Spelling suggestions: "subject:"dew detechnologies"" "subject:"dew aitechnologies""
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Case study of the energy performance of a school building in Laholm, Sweden : Energy modeling for the formulation of efficient renovation strategiesGutiérrez Prieto, Daniel Andrés January 2022 (has links)
This study has been focusing on a school located in the municipality of Laholm, South of Sweden. Employing an energy balance of the last five (5) years, a proposal for measures is made in terms of performance for comparison with the baseline of the current consumption trend. This comparison allowed us to narrow down the alternatives for the renovation with the potential to have a great impact on the school's energy use and indoor environment, but also on the preserved characteristics without any violation of the laws and regulations. A complementary analysis was used to analyze important variables for decision-making and implementation of improvements. This analysis consists of an exergy analysis which was utilized as a pre-design tool for an optimized building renovation proposal. Exergy losses were calculated to assess the performance of the systems. The study revealed that in relation to the use of new technologies and materials, aerogel and vacuum insulation panels bring relevant savings as their insulation mechanisms are the most efficient for such a building in a climate like Laholm. As for the heating system, it was evident that the use of a geothermal heat pump associated to PV panels brings considerable energy benefits when compared to the current oil boiler system and given that the village does not yet have a local district heating system. When the proposed measures are applied during 2022- 2023, the results will show that also older buildings can be energy efficient which is demanded of the buildings stock throughout the European Union.
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Teaching Mathematics in Eniaio Lykeio (Unified Upper-Secondary Education) with the use of New TechnologiesTsami, Eleni 11 May 2012 (has links)
In the teaching of the subject of Mathematics and in particular, in the teaching of the linear function f(x) = ax + b, the use of Microsoft Office Excel programme ( 1st grade of Eniaio Lykeio/ Unified upper-secondary school) equally facilitates both participants of the learning
process, as the particular programme is incorporated in the context of the learner-centered educational procedure. Within the framework of this point of view and with the aim of effectively compiling the syllabus, the application of twelve (12) basic principles hinging on
the active participation of learners in mutual cooperation, is considered necessary. Selfevaluation and the need to establish specific incentives and set concrete aims and objectives constitute indicative examples of basic principles. Within the frame of the afore-mentioned educational principles, it is suggested that the class
is divided in groups of 2-3 students and new technologies are implemented, with the ultimate goal to clarify and comprehend concepts and applications relevant to the subject. Criteria for the design of such an activity are the exploitation of learners’ background knowledge and experience as well as the experimental involvement in new teaching practices. As prerequisites, we pose the formulation of conjectures and conclusions and the ‘depenalization’ of errors in the mind of learners.
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The Blue Glow From the Back Row: The Impact of New Technologies on the Adolescent Experience of Live TheatreRichardson, John M. January 2010 (has links)
This article considers the impact of new technologies on the adolescent experience of live, literary theatre. Drawing together the work of theorists in literacies, new technologies and audience studies, together with brain research, and the results of a focus group of four secondary students who have seen four plays at Canada’s National Arts Centre, it examines the consequences of young people’s immersion in digital culture and the new mindset that often results. The expectation of instant access to data, inter-connectivity, stimulation and control can make it difficult for adolescents to decode the metaphorical aspects of a theatrical performance. The article concludes that language arts and dramatic arts educators have a key role in teaching students how to decode—and therefore enjoy and appreciate— a play.
