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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L’architecture religieuse rurale en Languedoc Méditerranéen entre la fin VIIIe siècle et le début du XIe siècle (Diocèses d’Agde, Béziers, Lodève, Maguelone et Narbonne) / Rural religious architecture in Mediterranean Languedoc between the IXth and the beginning of the XIth century (Dioceses of Agde, Béziers, Lodève, Maguelone and Narbonne)

Astruc, Elisabeth 26 November 2016 (has links)
Les églises rurales érigées entre le IXe et le début du XIe siècle sont relativement nombreuses en Languedoc méditerranéen. Le choix de ce territoire regroupant cinq anciens évêchés (Agde, Béziers, Lodève, Maguelonne et Narbonne) permet une meilleure compréhension de cette architecture, en s’appuyant sur un corpus qui regroupe trente-cinq monuments. Les édifices se distinguent par la forme simple de leur plan, composé d’une nef unique, terminée par un chevet quadrangulaire. Ce type architectural n’est pas propre à l’aire géographique étudiée puisqu’il s’observe, notamment, en Catalogne et en Croatie. Les recherches concernant les sanctuaires se sont tout d’abord développées dans le cadre régional par le biais des sociétés archéologiques et la mise en place de plusieurs chantiers de fouille. L’étude de ces constructions trouve un intérêt, sinon nouveau, du moins renouvelé par un essai d’approche de l’organisation du territoire durant le haut Moyen Âge, avec la notion de maillage paroissial ainsi que le rôle des églises parmi les différents phénomènes de polarisation de l’habitat (incastellamento et encellulement). L’étude précise de la structure rudimentaire des édifices laisse entrevoir l’impact des pratiques cultuelles sur la distribution des espaces et l’importance d’un élément architectonique : l’arc triomphal, support privilégié d’un décor sculpté, toujours discret. / Rural churches set up between the IXth and the beginning of the XIth century are relatively numerous in Mediterranean Languedoc. The choice of this area that brings together five old bishoprics enables a better understanding of this architecture, relying on a corpus of thirty-five monuments. These buildings are characterized by the simple shape of their plan, made up of an only nave, ended by a quadrangular chevet. This architectural style is not specific to the studied area, it is also observed in Catalonia and Croatia. Researches on sanctuaries first developed though regional archaeological associations and the setting up of several excavations. The study of these constructions finds a new interest through an approach of territory organization during the Early Middle Ages, with a notion of parish network as well as the role of churches among the numerous phenomena of housing concentration (incastellamento and cloistering). The accurate study of the rudimentary structure of these buildings lets us catch a glimpse of the impact of worship practices on space distribution and the importance of an architectonic element: the triumphal arch, preferred stand for sculptures, always discreet.

Recherches sur le commerce corinthien en mer Égée et Méditerranée orientale du IXe siècle au milieu du VIe siècle av. J.-C. / Research on Corinthian trade in the Aegean Sea and Eastern Mediterranean between the 9th century and the middle of the 6th century BC.

Vallet, Xavier 19 November 2016 (has links)
Le projet de recherche a comme objectif de mieux saisir le commerce corinthien dans le monde grec et méditerranéen oriental en suivant le volume de ses exportations ainsi que les variations régionales et temporelles et en tentant d’en élucider les mécanismes, qu’ils soient d’origine économique, politique ou sociale. Cette étude s’appuie essentiellement sur les céramiques corinthiennes figurées diffusées pendant la plus grande partie de l’époque archaïque, du IXe siècle jusqu’au milieu du VIe siècle avant J.-C. Les céramiques géométriques, non figurées, à vernis noir et les amphores sont également mis à contribution, dans la mesure du possible, pour affiner l’étude, ainsi que les autres produits d’exportation, moins importants sur le plan quantitatif, comme les chevaux de bronze. L’ensemble des exportations est mis en parallèle avec les importations, beaucoup moins nombreuses, afin d’insérer le commerce corinthien dans le cadre plus large des échanges du monde grec et du monde méditerranéen, et de mieux comprendre la nature des relations économiques qui lient Corinthe à chacun de ses partenaires. Une comparaison avec d’autres corpus, plus amples, permet de mettre l’étude en perspective et de confirmer les grands traits de l’évolution du commerce corinthien en Méditerranée orientale. Chaque grande phase de ce commerce (géométrique, protocorinthien, corinthien) est subdivisée en treize périodes, permettant de suivre l’activité économique tout au long de treize générations d’hommes. L’étude par type de forme permet enfin de suivre l’évolution des goûts et des marchés durant toute la période archaïque / The aim of the research project is to better understand Corinthian trade in the Greek and the Eastern Mediterranean world through the analysis of its exports volume and the local and temporal variations while trying at the same time to clarify its economic, political or social mechanisms. This study is mainly based on the figured Corinthian pottery that spread during most of the Archaic Age from the 9th to the 6th century BC. The geometric pottery (non-figured) and the amphora are also used in the analysis as much as possible, to sharpen our study, as well as other exportation products less important in terms of quantities such as bronze horses. The whole of the exports is studied with the imports which were far fewer in order to put the Corinthian trade into the larger setting of the Greek and Mediterranean trade and to have a better understanding of the nature of the economic relations binding Corinth to its trading partners. A comparison with a wider corpus of documents enables us to put the study into perspective and to reinforce the broad features of the Corinthian trade in the Eastern Mediterranean region. Every big stage of this trade (Geometric, Protocorinthian, Corinthian) is subdivided into thirteen periods allowing us to follow the economic activities along thirteen generations of men. Finally, the study of each type of shapes enables us to follow the evolution of tastes and markets during the whole Archaic Age

