d’une revendication plus large sur l’avenir de l’industrie. / This thesis intends to show the construction of professional qualifications in movie teams in France, over a long period. These groups of workers are observed through the recurrent question of the professional quality of their members, such as the director, the cinematographer, the production manager, and their auxiliary technicians. This quality includes several dimensions, such as the skills, the remuneration or the representations attached to it. In doing so, the inquiry focuses on the recognition and articulation of these dimensions: how is qualification defined and recognized? By whom and according to which determinants? How does the qualification evolve over time? What relationship is established between the qualification and the other sectoral institutions? Through a sociohistorical approach, the thesis shows that the qualification is constituted as a recurring challenge, involving the access to employment, the definition of hierarchies and professional perimeters, mobility in the career, etc. At the same time, the thesis shows how qualification is building a broader claim to the future of the industry.

Informe para la sustentación de expedientes: Expediente privado N°19807-2010 / Expediente público N°12750-2012

Taxa Deza, María Fernanda Mairim 08 March 2022 (has links)
En el presente trabajo de suficiencia profesional se podrá apreciar el análisis jurídico de dos expedientes, uno de carácter laboral y el otro en materia civil. Así el primero tiene como controversia la nulidad de un convenio suscrito con el empleador (demandado) el cual generó la reducción de la remuneración. Cabe advertir que la pretensión contenida en la demanda es presentada como homologación de remuneraciones, alegando discriminación remunerativa. En el desarrollo del proceso laboral, se advierte criterios dispares de las sentencias, y a fin de realizar un análisis adecuado se ha tenido en cuenta la disponibilidad de la remuneración y los alcances de la aplicación de la Ley N° 9463. Mientras que en cuanto al caso de derecho civil versa sobre una acción de petición de herencia, en el cual se tiene sentencias contradictorias sobre quién tendría la legitimidad para demandar la acción de petición de herencia y si los legatarios pueden invocar dicha acción para recuperar bienes de la sucesión. Es así que se han acotado dichos problemas jurídicos y se ha dado una opinión jurídica sobre los mismos, para lo cual no solo se ha hecho un análisis de los medios probatorios (testamento), sino también ha merecido una labor de interpretación del artículo 664 del Código Civil. / In the present work of professional sufficiency, the legal analysis of two files, one of a labor nature and the other in civil matters, will be appreciated. Thus, the first controversy is the nullity of an agreement signed with the employer (defendant) which generated the reduction in remuneration. It should be noted that the claim contained in the lawsuit is presented as a homologation of remuneration, alleging remuneration discrimination. In the development of the labor process, disparate criteria of the sentences are noticed, and in order to carry out an adequate analysis, the availability of remuneration and the scope of the application of Law No. 9463 have been taken into account. While in the case of civil law, it deals with an inheritance petition action, in which there are contradictory judgments about who would have the legitimacy to sue the inheritance petition action and if the legatees can invoke said action to recover property of the succession. Thus, these legal problems have been limited and a legal opinion has been given on them, for which not only has an analysis of the evidence (testament) been made, but also has deserved a work of interpretation of article 664 of the Civil Code. / Trabajo de suficiencia profesional

"[...] Ju mer man jobbar, ju bättre är man" : En kvalitativ undersökning om rättigheter till vila och betald ledighet i restaurangbranschen

Wallentin, Anna, Gustafsson, Astrid January 2023 (has links)
Den här studien undersöker huruvida anställda i restaurangbranschen har kännedom och möjlighet att nyttja sina rättigheter. Studien har genomförts med ett medarbetarperspektiv. En kvalitativ undersökning genomfördes med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Respondenterna har olika befattningar och arbetsplatser, detta ger en helhetsbild av restaurangbranschen. Huvudfokus vid intervjutillfällena har varit dygns- och veckovila, samt betald semester. Resultatet visar både likheter och skillnader mellan respondenternas upplevelser. En del respondenter hade tidigare reflekterat över frågorna, därför användes två mer djupgående intervjuer som nyckelintervjuer. Idén till studien uppkom ur tidigare forskning som visar att anställda i restaurangbranschen har svårt att få inflytande på arbetsplatsen. Vår förhoppning är att studien ska bidra till ökad kunskap kring vilka rättigheter man har som medarbetare i restaurangbranschen. / This study examines whether employees within the restaurant industry are aware of and have the freedom to make use of their rights. The study has been carried out with an employee focused perspective. We conducted qualitative research using semi-structured interviews. The respondents obtain different positions and work at different workplaces which helps create a big picture of what the restaurant industry looks like. The main focuses during the interviews was on the daily rest period, weekly rest and paid vacation. The results show both similarities and differences between the respondents' experiences. Some respondents had previously reflected on the matters, therefore two of the more in-depth interviews were used as key interviews. The idea for the study arose from previous research that shows that employees in the restaurant industry find it difficult to gain influence in the workplace. Our hope is that the study will contribute to increased knowledge about what rights you have as an employee in the restaurant industry.