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IHL and Drone-Enabled SurrenderMelin, Carl Victor January 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Digitala skrivverktyg i skolans tidigare år - mening eller mål? : En jämförelse mellan pedagogers och elevers uppfattning om digitalt skrivandeHammarberg, Erika January 2024 (has links)
The overall purpose of this study is to examine how students and teachers state that they view the use of digital writing tools during the first years of school. Is the use seen as training the ability to use them operationally, what I in this work call goals, or are they seen as a tool to change, improve or simplify the writing process, what I call meaning? By using an interview method where students and teachers talk about the use of digital writing tools in groups, pairs or individually, I try to investigate what opportunities, positive aspects, limitations and negative aspects they state when it comes to digital writing tools. I also intend to investigate whether this can be linked to the view of digital writing tools as meaning or goal. The teaching of reading and writing during the first years of school is influenced by both teachers' and pupils' thoughts regarding language and learning. How we view the ability to read and write and how best to learn it affects how we organize and think about the teaching we do. This work focuses on digital writing, which I define as writing that is mediated by digital tools. In this work, I use two different approaches to investigate digital writing. Hyland (2020), which is based on the concepts of product-, process- and reader-focused, and Merchant (2008), which argues that digital competence is either seen as a set of skills, as a tool for learning, or as an opportunity for transformation of subjects' representational possibilities. By applying these approaches to the concepts of meaning and goal, I get a model to start from in the abductive approach I use when I conduct a thematic analysis of the results my interviews generated. Most students are positive about typing digitally but mention that they find it difficult to use the keyboard. The teachers also have an overall positive attitude but mention technical problems, such as logging in and connecting, as negative aspects. Both teachers and students express that the use of digital writing tools is seen as training the ability to use them (goal). Using the digital tools to improve, change and simplify the writing process (meaning) is mentioned to a greater extent by the teachers, even though the students express that it is easier to move, edit and change the text. The aspect that the digital writing tools increase social interaction is not mentioned at all by the students, but by several of the teachers. Learning with digital tools is about being able to use them in appropriate ways. To be able to do this, both the operational skills and the knowledge of how digital resources can be used as tools for learning need to be in place.
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Un enfoque neuroeducativo en la integración de tecnologías de realidad virtual en el desarrollo de juegos serios: caso de estudio en el ámbito de la seguridad y prevención de riesgos laboralesFerreira Cavalcanti, Janaina 23 February 2024 (has links)
[ES] Las eventualidades laborales ocasionan pérdidas significativas en los ámbitos social y económico, con irreparables. La falta de conocimientos adecuados y la conciencia insuficiente acerca de los riesgos son factores clave vinculados a comportamientos inseguros y accidentes laborales.La señalización de seguridad desempeña un papel crucial como instrumento informativo, aunque en ocasiones no sea percibida durante un accidente. Los avances tecnológicos abren la posibilidad de mejorar significativamente este tema sin incurrir en costos económicos excesivos.
Esta tesis investiga el uso de avances tecnológicos como herramienta para optimizar el comportamiento humano en situaciones de riesgo. Su propósito es fomentar la conducta adecuada en situaciones críticas mediante tecnologías digitales, proponiendo enfoques metodológicos innovadores para la formación.
Las hipótesis iniciales son las siguientes: (1)El uso de herramientas tecnológicas como la realidad virtual inmersiva, variables de señalización de seguridad, juegos serios y la manipulación de emociones impacta positivamente, enriquece y mejora la formación en seguridad y prevención de riesgos laborales; (2) La inclusión de variables tecnológicas en la señalización de seguridad en entornos estresantes puede mejorar su eficacia y percepción; (3) El perfil y la experiencia del usuario pueden influir en su comportamiento en seguridad, y esta relación afecta a la percepción de las señales.
Se proponen tres líneas de investigación principales: (1)Evaluar la señalización de seguridad, su naturaleza y sus cambios recientes; (2)Evaluar el perfil etnográfico y las características del usuario que pueden influir en su comportamiento, correlacionando emociones, experiencia, satisfacción y señalización para mejorar la prevención del riesgo; (3) Probar la usabilidad, experiencia emocional y motivación de los juegos serios inmersivo-virtuales y las variables de señalización, evaluando los resultados obtenidos.
El desarrollo de la tesis consta de cuatro etapas: (1) Revisión de literatura; (2) Aplicación de la metodología de co-creación para el diseño del entorno de realidad virtual; (3) Estudio mixto con especialistas y(4) Estudio cuantitativo con usuarios.
La revisión bibliográfica identificó la investigación previa en el tema, explorando la relación entre tecnologías digitales y educación, nuevas tecnologías y señales de seguridad, comportamiento humano en entornos estresantes y realidad virtual en relación con las emociones. Este análisis orientó la dirección del trabajo de la tesis.
