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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Essays on the Economics of Health Policy

Shi, Mengdi January 2022 (has links)
In the U.S., the healthcare sector is highly regulated -- government regulation touches almost every dimension of healthcare, from health insurance to pharmaceuticals to medical services. The healthcare sector and the policies that govern it present an interesting setting to study many classic questions in public economics: how does regulation interact with or change individual and firm behavior? How do you monitor third parties who decide how to spend public funds? What happens when policy changes spill over from one segment of the economy to others? The three papers in this dissertation seek to answer these questions via the lens of the U.S. healthcare system. The first paper, "Job Lock, Retirement, and Dependent Health Insurance: Evidence from the Affordable Care Act,'' considers the extent to which changes in policies governing health insurance spill over onto individual labor market decisions. In particular, it looks at whether parents with young adult children eligible for the Affordable Care Act's dependent mandate delayed retirement to take advantage of the mandate. The second paper, "Regulated Revenues and Hospital Behavior: Evidence from a Medicare Overhaul'' (with Tal Gross, Adam Sacarny, and David Silver), considers how healthcare providers respond to changes in regulated prices. In it, we study a major reform that increased Medicare prices for some hospitals but decreased them for others, and consider how hospitals responded to these payment changes. Finally the third paper, "The Costs and Benefits of Monitoring Providers: Evidence from Medicare Audits,'' studies the efficacy of policies aimed at monitoring healthcare providers for wasteful expenditure. It studies a large monitoring program run by Medicare, and estimates the costs and benefits of this monitoring for the government, providers, and patients.

Salutogent arbetssätt

Lozic, Arnela, Mårtensson, Anna January 2018 (has links)
Arbetslöshet bland unga vuxna är ett växande samhällsproblem. Anställda på arbetsmarknadsinsatser arbetar för att motverka denna problematik. Forskning påvisar att deltagande i arbetsmarknadsinsatser långsiktigt bidrar till komplettering av gymnasiestudier, inträde till arbetsmarknaden samt minskade symtom av psykisk ohälsa. Den tidigare forskningen presenterar även att studie- och yrkesvägledning är av relevans i arbetsmarknadsinsatserna. Vår studies syfte är att beskriva och analysera hur det salutogena förhållningssättet tillämpas av de anställda på arbetsmarknadsinsatsen för övergångar (AFÖ) i mötet med deltagare. Studien grundar sig på begrepp ur Antonovskys teori KASAM. I studien analyseras de anställdas salutogena arbetssätt med begreppen begriplighet, hanterbarhet och meningsfullhet. Kaosteorins begrepp stängda- och öppna system har bidragit till ett helhetsperspektiv på AFÖ. Studien utgår ifrån kvalitativ metod. AFÖs enkätundersökning samt två av deras resultatredovisningar har använts för att stärka samt stödja de svar som framkom från intervjupersonerna. Analysen visar att samtliga intervjuade arbetar på liknande sätt, med få undantag. En förutsättning för arbetet som bedrivs inom AFÖ är att fokusera på det friska i det sjukliga. En åtskillig del av arbetet fokuserar på att medvetandegöra deltagarna om deras inre- och yttre resurser, för att främja deras utveckling mot uppsatta mål. Det salutogena förhållningssättet bidrar till att förbättra individens kognitiva och fysiska förmågor. AFÖs mål är att deltagarna ska komma närmare sysselsättning och självförsörjning. Resultatredovisningar visar på att AFÖ når detta mål. / Unemployment among young adults is a growing problem for the society. Labor market efforts are working to counter this problem. Research shows that participation in labor market initiatives contributes to completion of high school studies, entry into the labor market and reduced symptoms of mental health. Previous research also shows that study and vocational guidance is of relevance in labor market efforts. The purpose of our study is to describe and analyze how the salutogenic approach is applied by employees in meeting with participants in the labor market effort for transitions (arbetsmarknadsinsatsen för övergångar, AFÖ). The study is based on selected concepts from Antonovsky's theory KASAM. The study analyzes the employee's salutogenic approach with the concepts of comprehensibility, manageability and meaningfulness. The Chaos Theory of Careers concept of closed and open systems has contributed to an overall perspective on AFÖ. The study is based on qualitative methodology. A survey and two result presentations from AFÖ have been used to strengthen and support the answers provided by the interviewees. Our analyzes shows that all interviewees work in a similar way, with some exceptions. A prerequisite for the work of AFÖ’s to focus on the healthiness in the sickness. An important part of the work focuses on awareness of participants about their inner and outer resources, in order to promote the development towards their set goals. The salutogenic approach helps improve the individual's cognitive and physical abilities. AFÖ’s goal is that the participants will come closer to employment and self-sufficiency. Result presentations show that AFÖ achieves this goal.

