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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


RUTLEDGE, KEVAN FOSTER January 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Constructing Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems with Limited Resources

Qian, Kun January 2024 (has links)
Task-oriented dialogue systems have increasingly become integral to our daily lives. However, collecting dialogue data is notably expensive due to the necessity of human interaction. These systems are used in various applications, such as customer service chatbots, virtual assistants, and automated scheduling tools. Given the critical role of these systems, it is essential to develop methods that can leverage limited resources efficiently, especially in data-driven models like neural networks, which have demonstrated superior performance and widespread adoption. This dissertation proposes systematic approaches to address the limited-data problem in both modeling and data aspects, aiming to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of task-oriented dialogue systems even when data is scarce. This dissertation is divided into three main parts. The first part introduces three modeling techniques to tackle limited-data challenges. As the base dialogue model evolves from traditional recurrent neural networks to advanced large language models, we explore meta-learning methods, meta-in-context learning, and pre-training sequentially. Besides modeling considerations, the second part of our discussion emphasizes evaluation benchmarks. We start by discussing our work on correcting MultiWOZ, one of the most popular task-oriented dialogue datasets, which enhances training and provides more accurate evaluations. We also investigate biases within this dataset and propose methods to mitigate them. Additionally, we aim to improve the dataset by extending it to a multilingual dataset, facilitating the development of task-oriented dialogue systems for a global audience. The last part examines how to adapt our methods to real-world applications. We address the issue of database-search-result ambiguity in Meta’s virtual assistants by constructing disambiguation dialogue turns in the training data. Furthermore, we aim to enhance Walmart’s shopping companion by synthesizing high-quality knowledge-based question-answer pairs and constructing dialogue data from the bottom up. Throughout this dissertation, the consistent focus is on developing effective approaches to building task-oriented dialogue systems with limited resources. Our strategies include leveraging limited data more efficiently, utilizing data from other domains, improving data quality, and distilling knowledge from pre-trained models. We hope our approach will contribute to the field of dialogue systems and natural language processing, particularly in building applications involving real-world limited data and minimizing the need for manual data construction efforts. By addressing these challenges, this dissertation aims to lay the groundwork for creating more robust, efficient, and scalable task-oriented dialogue systems that better serve diverse user needs across various industrial applications.

Validation du modèle de fidélisation du client de Oliver

Renaud, Jean-Sébastien 11 April 2018 (has links)
La satisfaction du client, parce qu’elle serait un prédicteur de la fidélité à l’entreprise, revêt une importance capitale pour les entreprises contemporaines. Mais, bien que la présence d’un lien entre ces deux variables soit soutenue par la littérature scientifique, peu de modèles expliquent cette relation. Cette étude avait donc pour objectif de tester le modèle de fidélisation du client de Oliver (1980, 1997), basé sur la théorie de l’action raisonnée (Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975). L’échantillon était composé d’étudiants de l’Université Laval et de l’Université du Québec à Rimouski. Les échelles de mesure développées possédaient de bonnes qualités psychométriques. Enfin, les résultats appuient le modèle de Oliver. Ainsi, nous observons une relation positive entre la satisfaction du client et son attitude envers la fidélité à l’entreprise, puis entre cette dernière variable et l’intention d’être fidèle à l’entreprise, ainsi qu’entre l’intention et le comportement de fidélité. / Customer satisfaction, because it is thought to be a predictor of customer loyalty, is of capital importance for companies. However, even though scientific literature supports the existence of a relationship between these two variables, few models explain it. Hence, the aim of this study was to test Oliver’s customer loyalty model (1980, 1997), which explains the satisfaction-loyalty relationship using the theory of reasoned action (Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975). Our sample included students from both Laval University and University of Quebec at Rimouski. The measurement scales developed for this study had, in most cases, sound psychometric properties. Finally, results supported Oliver’s (1980, 1997) customer loyalty model. Indeed, our data showed a positive linear relationship between customer satisfaction and the attitude toward being loyal to the company, between this last variable and the intention to be loyal to the company and, in addition, between intention and loyalty.

The application of the polygraph in the criminal justice system.

Martin, Raymond Charles 02 1900 (has links)
This dissertation, which is both exploratory and descriptive in nature, initially describes the development of the polygraph against a background of understanding society's rejection of the lying phenomenon. The theoretical foundations of polygraph thinking are then presented as forerunner to practical illustration of polygraph use in the private sector. The criminal justice system represents the sphere of polygraph ulitization central to the research. With strong American accent, polygraph use in all four components of the system is described in such a manner so as to provoke thought on the part of criminal justice functionaries as to polygraph possibilities in the execution of their functions. Research findings and recommendations aimed at stimulating thought and improvement in the field of polygraphy conclude the dissertation. / Criminology / M.A (Penology)