Se llevó a cabo un estudio cuantitativo en un entorno virtual, evaluando el impacto de las tecnologías en diferentes perfiles de usuario. Se observó mayor atención en usuarios exploradores, resaltando la importancia de la interactividad para abordar los peligros de manera realista, aspecto valorado positivamente por los participantes.
A partir de los experimentos, se concluye que las variables de señalización influyen en su percepción en el entorno, y la disposición adecuada genera mayor recuerdo. En cuanto al comportamiento, la señalización dinámica puede generar atención similar a la visualización del peligro. Respecto al recuerdo, la toma de decisiones recurrente es más eficaz que la ejecución de una tarea en respuesta a una señal de obligación, siendo valioso para la formación en prevención de riesgos y alineado con la metodología constructivista. La imagen muestra su relevancia en la comunicación, ya que la mayoría de los usuarios se enfocaron en el pictograma del cartel, considerando las limitaciones de tiempo.
Entre las contribuciones principales, destaca el desarrollo de un entorno virtual inmersivo para mejorar el comportamiento del usuario en situaciones de riesgo y evaluar el impacto de elementos novedosos en la señalización. Se ha creado un protocolo para el diseño de señales de seguridad y para el diseño de entornos virtuales gamificados con fines formativos en prevención de riesgos laborales. / [CA] Aquesta tesi aborda l'aplicació dels avenços tecnològics com a eines per millorar el comportament humà davant situacions de risc. L'objectiu és fomentar la conducta adequada mitjançant l'ús de tecnologies digitals, introduint conceptes metodològics innovadors per a la formació.
Les hipòtesis inicials són les següents: (1) La utilització d'eines tecnològiques com la realitat virtual immersiva, variables de senyalització, jocs seriosos i la manipulació d'emocions enriqueix i millora la formació en seguretat laboral; (2) La incorporació de variables tecnològiques en la senyalització de seguretat en entorns estressants pot augmentar la seva eficàcia i percepció; (3) El perfil i l'experiència de l'usuari poden influir en el seu comportament en matèria de seguretat, afectant, alhora, la percepció de les senyals.
Es plantegen tres línies principals d'investigació: (1) Avaluar la senyalització de seguretat, la seva naturalesa i els seus canvis recents; (2) Avaluar el perfil etnogràfic i les característiques de l'usuari que poden influir en el seu comportament, establint correlacions entre emocions, experiència, satisfacció i senyalització per millorar la prevenció del risc; (3) Provar la usabilitat, l'experiència emocional i la motivació dels jocs seriosos immersius-virtuals i les variables de senyalització, avaluant els resultats obtinguts amb el seu ús.
El desenvolupament de la tesi consta de quatre etapes principals: (1) Revisió sistemàtica de la literatura; (2) Aplicació de la metodologia de co-creació per al disseny de l'entorn de realitat virtual; (3) Estudi mixt amb especialistes i (4) Estudi quantitatiu amb usuaris.
La revisió bibliogràfica va permetre explorar treballs previs relacionats amb l'àmbit de la tesi i identificar noves contribucions per orientar el treball. La co-creació, amb tècniques de "design jam", va conduir al desenvolupament d'un model de simulació d'accidents immersiu, que permet a l'usuari abordar diverses configuracions d'experiències amb càrrega cognitiva similar a la d'un accident sense causar-li perjudicis.
La tercera fase, un estudi mixt amb professionals, va indicar que els avenços tecnològics poden millorar el comportament dels usuaris i proporcionar informació per a l'optimització de l'entorn en diferents escenaris i amb diferents perfils d'usuaris.
Finalment, l'estudi quantitatiu va confirmar l'impacte positiu de les tecnologies aplicades, amb millor atenció en usuaris amb perfil explorador. En aquesta fase, es va ressaltar la importància de la interactivitat, destacant la capacitat de fer front als perills de manera similar a la realitat com un dels aspectes més ben valorats de l'experiència.
