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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The plays of Lorraine Hansberry: themes of confrontation and commitment

Zingale, Jeanne Wiegand January 1973 (has links)
No description available.

Shaker Heights’ Revolt Against Highways

Chew, Megan Lenore 30 September 2009 (has links)
No description available.

"Scent of Ink": A Study and Performance Guide of Selected Gagok by Wonju Lee

Lee, Eun Kyung 05 1900 (has links)
Wonju Lee (b. 1979) has already made her own unique contribution to Korean art song. Her songs commissioned by classical Korean music performers have been recorded and released on record labels such as Universal Music and Sony Music. Albums include the Gagok collection, Lee Hwa-woo, The Pear Blossom Falls published by Soo Moon Dang. Some songs have been published by music publishers in the United States such as Classical Vocal Reprints and in Korea by the Korean Traditional Music Resource Center. Wonju Lee's songs are being performed by singers not only in Korea but also in the United States. This study provides information regarding the history of Gagok (Korean art songs) and discusses two duets "Scent of Ink" and "Under the Cherry Tree," and three solo songs "Sam-Arirang," "Relationship," and "Loom Song" by Wonju Lee. This critical essay includes biographical information about the composer and poets, IPA transcriptions for each song, and both word-for-word and poetic translations. In addition, using the methodology from Carol Kimball's book Song: A Guide to Art Song Style and Literature, style sheets of musical characteristics for each song and for the composer are provided and serve as the basis for interpretive recommendations for performers.

When Reality Was Surreal: Lee Miller's World War II War Correspondence for Vogue

Rose, Josh 12 1900 (has links)
During World War II, Lee Miller was an accredited war correspondent for Vogue magazine. Miller was trained as a surrealist photographer by Man Ray, and her wartime work, both photographic and written, is indicative of a combination of journalism and surrealism. This thesis examines Lee Miller's war correspondence within the context of Vogue magazine, establishing parallels between the photographs and writing to determine how surrealism informs it stylistically and ideologically. Using surrealist techniques of juxtaposition and an unmanipulated photographic style, and the surrealist concepts of the Marvelous and Convulsive Beauty, Miller presented the war as a surreality, or a surreal reality. This study concludes by using Miller's approach to suggest a new concept of journalistic practice: surrealist journalism.


RAQUEL RODRIGUES SANTOS 06 March 2008 (has links)
[pt] Melhorias da mortalidade vêm sendo observadas em praticamente todo o mundo desde o início do século XX e impactam diretamente o resultado dos cálculos atuariais. A incorporação das tendências futuras da mortalidade no cálculo atuarial é possível através do uso de tábuas de mortalidade geracionais, que fornecem probabilidades de morte baseadas não só na idade x do indivíduo, como também no tempo t. O estudo aborda técnicas para projeção da mortalidade e consequente determinação dos fatores de improvement, utilizados para tornar uma tábua de mortalidade na forma geracional. As metodologias Lee-Carter e modelos lineares generalizados são utilizadas para construir previsões de mortalidade com base na experiência de mortalidade da população da Inglaterra e País de Gales da última metado do século passado. / [en] By the beginning of the 20th century, improvement on mortality started rising in many countries and this has a direct impact on the results of actuarial calculus. The trend of mortality can be incorporated into actuarial calculus through the use of generation mortality tables, that consider not only the age x of the individual but also the time t. This study explores techniques to project the mortality and the improvement factors used to turn a mortality table into a generational one. The methodologies of Lee-Carter and generalized linear models were used to forecast mortality by using the England and Wales mortality experience of the past half century.

Delar av Sverige ska leva! : En studie av legitimitetsfaktorerna för svenska regionsammanslagningar / Parts of Sweden must live! : Factors of Legitimacy for Merging of Swedish Regions

