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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo dos genes e proteínas envolvidos na regulação da mielopoese em modelo murino de resposta inflamatória aguda. / Study of genes and proteins involved in the regulation of myelopoiesis in a murine model of acute inflammatory response.

Costa, Layra Lucy Maria Albuquerque da 13 September 2013 (has links)
Camundongos AIRmax e AIRmin exibem diferenças significativas no número médio de leucócitos migrantes ao exudato inflamatório produzido por partículas de poliacrilamida. Um dos fatores preponderantes para a maior capacidade inflamatória da linhagem AIRmax é a maior produção de neutrófilos maduros pela medula óssea. No presente estudo avaliamos os fatores celulares e moleculares que conferem diferente potencial hematopoético entre as linhagens AIRmax e AIRmin e a associação destes com a intensidade da resposta inflamatória aguda (AIR). Nossos resultados demonstraram que apenas os animais AIRmax desenvolvem uma mielopoese emergencial induzida pelo Biogel com expansão de progenitores mielóides e produção de citocinas nas primeiras horas da inflamação. Desta forma, concluímos que a capacidade dos animais AIRmax de desenvolver uma alta AIR, em relação aos animais AIRmin, esta associada com o potencial de expansão das células progenitoras mielóides, que por sua vez, pode ser determinada pelos fatores solúveis locais produzidos nas primeiras horas da inflamação. / AIRmax and AIRmin exhibit significant differences in the average number of migrant leukocytes and protein content of the inflammatory exudate produced by polyacrylamide beads. One of the most important factors for the inflammatory capacity of AIRmax is the higher production of mature neutrophils by the bone marrow. In the present study we aimed to evaluate the cellular and molecular factors that confer different hematopoietic capacity between AIRmax and AIRmin and the association of these factors with the intensity of the acute inflammatory response (AIR). Our results showed that only animals AIRmax are able to develop an emergency myelopoiesis induced by Biogel presenting expansion of myeloid progenitors and cytokine production in the early hours of inflammation. Thus, we conclude that the ability of the AIRmax mice for developing a high AIR, compared to AIRmin mice, it is associated with the potential of expansion of myeloid progenitor cells, which in turn might be determined by the local soluble factors produced during the first hours of inflammation.

Efeitos de benzodiazepínicos sobre a atividade de neutrófilos de ratos avaliados por citometria de fluxo / Effects of benzodiazepines on rat neutrophil activity measured by flow cytometry

