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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Impact of Memory Stereotype Threat on Memory and Memory Self-Efficacy in Older Adults

Fredriksen, Lauren E. 13 July 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Verbal Chunking in Immediate Memory and its Relation to Children’s Comprehension ofSpoken Sentences

Vahabi, Farzaneh 25 July 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Absolutes und nichtabsolutes Hören / Einflussfaktoren auf das Erinnern von Tonarten

Schlemmer, Kathrin B. 04 January 2006 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde mit einer Reihe von Experimenten geprüft, ob sich die Tonarterinnerung von Nichtabsoluthörern durch aus der Gedächtnisforschung abgeleitete Einflussfaktoren erklären lässt. Zunächst erfolgte eine theoretische Betrachtung des Tonartgedächtnisses sowohl aus musikpsychologischer als auch aus gedächtnispsychologischer Perspektive. Die Analyse von Befunden zum „latenten“ und „echten“ absoluten Gehör zeigte, dass eine Reihe von potenziellen Einflussfaktoren auf die Tonarterinnerung betrachtet werden muss, um herauszufinden, ob es sich bei diesen beiden Phänomenen um unterschiedliche Ausprägungen derselben Fähigkeit handelt. Um den Einfluss von Faktoren der Melodien, der Melodie-Lernenden und der Art des Melodie-Lernens auf die Tonarterinnerung zu prüfen, wurden insgesamt 268 Probanden gebeten, vertraute Melodien aus dem Gedächtnis zu singen. Unabhängige Variablen waren die musikalische Expertise der Probanden, ihre Fähigkeit Töne zu benennen, die Form und die Intensität des dem Experiment vorangegangenen Melodie-Lernens sowie verschiedene Charakteristika der Melodien. Abhängige Variable war die Genauigkeit, mit der die Originaltonarten der Melodien produziert wurden. Es konnten Effekte der Hör-Häufigkeit, der musikalischen Expertise, der Tonbenennung, der Melodie-Eingängigkeit sowie ein Effekt motorischer Kontextinformationen auf die Genauigkeit der Tonarterinnerung nachgewiesen werden. Um den Häufigkeitseffekt mit einer weiteren Anforderung zu untersuchen, wurde in einem weiteren Experiment die Tonbenennungsleistung von Absoluthörern und Nichtabsoluthörern verglichen. Dabei kam die Methode der Pupillometrie zum Einsatz, um Unterschiede in der mentalen Beanspruchung beim Benennen von Tönen unterschiedlicher Klangfarbe und Tonklasse nachweisen zu können. Die Ergebnisse stützen die Annahme, dass das häufige Hören bestimmter Töne sowohl bei Absoluthörern als auch bei Nichtabsoluthörern die Tonbenennung erleichtert. Dies verweist darauf, dass auch bei der musikspezifischen Aufgabe der Tonbenennung ein so grundlegendes Prinzip des menschlichen Gedächtnisses wie die Stabilisierung von Gedächtnisinhalten durch Wiederholung zum Tragen kommt. Insgesamt weisen die Ergebnisse darauf hin, dass Tonarterinnerung ein komplexes Phänomen ist, für das eine alleinige Erklärung als „latentes absolutes Gehör“ zu kurz greift. Statt einer schwachen Ausprägung einer hochspezialisierten Fähigkeit scheint es sich eher um eine eigene Form des Erinnerns, die auf allgemeingültigen Gedächtnisprinzipien beruht, zu handeln. / In this thesis, memory for musical keys among absolute pitch nonpossessors, which is often referred to as “latent” absolute pitch, is examined. A theoretical analysis focused on existing research about “latent” and “manifest” absolute pitch. Evidence from music-psychological and general memory research as well as neuropsychological evidence was considered. The review of existing research revealed that several factors are potentially relevant for the memory of musical keys and should be considered in trying to determine whether “latent” and “manifest” absolute pitch can be described as different levels of the same ability on an “absolute pitch continuum”. To examine whether characteristics of learned melodies, of melody-learners, and of melody-learning influence memory for musical keys among absolute pitch nonpossessors, 268 participants were asked in a series of experiments to sing familiar melodies from memory. Independent variables were the musical expertise of participants, their ability to label pitches, type and intensity of melody-learning, and characteristics of the learned melodies. The accuracy with which learned melodies could be produced in the original key was the dependent variable. Results revealed that frequency of melody-learning as well as participants’ musical expertise and ability to label pitches influence the accuracy of key production. Whether or not a melody is catchy as well as the existence of different types of motor imagery are further influencing factors for the accuracy of key production. To examine the frequency-of-hearing effect in more detail, another experiment compared the pitch labeling performance of absolute pitch possessors and nonpossessors. Pupillary responses were measured in order to show differences in mental resource allocation when labeling pitches of different key colors or timbres. Results support the assumption that frequent exposure to pitches of certain key colors or timbres facilitate their labeling among both absolute pitch possessors and nonpossessors. This suggests that basic principles of human memory such as learning by frequency of exposure affect also very specific tasks such as pitch labeling. Taken together, the results suggest that memory for musical keys is a complex phenomenon which can not adequately be described as being simply a “latent” or weak form of absolute pitch. Instead, memory for musical keys can be described as a “normal” memory mechanism, influenced by factors known to influence numerous other forms of human memory.

