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Att uppmuntra kunskapsdelning : En fallstudie om styrparametrars påverkan på kunskapsdelning inom en konsultkoncern / To Encourage Knowledge Sharing : A Case Study of the Influence of Control Parameters on Knowledge Sharing in a Consultant OrganizationHarrius, Sofie, Engman, Nils January 2017 (has links)
Knowledge management has become increasingly important in organizations and how knowledge can be developed, shared and maintained has been researched more in recent years. The question of whether knowledge is seen as a competitive advantage has gained a great deal of focus in organizations instead of reviewing knowledge management. There are earlier studies that investigate the structure and organizational culture's impact on knowledge sharing in an organization but do not say how the factors affect knowledge sharing. The report examines how organizational structure and culture, as well as other management control parameters in a corporate group can affect the work with knowledge sharing, in which the observational data focus on interviews with employees of the company our case study focuses on. There is an ongoing implementation of a new knowledge sharing group at the company, which is used as a basis for this survey. A method is developed from Klein and Myers seven principles for interpretivism in case studies and Eisenhardt’s principles for theory building. A literature study based on Malmi and Brown's MCS factors investigates which parameters that could affect knowledge sharing in our case. The categories culture management, planning, cybernetic management, reward and compensation, and administrative management were factors considered relevant for our question formulation and are used as the basis for our interview formulation, as well as the literature used in our analysis. Our investigation model is used as a basis for a total of 22 interviews with employees within three different affiliate companies within the case company in which the knowledge sharing group covers. The study has four different questionnaires depending on the interviewee's position on the company and if they were involved in the new knowledge sharing group. The interviews include questions about the attitude and possibility of knowledge sharing at the case company and how the case company manages knowledge sharing. The answers where then analyzed based on the literature study and compared to what the staff of the different affiliate companies said and to what their position on the companies where. Based on this, a result is made. The study results show that an organization where members are at different geographical locations means that the natural contact between members is missing and that makes the exchange of knowledge more difficult. Communication within organizations is also affected by the geographical spread and can affect the amount of collaborations, where lack of communication within the organization leads to fewer collaborations, and thus lesser knowledge exchange. In addition to this, the organizational structure is affected by the degree of decentralization within organizations by influencing how decision-making is taken in the organization and who are able to influence decisions. The results also show that in a culture of cooperation, where culture is open and organizers help each other, it is easier to encourage knowledge sharing. Furthermore, it shows that cultural management in the form of clans and symbols can affect knowledge sharing by creating an open and familiar culture that encourages knowledge sharing. In order to encourage knowledge sharing in an organization with rewards or compensations, they need to be based on a measurement system that in some way is linked to the knowledge sharing. We see that personal motivation, which is not linked to measurement systems or rewards and compensation, can also affect how willing members of the organization are to share knowledge. Finally, knowledge sharing within groups can be locked in the existing patterns if there are strict rules on how to organize knowledge sharing groups, while no rules can make them unfocused and ineffective. We believe our results of the study coincides with the literature used. / Kunskapshantering har blivit allt viktigare i organisationer och hur kunskap kan utvecklas, delas och bibehållas har blivit en fråga som forskats mer på de senaste åren. Frågan huruvida kunskap ses som en konkurrenskraft har fått ett stort fokus i organisationer istället för att se över kunskapshanteringen. Det finns tidigare studier som undersöker strukturen och organisationskulturens påverkan på kunskapsdelningen i en organisation men säger inte hur faktorerna påverkar kunskapsdelning. Rapporten undersöker hur struktur, organisationskultur, samt andra parametrar i en koncern kan påverka arbetet med kunskapsdelning, där empirin fokuserar på intervjuer med anställda på ett fallföretag. På fallföretaget pågår det en implementation utav ett nytt kompetenscenter med fokus på kunskapsdelning som används som grund för undersökningen. En metod togs fram som bygger på Klein och Myers sju principer för interpretivism i fallstudier, Eisenhardts principer för problemformulering. En litteraturstudie vars grund bygger på Malmi och Browns MCS-faktorer undersöker hur olika styrparametrar kan påverka kunskapsdelningen. Kategorierna kulturstyrning, planering, cybernetisk styrning, belöning och kompensation, samt administrativ styrning var faktorer som ansågs relevanta för vår frågeställning och användes som grund för utformandet av frågorna till vår empiri