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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Recycling of Passenger Vehicles: A framework for upcycling and required enabling technologies

Kelly, Sean Michael 25 April 2018 (has links)
The automotive industry is expected to transition from a net-consumer to a net-producer of aluminum scrap as aluminum-intensive vehicles (AIVs, i.e., Ford’s aluminum-bodied F-150) begin to reach end-of-life (EOL). In the past, the industry has downcycled aluminum scrap to meet the consumption demands of the automotive sector. With the shift to having a large supply of this scrap in the near future, the industry needs to recover and reuse EOL Al by utilizing a circular economic model, create value via an upcycling paradigm (vs downcycling). This work establishes a platform as to how the recycling industry can be restructured to create value in our waste streams and is organized in three segments: First, an analysis of the flow of automobiles at EOL was carried out from the perspective of recovery and reuse; a recycling rate for Al has been determined, and the factors that go into the dynamics of the recycling rate have been identified. Secondly, the current state of the market was surveyed to evaluate where improvements could be made to affect material collection and recovery. The latter led to compositional characterization of aluminum auto-shred to identify the alloys in the mixture, and thereby the needed intelligent sorting systems for upcycling. Thirdly, these results were used in a dynamic material flow model to predict how the composition of auto-shred will change due to increased aluminum usage and as a function of various end-of-life processing scenarios. The outcome and impact of this work is that we have established a platform that enables the ELV recycling industry to upcycle the large amount of Al that will be available in the near future. These results will be discussed and reviewed during this presentation.

Towards Sustainable Phosphorus Management : Material Flow Analysis of phosphorus in Gothenburg and ways to establish nutrient recycling by improving urban wastewater systems / Mot en mer hållbar fosforhantering : Substansflödesanalys av fosfor i Göteborg och sätt att uppnå näringsåtervinning genom att förbättra urbana avloppssystem

Borgestedt, Helena, Svanäng, Ingela January 2011 (has links)
All life forms require the nutrient phosphorus and it cannot be substituted by any other element. The global cycle of phosphorus is special among the major biogeochemical cycles, since it has no significant gaseous compounds and only closes every 10-100 million years. However, human activities, as application of mineral fertilizers, conversion of natural ecosystems to arable land and releases of untreated waste, intensify remarkably thephosphorus flows. The problems with linear flows of a limited resource leading to eutrophication of aquaticenvironments, for instance, have generated national environmental quality objectives for phosphorus in Sweden. The main objective of this master thesis is to get a holistic overview of how phosphorus is moving through Gothenburg today, using Material Flow Analysis as method. The spatial system boundary is the municipality of Gothenburg and the temporal system boundary is the year of 2009. One way of dealing with the linear flows ofphosphorus might be to develop the wastewater systems used in Gothenburg today. Possible changes in phosphorus flows, if kitchen grinders or urine-diverting toilets were installed in Gothenburg, are evaluated. In order to make the phosphorus management more sustainable, the linear flows have to be closed to a larger extent than today. One way towards this ambition is to emphasize other fertilizers than the mineral ones, like urine and low-contaminated sludge. The MFA shows that the absolutely largest input of phosphorus to Gothenburg is via the food. The two large outputs of the same magnitude are the digested sludge from the wastewater treatment plant of Rya and the ashes from the waste-fuelled district heating power plant of Sävenäs. About 7% of the phosphorus input to Gothenburg continues into the aquatic environment. According to this study, urine diversion and separate collection of food seem prospective in order to decrease the phosphorus flows in digested sludge from the wastewater treatment plant, ashes and aquatic deposition. An additional advantage would be generation of recycled fertilizing products with good quality. / Näringsämnet fosfor är nödvändigt för alla levande organismer och kan inte ersättas av något annat grundämne. Den globala fosforcykeln är speciell då den inte innehåller några gasformiga föreningar och sluts var 10-100 miljonte år. Användning av konstgödsel, omvandling av tidigare orörda ekosystem till odlingsmark och utsläppav förorenat avfall är exempel på mänskliga aktiviteter som intensifierar fosforflöden. Problemet med att linjäraflöden av denna begränsade resurs leder till övergödning av vattenmiljöer har genererat nationella miljömål i Sverige för fosfor. Det huvudsakliga målet med detta examensarbete är att få en översikt av hur fosfor rör sig genom Göteborg idag med hjälp av substansflödesanalys. Den rumsliga systemgränsen är kommungränsen för Göteborg och den tidsmässiga avgränsningen är året 2009. Ett sätt att förbättra de linjära fosforflödena kan vara att utveckla deavloppssystem som idag används i Göteborg. Förändringarna som uppstår i fosforflödena vid installation av urinsorterande toaletter alternativt köksavfallskvarnar undersöks. Linjära flöden måste bli återcirkulerade i en högre utsträckning än idag ifall fosforhushållningen ska gå mot hållbarhet. Ett sätt att nå denna ambition är att lyfta fram andra gödselprodukter än konstgödsel, exempelvis urin och renare slam. Flödesanalysen visar att det definitivt största inflödet av fosfor till Göteborg är via livsmedel. De två största fosforutflödena, båda i samma storleksordning, är rötat slam från Ryaverket och aska från sopförbränningsanläggningen Sävenäs. Cirka 7% av den fosfor som flödar in i Göteborg fortsätter vidare ut i vattenmiljön. Enligt denna studie verkar urinsortering och separat insamling av matavfall vara goda lösningar för en framtid med mindre fosfor i slammet från Rya och i aska samt till vattenmiljön. En ytterligare fördel skulle vara erhållandet av hållbara gödselprodukter med god kvalitet. / <p>This master thesis has also been published as a technical report at Chalmers with Report No. 2011:124.</p>

