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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


江義玄, Chiang, I-Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
本文首次提出應用新的模擬方法:定態(stationary) bootstrap來估計涉險值(Value-at-Risk, 以下簡稱VaR)。VaR是衡量投資組合市場風險(market risk)的工具,由於1990年代以來國際間對市場風險管理的重視,且VaR較傳統風險衡量指標容易瞭解,又考慮整個投資組合資產間相關性降低風險的效果,加上VaR可作為企業內控、主管機關監督、以及投資人評估企業營運狀況等指標,故已廣為實務界及學界所接受。目前幾種主要衡量VaR的方法,包括變異數—共變數法、歷史模擬法、蒙地卡羅模擬法、classical bootstrap法以及壓力測試法等,各有其假設限制及優缺點。其中,classical bootstrap在衡量VaR時,使用的假設比較少,似乎非常適合衡量VaR。但是classical bootstrap會割裂了資料自我相關的性質,較適用於獨立且相同分配的樣本。我們在本文中介紹修正classical bootstrap的方法:移動區塊(moving block) bootstrap以及定態bootstrap,並利用統計模擬的方式證明定態bootstrap適合用於時間序列資料,對於捕捉真實分配的能力很強。接著我們選取11檔上市公司股票建構投資組合,並利用classical bootstrap以及定態bootstrap來衡量1999年共266個交易日的VaR。實證結果支持定態bootstrap能夠正確地衡量VaR,且其結果與classical bootstrap有明顯的不同。定態bootstrap法是個比較合理的衡量VaR方法,因此,我們建議風險管理者可採用定態bootstrap 衡量VaR。

Vliv Basel III na řízení rizik v bankách / Influence of BASEL III regulation on risk management in banking

Havlíček, Radek January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on the regulatory framework of the BASEL III in coherence with risk management and measurement of market and credit risks. The accent is focused upon methodology of calculation and determination of the capital requirements of above mentioned risks. In the introductory part of the thesis are mentioned basic procedures regarding risk management as well as theoretical methodology and development of calculation of the capital requirements in coherence with current standard BASEL III. In the practical part of the thesis are presented capital management policies with regards to BASEL III in Deutsche Bank AG, globally presented institution and Komerční banka, a.s., operating on the Czech market. Accented are mainly the expositions of the institutions and the size of the capital required by the regulatory framework.

Les effets de la diversification sur le risque de change non couvert par les marchés financiers : estimation de la rentabilité du portefeuille dans un système d'informatio optimal / The effects of diversification on the currency risk is not covered by the financial markets : estimate of the profitability of the portfolio information system optimal

Boukrami, Othmane 09 June 2011 (has links)
Dans les conditions actuelles du marché, les entreprises dans les pays émergeants ont le choix entre une dette à court terme en monnaie locale et un financement à long terme en devise forte provenant de sources internationales pour financer leurs investissements à long terme. Ceci crée un gap de taux ou de change. Cette thèse se situe dans la continuité des travaux de recherche qui ont déjà étudié la question de la diversification des risques de change dans les marchés financiers matures. A la différence des approches existantes, cette recherche se concentre sur les monnaies des pays émergeants pour lesquels il n’existe pas ou peu d’instruments de couverture du risque de change et de taux. Le modèle proposé repose sur une conception fondamentalement différente des modèles de risque existants, cherchant à atténuer les risques internes grâce à la diversification du portefeuille, plutôt que par l’adéquation entre l'offre et la demande. Ceci en étudiant à la fois les corrélations entre les monnaies des pays des marchés émergeants constituées dans un portefeuille composé de monnaies des pays africains, asiatiques, sud-américains et d’Europe de l’Est ainsi que l’effet de la diversification sur la réduction du risque de marché. Le choix des monnaies n’a pas une incidence significative sur les résultats du moment que les limites régionales proposées sont respectées. L’objectif principal de cette thèse est de contribuer à la spécification et à l’identification d’un modèle de diversification des risques tout en démontrant que la constitution d’un portefeuille diversifié et non couvert des produits dérivés de change sur les monnaies des marchés émergents est une activité lucrative à long terme. En s’appuyant sur un Système d’Information performant, le model proposé tente de démontrer l’effet qu’auraient de tels produits de couverture sur la réduction du risque de crédit de l’emprunteur et par conséquent celui des bailleurs de fonds. Afin d’atteindre cet objectif, les différents risques liés à ces activités ont été définis tout en choisissant les méthodes pour une gestion efficace de ces risques ainsi que la modélisation d’expositions hypothétiques créées par cette activité. L’impact de la réduction de l’exposition au risque de marché par l’usage des produits de couverture du risque de change et de taux, sur le risque de crédit des entreprises dans les pays émergeants a aussi été modélisé. Les résultats de la simulation proposée montrent qu’une gestion optimale des risques de changes et de taux générés, à travers l’offre de couvertures sur les monnaies des pays émergeants, peut être une activité lucrative pour les banques car l’atténuation des risques peut se faire en diversifiant efficacement le portefeuille. / In current market conditions, companies in emerging markets have the choice between a short-term debt in local currency and a long-term hard currency financing from international sources to finance their long-term investments. This practice would create either an interest rate gap or a currency gap. As an extent of previous researches and studies covering the question of currency risks diversification in mature financial markets, this thesis is quite distinctive from the existing literature as it focuses on emerging market currencies for which there are little or no hedging options of currency and interest rate risks. The proposed model is based on a fundamentally different approach from existing risk models, seeking to mitigate risks internally through portfolio diversification, rather than by matching supply and demand. This, by analyzing both correlations between emerging market currencies in a portfolio composed of African, Asian, South American and Eastern Europe currencies and the effect of diversification on market risk reduction. The main objective of this thesis is to contribute to the specification and the identification of a risk diversification model while demonstrating that the establishment of a diversified portfolio of emerging market currencies not covered by the commercial banks is a lucrative business over the long-term. With an efficient information system, the proposed model attempts to demonstrate the effect that such hedging products would have on reducing the credit risk of borrowers and hence the lenders. To achieve this aim, the different risks associated with these activities have been identified while choosing the methods for their effective management as well as the modeling of hypothetical exposures created by this activity. The impact of reducing market risk exposure through the usage of interest rate and currency hedging products on the credit risk rating of companies in emerging countries has also been modeled. The current research claims that the choice of currencies does not significantly impact the results as long as the proposed regional limits are respected. The simulation’ results show that managing a diversified currency portfolio under an optimal risk management guidelines can be a lucrative business for banks as the risk mitigation can be effectively done through portfolio diversification.