insamling, samt för litteraturinsamlingen som används i vår analys. Vår undersökningsmodell används som underlag till totalt 22 intervjuer på anställda inom tre olika dotterbolag inom fallföretaget som kunskapsdelningsprojektet omfattar. Studien har fyra olika frågeformulär beroende på den intervjuades ställning på företaget och ifall de var involverade i det nya kompetenscentret. Intervjuerna innefattar frågor om inställning och möjlighet till kunskapsdelning på fallföretaget och hur fallföretaget styr kunskapsdelning. Svaren analyseras sedan utifrån litteraturstudien och jämförs mellan vad personal på de olika bolagen sa och vilken ställning de har på företagen. Utifrån detta tas ett resultat och en slutsats fram. Studiens resultat visar att en organisation där medlemmarna är geografiskt utsprida gör att den naturliga kontakten mellan medlemmar saknas och gör kunskapsutbyte svårare. Kommunikationen inom organisationer påverkas även av den av geografiska spridningen och kan påverka mängden samarbeten, där en bristande kommunikation inom organisationen leder till färre samarbeten och på så sätt mindre kunskapsutbyte. Utöver det så påverkas organisationsstrukturen av decentraliseringsgraden inom organisationer genom att påverka hur beslutsfattande tas i organisationen och vilka som har möjlighet att påverka besluten. Resultaten visar även att i en samarbetskultur, där kulturen är öppen och organisationsmedlemmarna hjälper varandra, är det lättare att uppmuntra till kunskapsdelning. Vidare visar det att kulturstyrning i form av klaner och symboler kan påverka kunskapsdelning genom att skapa en öppen och familjär kultur som uppmuntrar till kunskapsdelning. För att belöningar eller kompensationer ska kunna uppmuntra till kunskapsdelning i en organisation behöver belöningen eller kompensationen vara grundad i ett mätsystem som på något sätt är kopplat till kunskapsdelningen. Även personlig motivation, som inte är kopplad till mätsystem eller belöningar och kompensation kan påverka hur villiga organisationsmedlemmarna är att dela med sig av kunskap. Slutligen kan kunskapsdelningen inom kompetensgrupper bli låsta i de mönster som redan finns ifall det finns strikta regler på hur kompetensgrupperna ska organiseras, samtidigt som inga regler kan gör dem ofokuserade och ineffektiva. Vi anser resultatet av vår studie överensstämmer med den litteraturbas vi använt oss av.
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Decarbonization of Freight Transport at a Manufacturing Company : A Case Study of the International Manufacturer Rosemount Tank Radar ABJönsson, Ellen, Gullberg, Gilbert January 2021 (has links)
International manufacturing companies are shipping goods worldwide, resulting in interorganizational freight transportation where customers, suppliers, and logistics partners are involved in the transportation processes. This interorganizational nature of freight transport emissions has made them difficult to address, as they can be seen as not being connected to only one single company’s decisions. With the relevancy, consciousness, and interest of going greener being on the rise on a global level, many studies have made a call for a wider perspective on how manufacturing companies can work with reducing Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions from transport related to their business. This thesis addresses that call, and the research purpose of this thesis is to explore how a manufacturing company can achieve continuous and controlled reduction of CO2 emissions from freight transport. This study develops a framework in support of decarbonizing freight transport at a manufacturing company, through the adapting of Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) activities, enabled by Strategy and Management Control Systems (MCSs). In sum, it is explored how a manufacturing company can adapt GSCM activities for decarbonization of freight transport as part of a decarbonization strategy, that is implemented and sustained within the company through MCSs. This master thesis studies the case company Rosemount Tank Radar AB, a Sweden-based manufacturer of measurement instrumentation with high levels of export. To find the relevant strategy and management control concepts and theories, a literature study was first conducted. Based on this literature study, a case study of the company was then performed. Following the case study, case findings were analyzed and related to the concepts and theories found in the literature study, leading to the final framework. The framework constitutes the overall conclusion, and a mapping of the analysis on how manufacturing companies can reduce their CO2 emissions from freight transport through the approach based on GSCM, decarbonization strategy, and MCSs. The framework gathers identified decarbonization strategy scopes for greener transports found within the research field of GSCM and the case study. These decarbonization strategy scopes are then set in relation to the identified strategy and control management concepts and tools, that support efficient and tangible implementation of the decarbonization strategy. On a practical level, the framework developed in this thesis is suggested to bring a foundation for discussions among supply chain managers at manufacturing companies that are looking to define or redefine their decarbonization strategy in order make their freight transport greener. As the case study findings of this master thesis also proposes, greener supply chain transport practices can lead to cost savings and better customer experiences, in addition to reducing CO2 emissions.