Els experiments van concloure que les variables de la senyalització influeixen en la seva percepció, amb la disposició adequada que genera un major record. Pel que fa al comportament, la senyalització dinàmica pot induir un nivell d'atenció similar a la visualització del perill. Quant al record, es va observar que una acció de presa de decisions recurrents és més eficaç que l'execució d'una tasca en resposta a una senyal d'obligació. Aquest resultat és valuós per a la formació en prevenció de riscos i concorda amb la metodologia constructivista. La imatge, un cop més, va demostrar la seva rellevància en el procés de comunicació, ja que la majoria dels usuaris es van centrar exclusivament en els pictogrames del cartell, tenint en compte les limitacions de temps.
Com a contribucions destacades, s'ha desenvolupat un entorn virtual immersiu vàlid per millorar el comportament de l'usuari en situacions de risc i avaluar els impactes d'elements innovadors / [EN] Accidents can result in significant social and economic losses, with severe and irreparable consequences. The primary causes of unsafe behaviors and, frequently, ensuing workplace accidents stem from a lack of adequate knowledge and low risk awareness.Safety signals serve as tools to communicate hazards when they cannot be eliminated. However, they are often not visualized at the time of an accident. Technological advancements are enabling various enhancements in the approach to these courses, without incurring excessively high economic costs.
This thesis explores the use of technological advances as a tool to enhance human behavior in risky situations. It aims to promote correct behavior in critical conditions through the use of digital technologies for training, proposing an innovative methodological concept for effective training.
The initial hypotheses are as follows: (1)The utilization of immersive virtual reality technology, safety signaling variables, serious games, and emotional manipulation positively impacts, enriches, and enhances Safety and Occupational training; (2)The incorporation of technological variables in safety signaling within stressful environments can improve their efficiency and perceptibility; (3) User's profile and experience can influence their behavior concerning safety, and this relationship, in turn, affects the perception of signals.
Three main lines of research are proposed: (1) Evaluate security signage, its nature, and recent changes; (2)Evaluate the ethnographic profile and user characteristics that may influence behavior (user, technological, emotional, and cognitive profile). Determine the correlation between emotions, experience, satisfaction, and signaling to improve risk prevention; (3)Test the usability, emotional experience, and motivation of immersive virtual serious games and signaling variables. Evaluate the results obtained with their use.
The thesis development occurred in four main stages: (1)Literature review;(2) Application of the co-creation methodology for the design of the Virtual Reality environment used in the experimental part; (3)Mixed study with specialists, and(4)Quantitative study with users.
The literature review provided an in-depth understanding of previous works related to the thesis's scope, guiding the thesis work.
Co-creation involved the use of design jam techniques. Consequently, an immersive accident simulation model was developed, enabling users to engage in various cognitive load experiences similar to those of an accident without causing harm.
The third phase comprised a mixed study with professionals, indicating the potential for technological advances to improve user behavior and provide insights for model optimization in different scenarios and user profiles.
In the final phase, a quantitative study verified the impact of applied technologies on different users, highlighting better attention in explorer gamer profiles. Interactivity's importance was evident, with action to solve dangers in VR recognized as the optimal experience.
Furthermore, the experiments revealed that signage variables influence perception, and the most appropriate disposition generates better recall. In terms of behavior, dynamic signaling can induce a level of attention similar to hazard visualization. Regarding recall, the perception that recurrent decision-making is more effective than executing a task in compliance with mandatory signs was noted.The image once again demonstrated its high relevance in the communication process, as a significant portion of users focused solely on the pictograms on the poster, considering time constraints.