Silva, Fábio Ribeiro da 19 September 2003 (has links)
Benzodiazepínicos (BDZ) são fármacos ansiolíticos que se caracterizam por atuar em receptores GABAa presentes no sistema nervoso central. Além dos receptores centrais os BDZ também possuem afinidade por sítios ligantes periféricos presentes em vários tecidos, dentre eles nas glândulas adrenais e em células polimorfonucleares. O presente experimento analisou os efeitos de BDZ sobre a atividade de neutrófilos e sobre os níveis séricos de corticosterona de ratos. Especificamente, o burst e a fagocitose de neutrófilos foram estudados após o tratamento ex vivo e in vitro com diazepam, RO 5-4864, clonazepam e/ou PK 11195. Os efeitos do diazepam sobre a atividade de neutrófilos também foram avaliados após o uso prolongado deste fármaco. Finalmente, os efeitos in vitro dos BDZ foram estudados após a incubação com um bloqueador do canal de cálcio (Ca2+) o L-verapamil. Os resultados mostraram que (1) o tratamento agudo ex vivo com diazepam (10 mg/kg) produziu um aumento do burst oxidativo e da fagocitose induzida por PMA, LPS e Staphylococcus aureus; (2) o tratamento prolongado (21 dias) com diazepam (10 mg/kg) produziu um aumento do burst oxidativo induzido pelos mesmos estímulos e reduziu a fagocitose dos neutrófilos (porcentagem e intensidade); (3) o tratamento agudo ex vivo com diazepam, mas não o prolongado, aumentou os níveis séricos de corticosterona; (4) os efeitos da adição in vitro de diazepam (100 nM) foram na mesma direção daqueles observados após o tratamento agudo; (5) o RO 5-4864 (100 nM) induziu in vitro efeitos similares aos obtidos ex vivo (10 mg/kg) e in vitro (100 nM) com diazepam; (6) o tratamento ex vivo com clonazepam (10 mg/kg) diminuiu o burst oxidativo de neutrófilos induzido por PMA, LPS e Staphylococcus aureus enquanto que o tratamento com este fármaco na dose de 1 mg/kg aumentou o burst oxidativo destas células frente a todos os estímulos; (7) o tratamento ex vivo (1 e 10 mg/kg) e in vitro (100 nM) com clonazepam não alterou a fagocitose de neutrófilos; (8) os efeitos da adição in vitro de clonazepam sobre a atividade de neutrófilos vão na mesma direção daqueles observados após o tratamento ex vivo na dose de 1 mg/kg; (9) o clonazepam (1 e 10 mg/kg) aumentou os níveis séricos de corticosterona; (10) a adição in vitro do PK 11195 (100 nM) per se ou associado com diazepam (100 nM) ou RO 5-4864 (100 nM) aumentou o burst oxidativo e diminuiu a fagocitose realizada pelos neutrófilos; (11) a adição in vitro do PK 11195 (100 nM) associado com o clonazepam (100 nM) diminuiu o burst oxidativo induzido por PMA e diminuiu a fagocitose realizada por estas células; finalmente, (12) a pré incubação por 2 minutos com L-verapamil (100 nM) bloqueou todos os efeitos do diazepam sobre a atividade de neutrófilos estimulada por PMA, LPS e Staphylococcus aureus e reverteu os efeitos do RO 5-4864 no burst oxidativo induzido por PMA. Esses resultados sugeriram que os efeitos dos BDZ não estão relacionados com a ativação de PBR nas células da glândula adrenal e também que eles não estão relacionados a um aumento dos níveis séricos de corticosterona. Indicaram que os BDZ tenham produzido mudanças na concentração do Ca2+ intracelular dos neutrófilos através da ativação de PBR seguida de um aumento da permeabilidade da membrana plasmática ao Ca2+ através da abertura de canais sensíveis ao L-verapamil, permitindo a entrada do Ca2+. Os diferentes efeitos dos BDZ sobre o burst oxidativo e a fagocitose de neutrófilos foram atribuídos a ações específicas deste fármaco em subtipos de PBR presentes nos neutrófilos e nas membranas mitocondriais. Finalmente, os resultados sugeriram o desenvolvimento de tolerância aos efeitos do diazepam sobre os níveis séricos de corticosterona mas não sobre a atividade de neutrófilos. / Benzodiazepines (BDZ) exert their anxiolytic effects via specific binding sites coupled to neuronal GABAa receptors. They also affect a second, pharmacologically different type of receptor, which has been found in many sites such as blood polimorphonuclear cells and adrenals. The present experiment was designed to analyze the effects of BDZ on neutrophil activity and corticosterone serum levels in rats. Specifically, neutrophil oxidative burst and phagocytosis were studied after ex vivo and in vitro treatments with diazepam, Ro 5-4864, clonazepam and/or PK 11195. Diazepam effects on neutrophil activity were also taken after long-term treatment. Finally, in vitro effects of BDZ were studied after incubation with L-verapamil, a Ca2+ channel blocking agent. Results showed that (1) acute and ex vivo diazepam (10.0 mg/kg) treatment induced an increment on PMA, LPS and Staphylococcus aureus induced oxidative burst and phagocytosis (2) long-term (21 days, 10 mg/kg/day) diazepam treatment increased the oxidative burst induced by the same stimuli and reduced both intensity of phagocytosis and the percentage of neutrophil performing phagocytosis; (3) acute and ex vivo diazepam treatment, but not long-term diazepam treatment increased corticosterone serum levels; (4) the effects induced by in vitro addition of diazepam (100 nM) were in the same direction of those observed after acute treatment; (5) Ro 5-4864 (100 nM) induced similar effects to those of diazepam after ex vivo (10.0 mg/kg) and in vitro (100 nM) treatments; (6) ex vivo (10.0 mg/kg) clonazepam treatment decreased the neutrophil oxidative burst induced by PMA and S. aureus after a 1.0 mg/kg dose and decreased these parameters after a higher (10 mg/kg) dose; (7) ex vivo (1.0 and 10.0 mg/kg) and in vitro (100 nM) clonazepam treatments did not change neutrophil phagocytosis; (8) in vitro clonazepam (100 nM) induced effects on neutrophil activity that were in the same direction of those observed after the 1.0 mg/kg dose (9) clonazepam (1.0 and 10.0 mg/kg) increased corticosterone serum levels; (10) in vitro PK 11195 (100 nM) per se or associated with diazepam (100 nM) or Ro 5-4864 (100 nM) increased PMA, LPS and S. aureus induced neutrophil oxidative burst and decreased cell phagocytosis; (11) in vitro PK 11195 (100 nM) together with clonazepam (100 nM) decreased PMA-induced oxidative burst and decreased S. aureus phagocytosis; finally, (12) in vitro L-verapamil (100 nM) incubation for 2 minutes prevented all effects induced by diazepam on PMA, LPS and S. aureus -induced neutrophil activity and reverted the effects induced by Ro 5-4864 (100 nM) on PMA-induced oxidative burst. These results suggest that BDZ effects on neutrophil activity were not related to PBR activation within the adrenal gland cells, leading to increments on corticosterone serum levels. They suggest instead that BDZ induced [Ca2+]i changes in neutrophils through PBR activation followed by an increase in plasma membrane permeability due to L-verapamil sensitive Ca2+ channels and subsequent extracelular Ca2+ entry. The differences of BDZ effects on neutrophil oxidative burst and phagocytosis were attributed to specific actions on different PBR subtypes present on neutrophil and mitochondrial membranes. Finally, results suggest the development of tolerance to diazepam effects on corticosterone serum levels but not on neutrophil activity.

Avaliação de parâmetros oxidativos e inflamatórios em neutrófilos de ratos obesos suplementados com extrato de chá verde. / Evaluation of oxidative and inflammatory parameters in neutrophils from obese rats supplemented with green tea extract.

Albuquerque, Karen Fernanda Felix da Silva de 29 April 2014 (has links)
Este estudo tem como objetivo principal avaliar os efeitos da suplementação crônica com extrato de chá verde sobre os indicadores inflamatórios e da função de neutrófilos de ratos obesos. Ratos machos Wistar (Rattus norvegicus) foram tratados com extrato de chá verde via intragástrica, durante 12 semanas (5 dias/semana; 500mg/kg) e a obesidade foi induzida por dieta de cafeteria (8 semanas). Os neutrófilos foram obtidos da cavidade peritonial pela injeção de glicogênio de ostra (1% em PBS) 4h antes do procedimento de eutanásia por decapitação. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que a obesidade causa uma redução nas funções efetoras de neutrófilos o que pode pode aumentar a suceptibilidade à infecções, e o tratamento com extrato de chá verde melhora as funções dessas células. Dessa forma, este trabalho contribui para a elucidação das alterações decorrentes da obesidade no sistema imune e as ações benéficas do extrato de chá verde nesta condição. / This study aims to evaluate the effects of chronic supplementation with green tea extract on inflammatory markers and neutrophil function of rats with obesity induced by cafeteria diet intake. For this study, male Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) were treated with green tea extract intragastric for 12 weeks (5 days/week; 500mg/kg) and obesity induced by cafeteria diet (8 weeks). Neutrophils were obtained from peritoneal cavity by injection of oyster glycogen (1% in PBS) 4 h before euthanasia by decapitation procedure. The results obtained demonstrate that the obesity causes a reduction in neutrophil effector functions which may increase susceptibility to infections, and the treatment with green tea extract seems to improve the functions of these cells in obese mice. This work contributes for the elucidation of the changes arising from obesity in the immune system and the beneficial actions of the green tea extract in this condition.

