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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Unga vuxna utanför arbetsmarknaden : -En narrativ studie om NEET ungdomars upplevelse av sina förutsättningar och möjligheter att etableras på arbetsmarknaden / Young Adults Outside the Labor Market : A Narrative Study About NEET Young People's Experience of Their Conditions and Opportunities to Establish Themselves in the Labor Market

Nilsson, Angelina January 2023 (has links)
Sammanfattning Tidigare forskning visar att unga vuxna i NEET gruppen med tiden blir mer passiva och tappar motivationen i förhållande till att söka arbete (Brynner & Parsons, 2002, 299–307). Chelsom Vogt et al. (2020) forskningsresultat visar att 85 procent av de NEET ungdomar i deras studie som hoppade av sina gymnasiestudier inte har läst in sin gymnasiekompetens vid 26 års ålder (Chelsom Vogt et al. 2020, 399).    I denna uppsats har sju kvalitativa intervjuer genomförts med unga vuxna arbetslösa mellan 15–24 år och författaren har bearbetat empirin utifrån en narrativ analysmetod. Syftet med undersökningen är att bidra med kunskap om vilka möjligheter och förutsättningar som unga vuxna långtidsarbetslösa har för att kunna etablera sig på arbetsmarknaden. I studien kommer följande frågeställningar att undersökas: Hur beskriver NEET ungdomar sina förutsättningar och möjligheter i förhållande till att de ska kunna etableras på arbetsmarknaden? Hur upplever NEET ungdomar sin förmåga att kunna hantera sin situation samt komma ur sin arbetslöshet?    Centrala begrepp i denna uppsats är: NEET, unga vuxna, arbetslöshet, uppväxtvillkor. Analysen kommer att utgå från Pierre Bourdieus sociologiska teori och begreppen kapital, fält och habitus samt Aaron Antonovskys teori KASAM. Resultatet från denna studie visar att NEET ungdomars förutsättningar att etablera sig på arbetsmarknaden skiljer sig åt i förhållande till respondenternas habitus och olika sociala påverkansfaktorer. Dessa faktorer är främst erfarenheter av migration, socialt kontaktnät, föräldrarnas utbildningsbakgrund och arbetserfarenheter, ekonomiska svårigheter, konflikter i familjen, mobbning samt umgänge i kriminella kretsar. När det handlar om ungas möjligheter att etableras på arbetsmarknaden visar studien att ungdomarnas habitus i relation till utbildningserfarenheter spelar en stor roll. Positiva aspekter för NEET ungdomar för att kunna hantera sin situation som arbetssökande är förmågan att coacha och motivera sig själv, att kunna identifiera vilket individuellt behov som finns av stöd och hjälp, förmågan att skapa framtidsplaner, tillgång till socialt nätverk samt ekonomiska resurser.     Nyckelord: NEET, unga vuxna, arbetslöshet, uppväxtvillkor

Caught in a ‘spiral’. Barriers to healthy eating and dietary health promotion needs from the perspective of unemployed young people and their service providers

Davison, J., Share, M., Hennessy, M., Stewart-Knox, Barbara January 2015 (has links)
No / The number of young people in Europe who are not in education, employment or training (NEET) is increasing. Given that young people from disadvantaged backgrounds tend to have diets of poor nutritional quality, this exploratory study sought to understand barriers and facilitators to healthy eating and dietary health promotion needs of unemployed young people aged 16–20 years. Three focus group discussions were held with young people (n = 14). Six individual interviews and one paired interview with service providers (n = 7). Data were recorded, transcribed verbatim and thematically content analysed. Themes were then fitted to social cognitive theory (SCT). Despite understanding of the principles of healthy eating, a ‘spiral’ of interrelated social, economic and associated psychological problems was perceived to render food and health of little value and low priority for the young people. The story related by the young people and corroborated by the service providers was of a lack of personal and vicarious experience with food. The proliferation and proximity of fast food outlets and the high perceived cost of ‘healthy’ compared to ‘junk’ food rendered the young people low in self-efficacy and perceived control to make healthier food choices. Agency was instead expressed through consumption of junk food and drugs. Both the young people and service providers agreed that for dietary health promotion efforts to succeed, social problems needed to be addressed and agency encouraged through (individual and collective) active engagement of the young people themselves.