Bock, Joacim January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to – through a discourse analysis – examine how the parliamentary committee – Ansvarskommittén – legitimizes the need for merging administrative regions. The committee’s investigation is what underlies the present debate on regionalisation and the merging of regions in Sweden. To carry out this discourse analysis, I have used “What’s the problem represented to be?”, by Carol Lee Bacchi as an analytical framework. The analytical framework aids the examination on how political parties construct problems through the solutions they propose. After carefully examining the final dictum of Ansvarskommittén, this study concludes that the committe’s investigation legitimizes the merging of regions primarily through three discourses. First, it is being legitimized through Neo-Regionalism which is also a component in the remaining two discourses. The second discourse is Europeanization that is intended to adapt the regions to the regional standards of the European Union. The third discourse is the financial growth discourse and is intended to maintain the financial growth and competitiveness of regions against other regions. Consequently, the regions are given the responsibility of the state’s wealth instead of the state being responsible for the wealth of the regions as seen in traditional welfare states. / Syftet med den här studien är att med hjälp av en diskursanalys undersöka hur Ansvarskommittén, genom den parlamentariska utredning som gjorts, legitimerar att Sverige behöver slå samman sina regioner. Det är den här utredningen som ligger som till för den debatt som idag förs vad gäller regionalisering och regionsammanslagningar i Sverige. För att utföra diskursanalysen har studien gjorts med hjälp av Carol Lee Bacchis ”What´s the problem represented to be?”, som grund för min analysmodell. Analysmodellen syftar till att undersöka hur aktörer konstruerar problem genom de lösningar som föreslås. Efter att ha granskat Ansvarskommitténs slutbetänkande noggrant, är min slutsats att utredningen legitimerar regionsammanslagningar genom framförallt tre stycken diskurser. Dels genom nyregionalism som även är övergripande för de andra två diskurserna. De andra diskurserna är europeisering, som syftar till att anpassa de svenska regionerna efter den Europeiska Unionen. Och dels en tillväxtdiskurs som innebär att regionerna ska kunna upprätthålla sin egna tillväxt- och konkurrenskraft mot andra regioner. Det blir således regionerna som ska bygga statens välstånd och inte staten som ska upprätthålla regionernas välstånd på det sättet som välfärdstaten är uppbyggd på.

Avaliação da interação de Escherichia coli enterohemorrágica (EHEC) pertencente ao sorotipo O157: H7 isoladas de bovinos assintomáticos e de doença humana com células enterocíticas humanas (linhagem Caco-2) / Evaluation of interaction of Enterohaemorrhagic (EHEC) 0157: H7 isolated from asymptomatic cattle and human disease with human enterocitic cells