Influência da recópula de fêmeas selvagens de Ceratitis capitata (Wied., 1824) (Diptera: Tephritidae) na eficiência da técnica do inseto estéril / Influence of wild Ceratitis capitata (Wied., 1824) (Diptera: Tephritidae) females remating on the efficiency of the sterile insect technique

Renata Morelli de Andrade 04 February 2009 (has links)
A técnica do inseto estéril visa a indução de esterilidade em fêmeas selvagens por meio do acasalamento com machos estéreis liberados em grandes quantidades no ambiente. Os insetos liberados devem ser capazes de competir com os selvagens pela cópula com as fêmeas, fertilizar seus ovos e evitar que ela copule novamente. A recópula com machos selvagens pode interferir na eficiência da técnica por resultar em ovos férteis. Não é conhecido como a sequência de cópula-recópula com machos estéreis e/ou selvagens determina a fertilidade dos ovos na mosca-da-fruta, Ceratitis capitata (Wied., 1824) (Diptera: Tephritidae), nem as conseqüências deste comportamento, o que justificou o presente trabalho. Os experimentos foram realizados em laboratório, na Embrapa Semi-Árido, Petrolina-PE, sob condições ambientes de temperatura e umidade relativa, para determinar a influência do tipo e ordem das cópulas na indução de esterilidade, além de parâmetros do comportamento de recópula, como frequência recópula entre as fêmeas, número de cópulas for fêmea, tempo de cópula e recópula, período refratário e competitividade sexual dos machos. Foi também avaliada a interferência do tratamento aromático dos machos estéreis com óleo de gengibre sobre a recópula das fêmeas. A Biofábrica Moscamed Brasil, Juazeiro- BA forneceu os insetos estéreis, e os selvagens foram provenientes de pupas coletadas de frutos infestados em áreas frutícolas na região do Submédio do Vale do São Francisco. Na presença de machos estéreis e selvagens concorrendo pelas cópulas na proporção de 5 estéreis: 1 selvagem, 63% das fêmeas recopularam em média 3,37 vezes com curto período refratário entre a cópula e a primeira recópula. O tratamento dos machos com óleo de gengibre diminuiu significativamente a taxa de recópula. A aromaterapia dos machos não reduziu a fecundidade e nem conferiu aos machos vantagem da competição espermática, entretanto aumentou a indução de esterilidade em fêmeas selvagens que recopularam. O segundo macho a copular a fêmea apresentou maior vantagem reprodutiva em curto período refratário. Conclui-se que para que a técnica do inseto estéril seja eficiente, é necessário que haja sempre machos estéreis de boa qualidade no campo para recopularem as fêmeas em curto período refratário. / The sterile insect technique (SIT) aim at the induction of sterility in wild females by mating with sterile males released in great amounts in the field. These released males must compete with wild ones being able to attract and mate wild females, fertilize their eggs and avoid remating with a wild male that would lead to fertile eggs and consequently reduce the efficiency of the technique. The circumstances in which remating of Ceratitis capitata (Wied., 1824) (Diptera: Tephritidae) females interfere with the SIT, as well as the consequences of this behavior are not well known, what justified the present study. The experiments were carried out at the Embrapa Semi-Árido, Petrolina-PE, inside the laboratory under ambient conditions of temperature and relative humidity to determine the influence of the order of mating type in the induction of sterility. The parameters evaluated to better understand the remating behavior were remating frequency, number of matings per female, mating and remating time, refractory period, sexual competitiveness of males, and the interference of males aromatherapy with ginger root oil in the females remating. Moscamed facility, Juazeiro-BA, provided the sterile males and the wild ones were from pupae collected from infested fruits from commercial orchards in the São Francisco River Valley. In the presence of sterile and wild males in competition (5 sterile: 1wild), 63% of females remated in average 3.37 times in short refractory period between the mating and the first remating. The males aromatherapy with ginger root oil reduced significantly the remating rate, but did not reduce the fecundity, neither confer advantage to the males in the sperm competition, however increased the induction of sterility in wild females multiply mated. The second male to mate the female presented reproductive advantage if the refractory period was short. For the SIT be efficient the sterile males in the field must always have great quality to remate the females in a short refractory period and thus induce sterility in the wild population.