Ação de constituintes de Solidago chilensis Meyen (arnica brasileira) nos mecanismos de cicatrização de feridas em ratos / Action of constituents of Solidago chilensis Meyen (Brazilian arnica) in rats wound healing mechanisms.

Gastaldo, Brunno Carvalho 12 April 2013 (has links)
Plantas medicinais são usadas por 80% da população mundial. O Brasil, devido a sua grande diversidade de clima, possui uma forte medicina tradicional. Muitas espécies vegetais são usadas pela população como anti-inflamatórias e cicatrizantes. Neste cenário está Solidago chilensis. Sucedânea da Arnica montana, está presente na lista de plantas de interesse da ANVISA (RENISUS), e possui uma investigação científica defasada. Para apoiar o uso popular e resolver as questões sobre o seu mecanismo de ação foram desenvolvidos testes demonstrando a ação cicatrizante desta espécie. Experimentos de ferida aberta e bolsa de ar foram realizados em ratos, para determinar sua participação como um pró ou anti-inflamatório. Estes testes incluem contagem de migração celular e dosagem de citocina, frente ao estimulo de seu extrato e frações. Ensaios in vitro foram realizados para indicar o tipo celular predominante envolvido e a dose toxica (indicada pela fragmentação de ADN e viabilidade celular). Todos os experimentos foram executados com o extrato hidroetanólico a 70%, liofilizado e com as frações clorofórmio, acetato de etila, e aquosa. Paralelamente, uma triagem química por CLAE e CCD foi realizada para determinar, por RMN, alguns marcadores. Foi observado uma redução significativa da área da ferida no dia 5º dia de tratamento com LHEE em gel de carbopol, justamente na passagem da fase de inflamação para a fase de granulação, indicando uma aceleração da fase inflamatória. Também foi observado um aumento da liberação de L-selectina, IL-1, IL-6 no ensaio de bolsa de ar, mas em oposição, percebe-se um efeito oposto quando administrado concomitantemente com um estímulo pró-inflamatório. Diversos compostos devem estar atuando para culminar com essa atividade, entre eles endotoxinas, contaminantes inerentes ao ambiente não estéril, diterpenos tóxicos e flavonóides, como a quercitrina. O supracitado fenômeno indica um efeito modulador da resposta imune. / Medicinal plants are used by 80% of the world population. Brazil due its vast climatically diversity possess a strong traditional medicine. Many vegetal species are used by the population as anti-inflammatory and wound healer. In this picture there is Solidago chilensis. Ersatz of the Arnica Montana, and present in the ANVISA`s plants of interest list (RENISUS), posses a lagged scientific investigation. To support the popular use and elucidate questions about its mechanism of action were developed tests demonstrating the healing action of this specie. Open wound and air pouch experiments are developed with rats to determinate the activities as a pro or anti-inflammatory. These tests include a cellular migration count and cytosine dosage. In vitro essay were performed to indicate the predominant cellular type response and the toxic dosage (indicated by DNA fragmentation and the cellular viability). All the experiments were executed with the lyophilized 70% hydroethanolic extract, and the fractions chloroform, ethyl acetate, and aqueous. An alongside chemical screening by THL and HPLC were carried on to determine by NMR some key compounds. It was verified a significant reduction of the wound in the 5th day in the open wound experiment, which is the passage of the inflammation phase to the granulation phase. Also it was noted ad increase of the L-selectin, IL-1, and IL-6 liberation by neutrophils but a decrease when administrated concomitant with a pro- inflammatory stimulus. Several compounds must be acting to culminate this activity, including endotoxin, inherent contaminants in the non-sterile environment, toxic diterpenes and flavonoids such as quercitrin. The aforementioned phenomenon points to a modulatory effect of the immune response. The obtained result indicates a potential use in wound healing processes with has immune deficiency and also hiperresponsivite. Further studies will be performed to verify the most active fraction, and its main compounds.

Avaliação dos mecanismos indutores da inflamação pulmonar decorrente da isquemia e reperfusão intestinal em camundongos geneticamente selecionados. / Evaluation of the mechanisms underlying the lung inflammation following intestinal ischemia / reperfusion (I/R) in genetically selected mice.