Materiálové toky a environmentální dopady malého elektroodpadu / Material Flows and Environmental Impacts of s-WEEE in the Czech Republic

Polák, Miloš January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is a comprehensive study describing and quantifying material flows of waste electric and electronic equipment (WEEE) in the Czech Republic; specifically the material flow of small waste electric and electronic equipment (s-WEEE) as well as representative substances. The studied material flows were estimated regarding aspects of the environmental impact. The End-of-Life mobile phone is seen as a typical representative of s-WEEE ; therefore material flows of mobile phones are described in this thesis as well. To put it in concrete figures, approximately 124 thousand tons of WEEE from households originated in the Czech Republic in 2010, where each inhabitant got rid off 4 pieces of WEEE in average. Further, total production calculating also consumer-like WEEE from companies and institutions was around 141 thousand tons in 2010. S-WEEE present around 15% from the total amount of WEEE originating in 2010; however it is more than 80% as regards the number of pieces. Despite of that fact the recycling potential of Au for instance is slightly higher by s-WEEE than by large WEEE (63kg/year compared to the 59kg/year respectively). As regards estimation of the total production of EoL mobile phones, around 45 thousand pieces originated in the Czech Republic between the years 1990-2000 and 6,5...

Materiálové toky a environmentální dopady malého elektroodpadu / Material Flows and Environmental Impacts of s-WEEE in the Czech Republic

Polák, Miloš January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is a comprehensive study describing and quantifying material flows of waste electric and electronic equipment (WEEE) in the Czech Republic; specifically the material flow of small waste electric and electronic equipment (s-WEEE) as well as representative substances. The studied material flows were estimated regarding aspects of the environmental impact. The End-of-Life mobile phone is seen as a typical representative of s-WEEE ; therefore material flows of mobile phones are described in this thesis as well. To put it in concrete figures, approximately 124 thousand tons of WEEE from households originated in the Czech Republic in 2010, where each inhabitant got rid off 4 pieces of WEEE in average. Further, total production calculating also consumer-like WEEE from companies and institutions was around 141 thousand tons in 2010. S-WEEE present around 15% from the total amount of WEEE originating in 2010; however it is more than 80% as regards the number of pieces. Despite of that fact the recycling potential of Au for instance is slightly higher by s-WEEE than by large WEEE (63kg/year compared to the 59kg/year respectively). As regards estimation of the total production of EoL mobile phones, around 45 thousand pieces originated in the Czech Republic between the years 1990-2000 and 6,5...

