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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Právní aspekty povinného očkování a jeho evropský kontext / The Legal Aspects of Mandatory Vaccination and its European Context

Mrklasová, Marta January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis regarding The Legal Aspects of Mandatory Vaccination and its European Context was created in order to map the legal regulations of mandatory vaccination in the Czech Republic and to describe the repressions of unvaccinated children in the Czech Republic and in other member states of the European Union. Part of the thesis consists of a jurisprudence research of The Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic, The European Court of Human Rights and The Court of Justice of the European Union related to the field of mandatory vaccination. Special focus is given to the comparison of the number of mandatory vaccinations in the member states of European Union as well as to the comparison of their legislations. The fundamental question reflected in the diploma thesis is the one of the human rights of individuals guaranteed by the European Union, international conventions and national legislations of the states and the possibility for them to be limited in order to protect the public health. In the thesis, there are listed and described the human rights affected by the whole concept of vaccination and also the conditions that have to be fulfilled in order to allow the human rights to be restricted. For this purpose the cases from legal practise serve as a support. In addition, there is a chapter regarding the promotion of newly developed vaccines for voluntary vaccinations, which reveals the marketing tools used for this purpose. For a better understanding of the field of mandatory vaccination, there is included a chapter titled The Insight of Expertise Necessary for the Interpretation and Application of Law. This chapter completes the aspects of mandatory vaccination from the medical point of view, lists the mandatory vaccinations in the Czech Republic and member states of the European Union and the vaccines used for performing the vaccinations. Keywords: human rights, mandatory vaccination, jurisprudence of The European Court of Human Rights and The Court of Justice of the European Union, repressions of unvaccinated children

Naplnění požadavků systému hlášení událostí v civilním letectví ČR / Accomplishment of the requirements for occurrence reporting system of the Czech Republic civil aviation

Zubko, Vadym January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis describes the process of reporting of occurrence in the Czech Republic. The first part focuses on the description of the current reporting process and requirements. The second part describes the possibilities for improving the reporting process for organization.

Criminal law in Islam

Rahim, Ismail 06 1900 (has links)
English, with some Arabic text / After justifying my rationale for this study, I have briefly propounded anthropological and philosophical perspectives for the institution and development of law in human society. Thereafter I have focused on the criminal law of Islām. With regards to invariable penalties for certain offences and variable penalties for others I have also stressed the oft-neglected issue of rehabilitation. Besides, I have also appraised criminal procedure and then concluded by refuting objections raised against Islāmic criminal law by critics. In sum, the following comes to light: • The Islāmic laws encompass all facets of criminality. • Islām believes in nipping the evil in the bud: treating the wound and then applying the plaster. If it comes to the worst that the wound becomes incurable, then for the betterment of the patient and others, it may as well be amputated. Its aim is not to castigate the criminals; rather to reprimand them and bring reform in the society. • How crucial this topic is and how urgently it should be addressed. • How temperate the Islāmic laws are in weeding out crimes from the societies. • Crime is a crime, whether it is perpetrated by an individual or state. / Religious Studies and Arabic / M.A. (Islamic Studies)

Assessing participation of small fishing companies in the Transport Education Training Authority (TETA): identifying fault lines and potential responses to increase participation

Alexander, Malcolm Charles January 2019 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / The study focusses on the transport sector, where company participation level is measured at approximately 20% of levy paying enterprises, and this level is mostly based on relatively high levels of participation from large and medium sized companies. The study explores the relationship between SETAs (sector education training authorities) and the companies within the sectors they are mandated to serve by researching the TETA maritime sub sector. The research focus is on small companies and the focus is specifically on the low rate of participation of smaller entities in the skills development landscape. The consequences of the lack of participation are investigated and the study concludes that the SETAs ability to effectively research its sector skills, as well as the SETAs ability to provide effective skills planning in support of the national agenda, are both negatively affected by current levels of poor participation. The research was conducted on small fishing companies registered with the Transport Education and Training Authority (TETA), in order to determine the reasons for low participation in the government mandatory grant scheme. The research is survey based across participating small companies and non-participating small companies.

