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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Electron beam induced deposition (EBID) of carbon interface between carbon nanotube interconnect and metal electrode

Rykaczewski, Konrad 12 November 2009 (has links)
Electron Beam Induced Deposition (EBID) is an emerging additive nanomanufacturing tool which enables growth of complex 3-D parts from a variety of materials with nanoscale resolution. Fundamentals of EBID and its application to making a robust, low-contact-resistance electromechanical junction between a Multiwall Carbon Nanotube (MWNT) and a metal electrode are investigated in this thesis research. MWNTs are promising candidates for next generation electrical and electronic devices, and one of the main challenges in MWNT utilization is a high intrinsic contact resistance of the MWNT-metal electrode junction interface. EBID of an amorphous carbon interface has previously been demonstrated to simultaneously lower the electrical contact resistance and to improve mechanical characteristics of the MWNT-electrode junction. In this work, factors contributing to the EBID formation of the carbon joint between a MWNT and an electrode are systematically explored via complimentary experimental and theoretical investigations. A comprehensive dynamic model of EBID using residual hydrocarbons as a precursor molecule is developed by coupling the precursor mass transport, electron transport and scattering, and surface deposition reaction. The model is validated by comparison with experiments and is used to identify different EBID growth regimes and the growth rates and shapes of EBID deposits for each regime. In addition, the impact of MWNT properties, the electron beam impingement location and energy on the EBID-made carbon joint between the MWNT and the metal electrode is critically evaluated. Lastly, the dominant factors contributing to the overall electrical resistance of the MWNT-based electrical interconnect and relative importance of the mechanical contact area of the EBID-made carbon joint to MWNT vs. that to the metal electrode are determined using carefully designed experiments.

Robust low-power signal processing and communication algorithms

Nisar, Muhammad Mudassar 04 January 2010 (has links)
This thesis presents circuit-level techniques for soft error mitigation, low-power design with performance trade-off, and variation-tolerant low-power design. The proposed techniques are divided into two broad categories. First, error compensation techniques, which are used for soft error mitigation and also for low-power operation of linear and non-linear filters. Second, a framework for variation tolerant low-power operation of wireless devices is presented. This framework analyzes the effects of circuit "tuning knobs" such as voltage, frequency, wordlength precision, etc. on system performance, and power efficiency. Process variations are considered as well, and the best operating tuning knob levels are determined, which results in maximum system wide power savings while keeping the system performance within acceptable limits. Different methods are presented for variation-tolerant and power-efficient wireless communication. Techniques are also proposed for application driven low-power operation of the OFDM baseband receiver.

Quantum transport studies for spintronics implementation : from supramolecular carbon nanotube systems to topological crystalline insulator / Etudes de transport quantique pour la mise en oeuvre de la spintronique : des systèmes de nanotubes de carbone supramoléculaires à l'isolant cristallin topologique

