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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La réponse différentielle à la musicothérapie chez les jeunes hospitalisés en pédopsychiatrie: le rôle prédictif de la réactivité cardiaque sur le changement d'affect

Brault, Myriam 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.

The Effects of Mindfulness Practice with Music Listening on Working Memory

Messick, Emily Irene 01 January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this experimental study was to investigate mindfulness strategies and their influence on working memory. The potential role of music in facilitating mindfulness practice is explored. Various listening exercises were investigated along with their influence on working memory (i.e. attention control). Thirty-four individuals were randomly assigned to participate in one of four listening groups: 1) mindfulness with music, 2) mindfulness without music, 3) music only, and 4) silence. Thirty-four participants engaged in a computerized digit-span task before and after the listening exercise to assess pre- and post-test working memory performance. Thirty participants were included in data-analysis due to technical errors in data collection. Differences between listening exercises were explored and comparisons were made between mindfulness, non-mindfulness, music, and non-music based exercises. Two-tailed independent samples t-tests found no significant differences in working memory when comparing mindfulness versus non-mindfulness and music versus non-music based exercises. An Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) indicated no significant differences in working memory for any of the listening conditions. Results call for further examination of control variables and methodology to explore the role of music listening in mindfulness practice. Implications for further research and contributions to music therapy and music education are considered.

Musikens påverkan på patienter som genomgår en regional anestesi : En systematisk litteraturstudie / The impact of music on patient’s undergoing a regional anesthesia

Arvidsson, Ida, Olsson, Emma January 2021 (has links)
Ångest och rädsla beskrivs som vanligt förekommande känslor inför operativa ingrepp. Musik kan i många situationer avleda människors uppmärksamhet från negativa faktorer samt minska oro och stress. Regional anestesi är en vanlig operationsmetod som har mindre hemodynamisk påverkan på patienter. Anestesisjuksköterskan har en betydelsefull profession i teamet och skall få patienten att känna sig trygg och när patienter skall genomgå en anestesi har anestesisjuksköterskan ett stort ansvar. Musik är kostnadseffektivt och har lugnande effekter på patienter inför en anestesi. Ny och ökad kunskap behövs för att minimera risken för ångest samt öka patienters välbefinnande. Syftet var att utforska musikens påverkan på patienter som genomgår en regional anestesi. Metoden som användes var en systematisk litteraturstudie. Elva stycken artiklar inkluderades i resultatet, en kvalitativ artikel och tio stycken kvantitativa. Dataanalys genomfördes och resulterade i huvudkategorier och subteman. Resultatet infattar två huvudkategorier: Musikens psykologiska påverkan på patienten och Musikens fysiologiska påverkan på patienten samt fem subteman: ångest, välbefinnande, vitala parametrar, kemiska parametrar samt smärta. Patienterna upplevde mindre ångest och ökat välbefinnande inför ingreppet när de lyssnade på musik. Vitalparametrar såsom blodtryck, hjärtfrekvens och andningsfrekvens blev lägre i musikgrupperna. Musik hade även en positiv effekt på smärta, blodsocker och kortisol. En del av studierna påvisade ingen signifikant skillnad på kategorierna. I diskussionsdelen diskuterades studiens valda metod med för- och nackdelar samt studiens resultat där bland annat skillnader och likheter jämfördes. Bli erbjuden musiklyssning under sin regionala anestesi kan ha både positiv och negativ påverkan på patienter. / Anxiety and fear are described as commonly occurring feelings before surgical procedures. In many situations, music can divert people’s attention from negative factors including worries and stress. Regional anesthesia is a common surgical method with less hemodynamic effect on the patient. The nurse anesthetist has a significant profession within the team and will make the patient feel safe and the nurse anesthetist has a great responsibility when the patient is to undergo anesthesia. Music is cost-effective and has soothing effect on the patient before anesthesia. New and increased knowledge is needed to minimize the risk of anxiety but also to increase the patient’s well-being. The purpose was to examine music’s impact on patients who are undergoing regional anesthesia. The method used was a systematic literature study. Eleven articles were included in the result, one qualitative and ten quantitative. Data analysis was performed and resulted in main categories and sub-teams. The result includes two main categories: the music´s psychological effect on the patient and the music’s physiological effect on the patient as well as five sub-teams: anxiety, well-being, vital parameters, chemical parameters and pain. The patients experienced less anxiety and increased well-being before the procedure when they were listening to music. Vital parameters like blood pressure, heart rate, and respiratory rate became lower in the music groups. Music also had a positive effect on pain, blood sugar and cortisol. Some of the studies showed no significant difference between the categories. In the discussion part, the study’s selected method’s pros and cons, as well as the study’s result with a comparison of differences and similarities are discussed. Being offered to listen to music during a regional anesthesia can have both positive and negative effects on the patient.