Victoni, Tatiana 25 June 2008 (has links)
Neste estudo caracterizamos a inflamação pulmonar aguda decorrente da I/R intestinal em camundongos geneticamente selecionados para baixa (AIRmin) ou alta (AIRmax) reatividade inflamatória aguda os quais foram obtidos por Seleção Genética Bidirecional. Paralelamente, camundongos da linhagem Balb/c foram utilizados, como referência dos parâmetros investigados. A isquemia intestinal foi induzida pela obstrução da artéria mesentérica superior (AMS) por 45 min seguida de sua desobstrução. Após 4 h de reperfusão intestinal a inflamação pulmonar foi avaliada por meio da atividade pulmonar de mieloperoxidase (MPO), número de leucócitos (no sangue, na medula óssea e no baço), permeabilidade vascular, dosagem de citocinas (IL-1<font face=\"symbol\">b, IL-10, IL-6 e TNF-<font face=\"symbol\">a) e a produção de nitratos e nitritos em cultura de ex-vivo de tecido pulmonar (explante). A I/R-intestinal induziu aumento da atividade MPO (mieloperoxidase), aumento da permeabilidade vascular pulmonar e neutrofilia nas três linhagens estudadas, com maior intensidade em camundongos AIRmax. A celularidade da medula óssea e baço não foi afetada pela I/R intestinal nas linhagens AIRmin e AIRmax. A I/R intestinal aumentou a atividade de MPO intestinal nas linhagens Balb/c, AIRmin e AIRmax, porém este parâmetro não diferiu dentro das linhagens estudadas. Por outro lado, o intestino não desenvolveu aumento de extravasamento plasmático. O explante pulmonar de animais AIRmax geraram níveis significativamente elevados de nitratos e nitritos após a I/R-intestinal. A quantidade de citocinas produzidas espontaneamente pelo explante pulmonar não diferiu entre as linhagens AIRmin e AIRmax. Todavia, na vigência de estímulo secundário (lipopolisacarídeo), a produção de IL-1<font face=\"symbol\">b e IL-10 foi maior na linhagem AIRmax. A taxa de mortalidade após I/R intestinal não difere entre as linhagens AIRmin e AIRmax, todavia na linhagem AIRmin as mortes ocorrem mais precocemente (4h) após a I/R intestinal, em contraste aquela encontrado nos animais de AIRmax (12h). Concluindo, nossos dados permitem sugerir que os animais geneticamente selecionados reagem diferentemente após a I/R intestinal, de modo que os animais AIRmin mostram uma sensibilidade realçada (nos termos da taxa de mortalidade), e em contrapartida os animais AIRmax um maior reatividade (nos termos da resposta inflamatória para I/R). Contudo, nós sugerimos que as alterações genotípicas devido à seleção podem explicar uma exacerbada resposta inflamatória para I/R em camundongos AIRmax coexistindo com um perfil mais favorável de letalidade visto que o oposto é observado em animais de AIRmin. / The aim of this study was to characterize the acute lung inflammation due to intestinal I/R in mice selected for high (AIRmax) or low (AIRmin) acute inflammatory response by means of bidirectional genetic selection. Balb/c mice were also used as a reference control of the parameters evaluated. Intestinal ischemia was induced by a 45-min clamping of the superior mesenteric artery; the clamping was then released and the lung inflammation was evaluated after a 4-h reperfusion period by measurements of myeloperoxidase (MPO) lung activity, leukocyte number (in blood, bone marrow and spleen), vascular permeability, cytokines (IL-1<font face=\"symbol\">b, IL-10, IL-6 and TNF-<font face=\"symbol\">a) and production of nitrates and nitrites in lung tissue ex vivo cultures (explants). Intestinal I/R induced an increase of the lung acute inflammatory reaction as judged by the increase of MPO activity and of vascular permeability and the influx of neutrophils in every animallineage studied, being the AIRmax mice the most reactive ones. However, the cellularity of the bone marrow and spleen was not affected by intestinal I/R in AIRmax or AIRmin mice. Intestinal I/R caused an increase of MPO activity in the gut of Balb/c, AIRmax and AIRmin mice, with no differences from each other. On the other hand, no intestinal plasma extravasation was noticed. Nitrites and nitrates production was higher in cultures of AIRmax mice lung explants after intestinal I/R. The spontaneous production of cytokines was not different among AIRmax and AIRmin lung explants, being significantly increased in AIRmax samples upon bacteriallipopolysaccharide (LPS) stimulation(IL-1<font face=\"symbol\">b e IL-10). The profile of mortality among AIRmax and AIRmin was not altered by intestinal I/R. However, the mortality rate of injured AIRmin mice was found as early as 4 h after intestinal I/R, in contrast with that found in AIRmax animals (12 h after). In conclusion, our data suggest that genetically selected AIRmax and AIRmin mice react differentially to intestinal I/R, so that AIRmin mice show enhanced sensitivity (in terms of mortality rate), and their AIRmax counterparts show enhanced responsiveness (in terms of inflammatory response to I/R). Overall, we suggest that the genotypic changes due to selection may explain why an exacerbated inflammatory response to I/R in AIRmax mice coexists with a more favorable profile oflethality, whereas the opposite is seen in AIRmin animals.

Estudo da influência da suplementação de vitamina E nas atividades funcionais dos neutrófilos do leite de bovinos / Study of influence vitamin E supplementation on milk neutrophil function in dairy cows