Among the primary contributions, an immersive virtual environment has been developed to improve user behavior in risky situations and evaluate the impacts of signaling. Additionally, a protocol has been established for the design and implementation of safety signs and the creation of gamified virtual environments for training purposes. / Ferreira Cavalcanti, J. (2024). Un enfoque neuroeducativo en la integración de tecnologías de realidad virtual en el desarrollo de juegos serios: caso de estudio en el ámbito de la seguridad y prevención de riesgos laborales [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/202753
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Gendered bodies and new technologiesDu Preez, Amanda Anida 30 November 2002 (has links)
Gendered bodies and new technologies has one founding premise, namely that embodiment constitutes a non-negotiable prerequisite for human life. Although this may seem like an obvious statement, it is a statement that needs to be affirmed in the virtual age wherein we live. New technologies in most of its forms tend to discredit the embodied aspects of human life and instead concentrate on the disembodied aspects thereof. Among new technologies the following are specifically noted: microelectronics, telecommunication networks, nano-technology, virtual reality, computer-mediated communications and other forms of computer technologies. In short, “new technologies” refer to all things digital. I explore the issue of embodiment from a gendered perspective, seeing that the female body is the embodiment most likely to be discarded, not only in metaphysical systems, but also in developments within new technologies. The main focus of my gendered analysis is on the visual image and more specifically as it manifests in cinema, advertisements, the Internet, interactive artwork and television. The critical perspective that foregrounds my approach is that of the fairly new field of cyberfeminism. The main concern of cyberfeminism being a critical engagement of women’s position in terms of new technologies. In this regard, cyberfeminism does not perpetuate an anti-technology stance, but rather embraces technology by emphasising the embodied nature of our existence.
I have identified four body types to explore the interactions between bodies and new technologies. They are: the techno-transcendent body; the techno-enhanced body; the marked body and the cyborg body. The four body types differ in the way in which gendered embodiment is negotiated in its interaction with new technologies and these are highlighted and discussed in the four chapters dealing with these four body types. / English / D.Litt.et Phil.
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Normes reproductives, infertilité et nouvelles technologies de reproduction au Sénégal : le genre et le don / Reproductive norms, infertility and new technologies of reproduction in Senegal : the gender and the giftBrochard, Marie 24 October 2014 (has links)
Au Sénégal, les normes sociales instituent le mariage et la procréation comme des règles fondamentales pour les couples. Les personnes infertiles sont de ce fait stigmatisées et subissent des pressions de la part de leurs familles et de leur entourage. D’une part, elles ont des difficultés à structurer leur identité sociale dans ce pays où la féminité est associée à la maternité et où la masculinité est associée à la paternité. D’autre part, elles sont symboliquement endettées par rapport à leurs familles car l’« enfant » constitue le contre-don de la vie qu’elles ont reçue à la naissance. Le genre et le don structurent ainsi la problématique du rejet des personnes infertiles au Sénégal. Malgré les souffrances psychologiques et sociales induites par l’infertilité, les politiques sanitaires se détournent de cette situation et occultent la pratique de l’assistance médicale à la procréation (AMP). Pourtant, l’AMP permet aux couples infertiles, lorsqu’elle aboutit à une grossesse, une sortie de la stigmatisation sociale. Dans le cas contraire, la relation peut s’orienter vers une rupture. Les technologies de reproduction réalisées dans la société sénégalaise restent très inégalitaires et délaissent toute une partie de la population qui souhaiterait bénéficier de ces techniques médicales. Les couples moins aisés se dirigent vers la médecine traditionnelle ou poursuivent leurs consultations dans le secteur public. L’AMP au Sénégal propose une solution à l’infertilité, mais les couples qui y recourent, le font dans le plus grand secret de peur de bouleverser les normes reproductives et de filiation. / In Senegal, the social standards establish the marriage and the reproduction as fundamental rules for the couples. The barren persons are of this fact stigmatized and undergo pressures by their families and of their circle of acquaintances. On one hand, they have difficulties to structure their social identity in this country where the femininity is associated to the maternity and where the manliness is associated to the paternity. On the other hand, they are symbolically got into debt with regard to their families because the "child" constitutes the against gift of the life that they received in the birth. The gender and the gift structure the problem of rejection of the barren persons in Sénégal. In spite of the psychological and social sufferings induced by the infertility, the sanitary politics turn away from this situation and hide the practice of assisted reproductive technology (ART). Nevertheless, ART allows the barren couples, when it ends in a pregnancy, an exit of the social stigmatization. Should the opposite occur, the relation can turn to a marital breakdown. The new technologies of reproduction realized in the Senegalese society remain very unegalitarian and abandon a whole part of the population which would like to benefit from these medical techniques. The couples with modest incomes go to the traditional medicine or pursue their consultations in the public sector. ART in Senegal proposes a solution for infertility, but the couples which resort to it, make it in the greatest secrecy for fear of upsetting the reproductive standards and of filiation.
