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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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曾柏方, Tseng, Po-fang Unknown Date (has links)
有鑑於附有最低保證給付投資型保險期末現金流量與選擇權如出一轍,是以應用平賭訂價理論(The Martingale Pricing Method)嵌入HJM利率模型,對隨機利率下附有最低保證給付投資型保險進行評價。並對繳費方式與利率型態兩議題所構成四種類型附有最低保證給付投資型保險作實地數據模擬與評價,以及敏感度分析。 研究結果可以歸納為四點結論。 (1) 單就附有最低保證給付投資型保險簡化版(忽略期中死亡理賠與期滿生存機率)而言: 可視為是最低保證給付折現與以之為履約價的買權組合。因此,當影響因子僅與買權有相關性時,附有最低保證給付投資型保險與理論買權的敏感度分析結果,如出一轍。連動標的期初價格與波動度變動於附有最低保證給付投資型保險影響便是實證。 (2) 延續上點論述衍生: 當影響因子同時對買權與附有最低保證給付折現具有相關性時,由於買權佔整個保險價值比重過低,是以主要影響力皆來自附有最低保證給付的變動。附有最低保證給付與固定利率折現因子變動對於保險價值影響,即反應此結果。 (3) 分別就繳費方式不同下,投保年齡與投保期限變動對於附有最低保證給付投資保險的影響而言: 躉繳型繳費方式下,由第二點結論可得,投保期限越長保費越低,是以當投保年齡越大,期中死亡率提高,且期間短的保費較高的情況下,投保年齡變動對於附有最低保證給付投資型保險影響為正向;分期繳型繳費方式下,由於條款設定不同,無法與躉繳型一概而論,反映在投保期間越長保單價值與保費皆增加,但若是比較其增加的幅度(二階條件小於零)逐漸減少,倒是與躉繳型投資保險投保期間與保費關係意思相同,只是呈現方式不同。分期繳型投資型保險保單價值與投保年齡關係,從投保期限與保費關係以及高年齡層死亡率較高,可以得知,隨著投保年齡的增加,分期繳型投資保險中因為死亡理賠的現金流量產生機會提高,而此部分期間短保單價值較低,是以投保年齡與保單價值呈現反比關係,但是保單價值平準化後的保費,源於平準因子每期存活率因投保年齡增加而減少,造成投保年齡越高,保費也越高。 (4) 就性別而言: 躉繳型附有最低保證給付投資保險,由於女性相較於男性死亡率較低,容易取得期間較長的期滿保證金,而此部分價值較低,是以女生保費較男生便宜;分期繳型附有最低保證給付投資保險,則是相反的表現,由於此部分價值較高,是以女性的保險價值高於男性,同時因女性平準因子中的存活率也比男性高,是以每期所要繳交的保費也比男性低廉。 (5) 就利率型態而言: 隨機利率下躉繳型投資型保險與固定利率下躉繳型投資保險相較,便宜許多,主要是因為利率型態為隨機,且期初利率期間結構打破水平狀態的假設,真實反應正常期初利率期間結構(Normal Interest Rate Term Structure),是以評價出的保費較固定利率型態下的保費低廉,甚至於分期繳型附有最低保證給付投資保險,在隨機利率下,隨著投保期限增加,保費反而下降。

