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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Elefanten i rummet : En studie av vad som problematiseras i jämställdhetspolitiken och vilka konsekvenser det får för jämställdhetsarbetet / The elephant in the room : A study of what is problematized in gender policy and what the consequences are for the gender equality

Söderström Skott, Mega January 2015 (has links)
I denna uppsats används diskursanalys för att undersöka vad som framställs som problemet i jämställdhetspolitiken och vilka konsekvenser problemets framställning får för jämställdhetsarbetet och jämställdhetsintegrering som politisk åtgärd.  Studien har gjorts i en lokal kontext genom att analysera Karlstad kommuns jämställdhetspolicy, två jämställdhetsplaner samt ett samordningsmöte för jämställdhetsfrågor. Den diskursanalytiska metoden som ligger till grund för analysen är Carol Lee Bacchis policyanalysverktyg ”What is the problem represented to be?”. Det är ett angreppsätt som analyserar policys med syftet att skapa förståelse för hur problem ”skapas” i policys problemformulering. Efter att materialet analyserats framkom det att jämställdhetsarbetet utgick från flertalet olika problem som inte alltid hade en självklar koppling till jämställdhetsbegreppet. Jämställdhetsarbetet används till smått som stort för att förbättra den kommunala verksamheten. Detta kan medföra en avpolitiserande effekt på jämställdhetsintegrering som politisk åtgärd.  Analysen visade även att avsaknaden av en tydlig problemformulering, med utgångspunkt i ett könsmaktsperspektiv, utgjorde en försvårande faktor för att åstadkomma en positiv förändring mot ett mer jämställt samhälle. Det som i synnerhet lämnas oproblematiserat i jämställdhetsarbetet är ett strukturellt maktperspektiv, så som könsmaktsordningen. Könsmaktsordningen kan sägas utgöra ”elefanten i rummet” i jämställdhetsarbetet eftersom den är närvarande som teoretisk utgångspunkt men kan samtidigt inte benämnas utan att väcka motstånd. / This paper uses discourse analysis to examine what is portrayed as the problem of gender equality policies and the consequences of the problem representation for gender equality and gender mainstreaming as a political measure. The study was performed in a local context by analyzing Karlstad municipality's equality policy, two gender equality programs as well as a coordination meeting on gender equality issues. The discourse analytic method which is the basis for the analysis is Carol Lee Bacchis policy analysis "What is the problem represented to be?". It is a method approach that analyzes policies with the aim to create an understanding of how problems is "created" in the policies of problems. After the material has been analyzed, it emerged that gender equality was based on several different issues that had not always an obvious connection to the concept of equality. The gender equality work is used for both large and small to improve municipal operations. This can cause a depoliticize effect on gender mainstreaming as a policy measure. The analysis also showed that the lack of a clear problem, starting with a gender perspective, constituted an aggravating factor to effect a positive change towards a more equal society. What in particular is left un-problematised in gender equality work is a structural perspective of power, as gender power relations. Gender power relations can be said to be "the elephant in the room" for gender equality, since it is present as a theoretical basis, but can also not be named without arousing opposition.

Old heritage & new desires in Lee Tung Street

Ng, Pik-kei, Ilona., 吳碧琪. January 2001 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Architecture / Master / Master of Architecture

