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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Picture the Magic: Exploring Black girl identity using photovoice

Hawkins, Leha Anaya 01 January 2020 (has links)
Using a youth-led participatory action inquiry and photovoice methodology, this study investigated the self-perceptions of Black girls in a suburban area of Northern California. The objective of the project was to explore the perspectives and lives of Black girls. It is through gained insight from their lived experiences that we can come to understand their needs and develop approaches to advance their own holistic empowerment. By gathering self-perceptions of Black girls using photovoice, the project aimed to inform youth workers, educators, and youth-serving organizations such as Magic Black Girls Leadership Institute (MBG) on how to meet the needs and cultivate developmental assets among Black girls. Magic Black Girls was conceived to empower young, Black women to create their own space to grow, become personally aware of their own worth, and stand in their own power. The findings of this study indicate a need for positive counterspaces in which Black girls can generate a counter narrative, gain cultural awareness, experience a sense of community, experience joy, and build skills of activist leadership. The developmental tasks of adolescence for Black young people are complicated by the added context of oppression and racial discrimination which makes it essential to recognize and take action to create supportive environment that nurtures the positive development of Black girls. Further, the findings of this study contended that the use of innovative, holistic youth empowerment strategies are essential in the formation of spaces dedicated to encouraging, enlightening and empowering of young Black girls.

The Sacred Transfigured

Pemberton, Diana Ruth 24 June 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Magie v období judaismu Druhého chrámu a raného křesťanství / Magic in the period of Judaism of the second temple and early Christianity

Nezmar, Daniel January 2021 (has links)
Magic in the period of Judaism of the second temple and early Christianity Abstract The presented work focuses on the history of esotericism in the period of the Second Temple of Judaism and early Christianity, and shows the cultural intersections of magical and religious communities as well as individuals who have studied the art of magic. It points out the main sources of their magical and religious teachings and the origin of magic and magical thinking. It traces the main roots of both religion and magic and describes the development of magical practices in that specifical period of the time. Furthermore, after a small analysis, a comparison is made of the five basic cultures living in the territory of the "fertile crescent" just at the time of the Second Temple and their magic. There is also a detailed discussion on the field of demonology and some personalities of the time who were obviously dealing with magic and also how the magic circle of protection was blessed and magicaly activated. The first part describes all of the available magical disciplines and techniques that a mortal can come into contact with during the Second Temple in the region known as "Fertile Crescent". All the disciplines I mention in my work were already known at the time of the Second Temple, but some of them were not that...

Magie v období judaismu Druhého chrámu a raného křesťanství / Magic in the period of Judaism of the second temple and early Christianity

Nezmar, Daniel January 2022 (has links)
Magic in the period of Judaism of the second temple and early Christianity Abstract The presented work focuses on the history of esotericism in the period of the Second Temple of Judaism and early Christianity, and shows the cultural intersections of magical and religious communities as well as individuals who have studied the art of magic. It points out the main sources of their magical and religious teachings and the origin of magic and magical thinking. It traces the main roots of both religion and magic and describes the development of magical practices in that specifical period of the time. Furthermore, after a small analysis, a comparison is made of the five basic cultures living in the territory of the "fertile crescent" just at the time of the Second Temple and their magic. There is also a detailed discussion on the field of demonology and some personalities of the time who were obviously dealing with magic. The first part describes all of the available magical disciplines and techniques that a mortal can come into contact with during the Second Temple in the region known as "Fertile Crescent". All the disciplines I mention in my work were already known at the time of the Second Temple, but some of them were not that developed, so they were expanded or were elaborated on in a later period. A...