Arkitektonisk utformning av en lagringsplattform för Business Intelligence : En litteratur- och fallstudie riktad mot små och medelstora företag

Lundström, Adam January 2018 (has links)
BI, business intelligence, which means to collect and analyse data to inform business decisions, is a concept that has grown to be a significant part of business development. In most cases, a storage platform is necessary to provide data from the companies’ different data sources to the BI-tools. There are different ways of doing this. Some of them are by the help of a data lake, a data warehouse or a combination of both. By taking this into consideration the purpose of this study is to create an architectural design of a storage platform for small and medium-sized enterprises (SME). To be able to formulate a result which holds as high validity and reliability as possible, this study conducts both a literature and a case study. The case study has taken place at an IT service company which classifies as a SME and the working methodology has been an agile approach with scrum as reference. This method was chosen to be able to efficiently follow the customer demands.  The architecture provided consists of a combination of a data hub, which acts as a data lake, and a data warehouse. The data hub differs from a data lake by harmonizing and indexing data, which makes it easier to handle. Regarding the intension of the data warehouse, it is to yield relevant and processed data to BI-tools. The architecture design of the platform that has been developed in this study cannot be said to be applicable by all companies. Instead, it can be a basis for companies that are thinking about creating a data platform. / BI, Business intelligence, vilket betyder att samla och analysera data som beslutsstöd, har växt till att vara en betydande del inom företagsutveckling. För att möjliggöra för BI krävs ofta att en datalagringsplattform tillhandahåller data från verksamhetens datakällor. Det finns olika sätt att göra detta, men några av dem är med hjälp av en datasjö, ett datalager eller en kombination av båda. Mot bakgrund av detta, har den här studien syftat till att framställa en övergripande arkitektur som lämpar sig till små  och medelstora företag (SMF). För att frambringa ett resultat med så  hög validitet och reliabilitet som mö jligt baseras studien på  både en litteraturstudie och en fallstudie. Fallstudien har genomförts på  ett IT-konsultföretag som klassas som SMF och arbetsmetodiken har varit agil och baserats pa  scrum. Denna metod valdes för att på  ett effektivt sä tt säkerställa att kundens krav uppfylldes. Den arkitektur som föreslagits är en kombination mellan en datahubb, vilket verkar som en datasjö , och ett datalager. Datahubben skiljer sig från datasjön eftersom den harmoniserar och indexerar data, vilket gör den enklare att hantera. Rörande datalagret, ämnar det tillgodose bearbetad och relevant data för BI-verktyg. Den övergripande arkitektur som presenteras anses inte vara applicerbar för alla verksamheter, men kan användas som en grund för verksamheter som tänker implementera en lagringsplattform.

Nové trendy v logistice uplatňované v mezinárodním obchodě / New Trends in Logistics Applied to International Trade

Tvrdíková, Alena January 2011 (has links)
The author highlights the important role of logistics and its application to international trade. To succeed in business it is crucial to reveal new logistics trends in order to adapt to the changes as soon as possible. The main objective of the thesis is therefore providing the analysis of current logistics trends and pointing out the factors that will have a major impact on the future direction of logistics. At the end there are case studies on companies Škoda Auto and Wal-Mart to familiarize with new logistics approaches in practice.


Mickaël, Mockey 24 November 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Une réponse antitumorale suite à l'induction de lymphocytes T cytotoxiques peut être générée après transfert in vitro ou directement in vivo d'ARNm d'antigènes tumoraux dans les cellules dendritiques (DCs). Cependant, peu de vecteurs permettent une introduction efficace d'ARNm dans les DCs. Nous avons élaboré des nanoparticules d'ARNm avec des polymères cationiques histidylés (polyplexes), des lipides cationiques histidylés (lipoplexes) ou un mélange des deux (lipopolyplexes). Ces vecteurs deviennent fusiogènes en milieu acide et favorisent la délivrance de l'ARNm dans le cytosol lors de son endocytose. Une optimisation de l'ARNm en ajoutant en 5' une coiffe 3'-O-méthyl-m75'GpppS'G (ARCA) et en 3' une queue de 100 adénosines (A 100) a permis la synthèse d'un transcrit ARCA-ARNm-A 100 qui permet une bonne expression de l'antigène dans les DCs. La polyéthylèneimine hisidylée a été identifiée comme étant un bon agent de transfert de l'ARNm de l'antigène du mélanome MART-1 dans les DCs matures in vitro. Pour une vaccination par injection directe de l'ARNm codant l'antigène, nous avons développé de nouvelles nanoparticules tripartites (lipopolyplexes) correspondant à des polyplexes d'ARNm ARCA-MART1-A100 avec un dérivé PEGylé de la polylysine histidylée encapsulés dans des liposomes histidylés. Par injection systémique, ces lipopolyplexes induisent un effet protecteur spécifique et significatif contre la progression tumorale cutanée et métastatique pulmonaire du mélanome murin B16F10. La mise en place d'une réponse immune de type Thl avec une forte sécrétion d'IFN-y et une activité T cytotoxique a pu être mise en évidence montrant ainsi l'intérêt des lipopolyplexes histidylés.

