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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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04 May 2018 (has links)
[pt] Filipenses 2,6-11 é texto fundamental na cristologia do cristianismo primitivo e neotestamentária. Inserido na parênese da carta de Paulo aos Filipenses, a passagem desenvolve uma narrativa cristológica que começa na preexistência, passa pela encarnação e culmina na exaltação de Jesus. No contexto da carta funciona como um chamado ético aos que estão em Cristo à obediência ao Senhor exaltado. Literariamente o texto é um hino composto de duas partes: 2,6-8 e 2,9-11, e a leitura proposta é ver nesta segunda seção o clímax do hino, que justamente trata da exaltação de Jesus. O tema da exaltação é apresentado dentro de uma perspectiva escatológica, pois o início do senhorio de Jesus é o cumprimento da esperança israelita no triunfo de Deus, é a virada escatológica que traz o tempo de salvação. Através da exaltação Deus compartilhou com seu Filho a soberania sobre o universo, implicando que todos os seres precisam agora dobrar os joelhos diante de Jesus e reconhecê-lo como Senhor. Aqueles que já fazem isso voluntariamente vivenciam antecipadamente o que será a realidade escatológica final. Esse novo papel de Jesus é descrito pelo título kurios, que combinado com outros elementos do texto atribui a ele contornos divinos e de igualdade com YHWH, além de uma oposição às ideologias romanas. A exaltação de Jesus também está ligada com a revolução cristológica que aconteceu no culto cristão primitivo, quando os cristãos judeus adoraram Jesus ao lado de Deus Pai, sem renunciar ao seu monoteísmo. O final do hino enfatiza exatamente que a exaltação de Jesus foi conduzida por Deus e resulta em sua própria glória. / [en] Philippians 2,6-11 is a fundamental text in the Christology of early Christianity and the New Testament. Inserted in the parenesis of Paul s letter to the Philippians, the passage develops a Christological narrative that begins in the preexistence, passes through the incarnation and culminates in the exaltation of Jesus. In the context of the letter functions as an ethical call to those who are in Christ in obedience to the exalted Lord. Literarily, the text is a hymn composed of two parts: 2,6-8 and 2,9-11; and the proposed reading is to see in this second section the climax of the hymn, which precisely deals with the exaltation of Jesus. The theme of exaltation is displayed within an eschatological perspective, since the beginning of the lordship of Jesus is the fulfillment of the Israelite hope in the triumph of God, it is the eschatological turn that brings the fulfillment of salvation. Through exaltation, God shared with His Son the sovereignty over the universe, implying that all beings must now bend to his knees before Jesus and acknowledge him as Lord. Those who already do so voluntarily experience in advance what will be the reality of the eschatological end. This new role of Jesus is described by the title kurios, which combined with the other elements of the text gives it contours to the divine and equality with YHWH, in addition to opposition to Roman ideologies. The exaltation of Jesus is also connected to the Christological revolution that happened in the worship of the early Christian, when the Jewish Christians worshipped Jesus alongside God the Father, without giving up their monotheism. The end of the hymn emphasizes exactly that the exaltation of Jesus was led by God and results in his own glory.

Här finns inget evangelium kvar : En kvalitativ intervjustudie av Svenska kyrkans representanters syn på klimatförändringarna, den yttersta dagen och människor med existentiell ångest. / There’s no gospel left : A qualitative interview study of the views of the Church of Sweden on climate change, judgement day and people with existential anxiety