Théurgie et mystagogie chez le néoplatonicien Proclus

Vachon, David 04 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour but de présenter en détails l’importance de la théurgie dans la philosophie de Proclus, ainsi que sa relation avec la mystagogie. Un des premiers objectifs de la recherche est d’expliciter les raisons du jaillissement de la théurgie au cours de l’Antiquité tardive. Nous présentons ainsi le cadre historique d’où émerge la notion de théurgie dans un contexte de christianisation de l’Empire à partir du IVe siècle. Il est ensuite primordial de définir clairement la théurgie, ce que les chercheurs n’ont pas fait jusqu’à maintenant, en tant qu’opération rituelle par laquelle un réceptacle matériel est animé par le divin. Puis, nous démontrons que, bien que le terme « théurgie » soit tardif, celui-ci trouve néanmoins ses racines dans la longue tradition platonicienne, de Platon lui-même jusqu’à Proclus, en passant notamment par Plotin, Porphyre et Jamblique. À la suite du volet historique et après avoir présenté une définition claire de la notion de théurgie, il est important de préciser son statut au sein de la philosophie de Proclus, notamment en nous intéressant au passage-clef TP, I, 25 dans lequel le néoplatonicien présente la théurgie comme étant supérieure (κρείττων) à la philosophie. Nous nous intéressons ensuite à deux rites théurgiques concrets présentés dans l’œuvre proclienne en les analysant en profondeur : le rite de l’ensevelissement du corps (TP, IV, 9) et le rite de l’immortalisation d’Achille (In Remp., I, 152-152). Après avoir exposé le lien intrinsèque de la théurgie avec la mystagogie, notamment autour de l’importance du silence (σιγή) mystique, nous développons sur les implications de la théurgie pour le système philosophique de Proclus. Nous constatons que ces implications sont monumentales et touchent une multitude d’aspects de sa pensée : le statut de l’âme, celui de la matière, l’ontologie, la primauté du véhicule (ὄχημα) de l’âme, la notion d’imagination (φαντασία), l’importance des symboles (σύμβολα et συνθήματα) et le rôle de l’amour (ἔρως). Nous terminons finalement la recherche en présentant l’héritage de Proclus, principalement à travers l’œuvre du néoplatonicien chrétien Pseudo-Denys. / This thesis has for goal to present in detail the importance of theurgy in the philosophy of Proclus, as well as his link with mystagogy. One of the first objectives is to describe the causes of the emergence of theurgy during the late Antiquity. So, we present the historical setting from where emerges the notion of theurgy in the context of the process of Christianisation of the Empire starting during the 4th century. It is after that primordial to propose a clear definition of theurgy, something that the researchers haven’t done yet, as the ritual operation by which a material receptacle is animated by the divine. Then, we demonstrate that, even if the term “theurgy” is late, it finds however his roots in the long platonic tradition, from Plato to Proclus, passing by Plotinus, Porphyry, and Iamblichus. Following the historical aspect and after having clearly define the notion of theurgy, it is important to explain the status of theurgy in the philosophy of Proclus, especially by analyzing the crucial passage in TP, I, 25, where the Neoplatonist declares that theurgy is superior (κρείττων) to philosophy. Moreover, we examine two concrete theurgical rites presented in the Proclus’ works: the burial of the body (TP, IV, 9) and the immortalisation of Achille (In Remp., I, 152-152). After having exposed the intrinsically relation between theurgy and mystagogy, notably with the mystical silence (σιγή), we develop the implications of theurgy in the vast philosophical system of Proclus. These implications are monumental and touch many aspects: the status of the soul, the one of the matter, the ontology, the primacy of the soul’s vehicle (ὄχημα), the notion of imagination (φαντασία), the importance of symbols (σύμβολα et συνθήματα) and the role of love (ἔρως). We finally end this research by presenting the legacy of Proclus, especially through the work of the Christian Neoplatonist Pseudo-Dionysius.

Strange Metal Behavior of the Hall Angle in Twisted Bilayer Graphene & Black Phosphorus Quantum Point Contact Devices

Tuchfeld, Zachary Jared January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Development and use of introgression populations for the detection of QTL related to important agronomic traits in eggplant