Analýza výkonnosti investičních kovů a mincí / Efficiency of investment metals and coins analysis

Tůmová, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
This project deals with historical precious metals price development as gold, silver, platinum and palladium in connection to analysis of the precious metals investment benefits. There are discussed international market prices and retail prices as well. There is also mentioned the issue of price structure from the premium and other costs point of view, including possible risks coupled with investment. Approximated are also basic terms and forms of investment metals, alternative options of precious metals investment as well. The project also includes the issue of tax investment aspects and other advantages connected to it. Further there is indicated medial disinformation criticism and insufficient legal support for customers investing to the precious metals.

Simulações Financeiras em GPU / Finance and Stochastic Simulation on GPU

Thársis Tuani Pinto Souza 26 April 2013 (has links)
É muito comum modelar problemas em finanças com processos estocásticos, dada a incerteza de suas variáveis de análise. Além disso, problemas reais nesse domínio são, em geral, de grande custo computacional, o que sugere a utilização de plataformas de alto desempenho (HPC) em sua implementação. As novas gerações de arquitetura de hardware gráfico (GPU) possibilitam a programação de propósito geral enquanto mantêm alta banda de memória e grande poder computacional. Assim, esse tipo de arquitetura vem se mostrando como uma excelente alternativa em HPC. Com isso, a proposta principal desse trabalho é estudar o ferramental matemático e computacional necessário para modelagem estocástica em finanças com a utilização de GPUs como plataforma de aceleração. Para isso, apresentamos a GPU como uma plataforma de computação de propósito geral. Em seguida, analisamos uma variedade de geradores de números aleatórios, tanto em arquitetura sequencial quanto paralela. Além disso, apresentamos os conceitos fundamentais de Cálculo Estocástico e de método de Monte Carlo para simulação estocástica em finanças. Ao final, apresentamos dois estudos de casos de problemas em finanças: \"Stops Ótimos\" e \"Cálculo de Risco de Mercado\". No primeiro caso, resolvemos o problema de otimização de obtenção do ganho ótimo em uma estratégia de negociação de ações de \"Stop Gain\". A solução proposta é escalável e de paralelização inerente em GPU. Para o segundo caso, propomos um algoritmo paralelo para cálculo de risco de mercado, bem como técnicas para melhorar a solução obtida. Nos nossos experimentos, houve uma melhora de 4 vezes na qualidade da simulação estocástica e uma aceleração de mais de 50 vezes. / Given the uncertainty of their variables, it is common to model financial problems with stochastic processes. Furthermore, real problems in this area have a high computational cost. This suggests the use of High Performance Computing (HPC) to handle them. New generations of graphics hardware (GPU) enable general purpose computing while maintaining high memory bandwidth and large computing power. Therefore, this type of architecture is an excellent alternative in HPC and comptutational finance. The main purpose of this work is to study the computational and mathematical tools needed for stochastic modeling in finance using GPUs. We present GPUs as a platform for general purpose computing. We then analyze a variety of random number generators, both in sequential and parallel architectures, and introduce the fundamental mathematical tools for Stochastic Calculus and Monte Carlo simulation. With this background, we present two case studies in finance: ``Optimal Trading Stops\'\' and ``Market Risk Management\'\'. In the first case, we solve the problem of obtaining the optimal gain on a stock trading strategy of ``Stop Gain\'\'. The proposed solution is scalable and with inherent parallelism on GPU. For the second case, we propose a parallel algorithm to compute market risk, as well as techniques for improving the quality of the solutions. In our experiments, there was a 4 times improvement in the quality of stochastic simulation and an acceleration of over 50 times.