壽險保單之存續期間分析 / Duration analyses of life insurance policies

鄒治華 Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 衡量壽險公司利率風險的初步作法是估算保單的存續期間。保單的存續期間因現金流量模式的不同與一般債券的存續期間有很大的差異。壽險保單未來不只會產生現金流出 (給付和費用),還會有現金流入(保費),其淨現金流量因而有可能變號,所以壽險保單的存續期問可能小於○,也可能大於到期日,甚至還可能因為準備金接近○的關係而有很大的數值。此外,保單的存續期間不太受死亡率下降的影響,解約率升高通常會使存續期問的數值降低,而佣金的平準化則會使原本正的存續期問變小。從壽險公司銷售保單組合可能的結果(平穩、成長、衰退等三種型態)來分析負債存續期間,由其結果可知一個新創立或成長型的壽險公司其所面臨利率風險的衝擊要大於一個處於平穩型或衰退型的壽險公司。 關鍵字:存續期間、利率風險、淨現金流量、壽險保單、準備金 / Abstract Estimating the duration of the life insurance policy is the first step in measuring the interest rate risk of the life insurance company. Life insurance policy's duration is quite different from bond's due to the difference in the pattern of cash flows. Life insurance policies generate not only cash outflows as payments to policyholders from insurance companies but also cash inflows as premiums from policyholders to insurers. Furthermore, the net cash flow usually turns from inflow to outflow as time goes by. The duration of the life insurance policy therefore could be negative or longer than the maturity of the policy. It could even be huge if its reserve is close to zero. Besides, the mortality rate does not have a significant impact on policy duration; early surrenders of policies would reduce policy duration in general; and leveling commission rate would make positive duration smaller. Findings concluding from analyzing the likely results, referring to the steadying, growing and declining modes, of insurance portfolios offered by life insurance companies for analyzing their liability duration, indicate that the interest rate risk exposure by a start-up life insurance company or a growing life insurance company is greater than a life insurance company that is at a steadying or declining phase. Keywords: duration, interest rate risk, net cash flow, life insurance policies, reserve.


范千惠 Unknown Date (has links)
財富管理源起於私人銀行,服務對象為高淨值資產之客層。金融監督管理委員會為促進國內金融環境發展健全,於2005年2月間頒布「銀行辦理財富管理業務應注意事項」、2005年7月間頒布「證券商辦理財富管理業務應注意事項」、2006年1月核准「人身保險業辦理財富管理業務」。規範人身保險業從事財富管理業務之範疇,歸納為人身保險業針對高淨值客戶,透過人身保險業務員,依據客戶需求,提供資產配置或財務規劃等服務,而高淨值客戶之條件,由人身保險業自行依據經營策略訂定。 隨著人口老化、財富愈趨集中、經濟環境之變遷,金融控股公司資源整合與金融監理相關法規逐漸完備等因素,人身保險產業由擅長提供人身保險商品,延伸至理財規劃及資產管理諮詢服務,也延伸經營管理相關問題,本研究就國內人身保險業經營財富管理業務,針對人壽保險公司實施財富管理業務提出建議: 1、加強財富管理業務之風險管理:應加強經營財富管理相關業務的經營風險辨識,進而提出有效的風險管理制度與政策。 2、強化內部稽核制度有效性:在兼顧經營效率下,建立有效稽核制度,使企業成為一個有機體。 3、確實瞭解客戶並落實客戶風險告知:一套瞭解、認識、接近客戶並取得客戶信任整合流程,是發展財富管理業務的關鍵。 4、提升業務人員教育訓練及專業培養:專業知識、教育訓練、管理規範及資訊系統輔助,使人員服務品質提升,更可以有效傳遞並確保客戶權益。 5、強化保險商品創新與財富管理市場定位:以人壽保險產業深入服務優勢,搭配商品服務及通路創新,以獨特性及附加價值,奠定財富管理定位。 同時亦探討現行保險監理機關監管財富管理必須重視的議題,如何明確定義人壽保險業者經營財務富管理業務檢查要點,修正財富管理業務需有獨立權責部門規定及開放投資型商品設計及管理費議題。本文同時評估現行人身保險業者經營財富管理業務之效益評估,並作為監理機關監管財富管理業務時參考。 / The “Wealth Management” service was created by private bank. It is designed to serve the customers with high net worth. In order to improve the financial environment to be well managed and to be wealthy developed, the Financial Supervisory Commission Committee announced the terms of “The Notice of Wealth Management Business for Banks” in February 2005, “The Notice of Wealth Management Business for Securities” in July 2005. The “The Rules for Life Insurance Companies Hosting Wealth Management Business” had been permitted to be announced in January 2006. It defined the business scope for life insurance companies to promote the wealth management business. The purpose of the wealthy management service sold by life insurance companies is targeted to serve the life insurance customers with high net worth. Through the life insurance sales, the life insurance companies can offer the capital allocation, financial planning based on customers’ request. For the criteria of “High Net worth” customers, it can be defined by each life insurance company. Due to the average age of population is becoming higher, wealth is becoming to be concentrated, economic environment situation is changing intensively, the financial holding companies integrated the resources, the rules of financial supervision is becoming completed, such kinds of change offer the opportunity for life insurance companies to extend their business scope to the territory of the consultant service for financial planning and wealth management. Such kind of change creates some administration and management issues. So the purpose of this study is to survey the current situations of wealth management business of life insurance to try to find the suggestions for the below topics. 1.Empower the risk management for wealth management business: How to empower the risk identification capability to propose the effective rules and policies for risk management. 2.Improve the internal audit mechanism to be more effective: How to establish or improve the internal audit mechanism without affect the business and company operation. 3.Learn more about the customers and solid executing the risk notification to customers: How to establish an effective SOP for realizing the customers’ exact requirement, approaching the customers and getting the customers’ trust. 4.Enhance the sales education training to enhance the service quality and empower the business competition ability: By integrating the IT resources and business management to establish an organized/effective sales education training package for improving the sales knowledge and business domain know how. 5.The enhancement for life insurance product creativity and clear marketing positioning ability/core competence for wealth management business: Taking the advantage of the existing sales network, combining the creative product, service and channel profile to establish the specialty and core competence. Meanwhile, this study tries to highlight some key issues like “the important topics shall be focused by the insurance supervision institute”, “the definition of the check points for the wealth management business of life insurance companies”, “how to revised the relative rules to request the wealth management business must be performed by the independent department”, “release the permission for the designation of Investment-oriented merchandise and management fee”. This study also makes the performance evaluation for the wealth management business of life insurance companies. It would be the valuable reference data for the relative supervision institute of government.