Processamento do fruto do juazeiro para obtenção da farinha e do óleo.

DINIZ, Valdefran Maia. 12 June 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Emanuel Varela Cardoso (emanuel.varela@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-06-12T20:55:21Z No. of bitstreams: 1 VALDEFRAN MAIA DINIZ – TESE (PPGEP) 2016.pdf: 1513284 bytes, checksum: 65b7ff42de41578c05d4e5e300bb65c0 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-12T20:55:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 VALDEFRAN MAIA DINIZ – TESE (PPGEP) 2016.pdf: 1513284 bytes, checksum: 65b7ff42de41578c05d4e5e300bb65c0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-08 / No semiárido brasileiro as espécies vegetais da Caatinga são utilizadas para diversos fins. Dentre elas, o fruto do juazeiro (Zizyphus joazeiro Mart.), muito utilizado pelas populações locais, mas pouco conhecido cientificamente quanto ao seu potencial alimentício. Por ser um fruto sazonal e a sua produção ser quase totalmente desperdiçada, estudos de métodos tecnológicos de conservação e a caracterização nutricional poderiam contribuir para agregar valor e disponibilizar mais uma fonte alimentar regional. Assim, objetivou-se com esse trabalho o processamento e caracterização do fruto do juazeiro para a obtenção da farinha (casca e polpa) e do óleo (sementes). A caracterização dos frutos in natura consistiu na composição centesimal, valor energético e atividade de água. A farinha foi obtida através de secagem convectiva dos frutos, determinando-se as curvas de secagem nas temperaturas (50, 60 e 70 ºC) e velocidades de ar (1,0, 1,5 e 2,0 m/s). Nas farinhas resultantes da cinética foram determinadas as composições centesimais e naquela que apresentou teor de umidade dentro do determinado pela legislação para farinhas (15%) foram realizadas análises físico-químicas, composição de aminoácidos e minerais. Do óleo extraído das sementes foi determinado o perfil de ácidos graxos e, deste, calculados os índices de qualidade nutricional, (HH, IA e IT). De acordo com as análises dos dados da cinética de secagem, o modelo de Page ajustou satisfatoriamente os dados experimentais, a secagem ocorreu no período de taxa decrescente, verificando-se que a temperatura teve maior influência. A farinha que apresentou menor teor de umidade (12,40%) foi a seca, na temperatura de 70 ºC e velocidades de ar de 2,0 m/s. Os resultados da caracterização da farinha mostraram as potencialidades nutricionais do fruto. O teor de açúcares totais de 41,55% e valor energético de 340,13 Kcal/100 g. O perfil de aminoácidos apresentou todos os aminoácidos essenciais, com destaque para o triptofano acima do padrão de referência estabelecido pela FAO/adultos (18 mg/100 g proteína). Dos minerais destacaram-se o potássio (1118 mg/100 g), cálcio (356 mg/100 g), magnésio (114 mg/100 g) e ferro (3 mg/100 g). No perfil de ácidos graxos do óleo, observou-se maior quantidade de ácidos graxos insaturados (64,51%) em relação aos saturados (34,41%). Os ácidos graxos predominantes no perfil foram o ômega-9 (37,31%), o palmítico (16,80%), o ômega-3(15,63%), esteárico (11,80%) e ômega-6 (10,20%). / In the brazilian semi-arid climate the vegetal species from the Caatinga are diversely employed. Among them, the fruit of the juazeiro (Zizyphus joazeiro Mart.), wideley used by local population, but little known scientifically about their alimentary potential. Being a seasonal fruit and its production is almost entirely wasted, studies of technological methods of conservation and nutritional characterization could help to add value and deliver on a regional food supply. Thus, the aim of this work was the processing and characterization of juazeiro fruit to obtain flour (peel and pulp) and oil (seeds). The characterization of raw fruits is the chemical composition, energy and water activity. The flour was obtained by convective drying of fruits, stablishing the drying curves in the temperatures (50, 60 and 70 ºC) and the air speeds (1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 m/s). In the flours resulting from the kinetic it was determined the centesimal composition, and one that has moisture content within the specified by law for flour (15%), physicochemical analysis were performed, such as aminoacid and mineral composition ones. The oil extracted from the seeds, it was stablished the fatty acids profile and its calculated the indexes of nutritional quality, (HH, IA e IT). According to the kinetic drying data analysis, the Page model satisfactorily fitted the experimental data, the drying occurred in the falling rate period, finding that the temperature had the greatest influence. The flour that has a lower moisture content (12,40%) was dried at a temperature of 70 ºC and 2,0 m/s air speed. The results of the characterization of the flour showed the nutritional potential of the fruit. The total sugar content of 41.55% and energy value of 340.13 Kcal / 100 g. The amino acid profile presented all the essential amino acids, especially the tryptophan, above the reference standard stablished by FAO/adults (18 mg/100 g protein). The minerals potassium is highlighted (1118 mg / 100g), calcium (356 mg / 100 g), magnesium (114 mg / 100 g) and iron (3 mg / 100 g). In profile oil fatty acids, it was observed a bigger amount of unsaturated fatty acids (64,51%) compared to the saturated ones (34,41%). The prevailing fatty acid in the profile was the monounsaturated omega-9 (37,31%), the palmitic (16,80%), the omega-3 (15,63%), stearic (11,80%) and omega-6 (10,20%).

