Spelling suggestions: "subject:"lack off"" "subject:"lack oof""
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Operations research models for the management of supply chains of perishable and heterogeneous products in uncertain contexts. Application to the agri-food and ceramic sectorsEsteso Álvarez, Ana 12 March 2022 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] Algunos productos se caracterizan por su falta de homogeneidad, lo que significa que productos con diferentes características pueden ser obtenidos de un mismo proceso de producción debido a factores incontrolables como la naturaleza de las materias primas o las condiciones ambientales durante la producción. Hay cuatro aspectos que caracterizan la falta de homogeneidad en el producto: los subtipos homogéneos que se obtienen de un mismo lote de producción, la cantidad de productos que componen cada subtipo, el valor de cada uno de los subtipos, y el estado de los productos.
La falta de homogeneidad en el producto dificulta la gestión de los procesos de las empresas y cadenas de suministro en el momento en el que los clientes requieren homogeneidad entre las unidades de producto que adquieren. Un ejemplo de esto se produce en el sector de la cerámica, en el que los clientes requieren que todas las unidades que van a ser ensambladas juntas tengan el mismo color, espesor y calidad por razones estéticas y de seguridad. Otro ejemplo es el extraído del sector agroalimentario, en el que el mercado final requiere productos que cumplan con un tamaño mínimo, un color particular, o sabor en el caso de las frutas. Además, el sector agroalimentario tiene la complejidad añadida producida por el deterioro de los productos a lo largo del tiempo, y la necesidad de los mercados de ofrecer a los clientes productos con una mínima duración tras su venta.
En esta Tesis, se define como productos heterogéneos a aquellos productos que se pueden clasificar en subtipos homogéneos con una cantidad variable, mientras que los productos perecederos son aquellos que, además de ser heterogéneos, tienen falta de homogeneidad en su estado. De acuerdo con estos conceptos, el sector cerámico comercializa productos heterogéneos mientras que el sector agroalimentario comercializa productos perecederos.
Esta Tesis propone marcos conceptuales y modelos de Investigación Operativa que soporten la gestión de cadenas de suministro con productos heterogéneos y perecederos en la toma de decisiones centralizada y distribuidas relacionadas con los niveles de decisión estratégica, táctica y operativa. El objetivo es mejorar la competitividad, sostenibilidad y flexibilidad de la cadena de suministro para adaptarse a los requerimientos del mercado bajo condiciones de incertidumbre. Para esto, se han propuesto modelos de Investigación Operativa deterministas e inciertos, cuyos resultados se comparan concluyendo que los resultados obtenidos con los modelos inciertos se adaptan mejor al comportamiento real de las cadenas de suministros.Los modelos de Investigación Operativa propuestos han contribuido a tres áreas de investigación: problemas operativos en el sector cerámico, problemas estratégicos en el sector agroalimentario y problemas de planificación en el sector agroalimentario.
Las principales novedades en los problemas operativos en el sector cerámico son el modelado de las características de las baldosas cerámicas, la consideración de los requerimientos de homogeneidad entre unidades de diferentes líneas de pedido, y la posibilidad de realizar entregas parciales y entregas con retraso.
Esta Tesis contribuye a los problemas estratégicos en el sector agroalimentario al diseñar una cadena de suministro completa de productos agroalimentarios frescos considerando el aspecto perecedero de los productos e integrando decisiones tácticas, y determinando el impacto real que tiene considerar el aspecto perecedero de los productos durante el diseño de la cadena de suministro ... / [CA] Alguns productes es caracteritzen per la seua falta d'homogeneïtat, el que significa que productes amb diferents característiques poden ser obtinguts d'un mateix procés de producció degut a factors incontrolables com la naturalesa de les matèries primeres o les condicions ambientals durant la producció. Hi ha quatre aspectes que caracteritzen la falta d'homogeneïtat en el producte: els subtipus homogenis que s'obtenen d'un mateix lot de producció, la quantitat de productes que componen cada subtipus, el valor de cada un dels subtipus, i l'estat dels productes.