Schönle, Joachim 29 June 2018 (has links)
L'électronique moléculaire est l'un des domaines les plus intrigants de la recherche moderne. Ce domaine pourrait produire un système de construction modulaire et évolutif pour des applications spintroniques à l'échelle nanométrique. Un exemple particulièrement prometteur est celui des aimants à une seule molécule, qui se sont déjà avérés être appropriés pour des la réalisation de spin valve et de qubit de spin. L'un des plus grands défis du domaine est l'intégration de ces objets de taille nanométrique dans des circuits complexes afin de permettre la détection et la manipulation d'états de spin moléculaires. Comme l'ont montré ces dernières années le groupe NanoSpin, les nanotubes de carbone (CNTs) peuvent servir de support pour les aimants à une seule molécule, en combinant les caractéristiques des deux constituants.Une pierre angulaire de ce projet de thèse a donc été le développement d'une technique de fabrication fiable pour des dispositifs de CNTs de haute qualité, contrôlables par de multiples électrodes de grille locales afin de permettre le contrôle local des systèmes hybrides moléculaires. Un procédé basé sur la fabrication conventionnelle à un substrat a été développé à partir de zéro, pour lequel l'optimisation de la conception des échantillons, les techniques de lithographie et de dépôt ainsi que les choix de matériaux ont dû être soigneusement incorporés afin de respecter les restrictions imposées par les conditions de croissance. Nous avons d'abord réussi à produire des échantillons CNT propres, permettant de mettre en évidence une configuration à double boite quantique, tout en ajustant des caractéristiques de type p à n. Les segments créés de cette manière peuvent être contrôlés de manière stable sur toute la longueur du dispositif et devraient donc constituer une base appropriée pour l'étude de la physique moléculaire.La matière topologique non triviale constitue une plate-forme séduisante pour étudier à la fois les principes fondamentaux et les applications possibles de la spintronique au calcul quantique. Les isolants cristallins topologiques, avec tellurure d'étain (SnTe) comme exemple principal, représentent un nouvel état au sein de ce zoo des matériaux topologiques 3D. Peu de temps après les premières réalisations expérimentales, des suggestions ont été faites sur la possibilité d’un type de supraconductivité non conventionnelle hébergé à l'interface entre la matière topologique et les supraconducteurs classiques. Les implications possibles de ces systèmes comprennent l'appariement de Cooper avec une quantité de mouvement finie dans la phase FFLO ou l’ordinateur quantique topologique, basé sur des excitations particulières, appelé quasi-particule Majorana.Ce projet de thèse visait à participer à l'enquête sur les signes de supraconductivité non conventionnelle dans SnTe. Les expériences de transport sur des couches pures dans les géométries de la barre de Hall et des dispositifs hybrides supraconducteurs, réalisés à la fois comme jonctions Josephson et SQUID, sont discutés. Un couplage étonnamment fort de SnTe au supraconducteur a été trouvé et dépendances de la supraconductivité sur les géométries des échantillons, la température et le champ magnétique ont été étudiées. La relation courant-phase a été analysée dans la limite d’effets cinétiques forts. Le couplage électrostatique et l'exposition à des micro-ondes ont été explorée, mais la physique prédominante dans de telles configurations s'est avéré être de type purement conventionnel, soulignant l’importance des améliorations sur le côté matériaux.Des mesures de champ magnétique dans le plan ont donné lieu à la signature d’un φ0-SQUID avec des transitions 0-π accordables, fournissant des preuves de possibles de transitions contrôlées de la supraconductivité triviale aux régimes de couplage non conventionnels dans SnTe. / Molecular electronics is one of the most intriguing fields of modern research, which could bring forth a modular and scalable building system for nanoscale spintronics applications. A particularly promising example are single-molecule magnets, which have already successfully shown to be suitable for spin valve or spin qubit operations. One of the biggest challenges of the field is the integration of these nanometer-sized objects in complex circuits in order to allow for detection and manipulation of moleculear spin states. As shown in recent years by the NanoSpin group, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) can serve as such type of carrier for the single-molecule magnets, combining features of both constituents.A corner stone of this thesis project was hence the development of a dependable fabrication technique for high-quality CNT devices, controllable by multiple local gate electrodes in order to enable local control of molecular hybrid systems. A process based on conventional one-chip fabrication was developed from scratch, for which optimization of sample design, lithography and deposition techniques as well as material choices had to be carefully incorporated, in order to accomodate the restrictions imposed by the CNT growth conditions on the prevention of leakage currents. We succeeded in producing clean CNT devices, which could support a double dot configuration, tunable from p- to n-type characteristics. The segments created in this way can be stabily controlled over the entire device length and should hence provide a suitable backbone to study molecular physics.Topological matter constitutes an enticing platform to investigate both fundamental principles as well as possible applications from spintronics to quantum computation. Topological crystalline insulators, with tin telluride ( SnTe ) as a prime example, represent a new state of matter within this zoo of 3D topological materials. Soon after first experimental realizations, suggestions were made about the possibility of an unconventional type of superconductivity hosted at the interface between topological matter and conventional superconductors. Possible implications of such systems include Cooper pairing with finite momentum, the FFLO phase, or topological quantum computing, based on peculiar excitations, called Majorana bound states.This thesis project aimed to participate in the investigation of signs of unconventional superconductivity in SnTe . Transport experiments on bare films in Hall bar geometries and superconducting hybrid devices, realized as both Josephson junctions and SQUIDs, are discussed. A surprisingly strong coupling of SnTe to Ta superconductor was found and dependencies of superconductivity on sample geometries, temperature and magnetic field were investigated. The current-phase relation was analyzed in the limit of strong kinetic effects. Electrostatic gating and rf exposure was explored, but predominant physics in such configurations turned out to be of purely conventional type, pointing out the importance of improvements on the material side.In-plane magnetic field measurements gave rise to the manifestation of ϕ0-SQUIDs with tunable 0−π-transitions, providing evidence for possible controlled transitions from trivial superconductivity to unconventional coupling regimes in SnTe.

Electrical characterization and modeling of low dimensional nanostructure FET / Electrical characterization and modeling of low-dimensional nanostructure FET