A casa focéia: o papel do espaço doméstico nas apoikiai gregas do Mediterrâneo ocidental (600-350 a.c.) / The Phocaean Dwelling: The rule of the private space in the Greek apokiai of Western Mediterranean (600-350 a.C.)

Isabel Cristina Catanio 06 September 2017 (has links)
Através da catalogação e comparação de estruturas habitacionais encontradas em escavações nas antigas apoikiai focéias do Mediterrâneo Ocidental - Massália, a atual Marselha, no sul da França; Empórias, na atual região da Catalunha, na Espanha; e Eleia, hoje um parque arqueológico na região da Campânia, na Itália - este trabalho busca averiguar a existência de um modelo foceu (ou exclusivamente grego) de organização do espaço doméstico, e sua relação com as referidas póleis, contribuindo para sua expansão e desenvolvimento. Além disso, procuramos evidenciar a importância vital do estudo do espaço privado para maior entendimento da vida cotidiana dos povos antigos, assim como de seus gostos pessoais, e como isso refletia na identidade coletiva grega, neste caso em específico. / Through the cataloging and comparison of housing structures found in excavations in the ancient Phocaean apoikiai of the Western Mediterranean - Massalia, present-day Marseilles in southern France; Empúries, in the present Catalonia, Spain; and Elea, an archaeological park in the Campania region of Italy, nowadays - this work seeks to look for the existence of a Phocaean (or exclusively Greek) model of organization of the domestic space, and its relation with the mentioned poleis, as well as its contribution to the expansion and development of those cities. In addition, we sought to highlight the vital importance of the study of private space for a better understanding of the daily life of ancient peoples, as well as their personal tastes, and how this reflected in a Greek collective identity, in this particular case.

Avaliação dos efeitos da água quente e radiação ultravioleta-C como tratamentos quarentenários para Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann (Dipter: Tephridae) na qualidade de goiabas 'kumagai' após a colheita / Evaluation of the effects of the hot water and ultraviolet-C radiation as quarantine treatments for Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann (Diptera: Tephridae) in the quality of guava 'Kumagai' after the harvest