"Jag vill vara väldigt säker på min sak" : - Vad som påverkar barnsjuksköterskans beslut att orosanmäla eller inte.En kvalitativ intervjustudie / “I want to be very sure of my assessment” : - What influences the pediatric nurse decision to report child abuse or not.A qualitative interview study

Bondesson, Sara, Rosengren, Simone January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Barn som far illa är en global problematik som kräver tidiga interventioner för att bibehålla barnets hälsa. Redan vid misstanke om att ett barn far illa skall barnsjuksköterskan som har lagstadgad anmälningsplikt etablera orosanmälan. Studier påvisar dock en underrapportering från vårdpersonal och det är fundamentalt att skapa en förståelse för vad som påverkar beslutet. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva barnsjuksköterskors erfarenheter av vad som påverkar beslutet att genomföra orosanmälan eller inte. Metod: Kvalitativ metod med induktiv ansats tillämpades och analysarbetet utfördes i enlighet med Elo och Kyngäs (2008). Data samlades in genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer med elva barnsjuksköterskor arbetandes på barnklinik. Resultat: Analysarbetet resulterade i huvudkategorierna: Erfara stöd i beslutsprocessen respektive erfara osäkerhet i beslutsprocessen. Barnsjuksköterskorna beskrev en oro för att bedöma fel och brist på kollegialt stöd som negativa faktorer som kunde påverka beslutet. Ett positivt klimat i arbetsgruppen gällande orosanmälningar samt utbildning gav trygghet till beslutet och ansågs vara gynnande faktorer för att orosanmälan skulle etableras. Slutsatser: Barnsjuksköterskorna var medvetna om sin anmälningsplikt och såg det som ett sätt att hjälpa barnet och familjen. Benägenheten att anmäla påverkades dock av hur stärkta misstankarna var och diffusa situationer med avsaknad av stöd var en risk för att anmälan uteblev. / Background: Child abuse is considered a global problem that requires early interventions to maintain the child's health. If suspicion of child abuse arise the pediatric nurse must establish a report of concern. Studies however shows an underreporting from healthcare staff and it’s fundamental to create an understanding of what influences the decision. Aim: The aim of the study was to describe pediatric nurses experiences of what influences the decision to report concern or not.  Method: A qualitative method with an inductive approach was applied and analysis was performed in accordance with Elo och Kyngäs (2008). Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with eleven pediatric nurses working at pediatric clinics.  Results: Two main categories was created: Experience support in the process and experience uncertainty in the decision making process. Assesing errors and lack of collegial support was described as negative factors influencing the decision. Positive climate within the workgroup regarding reporting and education was considered favorable factors for the report to be established. Conclusion: The pediatric nurses were aware of their duty to report concerns and saw it as a way to help the child and family. However, the tendency to report was affected by how strong the suspicions were and diffuse situations with lack of support were a risk for not establishing the report.

Trestný čin zkrácení daně, poplatku a podobné povinné platby / Evasion of taxes, fees and other mandatory payments

Töglová, Markéta January 2021 (has links)
This thesis describes the most commonly committed tax criminal offense i.e., the evasion of taxes, fees, and other mandatory payments pursuant to Section 240 of the Criminal Code. The goal of the thesis is to examine the problematic aspects of this criminal offense and to call attention to the discrepancies in proceedings and judgements, with special attention to substantive and procedural aspect, relevant case law of the domestic courts, and the opinion of professional public. The body of the thesis is divided into five chapters. The first two chapters introduce the substantive basis of the topic, provide a brief overview of the history of tax crimes and, last but not least, underline the importance and relevance of the whole topic using publicly available statistical data. The third chapter is focused on the mutual connection between the criminal offense pursuant to Section 240 of the Criminal Code and two selected criminal offenses. The first being the non-payment of taxes, social security contributions and similar mandatory payments pursuant to Section 241 of the Criminal Code, with a focus on the role of effective regret. Among other things, this outlines the issue following the unprecedented judgment of the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic concerning the voluntary action of the...

