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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Návrh přístupu k plánování a vedení projektů ve firmě / Proposal of Approach to Planning and Project Management in Company

Havíř, David January 2016 (has links)
The Diploma thesis deals with selection of appropriate methods and tools for planning research projects. The theoretical part focuses on the general theory and the specifics of individual approaches, models and project management tools. Analytical part on the selection of appropriate managemenet elements based on examining enterprise environment. The practical part on the creation of a methodology and its projection to the work with supporting software.

Žiniatinklio portalų kūrimo ir projektavimo metodika / Web application development methology

Žilinskas, Tadas 25 May 2004 (has links)
The nature of Web system development is significantly different from conventional software development. Good method for system development is needed. Analysis show, that main known system development methods are good at describing static web application aspects, but does not provide a good description for modeling web application behavioral characteristics. This work uses model driven approach as one, suitable for dealing with web application development problems. The key aspect of model driven approach is specifying system domain model independent of any particular technology (J2EE, Microsoft .NET, etc.) and then generating platform specific model or its implementation. The UML is user-friendly, easy to use and is useful for describing system effectively. Specification expressed in terms of UML can be rendered into an XML document using the OMG’s XMI DTD for UML, which makes UML suitable for model driven approach implementation. In this work, method for specifying application behavior design using UML was presented. This method gives rules for specifying web application behavior model, suitable for its implementation code generation. The main components used in today’s web application which implementation could be generated from the model were also described. It was shown, that it is possible to generate much of implementation, just using such a model representation in XMI. The main idea presented in this work is that web application development should be model driven as... [to full text]

Korupcijos socialinės ir teisinės apibrėžties įtaka korupcinių veikų tyrimo metodikų koncepcijos pokyčiams / The influence of social and legal definition of corruption on the changes of conception of investigation methodologies of corruption – related crimes

Šatienė, Gintarė 20 January 2009 (has links)
Disertacinio darbo temos aktualumas. Statistiniai duomenys, leidžiantys teigti, kad korupcinių veikų mastas Lietuvoje mažas, prieštarauja sociologinių tyrimų rezultatams, anot kurių, korupcijos faktų Lietuvoje yra labai daug , kas reikalauja šio reiškinio mokslinės analizės. Temos aktualumą grindžia ir korupcijos reiškiniui būdingas latentiškumas, šio reiškinio dinamika, formų, pasireiškimo sričių, subjektų, dalyko kaita, be to, tikslios ir aiškios korupcijos sąvokos, kurią būtų lengviau taikyti teisėkūroje, viešojo administravimo institucijų praktikoje, ją geriau suvoktų visuomenė, lengviau būtų deramai taikyti antikorupcinius įstatymus, stoka. Atsižvelgiant į tai, kad formuojant teisinės sistemos modelį, svarbiausios yra teisės sampratos, teisės doktrinos problemos, disertacijoje pabrėžiama, kad, visų pirma, kuriant nacionalinę antikorupcinių įstatymų bazę ir teisės normose apibrėžiant korupcines veikas, negalima apsiriboti vien tik teisės aktų keitimu kitais, o būtina išsiaiškinti žmonių teisinio mąstymo principus, visuomenės vertybių sistemą ir kriterijus, ir tik po to pereiti prie socialinių reiškinių objektyvizacijos ribų nustatymo teisės normose ir jų įgyvendinimo. Atitinkamai disertacijos įvade konstatuojama, kad efektyvinant korupcinio pobūdžio nusikalstamų veikų tyrimą, ypatingas dėmesys turi būti skiriamas kriminalistikos mokslui, nes suvokimas, jog korupcija yra sudėtinga socialinė, ekonominė, politinė, teisinė, kultūrinė, moralinė problema, kurią reikia spręsti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The Relevance of the Topic of the Dissertation Work. The statistical data allowing stating that the extent of corruption acts is small in Lithuania disagree with the results of the sociology researches according to which there are a lot of facts of corruption in Lithuania , what requires the scientific analysis of this phenomenon. The relevance of the topic is grounded by the latency which is characteristic to corruption, dynamics of this phenomenon, the change of the forms, manifestation spheres and the subject, besides, the lack of the adequate and lucid concept of corruption which could be easier applied in the legislation and the practice of the institutions of public administration, and which could be easier perceived by the society and it would be easier to apply properly anti-corruption laws. In respect that when forming the model of the legal system, the most important are the law concepts, the problems of law doctrine, it is emphasized in the dissertation that, first of all, when creating the national base of the anti-corruption laws and determining the corruption acts in the rules of law, we should not restrict ourselves only to the change of legal acts, but it is necessary to find out the principles of people’s legal thinking, the value system and the criteria of the society, and only then pass on to the determination of the materialization limits of social phenomena in the rules of law and their implementation. Respectively, it is stated in the introduction of... [to full text]