Lee, Jae Woo 05 December 2011 (has links)
At the beginning of this thesis, basic and advanced device fabrication process which I haveexperienced during study such as top-down and bottom-up approach for the nanoscale devicefabrication technique have been described. Especially, lithography technology has beenfocused because it is base of the modern device fabrication. For the advanced device structure,etching technique has been investigated in detail.The characterization of FET has been introduced. For the practical consideration in theadvanced FET, several parameter extraction techniques have been introduced such as Yfunction,split C-V etc.FinFET is one of promising alternatives against conventional planar devices. Problem ofFinFET is surface roughness. During the fabrication, the etching process induces surfaceroughness on the sidewall surfaces. Surface roughness of channel decreases the effectivemobility by surface roughness scattering. With the low temperature measurement andmobility analysis, drain current through sidewall and top surface was separated. From theseparated currents, effective mobilities were extracted in each temperature conditions. Astemperature lowering, mobility behaviors from the transport on each surface have differenttemperature dependence. Especially, in n-type FinFET, the sidewall mobility has strongerdegradation in high gate electric field compare to top surface. Quantification of surfaceroughness was also compared between sidewall and top surface. Low temperaturemeasurement is nondestructive characterization method. Therefore this study can be a propersurface roughness measurement technique for the performance optimization of FinFET.As another quasi-1 D nanowire structure device, 3D stacked SiGe nanowire has beenintroduced. Important of strain engineering has been known for the effective mobility booster.The limitation of dopant diffusion by strain has been shown. Without strain, SiGe nanowireFET showed huge short channel effect. Subthreshold current was bigger than strained SiGechannel. Temperature dependent mobility behavior in short channel unstrained device wascompletely different from the other cases. Impurity scattering was dominant in short channelunstrained SiGe nanowire FET. Thus, it could be concluded that the strain engineering is notnecessary only for the mobility booster but also short channel effect immunity.Junctionless FET is very recently developed device compare to the others. Like as JFET,junctionless FET has volume conduction. Thus, it is less affected by interface states.Junctionless FET also has good short channel effect immunity because off-state ofjunctionless FET is dominated pinch-off of channel depletion. For this, junctionless FETshould have thin body thickness. Therefore, multi gate nanowire structure is proper to makejunctionless FET.Because of the surface area to volume ratio, quasi-1D nanowire structure is good for thesensor application. Nanowire structure has been investigated as a sensor. Using numericalsimulation, generation-recombination noise property was considered in nanowire sensor.Even though the surface area to volume ration is enhanced in the nanowire channel, devicehas sensing limitation by noise. The generation-recombination noise depended on the channelgeometry. As a design tool of nanowire sensor, noise simulation should be carried out toescape from the noise limitation in advance.The basic principles of device simulation have been discussed. Finite difference method andMonte Carlo simulation technique have been introduced for the comprehension of devicesimulation. Practical device simulation data have been shown for examples such as FinFET,strongly disordered 1D channel, OLED and E-paper. / At the beginning of this thesis, basic and advanced device fabrication process which I haveexperienced during study such as top-down and bottom-up approach for the nanoscale devicefabrication technique have been described. Especially, lithography technology has beenfocused because it is base of the modern device fabrication. For the advanced device structure,etching technique has been investigated in detail.The characterization of FET has been introduced. For the practical consideration in theadvanced FET, several parameter extraction techniques have been introduced such as Yfunction,split C-V etc.FinFET is one of promising alternatives against conventional planar devices. Problem ofFinFET is surface roughness. During the fabrication, the etching process induces surfaceroughness on the sidewall surfaces. Surface roughness of channel decreases the effectivemobility by surface roughness scattering. With the low temperature measurement andmobility analysis, drain current through sidewall and top surface was separated. From theseparated currents, effective mobilities were extracted in each temperature conditions. Astemperature lowering, mobility behaviors from the transport on each surface have differenttemperature dependence. Especially, in n-type FinFET, the sidewall mobility has strongerdegradation in high gate electric field compare to top surface. Quantification of surfaceroughness was also compared between sidewall and top surface. Low temperaturemeasurement is nondestructive characterization method. Therefore this study can be a propersurface roughness measurement technique for the performance optimization of FinFET.As another quasi-1 D nanowire structure device, 3D stacked SiGe nanowire has beenintroduced. Important of strain engineering has been known for the effective mobility booster.The limitation of dopant diffusion by strain has been shown. Without strain, SiGe nanowireFET showed huge short channel effect. Subthreshold current was bigger than strained SiGechannel. Temperature dependent mobility behavior in short channel unstrained device wascompletely different from the other cases. Impurity scattering was dominant in short channelunstrained SiGe nanowire FET. Thus, it could be concluded that the strain engineering is notnecessary only for the mobility booster but also short channel effect immunity.Junctionless FET is very recently developed device compare to the others. Like as JFET,junctionless FET has volume conduction. Thus, it is less affected by interface states.Junctionless FET also has good short channel effect immunity because off-state ofjunctionless FET is dominated pinch-off of channel depletion. For this, junctionless FETshould have thin body thickness. Therefore, multi gate nanowire structure is proper to makejunctionless FET.Because of the surface area to volume ratio, quasi-1D nanowire structure is good for thesensor application. Nanowire structure has been investigated as a sensor. Using numericalsimulation, generation-recombination noise property was considered in nanowire sensor.Even though the surface area to volume ration is enhanced in the nanowire channel, devicehas sensing limitation by noise. The generation-recombination noise depended on the channelgeometry. As a design tool of nanowire sensor, noise simulation should be carried out toescape from the noise limitation in advance.The basic principles of device simulation have been discussed. Finite difference method andMonte Carlo simulation technique have been introduced for the comprehension of devicesimulation. Practical device simulation data have been shown for examples such as FinFET,strongly disordered 1D channel, OLED and E-paper.

Etude des premiers instants du dépôt chimique par flux alternés (ALD) de films ZnO ultra minces sur In0,53Ga0,47As, dans le but d'optimiser la résistance de contact d'une structure MIS / Visualising the incipient Atomic Layer Deposition of ZnO ultra-thin film on In0,53Ga0,47As, for tailoring contact resistivity