L'utilisation de la musique comme support de nouveaux apprentissages dans le vieillissement normal et la maladie d'Alzheimer

Moussard, Aline 04 1900 (has links)
L’objectif de ce travail de thèse est d’évaluer le potentiel de la musique comme support mnémotechnique pour l’acquisition de nouvelles informations chez des personnes âgées saines et atteintes de la maladie d’Alzheimer (MA). Les bénéfices de la musique sur la cognition ont souvent été mis en évidence, y compris chez des populations âgées ou atteintes de démence. Parallèlement, chez des sujets jeunes, l’idée que la musique peut servir de support pour la mémoire a été largement débattue. Pourtant, très peu d’études ont posé cette question auprès de populations âgées ou dans la démence, malgré le besoin persistant de stratégies d’intervention dans ce domaine. Dans le présent travail, deux études sont menées dans une cohorte de 8 participants atteints d’un stade léger de la maladie d’Alzheimer, et 7 participants âgés sains appariés en âge et niveau de scolarité. La première étude porte sur la mémoire verbale, et compare l’apprentissage et la rétention de paroles (textes inconnus) présentées de manière récitée ou chantée. Lorsque les paroles sont chantées, différents degrés de familiarité de la mélodie sont contrastés. Aussi, l’action motrice étant intimement liée à l’écoute musicale, nous contrastons deux procédures d’apprentissage impliquant (ou non) la production synchronisée des paroles à mémoriser pendant l’encodage : le participant est invité à chanter à l’unisson avec un modèle (ou à écouter simplement sans chanter). Les résultats de cette étude sont présentés et discutés dans les deux premiers articles de la partie expérimentale. Ils suggèrent globalement que la musique n’aide pas l’apprentissage en rappel immédiat ; un effet délétère est même observé lorsque la mélodie utilisée est non familière. Par contre, la musique favorise la rétention à long terme des paroles, principalement pour les participants MA. Elle ne semble cependant pas interagir avec la procédure d’apprentissage impliquant le chant à l’unisson. La seconde étude porte sur l’apprentissage de séquences de gestes. Suivant la même logique que dans la première étude, nous explorons l’influence d’un accompagnement musical (versus apprentissage en silence) et d’une procédure d’apprentissage avec production synchronisée (versus observation) des gestes durant l’encodage. Les résultats (article 3) ne montrent pas non plus d’interaction entre l’accompagnement et la procédure d’apprentissage, mais différents effets de chaque composante sur les deux groupes de participants. Effectuer les gestes en synchronie avec un modèle lors de l’encodage est bénéfique pour les sujets Contrôles, mais plutôt délétère pour les participants MA. Par contre, l’accompagnement musical favorise davantage l’apprentissage chez les sujet MA que chez les Contrôles. En discussion générale, nous discutons les implications de ces résultats pour la neuropsychologie fondamentale et clinique, et proposons notamment différentes recommandations visant à maximiser ces effets et à les rendre pertinents pour l’usage thérapeutique en stimulation cognitive. / This thesis research aims to test the potential of music as a mnemonic support for new learning in normal elderly and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) participants. Several studies have highlighted the beneficial effects of music on cognition in aging and dementia. At the same time, in young adults, the idea that music could serve as a mnemonic support is highly debated. Yet, very few studies addressed this question in aging or dementia. In the present work, we conduct two studies in a cohort of 8 mild Alzheimer’s disease and 7 matched control participants. The first study concerns verbal memory, and compares learning and different retention delays of lyrics (unknown texts) that are either spoken or sung. When lyrics are sung, different degrees of melody familiarity are contrasted. Moreover, as motor activity is strongly related to music, we compare two learning procedures that are either synchronized or not with the production of these lyrics during encoding: 1) participants sing in unison with the model or 2) participants hear the model without singing. Results of this study are presented and discussed in the first two articles of the experimental section. Globally, music does not show aid for learning measured in immediate recall; we even observed a harmful effect when lyrics are sung on a non-familiar melody. But music helps long-term retention of lyrics, particularly for AD participants. Nevertheless, music does not clearly interact with learning procedure involving unison singing. The second study of the thesis investigates the learning of gesture sequences. Similarly to the first study, we explore influence of music versus silence as background accompaniment, and synchronized production versus observation of gestures during encoding. Results (article 3) showed again no interaction between background accompaniment and learning procedure, but different effects of each variable on both groups. Learning gestures with synchronized production is beneficial for normal controls, but harmful for AD participants. On the other hand, musical accompaniment led to greater benefit for AD participants than for controls. In the general discussion, we present the implications of these results for fundamental and clinical neuropsychology. We propose some recommendations to maximize these effects and make them relevant for therapeutic care.

