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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A ressignificação da pesquisa-ação do NACE Escola do Futuro - USP: análise dos principais projetos sob a ótica das literacias de mídia e informação / The resignification of the action research by NACE School of the Future - USP: analysis of the main projects regarding Media and Information Literacies (MIL)

Vetritti, Fabiana Grieco Cabral de Mello 07 April 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho foi realizado no âmbito do Núcleo de Pesquisa das Novas Tecnologias de Comunicação Aplicadas à Educação (NACE Escola do Futuro - USP) e visa identificar ao longo de 28 anos de história a contribuição dos projetos de pesquisa-ação para a aquisição de competências e habilidades (Literacias de Mídia e Informação - MIL) pelos participantes, principalmente professores e alunos, possibilitando o protagonismo desses atores nos processos de aprendizagem. Para tanto, foi estabelecido o Modelo Metodológico de Pesquisa em Comunicação, proposto por Maria Immacolata Vassallo de Lopes e uma abordagem etnográfica. Os procedimentos metodológicos adotados foram pesquisa bibliográfica, observação participante, levantamento documental, mapeamento dos projetos de pesquisa-ação, entrevista em profundidade semiestruturada e análise dos dados. Acredita-se que essa abordagem se configura como um dos olhares possíveis para avaliar os projetos de intervenção na comunidade, somando às métricas tradicionais de avaliação de desempenho um conjunto de novos critérios. / This study was developed in the scope of New Applied Communication Technologies for Education Research Laboratory (NACE School of the Future - USP) and aims to identify over 28 years of history the contribution of action research projects to the acquisition of competences and skills (Media and Information Literacy - MIL) by the participants, mainly teachers and students, enabling the protagonism of these actors in the learning processes. For this, the Methodological Model of Communication Research proposed by Maria Immacolata Vassallo de Lopes and an ethnographic approach was established. The methodological procedures adopted were bibliographic research, participant observation, documentary survey, mapping of action research projects, semistructured in-depth interviews and data analysis. It is considered that this is one of the possible approaches to evaluate community intervention projects, adding to the traditional metrics of performance evaluation a set of new criteria.

L'impossible éducation critique et politique au numérique : territoires, dispositifs, métiers et acteurs / The impossible critical and political digital education : territories, devices, professions and actors