Ūkininko ūkio finansinės būklės ir rezultatų vertinimo metodikos tobulinimas palyginamumo požiūriu / Improvement of Methodics of Evaluation of Farmer’s Farm Financial Situation and Results from the Comparability Point of View

Jagelavičius, Žydrūnas 08 June 2009 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas – ūkininko ūkio finansinės būklės ir rezultatų vertinimas. Darbo tikslas – sudaryti ūkininko ūkio finansinės būklės ir rezultatų vertinimo metodiką, grindžiamą palyginamumo principu. Tyrimo tikslui pasiekti darbe numatoma išspręsti šiuos uždavinius: 1. atskleisti finansinės būklės ir rezultatų vertinimo metodikos esmę; 2. identifikuoti žemės ūkio produkcijos gamybos ir apskaitos specifikos veiksnius, sąlygojančius atskiros finansinės būklės ir rezultatų vertinimo metodikos ūkiui poreikį; 3. atlikti identifikuotų veiksnių sąlygojamas ūkio apskaitos ir santykinių finansinių rodiklių apskaičiavimo metodikos korekcijas, grindžiamas palyginamumo principu; 4. sudaryti ūkininko ūkio finansinės būklės ir rezultatų vertinimo metodiką, grindžiamą turinio svarbos prieš formą ir palyginamumo principais; 5. empiriškai patikrinti sudarytą finansinės analizės metodiką panaudojant ūkio finansinės atskaitomybės duomenis. Tyrimo metodai: teisinės, ekonominės ir mokslinės literatūros analizė ir sintezė, loginė analizė ir sintezė, prognozinės ūkio finansinės atskaitomybės panaudojimas, santykinių pokyčių skaičiavimas, apskaičiuotų statistinių dydžių sisteminimas (lentelių sudarymas), palyginamoji finansinių rodiklių analizė, gautų rezultatų apibendrinimas ir išvadų formulavimas. Tyrimo rezultatai: • pirmoje darbo dalyje atskleista finansinės būklės ir rezultatų vertinimo metodikos esmė, kuri apibrėžta kaip taisyklių, reikalavimų, metodų ir būdų visuma finansinei informacijai apie... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Research object – the evaluation of farmer’s farm financial state and results. Research aim – to compose the methodics of evaluation of financial situation and results in the farmer’s farm based by the comparability principle. Objectives: 1. to disclose the essence of methodics of evaluation of financial state and results; 2. to identify the factors of specifics of agricultural production and accounting taking influence on demand of individual methodics of evaluation of financial state and results in the farm; 3. to perform the corrections in farm accounting and methodics of calculation of comparative financial indicators influenced by the identified factors and based by the comparability principle; 4. to compose the methodics of evaluation of financial situation and results in the farmer’s farm based by the content importance prior to form and the comparability principles; 5. to verify empirically the prepared methodics of financial analysis using the farm financial accountability data. Research methods: analysis and synthesis of juristic, economic and scientific literature, logical analysis and synthesis, use of farm prognostic financial accountability, calculation of comparative variation, filing of counted statistic dimensions (formation of tables), comparable analysis of financial indicators, generalization of obtained results and formulation of conclusions. Research results: • in the first part of work the essence of methodics of evaluation of financial state and... [to full text]

Kaimo plėtros projektų rengimo analizė ir tobulinimas / Analysis and perfection of the arrangement of rural development projects

