Spelling suggestions: "subject:"hand development"" "subject:"land development""
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Byggnadstekniska särkrav : Hur kommuner förhåller sig till stoppregeln i 8 kap. 4a § PBL och de nya bestämmelserna vid kommunal markanvisning / Construction engineering demands : How municipalities relate to the regulationin 8 ch. 4a § PBL and the new regulations for land development agreementsBesson, Sofia, Braathen, Liv January 2017 (has links)
I syfte att effektivisera byggandet i Sverige trädde den 1 januari 2015 två nya bestämmelser ikraft;; en bestämmelse avseende förbud mot kommunala byggnadstekniska särkrav samt en lag avseende nya riktlinjer för kommunala markanvisningar. Förbudet mot kommunala byggnadstekniska särkrav regleras genom 8 kap. 4a § i plan- och bygglagen (2010:900), PBL, och innebär att kommuner inte längre får ställa egna byggnadstekniska egenskapskrav som byggherrar måste anpassa sig efter. Bestämmelsen avser framförallt genomförande av detaljplaner i samband med markanvisningsavtal eller exploateringsavtal. Med byggnadstekniska särkrav menas krav som går längre än de föreskrifter som tillhör de byggnadstekniska kraven i 8 kap. 4 § PBL och som finns i PBF, BBR och EKS. Vid tillämpning av stoppregeln har de situationer där kommunen agerar i rollen som fastighetsägare undantagits. Det innebär att förbudet inte omfattar kommunens möjlighet att ställa egna byggnadstekniska krav i samband med markanvisningar som avser upplåtelse av mark, utan enbart att de markanvisningar som avser marköverlåtelser omfattas av förbudet. I enlighet med lag (2014:899) om riktlinjer för kommunala markanvisningar ska kommuner upprätta markanvisningspolicys innehållande de riktlinjer som gäller för markanvisningar inom kommunen. På så sätt har intentionen varit att gynna konkurrensen mellan olika byggherrar genom mer tydliga villkor och ökad transparens vid kommunala avtalsförhandlingar. Trots införandet av stoppregeln har det framkommit att vissa kommuner fortfarande ställer byggnadstekniska särkrav. Av en pågående och aktuell debatt i ämnet framgår att det även finns olika uppfattningar om huruvida bestämmelsen ens utgör ett förbud. Detta examensarbete har utförts i syfte att redogöra för vad stoppregeln i 8 kap. 4a § PBL egentligen innebär i samband med kommunala markanvisningar, hur kommuner förhåller sig till stoppregeln samt hur de i praktiken agerar kring bestämmelsen. För att erhålla relevant material till vår studie har vårt arbete baserats på dels en granskning av 34 olika markanvisningsavtal och markanvisningspolicys från 10 kommuner och dels intervjuer via e-post med 13 kommuner. Vår studie visar att det fortfarande ställs särkrav vid kommunala markanvisningar. I 13 av de 34 markanvisningsavtal som granskats påträffades särkrav och då vanligen inom området för energihushållning. Studien visar också att kommuner överlag är medvetna om att stoppregeln är menad som ett förbud och att många också förhåller sig till det. Däremot har det också bekräftats att det finns ett klart missnöje med stoppregeln, då det framförallt hindrar kommunernas arbete att främja ett hållbart byggande. Studien visar också att stoppregeln kan upplevas otydlig när det gäller tillämpningen vid kommunal markanvisning. Detta med hänsyn till att det av stoppregelns ordalydelse framgår att lagen inte är tillämplig för situationer där kommunen handlar som fastighetsägare, vilket är den roll som många kommuner ser sig verka i under markanvisningsprocessen. / In order to streamline construction in Sweden two new regulations took effect in January 1, 2015. One concerning the prohibition of municipal construction engineering demands and one regarding guidelines for municipal land development agreements. The prohibition of municipal construction engineering demands is regulated in 8 chap. 4a § PBL (2010:900), which means that municipalities no longer can set their own construction engineering requirements that developers must adapt to. This provision relates primarily to the implementation of “detailed plans” for land development agreements or exploitation agreements. The term construction engineering demands mean requirements that go beyond the regulation of the building construction requirements in 8 chap. 4 § PBL, which is contained in the PBF, BBR and EKS. When applying the “stop rule”, there are situations where the municipalities acts in the role of property owners and therefore have been exempted from the “stop rule”. This means that the prohibition does not include the municipality's ability to set their own building construction requirements in conjunction to land developments related to land lease. Only land developments that are related to land sale are covered by the prohibition. According to the new law referring to guidelines for municipal land development agreements, municipalities must establish a policy containing the guidelines for land developments within the municipality. Thus, the intention has been to support competition between different constructors through more clear conditions and increased transparency in municipal contract negotiations. Despite the introduction of the “stop rule”, it has been found that some municipalities still impose specific construction engineering demands. An ongoing and current debate on the subject shows that