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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Using vernacular design to alleviate inequalities in socio-spatial access: A case study of Dubai’s park provision.

Törnroth, Suzanna January 2017 (has links)
This thesis focuses on park planning in Dubai, and how current differences in their socio-spatial access can be alleviated by using regional-vernacular design principles. The thesis uses a mixed method approach that begins with the analysis of parks across the entire city to understand their current access and distribution, and then narrows down to focusing on four micro-case studies,which will serve as sites where improvements could be made. These improvements are inspiredby vernacular design and planning and aim to improve current access. All work originates fromthe author unless otherwise cited.


林雅婧, Lin, Ya-Chien Unknown Date (has links)
我國人口老化速度較歐美先進國家均為快速,加上傳統倫理觀念式微,為完整照顧老年人退休後的生活,使得國民年金的開辦勢在必行。近年來,社會福利政策常成為政黨的訴求,政黨輪替後,新政府重擬國民年金開辦方案,提出結合公積金與社會保險精神的「國民年金儲蓄保險案」(通稱甲案),及以稅收制為主軸的「全民提撥平衡基金案」(通稱乙案)。然而,我國目前已具有多層架構的老年經濟保障體系的雛型(公教人員、軍人與勞工均有養老、退伍或老年給付),是故建立國民年金制度並不是完全新增一項社會保險,而是在補充現有社會保障之不足,並以循序漸進的方式解決現有制度的不合理問題。 現有職域保險現況、甲、乙兩案之財務制度之規劃內容、各現有職域保險與國民年金整合之財務負擔之情形、整體職域保險與國民年金整合之問題,皆為本文探討之重點。 研究結論: 壹、年金主要發展趨勢可重點歸納以下二點: (一)年金制度有偏向確定提撥制的趨勢政府在年金制度角色上的扮演已從傳統福利提供者的角色,漸漸轉變為減輕負擔者的角色。 (二)民營化(Privitization)私有化時代的來臨為追求年金基金經營管理上更具市場效率及良好績效,委由民間機構管理基金,較具競爭性,可為資本市場帶來更多存量及活力,亦可為被保險者提供更好的投資績效,政府角色的扮演由以往主導管理的模式漸漸走向監督市場的角色。 貳、目前職域保險的政府補助,乃採「職域化」、「階層化」差異性補助,且以薪資額的某一百分比來計算補助金額,造成所得越高者,所獲得的補助愈多之不公平現象;在配合國民年金整合後,其超過基礎年金的部分,政府一律不補助,逐漸朝向「一致性」比例的保費補助方式,可改善目前職域保險補助不公的情況。 參、若「個人儲蓄帳戶」不足以達成基本保障的目標,則弱勢者的經濟安全保障責任,其實最後還是落在政府身上,政府仍須以稅收來承擔;是故,採取個人儲蓄帳戶真否可以降低政府整體之財政負擔,並未如想像中的絕對。 肆、「國民年金儲蓄保險案」與現有職域保險之整合方面,勞保若能與國民年金中的基礎年金整併,則將可稍減政府的財務負擔。由勞保現制與新制負擔比較可知:(1)就公平面而言,勞保若配合國民年金調整後,政府對最低投保薪資者的保費補助增加了100%、對平均投保薪資者之保費補助則增加了26.6%、對最高投保薪資者的保費補助則減少了25.6% ,故會較目前勞保現制更為公平。(2)從經濟面而言,勞保配合國民年金調整將有利於相對多雇用低薪資勞工企業之雇主,因為其可以減輕14.3%的保費支出;而對於多雇用高薪資勞工企業之雇主則較為不利,略增3.7%的保費支出。 