La falta d'homogeneïtat en el producte dificulta la gestió dels processos de les empreses i cadenes de subministrament en el moment en què els clients requerixen homogeneïtat entre les unitats de producte que adquirixen. Un exemple d'açò es produïx en el sector de la ceràmica, en el que els clients requerixen que totes les unitats que seran acoblades juntes tinguen el mateix color, grossària i qualitat per raons estètiques i de seguretat. Un altre exemple és l'extret del sector agroalimentari, en el que el mercat final requerix productes que complisquen amb una grandària mínima, un color particular, o sabor en el cas de les fruites. A més, el sector agroalimentari té la complexitat afegida produïda pel deteriorament dels productes al llarg del temps, i la necessitat dels mercats d'oferir als clients productes amb una mínima duració després de la seua venda.
En aquesta Tesi, es definix com a productes heterogenis a aquells productes que es poden classificar en subtipus homogenis amb una quantitat variable, mentres que els productes peribles són aquells que, a més de ser heterogenis, tenen falta d'homogeneïtat en el seu estat. D'acord amb aquests conceptes, el sector ceràmic comercialitza productes heterogenis mentres que el sector agroalimentari comercialitza productes peribles.
Aquesta Tesi proposa marcs conceptuals i models d'Investigació Operativa que suporten la gestió de cadenes de subministrament amb productes heterogenis i peribles en la presa de decisions centralitzada i distribuïdes relacionades amb els nivells de decisió estratègica, tàctica i operativa. L'objectiu és millorar la competitivitat, sostenibilitat i flexibilitat de la cadena de subministrament per adaptar-se als requeriments del mercat sota condicions d'incertesa. Per a açò, s'han proposat models d'Investigació Operativa deterministes i incerts, els resultats es comparen concloent que els resultats obtinguts amb els models incerts s'adapten millor al comportament real de les cadenes de subministraments.
Els models d'Investigació Operativa proposats han contribuït a tres àrees d'investigació: problemes operatius en el sector ceràmic, problemes estratègics en el sector agroalimentari i problemes de planificació en el sector agroalimentari.
Les principals novetats en els problemes operatius en el sector ceràmic són el modelatge de les característiques de les rajoles ceràmiques, la consideració dels requeriments d'homogeneïtat entre unitats de diferents línies de comanda, i la possibilitat de realitzar lliuraments parcials i lliuraments amb retard.
Aquesta Tesi contribueix als problemes estratègics en el sector agroalimentari al dissenyar una cadena de subministrament completa de productes agroalimentaris frescos considerant l'aspecte perible dels productes, integrant decisions tàctiques, i determinant l'impacte real que té considerar l'aspecte perible dels productes durant el disseny de la cadena de subministrament ... / [EN] Some products are characterised by their lack of homogeneity, what means that products with different characteristics can be obtained from the same production process due to uncontrollable factors such as the nature of raw materials or the environmental conditions during production. There are four aspects that characterize the lack of homogeneity in the product: the homogeneous subtypes to be obtained from a production lot, the quantity of products that belong to each subtype, the value related to each of the subtypes and the state of the products.
The lack of homogeneity in the product hinders the management of the supply chain or company's processes at the time customers require the homogeneity among the acquired units of product. An example of this is produced in the ceramic tile sector, in which customers need all acquired ceramic tiles that are going to be jointly assembled to have the same colour, thickness and quality for aesthetic and safety reasons. Another example is the extracted from the agri-food sector, in which final markets require products that meet some characteristics such as a minimum size, a particular colour or flavour in the case of fruits. In addition, the agri-food sector has the added complexity produced by the deterioration of products over time, and the need of markets to offer to end consumers products with a minimum durability after sale.
In this Thesis, heterogeneous products are defined as products for which different subtypes can be obtained in a variable quantity while perishable products are those that, apart from being heterogeneous, have a lack of homogeneity in their state. According to these concepts, ceramic sectors would commercialize heterogeneous products while the agri-food sector would do so with perishable products.
This Thesis proposes conceptual frameworks and Operations Research models to support the management of supply chains with heterogeneous and perishable products in centralized and distributed decision-making processes related to strategic, tactical and operative decisional levels. The objective is to improve the supply chain competitiveness, sustainability and flexibility to adapt to market requirements under uncertain conditions. For this, both deterministic and uncertain Operations Research models have been proposed, whose results are compared concluding that results obtained with uncertain models better fit with the behaviour of real supply chains.