there are also different perceptions as to whether the provision even constitutes a ban or not. This bachelor thesis has been carried out with a view of explaining what the regulations in 8 chap. 4a § PBL really means in conjunction to land development agreements and how the municipalities relate to the “stop rule” and act in the practice regarding to the provision. In order to obtain relevant material for the essay, our work has been based on inventory of 34 different contracts of land development agreements and the policies of ten municipalities and interviews by e-mail with 13 municipalities. Our study shows that the municipalities still are using construction engineering demands in land development agreements. In 13 of the 34 contracts examined, construction engineering demands were found, usually in the area of energy effectivity. At the same time, the study also discovers that municipalities are aware that the “stop rule” is considered a ban and that many of the municipalities abides to the new regulations. On the other hand, it has also been confirmed that there is a clear dissatisfaction with the “stop rule”, as it prevents in particular the municipalities efforts to promote sustainable construction. Through our study it has also been found that the “stop rule” can be perceived as unclear as regards to the process of land developments. This, in view of the fact, that the wording of the “stop rule” shows that the law does not apply to situations where the municipality acts as property owners, which is the role many municipalities consider themselves in when they establish contracts referring to the process of land developments.
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Markförvärv : En studie om bostadsutvecklares olika strategier vid förvärv av byggrätter / Land acquisitions : A study of residential developers’ different strategies for the acquisition of building rightsAndonov, Alexandar, Sköldefors, Filip January 2017 (has links)
Idag sker den största delen av bostadsförsörjningen via den privata sektorn. Med politiska visioner om ett ökat bostadsbyggande och ett större antal privata aktörer på marknaden än på länge, har konkurrensen om byggrätter hårdnat och möjligheterna att förvärva attraktiv mark blivit mindre. Detta examensarbete syftar till att beskriva, utreda och analysera de mest förekommande strategierna för privata byggherrar vid förvärv av bostadsbyggrätter. Detta innebär en närmare granskning av olika byggherrars tankegångar vid markförvärv samt en utredning av orsaken bakom valet av strategi och vilka kriterier som generellt ställs vid genomförandet av förvärv. För att åstadkomma detta har representanter från sju fastighetsutvecklingsbolag intervjuats, vilka samtliga har varit ansvariga för arbetet med identifiering, analys och ackvisition av byggrätter för respektive bolags räkning. Den kvalitativa intervjustudiens centrala syfte har varit att undersöka byggherrars syn på olika förvärvsstrategier och att utreda vilka kriterier som måste vara uppfyllda för att implementera antingen den ena eller den andra strategin. Sammantaget har fyra olika förvärvsstrategier identifierats och analyserats: (i) Villkorade förvärv, (ii) förvärv av färdiga byggrätter, (iii) förvärv av råmark, och (iv) förvärv av förvaltningsfastigheter. Studiens resultat visar att risknivå, ekonomisk lönsamhet och möjligheten att påverka ett projekts utformning är de mest prioriterade faktorerna vid valet av förvärvsstrategi. Vidare påvisar resultatet även att närheten till kommunikationer och serviceinrättningar spelar en central roll vid valet av exploateringsområde. Av samtliga strategier har det under examensarbetets gång visat sig att s.k. villkorade förvärv är den mest förekommande. Denna förvärvsstrategi innebär att tillträde och betalning sker vid en lagakraftvunnen detaljplan och att byggherren genom att använda denna strategi minimerar sin planrisk och kapitalbindning. Ytterligare framgår att kommunens visioner tillsammans med markens potential som ett framtida bostadsområde utgör de mest centrala parametrarna vid förvärv av råmark. Den huvudsakliga fördelen med dessa typer av förvärv är byggherrens möjlighet att tillgodogöra sig den förädlingsvinst som uppstår vid ändrad markanvändning och i skapandet av nya bostadsbyggrätter. Angående förvärv av planlagd mark visar studien att konkurrensen avseende detta tillgångsslag är mycket hård och att de mest centrala faktorerna vid ett investeringsbeslut är priset på byggrätterna samt detaljplanens utformning. Fördelen med denna strategi är att byggherren eliminerar planrisken samt möjliggör en kortare projektprocess. Vad gäller förvärv av förvaltningsfastigheter anses denna strategi vara ett effektivt komplement till övriga strategier och har sin främsta fördel i de intäkter som genereras under detaljplaneprocessen och den mer fördelaktiga kapitalstruktur som skapas genom de belåningsmöjligheter som fastighetens kassaflöde ger upphov till. / In today’s market, the largest part of the housing supply originates from the private sector. With political visions of an increased production of residential units and a large number of private companies active in the market since a long time, the competition for building rights has hardened and the opportunities for acquiring attractive land parcels have become