伍、公保與「國民年金儲蓄保險案」整併,則由於保費收入減少,但仍必須支付保留年資之養老給付的緣故,短期虧損會增加,至120年為353億會達到最高數,但之後將逐年減少,預估至135年可萎縮至零。軍保是否與國民年金整合,在減輕政府財政負擔上無太大差異;但若就往後整體社會福利制度之規劃一致性、效率性上之考量,則仍有整合之必要。而農保在年金開辦後,雖然無論在保者全選現制或新制,政府的總負擔皆相同,但很明顯地財務負擔都可控制在100億以下,故開辦國民年金後,對農保的財務健全將有正面的助異。實施甲案雖然使虧損提前產生,但隨著制度的運作,預估在十五年以後便可慢慢擺脫原本虧損的情形。 陸、「全民提撥平衡基金案」以稅收制作為財源籌措方式,乃符合世界銀行三柱模式,因其年金金額在於保障基礎生活之所需,故其財務處理方式採隨收隨付制。惟值得強調的是由於「全民提撥平衡基金案」年金給付的受益人和納稅人並不完全相同,在權利、義務不平等之情形下,給付水準極易因政治因素(如選舉之考量、政客之遊說)而被不合理的哄抬;再者,作為此案的稅源必須穩定,否則未來將面臨較大的財務風險。 柒、「全民提撥平衡基金案」值得實施的前提在於若可整併公教、軍、勞保老年給付,則可大幅度改革現行社會保險制度及減輕政府財務支出。但由於改革幅度較大,立法風險較高,且被保險人的接受度有待評估。反之,若未能整併公教、軍、勞保之老年給付,則改革社會保險制度不成,反將面臨倍數增加的財務赤字,無疑對目前政府的赤字財政雪上加霜。 研究建議: 壹、依世界銀行三柱模式之架構,本文建議第一層加上第二層的保障金額應占每人每人消費支出之70%,第一層之比例可為40%,第二層比例則可占30%。再者,對於有工作者及無工作者之保障程度應有所不同:有工作者之國民,除了第一層的基本生活保障外,有另加第二層職業或企業年金的必要,是否加入第三層個人儲蓄則屬自願層次;無工作者之國民,政府的責任基於財政之考量,僅須以維持其第一層的基本生活保障即可。 貳、從世界銀行的三柱模式中可明確確立年金目標及方法的搭配方式。若政府目的在於保障基本生活(即目標為第一層),則其財務方式應以稅收支應(採確定給付制)較為適宜;若其保障的金額超過基本生活者(即目標為第二層),則其財務方式應以法定完全提存準備存入個人帳戶中(採確定提撥制)來運作。 目前經建會所規劃的「個人儲蓄帳戶」立意固然良好且為世界年金發展趨勢,但因甲案全額年金為每人每月7,500元(開辦前二年平均每人每月消費支出50%),實為保障最基本生活之所需(即目標為第一層),但其採取的方式卻為建立個人儲蓄帳(第二層的手段),目標與手段沒有配合的情況,在此制度下實施基礎年金,行政成本恐將過高。故本文並不反對個人帳戶制之設立,但建議應以每人每月消費支出(以目前而言為15,000;保費10%為1,500)為基準,能超過此比率者,再採行「個人帳戶」制度,若低於此比率者,在成本效益的考量下,較不宜採取設立個人儲蓄帳戶之方式。 參、目前規劃中的國民年金假設基金報酬率初期為7.5%,嗣後每5年降一碼,降至6%後維持不變。然而,一般長期的實質利率通常維持在2%~3%,且未來實施國民年金後,其基金規模之龐大,約可占我國資本市場資金25~35%以上,故實際上是否真能達到7.5%的報酬率,非常值得商榷。若不能達到所預訂的報酬率,則年金制度為達到未來給付水準,勢必得調高保險費之費率。是以,本文建議基金報酬率之估計,應以「長期實質利率」作為估算之標準,所作出的精算結果較能與實際情況相符。 肆、「全民提撥平衡基金案」開辦時,給付標準為3,000元實乃陳水扁總統「三三三方案」中每月發放3,000老人津貼的競選支票,其採稅收制作為財源籌措方式,雖目標與方法配合,符合世界銀行三柱之模式;然3,000元的給付金額為目前每人每月消費支出之20%,恐有過低之虞,是以,建議給付標準應至少占每人每月消費支出之40﹪(以目前而言為6,000元),否則將無法足以保障老年生活所需;然提高給付水準,所須面對的問題為財源從何而來,本文建議可將目前現有職域保險屬於政府保費補助的部分移作為第一層稅收制的財源,則不但可解決財源籌措之難題,亦可使國民年金制度更為公平。 伍、「國民年金儲蓄保險案」及「全民提撥平衡基金案」,二案之未來給付額皆按物價及實質薪資成長率各半調整計算,此制的缺點在於實際計算後,可知此公式之最後結果只依薪資成長率的二分之一來調整,年金制度經過長期間的運作後,未來的給付額恐將無法足以保障老年人退休後的生活,故建議未來給付額可取「實質薪資成長率」或「物價成長率」二者較高者調整計算,以確保能足夠地保障老年之經濟生活。