Organisation du travail et temps supplémentaire obligatoire chez les infirmières dans le secteur de la santé au Québec : comparaison de deux centres hospitaliers

Rossignol, Claudia 03 1900 (has links)
Le recours au temps supplémentaire obligatoire auprès des infirmières dans le secteur de la santé du Québec est une pratique qui est de plus en plus dénoncée à travers les médias par les infirmières et par les acteurs syndicaux. Le contexte politique et socio-économique dans lequel évolue le système public de la santé influence grandement son fonctionnement. Plusieurs réformes du secteur de la santé ont vu le jour au fil des années, ce qui a eu pour effet de modifier sa structure et par le fait même, d’amener d’importants changements au niveau de l’organisation du travail des infirmières et de l’aménagement des temps de travail. Cette recherche tente de répondre à la question de recherche suivante : quelle est l’influence des modes d’organisation du travail et de l’aménagement des temps de travail sur le recours au temps supplémentaire obligatoire auprès des infirmières? La comparaison de deux centres hospitaliers permettra de comprendre pour quelles raisons certains établissements ont plus souvent recours au temps supplémentaire obligatoire que d’autres. Ainsi, cette recherche permettra de comprendre quels modes d’organisation du travail ou de gestion des temps de travail ont des effets plus significatifs sur le recours au temps supplémentaire obligatoire. Plusieurs études traitent des effets qu’entraine l’usage du temps supplémentaire obligatoire sur le travail infirmier, mais peu d’études traitent des raisons expliquant le recours à celui-ci. Ainsi, la réalisation de cette recherche contribue à l’état des connaissances concernant les pratiques entourant le recours au temps supplémentaire obligatoire auprès des infirmières. Pour ce faire, nous avons réalisé une recherche qualitative, soit une étude de cas, comparant les pratiques organisationnelles de deux centres hospitaliers. Les données empiriques proviennent d’une étude documentaire et de huit entretiens semi-dirigés que nous avons réalisés auprès d’interlocuteurs syndicaux et de gestionnaires du secteur de la santé. Les résultats permettent de constater qu’il y a des différences au niveau de l’organisation du travail et de l’aménagement des temps de travail entre les deux centres hospitaliers à l’étude et que ces différences ont une influence sur le recours au temps supplémentaire obligatoire. Certaines caractéristiques des modes d’organisation du travail ont tendance à favoriser le recours au temps supplémentaire : le taux élevé d’emploi à temps partiel chez les infirmières, la composition de l’équipe de soins, le type de quarts de travail (jour, soir, nuit), la philosophie de gestion et la culture de l’établissement. Les résultats obtenus montrent que l’aménagement des temps de travail a aussi une influence sur le recours au temps supplémentaire obligatoire. Plus les infirmières ont une perte de contrôle sur leur temps de travail, c’est-à-dire des horaires imprévisibles et peu flexibles, plus le recours au temps supplémentaire s’accroît. Enfin, les résultats suggèrent que plus les horaires de travail sont atypiques, plus le lien entre les modes d’organisation du travail et le recours au temps supplémentaire obligatoire est fort. / Resorting to mandatory overtime for nurses in the healthcare sector of Quebec is a practice that is increasingly denounced in the media by nurses and trade union actors. The political and socio-economic context in which the public healthcare system evolves greatly influences the way it functions. As a result, several reforms of the healthcare sector have emerged over the years, which have resulted in the modification of its structure and, consequently, significant changes in the organisation of the nurses’ labour and planning of working times. In fact, this research attempts to answer a research question that focuses on the influence that the modes of organisation of labour and planning of working times have had on the resort to mandatory overtime for nurses. Furthermore, the comparison of two hospitals will allow us to understand for which reasons certain establishments resort more often to mandatory overtime than others. Thus, this research will allow us to understand which modes of organisation of labour and how the management of working times have more significant effects than others on the resort to mandatory overtime. Many studies cover the effects entailed by the use of mandatory overtime on nursing work, while few studies cover the practices surrounding it. Thus, the production of this research contributes to the state of knowledge concerning the practices surrounding the resort to mandatory overtime for nurses. To accomplish this, we conducted a qualitative research, a case study, comparing the organizational practices of two hospitals. The empirical data arises from eight semi-directed interviews that we conducted with trade union interlocutors and managers of the healthcare sector. The results show that there are differences in the organisation of labour and the planning of working times of the two studied hospitals, which have an influence on the resort to mandatory overtime. Some elements of the modes of organisation of labour have a tendency to increase the resort to overtime: Elevated part-time employment rate amongst nurses, the composition of the healthcare team, the type of working shifts (day, evening, night), the identity of the manager, and the culture of the establishment. Furthermore, the obtained results show that the planning of working times also has an influence on the resort to mandatory overtime. The more nurses experience a loss of control on their working time, that is to say unpredictable and hardly flexible schedules, the more the resort to overtime increases. Finally, the results suggest that the more the work schedules are atypical, the stronger is the link between the modes of organisation of labour and the resort to mandatory overtime.