Náklady vlastního kapitálu pro tržní ocenění podniku v podmínkách ČR s důrazem na rizikovou prémii kapitálového trhu / Cost of Equity for Market Valuation in the Czech Republic with an Emphasis on Market Risk Premium

Novotný, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
The aim of the work is to analyze the theoretical basis of determination of the market risk premium in conditions of the national market in the Czech Republic with CAPM and practical procedures of its determination using the market data provided by Bloomberg. The work addresses some open problems of practical determination of market risk premium as a choice between historical and implied risk premium, determination of credit spread as a representative of country risk and accurate determination of the equity and bond market volatility ratio. The thesis also contains research on the cost of equity and single-factor sensitivity analysis demonstrating the significant influence of a small change in one parameter entering the calculation of the discount rate on the resulting value.

La préservation du système bancaire par la régulation : l'exemple du système bancaire comorien / The preservation of the banking system by regulation : the example of the Comorian banking system

Msahazi, Abdillah 29 November 2014 (has links)
Cette Thèse de sciences de gestion, se propose d’élucider les difficultés que rencontrent les acteurs du système bancaire comorien et apporter des solutions afin de lui garantir sa solidité, stabilité et enfin sa pérennité. Elle est divisée en deux parties. La première porte plus particulièrement sur le cadre national et internationale du système bancaire comorien. La deuxième met en évidence les banques comoriennes confrontées à la transparence financière et aux exigences de supervision prudentielle. Le premier titre de la première partie, tâche à mettre en lumière l’organisation actuelle du système bancaire comorien inspiré du modèle français (chapitre 1) et l’apport du développement récent de la finance islamique (chapitre 2) afin de combler le retard de la banque conventionnelle. La réorganisation de la Banque Centrale des Comores et la mise en place de la banque islamique locale, peuvent contribuer au changement radical du système bancaire comorien. Le deuxième titre, permet au régulateur et prêteur en dernier ressort (Banque Centrale des Comores) de prendre le modèle des normes prudentielles internationales proposées par le Comité de Bâle (Bâle II et III), pour réguler le système bancaire comorien afin de lui garantir sa solidité, stabilité et enfin sa pérennité (chapitre 1). A travers ces recommandations du comité de Bâle, nous avons apporté des solutions en élaborant la Matrice Msahazi Credit Scoring Corporation, destinée aux analyses des données des banques comoriennes contre un risque endogène (Chapitre2). Nous avons aussi élaboré d’autres matrices que les banques comoriennes se serviront pour la notation interne, des risques de contreparties (entreprises et particuliers) afin de lutter contre le risque exogène. La deuxième partie de cette Thèse suggère deux autres solutions : la première est l’exigence de transparence financière des banques comoriennes (Pilier 3 : Bâle2 et 3) afin de lutter contre les malversations financières orchestrées par certains agents (titre I). Le premier chapitre introduit l’objectif de la communication financière de manière générale et la manière dont le comité de Bâle (Bâle 2 et 3) recommande les banques de communiquer leurs informations financières (méthodes d’évaluations des risques et fonds propres). Le deuxième chapitre propose aux banques comoriennes et aux autorités de contrôles, les techniques de notation financière pratiquées au niveau internationale pour distinguer le niveau de solvabilité de la contrepartie. La deuxième solution, nous avons donné à la Banque Centrale des Comores, des techniques pour renforcer la supervision prudentielle (Pilier 2, Bâle 2 et 3), (titre II). Le premier chapitre exige d’une part la direction et le conseil d’administration de la banque de définir les techniques de contrôles, d’indentifications, d’évaluations, gestions des risques et les objectifs de fonds propre à atteindre. D’autre part, l’autorité de contrôle (Banque centrale des Comores) doit passer au crible tous ces outils de contrôle. Au deuxième et dernier chapitre de la recherche, nous avons proposé à la Banque