Fabiana Cordeiro 14 December 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Reconhecida como agente de doença humana em 1982, E.coli enterohemorrágica (EHEC) pode causar diarréia sanguinolenta, colite hemorrágica e síndrome hemolítica urêmica (SHU). EHEC constitui um subgrupo especialmente virulento das E.coli produtoras de toxina de Shiga (Stx). O fator crítico da sua virulência é a toxina Shiga, capaz de interromper a síntese proteica da célula eucariótica. São conhecidos dois subgrupos de Stx, Stx1 e Stx2. Stx1 possui duas variantes Stx1c e Stx1d. Stx2 possui muitas variantes. Estudos epidemiológicos sugerem que cepas com os perfis toxigênicos Stx2 ou Stx2/Stx2c seriam mais frequentemente associadas a pacientes com SHU. Além da expressão de Stx, EHEC do sorotipo O157:H7 colonizam a mucosa intestinal induzindo a formação de lesões denominadas attaching/effacing (A/E). Para a produção da lesão A/E, é necessária a presença de uma ilha de patogenicidade cromossômica denominada LEE, composta por cinco operons, LEE 1 a LEE5. Em LEE 5 são codificadas a adesina intimina e o seu receptor Tir, o qual é translocado por um sistema de secreção tipo III (SSTT) e em LEE 4 são codificadas as proteínas secretadas EspA,B e D. Em EHEC O157:H7 são descritos muitos fatores de virulência, codificados em ilhas de patogenicidade, no cromossomo e no megaplasmídio pO157. Bovinos são o principal reservatório deste patógeno e alimentos de origem bovina e produtos contaminados com fezes de bovinos são causadores de surtos epidêmicos. Em nosso país EHEC O157:H7 é isolada do reservatório animal mas é muito rara a sua ocorrência em doença humana. Notamos que nas cepas bovinas predomina Stx2c, enquanto nas cepas humanas predomina o perfil toxigenico Stx2/Stx2c. Quanto a interação com enterocitos humanos cultivados in vitro (linhagem Caco-2), verificamos que tanto cepas bovinas quanto humanas mostram idêntica capacidade de invadir e persistir no compartimento intracelular das células Caco-2. No entanto, em comparação com as cepas humanas, as cepas bovinas mostram uma reduzida capacidade de produzir lesões A/E. Empregamos qPCR para aferir a transcrição de três diferentes locus (eae, espA e tir) situados nos operons LEE4 e LEE5 de cepas bovinas e humanas, durante a infecção de células Caco-2. Verificamos diferenças na expressão dos genes, especialmente espA, entre cepas bovinas e humanas com maior expressão para estas ultimas, em linha com os achados dos testes FAS. Através de clonagem e expressão de proteínas recombinantes, purificamos as proteínas Eae, EspA e Tir e obtivemos anticorpos específicos, empregados para acompanhar a sua expressão ao longo da infecção de células Caco-2, por imunofluorescencia. Verificamos que as três proteínas são detectadas tanto em cepas bovinas quanto humanas, mas nestas ultimas, a marcação é precoce e torna-se mais intensa com o avanço da infecção. Nossos resultados indicam que cepas EHEC O157:H7 isoladas do reservatório bovino em nosso país apresentam diferenças importantes em relação ao perfil toxigenico e a capacidade de indução de lesões A/E, características apontadas na literatura como relevantes para a virulência do micro-organismo. Por outro lado, nossos achados quanto a capacidade de invadir e multiplicar-se no interior de enterócitos pode explicar a persistência do patógeno no reservatório animal e a sua capacidade de transmissão horizontal. / Recognized in 1982 as a human pathogen, enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) causes bloody diarrhea, hemorrhagic colitis and hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS). EHEC belonging to serotype O157:H7 are mostly important in North America, United Kingdom and Japan. Shiga toxin (Stx) is the critical factor of STEC. Stx is capable to interrupt the protein synthesis of the eukaryotic cell. Two subgroups of Stx are known, Stx1 and Stx2. Two variants of Stx1 are known (Stx1c and Stx1d), but several Stx2 variants have been described. Epidemiological studies suggest that STEC/EHEC strains carrying the toxigenic profiles Stx2 or Stx2/Stx2c are more frequently associated to HUS. Besides the expression of Stx, EHEC O157:H7 colonize the intestinal mucosa inducing the formation of characteristic histopathological lesions denominated attaching/effacing (A/E). To the production of A/E lesions, it is necessary the presence of a pathogenicity island called LEE (locus of enterocyte effacement), composed by five operons, LEE 1 to LEE5. An outer membrane adhesin (intimin) and its receptor Tir, which is translocated by a type three secretion sytem (TTSS), are both codified in LEE5 while the secreted proteins EspA, B and D, that constitute part of the SSTT, are codified in LEE4. Cattle are the main reservoir of this pathogen and foods of bovine origin and products contamined with bovine feces are common causes of epidemic outbreaks. In Brazil, EHEC O157:H7 can be isolated from the animal reservoir . Stx2c prevails among the bovine strains, while the toxigenic profiles Stx2 or Stx2/Stx2c are found among the human strains. Concerning the bacterial interaction with human enterocytes cultivated in vitro (Caco-2) we verified that both bovine and human strains showed almost identical ability to invade and to persist in the intracellular compartment of the Caco-2 cells. However, in comparison with the human strains, the bovine strains showed a reduced capacity to produce A/E lesions according to the FAS test. A quantitative FAS test confirmed the relative inefficiency of bovine strains to induce A/E lesions. We also used qPCR to follow the transcription of three genes (eae, espA and tir) of selected bovine and human strains, during the infection of Caco-2 cells. We verified differences in the gene expression, especially for espA, between bovine and human strains and these latter showed a larger expression, in line with the findings of the actin-aggregation tests. Through cloning and expression of recombinant proteins, we purified the Eae, EspA and Tir proteins and obtained specific antibodies, employed to follow the expression of those proteins, by immunofluorescence, along the infection of Caco-2 cells. We found that all proteins are detected both in bovine and human strains, but on these protein labeling occurs early and becomes more intense with the progress of the infection. Our results indicate that EHEC O157:H7 strains isolated from the bovine reservoir in Brazil shows, in comparison to strains isolated from human disease, important differences in relation to the toxigenic profile and the ability to induce A/E lesions. Our findings concerning the ability of the microorganism to invade and to multiply inside enterocytes can explain the persistence of the pathogen in the animal reservoir and its ability of horizontal transmission.