Andersson, Anton January 2020 (has links)
During the 20th century, our planet and its population have faced a number of environmental challenges. The climate on earth is changing and it is most likely due to human activity and the destruction of the earth's resources, ecosystems and waterways. More recently a very active environmental movement is taking up more space in people's lives. In many ways, it can be considered that climate change, and the movement that accompanied it, created a generation of people who proclaim a doom as a result of human destruction of the planet. I have conducted qualitative online interviews with nine representatives from the Church of Sweden, mainly church pastors from southern Sweden, to see how they relate to climate change, their views on judgement day and how they respond to people in their office who have anxiety and are concerned about climate change and the possible destruction of the human race. The result shows that all respondents in the survey place a great focus on man's individual and collective responsibility in the care for the earth, that is, according to them, God's creation. Through Berger’s social-constructivist theories of secularization, the study shows that the climate movement itself sometimes lacks Christian values of optimism and Christian concepts, such as God's grace, forgiveness, and hope. It thus gives the impression that the movement in some ways has a secular character. In contrast to this, the representatives of the Swedish Church claim to have a hopeful attitude and mostly believe that climate change is not part of the eschatological prophecies described in the Bible. However, they often reason that one cannot know for certain what the future holds, but as they hope and long for Christ's return, they have no fear but instead put their faith in hope and in God. They believe there is a clearer optimism on their part in the form of forgiveness, grace and hope and are willing to lead by example by caring for people who fear and encourage them to hope and the trust in God.

Interactive Machine Assistance: A Case Study in Linking Corpora and Dictionaries

Black, Kevin P 01 November 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Machine learning can provide assistance to humans in making decisions, including linguistic decisions such as determining the part of speech of a word. Supervised machine learning methods derive patterns indicative of possible labels (decisions) from annotated example data. For many problems, including most language analysis problems, acquiring annotated data requires human annotators who are trained to understand the problem and to disambiguate among multiple possible labels. Hence, the availability of experts can limit the scope and quantity of annotated data. Machine-learned pre-annotation assistance, which suggests probable labels for unannotated items, can enable expert annotators to work more quickly and thus to produce broader and larger annotated resources more cost-efficiently. Yet, because annotated data is required to build the pre-annotation model, bootstrapping is an obstacle to utilizing pre-annotation assistance, especially for low-resource problems where little or no annotated data exists. Interactive pre-annotation assistance can mitigate bootstrapping costs, even for low-resource problems, by continually refining the pre-annotation model with new annotated examples as the annotators work. In practice, continually refining models has seldom been done except for the simplest of models which can be trained quickly. As a case study in developing sophisticated, interactive, machine-assisted annotation, this work employs the task of corpus-dictionary linkage (CDL), which is to link each word token in a corpus to its correct dictionary entry. CDL resources, such as machine-readable dictionaries and concordances, are essential aids in many tasks including language learning and corpus studies. We employ a pipeline model to provide CDL pre-annotations, with one model per CDL sub-task. We evaluate different models for lemmatization, the most significant CDL sub-task since many dictionary entry headwords are usually lemmas. The best performing lemmatization model is a hybrid which uses a maximum entropy Markov model (MEMM) to handle unknown (novel) word tokens and other component models to handle known word tokens. We extend the hybrid model design to the other CDL sub-tasks in the pipeline. We develop an incremental training algorithm for the MEMM which avoids wasting previous computation as would be done by simply retraining from scratch. The incremental training algorithm facilitates the addition of new dictionary entries over time (i.e., new labels) and also facilitates learning from partially annotated sentences which allows annotators to annotate words in any order. We validate that the hybrid model attains high accuracy and can be trained sufficiently quickly to provide interactive pre-annotation assistance by simulating CDL annotation on Quranic Arabic and classical Syriac data.

To Know the One True God: Reconciling the God of the Old Testament with the God of the New Testament

Newman, Kelly D. 22 June 2006 (has links) (PDF)
There is a popular misconception in the world that Jehovah is too severe on occasion while Jesus Christ is always kind and merciful. The Latter-day Saint belief that Jehovah and Jesus are the same person presents a supposed conflict. There has not been much written on this subject by either non-Latter-day Saints or Latter-day Saints, thus, this thesis represents a unique contribution to a common perception prevalent in many Christian circles. The research of this thesis shows that the misconception is based on three problems: first, a misinterpretation of biblical stories in both the Old and New Testament; second, a lack of understanding biblical context and culture; and third, a lack of applying modern revelation to this subject. The research of this thesis focuses on these three areas in an effort to resolve this false perception. This thesis takes a deeper look into the acts of Jehovah and Jesus Christ as found in the Old and New Testaments respectively. Next, it looks as several doctrines related to this subject that have been revealed through latter-day prophets and incorporates them into the Old Testament. This analysis paints a broader picture of the Lord and illustrates that He was, indeed, merciful in the Old Testament but, at times, severe in the New Testament. Lastly, this thesis takes four of the most difficult Old Testament stories that seem to represent Jehovah as harsh, capricious, and unyielding, and puts them in their cultural setting. Though not every act can be completely explained, there is a high degree of similarity between Jehovah and Jesus. The study concludes, therefore, that much of the problem lies with perception and not with reality.