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Criatividade em ação: roteiros de animações virtuais elaborados por alunos de ensino médio em física / Creativity in action: Scripts of virtual animations elaborated by students of high school in PhysicsVinha, Maria Lúcia 11 April 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal apresentar critérios norteadores de escrita criativa em roteiros de animações virtuais. Através de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental se buscou sistematizar conhecimentos referentes à criatividade no âmbito escolar e mais especificamente, no âmbito das ciências, com recorte para o caso de roteiros elaborados por alunos de ensino médio em aulas de Física visando produção de animações virtuais. A produção desses roteiros foi alicerçada pelo Projeto de Expansão do Laboratório Didático Virtual de Física (LabVirt), da Escola do Futuro da USP, desenvolvido no segundo semestre de 2004, onde foram envolvidas diversas unidades da USP tal como a Faculdade de Educação, através do Curso de Licenciatura em Física na Disciplina de Metodologia do Ensino de Ciências, que foi responsável pela preparação pedagógica dos professores, pelo recebimento dos roteiros e pelo encaminhamento dos mesmos para as outras equipes que ficaram responsáveis pela produção artística e pela programação. Nesse Projeto, uma das funções da equipe da Faculdade de Educação foi a de orientar os professores quanto à estruturação dos roteiros levando-se em conta uma relação existente entre um bom roteiro e uma boa animação virtual. Como ponto de partida sabia-se que um bom roteiro deveria conter aspectos criativos e aspectos formais. Isso gerou uma necessidade de se definir o que se entendia por aspectos criativos já que os aspectos formais não apresentaram dificuldades de definição. Esta pesquisa se constituiu num desdobramento dessa necessidade e os Testes de Escrita Criativa de Torrance, com critérios elaborados para avaliar escrita criativa em histórias infantis, na década de 1960, foram adaptados para o caso dos roteiros. De uma listagem de 108 roteiros cadastrados no acervo da Faculdade de Educação, foram escolhidos aleatoriamente cinco deles que tivessem representatividade de diferentes escolas os quais foram avaliados pela autora desta pesquisa e por juízes, com vistas à validação desses critérios, que depois de validados serviram para análise de outros dez roteiros representativos de diferentes escolas, também escolhidos aleatoriamente. Concluiu-se que a elaboração de roteiros por parte de alunos os coloca numa situação propícia às suas demandas contemporâneas e abrem espaços para a criatividade. Concluiu-se também que os critérios elaborados por Torrance para avaliar escrita criativa em histórias infantis permitem uma adaptação e são válidos para nortear a escrita criativa em roteiros de animações virtuais. / This work has as main objective to present guiding criteria of creative writing in scripts of virtual animations. Through bibliographical and documental research one looked for systematizing referring knowledge to the creativity into the scholastic milieu and more specifically, in the Sciences milieu, with cutting for the case of scripts elaborated by students of High School in classes of Physics focusing production of virtual animations. The production of those scripts was strengthened by the Project of Expansion of Physics Virtual Didactic Laboratory (LabVirt), of the School of the Future of USP, developed in the second semester of 2004, where different units of the USP were involved, such as Faculdade de Educação, by the Course of Degree in Physics in the Discipline of Methodology of the Teaching of Sciences, that was responsible for the teachers? pedagogic preparation, for the scripts receiving and for the sending of them to the other teams that were responsible for the artistic production, and for the programming. In that project, one of the functions of the team of the Faculdade de Educação was the one of guiding the teachers with as about the structure of the scripts, being taken into account an existing relationship between a good script and a good virtual animation. As starting point was known that a good script should contain creative aspects and formal ones. That generated a need to define what one understood for creative aspects since the formal aspects did not present difficulties of definition. This research has constituted in an unfolding of that need, and the Tests of Creative Writing by Torrance, with criteria elaborated to evaluate creative writing in childish tales in the decade of 1960, were adapted for the case of the scripts. Of a list of 108 scripts registered in the collection of Faculdade de Educação, five of them, which were representative of different schools, were chosen indiscriminately to be evaluated by the author of this research, and by judges, focusing to validate those criteria, which after being validated were applied to analyze other ten representative scripts of different schools, these were also chosen indiscriminately. It was concluded that the elaboration of scripts on the part of students places them in a favorable situation to their contemporary demands, and the scripts open spaces for the creativity. It was also reached that the criteria elaborated by Torrance in order to evaluate creative writing in childish tales allow an adaptation and they are valid to orientate creative writing in scripts of virtual animations.