Contribuição para o estudo da memória de reconhecimento social em ratos / Contributions to the study of social recognition memory in rats

Moura, Paula Jaqueline de 21 July 2008 (has links)
O paradigma intruso-residente vem sendo intensamente empregado em estudos para avaliar a memória de reconhecimento social em roedores. Tipicamente, ratos adultos, denominados residentes, são expostos a dois encontros sucessivos, de 5 minutos cada, com um mesmo rato juvenil ou com ratos juvenis diferentes, denominados intrusos; o intervalo de tempo entre encontros é 30 minutos. A quantidade de comportamentos sociais do residente (no segundo encontro) em relação a um intruso familiar é substancialmente menor do que o observado no primeiro encontro, o que não ocorre quando o segundo encontro envolve um juvenil novo; esse resultado caracteriza a memoria de reconhecimento social. Se o intervalo de tempo entre os encontros é aumentado para 60 minutos, a redução da investigação social do intruso familiar por parte do residente desaparece, levando à conclusão de que a memória de reconhecimento social seria um mecanismo para retenção temporária de informações. O objetivo central do presente trabalho foi contribuir para o entendimento da memória de reconhecimento social em ratos. Foram realizados três experimentos. No primeiro experimento avaliou-se se a expressão de comportamentos sociais e também da memória de reconhecimento social estão sujeitos à modulação temporal. No segundo experimento avaliou-se em que extensão o aumento do tempo de exposição ao intruso durante o primeiro encontro resulta num aumento da duração da memoria de reconhecimento social. No terceiro experimento avaliou-se se um procedimento de rotina na maioria dos laboratorios, o transporte dos animais da sala de experimentos para o biotério, interfere na memória de reconhecimento social, quando realizado 0,5 ou 6 horas após o primeiro encontro. Os resultados mostraram que (1) a expressão de comportamentos sociais e a memória de reconhecimento social estão sujeitos à modulação temporal, sendo mais intensos quando os testes são realizados na fase inativa (Capítulo 2), de modo que este fator deve ser levado em consideração quando do planejamento de experimentos envolvendo sociabilidade, (2) o aumento da duração do primeiro encontro para 2 horas ou mais revelou uma memória de reconhecimento social que dura pelo menos 24 horas (Capítulo 3), permitindo questionar que se trate de um dispositivo de curta duração, e (3) o transporte dos animais para o biotério 0,5 horas, mas não 6 horas, depois do primeiro encontro, prejudica a memória de reconhecimento social (Capítulo 4), indicando que se deve estar atento às rotinas laboratoriais pois as mesmas podem interferir no desempenho dos animais em testes de memória. Em associação com essas relevantes observações experimentais, foram propostas estratégias de análise dos dados gerados com esse tipo de experimentação e também discussões conceituais sobre a caracterização da memória de reconhecimento social, que contribuem marcadamente para essa área de estudos. / The intruder-resident paradigm has been extensively employed in studies of social recognition memory in rodents. Typically, adult rats, named residents, are exposed to two 5-min successive encounters with the same juvenile intruder or with two different juveniles; the time interval between the encounters is 30 min. The amount of social behaviors exhibited by the resident rats towards the same intruder juvenile in the second encounter is substantially smaller when compared to both that seen in the first encounter and that seen towards a different juvenile; these results characterize social recognition memory. When the time interval between encounters is increased to 60 min, that reduction of the investigation towards the familiar juvenile intruder vanishes, which is seen as evidence that social recognition memory corresponds to a short-term memory mechanism. The aim of this study was to contribute for our understanding of social recognition memory in rats. Three experiments were run. The first experiment evaluated to which extent both social behaviors and social recognition memory are influenced by temporal phase effects. The second experiment evaluated to which extent the increase in the duration of the first encounter renders social recognition memory longer. The third experiment evaluated to which extent the transportation of the resident rats from the experimental room to the animal facilities either 0.5 or 6 hours after the first encounter, interferes with social recognition memory. The results showed that (1) the expression of social behaviors and of the social recognition memory are modulated temporal phase effects, being stronger when animals are tested in their inactive phase (Chapter 2); thus, this aspect has to be considered in studies on sociability, (2) the increase of the first encounter duration for 2 hours or longer renders social recognition memory to last at least 24 hours (Chapter 3); this allows to question that social recognition memory corresponds to a short-term memory mechanism, and (3) transportation of the resident rats to the animal facilities 0.5, but not 6 hours, after the end of the first encounter disrupts social recognition memory (Chapter 4), indicating that one has to be cautious about usual laboratory routines, because they may interfere with performance of the memory tasks when executed a short time after training the animals.Associated with these relevant experimental observations, these studies allowed proposing novel strategies for data analysis and discussing conceptual issues about the characterization of social recognition memory that give a substantial contribution for this area.