Perchè non facciamo un altro figlio? Implicazioni economiche delle intenzioni riproduttive individuali e di coppia in Italia tramite un approccio Mixed-Method. / WHY NOT HAVING ANOTHER CHILD? THE ECONOMICS OF FERTILITY INTENTIONS FOR INDIVIDUALS AND COUPLES IN ITALY: A MIXED-METHOD APPROACH

CAVALLI, LAURA 08 November 2010 (has links)
La presente tesi è un contributo allo studio delle implicazioni economiche delle intenzioni di fecondità e all’analisi degli aspetti economici legati ai processi decisionali riproduttivi. Precisamente la tesi, composta da tre capitoli indipendenti e basata su dati Italiani, si focalizza su donne, su individui che vivono in coppia e sulle coppie. In particolare lo studio mira a comprendere: i) l'interazione esistente tra il mercato del lavoro (con un focus particolare sul ruolo del settore occupazionale femminile) e le preferenze per la formazione della famiglia; ii) le influenze della ripartizione dei ruoli domestici all’interno della coppia sulle intenzioni riproduttive; iii) le determinanti (all’interno delle coppie) dell’accordo/disaccordo circa l'intenzione di diventare genitori una seconda volta, e -per coppie che registrano un disaccordo- iv) le determinanti che spingono una donna a contrastare l’intenzione positive del suo partner per un secondo figlio. La tesi utilizza il mixed-method design, una strategia basata sull’analisi quantitativa dei dati nonché sull’analisi approfondita di interviste: questo approccio consente di studiare l'argomento da diverse prospettive e -grazie ai due metodi di ricerca -quantitativo e qualitativo- di approfondire le conoscenze del fenomeno di interesse. / The thesis is a contribution to the study of the economic implications of fertility intentions and desires and of the economic aspects of the fertility decision making process. Precisely, it is based on three autonomous chapters and it aims at understanding: a) for women and for individuals within the couples the interplay between fertility and labour market preferences (with a particular focus on the role of women's sector of employment), and the influences that the (un)balanced division of domestic duties play on the intentions of becoming parents for another time in Italy; b) for couples living together the determinants of their (dis)agreement about the intention of becoming parents again; and c) for couples that disagree on future fertility plans, the determinants of female’s contrasting attitude towards her partners’ positive fertility intention. The dissertation uses a mixed-method design- a strategy based on survey data analysis as well as in-depth interviews analysis: this approach allows investigating the topic from different perspectives, by means of both quantitative and qualitative research methods in order to provide new insights into the phenomenon of interest.

For love or money : perceptions and conceptions of the work ethic held by a group of preservice teachers in Queensland