Excitations nucléaires dans les plasmas : le cas du 84m Rb / Nuclear excitations in plasmas : the case of 84m Rb

Denis-Petit, David 28 November 2014 (has links)
Ce travail, à la fois expérimental et théorique, présente l’étude d’un processus d’excitation nucléaire, appelé NEET (Nuclear Excitation by Electron Transition), faisant intervenir un cou-plage entre le noyau et le cortège électronique. Dans celui-ci, une désexcitation électronique peut induire une excitation nucléaire si les transitions nucléaire et atomique sont résonantes et ont la même multipolarité. Le noyau de84Rbest un bon candidat pour mettre en évidence ce processus dans un plasma créé par laser car il possède une transition de basse énergie (environ 3 keV) entre l’état isomérique (Jπ= 6−,T1/2= 20,26min) et l’état Jπ= 5−(T1/2= 9ns). Afin d’évaluer un taux d’excitation par effet NEET, il est nécessaire de décrire les états atomiques dans un plasma et de caractériser précisément la transition nucléaire.Afin d’obtenir une description précise des états atomiques dans un plasma, une méthode de calcul de structure atomique a été développée. Cette méthode est basée sur le code de physique atomique MCDF (Multi-Configuration Dirac-Fock) et emploie une technique de sélection des configurations électroniques les plus probables en tenant compte des propriétés du plasma. Cette méthode de calcul a été validée par l’interprétation d’un spectre X émis par un plasma de Rb produit avec le laser PHELIX du GSI à une intensité de6×1014W/cm2.L’énergie de la transition nucléaire entre les états6−et5−n’était pas connue avec une précision suffisante (∼200eV) pour une évaluation précise du taux d’excitation par effet NEET.Deux expériences de spectroscopie γ ont alors été réalisées auprès des accélérateurs ELSA duCEA/DAM/DIF et Tandem de l’IPN d’Orsay. Elles ont permis d’améliorer de plus d’un ordre de grandeur la précision sur l’énergie de cette transition.A l’issue de ce travail, une évaluation du taux d’excitation par effet NEET dans un plasma a été réalisée afin de dimensionner une expérience. D’après celle-ci, le plasma doit avoir une température suffisamment élevée (de l’ordre de 400 eV) afin d’obtenir un nombre d’isomères excités suffisant pour être détectés. / This experimental and theoretical work deals with the Nuclear Excitation by Electron Tran-sition (NEET) process which involves a coupling between the nucleus and its electron cloud. In this process, an electron de-excitation can induce a nuclear excitation if the atomic and nuclear transitions are resonant and have the same multipolarity. This process could be observed in a laser created plasma of 84Rb because this nucleus has a low energy transition (around 3 keV) between the isomeric state (Jπ= 6−,T1/2= 20,26m) and theJπ= 5−(T1/2= 9ns) state. To evaluate a NEET excitation rate, the atomic states in plasma must be described and the nuclear transition must be precisely characterised.To describe the atomic states in plasma, a method based on a MCDF (Multi-ConfigurationDirac-Fock) code was developed. This one uses a procedure to select the most probable atomic configurations according to the plasma properties. This method was checked by the interpretation of a X-rays spectrum emitted by a Rb plasma. This plasma was produced by the PHELIXlaser of the GSI laboratory at an intensity of6×1014W/cm2.The energy of the nuclear transition between the states6−and5−was not accurate enough for the NEET rate evaluation. Twoγ-rays spectroscopy experiments were conducted at the ELSA accelerator from CEA/DAM/DIF and at the Tandem accelerator from the Orsay laboratory. The accuracy of the nuclear transition energy was improved of more than one order of magnitude. In this work, the NEET rate was evaluated to predict an experiment. The Rb plasma must have a high temperature (around 400 eV) to obtain a sufficient number of excited isomers and therefore to make possible the detection.