Mangino, Giulio 28 October 2022 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] La berenjena (Solanum melongena L.) es uno de los cultivos comerciales de hortalizas solanáceas más importantes que se cultiva ampliamente en Asia y la región del Mediterráneo. A pesar de su importancia económica, la disponibilidad de poblaciones experimentales y herramientas genómicas para el mejoramiento es aún muy limitada en comparación con otros cultivos importantes. Debido a la alteración progresiva del ecosistema global por el cambio climático, las plantas están constantemente expuestas a condiciones ambientales estresantes que impactan negativamente en su productividad. El cuello de botella genético ocurrido durante la domesticación de la berenjena, que limita la disponibilidad de recursos genéticos para su mejoramiento genético, hace que este cultivo sea extremadamente vulnerable al cambio climático, por lo que se requieren nuevas estrategias para reducir su erosión genética. En este contexto, los parientes silvestres de los cultivos (CWRs) han demostrado ser un recurso genético válido para la mejora vegetal, ya que su uso permite ampliar la diversidad genética de los cultivos y, en paralelo, desarrollar variedades mejoradas adaptadas al cambio climático. Para lograr este objetivo, en esta tesis doctoral informamos sobre el desarrollo y la evaluación de materiales avanzados de berenjena obtenidos mediante el uso de parientes silvestres. En el primer capítulo, realizamos una evaluación fenotípica en dos ambientes de un conjunto de 16 ILs de berenjena con introgresión de S. incanum, un pariente silvestre. Se evaluaron diecisiete caracteres agronómicos para comparar el rendimiento de las ILs con el parental recurrente e identificar QTLs para los caracteres investigados. Encontramos diferencias morfológicas significativas entre los parentales, y el híbrido resultó heterótico para los caracteres de vigor. A pesar de que la interacción entre genotipo y ambiente (G x E) resultó significativa para la mayoría de los caracteres, en general las ILs mostraron pocas diferencias fenotípicas con el progenitor receptor, incluso en presencia de grandes fragmentos de introgresión del progenitor silvestre. Se encontraron valores de heredabilidad bajos a moderados para los caracteres agronómicos. En total, detectamos diez QTLs estables, dos de los cuales estaban relacionados con caracteres de planta y cuatro para caracteres de flor y fruto. En general, las introgresiones de S. incanum mejoraron los valores medios de la mayoría de los caracteres de planta y flor, y disminuyeron el de los caracteres de fruto. Para tres QTLs relacionados con la longitud del pedicelo del fruto y con el peso del fruto, encontramos evidencia de sintenia con otros QTLs identificados previamente en poblaciones de berenjena. Siete QTLs eran nuevos, de los cuales cuatro relacionados con la altura de la planta, con la espinosidad del cáliz de la flor y con la longitud del pedicelo del fruto no colocalizaron con ningún QTL previamente identificado en las poblaciones de berenjena, y tres relacionados con el diámetro del tallo, con la longitud del pedúnculo y del estigma, fueron los primeros identificados en berenjena para estos caracteres. En el segundo capítulo, el conjunto de IL de berenjena con introgresiones de S. incanum se evaluó para la forma del fruto en dos ambientes. Específicamente, realizamos un fenotipado detallado de los frutos de los parentales, del híbrido y de las ILs utilizando 32 descriptores morfológicos de la herramienta fenómica Tomato Analyzer. Se encontraron grandes diferencias morfológicas en los frutos de los parentales, y el híbrido presentó valores negativos de heterosis para muchos de los caracteres de forma del fruto, siendo fenotípicamente más cercano al parental S. incanum. Para la mayoría de los descriptores de forma del fruto observamos diferencias significativas entre las ILs y el parental receptor, incluso en presencia de pequeños fragmentos de introgresión del parental silvestre. A pesar de que la contribución del ambiente y la... / [CAT] L'albergínia (Solanum melongena L.) és un dels cultius comercials d'hortalisses solanácees més importants que es cultiva àmpliament a Àsia i la regió del Mediterrani. Malgrat la seua importància econòmica, la disponibilitat de poblacions experimentals i eines genòmiques per al millorament és encara molt limitada en comparació amb altres cultius importants. A causa de l'alteració progressiva de l'ecosistema global pel canvi climàtic, les plantes estan constantment exposades a condicions ambientals estressants que impacten negativament en la seua productivitat. El coll de botella genètic ocorregut durant la domesticació de l'albergínia, que limita la disponibilitat de recursos genètics per al