The proposed Operations Research models have contributed to three research areas: operational problems in the ceramic sector, strategic problems in the agri-food sector and planning problems in the agri-food sector.
Main novelties in the ceramic operational problems are the modelling of the characteristics of ceramic tile products, the consideration of homogeneity requirements between units from different order lines, and the possibility of making partial deliveries and delayed deliveries.
This Thesis contributes to strategic problems in agri-food products by designing an entire fresh agri-food supply chain considering the perishability of products and integrating tactical decisions, and by determining the real impact that considering the products' perishability has on the supply chain design process ... / This Thesis has been developed in the Research Centre of Management and Production
Engineering (CIGIP, for its acronym in Spanish “Centro de Investigación en Gestión e
Ingeniería de Producción”) of the Universitat Politècnica de València with the support of
the predoctoral grant Programme of Formation of University Professors (FPU, for its
acronym in Spanish “Formación de Profesorado Universitario”) from the Spanish
Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (Ref. FPU15/03595). The supervisors
of this Thesis are Dr. Angel Ortiz, and Dra. María del Mar Alemany Diaz that are
Professors in the Research Centre of Management and Production Engineering (CIGIP)
of the Universitat Politècnica de València. The FPU grant has been endorsed by the
supervisor Dr. Ángel Ortiz.
This Thesis has also been supported by the project ‘RUC-APS: Enhancing and
implementing Knowledge based ICT solutions within high Risk and Uncertain
Conditions for Agriculture Production Systems’ (Ref. 691249) funded by the EU under
its funding scheme H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015, the project ‘Methods and models for operations planning and order management in supply chains characterised by uncertainty
in production due to the lack of product uniformity’ (PLANGES-FHP) (Ref. DPI2011-
23597) funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. The projects
RUC-APS and PLANGES-FHP have been led by the one of the supervisors of this Thesis
Dr. María del Mar Eva Alemany.
In order to obtain the international mention for this Thesis, three months of research
stages have been made in the research agency Agenzia Lucana di Sviluppo e di
Innovazione in Agricoltora, located in Metaponto (Italy) / Esteso Álvarez, A. (2020). Operations research models for the management of supply chains of perishable and heterogeneous products in uncertain contexts. Application to the agri-food and ceramic sectors [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/141099 / Compendio
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Elektromagnetisch modifizierte Materialien für Radarsensor-AbdeckungenBonfig, Teresa 23 December 2022 (has links)
Bei der Anwendung von Radarsensoren zur Fahrzeug-Umfelderfassung müssen verwendete Blenden (Radome), welche den Sensor vor externen Einflüssen schützen und das Fahrzeugdesign unterstützen, die hochfrequente elektromagnetische Welle ohne Beeinflussung transmittieren. Allerdings werden beim Durchstrahlen eines Bauteils unterschiedliche Anteile der Welle absorbiert, reflektiert oder transmittiert. Mit dem Ziel die Transmission von Materialien zu erhöhen, werden im Rahmen dieser Arbeit die Einflüsse auf den Materialparameter Permittivität von Kunststoffen und Lacken untersucht. Dadurch kann auch die praktische Umsetzbarkeit der theoretisch hergeleiteten Kompensationsmethoden für hochreflektierende Lacke nachgewiesen werden. Zur Absicherung der Radarfunktion müssen darüber hinaus auch Einflussfaktoren aus Design, Fertigungsprozess und Umgebung bekannt sein.:1 Einleitung
2 Problemstellung und Zielsetzung
3 Stand der Wissenschaft
4 Elektromagnetische Eigenschaften von Kunststoffen
5 Einfluss elektromagnetischer Eigenschaften von Lacken
6 Radome im Gesamtaufbau
7 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick
Anhang / When radar sensors are used for vehicle environment scanning, the cover (radome) used to protect the sensor from external influences and support the vehicle design must transmit the high-frequency electromagnetic wave without interference. However, when the wave passes through a component it is absorbed, reflected or transmitted. The range of the radar sensor can be reduced, the sensor can be blinded by reflections and inhomogeneous reflection distributions can lead to angular errors. To increase the transmission of materials, the influences on the material parameter permittivity of plastics and paints are investigated. Furthermore, the practical feasibility of the theoretically derived compensation methods for highly reflective paints can be demonstrated. To ensure the radar function, influencing factors, including the design, the manufacturing process and environment, must also be known.:1 Einleitung
2 Problemstellung und Zielsetzung
3 Stand der Wissenschaft
4 Elektromagnetische Eigenschaften von Kunststoffen
5 Einfluss elektromagnetischer Eigenschaften von Lacken
6 Radome im Gesamtaufbau
7 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick
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Managing and implementing occupational health and safety policies in selected Tshwane South primary schools, Gauteng ProvinceFerreira, Jenet 01 1900 (has links)
Occupational Health and Safety focuses on the well-being of individuals or groups of people in the workplace. Barnett-Schuster (2008:1) states that Occupational Health and Safety is a concept compiled from many different disciplines. Among others, it includes: biological hazards, physical hazards, chemical hazards, mechanical/electrical hazards and psycho-social hazards. The employer has to understand that Occupational Health and Safety should follow a holistic approach.