Valle, Claudia Ribeiro do 23 February 2005 (has links)
No início da lactação as vacas podem apresentar várias doenças metabólicas e infecciosas, como a mastite, devido às abruptas mudanças fisiológicas, entre elas a supressão da reposta imune, concomitante com a queda da ingestão de matéria seca e da concentração sérica de vitamina E. Com o objetivo de estudar a influência da suplementação de vitamina E nas atividades funcionais dos neutrófilos do leite de bovinos, catorze novilhas da raça holandesa foram divididas aletoriamente em dois grupos, sendo um com sete animais não suplementados (controle) e outro com sete animais suplementados com 1000 UI/dia de vitamina E durante 30 dias antes do parto previsto e 10 dias após o mesmo. Na primeira semana após o parto foi colhido o leite dos quartos mamários CMT negativo, após estimulação da leucocitose com a infusão intramamária de solução de glicogênio de ostra a 0,1% e 0,5%, 36 e 12 horas respectivamente, antes da colheita do leite. As células foram isoladas, contadas e estimou-se a viabilidade das mesmas. Em seguida foram realizados os testes de fagocitose incubando-se zimosan opsonizado (2x108/ml) com neutrófilos (2x107/ml), contados no microscópio óptico. Suspensões na concentração de 2x108/ml de cepas de Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus agalactiae, Corynebacterium bovis, Escherichia coli e Prototheca zopfii procedendes de casos de mastite clínica bovina foram incubados com neutrófilos (2x107/ml). A solução foi plaqueada antes da incubação para fagocitose, após a fagocitose, após o tratamento com antibióticos e após a lise dos neutrófilos para a determinação dos patógenos destruídos. As análises estatíscas foram feitas através da ANOVA. A porcentagem de células que englobaram três ou mais partículas de zimosan opsonizado foi de 52% no grupo não suplementado e 66% no grupo suplementado (P<0,05). Não foram detectadas diferenças estatísticas para a porcentagem de fagocitose de microrganismos opsonizados, sendo 30,2% e 28,8% para o grupo controle e suplementado, respectivamente. A destruição intracelular de patógenos foi de 99%, não diferindo entre os grupos. Em seguida, determinou-se a produção de O2- e H2O2, sendo 1,6 e 3,0 nmol de O2- e 0,83 e 0,67 &micro;M de H2O2 para o grupo controle e suplementado, respectivamente. A atividade enzimática no grupo controle e suplementado foi de 4,3 e 3,6 &micro;mol/min/mg proteína para a catalase, 43 e 49 nmol/min/mg de proteína para a glutationa redutase, 16,2 e 30 nmol/min/mg proteína para a glutaiona peroxidase, 3,85 e 6,32 U/mg proteína para a superóxido dismutase e 0,67 e 0,29 U/mg proteína para a mieloperoxidase, sendo que não foram encontradas diferenças estatísticas entre os grupos. A suplementação com vitamina E aumentou a habilidade fagocitária dos neutrófilos somente no ensaio com zimosan e não alterou a atividade enzimática assim como a produção de espécies reativas de oxigênio. O equilíbrio entre as espécies reativas de oxigênio, importante para a destruição intracelular de patógenos, e os antioxidantes é extremamente complexo, não sendo afetado pela suplementação de um único agente antioxidante / At the early lactation, lactating cows are more exposed to metabolic and infectious diseases as mastitis, due to the physiological modifications accomplished with diminishing of dry matter ingestion, immune response depressed and the vitamin E plasmatic concentration level reduction. Therefore, to study the influence of vitamin E supplementation on the function of milk neutrophils, fourteen primigravid holstein heifers were casually allocated in two groups: one was oral supplemented with vitamin E (1000UI/day) 30 days pre parturition and 10 days post parturition, the other group did not receive vitamin E supplementation (control group). During the first week post-parturition, milk was collected from negative CMT quarter after induction of leucocytosis with a intramammary infusion of oyster glycogen infusion (0,1% e 0,5%, 36 e 12 hours respectively). The cells were isolated from milk, counted and the viability was estimated. After these trials the assays: phagocytosis with opsonized zymosan and phagocytosis with microorganisms that cause mastitis were performed. zymosan opzonized particles (2x108/mL) were incubated with neutrophils (2x107/mL) and counted on the optic microscope. The microorganisms (2x108/mL) Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus agalactiae, Corynebacterium bovis, Escherichia coli and Prototheca zopfii were incubated with neutrophils (2.107/mL) from milk. Solution were spread plated pre phagocytosis assay, after phagocytosis, post treatment with antibiotics and after break of neutrophils. The results were analysed from the statistical ANOVA. For the phagocytosis assays, 52% of neutrophils from control group phagocyted three or more zymosan particles, and in the supplemented group, 66% of the cells (P< 0,05). For the microorganisms, did not have statistical difference and the results were 30.7% and 28.2% for the control and supplemented groups. The average of the pathogens intracellular kill was 99% in the both groups. In sequence the tests for production O2- and H2O2, enzimatic activity of catalase, superoxide dismutase, glutathione redutase, glutathione peroxidase and myeloperoxidase were made. It were no detected any statiscal differences in respect to the production of O2- and H2O2. The production of O2- was 1,6 nmol and 3,0 nmol and the H2O2 production was 0,83 &micro;M and 0,67 &micro;M for the groups control and supplemented. The control and supplemented group enzymatic activity results obtained were: catalase 4.3 and 3.6 &micro;mol/min/mg protein, glutathione redutase 43 and 49 nmol/min/mg protein, glutathione peroxidase 16.2 and 30 nmol/min/mg protein, superoxide dismuthase 3.85 and 6.32 U/mg protein and myeloperoxidase 0,67 and 0,29 U/mg protein. In relation to these results it was not detected any statistical difference. Vitamin E supplementation increased zymosan phagocytosis and did not affect enzyme activities involved in the mechanisms of protection against oxigen reactive species and microorganism phagocytosis in the neutrophils. The vitamin E supplementation didn´t change the complex balance among the reactions of antioxidants and oxigen reactive species. It can be concluded that due to the complexity of the mechanisms involved the supplementation with just one isolate antioxidant did not interfered with the defence neutrophil activities

Influência do gênero na resposta dos neutrófilos contra a infecção por Paracoccidioides brasiliensis / Gender influence on neutrophil response against Paracoccidioides brasiliensis infection