smaller. This degree project aims at describing, investigating and analyzing the most common strategies for private developers in the acquisition of residential building rights. This involves a closer examination of various developer’s views on the process of land acquisitions, the reason behind the choice of strategy and what criteria that are generally set for the execution of acquisitions. In order to achieve this, representatives from seven property development companies have been interviewed, all of whom have been responsible for the identification, analysis and purchase of building rights on behalf of the respective companies. The main purpose of the qualitative interview study has been to examine developer’s views on different acquisition strategies and to investigate which criteria that must be fulfilled to implement either one or the other strategy. Overall, four different acquisition strategies have been identified and analyzed: (i) conditional acquisitions, (ii) acquisition of completed building rights, (iii) acquisition of raw land, and (iv) acquisition of investment properties. The results from the study show that risk level, economic profitability and the ability to influence the design of a project are the most prioritized factors in the choice of acquisition strategy. Furthermore, the result also shows that proximity to communications and service facilities plays a central role in the selection of development areas. Out of all strategies, it has been found that the so-called conditional acquisitions are the most prevalent. This acquisition strategy means that legal possession and payment of the land are subject to receipt of a satisfactory planning permission and that the developer by operating this strategy minimizes its planning risk and tied up capital. Furthermore, it appears that the municipalities’ visions in combination with the potential of the land as a future residential area constitute the most central parameters for the acquisition of raw land. The main advantage of these type of acquisitions is the developer’s ability to absorb the refinement gain arising from the change in land use and through the creation of new residential building rights. Regarding the acquisition of zoned land, the study shows that competition in this asset class is pronounced and that the most vital factors in an investment decision are the price of the building rights and the design of the zoning plan. The advantage of this strategy is that the developer eliminates the planning risk and enables a shorter development process. Regarding the acquisition of investment properties, this strategy is considered to be an effective complement to the other strategies and has its main advantage in the revenue streams generated during the planning process and the more beneficial capital structure created by the borrowing potential that a property’s existing cash flow allows.
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Hur implementeras kommuners bostadssociala mål i markanvisningar? : En jämförelse mellan två kommuner / How are municipalities implementing their housing supply objectives in their land allocations? : A comparison between two municipalitiesKilic, Bayram, Sebastien Linder, Frédéric January 2022 (has links)
Denna multipla fallstudie behandlar hur kommuner implementerar de bostadssociala målen i sina markanvisningar. Sveriges befolkning växer och fler bostäder behöver byggas för att människor ska ha någonstans att bo. Bristen på bostäder får stora konsekvenser både på individnivå och för samhället i stort när bostadsbristen hämmar samhällsutvecklingen. De som drabbas hårdast av detta är de med låg inkomst, studenter, ungdomar, pensionärer, socialt utsatta och nyanlända. För att skapa rätt förutsättningar för alla invånare i kommunerna ska målen för bostadsförsörjningen beskrivas i bostadspolitiska program och kopplas till översiktsplanerna (SFS 2000:1383). Behovet av att bygga bostäder för låginkomsttagare är stort, bland andra studenter, ungdomar och äldre, kommunerna kan genom sina markanvisningar ställa krav på byggherrarna om att uppföra sådana bostäder. Syftet med detta arbete är att kartlägga hur två kommuner arbetar med markanvisning för att nå de sociala målen i bostadspolitiken och försöka besvara följande frågeställningar: • Hur kommer de bostadssociala målen gällande studenter, ungdomar samt bostäder för äldre och 55+ till uttryck i markanvisningar? • Hur skiljer sig de bostadssociala målen i markanvisningarna mellan Sundbybergs stad och Täby kommun? De i uppsatsen granskade markanvisningarna visar på att det i kommunerna byggs bostäder för den breda allmänheten men även i viss mån riktat mot grupper med lägre inkomster. Studien visar även att olika politisk styrning påverkar bostadsförsörjningen i olika riktning. Samt att vikten av att ha tydliga mål för bostadsförsörjningen leder till att bostadsbyggandet får en tydlig inriktning. Motsatsvis får avsaknaden av mål för bostadsförsörjningen negativa konsekvenser i form av uteblivna bostäder för ungdomar, studenter och äldre och 55+. / This multiple case study deals with how municipalities implement their housing supply objectives in their land allocations. Sweden’s population is growing and more housing needs to be built for people to have somewhere to live. The lack of housing has major consequences