Когнитивно инспирисани рачунарски модел меморије са применама у роботици / Kognitivno inspirisani računarski model memorije sa primenama u robotici / Cognitively Inspired Computational Memory Model with Applications in Robotics

Savić Srđan 01 June 2018 (has links)
<p>У дисертацији је представљен нови рачунарски модел<br />дуготрајне меморије, намењен за примене у конверзаци-<br />оним роботским агентима. Предложени модел је симболи-<br />чки, са методолошког аспекта, и инспирисан је изабраним<br />когнитивним механизмима људског меморијског система,<br />који укључују интеграцију менталних репрезентација,<br />семантичку категоризацију, асоцијативно учење и контек-<br />стно зависно селектовање информација. У основи модела<br />се налази симболички приступ за аутоматско моделовање<br />домена интеракције између човека и робота. Релевантни<br />функциoнaлни aспeкт предложеног модела oднoси се нa<br />прoблeме адекватног aктивирaњa делова дуготрајне<br />мeмoриje, у складу са спољашњим стимулансима, истори-<br />јом интеракције и тренутним контекстом интеракције. Ниво<br />апстракције у спецификацији модела је довољан да<br />омогући примену модела у широком спектру просторних,<br />униформних домена који су карактеристични за интеракцију<br />између човека и робота, а ниво детаља у спецификацији је<br />довољан за рачунарску имплементацију модела.</p> / <p>U disertaciji je predstavljen novi računarski model<br />dugotrajne memorije, namenjen za primene u konverzaci-<br />onim robotskim agentima. Predloženi model je simboli-<br />čki, sa metodološkog aspekta, i inspirisan je izabranim<br />kognitivnim mehanizmima ljudskog memorijskog sistema,<br />koji uključuju integraciju mentalnih reprezentacija,<br />semantičku kategorizaciju, asocijativno učenje i kontek-<br />stno zavisno selektovanje informacija. U osnovi modela<br />se nalazi simbolički pristup za automatsko modelovanje<br />domena interakcije između čoveka i robota. Relevantni<br />funkcionalni aspekt predloženog modela odnosi se na<br />probleme adekvatnog aktiviranja delova dugotrajne<br />memorije, u skladu sa spoljašnjim stimulansima, istori-<br />jom interakcije i trenutnim kontekstom interakcije. Nivo<br />apstrakcije u specifikaciji modela je dovoljan da<br />omogući primenu modela u širokom spektru prostornih,<br />uniformnih domena koji su karakteristični za interakciju<br />između čoveka i robota, a nivo detalja u specifikaciji je<br />dovoljan za računarsku implementaciju modela.</p> / <p>This dissertation proposes a novel computational model of<br />long-term memory intended for applications in conversational<br />robotic agents. The proposed model is symbolic, from the<br />methodological point of view, and cognitively-inspired by<br />selected cognitive mechanisms of the human memory system,<br />including integration of mental representations, semantic<br />categorization, associative learning, and context-dependent<br />information selection. In the core of the model there is a<br />symbolic approach to automatic modeling of domains of<br />human-robot interaction. The relevant functional aspect of the<br />proposed model concerns the problems of context-dependent<br />retrieval from long-term memory, in accordance with external<br />stimuli, the interaction history, and the current context of<br />interaction. The level of abstraction in the model is sufficient to<br />enable generalization of the model over a range of spatial,<br />uniform domains that are characterical for human-robot<br />interaction, while the level of detail contained in the<br />specification of the model is sufficient for a computational<br />implementation.</p>