Turet, Amélie 15 December 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objet d’identifier les degrés d’implication de l’État en faveur de l’éducation critique et politique au numérique. Elle analyse les dispositifs publics liés à la diffusion des usages du numérique et les caractéristiques des acteurs professionnels et bénévoles chargés de leur mise en œuvre : leurs appellations, leurs lieux d’exercices, leurs qualifications et les représentations de leurs missions prioritaires. Les questions de recherche sont : En quoi l’enchevêtrement de dispositifs d’action et de formation constitue-t-il une aide ou un empêchement au travail des acteurs pour former la population à une compréhension critique et politique du développement du numérique ? Ces acteurs développent-ils des stratégies d’adoption ou de contournement de ces dispositifs pour assurer leurs actions de formation et d’éducation ? Le corpus est composé de 5 sources complémentaires : les textes réglementaires au niveau français et européen ; 699 offres d’emploi et les référentiels de compétences des formations ; une enquête par questionnaire auprès d’un échantillon de 140 médiateurs numériques ; 10 entretiens d’experts sur la médiation numérique ; 2 monographies issues de 2 périodes d’observation participante au sein de deux entités d’animation de réseaux d’Espaces Publics Numériques. La thèse montre que l’éducation critique et politique est minoritaire, supplantée par l’initiation aux « bonnes pratiques » des usages de l’Internet, fondée sur la prise en main des outils. L’enchevêtrement par le haut des dispositifs conduit à un empêchement de la formation de la population aux enjeux de la société numérique : il produit une double contrainte indépassable entre la recherche de performances comportementales pour répondre aux exigences économiques et la recherche de recul critique en faveur de l’intérêt sociétal du numérique. Seuls les cas de subversion et l’engagement militant notamment sur les logiciels libres, le développement durable, l’anti GAFAM,… résistent à cette injonction de développement normatif. La thèse fait apparaître quatre grandes phases de cette évolution, en lien avec les modes de diffusion des innovations informatiques dans la population française : de 1967 à 1984, le temps de la genèse des méthodes pour la massification des usages de l’informatique : l’éducation scientifique et technique et les clubs informatiques. de 1985 à 1999, le temps des méthodologies de l’appropriation des outils et des usages : l’éducation nationale et le Minitel. de 2000 à 2011, le temps de l’accès public à l’Internet : emplois jeunes et Espaces Publics Numériques. de 2012 à 2016, le temps de la réduction de la fracture culturelle au numérique : les emplois d’avenir numériques, les fablabs et les tiers lieux. Après les tâtonnements des débuts (phase 1), le système d’initiation aux usages du numérique engendre la disqualification des animateurs des clubs informatiques (phase 2) ; il empêche l’offre des systèmes préexistants de l’éducation nationale et de l’éducation populaire (phase 3) ; il provoque l’autocensure des animateurs territoriaux, peu encouragés à une pensée réflexive sur la société numérique (phases 3 et 4). Toutefois, il produit une éducation critique en résistance à travers certaines figures de l’animateur multimédia en emploi jeune (phase 3), et de l’animateur « hackers » ou « systémiste » (phase 4), plus militant et entrepreneur inspiré par les modèles du libre qui détournent les dispositifs en maniant avec agilité les innovations sociales et numériques. Il en résulte que l’éducation critique au numérique reste un point aveugle de la réglementation (aucun texte n’encourage à y réfléchir), sans qualifications ou flux financiers pour la soutenir. Le risque demeure que le numérique soit un nouvel instrument au service de la reproduction et de la distinction sociale. / This thesis aims to identify the degree of state involvement in critical and political digital literacy. It analyzes the public mechanisms linked to the dissemination of digital uses and the characteristics of the professional and volunteer actors responsible for their implementation: their titles, their places of practice, their qualifications and the representations of their priority missions. The research questions are: • How does the interweaving of action and training “devices” (dispositifs) help or hinder the work of actors to train people in a critical and political understanding of digital development?• Do these actors develop strategies to adopt or circumvent these devices to ensure their training and education activities? The corpus is composed of 5 complementary sources: regulatory texts at French and European level; 699 job vacancies and training skills benchmarks; a questionnaire survey of a sample of 140 digital mediators; 10 interviews of experts in digital mediation; 2 monographs from 2 periods of participant observation in 2 networks of digital public spaces. The thesis shows that critical and political digital literacy education is not prevalent, supplanted by the introduction of "good practices" concerning the uses of the Internet, based on the handling of tools. The top-down entanglement of the devices leads to an impediment of the training of the population to the stakes of the digital society: it produces an impenetrable double bind between the search for behavioural performances to answer the economic exigencies and the search for a critical stance in favour of the societal interest of the digital. Only some cases of subversion and militant commitment of individuals in particular those supporting free software, sustainable development and anti GAFAM policies, show a degree of resistance to this injunction of normative development. The thesis shows four major phases of this evolution, in connection with the diffusion modes of computer innovations among the French population: 1. from 1967 to 1984, the time of the genesis of the methods for the massification of the uses of informatics: the scientific and technical education and the computer clubs. 2. from 1985 to 1999, the time of the methodologies for the appropriation of the tools and the uses: the national education and the Minitel. 3. From 2000 to 2011, the time of public access to the Internet: youth jobs and Public Digital Spaces. 4. from 2012 to 2016, the time of reduction of the cultural and digital divide: digital jobs of the future, fablabs and third places. After initial trial and error (phase 1), the initiation system for digital uses leads to the disqualification of computer club leaders (phase 2); it prevents the supply of pre-existing systems of national education and popular education (phase 3); it provokes the self-censorship of local animators, who are not encouraged to think reflexively about the digital society (phases 3 and 4). However, it produces a critical education in resistance through certain figures, such as the multimedia animators for youth employment (phase 3), and the "hacker" or "systemist" animators (phase 4), who are more activist and entrepreneurial, as they are inspired by the free models that hijack devices with agile handling of social and digital innovations. As a result, critical and political digital literacy remains a blind spot of regulation (no text encourages or discourages it), without qualifications or financial flows to support it. The risk remains that the digital transition could be a new instrument at the service of social reproduction and cultural distinction.