Os impactos dos programas condicionais de transferência de renda na oferta de trabalho dos jovens nem-nem / The effects of conditional cash transfer programmes on the labor supply of NEET

Rossi, Camila 06 April 2017 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo estimar os efeitos dos Programas Condicionais de Transferência de Renda (PCTR) no Brasil sobre a oferta de trabalho dos jovens inseridos na situação denominada \"nem-nem\", ou seja, aqueles que não estudam não trabalham e nem estão em busca de emprego. Tendo como base o trabalho de Foguel e Barros (2010) propõe-se verificar se os programas sociais produzem o efeito indesejável de incentivar jovens moradores de domicílios beneficiários a ofertarem menos trabalho, a partir da estimação de modelos de dados em painel aplicados aos microdados da Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios (PNAD/IBGE). Foram construídos dois painéis formados pelo mesmo conjunto de municípios durante dois períodos: de 2001 a 2009 e de 2011 a 2014 e com o desenvolvimento deste projeto foi possível identificar o perfil dos jovens nem-nem no Brasil, os fatores associados a essa condição e a evolução nos últimos anos. Durante todo o período em análise o percentual de jovens nem-nem se manteve relativamente estável, mas apresentou comportamentos distintos entre os grupos avaliados neste trabalho: jovens do sexo masculino, feminino, jovens mães e não mães. De um modo geral, a maioria dos jovens nem-nem se concentra em domicílios de baixa renda, tem baixa escolaridade e destaca-se nessa condição as jovens com filho devido ainda a forte exigência da participação dessas mulheres nas atividades domésticas e cuidados com parentes e/ou crianças. Em relação ao impacto dos PCTR na probabilidade de o domicílio possuir jovens fora do mercado de trabalho e da escola observou-se que apenas para as jovens mães o resultado foi significativo - e nesse caso deve-se considerar a falta de disponibilidade de vagas nas creches e pré-escolas como um intensificador da vulnerabilidade das mulheres nessa condição. Por outro lado, embora os jovens do sexo masculino apresentem o menor percentual de nem-nem entre os grupos analisados, observou-se uma tendência de alta, principalmente entre os menos escolarizados. Dessa forma, políticas públicas de incentivo ao aumento de vagas nas pré-escolas para as crianças devem ser adotadas no sentido de garantir às jovens mães oportunidades de inserção no mercado de trabalho e/ou retorno aos estudos. Deve-se também adotar políticas voltadas para a redução do abandono escolar de jovens do sexo masculino, a fim de evitar círculo vicioso de baixa escolaridade e dificuldade de inserção no mercado de trabalho. / This research aims to estimate the effects of the Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) programmes in Brazil on the labor supply of NEET, that is, youths neither working nor studying or looking for a job. Based on the study of Foguel and Barros (2010), this study verifies if social programs have the undesirable effect of encouraging young people from beneficiary households to offer less work, based on the estimation of panel data models applied to microdata Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios (PNAD / IBGE). Two panels were built by the same set of municipalities during two periods: from 2001 to 2009 and from 2011 to 2014. It was possible to identify the profile of NEET in Brazil, the factors associated with this condition and developments in recent years. Throughout the study period, the percentage of inactive youths remained relatively stable, but presented different behaviors among the groups evaluated in this study: young men, women, young mothers and non-mothers. Generally, the majority of NEET are in on low-income households, have low schooling levels and stands out in this condition the young women with children because they have a large participation in domestic activities and group of children and relative care. Regarding the impact of PCTRs on the probability that there is NEET in the household, it was observed that only for the young mothers the result was significant - and in this case one should consider the lack of availability of day care centers and pre-schools as an intensifier of women\'s vulnerability in this condition. On the other hand, although young males had the lowest percentage of idles among the groups analyzed, there was an increase trend among the less educated youths. Thus, public policies that increase the number of pre-schools for children should be adopted in order to guarantee young mothers\' opportunities to enter into the labor market and/or to return to school. Moreover, it is recommended the implementation of policies to reduce school drop-outs for young males, in order to avoid the vicious cycle of low schooling and difficulty to entering in the labor market.