both at the individual level and for society at large when housing shortages hamper social and economic development. Those who are most affected by this are those with low incomes, for example adolescents, students and senior citizens. In order to create the right conditions for all residents in the municipalities, the housing supply objective should be described in housing policy programs and linked to the comprehensive plan (SFS 2000:1383). If there is a need to build residences for lower-income citizens, including adolescents, students and senior citizens, municipalities may, through their land allocations, induce the developers to construct such housing. The purpose of this study is to examine how two municipalities in the greater Stockholm region work with their land allocations to reach the objectives of their housing supply objectives and try to answer the following questions: • How will the housing supply objectives be expressed in land allocations regarding students, adolescents and senior citizens and 55+? • How does the housing supply objectives in the land allocation differ between Sundbybergs stad and Täby kommun? Conclusions from the study show that different political views, where basic principles on how to govern a municipality effectively, lead to, among other things, the housing supply objectives in different paths. One path does not favor those with low income, the other tries to do something. Different political views affect housing construction in Sweden, the question has therefore been raised that housing construction should be handled at the national level.
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Collaborative development: exploring residential design alternatives in Novato, CaliforniaBangerter, Adam Glenn January 1900 (has links)
Master of Landscape Architecture / Department of Landscape Architecture/Regional and Community Planning / Howard Hahn / In Novato, California, zoning regulations and the city’s urban growth boundary (UGB) have restricted development on open agricultural and hillside land outside the city. These restrictions have added to a shortage of affordable homes in Novato in spite of a demand for housing. Population growth estimates suggest that this demand will continue and strategic development of land outside the current city boundaries will need to occur in order over the next 15-20 years (Bay Area Census Data 2010 and Heid 2004).
This report outlines a process of land development which evaluates the success of a development alternative relative to what the land owners, developers and the community want, need, and value.
This process involved producing four community design alternatives of varying housing densities for an 867 acre parcel of land just beyond Novato’s UGB. The alternatives were: high density (556 homes), medium density (224 homes), low density (14 homes), and low density + land swap (72 homes). Using a systematic scoring process, each alternative was evaluated based on what the land owner, developer, and the community valued in the development and then awarded each a feasibility score. This score represents likelihood of implementation. The higher the feasibility score, the more likely the alternative could be pursued as a development option.
The high density alternative (556 homes) received the lowest feasibility score. It met many of the land owner and developer values, but few of the community values. The low density + land swap alternative (58 homes) received the highest feasibility score. This alternative met nearly all of the developer and owner values as well as the community values. The land swap option of this alternative was unique and made this design more feasible. The swap identified land areas on the site property that could be traded for developable land inside the city boundary allowing Novato to maintain the rural character of the city fringe, while giving the developer land that could be used for future development. This alternative is a compromise that adequately addresses the values of all involved and is therefore recommended as the most feasible design possibility.
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Is it really Smart Growth?Reynolds, Larry J. January 1900 (has links)
Master of Landscape Architecture / Department of Landscape Architecture/Regional and Community Planning / Alton A. Barnes Jr / A study was performed comparing the results of two different Smart Growth Scorecards against a land development project, Southlake Town Square, which the Smart Growth Network claims to be Smart Growth. Southlake Town Square was chosen from a list of projects published by the Smart Growth Network entitled “This Is Smart Growth: A List of Featured Communities”. The purpose of this study was to determine if Smart Growth Scorecards support what the Smart Growth Network claims to be Smart Growth. The Ten Principles of Smart Growth, published by the Smart Growth Network, served as a measurable set of definitions which cumulatively define Smart Growth. The New Jersey Smart Growth Scorecard for Proposed Developments published by New Jersey Future and the Austin, Texas Smart Growth Criteria Matrix by the City of Austin Transportation, Planning and Design Department were selected from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (E.P.A.) website on Smart Growth.