Estudio bibliométrico de artículos científicos de Psicología sobre la Musicoterapia en el ámbito psicológico recogidos de la base de datos EBSCOhost en el periodo 2005-2020 / Bibliometric study of scientific articles in Psychology on Music Therapy in the psychological field collected from the EBSCOhost database in the period 2005-2020

Armas Núñez, Claudia Graciela, Castro Chirinos, Gianfranco, Espil Martínez, Luis Enrique, Lagos Canchanya, Mavelly Yoselyn Milagros, Sarmiento Juarez, Sol de María 01 December 2020 (has links)
El objetivo del presente estudio fue realizar un análisis bibliométrico de las investigaciones relacionadas a la musicoterapia en el ámbito psicológico, revisadas en la base de datos EBSCOHost. Por este motivo, se realizó una búsqueda en dicha base, de todas las investigaciones que tuvieron como eje central la aplicación de la musicoterapia, encontrándose en total 50 estudios. Después de pasar por revisiones estandarizadas, se seleccionaron 21 de estas investigaciones, cuyo enfoque fue la aplicación de la musicoterapia en diversos ámbitos psicológicos, conformando así la muestra total. De esta manera, se procedió con el análisis de datos y de la información recabada, los cuales brindaron como resultados que doce investigaciones formularon el planteamiento de objetivos, diecinueve de ellas presentaron resumen y solo cuatro de los veintiún estudios formularon hipótesis. Cabe destacar que, en todas las investigaciones se brindó especial énfasis a la observación y conducta. En conclusión, la presente investigación bibliométrica contribuyó a la revisión de la información de los estudios analizados. / The aim of the study was to carry out a bibliometric analysis of the research related to music therapy in the psychological field, reviewed in the EBSCOhost database. For this reason, a search was carried out in this database, of all the investigations that had the application of music therapy as their central axis, finding a total of 50 studies. After going through standardized reviews, 21 of these investigations were selected whose focus was the application of music therapy in various psychological fields, thus making up the total sample. Subsequently, a data analysis and the information collected were applied, which provided as results that twelve investigations formulated objectives, nineteen of them presented a summary and only four of the twenty-one studies formulated hypotheses. It should be noted that, in all the investigations, special emphasis was placed on observation and behavior. In conclusion, the present bibliometric investigation contributed to the reviews of the information of the analyzed studies. / Trabajo de investigación

Group music therapy in a paediatric oncology ward : working with a wide open group in a wide open space

Pollard, Anne Francoise, Pollard, Anne Francoise 07 October 2008 (has links)
This mini-dissertation is structured as a clinical inquiry based on a detailed analysis of music therapy work with a wide open group at Kalafong Hospital’s paediatric oncology ward. The focus of this inquiry is to characterise ‘working moments’ within a wide open group music therapy context, that appears to be impacted by noise levels, group structures, and a generally busy and unpredictable physical environment. In addition, this clinical inquiry identifies clinical skills employed during ‘working moments’ with a wide open group. Research methods of description, coding, categorising and theme identification are applied in the analysis of three video excerpts and corresponding sessions’ session notes. The chosen excerpts are based on a working definition of ‘working moments’. The findings of this clinical inquiry suggest that characteristics of wide open groups include the following: Breaking social isolation and Shifting from illness to health. It furthermore identifies the roles and tasks of the therapist in a wide open music therapy group. This mini-dissertation also includes a proposed research project that stems directly from the clinical inquiry. / Dissertation (MMus)--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Music / MMus / Unrestricted

Music, music therapy and identity : investigating how South African children from socio-economically deprived communities identify with music

Langeveldt, Mareli 21 November 2007 (has links)
This dissertation profiles the way in which primary school children from socio-economically deprived communities in South Africa, specifically Heideveld and Eersterust, identify with music. The purpose of the study is to investigate how these children do, think, feel and talk about music and to explore the implications thereof for music therapist working in these specific or similar South African communities. The sentence completion responses of the children conveyed two ways in which they view identifying with music. The first is identifying with music and the second is using music as a tool through which one can identify with others. The way in which the children identify with music or through music in music therapy sessions, influences the therapeutic relationship as well as clinical interventions of the music therapist. Therefore, music therapists need to be sensitive to the way in which clients identify with music. / Dissertation (MMus (Music Therapy))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Music / MMus (Music Therapy) / Unrestricted