Processo deliberado de formulação de estratégia: estudo de caso junto a duas grandes empresas do ramo varejista

Zabot, Milene 17 March 2003 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2010-04-20T20:51:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2003-03-17T00:00:00Z / Este estudo teve por objetivo identificar e descrever o processo de estratégia de duas grandes organizações do ramo varejista pela ótica da estratégia deliberada, destacando as principais características, modelos e ferramentas teóricas que se aplicam aos casos empíricos. Assim, realizou-se uma pesquisa qualitativa, essencialmente descritiva, com abordagem de estudo de caso junto ao Makro Atacadista e a Wal-Mart. Observou-se que o processo de estratégia do Makro caracteriza-se por ser formal, consciente, sistemático, contínuo e organizado e por seguir uma sequência bem definida de etapas pré-programadas. Os agentes estratégicos são os Diretores da empresa e a estratégia é tornada explícita através de planos e programas. Na Wal-Mart, a formulação da estratégia passa por um processo de concepção, no qual o líder (Presidente da empresa) tem papel fundamental. O modelo é simples e informal e as estratégias são implementadas através de um processo de institucionalização. Nos dois casos, a formulação da estratégia precede a implementação, sendo que a formulação é responsabilidade do Presidente e Diretores e a implementação é executada por seus subordinados. Não se utilizam nos casos as ferramentas analíticas propostas por alguns teóricos da estratégia deliberada e a análise da concorrência é realizada de modo intuitivo. Além disso, não se verifica um modelo de estratégia padrão para as empresas estudadas. Cada qual impõe as suas especificidades organizacionais ao processo de estratégia. Observou-se: que o processo deliberado gera integração e unidade entre os funcionários das empresas, pois todos se alinham num foco comum. Constatou-se ainda a importância do sistema tecnológico das empresas no processo de estratégia, principalmente no que se refere ao controle estratégico. Por fim, o estudo realizado pela ótica da estratégia deliberada demonstrou-se importante, pois, ao contrário do que alguns teóricos, em especial Mintzberg, argumentam, os processos de estratégia empíricos provaram-se essencialmente deliberados. / This study had as purpose to identify and describe the strategy process of two major retailers from the point of view of deliberate strategy, pointing out the main characteristics, models and theoretical tools applicable to empirical cases. .Thus, a qualitative, essentially descriptive research was performed, approaching a case study with Makro Atacadista and Wal-Mart. It was observed that Makro's strategy process is distinguished for being formal, conscious, systematic, continuous and organized, and following a well-defined sequence of predetermined stages. The strategic agents are the company's Directors and the strategy is made explicit through plans and programs. At WalMart, strategy formulation undergoes a conception process where the leader (President of the company) plays a criticai role. The model is simple and informal and the strategies are implemented through an institutionalization processo In both cases, strategy formulation precedes implementation, where the President and the Directors are responsible for its formulation while their subordinates perform its implementation. The analytic tools proposed by some theorists of deliberate strategy are not used in these cases and the competitors' analysis is made based on intuition. Besides, there is no standard strategy model for the surveyed companies. Each of them imposes its own organizational peculiarities on the strategy processo It was observed that the deliberate process generates integration and unity among the companies' employees, since they are ali aligned with a common focus. It was verified further that the companies' technological system is very important for their strategy processes, particularly as regards the strategic control. Finally, the study made from the point of view of deliberate strategy showed up to be extremely important, since, as otherwise argued by some theorists, particularly Mintzberg, empirical strategy processes proved to be essentially deliberate.

Řízení informačních toků malé softwarové společnosti / Management of Information Flow of Small Software Company

Klimeš, Jiří January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the management of information flow of a small company using Business Intelligence tools and the data mart. There is defined the problem of working with information from the point of view of selected company in the first part. The next part presents selected theoretical background on the basis of which was the aim achieved. The fourth part analyses the current situation of the company. There is recommended complex improvement of the current situation in the practical part. Selected information management problem is accomplished factually. There are also introduced suitable software tools, which were used for the solution.

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