Mailler, Emma Cornelia January 2006 (has links)
The work ethic has been a popular topic for public comment and for research in the social sciences. The work ethic is usually understood to embody the values, beliefs and principles an individual has in relation to work. Work is an important dimension of human experience. Governments and employers are particularly interested in increasing productivity and competitiveness in connection with work and the work ethic is perceived as an important catalyst in achieving these goals. The main point of reference for discussion about the work ethic in the past century has been Max Weber's Protestant ethic thesis. Weber's thesis has attracted much criticism over the years and contemporary writers have suggested that alternative conceptions of the work ethic do exist. Despite widespread agreement that this is the case, consensus has not yet been reached on how such conceptions should be defined or how they may manifest in an individual. The majority of research on the work ethic has been limited to the collection of quantitative data using one of several survey instruments that are available. Fewer studies have collected data on the work ethic using a qualitative approach and yet, this is exactly what is required to achieve progress in identifying the range of conceptions that may exist. This study occurs in the context of teacher education and the work ethic has relevance to teachers and teacher educators for several reasons. Teachers, through the explicit and hidden curriculum they provide, have some responsibility for inculcating a work ethic in their students. It follows that it is important to understand the work ethic of teachers on this basis alone. A most logical starting place for accomplishing this task is during their career preparation. This study advocates explicit examination of preservice teachers' conceptions of the work ethic and exploration of how this might affect their career and curriculum decision making processes. This research is primarily intended to inform teacher educators who wish to pay attention to these things in their programs, along with researchers from other disciplines who are interested in the work ethic. Inspired by a pragmatic philosophy, this study utilised a mixed method research design to investigate the conceptions of the work ethic held by a group of preservice teachers studying in Brisbane, the capital city of the state of Queensland, Australia. Priority was given to the first phase of the research, which was to identify the qualitative conceptions of the work ethic held by the preservice teachers. The second quantitative phase was intended to complement and expand those findings by demonstrating that an established instrument in the measurement of work ethic could be used to profile conceptions of the work ethic held by an individual. The first phase of the research adopted a phenomenographic approach to identify nine conceptions of the work ethic held by a group of 22 preservice teachers. A courtship metaphor was used to characterise each of the nine conceptions which were labelled as Honeymoon, Monogamist, Serial Monogamist, Arranged Marriage, Celibate, Obsession, One-night Stand, Hedonist and Polyamorist. The second phase of the research used quantitative techniques involving factor analysis and linear modelling to link anonymous responses from 411 preservice teachers to the Occupational Work Ethic Inventory (OWEI) with the nine conceptions identified in the first phase of the research. It was found that the OWEI could be used to profile an individual's orientation to the work ethic conceptions that were defined. This research responded to calls in the literature for a better understanding of the characteristics of the people who choose to become teachers. It also suggested ways in which teacher education could be improved to prepare preservice teachers better through socialisation practices and the university curriculum. This study confirms that there are qualitatively different conceptions of the work ethic that may provide an alternative to the traditional Weberian conception. A technique is proposed to associate OWEI responses with the model of nine work ethic conceptions. Suggestions are also made with respect to potential improvement of the OWEI.

Parcours de formation initiale en éducation à la santé et développement professionnel des enseignants débutants : études transversales et suivi longitudinal d’une cohorte / Beginner teachers' pre-service education programmes in health education and professionalization : cross-cutting studies and longitudinal follow-up of a cohort