Occupational Health and Safety is a Constitutional imperative – a command, - not a request. Chapter 2 of the Constitution of South Africa no. 108 of 1996, The Bill of Rights provides protection to such an extent that human dignity may remain intact. Therefore, compliance with Occupational Health and Safety legislation is of cardinal value to any organization or business. An organization or business can also improve their financial standing and public image by complying with Occupational Health and Safety legislation. Occupational Health and Safety in the workplace is guided by the Occupational Health and Safety Act of South Africa no. 85 of 1993, which was implemented in 1994.
The Occupational Health and Safety Act further aims to present clear explanations on concepts related to Health and Safety and enables both employers and employees to gain an understanding of their distinct responsibilities. Occupational Health and Safety is a concept that has been around for decades – especially focusing on the mining sector of South Africa. Occupational Health and Safety is observed in the South African technical schools. Statistics from the Children’s Institute show that 350 000 of these children are currently not attending school. In most cases, many parents/guardians do not take the time to assess the safety of their children at school before enrolling their child. This assessment should not only be looking at security measures applied in the school, but if and how true Occupational Health and Safety measures are in place. Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) is measures put in place so that learners/children are free from risk, injury, disease or harm. The lack of Occupational Health and Safety in South African schools is in direct conflict with the Constitution of South Africa. As stated earlier, Occupational Health and Safety is a Constitutional imperative which is the responsibility and the right of each individual in South Africa. The lack of Occupational Health and Safety in South African schools is a human rights issue based on the dignity of children.
The lack of Occupational Health and Safety in South African schools can be seen as a policy flaw. This study intends to create a holistic view of the managing and implementing Occupational Health and Safety in the South African school environment. Occupational Health and Safety is an integral part of teaching and learning. The research problem addressed in this study is: “How School Management Teams (SMT) experience, manage and implement Occupational Health and Safety policies in South African schools?”.
The main aim of the research is to investigate how School Management Teams (SMT) experience, manage and implement Occupational Health and Safety policies in South African schools. By exploring Occupational Health and Safety in South African schools, this study would strive to obtain clarity on whether enough is being done to ensure the health and safety of learners in the school environment by means to explore the current Occupational Health and Safety management in the South African schools, identify the guidance provided on the Occupational Health and Safety implementation policy, investigate provisions for continual assessment of the process of the Occupational Health and Safety policy and provide recommendations for the lack of Occupational Health and Safety in South African schools. / Educational Leadership and Management / M. Ed. (Education Management)
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Aprofundando as noções de dependência e envelhecimento em distribuições bivariadas de probabilidade / Deepening the notions of dependence and aging in bivariate probability distributionsPinto, Jayme Augusto Duarte Pereira 21 March 2014 (has links)
A distribuição bivariada de Marshall-Olkin é estendida, relaxando-se a hipótese de choques exponencialmente distribuídos e assumindo-se dependência entre os choques individuais. Abordagem semelhante é considerada para sua versão dual. Representação por meio de cópula, propriedades probabilísticas e de confiabilidade assim como resultados em valores extremos são então obtidos. A propriedade de falta de memória bivariada é estendida assumindo-se uma função de dependência sem memória. Uma nova classe de distribuições caracterizada por essa propriedade estendida é introduzida. Correspondentes interpretações geométricas, procedimentos de construção, representação estocástica, relação com cópula de sobrevivência e propriedades de confiabilidade são derivadas. / Bivariate Marshall-Olkin model, Dual model, Exponential representation, Dependence function, Bivariate aging, Copula, Survival copula, Stochastic order, Bivariate extreme value distribution, Pickands measure, Pickands dependence function, Failure rate, Bivariate hazard gradient, Bivariate lack-of-memory, Residual lifetime vector, Characterization.