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Histórias digitais: narrativas no século XXI. O software Movie Maker como recurso procedimental para construção de narrações / Narratives of the XXI century Study of the Movie Maker software and Procedural Appeal for Building Stories.Carvalho, Gracinda Souza de 28 April 2008 (has links)
Considerando a importância de tornar a educação e a prática docente mais próximas à realidade do educando e da sociedade contemporânea e considerando ainda a relevância que as novas tecnologias de informação e os recursos midiáticos podem somar ao processo educativo, essa pesquisa investigou as contribuições da utilização do software Movie Maker para a construção de narrativas digitais. À luz do embasamento teórico, realizamos uma análise das produções dos educandos com o intuito de averiguar os avanços obtidos, resultados e entraves da metodologia aplicada. Esta investigação foi baseada numa lógica seqüencial de construção do conceito, desenvolvida dentro da teoria sócio-construtivista. Foram utilizadas a diversidade dos recursos midiáticos e das novas tecnologias de informação para despertar a curiosidade e a reflexão e para que através do contato com o novo, surgisse o conflito cognitivo, a fim de que o aluno adquirisse saberes que o habilitasse a explicar um processo, formular um conceito, chegando a um nível de conhecimento maior. Avaliamos os recursos midiáticos como importantes ferramentas de contextualização e renovação de conteúdos didáticos, bem como poderosos meios de motivação e sedução discente para o aprender a aprender.(ASSMANN, 2002). Trata-se de uma pesquisa realizada com alunos do ciclo fundamental II e EJA de escolas públicas, sendo que o material analisado, foi coletado no laboratório de informática e sala de aula. Para obtenção dos dados da pesquisa, fui simultaneamente educadora e pesquisadora. Os dados obtidos durante o processo de investigação permite avaliar que efetivamente houve a contribuição, especifica do software Movie Maker, como ferramenta procedimental para a melhoria da produção oral e escrita do gênero narrativo pelos alunos envolvidos. Além disso, o processo investigativo reforçou a certeza de que a mediação do professor é fundamental para a construção do conhecimento formal. / Considering the importance of making the education and the teaching practice nearer to the reality of the pupil and of the contemporary society and considering still the relevance what new technologies of information and media resources can add up to the educative process, this research investigated the results of the use of Movie Maker software for the construction of digital narratives. By the light of the theoretical foundation, we carry out an analysis of the pupils productions with the intention of checking the obtained advancements, results and obstacles of the hard-working methodology. This investigation was based on a construction of the concept sequential logic, developed inside the social-constructivist theory. It was used media resources and information new technologies diversity to wake curiosity and reflection so that, through the contact with the new, the cognitive conflict appeared, and so that, from then on, the pupil acquired knowledge that would enable him to explain a process, to formulate a concept, reaching so a level of better knowledge (DIJK, 1992). We considered media resources as important tools of context and renovation of educational contents, as well as mighty ways of motivation and learning seduction for learning to learn (ASSMANN, 2002). A research carried out with pupils of the Basic II Cycle of public schools, being that most of the analysed material were collected in the computer science laboratory and in the classroom, that´s what this is all about. For getting the research data, I was simultaneously an educator and investigator. The data obtained during the process of investigation allow us to evaluate that there effectively was specific contribution of Movie Maker software, like procedure tool for the improvement of oral and written production of narrative type for the involved pupils. Besides, we can think that the teacher´s mediation is basic for the construction of formal knowledge.
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