Vieira, Stella Maria Januária 17 August 2018 (has links)
Orientadores: Benedito Carlos Benedetti, Adalton Raga, Perla Gómez Di Marco / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Agrícola / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-17T18:23:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Vieira_StellaMariaJanuaria_D.pdf: 942200 bytes, checksum: f0c6adbea884bee20c024b9044a05cb9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: A goiaba é um fruto com boas características organolépticas e nutricionais, além de ter boa aceitação tanto para o consumo "in natura" como industrial. É, porém, bastante perecível após a colheita, daí decorrendo perdas significativas. Além disso, acaba destinada quase totalmente ao mercado interno, em virtude das barreiras fitossanitárias impostas por países importadores diante de problemas como a infestação por moscas-das-frutas. É exatamente no estudo dessa praga que se situa o objeto do presente trabalho, cuja realização obedeceu aos seguintes propósitos: 1) avaliar a eficiência dos métodos de controle de radiação "UVC"e "água quente", bem como a aplicação combinada de ambos, para o fim de promover a desinfestação de ovos de Ceratitis capitata (Wied.) (Diptera: Tephritidae) em goiabas 'Kumagai'; 2) avaliar a qualidade físico-química de goiabas 'Kumagai' submetidas aos tratamentos quarentenários. No que se refere ao método "água quente", o equipamento banho-maria Dubnoff existente em laboratório forneceu uma variação de temperatura de 0,5 ºC, sendo que as médias dos tempos de exposição, verificados em termopares inseridos a 5 mm, para as temperaturas avaliadas de 42,0 a 50,0 ºC (± 0,5) com intervalos de 1,0 ºC, foram menores que as médias dos tempos de exposição daqueles termopares inseridos no centro das goiabas para as mesmas temperaturas avaliadas. Em função desse aumento no tempo de imersão em altas temperaturas, foram observadas a presença de escaldaduras na casca das goiabas tratadas a 46,0; 47,0; 48,0; 49,0 e 50,0 ºC (± 0,5). Por sua vez, no que tange ao método por "UV-C", as lâmpadas utilizadas no equipamento de radiação possuíam comprimentos de onda predominantes de 254 nm (adequados, portanto, para o estudo de radiação UV-C) e a tela de aço (diâmetro da malha hexagonal: 6,0x 7,0 cm) foi o material escolhido para compor a prateleira central, distante 8 cm da fonte luminosa. Aplicados os métodos em questão, o que se observou nos testes "in vitro" foi que ampliação do tempo de imersão no tratamento hidrotérmico e a exposição a intensidades crescentes de radiação UV-C no tratamento por radiação conduziram a um aumento na mortalidade ovos de C. capitata; já quanto aos testes "in vivo", a conclusão, em relação ao método "água quente", foi a de que tratamentos a temperaturas de 46,0; 47,0; 48,0; 49,0 e 50,0 (± 0,5) ºC, com tempos de imersão de 0; 46; 36; 26; 16 e 12 minutos, respectivamente, são eficientes para a mortalidade de ovos de C. capitata (não tendo sido verificadas escaldaduras nas cascas das frutas às temperaturas avaliadas) e, em relação ao método "UV-C", verificou-se que a intensidade de 16,0 kJm-2 foi capaz de inativar 100% de ovos de C. capitata. Nos tratamentos combinados, foi observado efeito aditivo na mortalidade de ovos de C. capitata, sendo mais intensos nas combinações de 0,54 kJm-2 + 45,0 ± 0,5 ºC; 0,80 kJm-2 + 45,0 ± 0,5 ºC; 0,54 kJm-2 + 46,0 ± 0,5 ºC e 0,80 kJm-2 + 46,0 ± 0,5 