Raižytė, Daiva 26 May 2005 (has links)
The subject of the investigation is the arrangement of rural development projects. The aim of the work is to formulate recommendations for the perfection of the arrangement of rural development projects. The tasks: — to fulfill the analysis of scientific literature and other secondary references of information and summarize the methods of design arrangement; — to identify the peculiarities of the projects of rural development; — to establish the problems of the arrangement of rural development projects; — to formulate recommendations for the organizers of rural development projects. The methods of investigation of a questionnaire, logical analysis and synthesis, induction, deduction, comparing, filing, the methods of logical and diagrammatic modeling. While studying the scientific literature about rural development and projects arrangement of rural development have been presented; the general theoretic aspects requirements of projects arrangement have been established; the analysis of the requirements of different financial support sources have been fulfilled; the methodical aspects of projects arrangement according to secondary data and the characteristic of the arrangement of rural development projects have been defined; the problems of the arrangement of rural development projects according with the help of empirical research have been estimated and the recommendations of the perfection of the arrangement of rural development projects have been formulated.

Socialinės atsakomybės plėtros vertinimas Lietuvos įmonėse / Assessment of corporate social responsibility development in lithuania

Ardaravičiūtė, Živilė 23 December 2014 (has links)
Naujoji verslo formulė - socialiai atsakingas verslas, kurio pagalba užtikrinamas glaudus ryšys tarp organizacijos ir visuomenės. Socialiai atsakingo verslo idėja aktuali ne tik Lietuvos, bet ir užsienio šalių verslininkams, kaip viena iš didžiausių įmonės pasiektų vertybių. Įdiegusios socialiai atsakingo verslo koncepcijas, įmonės padidina konkurencinį pranašumą prieš savo konkurentus. Todėl ĮSA diegimas įmonėse padeda užtikrinti gerą reputaciją, ilgalaikę verslo sėkmę ir klientų pripažinimą. Atlikus įvairių tyrimų analizę paaiškėjo, jog nors ir pasitaiko nemažai spragų šiuo klausimu, tačiau socialinė atsakomybė tampa vis populiaresnė mūsų šalyje. Darbo objektas – įmonių socialinė atsakomybė (ĮSA). Darbo uždaviniai: • pateikti ĮSA atsiradimo prielaidas; • susisteminti ir apibendrinti ekonominių teorijų požiūrį į ĮSA; • nustatyti socialiai atsakingų organizacijų prieštaravimus, pranašumus bei trūkumus; • pateikti ĮSA situaciją Lietuvoje instituciniu bei įstatyminiu aspektu; • atlikti apibendrinančią SSGG analizę; • parengti ĮSA plėtros vertinimo metodiką; • pritaikyti ĮSA plėtros vertinimą Lietuvos socialiai atsakingose įmonėse. Įvairūs tyrimai parodė, kad socialinės atsakomybės plėtra mūsų šalyje stabilizavosi, bet dauguma įmonių ir toliau sėkmingai diegiam socialiai atsakingo verslo idėjas ir skatina kitas įmones mėgautis nauda, kurią teikia ĮSA. Įmonių socialinė atsakomybė versle yra didelė vertybė, kuri padeda pagerinti ne tik įmonių finansinius rezultatus, bet ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / New business formula – corporate social responsibility, that helps secure a close connections between the organization and society. Corporate social responsibility idea relevant not only for Lithuania but also foreign businessmen's as one of the largest companies values which it can achieve. Then the companies introduce corporate social responsibility systems its increase a competitive advantage over their competitors. Therefore, introduction of CSR helps companies to secure the good reputation, long – time business success and customers recognition. Any analysis of various studies showed that there are many gaps in this matter, bus social responsibility is becoming increasing popular in our country. The object of thesis – corporate social responsibility (CSR). The tasks of thesis: • prefer an assumptions of CSR; • organize and summarize an approach of economical theories about CSR; • assess the exceptions, advantages and disadvantages of social responsibility enterprises; • represent the institutional and juridical situation of CSR in Lithuania; • fill the summarized SWOT analysis; • formulate the assessment of CSR development methodology; • apply the assessment of CSR development in Lithuanian organizations. The study showed that the development of CSR in our country has stabilized, but many companies successfully continuing CSR ideas and encourage other companies to join the benefit, which the CSR gives. CSR in our business is a big worth, which can help to improve not... [to full text]

Obsahy rovinných útvarů ve školské matematice / Areas of the plane figures at basic and secondary school

CIGLBAUEROVÁ, Veronika January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on Elementary and High School students´ understanding of areas of plane figures as well as on what strategies they use to solve these tasks. The thesis is devided in two parts. The methodical part which can be used for teaching purposes. Task compilation for further practice and knowledge improvement.