Centrale des Comores des nouvelles méthodes de supervision prudentielle afin de garantir la solidité, stabilité et pérennité du système bancaire. Nous avons l’espoir que l’ensemble de ces suggestions contribueront à préserver la solidité, stabilité et pérennité du système bancaire comorien afin de financer le développement de l’économie comorienne et sortir le pays de la pauvreté. / This thesis on busness management, aims to elucidate the difficulties faced by the stakeholders of the Comorian banking system and to provide solutions to ensure its soundness, stability and sustainability. The thesis is divided into two parts. The first focuses specifically on the national and international context of the Comorian banking system. The second, highlights how the Comorian banks should adapt to the financial transparency and prudential supervision requirements. The first title of the first part, tries toshed light on the current organization of the Comorian banking system based on the French model (Chapter 1) and the contribution of the recent development of Islamic finance (Chapter 2) to close the gap in conventional banking. The reorganization of the Central Bank of the Comoros and the establishment of the local Islamic bank can contribute to a radical change in the Comorian banking system. The second title allows the regulator and lender of last resort (Central Bank of the Comoros ) to take the model of international prudential standards proposed by the Basel Committee (Basel II and III) to regulate the Comorian banking system in order to guarantee its soundness, stability and finally sustainability (Chapter 1). Through these recommendations of the Basel committee, we have provided solutions by developing Msahazi Credit Scoring Matrix Corporation, intended to analyse data of Comorian banks against endogenous risk (Chapter 2). We have also developed matrices other than Comorian banks used for internal rating of the counterparty risk (companies and individuals) to fight against exogenous risk. The second part of this thesis suggests two alternatives: the first is the requirement of financial transparency for Comorian banks (Pillar 3: Basel Conventions 2 and 3) in order to fight against embezzlement orchestrated by certain agents (Title I). The first chapter introduces the objective of financial reporting in general, and how the Basel Committee (Basel 2 and 3) asks banks to disclose their financial information (methods of risk assessments and equity). The second chapter provides credit rating techniques practiced at international level to the Comorian banks and supervisory authorities in order to distinguish the level of creditworthiness of companies and clients concerned. The second alternative we have given to the Central Bank of the Comoros is the techniques for strengthening prudential supervision (Pillar 2, Basel 2 and 3), (Title II) . The first chapter requires both the management and the bank's board of directors to define control techniques, identifications, assessments, risk managements and core capital goals. On the other hand, the supervisory authority (Comoros Central Bank) has to go through all these control tools. In the second and final chapter of the research, we propose to the Central Bank of the Comoros new prudential supervision methods to ensure the soundness, stability and sustainability of the banking system. We hope that all of these suggestions will help to preserve the soundness, stability and durability of the Comorian banking system in order to finance the development of the Comorian economy and lift the country out of poverty.

市場風險值管理之應用分析以某金融控股公司為例 / The analysis of Market Risk VaR management :the case of financial holding company

周士偉, Chou, Jacky Unknown Date (has links)
2008年次貸風暴橫掃全球金融市場,Basel II制度歷經多年的實施,卻無法有效防阻金融風暴的發生。觀察2008已採用內部模型法之主要國際金融機構之年報,亦發現採用蒙地卡羅模擬法之代表銀行『德意志銀行』於該年度竟發生了35次穿透,市場風險管理到底出了什麼問題?這是被極度關心的現象,產官學界也對此現象提出了許多議題。2012年的現在,次貸的風暴尚未遠去,新的歐債危機也正在蔓延,若金融風暴再次來臨,市場風險管理是否能克服次貸風暴後所凸顯的缺失,市場風險管理的價值除被動管理外,是否還可以進階到主動預警,以作為經營決策的重要參考資訊?這些都是國內金融機構需積極面對的急迫的市場風險管理議題。 個案金控的市場風險管理機制致力於解決次貸以來所凸顯的市場風險管理議題、提升市場風險衡量的精準度、擴大市場風險管理之應用範圍,並將市場風險管理的價值由被動管理角色進階到主動預警角色,以期作為經營決策的重要參考。經過多年的淬煉,其發展理念與經驗應具相當參考價值,故本論文以個案金融控股公司(以下簡稱個案金控)之實務經驗進行個案研究,除分析個案金控市場風險管理機制的基礎架構外,也將研究重心放在個案金控如何在此基礎架構下,開發多種進階市場風險量化管理功能。 本論文除研究個案金控如何完善市場風險值量化機制外,也對各量化功能的實施結果進行分析,以期研究成果可更客觀的作為其他金融控股公司未來發展進階市場風險衡量機制之參考。

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