Avfall eller resurs? En prognos över framtida behandling av restavfall och organiskt avfall

Henriksdotter Langer, Lina January 2015 (has links)
Studien gjordes som ett avslutande moment i den miljövetenskapliga utbildningen vid Malmö högskola. Ämnet valdes i samarbete med NSR i Helsingborg och syftade till att utreda restavfallets framtida innehåll av organiskt material i några nordvästskånska kommuner. Avfallet som inkommit till Filborna i Helsingborg kartlades med hjälp av en materialflödesanalys för att synliggöra materialflödena till och från samt inom anläggningen. Målet med studien var att undersöka om det även i fortsättningen kommer att vara bäst att behandla restavfallet biologiskt eller om det i större utsträckning kommer innehålla brännbart material och därmed kommer vara lämpligare att energiåtervinna restavfallet. På grund av det varierande antalet hushåll sin källsorterar organiskt material i de olika kommunerna var det en svårighet att göra en korrekt bedömning och resultaten grundades på antaganden om hur källsorteringsgraden kommer att förbättras framöver. Resultatet baseras på statistik från 2002-2006 och en prognos fram till och med år 2014 visar på att med dagens hastighet dröjer det ytterligare 19 år från 2014 innan restavfallet består enbart av brännbart material. Det sker hela tiden förbättringar på området i regionen vilket innebär att resultatet kan komma att variera mycket vilket också innebär att tidsprognosen kan komma att kortas ner med tiden. / The study was made as a final exam in Environmental Science at Malmö högskola. The subject was chosen in co operation with a few of the work force at NSR in Helsingborg and was aiming to investigate the future substance of organic waste in a northwest region in Skåne, Sweden. The waste which is taken care of at Filborna in Helsingborg was mapped out with a material flow analysis due to reveal the flows of materials to and from the construction. The aim with the study was to investigate whether the biological treatment still will be the most optimal solution in the future or if the solid waste will contain only flammable material and thereby the optimal solution will be energy recycling. Due to the varying amount of households which are sorting their organic wadte there were diffuculties to make correct estimates and thereby the results are founded on assumptions. The results are based on statistic material 2002-2006 and a forecast until 2014. They show that it will take another 19 years before the solid waste compound only flammable material. However recycling keeps improving and the forecast will shorten in time.

Environmental Assessment of Kayak using MFA &amp; LCA : A case study at Melker of Sweden / Miljöbedömning av Kajak med hjälp av MFA &amp; LCA : En fallstudie genomförd i samarbete med Melker of Sweden

Srivastav, Abhishek, Xenos, Spyridon January 2020 (has links)
Kayaking is a watersport activity that involves paddling performed within leisure purposes. Although kayaking provides pleasure to the practitioners, there are some adverse environmental issues concerning the site used to perform kayaking due to the equipment. This paper identifies and analyzes the lifecycle stages in which negative environmental impacts are generated. Melker of Sweden is an outdoor company specialized in delivering high-quality kayaks. This study aims to present an overview of the current environmental performance of Melker of Sweden’s kayaks. For this purpose, two environmental assessment tools are applied: material flow analysis and life cycle assessment. The Material Flow Analysis (MFA) results show that the transport of material to the manufacturing unit generates a considerable amount of emissions. Additionally, hull manufacturing and assembling accessories were found to be the least resource-efficient operation among all. The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) results identify the transport of material and the manufacturing phase as the primary sources responsible for environmental impacts. On the one hand, the use of epoxy resin and gel coat is the root cause of high contribution of the manufacturing phase. On the other hand, the use of flax fiber found to be the least contributing material to adverse environmental impacts. This report also presents a list of recommendations regarding the import of material, the efficacy of the manufacturing operations, the type of raw material, and waste treatment alternatives. / Fysisk aktivitet kan innefatta olika fritidsaktiviteter, däribland friluftsliv. Kajakpaddling är en sådan friluftslivaktivitet, alltefter utövares syfte. I denna rapport är kajakpaddling en fritidsaktivitet där där utövarens naturupplevelse främjas. Oaktat fördelarna vid utövandet av denna aktivitet kan ej förbises faktum att det också kan medföras vissa negativa konsekvenser. Denna masteruppsats har som mål att identifiera och analysera den miljöpåverkan och dennes efterspel som orsakats av en kajaks tillverkning. Melker of Sweden är ett utomhusföretag specialiserat på att leverera kajaker av hög kvalitet. I linje med företagets vision syftar denna studie till att undersöka den nuvarande miljöprestandan samt kvantifiera den potentiella miljöpåverkan från en kajaks livscykel. För detta ändamål tillämpas det två miljöbedömningsverktyg, nämligen en materialflödesanalys och livscykelanalys. Materialflödesanalysen visar att mängden av utsläpp som genereras från transporten av material till tillverkningsenheten är enorm. Utöver detta var den hulltillverkning samt den montering av tillbehörsverksamheter bland de minst resurseffektiva tillverkningssteg. Livscykelanalysen identifierar import av material och tillverkningsfas som de viktigaste källorna till miljöpåverkan. Å ena sidan är användningen av epoxiharts och gelbeläggning i tillverkningen grundorsaken till huvudbidraget. Å andra sidan är användningen av linfiber det minst bidragande material då det gäller negativa miljöeffekter. I denna studie ges rekommendationer rörande import av vissa material och materialval, sätt att öka tillverkningseffektiviteten, typ av råmaterial samt avfallsbehandlingsalternativ.