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Aprofundando as noções de dependência e envelhecimento em distribuições bivariadas de probabilidade / Deepening the notions of dependence and aging in bivariate probability distributionsJayme Augusto Duarte Pereira Pinto 21 March 2014 (has links)
A distribuição bivariada de Marshall-Olkin é estendida, relaxando-se a hipótese de choques exponencialmente distribuídos e assumindo-se dependência entre os choques individuais. Abordagem semelhante é considerada para sua versão dual. Representação por meio de cópula, propriedades probabilísticas e de confiabilidade assim como resultados em valores extremos são então obtidos. A propriedade de falta de memória bivariada é estendida assumindo-se uma função de dependência sem memória. Uma nova classe de distribuições caracterizada por essa propriedade estendida é introduzida. Correspondentes interpretações geométricas, procedimentos de construção, representação estocástica, relação com cópula de sobrevivência e propriedades de confiabilidade são derivadas. / Bivariate Marshall-Olkin model, Dual model, Exponential representation, Dependence function, Bivariate aging, Copula, Survival copula, Stochastic order, Bivariate extreme value distribution, Pickands measure, Pickands dependence function, Failure rate, Bivariate hazard gradient, Bivariate lack-of-memory, Residual lifetime vector, Characterization.
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Colombia: Postured for Failure, a Lesson in Counterinsurgency StrategyBrodie, Abdullah 01 January 2009 (has links)
There is little solid research that explores counterinsurgency practices against the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), not only from the standpoint of what is being done, but, rather, what should be done based on past COIN successes. Notable works on counterinsurgency in Colombia include the research of Tom Marks, who focused on operational strategy and tactics; Kevin Self, who professes the importance of controlling territory in defeating the FARC, by addressing the social and institutional ills within Colombia itself; and Dennis Rempe, who notes US involvement in shaping Colombia's COIN strategy. Using a comparative case study model, this thesis provides an analysis of Colombia?s counterinsurgency (COIN) strategies and tactics through the lens of successful and unsuccessful COIN operations in Iraq, Algeria, Malaya, South Vietnam, Thailand, Algeria and El Salvador over the course of the 20th and early 21st centuries. After all, no matter how successful a COIN force is militarily, their accomplishments will ultimately be fruitless if the conditions which fuel insurgency remains present. This paper begins by providing the historical context for the conditions which shaped the Colombian social order, which led to the revolutionary movement. It then follows the growth of the FARC, examining that organization?s strengths and weaknesses. The FARC is contrasted by outlining recent COIN transformation efforts within the Colombian government, to include little acknowledged failures and successes, strengths and weaknesses. An important focus is placed on Colombian President Alvaro Uribe Velez? Democratic Security Policy as the model for Colombia?s current COIN efforts. After next examining various ongoing factors contributing to the Colombian insurgency?to include institutional failures, illicit funding and the problem of paramilitary groups?this thesis examines past COIN efforts by other governments. Finally, after applying lessons learned from thee past COIN efforts?cross-referencing historically successful and unsuccessful tactics with tactics used and not used by Bogota in its fight against the FARC?I provide recommendations to the government of Colombia (GOC) on how to improve its COIN efforts. Although it is important to look at this problem set from an external standpoint, we must still factor in internal factors that have limited Colombia?s ability to emerge victorious, such as allowing porous borders, airspace and coastlines; placing a priority on killing or capturing the enemy and not on engaging the population; and the primacy of military direction of counterinsurgency; disregard of basic human rights; an insufficient judiciary structure; failure to halt financial support mechanisms; and the lack of an outlet for political inclusion . From this vantage point, we will be able to see that these elements?when properly implemented?have proven successful over time and may enhance GOC success and ultimately result in victory over the insurgency that has plagued their country for 40+ years
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Managing and implementing occupational health and safety policies in selected Tshwane South primary schools, Gauteng ProvinceFerreira, Jenet 01 1900 (has links)
Occupational Health and Safety focuses on the well-being of individuals or groups of people in the workplace. Barnett-Schuster (2008:1) states that Occupational Health and Safety is a concept compiled from many different disciplines. Among others, it includes: biological hazards, physical hazards, chemical hazards, mechanical/electrical hazards and psycho-social hazards. The employer has to understand that Occupational Health and Safety should follow a holistic approach.