Den andres bröd : Levnadsrisk utifrån Lee-Cartermodellen

Mellkvist, Lars January 2008 (has links)
Under det gångna århundradet ökade den förväntade livslängden avsevärt såväl i Sverige som i övriga världen. 1900-talets förbättrade livslängd drevs inledningsvis av en minskad barnadödlighet medan de senare årtiondena kännetecknades av minskad dödlighet i höga åldrar. En åldrande befolkning innebär ökade krav på sjukvård, äldreomsorg och inte minst pensionssystem. Pålitliga prognoser för vår framtida livslängd behövs för att beräkna de resurser som nämnda verksamheter kommer att ta i anspråk och utgör förutsättningen för en rättvis prissättning av försäkringsprodukter med levnadsrisk. Lee-Carter-modellen är en av vår tids tongivande modeller för mortalitetsprognostisering. Modellen används här för att göra livslängdsprognoser utifrån svenska mortalitetsdata; prognoserna jämförs sedan med observerade utfall. Mot bakgrund av resultatet diskuteras levnadsrisk med fokus på pensioner. Inte oväntat presterar prognoserna ingen felfri bild av verkligheten och prognosfelet varierar i storlek mellan skattningarna; att använda dem som underlag för pensionsberäkningar hade i förlängningen varit ohållbart. Exemplet illustrerar på samma gång vår osäkerhet inför framtidens livslängdsutveckling och svårigheten i att prognostisera den. / During the past century, Sweden along with many other countries experienced a sharp decline in mortality rates. The increased life expectancy was initially propelled by mortality reductions among infants and subsequently by a survival improvement in advanced ages. An ageing population has large implications for those providing services to the elderly, such as medical care and pensions, whilst also addressing the need for accurate and reliable mortality forecasts and projection methods. The Lee-Carter model is the current gold standard for mortality forecasting and has been widely adopted in several studies. Here, the model is applied on Swedish mortality data; the projections are then compared to the observed lifespan development. Against this backdrop, a discussion on longevity risk in pensions schemes follows. The forecasts performed in this study do not perfectly reflect the observed mortality change in the examined period; furthermore, the variation of the estimation errors limits the actuarial value of the projections. The findings illuminate the uncertainty that surrounds our future life expectancy as well as the difficulties associated with forecasting it.

Resurs eller problem? : En studie av hur nyanlända invandrares identitet konstrueras i den politiska diskursen / Resource or problem? : A study of how newly arrived immigrants identity is constructed in the political discourse

Franke Björkman, Kristin January 2014 (has links)
Detta är en uppsats som genom diskursanalys undersöker hur den nyanlände invandrarens identitet konstrueras i samband med utformningen av etableringsreformen, en reform som trädde i kraft december 2010 med syftet att underlätta etableringen på den svenska arbetsmarknaden för vissa nyanlända invandrare, samt vilka konsekvenser denna identitetskonstruktion kan leda till. Den diskursanalytiska metod som ligger till grund för utformningen av analysen är Carol Lee Bacchis ”What’s the problem represented to be?”, vilken fokuserar på hur ett politiskt problem framställs genom att studera vilka lösningar som föreslås. Efter en noggrann genomgång av ett antal policydokument som framställdes under processen som föranledde införandet av etableringsreformen framkom det att den nyanlände invandraren i den politiska diskursen implicit framställs som omotiverad och oförmögen till att träda in på den svenska arbetsmarknaden om inte staten ingriper med åtgärder och krav, samtidigt som det svenska civilsamhällets agerande lämnas oproblematiserat. De följder detta kan få är dels att de nyanlända invandrarnas tilltro till den egna kapaciteten försvagas och dels att det civila samhällets attityd gentemot dessa riskerar att försämras. Detta är två utfall som ytterligare kan försvåra de nyanlända invandrarnas möjligheter till arbetsmarknadsetablering. / This is an essay that through discourse analysis examines how the newly arrived immigrant's identity is constructed in relation to the design of a legal reform, called the "establishment reform”, which came into force in Sweden in December 2010 with the aim to facilitate the establishment on the labor market of newly arrived immigrants. The implications of where this identity construction can lead are also discussed. The discursive analytical approach that is the basis for the design of the analysis is Carol Lee Bacchi's "What's the problem Represented to be?”, an approach that focuses on how a political problem is presented by studying the solutions that are suggested in order to solve it. After a careful review of a number of policy documents that were produced during the process that led to the entry of the establishment reform, it emerged that in the political discourse the newly arrived immigrant implicitly is portrayed as unmotivated and unable to enter the Swedish labor market unless the state intervenes with actions and demands, while problems in the behavior of Swedish civil society are left unaddressed. The impact this could have is partly that newly arrived immigrants lose confidence in their own capacities, and partly that civil society's attitudes towards immigrants may deteriorate. These are two outcomes that could further complicate the newly arrived immigrants' establishment on the labor market.

