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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dichter am Ball:untersuchungen zur Poetik des Sports am Beispiel deutschsprachiger „Fußball-Literatur”

vom Schemm, A. (Axel) 24 November 2006 (has links)
Abstract In view of numerous texts from completely different genres the study shows to what extent and degree of differentiation the topic soccer is covered in German-language literature and allows general conclusions on a poetics of sport. Here solely German-language literary sources are considered. The work is divided into a theoretical and a text-related part. In the former section the approaches to the topic – on one hand via German studies and on the other hand via interdisciplinary sport science – is made clear by means of basic considerations on the questions “what is literature?” and “what is sport”. In addition, a revisable basis for the subsequent studies is provided. The text-related part – in turn subdivided according to the three main genres lyric poetry, epic poetry and drama – shows how exactly soccer appears as literary subject. Formal differences induced by the form of presentation within a genre (sonnet vs. visual poetry) or across genres (detective story vs. modern drama) take effect as well as context-related variations of the subject (soccer as symbolic carrier of meaning vs. soccer as vehicle for transporting ethical values). A concluding chapter each on the realization of the sport models introduced in the theoretical part in literary practice follow the individual genre areas. The various aspects that can be attributed to a poetics of sport conclude the study in a summarizing part. Not least here the comprehensiveness of the findings can be seen. / Abstract Die Untersuchung zeigt mit Blick auf zahlreiche Texte ganz unterschiedlicher Gattungen, in welchem Umfang und wie differenziert das Thema Fußball in der deutschen Literatur behandelt wird und lässt damit allgemeine Rückschlüsse auf eine Poetik des Sports zu. Betrachtet werden hier ausschließlich deutschsprachige, literarische Quellen. Die Arbeit gliedert sich in einen theoretischen und einen textbezogenen Teil. Im erstgenannten Abschnitt wird durch grundsätzliche Überlegungen zu den Fragen „Was ist Literatur? ” und „Was ist Sport? ” der einerseits germanistische, andererseits interdisziplinäre sportwissenschaftliche Zugang zum Thema verdeutlicht. Zudem ist hier eine überprüfbare Basis für die anschließenden Untersuchungen geschaffen. Der textbezogene Teil – wiederum untergliedert nach den drei Hauptgattungen Lyrik, Epik und Drama – zeigt, wie Fußball genau als literarisches Motiv erscheint. Formale Unterschiede bedingt durch die Darstellungsform innerhalb einer Gattung (Sonett vs. Visuelle Poesie) oder grenzüberschreitend (Kriminalroman vs. Modernes Drama) kommenden dabei ebenso zum Tragen wie inhaltliche Variationen des Motivs (Fußball als symbolischer Bedeutungsträger vs. Fußball als Vehikel zur Vermittlung ethischer Werte). Je ein resümierendes Kapitel über die Umsetzung der im theoretischen Teil eingeführten Sportmodelle in der literarischen Praxis schließt sich an die einzelnen Gattungsbereiche an. Die verschiedenen Aspekte, die sich einer Poetik des Sports zuschreiben lassen, schließen die Studie in einem zusammenfassenden Teil ab. Nicht zuletzt hier zeigt sich die Reichhaltigkeit der Untersuchungsergebnisse.

Érato et Melpomène ou les sœurs ennemies : langage poétique et poétique dramatique dans le théâtre français de Jodelle à Scarron (1553-1653) / Erato and Melpomene or the enemy sisters : poetic language and dramatic poetics in french theater from Jodelle to Scarron (1553-1653)