Os impactos dos programas condicionais de transferência de renda na oferta de trabalho dos jovens nem-nem / The effects of conditional cash transfer programmes on the labor supply of NEET

Camila Rossi 06 April 2017 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo estimar os efeitos dos Programas Condicionais de Transferência de Renda (PCTR) no Brasil sobre a oferta de trabalho dos jovens inseridos na situação denominada \"nem-nem\", ou seja, aqueles que não estudam não trabalham e nem estão em busca de emprego. Tendo como base o trabalho de Foguel e Barros (2010) propõe-se verificar se os programas sociais produzem o efeito indesejável de incentivar jovens moradores de domicílios beneficiários a ofertarem menos trabalho, a partir da estimação de modelos de dados em painel aplicados aos microdados da Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios (PNAD/IBGE). Foram construídos dois painéis formados pelo mesmo conjunto de municípios durante dois períodos: de 2001 a 2009 e de 2011 a 2014 e com o desenvolvimento deste projeto foi possível identificar o perfil dos jovens nem-nem no Brasil, os fatores associados a essa condição e a evolução nos últimos anos. Durante todo o período em análise o percentual de jovens nem-nem se manteve relativamente estável, mas apresentou comportamentos distintos entre os grupos avaliados neste trabalho: jovens do sexo masculino, feminino, jovens mães e não mães. De um modo geral, a maioria dos jovens nem-nem se concentra em domicílios de baixa renda, tem baixa escolaridade e destaca-se nessa condição as jovens com filho devido ainda a forte exigência da participação dessas mulheres nas atividades domésticas e cuidados com parentes e/ou crianças. Em relação ao impacto dos PCTR na probabilidade de o domicílio possuir jovens fora do mercado de trabalho e da escola observou-se que apenas para as jovens mães o resultado foi significativo - e nesse caso deve-se considerar a falta de disponibilidade de vagas nas creches e pré-escolas como um intensificador da vulnerabilidade das mulheres nessa condição. Por outro lado, embora os jovens do sexo masculino apresentem o menor percentual de nem-nem entre os grupos analisados, observou-se uma tendência de alta, principalmente entre os menos escolarizados. Dessa forma, políticas públicas de incentivo ao aumento de vagas nas pré-escolas para as crianças devem ser adotadas no sentido de garantir às jovens mães oportunidades de inserção no mercado de trabalho e/ou retorno aos estudos. Deve-se também adotar políticas voltadas para a redução do abandono escolar de jovens do sexo masculino, a fim de evitar círculo vicioso de baixa escolaridade e dificuldade de inserção no mercado de trabalho. / This research aims to estimate the effects of the Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) programmes in Brazil on the labor supply of NEET, that is, youths neither working nor studying or looking for a job. Based on the study of Foguel and Barros (2010), this study verifies if social programs have the undesirable effect of encouraging young people from beneficiary households to offer less work, based on the estimation of panel data models applied to microdata Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios (PNAD / IBGE). Two panels were built by the same set of municipalities during two periods: from 2001 to 2009 and from 2011 to 2014. It was possible to identify the profile of NEET in Brazil, the factors associated with this condition and developments in recent years. Throughout the study period, the percentage of inactive youths remained relatively stable, but presented different behaviors among the groups evaluated in this study: young men, women, young mothers and non-mothers. Generally, the majority of NEET are in on low-income households, have low schooling levels and stands out in this condition the young women with children because they have a large participation in domestic activities and group of children and relative care. Regarding the impact of PCTRs on the probability that there is NEET in the household, it was observed that only for the young mothers the result was significant - and in this case one should consider the lack of availability of day care centers and pre-schools as an intensifier of women\'s vulnerability in this condition. On the other hand, although young males had the lowest percentage of idles among the groups analyzed, there was an increase trend among the less educated youths. Thus, public policies that increase the number of pre-schools for children should be adopted in order to guarantee young mothers\' opportunities to enter into the labor market and/or to return to school. Moreover, it is recommended the implementation of policies to reduce school drop-outs for young males, in order to avoid the vicious cycle of low schooling and difficulty to entering in the labor market.

Jovens fora do mercado de trabalho e fora da escola: qual a diferença entre os gêneros? / Young people not in education, employment, or training: what is the difference between genders?