Lívia Mara Torres Bueno 06 September 2018 (has links)
Paracoccidioides brasiliensis é um fungo termo-dimórfico que se apresenta na forma de hifa a 25?C e forma de levedura a 37?C. Após inalação de conídios e propágulos de hifas presentes no ambiente, o fungo encontra no hospedeiro as condições ideais para transição em levedura, capaz de causar a doença paracoccidioidomicose (PCM), primariamente pulmonar, podendo ser seguida de disseminação sistêmica. O processo infeccioso é caracterizado pelo reconhecimento de constituintes de leveduras por receptores de células do sistema imune, especialmente fagócitos, que são ativados e produzem citocinas. Neutrófilos são as primeiras células recrutadas para o local da infecção, onde combatem o patógeno, fagocitando-o e liberando mediadores e efetores, como citocinas, ROS (Espécies Reativas de Oxigênio) e NETs (Armadilhas extracelulares de neutrófilos). Esses eventos, além de fatores ambientais e genéticos, têm influência sobre a resistência do hospedeiro ao fungo e, consequentemente, sobre a progressão da doença. Um aspecto da epidemiologia da doença impressiona: a incidência de PCM é mais alta em homens do que em mulheres, especialmente na idade reprodutiva. Especula-se que a melhor resposta das mulheres ao fungo possa relacionar-se à maior concentração de estrógeno, uma vez que esse hormônio, in vitro, inibe a transição de hifa em micélio. Adicionalmente, nosso grupo verificou, em modelo murino de PCM, que machos e fêmeas divergem quanto à resposta imunitária frente ao fungo, favorecendo a resistência de fêmeas. Todavia, neutrófilos, a despeito de sua aparente relevância em infecções fúngicas, nunca foram estudados quanto ao eventual papel na determinação de diferenças de gênero constatadas na PCM. Este trabalho teve como objetivo comparar neutrófilos de homens e mulheres quanto às funções reguladoras e efetoras, quando essas células são infectadas in vitro com leveduras de P. brasiliensis (multiplicidade de infecção (MOI) 5:1). Participaram do estudo 38 homens e mulheres saudáveis, com idade entre 23 e 35 anos. Como critério de inclusão no estudo, as mulheresIX deveriam estar entre o primeiro e o 15º dia do ciclo menstrual ou utilizarem anticoncepcional à base de estrógeno na data da coleta. Os neutrófilos, purificados a partir do sangue periférico e incubados com leveduras de P. brasiliensis e, estudados quanto às habilidades de fagocitose e eliminação de leveduras, produção de citocinas e ROS desenvolvidas por células oriundas de homens e mulheres. Os resultados indicam que os neutrófilos de mulheres mataram o fungo com maior eficiência e produziram maiores concentrações de TNF. Entretanto, dentre as funções neutrofílicas testadas, algumas não foram afetadas pelo gênero do doador, como a habilidade de fagocitose e a produção de ROS. Alguns ensaios foram precedidos da adição ao meio de ?-estradiol sintético. Na presença do hormônio sintético, verificamos que (i) neutrófilos de homens limitaram o crescimento fúngico de maneira mais eficiente; (ii) neutrófilos de homens e mulheres diminuíram a produção de TGF-?. Concluímos que há diferenças entre funções de neutrófilos oriundos de homens e de mulheres frente à infecção por P. brasiliensis. Parte dos déficits funcionais detectados em neutrófilos de homens frente à infecção fúngica foi revertida pela adição de estrógeno ao meio em que se procederam os ensaios. As observações feitas neste trabalho permitem postular que os neutrófilos, sob efeito do estrógeno, contribuem para que as mulheres sejam mais resistentes à PCM. / Paracoccidioides brasiliensis is a thermo-dimorphic fungus that appears as hyphae at 25 ° C and yeast at 37 ° C. After inhalation of conidia and propagules of hyphae resident in the environment, the fungus finds in the host the ideal conditions for transition in yeast, capable of causing the disease Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM), primarily pulmonary, and may be followed by systemic dissemination. The infectious process implies in recognition of fungal constituents by immune cell receptors, especially phagocytes, which are activated. Neutrophils, the first recruited cells to the infection focus, fight the pathogen and initiate cytokines\' releasing and effector events, such as reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and extracellular traps (NETs) formation. Together, they influence the host resistance to the fungus and, consequently, the disease course. One aspect of the PCM epidemiology is impressive: its incidence is higher in men than in women, especially during their reproductive period. It is speculated that the women\'s better response to the fungus may be related to the estrogen higher concentration they have, since this hormone, in vitro, inhibits the yeast\'s growth. Additionally, our group has previously reported that in a murine PCM model, males and females differ on the immune response to the fungus, which favors the females\' resistance. However, neutrophils, despite their apparent relevance in fungal infections, have never been studied for their possible contributive role in the gender differences found in PCM. This work aimed to compare the neutrophils regulatory and effector functions in men and women when these cells were in vitro infected with P. brasiliensis yeasts. Healthy men and women aged between 23 and 35 have participated in the study. To be included, at the date of neutrophil harvesting women should be between the first and the 15th day of the menstrual cycle or use estrogen-based contraceptives. Neutrophils purified from peripheral blood were incubated with P. brasiliensis and assessed for the capacity of phagocytosis and elimination of yeasts, as well asXI for the production of cytokine and ROS. Neutrophils from women killed the fungi more efficiently and produced higher concentrations of TNF. Nonetheless, the donor gender has not affected some tested neutrophil functions, namely phagocytosis ability and ROS production. Moreover, assays performed in the presence of synthetic ?-estradiol showed that (i) men neutrophils started to kill yeasts more efficiently than in the absence of the hormone; (ii) neutrophils from men and women decreased the production of TGF-?. We conclude that in vitro infection with P. brasiliensis unveiled differences between men and women neutrophils\' functions. Part of the functional insufficiency verified in men\'s neutrophils of fighting against the fungal infection reversed by the estrogen addition to the assay medium. The results of this work allow postulating that neutrophils contribute to the women\'s resistance to paracoccidioidomycosis.

Measurement and mechanisms of complement-induced neutrophil dysfunction

Wood, Alexander James Telfer January 2019 (has links)
Critical illness is an aetiologically and clinically heterogeneous syndrome that is characterised by organ failure and immune dysfunction. Mortality in critically ill patients is driven by inflammation-associated organ damage and a profound vulnerability to nosocomial infection. Both factors are influenced by the complement protein C5a, released by unbridled activation of the complement system during critical illness. C5a suppresses antimicrobial functions of key immune cells, in particular the neutrophil, and this suppression has been shown to be associated with poorer outcomes amongst critically ill adults. The intracellular signalling pathways which mediate C5a-induced neutrophil dysfunction are incompletely understood, and scalable tools with which to assess immune cell dysfunction in patients are lacking. This thesis aimed to develop tools with which to assess neutrophil function and delineate intracellular signalling pathways driving C5a-induced impairment. Neutrophils were isolated from healthy volunteer blood and functions (priming, phagocytosis and reactive oxygen species production) were assessed using light microscopy, confocal microscopy and flow cytometry. A new assay was developed using an Attune Nxt™ acoustic focusing cytometer (Life Technologies) which allowed the rapid assessment of multiple neutrophil functions in small samples of unlysed, minimally-manipulated human whole blood. Complete proteomes and phosphoproteomes of phagocytosing neutrophils were obtained from four healthy donors pre-treated with C5a or vehicle control. Several key insights were gained from this work and are summarised here. Firstly, C5a was found to induce a prolonged (greater than seven hours) impairment of neutrophil phagocytosis. This defect was found to be preventable by previous or concurrent phagocytosis, indicating common signalling mechanisms. Secondly, a novel assay was developed which allows the rapid assessment of multiple neutrophil functions in less than 2 mL of whole blood, and this assay can feasibly be applied in clinical settings. Thirdly, cell-surface expression of the C5a receptor was found to be markedly decreased during phagocytosis, and this decrease was not mediated by protease activity. Finally, unbiased proteomics quantified 4859 proteins and 2712 phosphoproteins respectively. This quantification is the deepest profile of the human neutrophil proteome published to date, and has revealed novel insights into the mechanisms of C5a-induced neutrophil dysfunction and phagocytosis.