Occupational Health and Safety is a Constitutional imperative – a command, - not a request. Chapter 2 of the Constitution of South Africa no. 108 of 1996, The Bill of Rights provides protection to such an extent that human dignity may remain intact. Therefore, compliance with Occupational Health and Safety legislation is of cardinal value to any organization or business. An organization or business can also improve their financial standing and public image by complying with Occupational Health and Safety legislation. Occupational Health and Safety in the workplace is guided by the Occupational Health and Safety Act of South Africa no. 85 of 1993, which was implemented in 1994.
The Occupational Health and Safety Act further aims to present clear explanations on concepts related to Health and Safety and enables both employers and employees to gain an understanding of their distinct responsibilities. Occupational Health and Safety is a concept that has been around for decades – especially focusing on the mining sector of South Africa. Occupational Health and Safety is observed in the South African technical schools. Statistics from the Children’s Institute show that 350 000 of these children are currently not attending school. In most cases, many parents/guardians do not take the time to assess the safety of their children at school before enrolling their child. This assessment should not only be looking at security measures applied in the school, but if and how true Occupational Health and Safety measures are in place. Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) is measures put in place so that learners/children are free from risk, injury, disease or harm. The lack of Occupational Health and Safety in South African schools is in direct conflict with the Constitution of South Africa. As stated earlier, Occupational Health and Safety is a Constitutional imperative which is the responsibility and the right of each individual in South Africa. The lack of Occupational Health and Safety in South African schools is a human rights issue based on the dignity of children.
The lack of Occupational Health and Safety in South African schools can be seen as a policy flaw. This study intends to create a holistic view of the managing and implementing Occupational Health and Safety in the South African school environment. Occupational Health and Safety is an integral part of teaching and learning. The research problem addressed in this study is: “How School Management Teams (SMT) experience, manage and implement Occupational Health and Safety policies in South African schools?”.
The main aim of the research is to investigate how School Management Teams (SMT) experience, manage and implement Occupational Health and Safety policies in South African schools. By exploring Occupational Health and Safety in South African schools, this study would strive to obtain clarity on whether enough is being done to ensure the health and safety of learners in the school environment by means to explore the current Occupational Health and Safety management in the South African schools, identify the guidance provided on the Occupational Health and Safety implementation policy, investigate provisions for continual assessment of the process of the Occupational Health and Safety policy and provide recommendations for the lack of Occupational Health and Safety in South African schools. / Educational Leadership and Management / M. Ed. (Education Management)
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Les écritures de la faim : éléments pour une ontologie de la faim / The writings of hunger : elements for an ontology of hunger / As escrituras da fome : elementos para uma ontologia da fomeLucereau, Jérôme 13 December 2016 (has links)
Le thème de la faim est récurrent dans les littératures du monde entier. primordial, originel, ce thème, dont le champ lexical est souvent convoqué pour attester de l'importance des pulsions humaines, ne fait pourtant l'objet, jusqu'à présent, que de peu d'intérêts de la part des spécialistes de la littérature générale comparée tout comme, d'ailleurs, de la part des philosophes. il s'agit donc d'établir un corpus représentatif des typologies d'écriture de la faim, de proposer une ou plusieurs taxinomie(s) pour, ensuite, approfondir l'analyse critique des différents discours de la faim par plusieurs topiques portant sur l'identité des affamés, les mythes de la faim, la mystique,le jeûne, l'humour de la faim ou bien encore les conséquences particulières de la faim lorsqu'elle est instrumentalisée par un pouvoir politique. cette large analyse critique des différents discours de (et sur) la faim doit permettre d'envisager la crédibilité et les éléments structurants de ce qui pourrait être