Garnier, Sylvain 04 December 2017 (has links)
L'expression poétique semble inhérente au théâtre classique. Pourtant, les pièces de la seconde moitié du XVIIe siècle, en particulier les tragédies, sont le fruit de principes « réguliers » qui ont cherché à dépoétiser le théâtre et ont largement réussi dans cette entreprise. Pour rendre compte de ce processus, il est nécessaire de retracer l'histoire de la poésie au théâtre depuis la naissance de la tragédie humaniste, au milieu du XVIe siècle, jusqu'à l'instauration de ce que la postérité appellera le classicisme. Il apparaît ainsi que l'élocution lyrique s'est progressivement déplacée au fil du temps du genre tragique vers le genre comique en suivant l'évolution de la poésie lyrique depuis le style sublime de la Pléiade jusqu'à l'expression burlesque de Scarron en passant par la simplicité malherbienne, l'ingéniosité mariniste ou l'enjouement galant. L'expression lyrique glisse ainsi progressivement des chœurs et des discours pathétiques de la tragédie humaniste vers les soupirs, les chansons et les pointes des amants de la tragi-comédie et de la pastorale avant d'être parodiée dans la parlure ridicule des personnages de la comédie burlesque. Parallèlement à ce mouvement, les penseurs réguliers théorisent l'opposition fondamentale du langage poétique et du langage dramatique, rendant ainsi presque impossible le développement d'une tragédie régulière poétique. / Poetical expression seems to be an inherent aspect of classical theatre. However, plays written in the second half of the seventeenth century, particularly the tragedies, were conceived to adhere to regular standards of form which tended towards the removal of poetic expression from theatre and which largely succeeded in doing so. To summarise this process, it is necessary to recount the history of poetic expression in plays from the advent of humanist tragedy in the mid-sixteenth century to the establishment of what would be later called « classicism ». It can then be demonstrated that lyrical elocution shifted over time from tragedy to comedy, following the same evolution as lyrical poetry which evolved from the noble style of the Pleiade all the way to Scarron’s burlesque expression, through the simplicity of Malherbe’s expression, the ingenuity of marinism, or the preciosity of the gallant style. Poetical expression thus progressively shifted from the choirs and pathetic discourses of the humanist tragedy, towards the sighs, songs, and conceits of the lovers of tragi-comedy and pastorales, before being parodied in the ridiculous manner of speech of the characters in burlesque comedy. Simultaneously, theorists of regularity theorised the fundamental opposition between poetic and dramatic language, thus making the development of a regular poetical tragedy nearly impossible.

Writing for musical theatre: Forever yours

Carter, Duane Martin 01 January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

Vanishing Act

Pryor, Caitlin 05 1900 (has links)
This dissertation is comprised of a collection of poems preceded by a critical preface. The preface reconsiders the value of discontinuous poetic forms and advocates a return to lyric as an antidote to the toxic aspects of what Tony Hoagland terms “the skittery poem of our moment.” I consider poems by Wendy Xu, Kevin Prufer, Sharon Olds, and Stephen Dunn in depth to facilitate a discussion about the value of a more centrist position between the poles of supreme discontinuity and totalizing continuity. Though poets working in discontinuous forms are rightly skeptical of the hierarchies that govern narrative and linear forms, as Czesław Miłosz notes in The Witness of Poetry, “a poet discovers a secret, namely that he can be faithful to real things only by arranging them hierarchically.” In my own poems, I make use of the hierarchies of ordered perception in lyric and narrative forms to faithfully illuminate the collapsed structures of my own family history in the shadow of Detroit. I practice the principles I advocate in the preface, using a continuous form to address fractured realities in a busy, disordered age when poets often seek forms as fragmented as their perceptions. These poems are distinctly American, but because there is no true royalty in America, our great cultural and economic institutions—television, music, film, magazines, and big business—take the place of the castle (the book’s emblem) while Michael Jackson ultimately rises as the commanding dead king whose passing prompts contemplation of the viability of popular culture, family, history, and geography. The fallen structures that litter the work are many: the twin towers, chess rooks, bounce castles, nuclear families, the auto industry. However, the sole structure cohering the whole is that of a lyric voice whose authority is derived through lived experience and presented in rich, continuous poetic forms.

Singing in English in the 21St Century: a StudyComparing and Applying the Tenets of Madeleine Marshall and Kathryn Labouff

Reikofski, Helen Dewey 08 1900 (has links)
The English diction texts by Madeleine Marshall and Kathryn LaBouff are two ofthe most acclaimed manuals on singing in this language. Differences in style between the two have separated proponents to be primarily devoted to one or the other. An in-depth study, comparing the precepts of both authors, and applying their principles, has resulted in an understanding of their common ground, as well as the need for the more comprehensive information, included by LaBouff, on singing in the dialect of American Standard, and changes in current Received Pronunciation, for British works, and Mid-Atlantic dialect, for English language works not specifically North American or British. Chapter 1 introduces Marshall and The Singer’s Manual of English Diction, and LaBouff and Singing and Communicating in English. An overview of selected works from Opera America’s resources exemplifies the need for three dialects in standardized English training. Chapter 2 reviews notational and diction resources, and use of the International Phonetic Association’s alphabet (IPA). Chapter 3 directly compares Marshall and LaBouff’s views of the importance of the unstressed syllable, often schwa [ә] or open I [ɪ], as vital to allowing the audience to understand the flow of the sung text, and contrasts their differences regarding < r >. Chapter 4 discusses observations in applying the tenets with singers, focusing on three arias coached for this dissertation. Chapter 5 states conclusions and opportunities for further research. Figures include materials from the Juilliard School Archives. Appendices include interviews.