The Influence of Israelite Temple Rites and Early Christian Esoteric Rites on the Development of Christian Baptism

Wilkins, Ryan T. 06 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis seeks to answer the question of the origin of some of the most fundamental additions made to early Christian baptism. Christian baptism began in a relatively simple liturgical form, but became, by the fourth century, a much more dramatic set of initiation rituals. Among the added elements to baptism were washing ceremonies in the nude, physical anointing with oil, being marked or signed with the cross on the forehead, and receiving white garments. Scholars have proposed different theories as to the origins of these baptismal rituals. Some claim the elements existed in the New Testament practice of the rite. Others have supposed that the Christian church adopted the elements from either the Jewish synagogue or from contemporary pagan modes of initiation. This thesis argues that the initiation rituals of the Israelite tabernacle and temple provide a much more likely source for the added elements of Christian baptism. The esoteric practices of the temple priests became the esoteric tradition of early Christianity. The rites of this temple-oriented esoteric tradition in both the Old and New Testaments parallel, and may have been the origin for, the evolutions made to Christian baptism during the third and fourth centuries of the church. Christian groups such as the Valentinians provide evidence of higher esoteric rites being interpreted as baptism. Somehow the esoteric rites of the Israelite temple and the esoteric rites of early Christianity were adopted into the practice of Christian baptism.


DIEGO DA SILVA RAMOS 08 June 2021 (has links)
[pt] discurso escatológico seminal de Jesus, presente em Mc 13, traz em seu corpo algumas descrições de abalo cósmico, guerras e tribulações que não deixam nada a desejar se comparado às melhores produções cinematográficas e literárias da atualidade. Este cenário apocalíptico é explorado exegeticamente nesta pesquisa, tomando como objeto material Mc 13,24-27. A motivação para a escolha da perícope se deve ao interesse do autor pelo campo que investiga o uso das fontes bíblicas e extrabíblicas na narrativa evangélica; e justifica-se pela incipiente produção acadêmica que versa sobre o fenômeno da intertextualidade em Marcos. O problema da pesquisa parte da seguinte indagação: quais as contribuições da análise intertextual em Mc 13,24-27? Diante desse questionamento, o objetivo geral do trabalho visa apresentar as contribuições da análise intertextual a partir dos textos-fonte e contextuais utilizados em Mc 13,24-27. Para alcançar tal objetivo, o estudo terá como objetivos específicos: descrever o contexto literário de Mc 13; realizar a análise exegética do objeto material pelo método histórico-crítico; investigar os pressupostos hermenêuticos e como a exegese bíblica era empregada no período apostólico; e, por fim, examinar a intertextualidade entre os textos-fonte e contextuais que compõem Mc 13,24-27. O trabalho pretende despertar a atenção para o uso das diversas fontes que entraram ou podem ter entrado em contato com os autores do Novo Testamento e, de certo modo, influenciado na releitura do Antigo Testamento. / [en] The seminal eschatological discourse of Jesus, present in Mc 13, brings in his body some descriptions of cosmic upheaval, wars and tribulations that can be equally compared to a Hollywood production or literary story of today. This apocalyptic scenario is explored exegetically in this research, taking Mc 13,24-27 as material object. The motivation for choosing the pericope is due to the author s interest in the field that investigates the use of biblical and extra-biblical sources in the evangelical narrative; and it is justified by the incipient academic production that deals with the phenomenon of intertextuality in Marcos. The research problem starts from the following question: what are the contributions of the intertextual analysis in Mc 13,24-27? In view of this questioning, the general objective of the study aims to present the contributions of intertextual analysis based on the source and contextual texts used in Mc 13,24-27. To achieve this objective, the study will have as specific objectives: to describe the literary context of Mc 13; perform the exegetical analysis of the material object by the historical-critical method; investigate hermeneutic assumptions and how biblical exegesis was used in the apostolic period; and, finally, to examine the intertextuality between the source and contextual texts that make up Mc 13,24-27. The work intends to draw attention to the use of the various sources that got or may got in touch with the authors of the New Testament and, in a way, influenced the reinterpretation of the Old Testament.