Cury, Philippe 11 December 2017 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse a pour objectif de comprendre l’influence des parcours de formation initiale en éducation à la santé sur la professionnalisation des enseignants débutants. La multiplicité de ces parcours au sein du Master « Métier de l’Enseignement, de l’Éducation et de la Formation » (MEEF) repose sur la filière choisie (1er ou 2nd degré), la mention (Professeur des écoles, Conseiller Principal d’Éducation, Professeur de Lycées et Collèges), le statut de l’enseignant débutant (étudiants ou fonctionnaire stagiaire) et le site de formation. La professionnalisation des enseignants débutants est envisagée dans une perspective de développement professionnel qui permet de prendre en compte le parcours de formation, l’enseignant débutant et l’objet éducation à la santé dans toute sa complexité. La psychologie ergonomique a été retenue comme cadre théorique pour décrire les produits et processus de ce développement. Les études conduites visent à investiguer les tâches comprises et appropriées des enseignants débutants ainsi que les processus et les facteurs corrélés. Au plan de la stratégie de recherche, c’est une approche fondée sur les méthodes mixtes qui a été choisie. Trois études ont été conduites, elles s’appuient sur les méthodes de collecte de données suivantes : un suivi longitudinal par questionnaire, un recueil par journal de bord et des instructions au sosie en prenant en compte différentes temporalités et parcours de formation. Nos résultats montrent que l’offre de formation en éducation à la santé diffère fortement d’un parcours de formation à l’autre. Ceci impacte le processus de redéfinition de la tâche. Il semblerait que les savoirs théoriques influencent plutôt les caractéristiques de la tâche comprise (but(s), objets santé et éducation à la santé, propriété(s)) alors que les expériences avec les élèves influencent davantage les caractéristiques des enseignants débutants (intérêt, sentiment de compétences, place accordée à l’éducation à la santé dans la future pratique). L’appropriation de la tâche, lorsqu’elle a lieu, confirme l’adoption d’une perspective promotrice de santé. Elle a pour objectif la construction des compétences de base en santé, la prise en compte des élèves dans le processus éducatif et une attention à l’environnement dans lequel prennent place les interventions. Les significations avancées, alors, sont plutôt en référence aux expériences professionnelles et de formation et moins en référence aux facteurs individuels. Nous concluons que le caractère alternatif et intégrant de la formation initiale serait le moteur du développement et de la professionnalisation des enseignants débutants en éducation à la santé / This PhD aims to understand how pre service education programmes in health education might have an impact on young teachers' professionalization. The diversity of training programmes at stage in the Master « Métier de l'Enseignement, de l'Education et de la Formation » (MEEF) depends on the chosen degree (1er ou 2nd degré), the type (Professeur des écoles, conseiller principal d'éducation, professeur de lycées et collèges), young teacher's status, (étudiants ou fonctionnaires stagiaires) and place where students are trained. This professionalization has to be seen from a professionnal development's prospect that enables us to take into account the training programme, as well as young teachers and the complexity of health education. Ergonomic psychology has been chosen as a theoretical frame to describe products and processes of this development. Studies seek to approach the tasks understood and grasped by young teachers as well as the various processes involved and factors closely connected. The MMR strategy consists of a longitudinal follow-up, by questionnaires, a sort of logbook gathering all the information and peer's instructions taking into account the various time factors and training programmes. Our results show that health education's training plans can reveal great variations from one training programme to another and influence the task's redefining process. It seems that theoretical knowledges would rather impact on the way the task is understood, whereas practical experiences with pupils would strongly impact on young teachers characteristics (interest, self-confidence feeling, health education's relevance in the forthcoming practice.) The task appropriation when it does take place, confirms the adoption of a promotive health's perspective which aims to build the health skills grounds, pupils careful consideration, and an environmental awareness where practices take place. The advanced justifications refer to professional and training experiences, rather than to individual factors. To conclude, it is indeed the alternative and incorporating nature of the pre service education that seems to act as the driving force of the young teachers 'development and professionalization, regarding health education

The institutionalization of multilevel politics in Europe

Yasar, Rusen January 2017 (has links)
This thesis addresses the question as to why multilevel politics is becoming an integral part of politics in Europe. Multilevel politics is conceptualized as a system which functions through a complex web of political relations within and across levels of decision making. The thesis argues that the rise of multilevel politics can be explained by its institutionalization in terms of the emergence, the evolution and especially the effects of relevant institutions. Based on a mixed-method research project, the influence of European institutions on subnational actors and the alignment of actor motives with institutional characteristics are empirically shown. The first chapter of the dissertation establishes the centrality of institutions for political transformation, examines the role of transnational and domestic institutions for multilevel politics, and contextualizes the research question in terms of institution-actor relations. The second chapter develops a new-institutionalist theoretical framework that explains the emergence, the evolution and the effects of the institutions, and formulates a series of hypotheses with regard to freestanding institutional influence, power distribution, material benefits and political identification. The third chapter outlines the mixed-method research design which addresses individual-level and institutional-level variations through a Europe-wide survey and a comparative case study. The fourth chapter on survey results shows generally favourable views on multilevel politics, and strong associations of these views with the independent variables under scrutiny. The fifth chapter specifies a multivariate model which includes all posited variables and confirms the majority of the hypotheses. Therefore, the new-institutionalist argument is broadly confirmed, while there is relatively weak evidence to sustain sociological explanations. The final chapter compares the Committee of the Regions and the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities, and examines the institutional characteristics which correspond to the hypothesized variables. It is then concluded that the two institutions share several overarching similarities, and display complementarity in other aspects.