ºC. Por fim, quanto à qualidade pós-colheita, a das goiabas submetidas aos tratamentos e armazenadas a 8,0 ± 0,2 ºC durante o período de armazenamento de 10 dias mostrou-se superior à das goiabas que tiveram aplicados os mesmos tratamentos e foram armazenadas a 22,0 ± 0,2 ºC / Abstract: Guava is a fruit that has good organoleptic and nutritional haracteristics, besides having a good acceptance as for consumption "in natura" as industrial. It is, however, a lot perishable after the harvest, and because of that there are countless losses to the producers. Besides it, the fruit is practically consumed in the internal market, because of the sanitary obstacles imposed by importing countries before matters as infestation by fruit flies. It is exactly in the study of this plague that is the object of this work whose achievement has obeyed the following steps: 1) evaluating the efficiency of hot water imersion, UV-C radiation methods, and the application in both, with the intention of promoting the not infestation of eggs of Ceratitis capitata (Wied.) (Diptera: Tephrittidae) in "Kumagai" guavas; 2) evaluating the physics-chemistry quality submitted to quarantine treatments. Mentioning to the method hot water, the double boiler Duboff equipment existing in the laboratory gives us a variation of temperature of 0,5 ºC, as for the average of times of expositions verified in pairs at 5 mm, for temperatures of 42,0 the 50,0 ºC (± 0,5) with intervals of 1,0 ºC was lower than the ones of the times in exposition in the center of guavas to the same temperatures. Due to this increase of the time of immersion in high temperatures, it was noticed the presence of burns on the treated guavas peel to 46,0; 47,0; 48,0; 49,0 and 50,0 ºC (± 0,5). By its shift, according to the UV-C method, the light bulbs used in the radiation equipment had 254 nm waves (proper to the study of radiation UV-C) and the steel screen (hexagonal mesh: 6,0 x 7,0 cm) was the chosen material to compose the central shelf, far 8 cm from the illuminated fountain. The used methods, what was noticed in the tests "in vitro" was that the amplification of the time of the immersion (in the hydrothermical) and the exposition to the increasing intensity of radiation UV-C (in the treatment by radiation) led to an increase in the mortality of eggs of C. capitata; according to the tests "in vivo" the conclusion in relation to the method hot water was that treatments to the temperatures 46,0; 47,0; 48,0; 49,0 e 50,0 ºC (± 0,5). With times of immersion of 46; 36; 26; 16 and 12 minutes, respectively, are efficient to the mortality of the eggs of C. capitata (not having being verified burns on the fruits peel to the evaluated temperatures) and, in relation to the method UV-C, it was noticed that the intensity of 16.0 kJm-2 was able to activate 100% of eggs of C. capitata. In the combined treatments, it was observed the adding effect in the mortality of eggs of C. capitata, being more intense in the combinations 0,54 kJm-2 + 45,0 ± 0,5 ºC; 0,80 kJm-2 + 45,0 ± 0,5 ºC; 0,54 kJm-2 + 46,0 ± 0,5 ºC e 0,80 kJm-2 + 46,0 ± 0,5 ºC. Finally according to the quality after the harvest, the guavas that were submitted to the treatment and stored to 8,0 ± 0,2 ºC during a period of 10 days were superior to the guavas that had the same treatments and were stored to 22,0 ± 0,2 ºC / Doutorado / Tecnologia Pós-Colheita / Doutor em Engenharia Agrícola