Lässvårigheters påverkan på matematikprestationer / Reading Difficulties Impact on Mathematic Achievements

Persson, Alexandra January 2014 (has links)
Enligt PISAs undersökning (Skolverket, 20I3) uppvisar svenska elever idag sämre prestationer i läsförståelse och matematik. Många påverkansfaktorer är omdiskuterade men varken lässvårigheter eller matematiksvårigheter har berörts. I relation till detta upprättas en litteraturstudie med syftet att undersöka huruvida lässvårigheter samverkar med matematiksvårigheter och hur det påverkar matematikprestationer. Resultatet av studien visar att lässvårigheter inte alltid påverkar matematiskprestationer. Somliga elever uppvisar svårigheter medan andra inte gör det, dock synliggörs kombinationen läs- och matematiksvårigheter oftare än svårigheterna var för sig. Slutsatser som dragits är att det behövs mer forskning på området för att undersöka hur det kommer sig att en bråkdel av elever i lässvårigheter inte uppvisar svårigheter i matematik, medan andra elever gör det och varför läs- och matematiksvårigheter uppvisas oftare i en kombinerad form. / According to the PISA research (Skolverket, 2013), Swedish students today show weaker presentations in reading comprehension and mathematics. Many factors have been discussed but neither of reading difficulties or mathematic difficulties has been concerned. According to this, a literature review will be established with the purpose to examine how reading difficulties co-operate with mathematic difficulties and how it may impact on mathematic achievements. The result shows that reading difficulties not always have an impact on mathematic achievements. Some students tend to show weaknesses while others do not; however the combined reading- and mathematic difficulties are shown more often compared to the difficulties on their own. Conclusions that have been made are that more research needs to investigate why only a minority of students with reading difficulties show weaknesses in mathematics, while other do not and why the combined reading- and mathematic difficulties are shown more often.

Memória de trabalho e atenção dividida : um estudo do processamento de frases

Moreira, Eduardo Antonio 30 May 2007 (has links)
The present study had as an objective the analysis of the role of attention in the encoding of sentences and stories based on the working memory model and the Hebb Effect paradigm. The study tried to determine whether there were significant differences between of immediate serial recall in the presence or absence of an attentional concurrent task. The work hypothesis was that attention would act differently in the processing of sentences and stories. 40 students, 18 years or older, participated on the study. The results indicate that attention is primordial for the processing of sentences, but as far as stories go, the processing is done in a relatively automatic way, with little use of attention. The best support for long-term memory for the processing of the stories occurs in an automatic way. The study of the Hebb effect showed that learning occurred in a more efficient way with the stories. As far as the theoretical models, the data match the concept of the Episodic Buffer proposed by Baddeley (2000) and to the Embedded-Processes Model proposed by Cowan (1999). / O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar o papel da atenção no processamento de frases à luz do conceito de Memória de Trabalho e do paradigma do Efeito Hebb. Buscouse verificar se existiam diferenças significativas entre provas de recordação imediata serial quando da presença ou não de uma tarefa concorrente atencional. A hipótese de trabalho foi que a atenção atuaria de maneira diferenciada no processamento das frases quando estas possuíam ou não relação de significado entre si. Participaram do estudo 40 estudantes, todos com idade acima de 18 anos. Os resultados apontam que a atenção é primordial ao processamento das seqüências de frases sem relação de significado entre si, mas que para aquelas com relação de significado, o processamento é feito de forma relativamente automática, com pouco uso da atenção. O maior suporte da memória de longo prazo ao processamento das seqüências de frases com relação de significado entre si ocorre de forma automática. O estudo do Efeito Hebb mostrou que o aprendizado ocorre de maneira mais eficiente nas seqüências de frases com significado. No que tange aos modelos teóricos, os dados vão de encontro ao conceito de funcionamento do buffer episódico proposto por Baddeley (2000) e ao processamento de informações proposto por Cowan (1999). / Mestre em Psicologia Aplicada