The Impact of Vaccination Schedules on Infants' and Children's Physio-Psychological Health: A Qualitative Investigation

Alsalih, Dina A. 01 January 2014 (has links)
Many people may have become increasingly concerned about the risks associated with vaccines. At the same time, there is a lack of qualitative research on the impact of various vaccinations schedules on individuals' physio-psychological health. In addition, "mandatory" versus "nonmandatory, but recommended" vaccines are still under debate in some Western countries. The purpose of this ethnographic study was to provide an in-depth understanding of the beliefs, experiences, and perceptions of adolescents, parents, and health care providers regarding different vaccination schedules. The health belief model was used as the theoretical framework. The sample consisted of adolescents and parents from different vaccination backgrounds, as well as of healthcare providers who were involved with vaccination schedules (N=72). Purposeful sampling strategy was applied and individual interviews were conducted. All interviews were recorded and transcribed verbatim, and the obtained data were analyzed thematically. According to the results of the study, participants' perceptions on vaccination were generally positive, and a mandatory vaccination schedule was mostly recommended. Adolescents who received mandatory vaccination reported that this scheme was appropriate against several diseases. Further, health care members indicated that vaccination side effects were mainly emotional, and they suggested that public health agencies should disseminate more scientifically-sound information on the benefits and risks of vaccination. The findings of this study may be used as the basis for the formulation of an effective public health policy to adopt a nationally-and internationally-accepted vaccination schedule.

Inneklimat i kontorslokaler : Fallstudie av belysning och ventilation i kontor i Västerås

Kamil, Ayhan, Aljanabi, Tabarek January 2021 (has links)
The office environment is an important part of the workers’ performance and need therefore to be designed in a pleasant and functional way. The problem is not that today’s offices do not function but rather that these need to be improved to achieve better work results. Lighting and ventilation are big parts of the office environment. In this project will three offices be examined, and these are Archus, WSP and Sweco. Purpose: This study is done to find improvement measures for these three offices based on the examination of the light and ventilation conditions. The improvements that will be suggested are mainly based on a survey but also a study on how these two factors affect the employees’ performances. Method: To perform this project was a literature study, a case study and measurement of illuminance used. A survey om how the employees experience the office environment were also conducted. Drawings provided by the office managers were used to perform calculations of the airflow. Results: The survey shows that 73.5 percent of the 68 people who answered the survey feel comfortable in the current design of the offices. The rest feel that they lack privacy and a quiet environment. In addition, 82.4 percent are happy with the lighting situation and 69.1 percent with the air quality. Archus, WSP and Sweco all meet the required guidelines set for illuminance in an office with certain deficiency. For ventilation do Archus and Sweco meet the minimum requirements for airflow, but there are small differences between the dimensioned airflow and the minimum requirement for WSP. Conclusions: The conclusion of this study is that the three studied offices lack seclusion which affects the office workers’ ability to work. The current lighting, and the ventilation in smaller rooms also contribute worsened working conditions. Good lighting conditions is required to achieve good work results. The same applies to ventilation where the air flow is deficient in certain rooms and should be regulated. / Kontorsmiljön är en viktig del i arbetarnas prestation och ska därför utformas på ett trivsamt och funktionellt sätt. Problematiken är inte att dagens kontor inte fungerar utan att dessa kan förbättras för att uppnå goda arbetsresultat. Belysning och ventilation är stora delar inom ämnet och kontoren som undersöks i detta arbete är Archus, WSP och Sweco.  Syftet med studien är att ta fram förbättringsåtgärder för tre kontorslokaler utifrån en undersökning avseende belysnings- och ventilationsförhållanden. Förbättringsförslaget bygger främst på en enkät men även en studie om hur de två faktorer spelar in i medarbetarnas presterande.  För att utföra studien tillämpades ett antal olika metoder däribland en litteraturstudie för att sätta grund till arbetet, en fallstudie där ett studiebesök till de undersökta kontoren och mätningar utfördes. Även en enkät om hur medarbetarna upplever sina kontorsmiljöer gjordes. Ritningar som tillhandahölls av ansvariga på kontoren tillämpades för att utföra beräkningar av luftflödet.  I resultat visar enkäten att 73,5% av de 68 personer som besvarade enkäten känner sig bekväma i den nuvarande utformningen men att resterande att de saknar avskildhet och tystare miljö. Utöver det trivs 82,4% med belysningen och 69,1% med luftkvalitén i dagsläget.  Archus, WSP och Sweco uppfyller de riktvärden som ställs för belysningsstyrka i kontorslokaler med vissa avvikelser. För ventilation uppfyller Archus och Sweco minimikraven för luftflödet men för WSP förekommer det skillnader mellan minimikravet och det dimensionerade luftflödet.  Diskussionen visar att vid utförandet av mätningar var det svårt att anpassa omgivningen efter önskemål vilket medförde att vissa mätvärden avviker från verkligheten. Även för beräkning av ventilation uppstod oförväntade svårigheter som att tillgång till egna instrument för luftflödesmätning saknades samt brister i ritningar.  Slutsatserna som dras för arbetet är att de tre kontoren saknar avskildhet vilket påverkar kontorsarbetarnas arbetsförmåga. Även den nuvarande belysningen samt ventilationen i mindre rum bidrar med försämrade arbetsförhållanden. För att uppnå ett gott arbetsresultat krävs god belysning i verksamheten. Samma gäller för ventilation där luftflödet brister i vissa rum och bör regleras.