Avaliação de búfalas da raça Mediterrâneo durante o período de transição e início de lactação e de bezerros lactantes até o desmame / Evaluation of Mediterranean buffalo cows during the transition period and early lactation and young calves until weaning

Lenita Camargo Verdurico 14 December 2010 (has links)
Objetivou-se neste estudo avaliar búfalas da raça Mediterrâneo durante o período de transição e início de lactação e bezerros lactantes até o desmame. O experimento foi conduzido na área de produção de bubalinos junto com o Departamento de Nutrição e Produção Veterinária, pertencente à Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia (FMVZ), da Universidade de São Paulo (USP), localizada no município de Pirassununga/SP. Foram utilizadas 17 matrizes mestiças da raça Mediterrânea. A produção de leite foi registrada diariamente durante todo o periodo expeirmental. As amostras utilizadas para análise da composição fisico quimica e perfil de ácidos graxos do leite foram coletadas semanalmente, sendo provenientes da única ordenha diária. Para avaliação do suplemento vitamínico foram utilizados 17 bezerros búfalos divididos em dois grupos, o primeiro o grupo controle (aleitemanto artificial) e outro grupo foi administrado aditivo vitamínico-mineral (Metacell). Para avaliação do desenvolvimento ponderal os bezerros foram pesados semanalmente e foram mensurados o perímetro torácico (PT), a altura (ALT) e o comprimento corporal (COPM). Os bezerros foram avaliados até completarem 120 dias e alojados em piquete com silagem de milho e concentrado ad libitum. Houve efeito das semanas no período de transição e início de lactação para a produção de gordura e para o peso vivo das búfalas em lactação. Entretanto não houve efeito das semanas em lactação para os valores de PL, PLC, MPC, porcentagem de gordura e composição dos ácidos graxos da gordura do leite. Quando avaliado o perfil bioquímico das búfalas foi observado efeito das semanas do período de transição e início de lactação para as concentrações no soro de uréia, NUS, colesterol total, AST, BHB e AGNE. Entretanto as concentrações de glicose, PT, C-HDL, GGT e albumina não foram inlfuenciadas no período de transição e inicio de lactação. Entre todos os resultados de parâmetros hematologicos avaliados para as búfalas somente foi observado efeito de tempo para as concentrações no sangue da concentração de hemoglobina corpuscular média. Os bezerros suplemetados com aditivo apresentaram maior desenvolvimento ponderal de forma geral em relação ao grupo controle. Os bezerros bubalinos tratados com aditivo vitamínico-mineral, apresenatram maiores concentrações de colesterol total, uréia e proteínas totais. Entretanto não houve efeito do aditivo sobre os valores de glicose, albumina e beta hidroxibutirato. Os valores de leutcócitos, neutrófilos, eosinófilos, linfócitos típicos aumentaram com a utilização do aditivo oral em relação ao grupo controle. Porém a quantidade de plaquetas diminuíram com a adição do suplemento. Este estudo permite definição de valores padrões de referência para avaliação fisiológica bioquímica e hematológica de búfalas no período de transição e início de lactação. A utilização de aditivo para bezerros da espécie bubalina melhora o desempenho ponderal com respectiva melhora no perfil metabólico. / The aim of this study was to evaluate Mediterranean buffalo cows during the transition period and early lactation and lactation calves until weaning. The experiment was conducted in the production of buffaloes with the Departamento of Nutrition and Veterinary Production, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science (FMVZ), University of Sao Paulo (USP), located in the city of Pirassununga/SP. Were used 17 crossbred Mediterranean. Milk production was recorded daily throughout the experimental period. The samples used for analysis of chemical and physical composition and fatty acid profile of milk were colected weekly and then daily single milking. To assess the vitamin supplement was used 17 buffalo calves divided into two groups, the first control group (artificial feeding) and another group was given vitamin and mineral additive (Metacell). To assess weight development calves were weighed weekly and were measured the girth (HG), height (ALT) and body length (COPM). The calves were evaluated until 120 days of age and housed in a paddock with corn silage and concentrate ad libitum. There was an effect of the weeks during the transition and early lactation for the fat production and the body weight of lactating buffaloes. However there was no effect of lactation week on the values of PL, PLC, MPC, fat percentage and fatty acid composition of milk fat. Investigation of the biochemical profile of the buffaloes was no effect of weeks of the transition period and early lactation to concentrations in serum urea, NUS, total cholesterol, AST, BHB and AGNE. However the concentrations of glucose, PT, C-HDL, GGT, and albumin were not affected during the transition period and early lactation. Among all the results of hematologic parameters evaluated for the buffaloes was only observed effect of time for concentrations in the blood mean conpuscular hemoglobin concentration. Calves supplemented with additive showed higher weight development in general in relation to the control group. The buffalo calves treated with vitamin-mineral additive, had higher concentrations of total cholesterol, urea and total protein. However there was no effect of the additive on the levels of glucose, albumin and beta-hydroxybutyrate. The values of leukocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils, lymphocytes typically increased with the oral use of the additive in relation to the control group. But the number of platelets decreased with the addition of the supplement. This study supports the definition of standard values of reference for assessing physiological biochemical and hematological parameters of buffaloes in the period of transition and early lactation. The use of additives to improve water buffalo calves and their weight gain with improved metabolic profile.

Alfabetização do olhar: aprender pelos objetos e suas representações / Education and ways of seeing: learning from objects and their representations