L'économie circulaire appliquée à un système socio-écologique halio-alimentaire localisé : caractérisation, évaluation, opportunités et défis / Circular economy in a small-scale fishery-dependent socio-ecological system : characteristics, evaluation, opportunities and challenges

Le Gouvello, Raphaëla 01 March 2019 (has links)
L'économie circulaire (EC) émerge depuis les années 2000 dans le débat public, en opposition à l'économie linéaire, modèle dominant aux limites économiques et écologiques reconnues. Cette thèse constitue une première confrontation opérationnelle de l'EC à un système socio-écologique dépendant de la pêche, le Pays de la Cornouaille en Bretagne. Le système est délimité dans sa façade maritime avec la pêche côtière, seule considérée comme production locale.L'approche est systémique, multidimensionnelle et dynamique. L'analyse comporte trois volets : le premier sur l'amont du circuit en mer, le deuxième sur l'aval du système à terre et le dernier sur le système complet. Premièrement, le coût caché des rejets est visualisé via une analyse comptable de flux de matière ("Material Flow Cost Accounting" MFCA) adaptée à la pêche, proposé comme outil pertinent pour améliorer la performance économique et environnementale des pêcheurs. Deuxièmement, l’analyse de flux révèle une forte dépendance des activités à terre vis-à-vis des importations et exportations de bioressources halieutiques malgré un apport significatif de la pêche côtière à l'économie locale. Troisièmement, des scenarii sur le sous-système Sardine, du "business as usual" a l'EC, servent à proposer une trajectoire alternative de développement basée sur un "panier" de biens et services territorialises et la construction d'une valeur territoire à partir de ressources halieutiques locales. Pour atteindre cette EC durable, il s'agira d'optimiser l'utilisation des ressources locales et diminuer les externalités négatives, en plus d'aller vers une gouvernance partagée, adaptée à l'échelle du système socio-écologique considéré. / The years 2000 have favored the emergence of "Circular Economy" (CE) in the public debate, as opposed to the "linear economy", the dominant model that led to acknowledged economie and ecological limits. Our work is a first attempt to address the CE to a fishery-dependent socio-ecological System, the Cornouaille region in Brittany. The approach is systemic, multidimensional and dynamic. It implies the identification of marine boundaries, in which only Coastal fisheries are considered as a local production. The analysis is conducted along three main axes: an analysis of the upstream part at sea (fishing), an analysis looking at the downstream value chain, on land, and a third looking at the whole System. First, a Material Flow Cost Accounting (MFCA) analysis adapted to fisheries is proposed as a relevant tool to improve economy and environmental performance of fishers, providing evidence of hidden costs of fish discards.Second, the fish bioresource flow analysis indicates a strong dependency on importation and exportation flows to maintain land-based activities depending on sea products, albeit evidence of a significant contribution of Coastal fisheries to the local economy. Third, the exploration of the sardine sub-system through scenarii, ranging between from "business as usual" to those lined with CE, shows an alternative development trajectory, based upon a potential "basket of goods and services", a "territorial value", specifically linked to local fisheries. To achieve such a sustainable CE, we would need to not only aim at a more efficient use of local marine resources and decrease negative externalities, but also advocate for a shared governance, suited to the scale of the considered localised socio-ecological System.

Modifikace materiálového toku zásobování výroby / Modification of material flow of the manufacturing supplies

Hloušek, David January 2017 (has links)
The main content of this thesis is analysis and proposal of supplying between storages in company Hella Autotechnik Nova in Mohelnice. The main content of creation of this company is wide sort of front headlamps, rear and break lights, but also there is some sort of its washers for the most famous cars brands. Otherwise this thesis is about modification of basic layout, what can be seen there nowadays between external storage Meriva and logistic centre, what is located in main building of this company.