This investigation revealed that the two scorecards yielded similar results suggesting that Southlake Town Square failed to score better than 60% of the total possible points on either scorecard. Southlake Town Square failed to produce convincing results when the scorecards were analyzed in terms of the Ten Principles of Smart Growth. Furthermore, significant differences were observed in the measuring techniques of both Smart Growth Scorecards. The results of this study sufficiently conclude that significant inconsistencies exist between what the Smart Growth Network claims to be Smart Growth and what currently available Smart Growth measuring tools, Smart Growth Scorecards, say about a Smart Growth project. Consequently, the contemporary movement called Smart Growth maybe drastically weakened by unsupported claims, a lack of consistent, standardized measuring techniques, and differing definitions of Smart Growth.
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Kommunala särkrav : En studie om i vilken utsträckning kommuner bryter mot förbudet i PBL 8 kap. 4 a § / Municipal special demands : A study of in which extend municipalities goes against the prohibition in PBL 8 kap. 4 a §Svensson, David, Torbäck, Nils January 2016 (has links)
Den första januari 2015 trädde en ny regel i kraft, PBL 8 kap. 4 a §. Regeln innebär att kommuner inte får ställa egna krav på ett byggnadsverks tekniska egenskaper, även kallat särkrav. Med egna krav anses sådana krav som är mer ambitiösa än vad regelverket tillåter. Krav på byggnadsverks tekniska egenskaper finns angivna i plan- och bygglagen (PBL), plan- och byggförordningen (PBF), Europeiska konstruktionsstandarder (EKS) och i Boverkets byggregler (BBR). En anledning till förbudet är att särkrav anses påverka byggkostnaderna, vilket i sin tur påverkar förutsättningarna för att tillgodose behovet av bostäder. I utredningar som utfördes åt regeringen hävdades att särkrav medför merkostnader på mellan 10 och 15 procent vid bostadsbyggandet. Regeringen ansåg även att samma krav ska gälla över hela landet för att underlätta den industriella produktionen av byggnadsverk. När lagförslaget lades fram bemöttes det negativt av många kommuner och myndigheter, vilket gör det intressant att undersöka om kommunerna väljer att följa den nya regeln. Syftet med studien är att undersöka i vilken utsträckning kommuner, i bygglovsprocessen och vid upprättade av exploateringsavtal, bryter mot särkravsförbudet i PBL 8 kap. 4 a §. Studien utgår från exploateringsavtal och bygglovsärenden vars handlingar är upprättade efter 2015-01-01 då särkravsförbudet trädde i kraft. I studien ingår bygglovshandlingar från åtta kommuner i Västra Götalands län och exploateringsavtal från 34 av Sveriges kommuner. I studien används en kombination av en kvalitativ och kvantitativ metod samt en juridisk metod. Särkrav som förekommer i studien är klassificerade som tydliga eller vaga särkrav. Bedömning av särkravens klassificering är författarnas egna och utgår från grundsatsen att byggherren är fri att välja metod så länge föreskrifterna i BBR uppfylls. Studiens resultat visar att 24 av de 42 kommunerna som ingår i studien ställer särkrav, vilket motsvarar 57 procent av de granskade kommunerna. Tolv kommuner ställer tydliga särkrav, fyra ställer vaga särkrav och åtta ställer både tydliga och vaga särkrav. Var fjärde kommun hänvisar även till olika program, strategier eller policys där särkrav förekommer. I exploateringsavtalen är särkrav vanligast inom områdena hygien, hälsa och miljö samt energihushållning. I byggloven är särkrav vanligast inom områdena brandskydd, hygien, hälsa och miljö samt säkerhet vid användning. Studiens slutsats är att kommuner fortfarande ställer särkrav i stor utsträckning trots förbudet i PBL 8 kap. 4 a §. / On January 1, 2015, a new law came into force, PBL 8 kap. 4 a §. The law implies that municipalities may not impose their own demands on construction works technical properties, also known as special demands. Own demands are considered as demands that are more ambitious than the law allow. Demands on construction works technical properties are specified in the Planning and Building Act (PBL), the Planning and Building Regulation (PBF), the European Construction Standard (EKS) and in Boverket's Building Regulations (BBR). One reason why the prohibition came into force is that special demands affect construction costs, which affect the conditions to meet the need of housing. The government's investigations revealed that specials demands resulted in additional costs of between 10 and 15 percent in the residential construction. The government wanted as well that the same requirements would apply across the whole country to facilitate the industrial production of construction works. When the new law was presented it faced negatively by many municipalities and public authorities, which makes it interesting to examine if the municipalities choose to follow the new law. The purpose of the study is to investigate in which extend the special demand prohibition in PBL 8 kap. 4 a § are broken by the municipalities in the building permit process and in the establishment of land development agreement. The study is based on land development agreements and building permits documents that are signed after 2015-01-01. Building permit documents from eight municipalities in Västra Götaland and land development agreements from 34 of Sweden's municipalities are included in the study. The study use a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods as well as a jurisprudence method. Special demands which been presented in the study have been classified into clearly or vaguely special demands. The special demands classification are the authors own assessment and are based on the principle that the developer is free to choose the method as long as the regulations in BBR is met. The study's result points out that 24 of 42 municipalities that is included in the study, use special demands, which is equivalent to 57 percent of the audited municipalities. Twelve municipalities have clearly special demands, four have vaguely special demands and eight have both clearly and vaguely special demands. Every fourth municipality also refers to various programs, strategies or policies with special demands. Special demands are most common within the area of hygiene, health and environment and energy in the land development agreements. In the building permits are special demands frequently used within the area of fire protection, hygiene, health and environment and safety in use. The conclusion of the study is that municipalities still use special demands widely despite the prohibition in PBL 8 kap. 4 a §.