Ana Paula Moreli Tauhyl 30 October 2013 (has links)
Esta dissertação descreve e analisa um conjunto de atividades educativas realizadas a partir de alguns produtos do Laboratório de Estudos sobre a Cidade Antiga - Labeca: o videodocumentário \"Siracusa Cidade Antiga\", mapas, plantas, fotografias e desenhos de reconstituições provenientes do banco de dados do laboratório e maquetes das cidades gregas de Poseidônia, Priene, Olinto e Selinonte. As atividades tiveram como objetivos divulgar a produção do Labeca e testar este material com o público alvo, buscando ampliar a visão da Grécia antiga comumente presente na escola; trabalhar o fazer ciência, por meio do oficio do arqueólogo; entender as diversas linguagens que constituem as formas de representação dos objetos, podendo, assim, exercer o pensamento crítico em relação a elas; e despertar o olhar do público para o universo das coisas materiais. Como público alvo da pesquisa, selecionamos duas turmas do 1º. Ano do Ensino Médio da Escola de Aplicação da Faculdade de Educação da Universidade de São Paulo. Os alunos participaram de três encontros: apresentação do videodocumentário em sala de aula, visita ao MAE/USP para um trabalho com os mapas, plantas, fotografias, reconstituições e maquetes e, por fim, o manuseio de objetos arqueológicos e contemporâneos, novamente em sala de aula. Aplicamos três questionários aos alunos durante os encontros, os quais tinham por objetivo diagnosticar as impressões do público sobre o conjunto de atividades e se sua perspectiva em relação à Arqueologia e às cidades gregas antigas se modificou ao longo dos encontros. Os resultados que obtivemos a partir do questionário final, aplicado 70 dias após o primeiro, demonstraram que, de acordo com a concepção dos próprios alunos, a visão que tinham sobre Arqueologia foi modificada. Também pudemos verificar que outras características ligadas às cidades gregas passaram a compor o imaginário dos alunos sobre o tema, além daquelas elencadas no questionário inicial. / This Master thesis describes and analyses a set of educational activities created from some products developed by the Laboratory for the Study of the Ancient City (Labeca - MAE/USP). These products are the DVD \"Siracusa Cidade Antiga\" (\"Syracuse, Ancient City\"), maps, plans, photographs, reconstructions and models of four ancient Greek cities - Poseidonia, Olynth, Priene and Selinus. The activities aimed at divulge Labeca\'s products by testing them with the audience, seeking to expand the vision of ancient Greece commonly presented in school. The project had another three goals. The first was to show how the scientific thinking of the archaeologist works. The second one aimed at presenting to the students the diversity of languages used to represent things and how these languages must be criticized. Our last goal was to draw the students\' attention to the material things surrounding them. As audience, we selected two classes of the 1st. year of High School from the Escola de Aplicação of the Faculdade de Educação (Faculty of Education) in the University of São Paulo. Initially, the students watched the DVD \"Siracusa Cidade Antiga\" (\"Syracuse, Ancient City\") in their classroom. A few weeks later, they visited the MAE/USP, where they were presented to maps, plans, photographs, reconstructions and models of four ancient Greek cities. Finally, we paid a second visit to their classroom and the students had the chance to handle archaeological and contemporary objects. Three questionnaires were submitted to the students by the end of each meeting. They aimed at diagnosing the public reaction to the set of activities and identifying whether their perspective on archaeology and ancient Greek cities had changed throughout the meetings. The answers from the last questionnaire, which was applied seventy days after the first one, showed some changes about the students\' perception of Archaeology, according to themselves. Furthermore, we observed that other characteristics linked to the Greek cities were included in the imaginary of the students, in addition to those listed by them in the initial questionnaire.

The diaspora of Cypriot antiquities and the British Museum, 1860-1900

Nikolaou, Polina January 2013 (has links)
This thesis examines the invention of Cyprus’ ancient history through the diaspora of Cypriot antiquities in the latter half of nineteenth century and the role of the modern museum in it (1860-1900). It maps the movement of the objects from their excavation sites, to their circulation in metropolitan museums and, finally to their display in museum galleries. In doing so this thesis explores the emergence of archaeology as a field-based discipline in the broader colonial, imperial and geopolitical context. The research of this project was conducted mainly at the Cyprus State Archives, the Greek and Roman Departmental Archives (British Museum), Dartmouth College Archives (NH). The first part of the thesis provides the theoretical framework in which this research is situated. Chapter 1 introduces the project, its research questions, its research questions and outcomes. Chapter 2 discusses the literature providing the main concepts that formed the arguments of this thesis. Chapter 3 contextualizes the diaspora of Cypriot antiquities within the broader history of archaeology and Chapter 4 overviews the methodology followed and the archival sources that were used for this project. The second part consists of my empirical work and maps the diaspora of the antiquities. It is thematically divided in three chapters. Chapter 5, Law, looks at the colonial and legal context of the excavation and exportation of the objects. Chapter 6, Excavation, discusses the every-day conduct of Cypriot archaeology in the field. Chapter 7, Circulation, examines the practices of collecting Cypriot antiquities, their exportation and circulation in metropolitan museums, and their display in museums (particularly in the British Museum). Chapter 8 brings the thesis into a conclusion and highlights the main findings and arguments of this project. The thesis explores the production, circulation and display of scientific knowledge regarding the ancient past of Cyprus by following the antiquities in their various forms (texts, impressions, photographs, objects). By following the objects’ social lives it addresses the issues of the circulation of scientific knowledge, of the criteria for asserting its authenticity and credibility and of the local/global nature of archaeological science. It will demonstrate that the methodological tenor of writing the objects’ biographies links the different scales of science’s making and illuminates its hidden stories, such as the practicalities of collecting in the field.