Résio, Kadny Jordany Villela de Macêdo 12 June 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Cássia Santos (cassia.bcufg@gmail.com) on 2017-07-10T11:51:42Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Kadny Jordany Villela de Macêdo Résio - 2017.pdf: 1677498 bytes, checksum: 67266c916c56c04089bd4128cf28765c (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2017-07-10T12:24:06Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Kadny Jordany Villela de Macêdo Résio - 2017.pdf: 1677498 bytes, checksum: 67266c916c56c04089bd4128cf28765c (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T12:24:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Kadny Jordany Villela de Macêdo Résio - 2017.pdf: 1677498 bytes, checksum: 67266c916c56c04089bd4128cf28765c (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-06-12 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Goiás - FAPEG / The participation in the labor market is a key item for which the young begin their professional career, even when he starts his stage economically active as an intern for a small company, for example. The development of skills in theory and practice, in all moments in the life of a human being, lead that person to accumulate human capital. Despite being natural that the young chooses to perform some of these activities, 12.9% of people opt for being out of the labor market and out of school (NEET). Despite being natural that the young chooses to perform some of these activities, 12.9% of people opt for being out of the labor market and without school attendance (NOR). Thus, the aim of this research is to analyze the effects of socioeconomic factors and household associated with the likelihood of the young be in situation nor-nor, by gender, by means of a probit model and a decay non-linear Oaxaca-Blinder. For this study, are used microdata from the Demographic Census of 2010 in metropolitan areas of Brazil, to young people aged 15 to 24 years. The results indicate that some factors have an impact on a larger proportion of the situation of being out of the labor market and the abandonment of the school of women, such as, for example, marriage, appointments with the family and age. This jointly affect your financial independence and their schooling and this can be a choice voluntarily or involuntarily, in which the second choice can cause social problems. Beyond that, the subjective effects that impact the young NEET have a much greater expression than what was explain in the empirical model and has more impact in this NEET situation for the female sex. This can be seen by inheritance from Western colonization, as well as differences in the cultural values absorbed by men and women. And, perhaps the biggest concern of all, the presence of domestic violence as a possible factor of permanence of the woman in the NEET situation, by the imprisonment of a women´s body and mind added to a low self esteem context (Gomes et al., 2012) and Little qualification (VIEIRA; PERDONA; SANTOS, 2011). / A participação no mercado de trabalho é um item fundamental para que o jovem inicie sua carreira profissional, mesmo quando ele inicie sua fase economicamente ativa como estagiário de uma pequena empresa, por exemplo. A evolução das habilidades teóricas e práticas, em todos os momentos da vida de um ser humano, levam essa pessoa a acumular capital humano. Apesar de ser natural que o jovem opte por realizar alguma dessas atividades, 12,9% das pessoas optam por estar fora do mercado de trabalho e sem frequência escolar (nem-nem). Dessa forma, o objetivo da presente pesquisa é analisar os efeitos dos fatores socioeconômicos e domiciliares associados à probabilidade de o jovem estar em situação nem-nem, por gênero, por meio de um modelo probit e de uma decomposição não linear de Oaxaca-Blinder. Para essa pesquisa, são utilizados os microdados do Censo Demográfico de 2010 das regiões metropolitanas do Brasil, para jovens de 15 a 24 anos. Os resultados indicam que alguns fatores impactam em maior proporção a situação de estar fora do mercado de trabalho e o abandono da escola das mulheres, como, por exemplo, o matrimônio, compromissos com a família e idade maior de 19 anos. Essa conjunta afeta sua independência financeira e sua escolarização e isso pode ser uma escolha voluntária ou involuntária, na qual a segunda opção pode gerar problemas sociais. Já os efeitos subjetivos que impactam o jovem nem-nem possuem uma expressão muito maior do que as explicações do modelo empírico e prejudica de forma mais expressiva essa situação para o sexo feminino. Isso pode ser visto pela herança da colonização ocidental, além das diferenças nos valores culturais absorvidos por homens e mulheres. E, talvez como realidade mais preocupante, a presença da violência doméstica como possível fator de permanência da mulher na situação nem-nem, pelo aprisionamento do corpo e da mente em um contexto de baixo autoestima (GOMES et al., 2012) e pouca qualificação (tanto profissional quanto em escolarização) (VIEIRA; PERDONA; SANTOS, 2011).