Skopin, Evgenii 15 June 2018 (has links)
Ce travail porte sur l'étude des étapes initiales du dépôt de couches atomiques de ZnO (ALD) sur une surface (100) de In0,57Ga0,43As, par l'utilisation de techniques de caractérisation in situ (rayonnement synchrotron). En raison de la grande mobilité des électrons, le semi-conducteur III-V InGaAs est un matériau potentiel pour remplacer le canal de Silicium dans les transistors à effet de champ (MOSFET). Afin de diminuer la hauteur de la barrière Schottky et la résistance de contact, une couche ultra-mince (tunnel) de ZnO peut être insérée entre le métal et le semiconducteur InGaAs. Au cours de ces dernières années, la technique ALD, compatible avec les spécifications de l'industrie et basée sur des réactions chimiques de surface auto-limitantes, est utilisée pour la fabrication de films minces conformes et homogènes avec un contrôle sub-nanométrique de l’épaisseur. Cependant, le comportement au cours de la croissance diffère fortement en fonction de la surface du substrat. Ainsi, l'étude des premières étapes ALD est particulièrement intéressante afin d’améliorer la compréhension des mécanismes de croissance en vue de la création de films ultra-minces.Pour ce faire, nous avons développé et mis à niveau un réacteur thermique ALD (MOON) dédié. Il peut être installé sur des lignes de lumière synchrotron afin d’étudier la croissance des matériaux in situ avec des techniques telles que la fluorescence X, l’absorption X, la spectroscopie des rayons X ainsi que la diffraction X en incidence rasante. De plus, des techniques optiques de caractérisation in situ peuvent être utilisées en laboratoire ou couplées en milieu synchrotron. Les expériences au synchrotron ont été réalisées sur les lignes de lumière SIRIUS (SOLEIL, Saint-Aubin (France)) et ID3 (ESRF, Grenoble (France)).Nous montrons que dans sa phase initiale, la croissance ALD de ZnO est inhibée par le substrat (100) InGaAs, ce qui conduit à un régime transitoire avant le régime de croissance ALD stable. La première phase du régime transitoire conduit à la formation d’une couche d’oxyde de Zinc, ultra-mince (~1 nm d'épaisseur), fabriquée avec un taux de croissance très faible. L'absorption X et la diffusion X en incidence rasante montrent qu’à ce stade le matériau ZnO est désordonné (non cristallisé) et présente un ordre à courte distance caractérisé par une structure wurtzite embryonnaire. Ensuite, le régime transitoire entre dans une deuxième phase (croissance 3D), le taux de croissance par cycle (GPC) augmente, atteint un maximum puis diminue jusqu'à une valeur constante (croissance ALD stable). Afin de mieux comprendre le mode de croissance 3D nous avons développé un modèle géométrique qui schématise la croissance d’îlots hémisphériques par ALD. Ce modèle permet d'obtenir des paramètres quantitatifs de croissance.En modifiant le débit d’eau (H2O) utilisée comme réactif pendant le processus ALD, il est possible de contrôler le délai (ou le nombre de cycles) avant le début de la croissance 3D. Cet effet est très probablement lié à la variation de la densité des groupes hydroxyle à la surface de l'InGaAs. Par ailleurs, nous avons caractérisé la croissance ALD de ZnO pour différentes températures du substrat InGaAs (dans et hors fenêtre ALD). Les cartes de diffusion des RX réalisées en cours de dépôt, montrent l’apparition d’une phase cristallisée à longue distance en lien avec le démarrage de la croissance 3D. À température élevée, hors de la fenêtre ALD, nous observons une texturation de la couche ZnO lorsque son épaisseur augmente. Aucune relation d’épitaxie n’est observée.Enfin, nous rendons compte de l'utilisation de couches ZnO ultraminces sur InGaAs pour les contacts électriques. La résistance de contact des échantillons de métal/ZnO/InGaAs a été mesurée à l'aide de la méthode Transfert Length Method (TLM). Nous montrons que la résistivité de contact spécifique des tampons Al/p-InGaAs est réduite par l’insertion d’une couche tunnel ZnO entre l'Al et l'InGaAs dopé p. / This work focuses on the study of the initial stages of ZnO atomic layer deposition (ALD) on atomically flat (100) In0.57Ga0.43As surface, notably by using in situ synchrotron techniques. Due to high electron mobility, III-V InGaAs semiconductor has been recognized as a promising material to replace Silicon channel in the metal-oxide-semiconductor-field-effect transistors (MOSFET). Ultrathin ZnO layer on InGaAs can be used as a passivation layer at the interface with the gate transistor dielectric, as well as tunneling layer inserted in between metal/InGaAs contact to decrease the Schottky barrier height and the contact resistance. In the recent years, ALD technique based on self-limiting surface chemical reactions has received world-wide attention for manufacturing highly conformal and homogeneous thin films with sub-nanometer thickness control at low temperatures compatible with industry specifications. However, the growth behavior strongly differs depending on the substrate surfaces. Thus for the creation of few monolayers thick films, the study of ALD in the initial stages of growth is of particular interest for improving the understanding of the growth mechanisms.For that purpose, we have developed and upgraded a thermal ALD reactor (MOON:MOCVD/ALD growth of Oxide Nanostructures) dedicated to monitor the growth of materials by in situ characterization techniques. The MOON reactor can be moved to synchrotron centers for monitoring material growth in situ by using X-ray based techniques, notably X-ray fluorescence, X-ray absorption, XRR, and grazing incidence diffraction. Also, optical in situ techniques can be used in the laboratory. In this work, we show the results of experiments obtained at two synchrotron beamlines, i.e. SIRIUS (SOLEIL, Saint-Aubin (France)) and ID3 (ESRF, Grenoble (France)).We show that ZnO growth in the initial stages is inhibited by the (100) InGaAs substrate, leading to a transient regime prior to the steady ALD is achieved. We report a detailed investigation of this transient regime and find that an ultra-thin (~1-nm-thick) 2D layer is indeed fabricated but with a growth rate so low that one may believe that nothing has been deposited on the surface. We identify the structural and chemical properties of that ultra-thin layer. Only afterward does the substrate inhibited of type 2 growth mode begins: as the cycle number increases, the growth per cycle (GPC) increases, then reaches a maximum and level down to a constant value (steady growth). For a better understanding of the 3D growth mode by reproducing the experimental growth per cycle curves we have developed a geometric model that schematizes the growth of hemispheroid islands by ALD. We show that this model allows obtaining quantitative growth parameters.When water is used as a reactant, we showed that by changing the water flow during the ALD process, it is possible to control the time delay (or cycle number) prior to 3D growth begins. It is very likely that the water flow controls the density of hydroxyl groups on the InGaAs surface. We also demonstrated ZnO ALD for different InGaAs substrate temperatures. By combining in situ X-ray absorption and grazing incidence scattering techniques, we identified a short-range-order atomic structure of the ZnO material, with an embryonic ZnO wurtzite, prior to 3D growth, then a long-range-order structure is detected both by X-ray absorption and X-ray diffraction, together with the appearance of a microstructure. At higher growth temperature, outside of the ALD window, we observed the well-known ZnO texturing when the layer thickness increases.At last, we report on the use of ultrathin ZnO layers on InGaAs in the electrical contact structure. The contact resistance of metal/ZnO/InGaAs samples was measured using Transfer Length Method (TLM). We show that specific contact resistivity of Al/p-InGaAs pads is reduced by inserting a ZnO tunnel layer in between Al and p-doped InGaAs.