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Dragkampen mellan hållbarhet och kortsiktig lönsamhet : En studie om hur börsnoterade industriföretag ställer om mot en cirkulär affärsmodell utifrån ett styrningsperspektiv / The tug of war between sustainability and short-term profitability : A study on how listed industrial companies are transitioning towards circular business models from a management control perspectiveJohansson, Matilda, Lundvall, Agnes January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: I takt med rådande klimatförändringar förväntas företag ta större ansvar för att uppnå FN:s globala hållbarhetsmål. I linje med detta har EU utvecklat en handlingsplan för omställningen till en cirkulär ekonomi för att bidra till hållbar utveckling. Detta kräver att företag ställer om mot cirkulära affärsmodeller. Vidare bör styrsystemen anpassas för att en sådan omställning ska genomsyra hela verksamheten. Omställningen mot cirkulära affärsmodeller bör även vara lönsam för att företag ska ställa om, något som idag anses råda osäkerheter kring då det är ett framväxande område med få genomförda empiriska studier. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att kartlägga hur styrningen ser ut inom börsnoterade industriföretag som ställer om mot cirkulära affärsmodeller, för att sedan bidra med kunskap om hur dessa företag kan hantera konflikten mellan hållbarhet och kortsiktig lönsamhet. Metod: Studien är en kvalitativ flerfallsstudie med ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv. Studien har antagit en abduktiv ansats och ett målstyrt urval för val av fallföretag. Det empiriska materialet har inhämtats genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer hos 11 börsnoterade industriföretag. Slutsats: Studien visar att samtliga fallföretag bör anpassa sina styrsystem för att möjliggöra en omställning mot cirkulära affärsmodeller. Detta genom att planera med en längre tidshorisont, tillsätta hållbarhetskommittéer- eller nätverk, skapa gemensamma värderingar kring hållbarhet samt anpassa KPI:er till hållbarhetsmålen. Belöningssystem bör dock enbart anpassas till hållbarhetsmål om det kan säkerställas ett kausalt samband mellan medarbetarnas prestationer och cirkulära aktiviteter. Vidare anses majoriteten av fallföretagen använda hållbarhetsstyrning både proaktivt och reaktivt, där styrsystemen därmed bör vara delvis integrerade. För en lönsam omställning bör styrsystemen utformasenligt ovan för att minska konflikten mellan hållbarhet och kortsiktig lönsamhet. / Background: Due to current climate change, companies are expected to take greater responsibility for achieving the UN's global sustainability goals. Likewise, the EU has developed an action plan for the transition to a circular economy to contribute to sustainable development. This requires companies to move towards circular business models. Further, control systems should be adapted to ensure that such a transition permeates the entire business. The transition towards circular business models should also be profitable for companies to transition, which today is considered uncertain as it is an emerging area with few empirical studies. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to map how control systems are designed in listed industrial companies that are transitioning towards circular business models, to then contribute knowledge on how companies can manage the conflict between sustainability and short-term profitability. Methodology: The study is a qualitative multiple-case study with a hermeneutic perspective. The study has adopted an abductive approach and a purposive sampling. The empirical material has been collected through semi-structured interviews at 11 listed industrial companies. Conclusion: The study shows that all case companies should adapt their control systemsto transition to circular business models. This by planning with a longer time horizon, appointing sustainability committees or networks, creating common values onsustainability and aligning KPIs with sustainability goals. However, reward systems should only be aligned with sustainability goals if a causal link between employee performance and circular activities can be ensured. Further, most case companies use sustainability control both proactively and reactively, thus control systems should be partially integrated. For a profitable transition, control systems should be designed as above to reduce the conflict between sustainability and short-term profitability.
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Health-related Quality of Life and Social Engagement in Assisted Living FacilitiesAmini, Reza 08 1900 (has links)
This research project aims to clarify the factors that impact successful aging in Assisted Living facilities (ALFs) in Denton County, Texas. We hypothesize that social disengagement decreases physical and mental components of quality of life. This exploratory research project employed standardized questionnaires to assess residents in the following domains; HRQOL, social engagement status, level of cognition, depression, and the level of functioning. This study collected data from 75 participants living in five ALFs. The average of Physical Component Scale (PCS) and Mental Component Scale (MCS) was 35.33, and 53.62 respectively. None of the participants had five or more social contacts out of facilities, and two-third of them had two or less social contacts. On average, those participants who were more socially engaged had higher score of MCS compared with disengaged counterparts. The level of physical function significantly affects social engagement, when people with more disabilities are more likely to be socially disengaged. Social engagement and depression significantly impact MCS, when depression is a mediating factor between social engagement and mental component of quality of life. Considering the expansion in aging population in the United States within the next three decades, the demand for high quality long-term care will skyrocket consequently. This study reveals that external social engagement can sustain HRQOL of residents in assisted living facilities.
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Missions exposure and training : the development and assessment of a cross-cultural training programme for two-thirds world msiionaries Two-thirds world missionariesBarron, Charles Donovan 31 July 2007 (has links)
Those who take the Great Commission of Christ seriously realise that enlarging today's mission force is crucial. The Two-thirds World church is in a prime position to meet the need. Cross-cultural mission training would greatly enhance and accelerate the fulfilling of Christ's final mandate to the Church.