El perfil profesional del gestor de proyectos de traducción en el mercado laboral de Lima / The professional translation project manager profile in the working market of Lima

Fernández Chamorro, Liza María, Huang Ho, Amanda Jia-min 20 July 2020 (has links)
Existe escasa información sobre el gestor de proyectos de traducción en el mercado laboral limeño. La falta de investigaciones acerca del perfil de gestores de proyectos se debe a que es un tema relativamente reciente comparado con otros campos de la traducción. Además, los pocos estudios realizados en Lima se enfocan más en el perfil de un traductor. Por ello, la presente investigación se centrará en describir el perfil profesional del gestor de proyectos de traducción en el mercado laboral de Lima. Se conducirán entrevistas a los gestores de proyectos para analizar las competencias que poseen y a los empleadores de las agencias de traducción para conocer los requisitos que buscan al contratar a un gestor. De la misma forma, se plantea hacer un análisis de los anuncios o convocatorias de trabajo para obtener más información con respecto a las competencias de los gestores de proyectos de traducción. / The existing information regarding the translation project manager in the Lima labor market is somewhat limited. There seems to be scarce research on the project managers' profile since it is considered a relatively recent topic compared to other translation fields. In addition, the few studies carried out in Lima focus more on the profile of a translator. Therefore, this research study will describe the professional profile of the translation project manager in the labor market of Lima. Interviews will be conducted to project managers in order to analyze their competencies, and to translation agencies' employers so as to find out their hiring requirements for a project manager. Similarly, an analysis of job advertisements will be carried out to obtain more information regarding the competencies of translation project managers. / Trabajo de investigación

La modélisation multi-agent du marché du travail français / The multi-agent modelling of the french labor market

Goudet, Olivier 19 November 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse présente un modèle multi-agent du marché du travail. Le modèle reproduit le fonctionnement du marché tant au niveau agrégé, qu'au niveau des principales catégories de main-d'œuvre, sur la base des décisions d'agents hétérogènes, entreprises et individus, qui interagissent. Les décisions reposent sur des calculs de profits et d'utilités et se font dans un contexte de rationalité limitée. La structure théorique sous-jacente sur laquelle repose les mécanismes décisionnels est le concept de \textit{recherche}. Nous appliquons ce cadre de modélisation pour étudier le marché du travail français en 2011. Le modèle est à l'échelle de 1/4700. Il est très détaillé au niveau des institutions du marché du travail qui ont une influence sur les décisions des agents. Le modèle est ensuite calibré par un algorithme puissant de façon à reproduire un grand nombre de cibles importantes du marché du travail. Le modèle ainsi calibré permet de faire émerger une comptabilité cohérente des flux bruts des individus entre les principaux états : emploi (avec la distinction CDD et CDI), chômage et inactivité. La simulation des flux permet de faire émerger différents schémas de mobilité et de caractériser la nature du marché du travail. Nous reproduisons la part importante de contrats à durée déterminée parmi les embauches et nous mettons en évidence la dualité du marché du travail français. La prise en compte des effets d'éviction de certaines catégories d'agents (les jeunes par exemple) par d'autres catégories d'agent est un des apports du modèle pour l'analyse du marché du travail. Nous avons enfin étudié une série de politiques économiques suivant différents indicateurs. Nous montrons qu'il est difficile de trouver une politique publique qui donne de bons résultats pour tous les critères et qui est bénéfique à la fois pour toutes les entreprises et tous les individus. Tout est affaire de compromis et de choix politique. / This thesis presents an agent-based model of the labor market. The model simulates the market at the aggregate level and at the level of the principal manpower categories, on the basis of the decisions of heterogenous agents, firms and individuals, who interact. These decisions rely on computations of profits and utilities in a context of bounded rationality. The theoretical structure that underlies the decisions is the search concept. We apply this framework to the case of France in 2011. The model is at a scale of 1/4700. It is fairly detailed on the institutions of the labor market which constrain the agents’ decisions. Subsequently, it is calibrated by a powerful algorithm to reproduce a large number of variables of interest. The calibrated model presents a coherent accounting system of the gross flows of the individuals between the main states, employment, distinguishing open ended contracts and fixed duration contracts, unemployment and inactivity. The simulation of the gross flows enables us to analyse the patterns of mobility and to characterize the nature of the labor market under study, reproducing the high proportion of the fixed duration contracts in the hiring flows, and it points to a dualism of the French labor market. Modeling crowding out of some categories of workers (for instance the youths) by others is then a main contribution of the model to the labor market analysis. Finally, we study economic policies according to various indicators. We show that it is difficult to find a public policy which provides good results for all criteria and which is beneficial both for firms and individuals. It is all a question of compromise and political choice.