L’influence des dynamiques relationnelles dans des contextes numériques sur le climat social des environnements d’apprentissage / The influence of relationship dynamics mediated by digital contexts on social climate of learning environments

Soriani, Alessandro 09 May 2018 (has links)
Les jeunes pré-adolescents qui fréquentent les écoles secondaires du premier cycle vivent une période délicate : ils ne sont pas simplement occupés à affronter un parcours scolaire inédit et plus complexe, mais ils sont aussi occupés dans leurs tâches quotidiennes à former et négocier leurs identités et leurs rôles dans les différents groupes des pairs. Ce complexe scénario est élargi par leurs premières expériences, loin des yeux des adultes, avec les technologies : outils qui vont se superposer à l’univers relationnel qu’on vient de décrire, une dimension existentielle qui ouvre des nouvelles formes de communications médiées par les contextes numériques. Est-ce qu’il y a une influence des technologies sur les dynamiques relationnelles qui ont lieu entre élèves et aussi entre élèves et enseignants ? De quel rapport s’agit-il ? Quelles dynamiques sont impliquées ? Quel type de technologie est en jeu ? Est-ce qu’il existe un rapport d’influence entre les relations médiées par les contextes numériques et le climat social d’un environnement d’apprentissage ? Quel type de rapport ? Jusqu’à quel point les élèves dépendent des relations médiées par les enivrements numériques pour satisfaire leurs besoins relationnels ? Quelle perception ont les élèves et les enseignants des dynamiques relationnelles médiées par les contextes numériques ? Et quel rôle accordent-ils à l’école dans cette problématique ? Pour fournir une réponse à ces questions, la recherche présente une phénoménologie de le témoignage de 21 enseignants et 365 garçons et filles qui font partie des 4 établissements scolaires, dans deux villes en deux différents pays : France et Italie. / Young pre-teens attending junior high schools are going through a very delicate period: they are not just engaged in a new and more complex school career, but they are also engaged in their daily tasks of training and negotiating their identities and their roles in the different peer groups. This complex scenario is expanded by their first experiences, far from the eyes of adults, with technologies: tools that add, on the relational universe just described, an existential dimension that opens up new forms of communication mediated by digital contexts. Do technologies have an influence between on the relational dynamics that take place between students and their peers and between students and teachers? Which kind of influence? What dynamics are involved? What kind of technology is at stake? Is there a relationship of influence between the relationships mediated by the digital contexts and the social climate of a learning environment? What kind of influence? How much do students rely on digital-enriched relationships to satisfy their relationship needs? What perception do students and teachers have of relational dynamics mediated by digital contexts? And what role do they give to the school in this problem? To try to provide an answer to these questions, the research presents a phenomenology of the witness of 21 teachers and 365 boys and girls who are part of 4 schools, in two cities and in two different countries: France and Italy.

A ressignificação da pesquisa-ação do NACE Escola do Futuro - USP: análise dos principais projetos sob a ótica das literacias de mídia e informação / The resignification of the action research by NACE School of the Future - USP: analysis of the main projects regarding Media and Information Literacies (MIL)