Pozitivní aspekty státní maturitní zkoušky z hlediska didaktiky AJ / Positive aspects of the state graduation exams in terms of English language teaching

Píšová, Eva January 2018 (has links)
Title: The Positive Impact of the State School Leaving Exam on ELT Methodology. The Influence of Testing Writing on Teaching English at Czech Secondary Schools. Author: Eva Píšová Department: Department of English language and ELT Methodology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University Supervisor: doc. PhDr. Lucie Betáková, MA, Ph.D. Abstract This thesis deals with the topic of testing writing in the context of the state school-leaving exam in English language. The research assesses the impact of clearly specified standards on teaching English to Czech secondary school students, and thus focuses on the field which no systematic investigation has dealt with. The research concentrates on specific subskills assessed within distinctive criteria, analyses the relationships between them and estimates their complexity regarding both student success and teaching challenges. Three major research strategies were used: (1) a quantitative analysis of the large-scale data, (2) a small-scale pedagogical experiment and (3) a survey. To examine the relationship between various subskills of language ability we analysed test score data from the school- leaving exams in the years 2014-2017. Data from secondary vocational schools students were mainly used, as the level of these students' language skills should correspond the most...

Růst a variabilita jedinců vodní ploštice splešťule blátivé \kur{(Nepa cinerea) } / Growth and individual variability of the water scorpion Nepa cinerea (Heteroptera: Nepomorpha: Nepidae)

VILIMOVSKÁ, Lenka January 2012 (has links)
It this study morphometric characteristics and the growth of univoltine predatory water scorpion - Nepa cinerea were studied on the basis of data measured on freshly killed individuals, the same ethanol - fixed individuals and dried individuals. The growth of this species has an exponential character. By comparing the morphometric characteristics of freshly killed and fixed individuals was found that the ethanol fixation influenced mainly weight of all developmental stages and total abdominal ventral length of adults. The same was found for the comparison of morphometric characteristics of freshly killed individuals and dried individuals. Other studied dimensions were not significantly deformed even by fixation or drying. Reducing of individula demensions by the influence of fixation and drying was uneven at different developmental stages. Reliable dimension for differentiating of individual developmental stages fixed material and the collected dried material is especially the media length of the body. Dimensions of fixed individuals and dried individuals is not significantly different from dimensions of freshly killed individuals. This project was supported by grant GA CR P505/10/0096.

Výcvik služebních psů Policie České republiky určených k vyhledávání zbraní a střeliva a jejich uplatnění při ochraně obyvatelstva / Training of dogs of the Police of the Czech Republic, intended for guns and ammunition search, and their utilization for protection of citizens

WAWREYN, Štěpán January 2010 (has links)
This thesis describes the basic breeds of work dogs presently used by the Police of the Czech Republic, divides the dogs by their character and psychologic features, and processes the current literature and regulations relating to work dogs training. The thesis summarizes the data collected from 8 Regional Directorates of the Police of the Czech Republic regarding the number of casas when the work dogs were utilized in practice in 2007, 2008 and up to the 3rd quarter of 2009. All the stated information has been processed in the thesis with the aim to elaborate a methodology of training of work dogs intended for guns and ammunition search, and to set the standards for assesment of suitability of individual dogs for training for guns and ammunition search, and for their subsequent utilization in practice. The obtained data were used in the thesis for elaboration of the methodology of work dogs training for guns and ammunition search. While elaborating the methodology it was ascertained thatdespite the existing universal training methodology each dog requires an individual approach with due regard to its physical and mental characteristics. The thesis also includes setting the standards for assesment of suitability of individual dogs for traning for guns and ammunition search, and for their subsequent utilization in practice. This thesis may be used in practice as a methodology of work dogs training for guns and ammunition search in training centres of the Police of the Czech Republic and in individual Special Cynology Groups of the Police of the Czech Republic, and subsequent utilization of trained dogs in practice for protection of citizens.

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