Student Loan Impacts on Labor Market Decisions in the United States: Employment Transitions, Education-Occupation Mismatch, and Entrepreneurship

Litt, Wade Howarth 02 October 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Nyanländas etablering på den svenska arbetsmarknaden : En kvalitativ studie utifrån ett handläggarperspektiv / Establishment on the Swedish labor market among newly arrived : a qualitystudy from an administrator perspectiv

Aljicevic, Haris, Borgstedt, Linda January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate from an administrator perspective how authorities integrate newly arrived to the Swedish labor market. The results are analyzed and understood by two theories, theory about Intersectionality and Goodman theory. The empirical material is based on seven interviews with people who are employed in the public sector and who are working with establishment on the labor market among newly arrived individuals. The previous research is based on conditions and obstacles that helps newly arrived people on their way to establishment on the Swedish labor market. A main result in the study is that the respondents are experiencing that the group newly arrived have a hard time to integrate at the Swedish labor market. They lift women, mainly women born outside of Europe as a group that has a harder time to integrate on the labor market than other newly arrived and that they need particularly targeted efforts. This is explained by high demands on the Swedish language, competence and education which this group is not able to make. The result also shows that a big part of the newly arrived individuals are dependent off support from the authorities while they at the same time are being referred to steer their own establishment process towards self-sufficiency. The role of the individuals working at the authorities is not considered to be intended to offer individual support for newly arrived people. This is judged to have a negative impact on weak groups and they tend to end up in long term unemployment without customized efforts. The study finally shows that the respondents have a low trust for the short-term investments that are being made to ensure that the investments create a permanent solution for newly arrived at the labor market. This is confirmed by that there is a chain of support that is prepositioned related to the labor market for individuals that extend over a long period of time, where the ambition seems to be primarily to employ a big group of individuals rather than consider each individual. / Syftet med denna studie är att utifrån ett handläggarperspektiv undersöka hur myndigheter arbetar med att integrera nyanlända individer på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Resultatet i studien analyseras och förstås med stöd av två teorier, teorin om Intersektionalitet samt Goodmans teori. Det empiriska materialet bygger på sju intervjuer med personer anställda i offentlig sektor som arbetar med integration av nyanlända kopplat till etablering på arbetsmarknaden. Den tidigare forskningen grundar sig i förutsättningar och hinder som hjälper nyanlända vid etablering på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Ett huvudresultat i studien är att respondenterna upplever att gruppen nyanlända individer har svårt att etablera sig på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Respondenterna lyfter att kvinnor, främst de som är födda utanför Europa har det svårare att etablera sig på arbetsmarknaden än andra nyanlända och behöver särskilt riktade insatser. Detta förklaras med att det ställs höga krav på språknivå i svenska, kompetens och utbildning som denna grupp inte bedöms kunna tillgodogöra sig. Resultatet visar också att en stor andel nyanlända är beroende av omfattande stöd från myndigheter, samtidigt som de av samma insatser hänvisas till att på ett självgående sätt driva sin etableringsprocess mot självförsörjning. Handläggare arbetsmarknaden anses inte vara ämnade till att erbjuda individuellt anpassat stöd för nyanlända individer. Detta bedöms påverka svaga grupper negativt då dessa grupper riskerar att hamna i långtidsarbetslöshet utan anpassade stödinsatser. Slutligen visar studiens resultat att respondenterna har låg tilltro till att de kortsiktiga satsningarna som görs skapar en permanent lösning för nyanländas etablering på arbetsmarknaden. Detta bekräftas genom att de nyanlända individerna erbjuds generaliserande insatser som sträcker sig under en lång period, där ambitionen primärt blivit att sysselsätta ett stort flöde av individer.

“To make it, you need someone to guide you.” : A qualitative study about Foreign-born Women’s experiences of establishingthemselves on the Swedish labor market.