Silicon Nanowires for Biosensor Applications

Zörgiebel, Felix 23 November 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Nanostrukturen haben in den letzten Jahrzehnten durch konsequente Förderung wie der im Jahr 2000 gestarteten National Nanotechnology Initiative der USA oder des deutschen Pendants Aktionsplan Nanotechnologie erhebliches Aufsehen, nicht nur in der Wissenschaft, sondern auch in der technischen und wirtschaftlichen Umsetzung erfahren. In Kombination mit biologischen Systemen, deren Funktionalität sich auf der Größenordnung von Nanometern abspielt, finden nanotechnologische Entwicklungen auf dem Gebiet der Medizin ein großes technisches Anwendungsgebiet. Diese Arbeit widmet sich der Untersuchung und technischen Entwicklung von Siliziumnanodrähten als Sensoren für zukünftige medizinische Anwendungen. Im Gegensatz zu Sensoren die auf dotierten Nanodrähten basieren, wurden hier undotierte Nanodrähte untersucht, die mit geringerem Produktionsaufwand auskommen und mittels Schottky-Barrieren als Feldeffekttransistoren nutzbar sind. Deren Eigenschaften wurden im Hinblick auf pH und Biosensorik theoretisch und experimentell untersucht, sowie technisch in ein lab-on-chip sowie ein kompaktes Multiplexer-Messgerät integriert. In einem zweiten, separaten Teil wurden die Eigenschaften undotierter Nanodrähte für die optische Spektroskopie theoretisch modelliert. Die Inhalte beider Teile werden im folgenden kurz zusammengefasst. Um die elektrischen Sensoreigenschaften der Siliziumnanodrähte zu untersuchen, wurden zunächst Computermodelle der Drähte erstellt, mit deren Hilfe der Elektronentransport in flüssiger Umgebung quantenmechanisch modelliert wurde. Die dafür erstellten Modellvorstellungen waren für die sich daran anschließenden experimentellen Untersuchungen des Rauschverhaltens, der pH-Sensitivität sowie der Biosensoreigenschaften sehr vorteilhaft. Mit Hilfe einer neu entwickelten Messmethode konnte der optimale Arbeitspunkt der Sensoren ermittelt werden, sowie die hohe Sensorqualität mittels einer empirischen mathematischen Beschreibung des zu erwartenden Sensorsignals eingeordnet werden. Weiterhin wurden für die Medizintechnik relevante Messungen von Thrombin durchgeführt. Damit ist für den hier beschriebenen Sensortyp ein proof-of-concept für neuartige medizinische Messelemente gelungen. Um die kleinen Abmessungen der Sensoren darüber hinaus technisch nutzbar zu machen, wurden sie in ein lab-on-chip System integriert, in welchem sie als Sensoren für den pH-Wert sowie die ionische Konzentration in Nanoliter-Tropfen verwendet wurden. Desweiteren wurde in Kooperation mit dem Institut für Aufbau- und Verbindungstechnik ein portables Messgerät entwickelt, welches die parallele Messung mehrerer Nanodrahtsensoren ermöglicht. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wird eine theoretische Untersuchung zur Eignung von Silizium-Nanodrähten als Messsonden (Probes) für die optische Spektroskopie vorgestellt. Dazu wurde eine Methode entwickelt mittels derer es möglich ist, Raman und Infrarotspektren von Nanostrukturen mittels Molekulardynamik zu berechnen. Die Methode wurde auf undotierte Silizium-Nanodrähte augewendet und zeigt, dass die Oberflächenbeschaffenheit der Drähte die optischen Spektren entscheidend beeinflusst. Damit konnte die Relevanz von Halbeiter-Nanostrukturen auch für Anwendungen in der optischen Spektroskopie gezeigt werden. / Nanostructures have attracted great attention not only in scientific research, but also in engineering applications during the last decades. Especially in combination with biological systems, whose complex function is controlled from nanoscale building blocks, nanotechnological developments find a huge field of applications in the medical sector. This work is dedicated to the functional understanding and technical implementation of silicon nanowires for future medical sensor applications. In contrast to doped silicon nanowire based sensors, this work is focussed on pure, undoped silicon nanowires, which have lower demands on production techniques and use Schottky-barriers as electric field detectors. The pH and biosensing capabilities of such undoped silicon nanowire field effect transistors were investigated theoretically and experimentally and further integrated in a lab-on-a-chip device as well as a small-scale multiplexer measurement device. In a second separate part, the optical sensing properties of undoped silicon nanowires were theoretically modeled. The main contents of both parts are shortly described in the following paragraphs. A multiscale model of silicon nanowire FETs to describe the charge transport in liquid surrounding in a quantum mechanical framework was developed to investigate the sensing properties of the nanowire sensors in general. The model set the basis for the understanding of the subsequent experimental investigations of noise characterization, pH sensitivity and biosensing properties. With the help of a novel gate sweeping measurement method the optimal working point of the sensors was determined and the high sensor quality could be quantified in terms of an empirical mathematical model. The sensor was then used for measurements of medically relevant concentrations of the Thrombin protein, providing a proof-of-concept for medical applications for our newly developed sensor. In order to exploit the small size of our sensors for technical applications we integrated the devices in lab-on-a-chip system with a microfluidic droplet generation module. There they were used to measure the pH and ionic concentration of droplets. Finally a portable multiplex measurement device for silicon nanowire sensors as well as other ion sensitive FETs was developed in cooperation with the IAVT at TU Dresden (Institut für Aufbau- und Verbindungstechnik). The second part of this thesis investigates the usability of silicon nanowires for optical sensor applications from a theoretical point of view. Therefore a method for the extraction of Raman and Infrared spectra from molecular dynamics simulations was developed. The method was applied to undoped silicon nanowires and shows that the surface properties of the nanowires has a significant effect on optical spectra. These results demonstrate the relevance of semiconductor nanostructures for applications in optical spectroscopy.