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Développement de la promotion immobilière dans l'agglomération d'Abidjan : désengagement de l'Etat et privatisation de la production de l'espace urbain / Development of real estate in the metropolitan area of Abidjan : disengagement of the State and privatization of the production of urban spaceKanga, Jean-Jacques 12 July 2014 (has links)
Abidjan, capitale économique de la Côte d’Ivoire, connaît une forte pression démographique. Elle abrite aujourd’hui environ 4,5 millions d’habitants, soit 20% de la population nationale et 50% de la population urbaine. Cette situation induit une demande régulièrement en hausse de logements et de terrains urbains à bâtir. Pour faire face à cette demande, l'Etat est lancé dès les indépendances, dans une politique volontariste de production de logements et de terrains urbains, dont la mise en œuvre a nécessité la création de plusieurs structures publiques. Dans ce dispositif, l'Etat intervenait depuis la programmation jusqu’à la commercialisation des logements et la gestion des ensembles immobiliers réalisés. Il assurait par ailleurs la mise en place des infrastructures et des équipements socio collectifs. Mais suite à la crise économique des années 1980 il passe le relai au secteur privé et se cantonne à stimuler l'initiative privée et à moderniser les mécanismes de financement du secteur de l’habitat. Dès lors, le marché immobilier connaît l’apparition de plusieurs promoteurs qui interviennent presqu’exclusivement à Abidjan. Ce travail contribue à établir une meilleure connaissance des activités du secteur privé formel de promotion immobilière dans l’agglomération Abidjanaise depuis les années 1980 et leur impact sur l’espace urbain. Il met en lumière les opérations immobilières en insistant sur leurs dimensions spatiale, qualitative et quantitative. / Abidjan, the economic capital of Cote d'Ivoire, is undergoing a strong demographic pressure. It currently has a population of 4.5 million, which represents about 20% of the national population and 50% of the urban population. This situation induces a continuously rising demand for housing and building land. To address this rising demand after its independence, the state voluntarily engaged in a series of policies to promote housing and building land by creating a number of public sector organizations. In this plan, the state intervened from programming to marketing of the housing and the management of the residential projects. It also ensured the implementation of infrastructure and public social facilities. However, due to the economic crisis of the 1980s, the state relayed those tasks to the private sector and focused its efforts on the promotion of private initiatives by modernizing the financing mechanisms in the housing sector. Since then, the real estate market is witnessing the emergence of several real estate developers exclusively operating in the district of Abidjan. This study helps to establish a better understanding of the formal real estate development private sector’s activities in the agglomeration of Abidjan since the 1980s and their impact on the urban space. It highlights the real estate developments with an emphasis on their spatial, qualitative and quantitative aspects.
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A QUESTÃO AGRÁRIA E O DESENVOLVIMENTO NACIONAL.Paixão, Frederico Oliveira da 27 November 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-11-27 / This dissertation discusses the agrarian question and national development in a
territorial perspective. Examines the alternative to family farming cooperatives and
their importance for regional development through the establishment of agribusiness
in Brazil and Goiás. Therefore, narrates the case of Cooperative Milk Producers in
the city of Piracanjuba-Goiás- CPLP exemplifying how as cooperatives became an
important and necessary option for the support of dairy farming in the county, but that
by itself just does not solve the structural problem of agrarian question, which is the
lack of efficient public policies for rural areas. According to important authors of
development, as Celso Furtado and Florestan Fernandes, national, sustainable and
effective development should happen with intermediation of the National State,
through planned public policies. In turn, agriculture, especially the family farming is
the fundamental element for territorial development, proven in several nations of the
world by studies of Koning and Stringer and also in Brazil, by Ricardo Abramovay.