<b>Sustainability Analysis of Critical Materials in Electric Vehicles with Emphasis on Circular Economy Principles</b>

Thomas Maani (19207021) 27 July 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr"><a href="" target="_blank">The electrification of the transportation sector is pivotal in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and decreasing dependence on fossil fuels. Central to this transition are battery electric vehicles (BEVs) and other clean energy technologies, which rely heavily on critical materials (CMs) such as cobalt, lithium, neodymium, and nickel. </a>These materials are essential for the performance of batteries, advanced electronics, and other components in BEVs. <a href="" target="_blank">However, the limited availability of these CMs poses potential constraints on the widespread adoption of such technologies.</a></p><p dir="ltr">This research delves into the implications of widespread BEV adoption on the demand for CMs in the United States, with a focus on both light-duty vehicles (LDVs) and medium- and heavy-duty vehicles (MHDVs). Various market penetration scenarios were analyzed, revealing that while MHDVs require more CMs per vehicle, the sheer volume of LDV sales drives the overall CM demand, particularly in a scenario with 100% BEV adoption. Key findings highlight that cobalt, graphite, lithium, neodymium, and nickel are critical for BEVs, whereas palladium and rhodium are more crucial for internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs). Also explored is the impact of lightweighting on LDVs, revealing that while substituting steel with aluminum increases the total CM quantity per vehicle, it reduces the vehicle's mass, operational energy consumption, and the demand for high-concern battery-related CMs. Additionally, changing the battery cathode chemistry from NMC622 to LFP significantly reduces CM use but increases the demand for strategic materials like copper and phosphorus due to the lower energy density of LFP-based batteries.</p><p dir="ltr">The research also highlights the importance of rare earth permanent magnets (REPMs), <a href="" target="_blank">particularly Neodymium-Iron-Boron (NdFeB) magnets, in clean energy technologies such as electric vehicles and wind turbines.</a> Neodymium, a critical material, faces supply chain risks. To lessen these risks, circular economy strategies have been proposed, including the recovery of needed materials from end-of-life (EoL) products. <a href="" target="_blank">A dynamic material flow analysis (MFA) model was developed to forecast such EoL flows for products containing REPMs and assess the recoverable neodymium from these EoL products. </a>The results indicate that even a modest recycling efficiency of 15% could meet 12% of the Nd demand for EVs by 2050, with reuse meeting up to 70% of the demand.</p><p dir="ltr">With the dynamic MFA model showing that circular economy principles could meet up to 70% of future neodymium demand in 2050, the next step was to investigate the techno-economic feasibility of recycling REPMs. A techno-economic assessment model was developed for establishing a magnet-to-magnet recycling facility for REPMs. Results revealed a net present value (NPV) of $8,867,111 over 20 years, a payback period of 3 years, and an internal rate of return (IRR) of 53%, providing a compelling case for investment in recycling infrastructure. Sensitivity analyses point to the selling price of recycled magnets, feedstock purchase price, facility throughput, and labor costs as the most influential factors on profitability.</p><p dir="ltr"><a href="" target="_blank">Additionally, this research explored the challenges and opportunities in the disassembly and recycling of EoL EV components, particularly traction motors containing REPMs. The complexity of disassembly, driven by varying component sizes and designs, is identified as a significant barrier. By evaluating manual disassembly times and proposing potential automation solutions, the study aims to streamline the disassembly process, thus facilitating more efficient recycling and remanufacturing operations.</a></p><p dir="ltr">The key contributions of this research are summarized as follows:</p><p dir="ltr">· Evaluated the vehicle CM demand of ICEVs and BEVs for LDVs and MHDVs and explored the impact of lightweighting and changing the battery cathode chemistry from NMC622 to LFP on CM demands.</p><p dir="ltr">· Developed a dynamic material flow analysis (MFA) model to forecast end-of-life (EoL) flows of products containing REPMs and assess the recoverable neodymium from these EoL products.</p><p dir="ltr">· Developed a techno-economic assessment (TEA) model to evaluate the viability of a magnet-to-magnet recycling facility.</p><p dir="ltr">· Performed disassembly analysis to assess the ease with which EoL BEV transmissions can be disassembled with a specific focus on the retrieval of traction motors (which house the REPMs) for potential reuse or remanufacturing.</p>