Att bygga utifrån krav på konstruktion och hållbarhet : En jämförelse mellan dåtid och nutid

Angel, Linn January 2022 (has links)
I denna fallstudie jämförs en gammal gårdsbyggnad uppförd 1898 med kraven som ställs vid nybyggnation idag. För cirka 120 år sedan ställdes inte lika stränga krav på byggnationen som idag. De krav som undersöks handlar om hållbarhet och konstruktion. Syftet med studien är att skapa en bättre förståelse för varför dagens krav finns genom att undersöka en byggnad som är uppförd utan dessa krav. För att nå klimatmålen, som Sverige har antagit, finns det bland annat krav på byggnaders energieffektivitet som kan mätas genom att beräkna byggnadens primärenergital. Energieffektiviteten påverkas delvis av hur välisolerad en byggnad är varför kravet som ställs på en byggnads U-värde (värmegenomgångskoefficienten) också är intressant att undersöka. Gränsvärden på primärenergital och U-värde finns i Boverkets byggregler, BBR. Krav på konstruktionen finns i den internationella standarden Eurokod och de nationella valen i EKS. Beräkningar har gjorts på tak och bärande väggar för att kontrollera att de har tillräcklig bärighet. Även primärenergitalet och U-värden har räknats ut samt risken för fukt i den solida tegelväggen. Resultatet visar att konstruktionen klarar de krav som ställs i Eurokoderna och EKS och att byggnadens funktion bara uppfyller ett av de krav som ställs i BBR. Resultatet är i linje med tidigare forskning som har genomförts på energiprestanda hos gamla byggnader och visar på att det genom renovering, utan att skada byggnadens kulturvärde, är möjligt att uppnå dagens krav även om just den byggnaden som undersökts här inte når kraven. / This case study compares the function and framework of a building from 1898 with the requirements regarding sustainability and strength when building today. The purpose of this study is to get a better understanding of the requirements by investigating a building that was built without them. The requirements on a new building’s sustainability are today applied to old buildings that undergo extensive renovation. Two measurements to ensure high sustainability are primary energy and the heat transfer coefficient. A well-insulated building has a low heat transfer coefficient and will require less energy to heat and therefore be more energy efficient and more sustainable. Calculations have been made to determine the strength of the roof and the walls according to the Eurocodes and the nationally determined parameters, EKS. The primary energy and heat transfer coefficient has been calculated and compared to the mandatory provisions, Boverkets byggregler, BBR. The result shows that the framework is strong enough to take care of the loads it is exposed to. Most of the requirements regarding sustainability fail to be met. Although in conclusion it should be possible to meet some, if not all, the requirements with further renovation without harming the cultural value of the building.

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