Emigration of South African migrants to Australia and New Zealand : a mixed-method study

Marcantuono, Letitia 01 1900 (has links)
Over the past 30 years South Africa has lost valuable human capital due to high volumes of emigration. South Africa has also seen numerous changes in its political, economic and social structure specifically in these decades, but little investigation has been done into the possibility of an association between political, economic and social, as well as personal factors, and the decision to leave South Africa. This study refers to Lee’s Migration Model (1966) that was used as a broad theory for migration. The model involves four sets of factors: factors associated with the area of origin, factors associated with the area of destination, intervening obstacles and personal factors. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory also explains the personal motivational theory for migration. Lee’s Model of Migration is used to investigate which political, economic, social and personal factors in the area of origin (South Africa) pushed South African emigrants to leave the country. It also investigates which political, economic, social and personal factors in the area of destination (Australia and New Zealand) pulled South African emigrants toward these countries. This study involved mixed-methods research (Creswell, 2009), thus the data collection methods were both qualitative and quantitative. The study followed a sequential exploratory strategy in two stages with the qualitative data collection occurring first, followed by a quantitative study – ‘QUALquan’ study. The data are mixed between analysis of the qualitative data and the quantitative data collection (Creswell, 2009:211). The qualitative data collection instruments used in the first stage of the study in 2009, were face-to-face interviews consisting of one focus group and six personal interviews in New Zealand, as well as twelve personal interviews in Australia. In the second stage of the study in 2015, namely the quantitative research, respondents were selected by contacting 17 closed (secured) Facebook groups that were formed for South Africans living either in Australia or New Zealand. There is no alternative sampling frame available since emigrants do not need to declare themselves as migrants on a work visa, furthermore, official documentation is not accessible to the public. A quantitative data collection instrument was administered with an online questionnaire. In the Australian Facebook groups, 137 respondents completed the questionnaire, and in New Zealand Facebook groups, 118 respondents, which adds up to a total of 255 respondents who completed the questionnaire. The results concluded that South Africa’s governance framework, its infrastructure and legislation acted as political push factors motivating South Africans to emigrate, while an uncertain economy contributed as an economic push factor. Socially, a perception of a limited future and a narcissistic society is what pushed South Africans to emigrate. Personal push factors that drove the emigration decision included, unmet physical, safety, belonging and esteem needs. The political factors that pulled South African emigrants to Australia and New Zealand involved effective government services and governmental aid. Economic pull factors included economic certainty and a lower cost of living. Social pull factors proved to be familiar circumstances and a better future. Personal pull factors were safety, belonging and self-actualisation needs. This mixed-method approach focussed on the gap to a followup study that was identified in previous individual qualitative and quantitative studies. These results may assist the South African government to take measures that ensures the retention of highly skilled citizens. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)