désigné comme une ‘ontologie de la faim' au sens d'une refondation des rapports de l'homme et de son environnement. le corpus d'œuvres n'est pas restreint à une époque ou à une zone géographique particulière. il s'agit de puiser tout autant dans les littératures anciennes, classiques, modernes, postmodernes que contemporaines dans la mesure où la faim n'est pas l'apanage d'un temps ou d'une civilisation particuliers mais une donnée brute, première et native de l'humain. / The theme of hunger is recurrent in the literatures of the entire world. Primordial, original, this theme, which the lexical field is often summoned to attest to the importance of human impulses, is not yet a subject of great interest on the part of literary scholars General and compared, as well as from the philosophers. The purpose of this work is therefore to establish a representative pattern of writings of the hunger, to define typologies of hunger, to provide one or more taxonomy (s) to then deepen the critical analysis of various speeches from hunger by several topics as the identity of the hungry man, hunger myths, mysticism and fasting, the humour of the hunger, the particular consequences of hunger when it is manipulated by a political power, the ethics of starvation, etc. This broad critical analysis of the different discourses of hunger should allow to consider the credibility and the structuring elements of what could be called an "ontology of hunger" in the sense of a radical reform and rebuilding of the reports of the man and his environment. The references used in this work are not restricted to a time or a particular geographical area. We’ll tap as much in ancient literatures, classical, modern, postmodern, contemporary as well as technical studies because hunger is not the prerogative of a time or a particular civilization but raw, first and original data of the human being. / O tema da fome é quase sistemático nas literaturas do mundo inteiro. Primordial, original, esse assunto (cuja léxico é bastante utilizado como campo metafórico para descrever as pulsões humanas, (amor, paixão, ódio, etc.)foi, portanto, pouco examinado e são poucas as estudas que se focalizam sobre este tema, seja literárias ou filosóficas.O alcance da tese é descrever essa "terra desconhecida" e propor uma taxinomia dos famintos assim que, depois de pesquisar a identidade dos famintos, os mitos da fome, a mística dela, o humor e as consequências sobre a política, o poder e os aspectos jurídicos, elaborar um ontologia da fome ou, pelo menos, os primeiros elementos desse ontologia que poderia liderar uma mudança importante sobre a origem do sentido ética da fome.
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The role of the lecturer in cultivating a relationship of trust with the student teacher with special reference to teaching practice in the former Transkei regionMsengana, Enid Ntombizolundi 11 1900 (has links)
This study deals with the problem relating to the prevalence of a lack of
trust amongst members of today's society generally, and in particular
between college lecturers and student teachers.
The aim of the dissertation is to investigate the role of the lecturer in
cultivating a relationship of trust with the student teacher, especially
during teaching practice. The study reveals that the trust relationship
manifests itself in various moments. Some characteristics of an effective
supervising lecturer are also reflected upon.
The major research consists of an empirical investigation into which
characteristics of an effective supervising lecturer contribute most towards
cultivating a relationship of trust with student teachers during teaching
practice. A survey of colleges of education and schools in the former
Transkei region participating in the empirical investigation is also
The findings of the research indicate that the following categories need
to be enhanced 'through training : personal, professional and guidance. / Education / M. Ed. (Philosophy of Education)
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Die fehleranalytische Relevanz der prädominanten Spracherwerbshypothesen / Untersuchung des Fehlererklärungspotentials der Kontrastiv-, der Identitäts- und der Interlanguagehypothese auf Grundlage einer Analyse linguistischer Fehlleistungen deutscher Muttersprachler beim Erwerb des Englischen / The error analytical applicability of the predominant language acquisition hypotheses / Comparative examination of the error explanation potential of the contrastive, identity and interlanguage hypotheses based on the analysis of linguistic errors made by native speakers of German when acquiring the English languageAchten, Michael 24 July 2006 (has links)
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