Актуальные проблемы оптимизации затрат на персонал в кредитных организациях КНР : магистерская диссертация / Actual problems of optimization of personnel costs in credit institutions of the People's Republic of China

Чжао, Ч., Zhao, Z. January 2022 (has links)
Структура магистерской диссертации включает в себя введение, три главы, заключение, список использованных источников и приложения. В первой главе рассмотрены теоретические положения управления затратами на персонал, проведен сравнительный анализ нормативных требований к их учету в организациях России и Китая. Сделаны выводы о сходстве и специфических для каждой страны аспектах управления трудовыми ресурсами и связанными с этим производственными затратами. Во второй главе проведен анализ ключевых показателей деятельности крупнейших кредитных организаций КНР, включая структуру затрат в целом и затрат на персонал в частности. Наиболее подробно рассмотрен China Construction Bank. В третьей главе проведен анализ основных проблем управления затратами на персонал в кредитных организациях КНР и разработаны направления их оптимизации, позволяющие повышать конкурентные преимущества в банковской сфере. В заключении сформированы основные выводы. / The structure of the master's thesis includes an introduction, three chapters, conclusion, list of references and appendices. In the first chapter, the theoretical provisions of personnel cost management are considered, a comparative analysis of regulatory requirements for their accounting in organizations in Russia and China is carried out. Conclusions are drawn about the similarity and country-specific aspects of human resource management and related production costs. The second chapter analyzes the key performance indicators of the largest credit institutions of China, including the structure of costs in general and personnel costs in particular. China Construction Bank is considered in the most detail. The third chapter analyzes the main problems of personnel cost management in credit institutions of the People's Republic of China and develops ways to optimize them, allowing to increase competitive advantages in the banking sector. In conclusion, the main conclusions are formed.

The legal implications of harmonising labour laws in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region

Okharedia, Akhabue Anthony 13 November 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this research is to explore the need for, and the legal implications of, harmonising labour laws in the Southern African Development Community (SADC). Chapter One highlights a number of factors that call for the harmonisation of labour laws in the SADC region and discusses some of the reasons why labour laws are not well developed in the region. The influence of globalisation on labour standards in southern Africa and the influence of regionalism on the harmonisation of labour laws are discussed at length. The inference that could be drawn from this discussion is that for a regionalisation process in southern Africa to be successful, there is an urgent need to harmonise the region’s labour law system. This thesis confirms that Southern Africa has many lessons to learn from the regional harmonisation of labour law in the European Economic Community and the current European Union. The implementation of international labour standards in southern Africa is investigated. The main areas examined include (1) freedom of association, (2) collective bargaining, (3) forced labour and (4) discrimination. The findings of this investigation show that there is no uniformity in the implementation of International Labour Organisation (ILO) standards in the SADC region and, therefore, it is recommended labour law should be harmonised in terms of ILO standards. In respect of the benefits to be derived from the harmonisation process, an empirical investigation was conducted in the SADC region and the following is recommended: the harmonisation of labour law in the SADC region will help with the implementation of ILO standards, protection of workers against the economic power of employers in the workplace and maintaining similar benefits for migrants in the region. / Mercantile law / LL.D.

The legal implications of harmonising labour laws in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region

Okharedia, Akhabue Anthony 13 November 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this research is to explore the need for, and the legal implications of, harmonising labour laws in the Southern African Development Community (SADC). Chapter One highlights a number of factors that call for the harmonisation of labour laws in the SADC region and discusses some of the reasons why labour laws are not well developed in the region. The influence of globalisation on labour standards in southern Africa and the influence of regionalism on the harmonisation of labour laws are discussed at length. The inference that could be drawn from this discussion is that for a regionalisation process in southern Africa to be successful, there is an urgent need to harmonise the region’s labour law system. This thesis confirms that Southern Africa has many lessons to learn from the regional harmonisation of labour law in the European Economic Community and the current European Union. The implementation of international labour standards in southern Africa is investigated. The main areas examined include (1) freedom of association, (2) collective bargaining, (3) forced labour and (4) discrimination. The findings of this investigation show that there is no uniformity in the implementation of International Labour Organisation (ILO) standards in the SADC region and, therefore, it is recommended labour law should be harmonised in terms of ILO standards. In respect of the benefits to be derived from the harmonisation process, an empirical investigation was conducted in the SADC region and the following is recommended: the harmonisation of labour law in the SADC region will help with the implementation of ILO standards, protection of workers against the economic power of employers in the workplace and maintaining similar benefits for migrants in the region. / Mercantile law / LL. D.

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