Influence of Size and Interface Effects of Silicon Nanowire and Nanosheet for Ultra-Scaled Next Generation Transistors

Orthi Sikder (9167615) 28 July 2020 (has links)
<div>In this work, we investigate the trade-off between scalability and reliability for next generation logic-transistors i.e. Gate-All-Around (GAA)-FET, Multi-Bridge-Channel (MBC)-FET. First, we analyze the electronic properties (i.e. bandgap and</div><div>quantum conductance) of ultra-thin silicon (Si) channel i.e. nano-wire and nano-sheet based on first principle simulation. In addition, we study the influence of interface</div><div>states (or dangling bonds) at Si-SiO<sub>2</sub> interface. Second, we investigate the impact of bandgap change and interface states on GAA-FETs and MBC-FETs characteristics by</div><div>employing Non-equilibrium Green's Function based device simulation. In addition to that, we calculate the activation energy of Si-H bond dissociation at Si-SiO<sub>2</sub> interface for different Si nano-wire/sheet thickness and different oxide electric-field. Utilizing these thickness dependent activation energies for corresponding oxide electric-field, in conjunction with reaction-diffusion model, we compute the characteristics shift and analyze the negative bias temperature instability in GAA-FET and MBC-FET. Based on our analysis, we estimate the operational voltage of these transistors for a life-time of 10 years and the ON current of the device at iso-OFF-current condition. For example, for channel length of 5 nm and thickness < 5 nm the safe operating voltage needs to be < 0.55V. Furthermore, our analysis suggests that the benefit of Si thickness scaling can potentially be suppressed for obtaining a desired life-time of GAA-FET and MBC-FET.</div>

Films minces et dispositifs à base de LixCoO₂ pour application potentielle aux mémoires résistives non volatiles / LixCoO₂-based thin films and devices for potential application to nonvolatile resistive memories