Three contemporary Korean artists

Chambers, Janet Denise January 2012 (has links)
This thesis examines the work of three Korean contemporary art practitioners: Lee Ufan (b. 1936), Lee Bul (b.1964) and the collective flyingCity (formed 2001). Lee Ufan is a senior Korean sculptor, painter and writer, who, during a long and productive career, has been based in Tokyo and Paris, and is now recognised in Korea, as well as internationally. Both Lee Bul and flyingCity have participated in projects at the Govett-Brewster Gallery for Contemporary Art in New Plymouth, New Zealand. These three art practices demonstrate a trend during the last fifty years from the individual artist working in a studio (Lee Ufan), to the artist moving from city to city making and showing artworks (Lee Bul), to artist collectives, working with community groups in the mode of relational aesthetics (flyingCity).

Skattelättnader för hushållstjänster– Prioriteras jämställdhetspolitik utifrån ett genusperspektiv? : En diskursanalytisk studie av Rut-avdragets förarbete med inriktning genuskonstruktion / Tax relief for household services – Is equality prioritized from a gender perspective? : A discourse analysis of the preparatory work of the Rut-deduction focusing on the gender construction

Zakariasson, Clara January 2014 (has links)
Denna uppsats har behandlat aktiva policydokument under införandet av skattelättnader för hushållstjänster. Syftet med denna undersökning har varit att studera den genuskonstruktion som kan tolkas genom en diskursiv framställning av proposition 2006/07:94 om skattelättnader för hushållstjänster - där fortsättningen av detta syfte har varit att undersöka hur denna genuskonstruktion samt hur andra sociala relationer ur ett intersektionellt perspektiv, kan tolkas ur ett jämställdhetsperspektiv. Studien har haft sin utgångpunkt från Carol Bacchis analysmetod – What’t the problem represented to be? Denna metod utgår från hur problemet framställs genom att studera vilken lösning som presenteras. Samt vilka effekter och subjektspositioner som skapas igenom hur problemrepresentationen läggs fram. Bacchis forskningsfrågor har varit den ledande mallen för konstruktionen av analysen. Analysen har skett inom en nyliberal diskurs sammankopplad till en könsdiskurs. Detta för att kunna kartlägga den genuskonstruktion som skapas igenom de subjektspositioner som artikuleras i propositionen. Malin Rönnbloms teori menar att artikulerade av en policy skapar ett ”görande” av politik. Analysprocessen har därmed undersökt hur propositionen ”gör” jämställdhetsbegreppet och vilken sätt ”görandet” påverkar subjekten inom diskurserna. Genom att noggrant koda av och analysera empirin har jag funnit att den genuskonstruktion som skapas: är den hushållsnära kvinnan kopplad till det traditionella kvinnoarbetet. Samt att de traditionella könsrollerna stärks då propositionen reproducerar kvinnan igenom att artikulera ”kvinnligt” inom traditionella hushållssysslor. Analysen visar även att jämställdhetsbegreppet som beskrivs i propositionen inte öppnar upp för någon form av maktanalys. Varken ur ett intersektionellt perspektiv och inte heller ur ett genusperspektiv. Utifrån dessa förutsättningar påverkar regeringen inte heller det rådande genussystemet som skapar genuskonstruktioner. / This essay has examined the current policy document for the implementation of tax reliefs for household services. The purpose was to study the gender construction that could be interpreted by a discourse exposition of proposal 2006/07:94 on tax relief for household. Thus, this thesis studies how the gender construction – and other social relations form an intersectional perspective – can be discussed from a gender perspective. Therefore, the study is based on Carol Bacchi’s analysis “What’s the problem represented to be? The method is based on how the problem is portrayed by studying the presented solution and also what effect and subject positions that are created through how the problem representation is presented. Bacchi’s research statement has been the model for the structure of the analysis – made within a neoliberal discourse linked to a gender discourse – in order to chart the gender construction that is created through the subject position that are presented in the proposal. Malin Rönnblom’s theory claims that articulating a policy creates a “doing” of politics. The analysis process therefore examined how the proposal “makes” the concept of equality and the way the “doing” affects subjects within the discourse. My conclusion is that the gender construction that has been created is the household women linked to the typical women’s work. The traditional gender roles are strengthened when one reproduces the women through the articulation of “feminine” within traditional household chores. The analysis also shows that the concept of equality, described the proposal, does not open up for any form of power analysis, not from an intersectional perspective and neither form a gender perspective. The final conclusion is that there is no possibility to affect the prevailing gender system that creates gender constructions.