Full participation in education and training to age 18 in England : perspectives from policy and life-worlds of young people

Offer, Frank Stanley January 2013 (has links)
This thesis draws on the voices of the young people who will be affected by the government’s proposal to increase the age of participation in education and training to 18 by 2015, voices which are otherwise overlooked in policy formulation and much research. The young people most affected are those who currently do not participate in education or training after the age of 16. The thesis takes a phenomenological approach, building understanding from the young people’s perspectives of their life-worlds and their reasons for not participating and exploring their response to their particular circumstances as perceived by them. The thesis explores their understanding through focus groups held in one local authority in South East England, comprising urban and rural settings. The thesis highlights factors that impede young people’s participation from their own perspectives, which fall into three categories: physical factors; social factors; and emotional factors. Nationally, the government has confirmed its commitment to raising the participation age by 2015, yet many of the government’s policies are exacerbating the challenges that young people face. This study concludes that the barriers highlighted by young people in relation to physical factors; social factors; and emotional factors are neglected in the current policy drive to full participation to age 18 and this needs urgent attention if the policy is to succeed. The thesis proposes a model which is offered for future policy and practice development to give greater weight to the perspectives of young people in relation to participation as expressed in this research. There is a risk if their concerns are not addressed that young people who have experienced a failure by the system and associated damaged self esteem, are now further pathologised, and potentially criminalised, for failing to fulfil their duty to participate. Yet, a more holistic approach that addresses the broader issues highlighted by this research, could realise pathways into further education and training that redress some of the previous negative experience and restore their confidence for the future.

Frånvaro - en klassfråga?

Fogelgren, Niklas, Karlsson, Victor January 2018 (has links)
Frånvaro bland elever i gymnasiet är ett allt mer tilltagande problem. Elever med en hög frånvaro brukar inom forskningen benämnas ELOF (elever med omfattande frånvaro). Det är konstaterat att det existerar ett samband mellan frånvaro och låga betyg samt chansen att ta studentexamen. I värsta fall hoppar ungdomen i fråga helt av gymnasiet och slutför därmed inte sina studier. Detta försämrar avsevärt denne individs livschanser och tenderar till att påbörja en negativ spiral in i ett utanförskap där ungdomen får svårigheter på utbildnings, arbets- och bostadsmarknaden. Denna utanförskapsprocess kallas för social exkludering vilket innebär att ungdomen finner sig själv utanför samhällsgemenskapen. Studien är upplagd med en komparativ metod och jämför Solna och Sundbybergs arbete med gruppen ELOF. Fokus har legat på att hitta olikheter i arbetssätten, inte att finna en metod som skulle fungera för båda kommunerna. Vi noterade att Solna uppvisar lägre ungdomsarbetslöshet än Sundbyberg. Detta ansåg vi vara anmärkningsvärt och bestämde oss för att fördjupa oss i varför det skiljer sig mellan kommunerna? I studien har vi identifierat en socioekonomisk faktor som kan tänkas vara en bidragande orsak till dessa skillnader, nämligen andelen högskoleutbildade i respektive kommun. Resultaten från vår studie tyder även på att ungdomar med psykisk ohälsa och diagnoser tenderar att löpa större risk att befinna sig i ELOF.

Unga individers återgång till sysselsättning : En studie utifrån anhörigas och en professionell persons uppfattning / Young individuals return to occupation : A study from relatives and a professional person’s comprehension

Asplund, Sara, Önsten, Ida January 2020 (has links)
Då unga individer varken arbetar, studerar eller erhåller annan likvärdig sysselsättning skapas problem på olika nivåer eftersom såväl samhälle, familj och individ påverkas. Vidare saknas anhörigas perspektiv vilket kan problematiseras utifrån att kunskap kring unga individers återgång till sysselsättning är av betydelse och deras anhöriga kan tänkas besitta kännedom om ämnet. Studien syftar sammanfattningsvis till att genom kvalitativa intervjuer med anhöriga och en professionell person fördjupa kunskapsläget samt öka förståelse för deras uppfattning, med fokus på vad som hindrar respektive bidrar till unga individers återgång till studier, arbete eller praktik. Studien berör unga individer av olika kön i åldrarna 14 till och med 26 år vilka är eller tidigare varit utanför studier, arbete eller praktik. Ekologisk systemteori utgör studiens teoretiska utgångspunkt och används i en tematisk analys av resultatet. Studien resulterar i ett flertal bidragande respektive hindrande faktorer för unga individers återgång. Individens motivation, utveckling och relationer kan bidra till men också hindra återgång. Detsamma gäller stöd och anpassningar, organisatoriska aspekter samt anhöriga. Även normer och regleringar kan verka bidragande samt hindrande för unga individers återgång till studier, arbete eller praktik. Därutöver visar resultatet att unga individers återgång hindras av psykisk ohälsa, händelser, ekonomiska aspekter samt av den tid som individen varit utanför studier, arbete eller praktik. Studien görs som en del av Vi-projektet.