Recrutement des sous-unités p47phox et Rac lors de l’activation de la NADPH oxydase dans les phagocytes / Recruitment of p47phox and Rac subunits during the activation of the NADPH oxidase in phagocytes

Faure, Marie-Cécile 09 September 2011 (has links)
Lors d’une infection, les polynucléaires neutrophiles phagocytent l’agent pathogène et le détruisent grâce à la production de formes réactives de l’oxygène (FRO) par la NADPH oxydase. Cette enzyme est constituée de sous-unités membranaires (Nox2, p22phox) et cytosoliques (p67phox, p47phox,p40phox, Rac) qui s’assemblent soit à la membrane plasmique, lors de l’activation des cellules par un stimulus soluble comme le fMLF, soit à la membrane du phagosome, lors de la phagocytose de particules. La régulation de la NADPH oxydase implique divers facteurs comme la signalisation calcique et les lipides, notamment les phospholipides anioniques. En effet, il a été montré que l’activation et la translocation de la petite protéine G Rac peuvent être dépendantes du calcium. D’autre part les sous unités Rac et p47phox peuvent interagir avec les phospholipides anioniques tels que la phosphatidylsérine,grâce à des interactions stéréosélectives et/ou électrostatiques.L’objectif de ce travail est donc d’évaluer le rôle du calcium et de la phosphatidylsérine dans le recrutement de p47phox et/ou Rac lors de l’assemblage de NADPH oxydase. Pour suivre la dynamique des deux protéines, nous avons exprimé ces sous-unités marquées avec des protéines fluorescentes dans des lignées phagocytaires mimant les neutrophiles (HL-60 et PLB-985). Nous avons ainsi pu suivre, par vidéomicroscopie, le déplacement des sous-unités marquées lors d’une stimulation par fMLF ou PMA etdurant la phagocytose de particules opsonisées. Après stimulation par fMLF, Rac1 transloque du cytosol à la membrane plasmique, alors que le mutant constitutivement actif de Rac1 est constamment localisé àla membrane plasmique, indépendamment de la stimulation par fMLF. De plus après stimulation parPMA, le mutant constitutivement actif de Rac2 transloque à la membrane plasmique, suggérant que sa translocation pourrait être possible en absence d’un influx de calcium extracellulaire. Lors de la phagocytose, en masquant la phosphatidylsérine avec le domaine C2 discoïdine de la lactadhérine qui lie spécifiquement ce phospholipide, nous avons pu montrer que la phosphatidylsérine régule la production initiale des FRO en favorisant le recrutement de p47phox et de Rac2 au phagosome. De plus, ces deux sous-unités se détachent du phagosome alors que la production intraphagosomale de FRO continue,suggérant que leur départ n’est pas un signal de terminaison pour l’activité oxydase. Plus précisément,p47phox et Rac2 sont recrutées de manière transitoire, pendant seulement 1 à 3 minutes après la fermeture du phagosome. Ceci est en accord avec le modèle qui propose que p47phox servirait principalement à transporter p67phox au phagosome, et que les deux sous-unités p47phox et Rac2 faciliteraient le positionnement de p67phox dans le complexe membranaire. / During phagocytosis, neutrophils internalize pathogens in a phagosome and kill them through the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by the NADPH oxidase enzyme. The cytosolic NADPHoxidase subunits (p67phox p47phox, p40phox, Rac2) and the membranous subunits (Nox2, p22phox) assemble either at the plasma membrane after stimulation with soluble agonist, or at the phagosomal membrane during particle phagocytosis. The regulation of this enzyme involves several actors like calciumsignalling and anionic phospholipids. Actually Rac activation and translocation was found to be calciumdependent and, on the other hand, p47phox and Rac can interact with anionic phospholipids such asphosphatidylserine through stereoselective and/or electrostatic interactions.Therefore we wanted to investigate the role of calcium and phosphatidylserine in p47phox and Rac membrane recruitment. To study this dynamic, we expressed the subunits tagged with a fluorescent protein in neutrophil-like cells (HL-60 and PLB-985), and followed them by videomicroscopy duringfMLF or PMA stimulation or during phagocytosis of opsonised particles. After fMLF stimulation, Rac1translocated from the cytosol to the plasma membrane whereas constitutively active form of Rac1 was permanently located at the plasma membrane, independently of fMLF stimulation. In addition, afterPMA treatment, constitutively active form of Rac2 translocated to the plasma membrane, suggesting that its translocation could occur without extracellular calcium entry. By using the specific phosphatidylserine binding discoïdine C2 domain of lactadherin, we could mask this phospholipid and found that phosphatidylserine is involved in NADPH oxidase activity by participating in the phagosomal recruitment of p47phox and Rac2. In addition we show that these two subunits detached from the phagosome while ROS production continued for a longer period, suggesting that their dissociation from the complex is not a termination signal for oxidase activity. More precisely, p47phox and Rac2 were briefly recruited to the phagosomal membrane, for 1 to 3 minutes after the phagosome closure. These results support the model in which p47phox serves as a carrier for p67phox and both p47phox and Rac2 are adapters that correctly position p67phox in the complex.