A Case for Generative Linguistics in New Testament Exegesis : Surveying the Current Theoretical Landscape and Possible Applicability to Biblical Studies

Kristiansson, Per January 2022 (has links)
This essay surveys the current theoretical landscape of modern linguistics, asking whethe generative and possibly transformational linguistics can be applied to syntactic analysis of New Testament texts written in Koine Greek to find lingual hallmarks in the form of personal usage of syntactic rules that uniquely identify the authors of the texts. The conclusion is that there seems to be evidence that an application of a minimalist approach could make the detection of such lingual hallmarks possible.

Länge leve livet : En lexikal typologisk studie om begreppet LIV med hjälp av en bibelkorpus / Long live life : A lexical typological study about the concept of LIFE using a Bible corpus

Ardabili-Farshi, Daniel R. January 2022 (has links)
Det här är en lexikal typologisk pilotstudie som undersöker begreppet LIV i elva olika språk. Huvudmaterialet består av texter från Bibeln, Nya testamentet. Studien utgår ifrån de koine-grekiska lexemen för liv, ζωή (zōḗ), ψυχή (psūkhḗ) och βῐ́ος (bíos). Uti- från huvudmaterial från parallelltexterna har probabilistiska semantiska kartor skapats genom multidimensionell skalering för varje språk och har analyserats med partitio- ning around medoids pam(). Resultatet visar på två intressanta fenomen. För det förs- ta har zōḗ översatts mest enhetligt. psūkhḗ och bíos översätts på ett mer varierande sätt i det flesta språken där fler olika lexem har använts och det här tyder på att deras be- tydelse är mer varierad. De koine-grekiska lexemen bildar en konceptuell struktur, vilket innebär att de olika koncepten för LIV inordnas efter en snävare och bredare be- tydelse. För det andra, visar resultatet även att språken anpassar sitt vokabulär för att efterliknar denna struktur. Det visar sig tydligast i språk med flera lexem för LIV samt hur de används för att översätta de tre koine-grekiska lexemen. / This is a lexical typological pilot study that examines the concept of LIFE in eleven different languages. The main material consists of texts retrieved from the Bible, the New Testament. The study is based on the Koine-Greek lexemes for life, ζωή (zōḗ), ψυχή (psūkhḗ) and βῐ́ος (bíos). Probabilistic semantic maps have been created through multidimensional scaling for each language and have been analyzed with partitioning around medoids pam(). The results show two interesting phenomena. Firstly, zōḗ has been translated most consistently. psūkhḗ and bíos have been translated with more va- riation in most languages where several different lexemes have been used, and this indicates that their meaning is more varied. The Koine-Greek lexemes form a concep- tual structure, which means that the various concepts of LIFE is arranged according to a narrower and broader meaning. Secondly the results also show that the languages adapt their vocabulary to mimic this structure, it is most evident in languages with several lexemes for LIFE and how they are used to translate the three Koine-Greek lexemes.

Bedeutung und hermeneutischen Implikationen der Verweise auf die Schöpfungsordnung und den Fall Evas in 1. Timotheus 2 / The meaning and hermeneutical implications of the references to the order of creation and the fall of Eve in 1 Timothy 2