Developing and evaluating a coaching program to improve safety leadership

Esterhuizen, Wika 11 1900 (has links)
Legislators are placing increased pressure on mining companies to improve their safety performance. The importance of safety leadership is highlighted by its role in safety culture and improving safety performance. The aim of this study was to develop and evaluate the impact of a coaching program on safety leadership. The main constructs namely safety culture, safety leadership and coaching was conceptualised along the humanistic paradigm, with theoretical definitions and models. In this study, safety culture is employees’ shared attitudes, beliefs, perceptions and values about safety that affect their behaviour in the workplace. Safety leadership is the interpersonal influence that a leader exercises to achieve the organisation’s safety performance goals. Coaching is an interpersonal interaction that aims to improve individual performance through increased selfawareness and action plans. A theoretical model was developed to explain the elements that constitute effective safety leadership. A coaching program was developed based on executive coaching and leadership development principles. The empirical investigation was conducted in an organisation in the South African mining industry. A nested mixed methods design was followed. In the quantitative study, a 360 degree survey was employed to assess the ratings of a purposive sample (n=54) along eight dimensions before and after the coaching. Data was analysed with descriptive and inferential analysis. Results showed statistically significant improvements on accountability, collaboration, and feedback and recognition after the coaching. The results reflected differences in 360 degree ratings according to gender, race, job level, age and geographical location. The most significant improvements were for females, Africans, management, age 51-60 years, and site 2. In the qualitative study, a semi-structured interview was employed to study four cases to investigate managers’ personal experiences and changes in attitude toward safety. Data was analysed utilising thematic analysis. The findings revealed that coaching was a positive experience and contributed to changing managers’ attitudes toward safety. The research added to the field of organisational behaviour by presenting a theoretical model that enhances the understanding of safety leadership, the development of a coaching program and providing empirical evidence that the principles of coaching and leadership development can be applied to improve safety leadership. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / D. Admin. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Didactic conversation and transactional distance : a case study of retention and throughput of accounting students

Van Rooyen, Annelien Adriana 07 1900 (has links)
The study was necessitated by the fact that the throughput rates of accounting students studying at distance learning institutions in South Africa are disturbingly low when compared to students studying at residential universities. Bearing in mind the magnitude of the University of South Africa’s (Unisa’s) market share of accounting students in South Africa, it was pivotal to comprehend the unique challenges related to retention and throughput of these students. This thesis reports on a case study of the use of mobile phones in an Accounting module by applying the theories of didactic conversation and transactional distance to understand the retention and throughput rates of the Accounting students in an open distance learning (ODL) environment. Considering the landscape of accounting education in South Africa, the specific challenges faced by accounting students at Unisa and the recent scholarly discourse on retention and throughput of distance education students, this study contributes to the limited theoretical understanding of students’ retention and throughput rates in an Accounting module at Unisa. This theoretical understanding has been obtained through combining the transactional distance theory of Moore (1973) and the didactic conversation of Holmberg (1982) in a single conceptual framework. By applying this framework, this thesis makes an original contribution to the deepening understanding of the retention and throughput rates of accounting students in an ODL environment. The study has shown that retention and throughput rates can be improved through the lessening of the transactional distance between facilitator and student and by improving the quality and extent of the two-way didactic conversation in the learning process. To this effect, the study provided empirical evidence of the successful use of various complementing technology interventions, suitable for accounting students with time constraints, to enhance the learning process. / Management Accounting / D. Com.

Správa a řízení sportovních svazů v ČR / Administration and Management of Sports Federations in the Czech Republic

Král, Pavel January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation explores governance of national sports organizations (NSOs) in the Czech Republic and thus reflects contemporary course of events in the Czech sport. The aim of the dissertation is to explore governance of Czech NSOs with special focus on governance structure and transparency. Particularly, the dissertation examines compliance of Czech NSOs with codes of good governance and determines relations between governance structure, transparency and effectiveness of Czech NSOs. Mixed method approach was used in equal status sequential design (QUANT -> QUAL) Firstly, content analysis of websites of 67 Czech NSOs was conducted. The analysis allowed to determine the level of transparency and also provided variables for quantitative part of the study. Purposive sampling was used to choose nine NSOs where subsequent interviews with a CEO or a head of the board were done. And finally, quantitative data survey was conducted in 67 NSOs using phone interviews and e-mail survey. The quantitative data were processed using MS Excel and SPSS and, hypotheses were tested using standard statistical tests. The results are presented in three chapters. First, applicability of five elementary approaches to effectiveness is presented and combination of goal attainment and system resource approach is implemented. Second, governance structure of NSOs is analysed revealing substantially higher variability of governance models in comparison with theoretical presumptions. Moreover, a new framework of governance structure classification was developed. Third, transparency was identified as the most notable principal. Results reveal very low level of the transparency within Czech NSOs and explore the sources and impact of low transparency. For instance, more transparent NSOs are more effective using system resource approach. Overall, the dissertation provides a new deep insight into Czech NSOs governance and brings numerous recommendations for Czech NSOs.

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