Avaliação da interação de Escherichia coli enterohemorrágica (EHEC) pertencente ao sorotipo O157: H7 isoladas de bovinos assintomáticos e de doença humana com células enterocíticas humanas (linhagem Caco-2) / Evaluation of interaction of Enterohaemorrhagic (EHEC) 0157: H7 isolated from asymptomatic cattle and human disease with human enterocitic cells

Fabiana Cordeiro 14 December 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Reconhecida como agente de doença humana em 1982, E.coli enterohemorrágica (EHEC) pode causar diarréia sanguinolenta, colite hemorrágica e síndrome hemolítica urêmica (SHU). EHEC constitui um subgrupo especialmente virulento das E.coli produtoras de toxina de Shiga (Stx). O fator crítico da sua virulência é a toxina Shiga, capaz de interromper a síntese proteica da célula eucariótica. São conhecidos dois subgrupos de Stx, Stx1 e Stx2. Stx1 possui duas variantes Stx1c e Stx1d. Stx2 possui muitas variantes. Estudos epidemiológicos sugerem que cepas com os perfis toxigênicos Stx2 ou Stx2/Stx2c seriam mais frequentemente associadas a pacientes com SHU. Além da expressão de Stx, EHEC do sorotipo O157:H7 colonizam a mucosa intestinal induzindo a formação de lesões denominadas attaching/effacing (A/E). Para a produção da lesão A/E, é necessária a presença de uma ilha de patogenicidade cromossômica denominada LEE, composta por cinco operons, LEE 1 a LEE5. Em LEE 5 são codificadas a adesina intimina e o seu receptor Tir, o qual é translocado por um sistema de secreção tipo III (SSTT) e em LEE 4 são codificadas as proteínas secretadas EspA,B e D. Em EHEC O157:H7 são descritos muitos fatores de virulência, codificados em ilhas de patogenicidade, no cromossomo e no megaplasmídio pO157. Bovinos são o principal reservatório deste patógeno e alimentos de origem bovina e produtos contaminados com fezes de bovinos são causadores de surtos epidêmicos. Em nosso país EHEC O157:H7 é isolada do reservatório animal mas é muito rara a sua ocorrência em doença humana. Notamos que nas cepas bovinas predomina Stx2c, enquanto nas cepas humanas predomina o perfil toxigenico Stx2/Stx2c. Quanto a interação com enterocitos humanos cultivados in vitro (linhagem Caco-2), verificamos que tanto cepas bovinas quanto humanas mostram idêntica capacidade de invadir e persistir no compartimento intracelular das células Caco-2. No entanto, em comparação com as cepas humanas, as cepas bovinas mostram uma reduzida capacidade de produzir lesões A/E. Empregamos qPCR para aferir a transcrição de três diferentes locus (eae, espA e tir) situados nos operons LEE4 e LEE5 de cepas bovinas e humanas, durante a infecção de células Caco-2. Verificamos diferenças na expressão dos genes, especialmente espA, entre cepas bovinas e humanas com maior expressão para estas ultimas, em linha com os achados dos testes FAS. Através de clonagem e expressão de proteínas recombinantes, purificamos as proteínas Eae, EspA e Tir e obtivemos anticorpos específicos, empregados para acompanhar a sua expressão ao longo da infecção de células Caco-2, por imunofluorescencia. Verificamos que as três proteínas são detectadas tanto em cepas bovinas quanto humanas, mas nestas ultimas, a marcação é precoce e torna-se mais intensa com o avanço da infecção. Nossos resultados indicam que cepas EHEC O157:H7 isoladas do reservatório bovino em nosso país apresentam diferenças importantes em relação ao perfil toxigenico e a capacidade de indução de lesões A/E, características apontadas na literatura como relevantes para a virulência do micro-organismo. Por outro lado, nossos achados