A pedagogical study and practice guide for significant original euphonium solo compositions for the undergraduate level student.

Meixner, Brian Daniel 08 1900 (has links)
Euphonium concertos and similar masterworks for euphonium have been recorded, written about, analyzed, and discussed at length numerous times in recent years. Unfortunately, the most frequently studied and performed euphonium solos have been almost completely ignored in this regard. These works are useful for performance by the undergraduate-level euphonium player. Solos in this category are played by strong high school players and undergraduate euphonium students all over the world. These solos receive countless performances and play a crucial role in the development of young euphonium players, yet have never received attention in the form of a published pedagogical guide. The pieces of greater difficulty and substantial length have received more attention for obvious reasons, but solo pieces most useful for the developing euphoniumist need to be analyzed and discussed on a pedagogical level. This paper is a pedagogical guide to commonly played euphonium solos by the undergraduate level student. The three pieces used in this study are Sonatina by Warner Hutchison, Sonata for Unaccompanied Euphonium by Fred Clinard, and Lyric Suite by Donald White. Pertinent background information about each piece is presented in order for the reader to understand the historical context in which it was written. A list of relevant information and minimum performance skills (instrumentation, length, range, articulation skills, etc.) are included for each selection. An analysis of particular sections of each piece are presented for the reader to adequately grasp concepts and practice ideas that are explained, although the bulk of analysis is of a pedagogical nature. The main body of the paper focuses on assisting the reader with ways to approach this solo literature in daily practice as well as effective performance ideas. Particularly troublesome areas of each piece are identified and strategies to overcome common pitfalls and performance errors are noted.

Le mythe de l'androgyne dans l'oeuvre poétique de Zinaida Gippius / The myth of the Androgyne in the poetic work of Zinaida Gippius

Blinova, Olga 28 September 2012 (has links)
Centrée sur l’analyse systématique de l’oeuvre poétique de Z. Gippius, la présente thèse tâche de démontrer que le mythe de l’androgyne sous-tend la poésie de cet auteur et permet de la lire comme une première mise en action d’un projet utopique d’humanité transfigurée. La thèse procède des points de convergence entre les thèmes propres aux réflexions utopiques (personne, amour et société) et les principales situations discursives de la poésie lyrique. Aussi se structure-t-elle en trois parties qui progressent de l’androgynie comme principe constitutif de la personne idéale (étudiée à travers le JE du sujet lyrique) vers la conception de l’amour androgyne (qui établit la relation entre le JE du sujet lyrique et le TU de l’allocutaire) et, enfin, vers la dimension collective de l’androgynie (avec le NOUS comme reflet d’une divino-humanité androgyne) Se penchant sur l’emploi que Gippius fait de l’antithèse, cette étude tente de saisir la démarche créatrice du poète-symboliste qui partirait d’une recherche quasi obsessionnelle des opposés pour aboutir à la synthèse universelle et se traduirait à travers le champ sémantique de l’union et de la fusion, à travers la place stratégique en fin de texte des mots et des séquences qui expriment cette sémantique et, surtout, à travers l'emploi de l’oxymore et du paradoxisme, tous deux relevant de la coincidentia oppositorum dont le mythe de l’androgyne est une des manifestations.C’est à un véritable acte démiurgique que l’on assimilerait l’écriture de Gippius au fil de laquelle, grâce à la fluidité des genres et des incarnations des principes masculin et féminin l’androgynie devient le principe fondateur de l’univers poétique tout entier. / By systematically analysing the poetry of Zinaida Gippius, this thesis attempts to show that the myth of the androgyne underlies the poet’s work, letting it be read as the initial stage of implementation of a utopian scheme of transfigured humanity. The thesis proceeds from the points of convergence of the themes characteristic of utopian thinking (person, love and society) and the principal discursive situations found inlyric poetry. It is ordered in three parts, progressing from the androgynous as a constitutive principle of the ideal human being (examined through the lyric subject I) to the conception of androgynous love (establishing the relationship between the lyric I and the YOU addressed), and finally to the collective dimension of theandrogynous (where the WE is the reflection of an androgynous humanity-divine).Considering the use Gippius makes of antithesis, this study attempts to grasp the symbolist poet’s creative process, which appears to spring from an almost obsessive search for opposites, and to lead to universal synthesis, as translated through the semantic field of union and fusion, through the strategic positioning at theend of the text of the words and sequences that express this semantic field, and especially through the use ofthe oxymoron and the paradox, both being part of the coincidentia oppositorum of which the myth of the androgyne is one manifestation.The writing of Gippius can be likened to a veritable demiurgic act via which, thanks to the fluidity of the genders and the incarnations of the two fundamental principles – the masculine and feminine – the androgynous becomes the founding principle of the whole poetic universe.