Regional phosphorus management in Berlin-Brandenburg

Theobald, Tim 08 March 2017 (has links)
Phosphor (P) ist ein für alles Leben notwendiges essentielles Nährelement. Die heutige globalisierte und intensivierte agrarische Produktion benötigt daher die Anwendung großer Mengen Phosphatgesteins, welches eine endliche Ressource darstellt. Gleichzeitig ist der intensive P Gebrauch mit der Eutrophierung von Gewässern verbunden. Es besteht daher Forschungsbedarf um die landwirtschaftliche Produktion zu erhalten. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die in der Region Berlin-Brandenburg nach Ansatzpunkten für ein verbessertes P Management zu suchen. Hierfür wurde für 2011 eine Substanzflussanalyse (SFA) für P erstellt und Pflanzenproduktion der Jahre 2005-2012 genauer untersucht. Mit Hilfe einer Briefumfrage wurde Daten von 119 Bauernhöfen ausgewertet und mit dem pflanzenverfügbaren P Gehalt (PVP) der landwirtschaftlichen Nutzfläche abgeglichen (LNF). Im Ergebnis zeigt sich für die Region eine negative P Bilanz der LNF(-3.617 t P) und ein hohes Recyclingpotential in Abfall (933 t P) und Abwasser (3.921 t P). P in mineralischen Düngemitteln belief sich auf 4.447 t. Der Gesamtentzug über die Ernte ohne Stroh betrug 15.283 t P und war vergleichbar zu 2006, das Jahr des geringsten P-Entzugs. P-Entzug durch die Ernte schwankte um 7.069 t P/a von 2005 bis 2013, abhängig vom Ertrag der Hauptfeldfrüchte, welche durch die Wetter- und Bodenbedingungen bestimmt wurde. Hieraus ergeben sich mögliche Konsequenzen für P-Flüsse in Bezug auf den Klimawandel, die an den Wasserhaushalt und die Temperatur gekoppelt sind. Die Analyse der Umfrage ergab, dass die kleinen und mittgroßen Einzelunternehmen höhere PVP Werte in der LNF aufwiesen. Die größeren Unternehmensformen regierten empfindlich auf Faktoren, die niedrige PVP-Werte begünstigten. Pacht, Grünland, extensive Rinderhaltung, und viehlose ökologische Landwirtschaft waren mit niedrigen PVP-Werten assoziiert. Biogasanlagen und intensive Tierhaltung, zum Teil auch in Kombination miteinander standen im Zusammenhang mit hohen PVP-Werten. / Phosphorus (P) is an essential nutrient for all life on earth and it is thus needed in agricultural production. Today’s globalized and intensified agricultural production has led to the dependency on P inputs which are fed by phosphate rock, being a finite resource. In contrast, excessive P is a major driver in eutrophication. To sustain agricultural production, there is a need to address this problem. The aim of this thesis was to identify points at which P management could be improved for the region Berlin-Brandenburg. To analyze the system and screen for improvement, a substance flow analysis (SFA) for P for the year 2011 was compiled and for crop production the years 2005-2012 were analyzed. Also, data from 119 farms was obtained by a letter survey and relations between farm structural factors and soil test P (STP) were drawn. The results showed a negative balance for agricultural soils (-3,617 t P) and a considerable recycling potential in waste (933 t P) and wastewater (3,921 t P). Mineral fertilizer inputs amounted to 4,447 t P. P removal by crops was 15,283 t without straw and residues, being almost as low as in 2006; the year with the lowest removal by main crops. P removal by harvest varied significantly (7,069 t P/yr from 2005 to 2013) and depended on the performance of main crops which in turn is influenced by weather and soil. As a result of this, climate change may interact significantly with P flows in agriculture. Here, important variables are connected to conditions in P uptake and plant growth in general (e.g. water supply and temperature). The analyses of farms in the region showed that individual farms of small to medium size had more land with (very) high STP. Larger partnerships and companies/cooperatives were susceptible to factors causing low STP. Tenancy, grassland, extensive cattle and stockless organic farming had a lowering effect on STP. Biogas plants and intensive (cattle) farming, partly combined, were connected to a rise in STP.

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