Unga som varken arbetar eller studerar – ett komplext problem som kräver olika lösningar : En kvalitativ studie om orsaker till att unga varken arbetar eller studerar samt hinder till att få hjälp

Hallgren, Frida, Henriksson, Johanna January 2020 (has links)
Unga som varken arbetar eller studerar (UVAS) är en grupp som fått alltmer uppmärksamhet i Sverige och Europa. Att unga vuxna är utan sysselsättning kan få konsekvenser både för samhället med höga kostnader men även för den unga själv i form av psykiskt och socialt lidande. Tidigare forskning visar på att unga som varken arbetar eller studerar är en heterogen grupp med individuella behov, samt att psykisk ohälsa är vanligt förekommande inom målgruppen. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka vad unga vuxna med erfarenhet av att vara UVAS samt professionella som arbetar med UVAS anser är orsak till att bli UVAS, hinder till hjälp för att ta sig ur sin situation och psykiska ohälsa samt förslag på hur fler UVAS kan få hjälp. Studien har utförts genom en kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer. De intervjuade är sju professionella som på något sätt arbetar med UVAS samt tre unga med erfarenhet att vara UVAS. Studien utgår från ett systemteoretiskt perspektiv och Bronfenbrenners ekologiska modell. Resultatet har analyserats genom tematisk analys. Resultaten visar att UVAS-gruppen är heterogen och att orsaker till att bli en UVAS varierar och att flera orsaker kan påverka- och förstärka varandra. Orsaker som framkommer är bland annat svårigheter i skolan, oroliga hemförhållanden samt psykisk ohälsa. Hinder för UVAS att få hjälp finns enligt studiens empiri på både strukturell- och individuell nivå. Exempel på hinder som framkommer är långa väntetider inom psykiatrin, att det inom skolan saknas resurser för individanpassat stöd, stigmatisering av psykisk ohälsa samt en social ångest som gör det svårt för UVAS att ta sig utanför hemmet. Förslag som finns för att fler UVAS ska få hjälp att ta sig ur sin situation och psykiska ohälsa är bland annat förbättrad samverkan mellan myndigheter och verksamheter, individuellt anpassat stöd, alternativa undervisningssätt i skolan samt fler lättillgängliga hälsovårdstjänster. / Young people not in education, employment or training (NEET, which is comparable with UVAS in swedish) is a group which has received more and more attention in Sweden and Europe. Young people who neither work or study is a problem both on society level with high costs for the society as well as on an individual level in form of poor mental health and social suffering. Previous research shows that NEET is a heterogeneous group with individual needs, and that poor mental health is common in the group. This study aims to investigate what young adults with experience of being NEETs as well as professionals who work with NEETs consider to be the reason of becoming NEET, barriers to get help to get out of their situation and poor mental health and suggestions on how more NEETs can get access to help. The study has been conducted through a qualitative method with semi-structured interviews. The respondents are seven professionals who work with NEETs and three young people with experience of being NEET. The study is based on a system theoretical perspective and Bronfenbrenner's ecological model. The results have been analyzed through thematic analysis. The result shows that NEET is a heterogeneous group and that causes of becoming NEET vary and can affect each other. Causes that emerge include difficulties in school, troubled home conditions and poor mental health. Example of barriers that emerge are long queues to get help from the psychiatry, lack of resources in schools for individualized support, stigmatization of poor mental health and social anxiety. Suggestions to help more NEET to get out of their situation and poor mental health includes improved collaboration between authorities and welfare services, individually adapted support, alternative teaching methods in the school and more accessible health care services.

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