A neurociência cognitiva como base da aprendizagem de geometria molecular : um estudo sobre atributos do funcionamento cerebral relacionados à memória de longo prazo

Silva, Kleyfton Soares da 22 March 2018 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The understanding of molecular geometry at the level of High School has been hampered by the lack of theoretical and methodological investment that leads to the conscious application of the chosen didactic resources. The aim of this work was to investigate the effects of pedagogical resources, as physical and virtual molecular models, in the learning and development of visuospatial abilities associated to the notions of molecular geometry. The experimental research was conducted under the methodological pillars of Michèle Artigue's Classical Didactic Engineering (1989), which resulted in the conception, realization, observation and evaluation of a didactic sequence based on Cognitive Neuroscience, more specifically, in educational processes that suggest the efficient acquisition, consolidation and evocation of the Long-term Memory (LTM). In the neurosciences, theoretical support was sought from authors such as Kandel (2014), Gazzaniga et al. (2006) Izquierdo (2011) to study some characteristics of memory and external influences for its consolidation. In the educational field, the work of Cosenza and Guerra (2011) on emotion, attention and memory factors in school learning, as well as pedagogical principles based on scientific evidences from the fields of psychology, education and neuroscience presented by the Science of Learning Research Centre (Australia). Nine high school students who had already studied molecular geometry were submitted to a set of three activities over a period of one month and qualitatively assessed as to the memory traces related to the learning before and after the didactic intervention. The instruments for the data collection consisted of field diary and tests. The results showed that the multisensorial resources provided better engagement and contributed to the consolidation and evocation of episodic memories associated to the learning of chemical concepts within a meaningful context. The manipulation of physical molecular models contributed to the evaluation of students' errors, while the virtual models contributed to the perception and correction of errors. / A compreensão da geometria molecular, no nível do Ensino Médio, tem sido dificultada devido à falta de investimento teórico e metodológico que leve à aplicação consciente dos recursos didáticos escolhidos. Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo investigar os efeitos de recursos pedagógicos, como modelos moleculares físicos alternativos e virtuais (Realidade Aumentada), na aprendizagem e desenvolvimento de habilidades visuoespaciais associadas às noções de Geometria Molecular. Conduziu-se a investigação do tipo experimental sob os pilares metodológicos da Engenharia Didática Clássica de Michèle Artigue (1998), que resultou na concepção, realização, avaliação e validação de uma Sequência Didática fundamentada na Neurociência Cognitiva, mais especificamente, nos processos educativos que sugerem melhor aquisição, consolidação e evocação da Memória de Longo Prazo (MLP). No âmbito das neurociências, buscou-se respaldo teórico em autores como Kandel (2014), Gazzaniga et al. (2006) e Izquierdo (2011) para estudar algumas características da memória e influências externas para a sua consolidação. No campo educacional, inspirou-se no trabalho de Cosenza e Guerra (2011) acerca dos fatores “emoção”, “atenção” e “memória” na aprendizagem escolar, bem como em princípios educativos baseados em evidências científicas dos campos da psicologia cognitiva, educação e neurociência cognitiva apresentados pelo Science of Learning Research Centre (Austrália). Nove alunos do Ensino Médio que já haviam estudado Geometria Molecular participaram de um conjunto de três atividades ao longo de um mês e foram avaliados qualitativamente quanto aos traços de memória relativos à aprendizagem anterior e posterior à intervenção didática. Os instrumentos para a coleta dos dados consistiram de diário de campo e testes. Os resultados mostraram que os recursos multissensoriais proporcionaram melhor engajamento e facilitaram o processo de consolidação e evocação de memórias episódicas associadas à aprendizagem de conceitos químicos dentro de um contexto significativo. A manipulação de modelos moleculares físicos contribuiu para a avaliação dos erros dos alunos, enquanto os modelos virtuais contribuíram para a percepção e correção dos erros. / São Cristóvão, SE

Contribuição para o estudo da memória de reconhecimento social em ratos / Contributions to the study of social recognition memory in rats