Fabiana Grieco Cabral de Mello Vetritti 07 April 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho foi realizado no âmbito do Núcleo de Pesquisa das Novas Tecnologias de Comunicação Aplicadas à Educação (NACE Escola do Futuro - USP) e visa identificar ao longo de 28 anos de história a contribuição dos projetos de pesquisa-ação para a aquisição de competências e habilidades (Literacias de Mídia e Informação - MIL) pelos participantes, principalmente professores e alunos, possibilitando o protagonismo desses atores nos processos de aprendizagem. Para tanto, foi estabelecido o Modelo Metodológico de Pesquisa em Comunicação, proposto por Maria Immacolata Vassallo de Lopes e uma abordagem etnográfica. Os procedimentos metodológicos adotados foram pesquisa bibliográfica, observação participante, levantamento documental, mapeamento dos projetos de pesquisa-ação, entrevista em profundidade semiestruturada e análise dos dados. Acredita-se que essa abordagem se configura como um dos olhares possíveis para avaliar os projetos de intervenção na comunidade, somando às métricas tradicionais de avaliação de desempenho um conjunto de novos critérios. / This study was developed in the scope of New Applied Communication Technologies for Education Research Laboratory (NACE School of the Future - USP) and aims to identify over 28 years of history the contribution of action research projects to the acquisition of competences and skills (Media and Information Literacy - MIL) by the participants, mainly teachers and students, enabling the protagonism of these actors in the learning processes. For this, the Methodological Model of Communication Research proposed by Maria Immacolata Vassallo de Lopes and an ethnographic approach was established. The methodological procedures adopted were bibliographic research, participant observation, documentary survey, mapping of action research projects, semistructured in-depth interviews and data analysis. It is considered that this is one of the possible approaches to evaluate community intervention projects, adding to the traditional metrics of performance evaluation a set of new criteria.

"Det är demokratin som är gemensam" : En komparativ kvalitativ innehållsanalys av nationell biblioteksstrategi och nationell säkerhetsstrategi / “It’s the democracy that is in common” : A comparative qualitative content analysis of the Swedish National Library Strategy and the Swedish National Security Strategy

Hagberg, Nelly January 2020 (has links)
This thesis examines the correlation between the Swedish National Library Strategy and the Swedish National Security Strategy. These strategies originates from two different political fields that seemingly has nothing to do with each other. However, in the Swedish National Library Strategy, it states that public libraries in Sweden should be a part of the nation’s civil defense, and therefore be a part of Sweden’s total defense system. In the National Library Strategy, libraries are considered vital in order to sustain a strong democracy, this is described through the libraries focus on educating citizens in media and information literacy (MIL), as well as the librarians role as an independent and neutral information intermediary. Libraries would therefore enrich the civil defense through a crisis, or a wartime situation. However, in the National Security Strategy the vital role of public libraries within the defense system is not being discussed. The statement from the National Library Strategy has been met with a lot of questions and dispute. The reactions of the statement is in fact the premise of this thesis. The subsequent ignorance of the statement requires further knowledge, which this thesis establish. A comparative qualitative content analysis is applied to find similarities and differences between the two political fields, in order to understand the statement made in the Swedish National Library Strategy. The source material of this thesis consists of these two strategies, as well as further selected reports and research papers that is linked to the two strategies. The results of this thesis show that there is a communal discussion about threat scenarios, and that there are a mutual goal of a strong upheld democracy in both of the policies. However, the results show that there are differences in how to encounter and overcome the threats. This is a two years master’s thesis in Library and Information Science.

”Det är yvigt, spretigt men ändå ganska precist.” : Medielärares didaktiska förhållningssätt och perspektiv utifrån ett bildningsideal. / “It is sprawling, fragmented, yet still quite precise.” : Media teachers ‘didactic approaches and perspectives from an educational, bildung ideal.