quanto a capacidade de invadir e multiplicar-se no interior de enterócitos pode explicar a persistência do patógeno no reservatório animal e a sua capacidade de transmissão horizontal. / Recognized in 1982 as a human pathogen, enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) causes bloody diarrhea, hemorrhagic colitis and hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS). EHEC belonging to serotype O157:H7 are mostly important in North America, United Kingdom and Japan. Shiga toxin (Stx) is the critical factor of STEC. Stx is capable to interrupt the protein synthesis of the eukaryotic cell. Two subgroups of Stx are known, Stx1 and Stx2. Two variants of Stx1 are known (Stx1c and Stx1d), but several Stx2 variants have been described. Epidemiological studies suggest that STEC/EHEC strains carrying the toxigenic profiles Stx2 or Stx2/Stx2c are more frequently associated to HUS. Besides the expression of Stx, EHEC O157:H7 colonize the intestinal mucosa inducing the formation of characteristic histopathological lesions denominated attaching/effacing (A/E). To the production of A/E lesions, it is necessary the presence of a pathogenicity island called LEE (locus of enterocyte effacement), composed by five operons, LEE 1 to LEE5. An outer membrane adhesin (intimin) and its receptor Tir, which is translocated by a type three secretion sytem (TTSS), are both codified in LEE5 while the secreted proteins EspA, B and D, that constitute part of the SSTT, are codified in LEE4. Cattle are the main reservoir of this pathogen and foods of bovine origin and products contamined with bovine feces are common causes of epidemic outbreaks. In Brazil, EHEC O157:H7 can be isolated from the animal reservoir . Stx2c prevails among the bovine strains, while the toxigenic profiles Stx2 or Stx2/Stx2c are found among the human strains. Concerning the bacterial interaction with human enterocytes cultivated in vitro (Caco-2) we verified that both bovine and human strains showed almost identical ability to invade and to persist in the intracellular compartment of the Caco-2 cells. However, in comparison with the human strains, the bovine strains showed a reduced capacity to produce A/E lesions according to the FAS test. A quantitative FAS test confirmed the relative inefficiency of bovine strains to induce A/E lesions. We also used qPCR to follow the transcription of three genes (eae, espA and tir) of selected bovine and human strains, during the infection of Caco-2 cells. We verified differences in the gene expression, especially for espA, between bovine and human strains and these latter showed a larger expression, in line with the findings of the actin-aggregation tests. Through cloning and expression of recombinant proteins, we purified the Eae, EspA and Tir proteins and obtained specific antibodies, employed to follow the expression of those proteins, by immunofluorescence, along the infection of Caco-2 cells. We found that all proteins are detected both in bovine and human strains, but on these protein labeling occurs early and becomes more intense with the progress of the infection. Our results indicate that EHEC O157:H7 strains isolated from the bovine reservoir in Brazil shows, in comparison to strains isolated from human disease, important differences in relation to the toxigenic profile and the ability to induce A/E lesions. Our findings concerning the ability of the microorganism to invade and to multiply inside enterocytes can explain the persistence of the pathogen in the animal reservoir and its ability of horizontal transmission.