Paula Jaqueline de Moura 21 July 2008 (has links)
O paradigma intruso-residente vem sendo intensamente empregado em estudos para avaliar a memória de reconhecimento social em roedores. Tipicamente, ratos adultos, denominados residentes, são expostos a dois encontros sucessivos, de 5 minutos cada, com um mesmo rato juvenil ou com ratos juvenis diferentes, denominados intrusos; o intervalo de tempo entre encontros é 30 minutos. A quantidade de comportamentos sociais do residente (no segundo encontro) em relação a um intruso familiar é substancialmente menor do que o observado no primeiro encontro, o que não ocorre quando o segundo encontro envolve um juvenil novo; esse resultado caracteriza a memoria de reconhecimento social. Se o intervalo de tempo entre os encontros é aumentado para 60 minutos, a redução da investigação social do intruso familiar por parte do residente desaparece, levando à conclusão de que a memória de reconhecimento social seria um mecanismo para retenção temporária de informações. O objetivo central do presente trabalho foi contribuir para o entendimento da memória de reconhecimento social em ratos. Foram realizados três experimentos. No primeiro experimento avaliou-se se a expressão de comportamentos sociais e também da memória de reconhecimento social estão sujeitos à modulação temporal. No segundo experimento avaliou-se em que extensão o aumento do tempo de exposição ao intruso durante o primeiro encontro resulta num aumento da duração da memoria de reconhecimento social. No terceiro experimento avaliou-se se um procedimento de rotina na maioria dos laboratorios, o transporte dos animais da sala de experimentos para o biotério, interfere na memória de reconhecimento social, quando realizado 0,5 ou 6 horas após o primeiro encontro. Os resultados mostraram que (1) a expressão de comportamentos sociais e a memória de reconhecimento social estão sujeitos à modulação temporal, sendo mais intensos quando os testes são realizados na fase inativa (Capítulo 2), de modo que este fator deve ser levado em consideração quando do planejamento de experimentos envolvendo sociabilidade, (2) o aumento da duração do primeiro encontro para 2 horas ou mais revelou uma memória de reconhecimento social que dura pelo menos 24 horas (Capítulo 3), permitindo questionar que se trate de um dispositivo de curta duração, e (3) o transporte dos animais para o biotério 0,5 horas, mas não 6 horas, depois do primeiro encontro, prejudica a memória de reconhecimento social (Capítulo 4), indicando que se deve estar atento às rotinas laboratoriais pois as mesmas podem interferir no desempenho dos animais em testes de memória. Em associação com essas relevantes observações experimentais, foram propostas estratégias de análise dos dados gerados com esse tipo de experimentação e também discussões conceituais sobre a caracterização da memória de reconhecimento social, que contribuem marcadamente para essa área de estudos. / The intruder-resident paradigm has been extensively employed in studies of social recognition memory in rodents. Typically, adult rats, named residents, are exposed to two 5-min successive encounters with the same juvenile intruder or with two different juveniles; the time interval between the encounters is 30 min. The amount of social behaviors exhibited by the resident rats towards the same intruder juvenile in the second encounter is substantially smaller when compared to both that seen in the first encounter and that seen towards a different juvenile; these results characterize social recognition memory. When the time interval between encounters is increased to 60 min, that reduction of the investigation towards the familiar juvenile intruder vanishes, which is seen as evidence that social recognition memory corresponds to a short-term memory mechanism. The aim of this study was to contribute for our understanding of social recognition memory in rats. Three experiments were run. The first experiment evaluated to which extent both social behaviors and social recognition memory are influenced by temporal phase effects. The second experiment evaluated to which extent the increase in the duration of the first encounter renders social recognition memory longer. The third experiment evaluated to which extent the transportation of the resident rats from the experimental room to the animal facilities either 0.5 or 6 hours after the first encounter, interferes with social recognition memory. The results showed that (1) the expression of social behaviors and of the social recognition memory are modulated temporal phase effects, being stronger when animals are tested in their inactive phase (Chapter 2); thus, this aspect has to be considered in studies on sociability, (2) the increase of the first encounter duration for 2 hours or longer renders social recognition memory to last at least 24 hours (Chapter 3); this allows to question that social recognition memory corresponds to a short-term memory mechanism, and (3) transportation of the resident rats to the animal facilities 0.5, but not 6 hours, after the end of the first encounter disrupts social recognition memory (Chapter 4), indicating that one has to be cautious about usual laboratory routines, because they may interfere with performance of the memory tasks when executed a short time after training the animals.Associated with these relevant experimental observations, these studies allowed proposing novel strategies for data analysis and discussing conceptual issues about the characterization of social recognition memory that give a substantial contribution for this area.

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