Um mecanismo: invasão de células epiteliais por amostras de Escherichia coli enterohemorrágica (EHEC) LEE-negativas. / A mechanism: invasion of epithelial cells by LEE-negative enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) strains.

Verônica De Franco Rennó 11 June 2008 (has links)
Escherichia coli enterohemorrágicas (EHEC) que possuem a Ilha de Patogenicidade LEE são importantes patógenos humanos. A habilidade de adesão, invasão e perfil genético têm sido estudados, já que sorotipos que não possuem LEE tem sido isolados de pacientes com doença severa e intracelularmente. Das nove amostras relacionadas com doença, quatro (44.5%) apresentaram stx2+. Todas foram positivas para o gene lpfA e iha, e negativas para toxB. Três (33,3%) apresentaram saa e cinco hly. A maioria apresentou padrão de adesão difusa e invasão negativa em células HEp-2. Em CaCO-2 apresentaram aderência com variados graus de intensidade, e a maioria das amostras testadas apresentou invasão maior que 3,3%. Frente ao inibidor de polimerização de actina citocalasina D, houve significativa redução nos níveis de invasão, sugerindo que estas amostras utilizam um mecanismo da célula hospedeira para internalização, e que provavelmente, fatores de virulência como adesinas, favorecem a adesão das mesmas, compensando a ausência do LEE, e facilitando a instalação da infecção. / Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) that possess the pathogenic island LEE are important human pathogens. The adhesion ability, invasion and genetic profile have been studied, since serotypes that do not possess LEE have been isolated from humans with severe disease and found intracellular. Nine strains related with SHU, four (44,5%) were stx2+. All strains were positive for IpfA and iha genes and negative for toxB. Three (33,3%) showed saa and five hly. The most strains showed a diffusely adhesion pattern and negative invasion in HEp-2 cells. It presented various degrees of adhesion, and the most tested strains showed invasion high than 3,3% in CaCO-2. That was a significant reduction of invasion in the presence of actin polymerization inhibitor Citochalasin D, suggesting that these strains use a host cell mechanism to invade, and probably virulence factors, like adhesins, favors this adhesion and compensate LEE absence, promoting the installation of infection.

Destinos e trajetos: Edward Lee Thorndike e John Dewey na formação matemática do professor primário no Brasil (1920-1960) / Destinations and trajectoriess: Edward Lee Thorndike and John Dewey in primary mathematics teacher education in Brazil (1920-1960)

Rafaela Silva Rabelo 19 May 2016 (has links)
A presente tese tem como tema as contribuições de Edward Lee Thorndike e de John Dewey no campo da educação matemática. Especificamente, a pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar os processos de circulação das ideias desses educadores na formação matemática de professores do ensino primário no Brasil e as apropriações decorrentes desses processos, centrando a discussão entre as décadas de 1920 e 1960. Os conceitos de circulação, apropriação e histórica conectada, dentre outros, foram operados com base em autores tais como Roger Chartier, Serge Gruzinski, Pierre Bourdieu e Michel de Certeau. Constituíram-se enquanto fontes de pesquisa programas de ensino, manuais pedagógicos, relatórios de viagem, correspondência, jornais e revistas pedagógicas. A análise desenvolveu-se privilegiando os viajantes pedagógicos e os impressos. Quanto a este último, o foco recaiu nos programas de ensino, bibliotecas pedagógicas e manuais pedagógicos. Dentre as conclusões, observa-se o papel importante que os viajantes pedagógicos desempenharam na circulação das ideias de Dewey e de Thorndike, seja na forma de publicações que faziam referência aos educadores estadunidenses, ou por meio da atuação docente na formação de professores. Outros meios de promover essa circulação foram os programas de ensino e bibliotecas pedagógicas, nos quais constam títulos de Dewey e Thorndike e manuais que a eles fazem referência. Em termos de apropriação, percebe-se a presença de Dewey para tratar de assuntos de escopo mais geral da educação, enquanto que Thorndike é mobilizado para discutir questões mais específicas de aritmética, tais como a importância de recorrer a situações e valores reais. / The following thesis focus on the contributions of Edward Lee Thorndike and John Dewey to mathematics education field. Specifically, the research had as aim to investigate the processes of circulation of these authors ideas in mathematics teachers education in Brazil and the correspondent appropriations, focusing the discussion in the period between 1920s and 1960s. The concepts of circulation, appropriation and connected history, and others, were operated based in such authors as Roger Chartier, Serge Gruzinski, Pierre Bourdieu and Michel de Certeau. Some of the sources were course programs, handbooks, travel reports, correspondence, papers and pedagogical journals. The analysis privileged the pedagogical travelers and the impressions. In relation to the impressions, the focus was the course programs, pedagogical libraries and handbooks. The conclusions point to the important part played by the pedagogical travelers in the circulation of Deweys and Thorndikes ideas, through publications referring to these American educators or based on practice in teachers education. Other ways that promoted the circulation were the course programs and the pedagogical libraries, where there are Deweys and Thorndikes works included or handbooks that mention them. Related to appropriation, Dewey is mentioned referring to general aspects of education, and Thorndike to more specific discussions related to arithmetic.