seu millorament genètic, fa que aquest cultiu siga extremadament vulnerable al canvi climàtic, per la qual cosa es requereixen noves estratègies per a reduir la seua erosió genètica. En aquest context, els parents silvestres dels cultius (CWRs) han demostrat ser un recurs genètic vàlid per a la millora vegetal, ja que el seu ús permet ampliar la diversitat genètica dels cultius i, en paral·lel, desenvolupar varietats millorades adaptades al canvi climàtic. Per a aconseguir aquest objectiu, en aquesta tesi doctoral presentem el desenvolupament i l'avaluació de materials avançats d'albergínia obtinguts mitjançant l'ús de parents silvestres. En el primer capítol, realitzem una avaluació fenotípica en dos ambients d'un conjunt de 16 IL d'albergínia amb introgresions de S. incanum, un parent silvestre. Es van puntuar dèsset caràcters agronòmics per a avaluar el rendiment de les ILs en comparació amb el parental recurrent i identificar els QTL per als caràcters investigats. Trobarem diferències morfològiques significatives entre els parentals, i l'híbrid va resultar heteròtic per als caràcters de vigor. A pesar que la interacció entre genotip i ambient (G x E) va resultar significativa per a la majoria dels caràcters, en general les ILs van mostrar poques diferències fenotípiques amb el progenitor receptor, fins i tot en presència de grans fragments d'introgresió del progenitor silvestre. Es van trobar valors de heredabilitat baixos a moderats per als caràcters agronòmics. En total, detectarem deu QTL estables, dos dels quals estaven relacionats a caràcters de planta i quatre per a caràcters de flor i fruit. En general, les introgresions de S. incanum van millorar els valors mitjos de la majoria dels caràcters de planta i flor, i van disminuir el dels caràcters de fruit. Per a tres QTL relacionats amb la longitud del pedicel del fruit i amb el pes del fruit, trobem evidència de sintenia amb altres QTLs identificats prèviament en poblacions d'albergínia. Set QTL eren nous, dels quals quatre estaven relacionats amb l'altura de la planta, amb la espinositat del calze de la flor i amb la llargària del pedicel del fruit no van colocalitzar amb cap QTL prèviament identificat en les poblacions d'albergínia, i tres relacionats amb el diàmetre de la tija, amb la llargària del peduncle i de l'estigma, van ser els primers reportats en albergínia per a aquests caràcters. En el segon capítol, el conjunt de IL d'albergínia amb introgresions de S. incanum es va avaluar per a la forma del fruit en dos ambients. Específicament, realitzarem un fenotipado detallat dels fruits dels parentals, de l'híbrid i de les ILs utilitzant 32 descriptors morfològics de l'eina fenómica Tomato Analyzer. Es van trobar grans diferències morfològiques en els fruits dels parentals, i l'híbrid va presentar valors negatius de heterosis per a molts dels caràcters de forma del fruit, sent fenotípicamente més pròxim al parental S. incanum. Per a la majoria dels descriptors de forma del fruit observarem diferències significatives entre les ILs i el parental recipient, fins i tot en presència de xicotets fragments d'introgresió del parental silvestre. A pesar que la contribució de l'ambient i la interacció G × E van ser significatives per a quasi tots els descriptors, trobem que els seus... / [EN] Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) is one of the most important commercial solanaceous vegetable crops grown widely in Asia and Mediterranean region. Despite its economic importance, the availability of experimental populations and genomic tools for breeding is still very limited compared to other major crops. Due to the progressive alteration of global ecosystem by climate change, plants are constantly exposed to stressful environmental conditions that impact negatively on their productivity. The genetic bottleneck occurred during eggplant domestication, which limits the availability of genetic resources for its genetic improvement, makes this crop extremely vulnerable to climate change, and, therefore, new strategies are needed for reducing its genetic erosion. In this context, crop wild relatives (CWRs) have demonstrated to be a valid genetic resources for plant breeding, as their use allows to broaden the genetic diversity of the crop and, in parallel, develop improved varieties adapted to climate change. To achieve this objective, in this doctoral thesis we reported on the development and evaluation of eggplant advanced materials obtained by using crop wild relatives. In the first chapter, we have conducted a phenotypic evaluation in two environments of a set of 16 eggplant ILs with introgression from S. incanum, a close wild relative. Seventeen agronomic traits were scored to test the performance of ILs compared to the recurrent parent and