Le métier de chanteur lyrique au Québec (2000-2020) : médiation de la musique et nouvelles modalités du concert

Moreau, Pierre-Luc 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire explore comment la médiation de la musique et les nouvelles modalités du concert s’intègrent dans la carrière des chanteurs lyriques québécois. Le corpus de la recherche est composé d’une analyse documentaire des activités de médiation dans les institutions lyriques nord-américaines et de la formation des chanteurs, ainsi que d’une enquête qualitative auprès de 12 chanteurs québécois. Cette étude dresse un portrait des activités de médiation afin d’en faire ressortir l’apport des chanteurs par les fonctions qu’ils occupent au sein de la médiation de l’art lyrique. Même si tous les chanteurs rencontrés ont fait des activités de médiation dans leur carrière, il y a de nombreux facteurs qui agissent sur la poursuite des activités de médiation. Il y a des contraintes sociales qui sont liées à la notoriété des chanteurs influencé par la valeur symbolique plus faible du point de vue réputationnel des activités de médiation comparée à la prestation comme soliste. Mais aussi des contraintes économiques qui obligent les chanteurs à avoir plusieurs activités pour vivre de leur art. Il se dégage de cette étude que la médiation de la musique est un outil supplémentaire aux chanteurs, car ils deviennent polyvalents s’ils font de la médiation au côté d’un concert. Elle peut être aussi un moyen de diversifier leurs activités pour les chanteurs qui décident de créer des ateliers et des concerts dans de nouvelles modalités. Par contre, la médiation peut devenir une obligation dans la carrière des chanteurs, et ce malgré qu’ils n’y soient pas formés pendant leurs études. / This master thesis proposes to explore how the music mediation and the new modalities of the concert fit into the careers of lyric singers in Quebec. The corpus of my research is made up of a documentary analysis of mediation activities in North American lyrical institutions and the analysis of the singer’s training, as well as a qualitative survey of 12 Quebec singers. This study draws up a portrait of the mediation activities and the new modalities of the concert which are used to make opera accessible, then to highlight the contribution of the singers by the functions they occupy within the mediation of lyrical art. Even though all the singers we met have done mediation activities in their career, there are many factors that influence the continuation of mediation activities. There are social constraints which are linked to the notoriety of the singers influenced by the lower reputational value of the mediation activities compared to the performance as a soloist. But also economic constraints, which oblige the singers to have several activities to make a living from their art. It emerges from this study that music mediation is an additional tool for singers, as they become versatile if they mediate alongside a concert. It can also be a way to diversify their activities if the singers decide to create mediation workshops and concerts that are presented in new modalities. On the other hand, mediation can become an obligation in the career of singers, despite the fact that they were not trained for it during their studies.


Kate Marie O'Donoghue (12446562) 22 April 2022 (has links)
<p>A collection of poems navigating and negotiating the powerful mythological forces in the speaker’s life, from Irish revolutionary history to “canonical” literary figures to American comic books. These poems ask the reader to consider how language, narrative, and art shape the world, and so how we come to know ourselves through the texts—no matter their form or shape—we encounter.</p>

Towards an Ethic of the Lyric: Taking on the Other in “La Mort de Cleopatre” by Marie Krysinska

Culpepper, Abigail 02 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.

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