Nguyen, Van-Son 20 October 2017 (has links)
La mémoire Flash est actuellement extrêmement utilisée en tant que mémoire non volatile pour le stockage des données numériques dans presque tout type d'appareil électronique nomade (ordinateur portable, téléphone mobile, tablette, …). Pour dépasser ses limites actuelles (densité d'informations, endurance, rapidité), un grand nombre de recherches se développent notamment autour du concept de mémoires résistives qui repose sur la commutation entre différents niveaux de résistance, via l'application d'une tension.Les mémoires dont la variation de résistance dépend de réactions électrochimiques (ReRAM) sont potentiellement de bonnes candidates pour les mémoires non volatiles de prochaine génération; les mécanismes d'oxydo-réduction impliqués sont cependant souvent de type filamentaire, mettant notamment en jeu des migrations de cations d’éléments métalliques (provenant des électrodes), ou de lacunes d’oxygène. Ce caractère filamentaire rend difficilement atteignable la miniaturisation extrême, à l’échelle nanométrique.Dans cette thèse, une classe de matériaux particulière -utilisée dans le domaine du stockage d'énergie- est étudiée. L’objectif est d’approfondir l’origine des processus de commutation de résistance observés sur des films de LixCoO2. Nous caractérisons d'abord les propriétés structurales et électriques de tels films, ainsi que le comportement électrique des dispositifs élaborés à partir de ces films. Nous étudions ensuite les mécanismes électrochimiques qui sont à l’origine des commutations résistives, dans la configuration d’un contact micrométrique électrode/film/électrode. Nous cherchons à déterminer la validité d’un mécanisme qui avait été proposé auparavant, mais non démontré. Nous étudions également la cinétique de commutation des dispositifs, et proposons un modèle numérique permettant d’expliquer les résultats expérimentaux observés. Enfin, nous étudions l’applicabilité potentielle des dispositifs (intégrant les films de LixCoO2) aux mémoires Re-RAM au travers de leurs performances en termes d’endurance (nombre maximum de cycles d’écriture/effaçage), et de stabilité. En particulier, nous étudions l’influence de plusieurs paramètres (impulsions de tension, nature des électrodes, température et c…) sur ces performances. / Flash memory is now extensively used as non-volatile memory for digital data storage in most mobile electronic devices (laptop, mobile phone, tablet...). To overcome its current limits (e.g. low information density, low endurance and slow speed), many researches recently developed around the concept of resistive memories based on the switching between different resistance levels by applying appropriate bias voltages.Memories whose resistance variations depend on electrochemical reactions (ReRAM) are potentially good candidates towards next-generation non-volatile memories. The underlying redox mechanisms observed are however often of the filamentary type, involving in particular migration of cations of metal elements (coming from the electrodes), or oxygen vacancies. This filamentary character makes it challenging to attain extreme downscaling towards the nanometric scale.In this thesis, a particular class of materials - used in the field of energy storage - is studied. The aim is to investigate the origin of the resistance switching processes observed in LixCoO2 films. We first characterize the structural and electrical properties of such films, as well as the electrical behaviors of the devices elaborated therefrom. We then investigate the electrochemical mechanisms which are at the origin of resistive switching, in the micrometric electrode/film/electrode configuration. We try to determine the validity of a formerly proposed mechanism which was however not yet demonstrated. Furthermore, we study the experimental switching kinetics of devices, and propose a numerical model to explain the results observed. Finally, we examine the potential applicability of LixCoO2-based devices to Re-RAM memories through the study of their performances in terms of endurance (i.e. maximum number of write/erase cycles) and retention. Specifically, the influence of several parameters (such as voltage pulses, chemical nature of the electrodes, temperature etc.) on these performances is investigated.

Quantitative Prediction of Non-Local Material and Transport Properties Through Quantum Scattering Models

Prasad Sarangapani (5930231) 16 January 2020 (has links)
<div> Challenges in the semiconductor industry have resulted in the discovery of a plethora of promising materials and devices such as the III-Vs (InGaAs, GaSb, GaN/InGaN) and 2D materials (Transition-metal dichalcogenides [TMDs]) with wide-ranging applications from logic devices, optoelectronics to biomedical devices. Performance of these devices suffer significantly from scattering processes such as polar-optical phonons (POP), charged impurities and remote phonon scattering. These scattering mechanisms are long-ranged, and a quantitative description of such devices require non-local scattering calculations that are computationally expensive. Though there have been extensive studies on coherent transport in these materials, simulations are scarce with scattering and virtually non-existent with non-local scattering. </div><div> </div><div>In this work, these scattering mechanisms with full non-locality are treated rigorously within the Non-Equilibrium Green's function (NEGF) formalism. Impact of non-locality on charge transport is assessed for GaSb/InAs nanowire TFETs highlighting the underestimation of scattering with local approximations. Phonon, impurity scattering, and structural disorders lead to exponentially decaying density of states known as Urbach tails/band tails. Impact of such scattering mechanisms on the band tail is studied in detail for several bulk and confined III-V devices (GaAs, InAs, GaSb and GaN) showing good agreement with existing experimental data. A systematic study of the dependence of Urbach tails with dielectric environment (oxides, charged impurities) is performed for single and multilayered 2D TMDs (MoS2, WS2 and WSe2) providing guideline values for researchers. </div><div><br></div><div>Often, empirical local approximations (ELA) are used in the literature to capture these non-local scattering processes. A comparison against ELA highlight the need for non-local scattering. A physics-based local approximation model is developed that captures the essential physics and is computationally feasible.</div>

Herstellung, Charakterisierung und Modellierung dünner aluminium(III)-oxidbasierter Passivierungsschichten für Anwendungen in der Photovoltaik