Teorema Central do Limite para o modelo O(N) de Heisenberg hierárquico na criticalidade e o papel do limite N -> infinito na dinâmica dos zeros de Lee-Yang / Central Limit Theorem for the hierarchical O(N) Heisenberg model at criticality and the role of the N -> infinity limit for the Lee-Yang zeros´s dynamics

William Remo Pedroso Conti 11 June 2008 (has links)
Neste trabalho estabelecemos o Teorema Central do Limite para o modelo O(N) de Heisenberg hierárquico na criticalidade via equação a derivadas parciais no limite N -> infinito. Por simplicidade consideramos apenas o caso d = 4, sendo o teorema também válido para d > 4. Pelo estudo de uma dada equação a derivadas parciais (EDP) determinamos a temperatura inversa crítica do modelo esférico hierárquico contínuo para um d > 2 qualquer, havendo conexão entre criticalidade e o ponto fixo da EDP. Por meio de uma análise geométrica da trajetória crítica obtemos informações sobre a dinâmica e distribuição dos zeros de Lee-Yang. / In this work we stablish the Central Limit Theorem for the hierarchical O(N) Heisenberg model at criticality via partial differential equation in the limit N -> infinity. For simplicity we only treat the d = 4 case but the theorem is still valid for d > 4. By studying a given partial differential equation (PDE) we determine for any d > 2 the critical inverse temperature of the continuum hierarchical spherical model, and we show a connection between criticality and the fixed point of PDE. By means of a geometric analysis of the critical trajectory we obtain some informations about Lee-Yang zeros´s dynamics and distribution.

Annuity Divisors

Helmersson, Madeleine January 2017 (has links)
This paper studies the differences and similarities between the discrete annuity divisor of the income pension compared to the continuous annuity divisor of the premium pension in Sweden. First discrete and continuous annuity divisors are compared and found to be equivalent given the same underlying mortality. The income divisor is based on observed mortality in a period setting while the premium divisor which is based on projected mortality in a cohort setting. The expected performance of the two methods is studied by constructing prediction intervals based on Lee-Carter models with either a Binomial or Poisson distribution. Prediction intervals are constructed using either residual bootstrap or parametric bootstrap. The premium annuity divisor is found to outperform the income annuity divisor, there is a large risk that the latter underestimates the future mortality. / Den här uppsatsen studerar skillnader och likheter mellan inkomstpensionens diskreta delningstal och premiepensionens kontinuerliga delningstal i Sverige. Först jämförs diskreta och kontinuerliga delningstal och finns vara likvärdiga när de baseras på samma dödlighet. Inkomstpensionens delningstal är baserad på observerad period-dödlighet medan premiepensionens delningstal är baserad på projekterad kohort-dödlighet. Prediktionsintervall används för att skatta hur bra de två metoderna är. Med hjälp av Lee-Carter-modellen baserad på antingen poissonfördelning eller binomialfördelning konstrueras prediktionsintervall. Bootstrap, antingen parametrisk eller baserad på residualerna, används för att skapa prediktionsintervallen. Premiumpensionens delningstal stämmer väl överens med prediktionsintervallen medan det för inkomstpensionens delningstal finns en stor risk att framtida dödlighet underskattas.

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