identify QTLs for the investigated traits. We found significant morphological differences between parents, and the hybrid was heterotic for vigour related traits. Although significant genotype x environment interaction (G x E) was detected for most traits, the ILs generally exhibited few phenotypic differences with recipient parent, even in the presence of large introgression fragments from the wild parent. Low to moderate heritability values were found for the agronomic traits. In total, we detected ten stable QTLs, two of which were for plant-related traits and four for both flower- and fruit-related traits. In general, S. incanum introgressions improved the performance of most plant- and flower-related traits and decreased that of fruit-related traits. For three QTLs related to fruit pedicel length and fruit weight, we found evidence of synteny to other QTLs previously reported in eggplant populations. Seven QTLs were new, of which four related to plant height, flower calyx prickles, and fruit pedicel length, did not colocalized with any previous identified QTLs in eggplant populations, and three related to stem diameter, peduncle length, and stigma length, were the first reported in eggplant for these traits. In the second chapter, the set of eggplant ILs with introgression from S. incanum was evaluated for fruit shape in two environments. Specifically, we performed a detailed phenotyping of the fruits of the parents, hybrid, and ILs using 32 morphological descriptors of the phenomics tool Tomato Analyzer. Large differences in fruit morphology were found between ILs parents, and the hybrid exhibited negative values of heterosis for many fruit shape traits, being phenotypically closer to S. incanum parent. For most fruit shape descriptors, we observed significant differences between ILs and recipient parent, even in the presence of small wild donor fragments. Although the contribution of the environment and G × E interaction were significant for almost all descriptors, we found that their effects on fruit shape were relatively low, and the observed variations in fruit shape was mainly genetically regulated. Hierarchical clustering revealed nine clusters of highly correlated traits and six ILs groups. A total of 41 QTLs were mapped. Of these, sixteen associated to Basic Measurement and Fruit Shape Index descriptors were syntenic to other previously reported in several intraspecific and interspecific eggplant populations, while twenty-five QTLs related to Blockiness, Homogeneity.... / This work was undertaken as part of the initiative “Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change: Collecting, Protecting, and Preparing Crop Wild Relatives”, which is supported by the Government of Norway. The project is managed by the Global Crop Diversity Trust with the Millennium Seed Bank of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew and implemented in partnership with national and international gene banks and plant breeding institutes around the world. For further information, see the project website: http://www.cwrdiversity.org/. Funding was also received from Spanish Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (grant AGL2015-64755-R from MINECO/FEDER); from Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Agencia Estatal de Investigación and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (grant RTI-2018-094592-B-100 from MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE); from European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No. 677379 (G2P-SOL project: Linking genetic resources, genomes and phenotypes of Solanaceous crops); and from Vicerrectorado de Investigación, Innovación y Transferencia de la Universitat Politècnica de València (Ayuda a Primeros Proyectos de Investigación; PAID-06-18). Giulio Mangino is grateful to Generalitat Valenciana for a predoctoral grant within the Santiago Grisolía programme (GRISOLIAP/2016/012). / Mangino, G. (2022). Development and use of introgression populations for the detection of QTL related to important agronomic traits in eggplant [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/188916 / Compendio

Such Building Only Takes Care: A Study of Dwelling in the Work of Heidegger, Ingold, Malinowski, and Thoreau

O'Malley, Matthew L. 29 December 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Separating, correlating, and exploiting anisotropic lineshapes for NMR structure determination in solids

Walder, Brennan J. 20 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Beyond Speciation: A Study of Modifier Cation Clustering in Silicate Glasses by <sup>29</sup>Si Magic Angle Flipping NMR

Sanders, Kevin Joseph 27 September 2013 (has links)
No description available.

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