Identification de nouveaux facteurs de régulation physiopathologique de la NADPH oxydase du neutrophile : Importance de mTOR, de la dégradation de NOX2 via l’élastase et perspectives de traitement des déficits induits au cours de la cirrhose alcoolique / Identification of novel physiopathological factors regulating the neutrophil NADPH oxidase : Importance of mTOR, elastase-mediated NOX2 degradation and prospects for treatment of liver cirrhosis-induced deficiencies

Rolas, Loïc 21 September 2015 (has links)
La production d’anion superoxyde (O2-) par le complexe NADPH oxydase 2 (NOX2) du polynucléaire neutrophile (explosion oxydative, EO) contribue à l’élimination d’agents pathogènes. Cette fonction de défense est stimulée par divers agents pro-inflammatoires, notamment par des peptides bactériens (fMLP), qui déclenchent une cascade de signalisation impliquant différentes protéines kinases (PKC, AKT, MAP-Kinases) et aboutissant à l’activation de la NOX2 (également nommée gp91phox), le coeur catalytique du complexe. Dans cette thèse, j’ai identifié la protéine kinase mTOR comme un nouvel effecteur majeur de l’EO dans les neutrophiles sains et j’ai comparé son mode d’action transductionnel dans les neutrophiles de patients ayant une cirrhose alcoolique décompensée en vue de comprendre leur grande susceptibilité aux infections bactériennes.Une contribution majeure de mTOR dans la production d’O2- induite par le fMLP a pu être démontrée à l’aide de son antagoniste spécifique, le médicament Rapamycine et par une approche antisense. mTOR agit en amont de la p38-MAPK qui phosphoryle la p47phox, un composant majeur du complexe NADPH oxydase. Dans les neutrophiles de patients cirrhotiques, l’EO est fortement défaillante, associée à un défaut d’activation de la voie p38-MAPK/p47phox(S345). Ce déficit d’EO est aggravé par la Rapamycine. Les neutrophiles de patients cirrhotiques présentent également un déficit d’expression de la gp91phox (NOX2), p22phox, p47phox et mTOR. Un déficit d’expression de la NOX2 a pu être reproduit en traitant les neutrophiles sains par le fMLP ou du plasma des patients. De plus, ce phénomène met en jeu une dégradation protéolytique insoupçonnée de la gp91phox impliquant l’élastase. Enfin, la déficience fonctionnelle des neutrophiles de patients a pu être corrigée dans des neutrophiles isolés et dans du sang total des patients cirrhotiques à l’aide d’un agoniste de récepteurs « Toll-like receptor (TLR) » qui agit en favorisant la transcription du gène de la gp91phox et sa synthèse protéique.En conclusion, mTOR émerge comme un nouvel effecteur transductionnel majeur de l’EO des neutrophiles, favorisant l’activation de la voie p47phox/gp91phox via les MAPK. Cette nouvelle voie de signalisation est fortement impactée au cours de la cirrhose alcoolique, ce qui favorise la susceptibilité des patients aux infections bactériennes. Bien que notre étude soulève ainsi des inquiétudes quant à l’utilisation d’inhibiteurs de mTOR chez les patients immunodéprimés, elle suscite par ailleurs la perspective de pouvoir corriger les déficits fonctionnels des neutrophiles à l’aide d’agents capables de stimuler des TLR intracellulaires. / Superoxide anion (O2-) production by NADPH oxidase 2 (NOX2) complex of polymorphonuclear neutrophil (i.e respiratory burst, RB) contributes to efficient elimination of pathogens. This defense function is stimulated by various pro-inflammatory agents, especially by bacterial peptides (fMLP) which trigger a signaling cascade involving many protein kinases (PKC, AKT, MAP-Kinases) resulting in activation of NOX2, also called gp91phox, the catalytic core of the complex. In this thesis, I identified the protein kinase mTOR as a novel major RB effector of healthy neutrophils and I compared its transductional activity in neutrophils from patients suffering from alcoholic decompensated liver cirrhosis, aiming at understanding their high susceptibility to bacterial infections.A major contribution of mTOR to fMLP-induced neutrophil superoxide production was demonstrated using its specific drug antagonist Rapamycin, and by an antisens strategy. mTOR is activated upstream of p38-MAPK which phosphorylates p47phox, a major component of the NADPH oxidase complex. In neutrophils from cirrhotic patients, the RB is dramatically impaired and this was associated with a deficient activation of the p38-MAPK/p47phox(S345) signaling pathway. This RB deficiency was aggravated by Rapamycin. Neutrophils from cirrhotic patients also exhibited a deficient expression of gp91phox (NOX2), p22phox, p47phox and mTOR. A deficient NOX2 expression can be reproduced by treating healthy neutrophils with fMLP or plasma from cirrhotic patients. Furthermore, this phenomenon involved an unexpected proteolytic degradation of gp91phox mediated by elastase. Finally, this deficient superoxide production by neutrophil from cirrhotic patients can be corrected ex vivo in isolated neutrophils and in patients’ whole blood, using a Toll-like receptor agonist that acts by promoting the transcription and traduction of gp91phox .In conclusion, mTOR emerges as a novel and major signaling effector of neutrophil RB, promoting the activation of p47phox/gp91phox through MAPKs. This novel signaling pathway is strongly impaired during alcoholic liver cirrhosis, which increases patients’ susceptibility to bacterial infections. Although our study raises concerns about the use of mTOR inhibitors in immunocompromised patients, it also provides therapeutic propects for correcting neutrophil functional deficiencies using agents capable of stimulating intracellular TLR .

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