Tre musikterapeuters syn på resilitenta förhållningssätt i traumabehandling

Aliaga A., Karen January 2021 (has links)
Musikterapi vid psykotrauma är sparsamt utforskat i Sverige. De få resultat som finns tyder på att musikterapi vid psykotrauma kan vara en effektiv behandlingsform. Frågan om resiliens och dess betydelse vid behandling med musikterapi av psykotrauma är även det sparsamt utforskat. Syftet med föreliggande uppsats är därför att utforska hur tre musikterapeuter med erfarenhet av psykotraumabehandling, ser på resilienta förhållningssätt i patientbehandlingar. Forskningsfrågorna är: Hur uppfattar musikterapeuterna begreppet resiliens? På vilket sätt tänker musikterapeuterna att de kan bidra till resilienta förhållningssätt? Vilka musikterapeutiska metoder kan bidra till utvecklandet av resiliens? Studien bygger på tre semistrukturerade intervjuer vilka analyserats med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultatet presenteras i form av ett övergripande tema: Resursorienterad musikterapi bidrar till resiliens vid behandling av psykotrauma uppbyggt av tre huvudkategorier som utgörs av en rad underkategorier. Avslutningsvis diskuteras resultatet i relation till teoretiska utgångspunkter om resiliens och musikterapi vid behandling av psykotrauma samt dess betydelse för musikterapi, och idéer till framtida forskningsarbeten presenteras. / Music therapy in psychotrauma has been scantily explored in Sweden. The few results available suggest that music therapy in psychotrauma can be an effective treatment. The question of resilience and its importance in treating psychotrauma with music therapy has also been sparsely explored. The purpose of the present thesis is, therefore, to explore how three music therapists with experience in psychotrauma treatment look at resilient approaches in patient's treatments. The research questions are: How do music therapists understand the concept of resilience? In what ways do music therapists think they can contribute to resilient approaches? Which music therapeutic methods can contribute to the development of resilience? The study is based on three semi-structured interviews that were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. The result is presented in the form of an overall theme: Resource-oriented music therapy contributes to resilience in the treatment of psychotrauma. The theme consists of three main categories, which in turn comprise a number of subcategories. Finally, the results are discussed with theoretical points of departure on resilience and music therapy in treatment in psychotrauma. An insight into the importance of the work to music therapy is provided, and ideas on future research work that can be further developed are presented.

An Exploration Of Creative Arts Therapies In Pediatric Hospitals

Carlson, Jacqueline Marie, Galan, Hilda Mercedes 01 April 2016 (has links)
This research paper explores the use of creative arts therapies with children and families in a pediatric hospital setting as experienced by the therapists who provide these services. The research investigates art therapy, music therapy and dance/movement therapy at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA), with an in depth consideration of the role of art therapy services in this setting. The researchers reviewed general literature regarding hospitalization, specifically its effects on children and families, availability and role of psychosocial services and the intensive care units (ICU). Literature discussing creative arts therapies (art therapy, music therapy and dance/movement therapy) was also reviewed, with a focus on art therapy and its role in medical settings with children/families, with pediatric cancer patients and in psychosocial services. Based on information gleaned from the literature review, the researchers crafted an online survey utilized to gather information regarding the experience of providing creative arts therapies in a pediatric hospital setting. The researchers conducted in-depth interviews with three selected survey respondents to further explore these experiences through interview questions and art making. The qualitative data from survey/interview responses, including the art, was reviewed and analyzed by the researchers. Analysis of the data resulted in five prominent themes from the online survey data: being present, family, support, change and identity. Four prominent themes emerged from the interview data: empowerment, culture, being present and identity. The researchers then examined these themes in the context of the general and art therapy literature. The meanings derived from these findings demonstrate the importance of continued and expanded use of creative arts therapies in pediatric hospitals.

The role of music: Coping with cancer

Zebley, Maya 01 January 2016 (has links)
Currently, little evidence has been gathered on the impact of listening to preferred music on the healing experiences of cancer patients, justifying the need for qualitative inquiry. Three disease-free women that survived breast cancer were invited to share their stories about how listening to preferred music assisted in decreasing their symptoms of depression, fatigue, and pain during their recovery. Data analysis followed a multiple case study methodology. Findings reveal the importance of listening to music and its affect on the emotional and physiological state of cancer patients, as well as their ability to cope with their illness. Four major themes emerged from the transcripts of participants: Music as Vibration, Music as Getaway, Music as Emotion Regulation, and Music as Spiritual Validation.

Osobnostně sociální rozvoj žáka v hudební výchově na 1. stupni ZŠ / Personal and social development of pupil in music education at primary school

Wernerová, Kateřina January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on the topic of personal and social development of pupils in the music education process at the 1st level of basic education. It brings forward selected music therapy techniques, which represent one of the means of personal and social education. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with the concept of personal and social education with a brief history of the issue. It represents the position of personal and social education in curricular documents. The practical part of the work presents regular teaching of music lessons at the Dolní Břežany Elementary school. The research part also includes activities with emotional cards. The diploma thesis offers a possible connection of communication cards with listening to selected songs, in order to briefly diagnose the research sample. The chosen music therapy techniques are applied to the pupils of the 1st grade, which represents a significant milestone in the transition from kindergarten to primary school. KEYWORDS: Personal and social education, motivation, music therapy, climate of class, reflection, self- reflection, cooperation

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