Svensson, Evelina January 2023 (has links)
This thesis explores the experiences of foreign-born women entering the Swedish labor market. A lot of the existing research clusters foreign-born women as a homogeneous group, missing various factors that impact their ability to access the labor market. Current initiatives and strategies therefore risk overlooking the importance of personalized support, which can result in inadequate responses to the unique needs and challenges each woman faces.  The study aims to explore foreign-born women’s experiences to better understand the obstacles the women face when trying to enter the Swedish labor market. The thesis investigates previous research that raises the significance of networks, language proficiency, and support and guidance and five interviews are conducted to understand the women’s experiences better.  The findings of this study show that discrimination, the discourse surrounding foreign-born women and, lack of adequate individualized support hinder women from establishing themselves on the labor market. Hence, the results highlight the need for more tailored support and new ways to learn the language. To achieve this, an intersectional approach is important to grasp the complex challenges that foreign-born women face in entering the Swedish labor market.  Overall, the thesis underscores the need for individualized support initiatives that consider the unique challenges and experiences of foreign-born women. By centering the women’s experiences, this study provides a valuable contribution to the ongoing efforts to improve the support for foreign-born women in the Swedish labor market.

An Economic Analysis Of Health, Savings, And Labor In Relation To Gender

Ricketts, Comfort Febisola 09 December 2011 (has links)
This dissertation is divided into five chapters consisting of three short essays that concentrate on economic analysis of health, savings and labor. The first essay is aimed at investigating the influence of increased work hours on individuals’ health and how this may differ between males and females. It is expected that increased hours of work will have a negative impact on health but this impact may be stronger for females. In the second essay, the relationship between individuals’ health and savings behavior is analyzed. Healthy individuals are expected to be more productive, earn higher incomes, and have lower medical expenditures compared to unhealthy individuals. It is therefore expected that individuals’ health will have a positive influence on their saving behavior. The third paper analyzes the effect of increased work, as proxied by labor force participation, on health, as proxied by life expectancy, at the macro level. The main aim of the analysis in the third essay is to investigate whether or not increased female labor force participation is a contributing factor to the narrowing gap between the life expectancy of females and males. In the final chapter of this dissertation, I provide a summary of my findings on the relationships between work, health, and savings. I also provide directions for future research.

When work empowers : women in Mexico's City's labour force

Lee, Rebecca Anne January 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Integration på arbetsmarknaden : En kvalitativ studie om hur personer med utländsk bakgrund från Mellanöstern upplever arbetsmarknadsintegrationen i Halmstad.

Bekteshi, Kastriot, Aziz, Aram January 2022 (has links)
Integrationen på arbetsmarknaden visar sig vara en utmaning på grund av den höga arbetslösheten bland utrikesfödda i Sverige. Vi har valt att utföra en studie med syftet att se hur arbetssökande personer med utländsk bakgrund från Mellanöstern upplever arbetsmarknadensintegrationen i Halmstad. Vi har analyserat hur denna målgrupp har för upplevelser och erfarenheter inom de satsningar och arbete som de deltar vid och personliga metoder och tillvägagångssätt när de ansöker om ett arbete. Under studien belyser vi hur det kan uppstå sociala klyftor i samhället utifrån integrationsmarknaden i Halmstad. Vi har utgått från en kvalitativ forskningsintervju som består av åtta stycken arbetssökande män mellan 30–45 år, med utländsk bakgrund från Mellanöstern, som är bosatta i Halmstad. Vi har använt oss av relevanta teorier från Pierre Bourdieu och Erving Goffman för att analysera resultatet i studien. Resultatet visar att intervjupersonerna har olika upplevelser när det gäller integrationen på arbetsmarknaden i Halmstad. Mer än hälften av intervjupersonerna upplever att integrationsarbetet är bristande. De övriga intervjupersonerna upplever integrationsarbetet som duglig, men menar att det finns utvecklingspotential. / Integration in the labor market proves to be a challenge due to the high unemployment among foreign-born in Sweden. We have chosen to carry out a study with the aim of seeing how jobseekers with a foreign background from the Middle East experience labor market integration in Halmstad. We have analyzed how this target group experiences the initiatives and work in which they participate and personal methods and approaches they use when applying for a job. During the study, we shed light on how social gaps can arise in society based on the integration market in Halmstad. We have started from a qualitative research interview consisting of eight job-seeking men between the ages of 30 and 45, with a foreign background from the Middle East, who live in Halmstad. We have used relevant theories from Pierre Bourdieu and Erving Goffman to analyze the results of the study. The results show that interviewees have different experiences when it comes to integration in the labor market in Halmstad. More than half of the interviewees feel that the integration work is lacking. The other interviewees perceive the integration work as capable but believe that there is development potential.

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