Berggren, Mattias January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att utifrån ett bildningsideal liksom didaktiska och ämnesdidaktiska perspektiv utveckla förståelse för medielärares förhållningssätt till utmaningar som uppstår i undervisningen utifrån mediaämnenas sammansatta karaktär. Detta besvarades utifrån tre frågeställningar. 1. Hur beskriver medielärare sin undervisning och didaktik? 2. Hur beskriver medielärare sin undervisning relaterat till medieämnenas sammansättning av olika perspektiv? 3. Hur kan medielärares beskrivningar förstås utifrån ett bildningsideal?Studien har en teoretisk ansats utifrån begreppen didaktik och bildning. Lärarnas beskrivningar utgår från semistrukturerade intervjuer som har analyserats tematiskt. Det som framkommer i studien är att medielärare har en tydlig praktisk didaktik och att ämnesinnehållet ofta kretsar kring kommunikation på olika sätt. De olika perspektiven som ingår i medieämnena, samhälleliga, estetiska, språkliga, etiska och tekniska, har lite olika tyngd och det framgår särskilt om lärarna återfinns på det estetiska- eller på det samhällsvetenskapliga programmet. Medielärarna skulle kunna utveckla sin undervisning och bli mer medvetna på olika sätt utifrån dessa perspektiv. Framför allt skulle en större medvetenhet kring de etiska och språkliga perspektiven vara önskvärt. Studien kommer fram till att det är förtjänstfullt att förstå medielärare utifrån ett bildningsideal. Bildningsbegreppet skulle kunna bidra till att ge medielärare ett holistiskt perspektiv i sin analys av den didaktiska praktiken och ge en bra balans i medielärares undervisning utifrån medieämnenas mångfald av aspekter. Att analysera medieämnena utifrån bildningsbegreppet skulle även kunna bidra till att förtydliga och konkretisera de aspekter som förespråkare för Critical Media Literacy anser vara viktiga för mediedidaktik. / The purpose of this study is, based on an educational, bildung, ideal as well as didactic and subject-didactic perspectives, to develop an understanding of media teachers' approaches to challenges that arise in teaching based on the composite nature of media subjects. This was addressed through three research questions: 1. How do media teachers describe their teaching and didactics? 2. How do media teachers describe their teaching in relation to the nature of media subjects’ different perspectives? 3. How can media teachers' descriptions be understood from an educational, bildung ideal perspective? The study has a theoretical approach based on the concepts of didactics and education. The teachers' descriptions are based on semi-structured interviews that have been thematically analysed. The findings of the study indicate that media teachers have a clear practical understanding of their didactics, and the subject matter often revolves around communication in various ways. The different perspectives included in media subjects, societal, aesthetic, linguistic, ethical, and technical, have varying degrees of importance, particularly depending on whether the teachers are found in the aesthetic or social science program. Media teachers could enhance their teaching and become more aware in various ways based on these perspectives. Specifically, a greater awareness of ethical and linguistic perspectives would be desirable. The study concludes that it is rewarding to understand media teachers from an educational, bildung ideal perspective. The concept of education, bildung could help provide media teachers with a holistic perspective in their analysis of didactic practice and achieve a good balance in media teachers' teaching based on the diversity of aspects within media subjects. Analysing media subjects from an educational, bildung perspective could also help to clarify and concretize the aspects that proponents of Critical Media Literacy consider important for media didactics.

Academic library instruction on critical evaluation of sources and information : A content analysis of Swedish university library websites / Undervisning i kritisk utvärdering av källor och information på universitetsbibliotek : En innehållsanalys av svenska universitetsbibliotekswebbplatser