Between agriculture and development, establishes a dialectic: the growth of
agribusiness, mainly from 1960 and the maintaining the delayed field. The
agricultural production expands while the rural exodus increases. The productivity
sets a record whilst the economic and social conditions of workers worsened.
Through historical analysis and case study, it is noticed that the national agricultural
development does seem to be linked to the establishment of public policies on
access to land, logistics and energy infrastructure, promotion to technical training
field workers, and price regulation. / Esta dissertação discute sobre a questão agrária e o desenvolvimento nacional em
uma perspectiva territorial. Analisa a alternativa do cooperativismo para agricultura
familiar e de sua importância para o desenvolvimento territorial mediante o
estabelecimento do agronegócio no Brasil e em Goiás. Para tanto, narra o caso da
Cooperativa dos Produtores de Leite na cidade de Piracanjuba-Goiás- CPLP
exemplificando como o cooperativismo se tornou uma opção importante e
necessária para a sustentação da pecuária leiteira no município, mas que por si
apenas não resolve o problema estrutural da questão agrária, que se encontra na
carência de políticas públicas eficientes para o meio rural. Segundo importantes
autores do desenvolvimento, como Celso Furtado e Florestan Fernandes, o
desenvolvimento nacional, real e sustentável deve acontecer com intermediação do
Estado Nacional, por meio de políticas públicas planejadas. Por sua vez, a
agricultura, especialmente a familiar é o elemento fundamental para o
desenvolvimento territorial, fato comprovado em várias nações do mundo pelos
estudos de Koning e Stringer e também no Brasil, com Ricardo Abramovay. Nesse
ínterim entre agricultura e desenvolvimento, uma dialética se estabelece: o
crescimento do agribusiness, principalmente a partir de 1960 e a manutenção do
atraso no campo. A produção agrária se expande enquanto o êxodo rural aumenta.
A produtividade bate recorde enquanto as condições econômicas e sociais dos
trabalhadores se agravam. Através de análises históricas e de estudo de caso,
percebe-se que o desenvolvimento agrário nacional parece de fato estar ligado ao
estabelecimento de políticas públicas de acesso à terra, infra-estrutura logística e
energética, fomento e acesso à capacitação técnica do pessoal do campo e marco
regulatório de preços.
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Organisation et gestion du littoral - évaluation des ressources humaines : réfugiés environnementaux et aménagement du territoire en Europe et en Méditerranée : Etudes de cas : La Gironde (L’estuaire) en France et Thessalonique (Les deltas d’Axios-Loudias-Aliakmonas) en Grèce. / Organization and management of the coast - Human Resources Assessment : Environmental Refugees and land in Europe and the Mediterranean : Case studies : The Gironde (estuary) in France and Thessaloniki (Axios- Loudias- Aliakmonas Deltas) in Greece.Dritsas, Sophoclis E. 11 June 2015 (has links)
L’objectif de la présente thèse est de proposer un cadre conceptuel d’approche desmouvements de population liés aux risques environnementaux. Depuis une vingtained’années, un ensemble de termes a émergé afin de caractériser ces populations: réfugiésenvironnementaux, éco-réfugiés, réfugiés climatiques, éco- migrant pour ne citer que les plusconnus. La caractérisation et le statut accordé à ces populations sont dépendants de la nature,la force et la rapidité de l’évènement environnemental contribuant à leur déplacement. Il estdonc indispensable de définir des critères précis pour éviter tout risque de confusion etprocéder à de véritables évaluations des flux liés à ces catastrophes. Notre analyse sefocalisera sur les risques liés à la hausse du niveau de la mer: risques de submersion etd’inondation sur le littoral et dans les espaces deltaïques. Face à ces risques croissants, il estimpérieux de mettre en place une «stratégie proactive», basée sur le triptyque protection -prévention et anticipation. Cette stratégie exige au-delà de la délimitation des zonesgéographiques concernées, une quantification et qualification des populations potentiellementtouchées. C’est la conjonction de deux formes de vulnérabilité qui est au coeur de notreproblématique: la vulnérabilité face aux risques d’inondations et la vulnérabilité face à lapression démographique croissante. C’est dans cet esprit que nous étudierons deux zonessoumises au risque d’inondation, l’une en France (Estuaire de la Gironde) et l’autre en Grèce(Deltas d’Axios-Loudias-Aliakmonas en Macédoine Centrale) afin d’estimer l’importanceéventuelle des mouvements de population à l’horizon 2025 et 2050. / The present thesis seeks to define a conceptual framework in order to examine the populationmovements related to environmental risks. For about twenty years, several terms haveemerged to describe thedisplaced people such as: environmental refugees, eco-refugees,climate