Benner, Frank 24 March 2015 (has links)
Hocheffiziente Solarzellen beruhen auf der exzellenten Oberflächenpassivierung, die minimale Rekombinationsverluste gewährleistet. Innerhalb des letzten Jahrzehnts wurde Al2O3 in der Photovoltaikindustrie zum bevorzugten Material für p-leitendes Si. Unterschiedliche Abscheidetechnologien erreichten Passivierungen mit effektiven Minoritätsladungsträgerlebensdauern nahe der AUGER–Grenze. Die ausgezeichnete Passivierungswirkung von Al2O3wird zwei Effekten zugeschrieben: Einerseits werden Si−SiO2-grenzflächennahe Rekombinationszentren passiviert, wenn Wasserstoff, beispielsweise aus der Al2O3-Schicht, offene Bindungen absättigt. Bedingt durch die hohe Konzentration intrinsischer negativer Ladungen an der SiO2-Grenzfläche weist Al2O3 andererseits einen charakteristischen Feldeffekt auf. Das resultierende elektrische Feld hält Elektronen von Oberflächenrekombinationszentren fern. Negative Ladungen im Al2O3 werden generell als fest bezeichnet. Allerdings hat Al2O3 zusätzlich eine hohe Dichte an Haftstellen, die von Elektronen besetzt werden können. Die Dichte negativer Ladungen im Al2O3-Passivierungsschichten hängt vom elektrischen Feld und der Bestrahlungsintensität ab. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die systematische Untersuchung dielektrischer Passivierungsschichtstapel für die Anwendung auf Si-Solarzellen. Der Qualität und Dicke der SiO2-Grenzschicht kommt in diesem Kontext eine besondere Rolle zu, da sie Ladungsträgertunneln ermöglicht. Der Elektronentransport ist eine Funktion der Oxiddicke und das Optimum zwischen Ladungseinfang und -haltung liegt bei etwa 2 nm SiO2. Vier relevante Al2O3-Abscheidetechnologien werden untersucht: Atomlagenabscheidung, Kathodenzerstäubung, Sprühpyrolyse und Rotationsbeschichtung, wobei die erstgenannte dominiert. Es werden Nanolaminate verglichen, die aus Al2O3 und TiO2, HfO2 oder SiO2 mit subnanometerdicken Zwischenschichten bestehen. Während letztgenannte die Oberflächenrekombination nicht vermindern, beeinflussen TiO2- und HfO2-Nanolaminate die Passivierungswirkung. Ein dynamisches Wachstumsmodell, das initiale und stationäre Wachstumsraten der beteiligten Metalloxide berücksichtigt, beschreibt die physikalischen Parameter. Schichtsysteme mit 0,2 % TiO2 oder 7 % HfO2 sind konventionellen Al2O3-Schichten überlegen. In beiden Fällen überwiegt die veränderte Feldeffekt- der chemischen Passivierung, die mit einer Grenzflächenzustandsdichte von maximal 5·1010 eV−1·cm−2 unverändert auf hohem Niveau verbleibt. Die Ladungsdichte beider Schichtsysteme wird entweder über die Änderung ihrer Polarität der festen Ladungen oder der Fähigkeit zum Ladungseinfang bestimmt. Das Tunneln von Elektronen wird durch ein mathematisches Modell erklärt, dass eine bewegliche Ladungsfront innerhalb der Oxidschicht beschreibt. / High-efficiency solar cells rely on excellent passivation of the surface to ensure minimal recombination losses. In the last decade, Al2O3 became the material of choice for p-type Si in the photovoltaic industry. A remarkable surface passivation with effective minority carrier lifetimes close to the AUGER–limit was demonstrated with different deposition techniques. The excellent passivation effect of Al2O3 is attributed to two effects: Firstly, recombination centers at the Si−SiO2 interface get chemically passivated when hydrogen, for instance from the Al2O3 layer, saturates dangling bonds. Secondly, Al2O3 presents an outstanding level of field effect passivation due to its high concentration of intrinsic negative charges close to the SiO2 interface. The generated electrical field effectively repels electrons from surface recombination centers. Negative charges in Al2O3 are generally termed fixed charges. However, Al2O3 incorporates a high density of trap sites, too, that can be occupied by electrons. It was shown that the negative charge density in Al2O3 passivation layers depends on the electrical field and on the illumination intensity. The goal of this work is to systematically investigate dielectric passivation layer stacks for application on Si solar cells. The SiO2 interface quality and thickness plays a major role in this context, enabling or inhibiting carrier tunneling. Since the electron transport is a function of the oxide thickness, the balance between charge trapping and retention is achieved with approximately 2 nm of SiO2. Additionally, four relevant Al2O3 deposition techniques are compared: atomic layer deposition, sputtering, spray pyrolysis and spin–on coating, whereas the former is predominant. Using its flexibility, laminates comprising of Al2O3 and TiO2, HfO2 or SiO2 with subnanometer layers are compared. Although the latter do not show decreased surface recombination, nanolaminates with TiO2 and HfO2 contribute to the passivation. Their physical properties are described with a dynamic growth model that considers initial and steady–state growth rates for the involved metal oxides. Thin films with 0.2 % TiO2 or 7 % HfO2 are superior to conventional Al2O3 layers. In both cases, the modification of the field effect prevails the chemical effect, that is, however, virtually unchanged on a very high level with a density of interface traps of 5·1010 eV−1·cm−2 and below. The density of charges in both systems is changed via modifying either the polarity of intrinsic fixed charges or the ability of trapping charges within the layers. The observations of electron tunneling are explained by means of a mathematical model, describing a charging front, which moves through the dielectric layer.

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