Regards croisés sur l'altérité et l'identité dans le cinéma français et marocain des années 2000 / Perspectives on otherness and identity in the French and Moroccan cinema of the 2000s

Fdil, Abdellatif 30 November 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse est née d’une interrogation sur la représentation de l’Autre dans les imaginaires cinématographiques français et marocains qui se constituent actuellement ; c’est à dire au début des années 2000 (2000-2015). Plus précisément, elle s’interroge sur ce qui permet, à ce niveau de construction d’un regard croisé, de le différencier et de l’identifier distinctement sur le plan imaginaire et dramaturgique. Dans cette double perspective, l’Autre serait tour à tour Français et Marocain, le Nord et le Sud, le Maghrébin et l’Occidental ; ce qui permettra de comparer des représentations tantôt convergentes, tantôt divergentes, voire antagonistes. Car ceux qui traversent la Méditerranée ne sont pas seulement amenés à remettre en cause la prétendue supériorité de l’ancien colonisateur et à dénoncer la condition faite aux immigrés, mais sont aussi à l’origine d’une nouvelle vision du monde : ouverture à l’Autre et à son espace fondée sur le respect mutuel et la fécondité du métissage culturel. Il s’agit donc de mettre en place des rencontres cinématographiques françaises et marocaines pour comprendre comment le corps, son mouvement et son interprétation à l’écran, est le centre de gravité qui anime les regards croisés. Ainsi ressort-il une « correspondance » cinématographique franco-marocaine, carrefour des diversités linguistiques et culturelles, soulevant sans doute des interrogations complexes liées à ces rencontres enrichissantes et dignes d’intérêt scientifique. Comment l’Ailleurs marocain peut-il contribuer au récit filmique français, correspondre à une quête intérieure, ou au contraire conforter un désenchantement radical ? Comment la France entre-elle dans l’histoire contemporaine du cinéma marocain ? Comment le personnage français fait-il partie de son imaginaire ? Ce travail s’interroge parallèlement sur les dangers consécutifs à ce type de représentation qui se manifeste dans la réduction au pittoresque du récit filmique, l'inventaire complaisant de clichés révélant une vision stéréotypée de l'Autre et de son espace. Car les années 2000 conduisent certains films et penseurs à réagir encore et toujours à cette attitude qu’ils tournent souvent en dérision. Toutefois, le cinéma français et les films marocains, loin d’être réductible à cette contestation, proposent aujourd’hui une vision distanciée et originale d’elle-même, de sa culture, et aussi forcément de l’Autre. / This thesis arose from a question about the representation of The Other in today's French and Moroccan filmic images; that is to say in the early 2000s (2000-2015). More precisely, it elaborates on what can allow the construction of a cross observation, which could clearly differentiate and identify the fictional and dramaturgical aspects of the subject. In this double perspective, the Other would be both French and Moroccan, the North and the South, the Maghreb and the West. This will lead to a comparison between representations which are sometimes convergent, sometimes divergent, and even antagonistic. For those crossing the Mediterranean are not only brought to call into question the supposed superiority of the colonizers and denounce the condition of the immigrants, but are also faced with a new vision of the world: the openness to the Other and its foundations implying mutual respect and the fruitfulness of a cultural mix. It is therefore necessary to contextualize the French and Moroccan cinematographic meeting points in order to understand how bodies, their movements and the way they are interpreted on the screen, are at the core of our cross observations. Thus a Franco-Moroccan cinematographic “correspondence" appears. A crossroad of linguistic and cultural diversity, raising undoubtedly complex questions related to these rich encounters and worthy of scientific interest. How can the Moroccan contribute to the French film narrative, corresponding to an inner quest, or on the contrary confirming a radical disenchantment? How does France enter Moroccan contemporary cinema? How do French characters fit in? This work also examines the consecutive dangers of that kind of representation which amount to mere picturesque film narratives, inventories full of cliches revealing a stereotypical view of the Other and their space. Because in the 2000s, some movies and thinkers still have this attitude, so they often feel derided. However, French cinema and Moroccan films, far from being reduced to this challenge, offer today an original and distanced vision of themselves, their culture, and most certainly the Other.

L'expansion phénicienne en Méditerranée: Etude critique de la tradition littéraire

Bunnens, Guy January 1974 (has links)
Doctorat en philosophie et lettres / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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