Johansen, Emma January 2022 (has links)
This master thesis examines how Swedish university libraries are instructing their students on topics related to the critical evaluation of sources and information. The method of analysis was a quantitative and qualitative content analysis of the external websites of Sweden’s public university libraries to determine what modes of instruction are being offered, and how these services are being described and made accessible to their users.  The coding of the websites divided their content into four main categories. The first two refer to asynchronous and inactive instruction: Information and Modules. The second two categories refer to synchronous and active instruction: Teaching and Tutoring. The results of the thesis indicate that the most popular modes of instruction related to critical evaluation of sources and information were informative webpages and active teaching which could either take the form of lectures or workshops with 12 out of the 15 libraries hosting or advertising these services.  The thesis concludes that instruction on topics related to critical evaluation of sources and information appears to be central, as most of the university libraries offer several modes of instruction on the topic. However, there were still variations in regard to the accessibility of the services although online instruction still proved popular in tutoring sessions. Moreover, the analysis of terminology and recurring words indicated an emphasis on ‘lower-level’ library skills related to how to recognize scholarly sources rather than ‘higher-level’ critical thinking. Finally, the results suggest that Swedish university libraries are engaging with instruction surrounding evaluation of sources and information although the scope and modes of instruction on the subject vary. This is a two year master’s thesis in Library and Information Science. / Denna masteruppsats undersöker hur svenska universitetsbibliotek instruerar sina studenter i ämnen relaterade till kritisk utvärdering av källor och information. Analysmetoden var en kvantitativ och kvalitativ innehållsanalys av de externa webbplatserna vid Sveriges offentliga universitetsbibliotek för att fastställa vilka undervisningsformer som erbjuds och hur dessa tjänster beskrivs samt görs tillgängliga för deras användare. Kodningen av webbplatserna delade in innehållet i fyra huvudkategorier. De två första hänvisar till asynkron och inaktiv instruktion: Information och Moduler. De andra två kategorierna avser synkron och aktiv undervisning: Undervisning och Handledning. Resultaten av uppsatsen indikerar att de mest populära undervisningsformerna relaterade till kritisk utvärdering av källor och information var informativa webbsidor och aktiv undervisning som antingen kunde ta formen av föreläsningar eller workshops då 12 av 15 analyserade bibliotek som var värd för eller annonserade dessa tjänster. Uppsatsen drar slutsatsen att undervisning i ämnen relaterade till kritisk utvärdering av källor och information verkar vara central, eftersom de flesta universitetsbiblioteken erbjuder flera undervisningsformer i ämnet. Det fanns dock fortfarande variationer när det gäller tillgängligheten för tjänsterna, även om online-utbildning fortfarande visade sig vara populär i handledningssessioner. Dessutom visade analysen av terminologi och återkommande ord en betoning på biblioteksfärdigheter på 'lägre nivå' relaterade till hur man känner igen vetenskapliga källor snarare än 'högre' kritiskt tänkande. Slutligen tyder resultaten på att svenska universitetsbibliotek är engagerade i undervisning kring evaluering av källor och information även om omfattningen och undervisningssätten i ämnet varierar. Detta är en masteruppsats i biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap.

"Jag förstår inte hur det här är bild." : En studie om digital kompetens i bildämnet / "I dont understand how this is art." : A study on digital competence in arts education

Serrander, Agnes, Larsson, Isabelle January 2021 (has links)
Föreliggande studie syftar till att söka ökad kunskap och förståelse för bildämnets möjligheter att stärka Skolverkets uppdrag och mål att utveckla adekvat digital kompetens hos elever, samt synliggöra hur bildlärare arbetar med att utveckla och stärka elevers digitala kompetens utifrån olika aspekter av medie- och informationskunnighet. För att få ett så nyanserat och varierat resultat som möjligt användes en kvalitativ metod, närmare bestämt semi-strukturerade intervjuer och en öppen enkätundersökning. Ett total av fem intervjuer genomfördes med verksamma bildlärare i olika delar av Sverige samt en fokusgruppsintervju med elever på en skola. Enkätundersökningen genererade 20 svar från elever. Det empiriska materialet analyserades med hjälp av två teorier: (i) artefaktsteori och (ii) läroplansteori. Resultatet illustrerar att lärare besitter varierande kunskapsnivåer och att olika kunskaper ger konsekvenser för vilket lärande som ges företräde. Vidare illustrerar resultatet att lärare och elever har olika inställningar om vilket lärande som bildämnet ämnar generera. Resultatet visar även att bildämnet har många möjligheter till att utveckla elevers digitala kompetens, men att det krävs fortbildning för att genomföra ett sådant arbete. / The present study aims to seek increased knowledge and understanding of the possibilities that the art subject has to strengthen the Swedish National Agency for Education´s goals and mission to develop students’ digital competence. Furthermore, to understand how art teachers work to foster and strengthen student digital competence from different aspects of media- and information literacy. A qualitative method was used, more precisely semi-structured interviews and a survey, to attain a wide variety of varied and nuanced results. A total of five interviews were conducted with working art teachers in Sweden and one focus group interview with students at a school. The survey resulted in 20 answers from students. The empirical material was analysed using two theories: artefacts theory and curriculum theory. The results illustrated that teachers have a varied knowledge, and that the variation has an impact on what students learn. The result also shows that students and teachers have a difference in attitudes about what the subject aims to teach students. Finally, that the art subject has a lot of possibilities to foster students’ digital competence, but it takes a lot further training to enable it.

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