As founding director of Missions Exposure and Training (MET), a Christian ministry located in Pretoria, South Africa, the author of the thesis lays out the details of the programme for the reader. MET is the case study being considered, with particular emphasis placed on Missionary Candidate School (MCS), the backbone of MET.
Before MET is introduced, the thesis begins with the challenge facing the universal Church today: the need to strengthen and enlarge the current mission force. The theological implications of Jesus Christ's mandate to the Church, the missionary purpose of the Church, as well as eschatological concerns build a strong argument for the need of a larger mission force. Demographic changes taking place within the Church mean that Two-thirds World Christians should be considered as a primary resource for cross-cultural mission endeavours. To maximise the potential of the new recruits, which the writer refers to as 'missionary candidates,' further discussion is given for the need of systematic training and equipping of Two-thirds World missionaries.
After describing MET and MCS, the programme is critically evaluated. MCS is proven to be effective in training African men and women for intercultural Christian mission service, and as such it becomes a model worth investigating.
The clear findings that result from the candid evaluation, and assessments made in light of current theological and missiological issues, should prove to be beneficial to those developing programmes with the purpose of training and equipping Two-thirds World missionaries. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D. Th. (Missiology)
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Missions exposure and training : the development and assessment of a cross-cultural training programme for two-thirds world msiionaries Two-thirds world missionariesBarron, Charles Donovan 31 July 2007 (has links)
Those who take the Great Commission of Christ seriously realise that enlarging today's mission force is crucial. The Two-thirds World church is in a prime position to meet the need. Cross-cultural mission training would greatly enhance and accelerate the fulfilling of Christ's final mandate to the Church.
As founding director of Missions Exposure and Training (MET), a Christian ministry located in Pretoria, South Africa, the author of the thesis lays out the details of the programme for the reader. MET is the case study being considered, with particular emphasis placed on Missionary Candidate School (MCS), the backbone of MET.
Before MET is introduced, the thesis begins with the challenge facing the universal Church today: the need to strengthen and enlarge the current mission force. The theological implications of Jesus Christ's mandate to the Church, the missionary purpose of the Church, as well as eschatological concerns build a strong argument for the need of a larger mission force. Demographic changes taking place within the Church mean that Two-thirds World Christians should be considered as a primary resource for cross-cultural mission endeavours. To maximise the potential of the new recruits, which the writer refers to as 'missionary candidates,' further discussion is given for the need of systematic training and equipping of Two-thirds World missionaries.
After describing MET and MCS, the programme is critically evaluated. MCS is proven to be effective in training African men and women for intercultural Christian mission service, and as such it becomes a model worth investigating.
The clear findings that result from the candid evaluation, and assessments made in light of current theological and missiological issues, should prove to be beneficial to those developing programmes with the purpose of training and equipping Two-thirds World missionaries. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D. Th. (Missiology)
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4G LTE : eMBMS with MBSFN Service Simulation using OPNETWalid, Abdelrahman January 2014 (has links)
Long Term Evolution (LTE) known in the market as 4G LTE, it is an evolution of the GSM/UMTS standard. The overall aim of LTE was to provide a new radio access technology focusing on packet-switched data only. LTE has provided a new peak download rates, low data transfer latencies, and improved the support for mobility. 3Th Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) specialized that LTE released 10 and beyond known as LTE-advanced it is the second evolution of LTE. It has some services such as Coordinated Multipoint Transmission and Reception (CoMP), evolved Multimedia Broadcast and Multicast Service (eMBMS) with Multicast-Broadcast Single-Frequency Network (MBSFN). The development still continuous on LTE-advanced, it is intended to meet the requirement of advanced application that will become common in the wireless marketplace in future. The goals of this project is to simulate one of LTE-A services on LTE standard such as CoMP or/and eMBMS with MBSFN using OPENT LTE, and measure some statistic such as spectral efficiency and also some other statistics, describe centralization vs. decentralization in LTE, and synchronization in the base station in LTE. OPNET LTE support eMBMS with MBSFN, and don’t support CoMP, the simulation has been done by using eMBMS with MBSFN. Finally the objectives of the project has achieved, the result show that when eMBMS with MBSFN is implemented the throughput increased in the downlink to about 5.52 Mbps and in the uplink to about 5.18 Mbps, and also the system spectral efficiency increased in eNB1 from about 10.25 (bits/s/Hz/cell) to about 13.75 (bits/s/Hz/cell) and in eNB2 from about 10.25 (bits/s/Hz/cell) to about 17.25 (bits/s/Hz/cell). The project also answers if it is possible to have centralization in LTE, describe synchronization in the base station in LTE, and if OPNET is useful for big research.
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