Haslebacher, Christian 02 1900 (has links)
German text / Nach grundsätzlichen Überlegungen zur Allgemeingültigkeit, Kultur- und Zeitbezo-genheit neutestamentlicher Aussagen untersucht die vorliegende Studie das Lehrver-bot der Frauen im gesamtbiblischen Kontext. Dadurch resultiert 1. Timotheus 2:12-14 als Schlüsseltext in der Frage, ob Frauen für den leitenden und lehrenden Dienst in der Gemeinde zugelassen sind. Hinweise für das richtige Verständnis von 1. Ti-motheus 2:12-14 sind Vergleiche mit anderen paulinischen Verweisen auf erzählte Ereignisse des Alten Testaments und ihre Funktion im jeweiligen Diskurs, die Wir-kungsgeschichte der Schöpfungsreihenfolge und von Evas Fall im Frühjudentum sowie die Funktion dieser Verweise in der Argumentation im 1. Timotheusbrief. Ab-schliessend wird 1. Timotheus 2:12-14 im Bezug auf den unmittelbaren Kontext un-tersucht. Die vorliegende Arbeit schließt, dass 1. Timotheus 2:12-14 trotz der Ver-weise auf die Schöpfungsreihenfolge und den Fall Evas nicht als allgemeingültig zu verstehen ist. / After general reflections on universal validity, and on the cultural and temporal set-ting of New Testament propositions, this study examines the prohibition on women teaching in Christian congregations in the context of the whole Biblical canon. From this perspective, 1 Timothy 2:12-14 offers a key role for the validity of women as leaders and teachers. Clues towards a correct understanding of 1 Timothy 2:12-14 are to be found in comparisons with references to Old Testament events and their par-ticular function in Pauline discourse, in reception of the order of creation and fall of Eve in early Judaism, and in the function of these references in the argument of 1 Timothy. Finally, 1 Timothy 2:12-14 is examined in view of its immediate context. The thesis concludes that, despite its reference to the order of creation and the fall of Eve, 1 Timothy 2:12-14 should not be understood as an absolute prohibition. / New Testament / M. Th. (New Testament)

Bedeutung und hermeneutischen Implikationen der Verweise auf die Schöpfungsordnung und den Fall Evas in 1. Timotheus 2 / The meaning and hermeneutical implications of the references to the order of creation and the fall of Eve in 1 Timothy 2

Haslebacher, Christian 02 1900 (has links)
German text / Nach grundsätzlichen Überlegungen zur Allgemeingültigkeit, Kultur- und Zeitbezo-genheit neutestamentlicher Aussagen untersucht die vorliegende Studie das Lehrver-bot der Frauen im gesamtbiblischen Kontext. Dadurch resultiert 1. Timotheus 2:12-14 als Schlüsseltext in der Frage, ob Frauen für den leitenden und lehrenden Dienst in der Gemeinde zugelassen sind. Hinweise für das richtige Verständnis von 1. Ti-motheus 2:12-14 sind Vergleiche mit anderen paulinischen Verweisen auf erzählte Ereignisse des Alten Testaments und ihre Funktion im jeweiligen Diskurs, die Wir-kungsgeschichte der Schöpfungsreihenfolge und von Evas Fall im Frühjudentum sowie die Funktion dieser Verweise in der Argumentation im 1. Timotheusbrief. Ab-schliessend wird 1. Timotheus 2:12-14 im Bezug auf den unmittelbaren Kontext un-tersucht. Die vorliegende Arbeit schließt, dass 1. Timotheus 2:12-14 trotz der Ver-weise auf die Schöpfungsreihenfolge und den Fall Evas nicht als allgemeingültig zu verstehen ist. / After general reflections on universal validity, and on the cultural and temporal set-ting of New Testament propositions, this study examines the prohibition on women teaching in Christian congregations in the context of the whole Biblical canon. From this perspective, 1 Timothy 2:12-14 offers a key role for the validity of women as leaders and teachers. Clues towards a correct understanding of 1 Timothy 2:12-14 are to be found in comparisons with references to Old Testament events and their par-ticular function in Pauline discourse, in reception of the order of creation and fall of Eve in early Judaism, and in the function of these references in the argument of 1 Timothy. Finally, 1 Timothy 2:12-14 is examined in view of its immediate context. The thesis concludes that, despite its reference to the order of creation and the fall of Eve, 1 Timothy 2:12-14 should not be understood as an absolute prohibition. / New Testament / M. Th. (New Testament)

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