refugees or eco-migrants. The terms and the status attributed to these populations arelargely dependent on the nature, strength and speed of the environmental event contributing totheir displacement. It is therefore necessary to specify the criteria in order to avoid anyconfusion and to be able to assess the physical flows generated by the environmentaldisasters. Our analysis is focused on the risks of submersion and inundation along the coastand in the delta areas associated with rise in the sea levels. In view of these increasing risks, it is absolutely necessary to set up a "proactive strategy", based on the triptych protection -prevention - anticipation. For each type of risk considered, this strategy requires, beyond thedelimitation of the geographical areas concerned, quantification and qualification of thepotentially affected populations. Consequently, the main aspect of our problematic combinestwo types of vulnerability:the firstdue to environmental disasters’ risks such as floods and thesecondto increasing population pressure. Finally, we chose to examine in our study two areashighly subjected to flood risks such as the Gironde estuaryin France and the Axios -Loudias-Aliakmonas Deltas in Central Macedoniain Greece trying to estimate the potential size ofpopulation movements in 2025 and 2050.
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浮動開發方式之研究-以南二高交流道特定區為例 / A Study of Floating Development - A Case of the interchange Special District Area in South Second Highway黃建勛, Huang, Chien Shiun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究首先探討現行國內土地開發方式的優缺點及比較國外彈性土地開發方式之功能目的,期望能從中找適合國內的開發模式。結果本研究採用浮動分區(Floating Zone)為主要依據,配合現實環境,研擬出二階段浮動開發模式及運作流程,並以理性預期理論及獨占理論來說明浮動開發的立論依據,進而探討其特性及限制面,同時與現行土地開發方式作一比較。
6.可建立政府間的協商管道,使中央與地方共享開發成果。 / The land development led by the government often causes the issues of fairness and efficiency by inflexible development methods. The purpose of this thesis is to propose a new land development approach-floating development-to effectively solve the problems and achieve the goal of land development. This thesis takes the special district areas of the South Second Highway Interchange as examples to study the feasible of floating development.
First, this thesis considers the pros and cons of the domestic land development methods and compares with the function and goal of foreign flexible land development methods. Moreover, according to the Floating Zoning and the current environment, this thesis offers a two-stage floating development and an operating process, explains the floating development mode by monopoly theory and rational expectation theory, examines its characteristic and limitation, and compares with current land development methods.
In addition, the floating development approach bases on negotiation, therefore, this thesis examines the definition and the aim of negotiation. Moreover, this thesis focuses on land developing negotiation to analyze its pros and cons and operation and to build the negotiating mode of a two-stage floating development approach.
Applying the floating development to the interchange special district area, this thesis first analyzes the characteristics of the interchange special district areas of the Chug-Shane Highway, and finds that it is not successful resulted from the irrational land development. Therefore, this thesis takes Shin-Shih interchange special district area of the South Second Highway for example to examine the floating development method and to screen out four floating locations for development and negotiation.
In order to study the experts' and scholars' opinions on floating development method, this thesis adopts the AHP (Analysis Hierarchy Process) to survey the floating development and negotiation. This thesis designs goals and strategies of floating development and negotiation, and selects 30 experts and scholars to answer an AHP questionnaire. The results are as follows:
1.The floating development is fair and more effective.
2.The operation of negotiation is workable and fair, however, is lack of efficiency. Establishing disagrees and regulations is regarded as the most important reference of operation.
According to the above analyses, this thesis concludes and suggests:
1.It takes long time to prepare the floating development, therefore, it should be designed and planned earlier before applying.
2.We should develop a reasonable evaluating system to make the distribution of benefits more reasonable.
3.When applying floating development to the interchange special district area, it would be better to plan floating interchanges and floating special district areas together.
4.To operate negotiation fluently, establishing appropriate arbitration institution is suggested.
5.Cultivating professional negotiators earlier will be helpful to negotiation process.
6.Building the negotiation channel among governments will benefit both central and local governments.
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