"Skjut som en kärring" : En diskursanalys av den mediala debatten gällande ojämställdhet i den svenska Försvarsmakten

Kisberg, Linn January 2018 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka den mediala debatten gällande ojämställdhet i den svenska Försvarsmakten. Detta görs genom att undersöka problemrepresentationer som funnits i debatten genom att utforska olika tidsintervall. Uppsatsen har sin utgångspunkt i ett diskursanalytiskt perspektiv och utifrån Carol Lee Bacchis diskursanalytiska frågor är fem forskningsfrågor konstruerade som ligger till grund för uppsatsen. – Vad är problemet, och hur representeras problemet med ojämställdhet gällande Försvarsmakten i den mediala debatten? – Vilka antaganden ligger till grund för denna representation? - Vad är det som lämnas kvar oproblematiserat i problemrepresentationen? – Vilka effekter produceras av denna problemrepresentation? - Hur har denna representation av problemet spridits och försvarats? Hur kan den bli ifrågasatt och ersättas? Utifrån det feministiska perspektivet undersöks det även om problemrepresentationerna karaktäriseras av politisering eller avpolitisering.   Sammanfattningsvis går det att se att diskursen gällande ojämställdhet i Försvarsmakten problematiseras på olika vis. Det är differerande, och upprepande bilder av ojämställdhet som går att tolka ur de olika tidsperioderna som undersökts. Av de problemrepresentationer som kunnat uttolkas av debatten karaktäriseras vissa av att vara politiserade medan de flesta är avpolitiserade. Genom att ha analyserat debatten framkommer det att frågan gällande jämställdhet är komplext och yttrar sig i olika problemrepresentationer. Förhoppningen med denna uppsats är att den bidrar till den viktiga diskussionen om jämställdhet, och att diskursen inte tystnar. / The purpose of the essay is to examine the media debate on inequalities in the Swedish Armed Forces. This will be done by analyzing problem representations that have been found in the debate by exploring different time intervals. The essay is based on a discourse analysis perspective, and Carol Lee Bacchis discourse analytical questions are the five research questions designed as the basis for the thesis.  – Whats the problem, and how is the inequalities issue of the armed forces represented in the media debate? - What assumptions underlying the latter representation? -  What is left unproblematic in this representation? What effects are produced by this problem representation?- How has this representation of the problem been spread and defended? How can it be questioned and replaced? Based on the feminist perspective, it is investigated if the problem representations are characterized by politicization or depolitisation.   In summary, it can be seen that the discourse regarding inequalities in the Armed Forces is problematized in different ways. There are different and repeated images of inequality that can be seen in the different periods studied in this essay. The analysis show that some problem representations in the debate are politicized, while most are depoliticized. By analyzing the debate, it appears that the issue of gender equality is complex and expresses itself in different problem representations. The aim of this paper is that it will contribute to the important discussion of gender equality, and that the discourse does not silence.

Um sexto sentido maior que a razão: um olhar bakhtiniano sobre o universo feminino na obra de Rita Lee

Douglas DAngelo 16 April 2014 (has links)
This paper consists in the analysis of music lyrics in a discursive gender scope, investigating the composition of women image in songs by Rita Lee. The issue behind this paper is related to the fact that some educational institutions have still priviledged the textual typology to the detriment of the teaching of discursive genre and also due to the fact that the discursive text has been taught out of context. Another aspect that also led to this research is the fact that many Brazilian Popular Music composers still depict the profile of the Brazilian woman as someone inferior, submissive, intangible or simply as an object of the mans desire. The aim of this research is to analyse, according to predetermined criteria, this peculiar aspect in the composers work within her particular feminine point of view, showing in which way the feminine universe is depicted in the linguistic-discursive concreteness of her songs. Seven of the artists songs have been analysed based on the following Mikhail Bakhtins followers and theoretical referentials: concrete statement, discursive genres and dialogism, intertextuality and interdiscursivity, ideology, author and authorship. The results confirm that, in the artists point of view, the feminine universe is represented by autonomous, intelligent, strong and independent women. / Este trabalho consiste na análise de letras de música enquanto gênero discursivo e investiga a constituição da imagem da mulher nas canções de Rita Lee. O problema que motivou esta dissertação está relacionado ao fato de algumas instituições de ensino ainda privilegiarem a tipologia textual em detrimento do ensino dos gêneros discursivos e também ao fato de se ensinar o texto descritivo isolado de um contexto. Outro aspecto que também motivou esta pesquisa é o fato de muitos compositores da Música Popular Brasileira ainda abordarem o perfil da mulher como um ser inferior, submisso, inatingível ou simplesmente como um objeto de desejo do homem. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar, de acordo com critérios preestabelecidos, esse aspecto peculiar na obra da compositora sob seu ponto de vista feminino, apresentando o modo pelo qual o universo da mulher é retratado na materialidade linguístico-discursiva de suas canções. Foram analisadas sete canções da autora com base nos seguintes referenciais teóricos de Michail Bakhtin e de seu Círculo: enunciado concreto, gêneros discursivos e dialogismo, intertextualidade e interdiscursividade, ideologia e autor e autoria. Os resultados confirmam que, na visão da autora, o universo feminino é representado por mulheres autônomas, inteligentes, fortes e independentes.

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