兩岸壽險業之效率與生產力分析 / The Efficiency and productivity analysis of life insurance industry in Taiwan and Mainland China

溫婉君 Unknown Date (has links)
兩岸在2001年底加入世界貿易組織(WTO),使得兩岸壽險市場受到經濟自由化及國際化的衝擊。因此,要如何提高自身的經營績效及競爭能力,便成為兩岸壽險公司最重要的目標。本研究以資料包絡分析法為基礎,並結合共同邊界(metafrontier)分析法,針對兩岸地區在2004年至2007年共59家壽險公司,進行經營效率與Malmquist生產力指數的實證研究。在生產力變動來源的拆解上,本文延伸Pastor and Lovell(2005)的固定規模報酬模型,利用變動規模報酬的生產邊界來衡量各公司的技術變動及技術差距比率變動,使生產力變動的來源上獲得更明確的意涵。最後本文利用Tobit迴歸模型,探討影響兩岸壽險公司經營效率的因素。 / After joining the WTO in December 2001, there is the advent of economic liberalization and internationalization on the life insurance market of Taiwan and Mainland China. Therefore, how to improve the operating performance and the industrial competitiveness in the present economic circumstance is the critical and important goal of the life insurance industry in Taiwan and Mainland China. This study applies data envelopment analysis with metafrontier model to measure the managerial efficiency and Malmquist productivity index of 59 firms of life insurance industry in Taiwan and Mainland China from 2004 to 2007. On decomposing the sources of productivity change, we extend Pastor and Lovell’ s CRS model (2005) to a VRS frontier benchmark to measure technical change and technical gap ratio change, which apparently provides us a more meaningful decomposition of productivity change. Finally, this study uses Tobit regression model to examine the factors which influence the managerial efficiency of the life insurance industry in Taiwan and Mainland China.

Etude des marchés d'assurance non-vie à l'aide d'équilibre de Nash et de modèle de risques avec dépendance

Dutang, Christophe 31 May 2012 (has links)
L’actuariat non-vie étudie les différents aspects quantitatifs de l’activité d’assurance. Cette thèse vise à expliquer sous différentes perspectives les interactions entre les différents agents économiques, l’assuré, l’assureur et le marché, sur un marché d’assurance. Le chapitre 1 souligne à quel point la prise en compte de la prime marché est importante dans la décision de l’assuré de renouveler ou non son contrat d’assurance avec son assureur actuel. La nécessitéd’un modèle de marché est établie. Le chapitre 2 répond à cette problématique en utilisant la théorie des jeux non-coopératifs pour modéliser la compétition. Dans la littérature actuelle, les modèles de compétition seréduisent toujours à une optimisation simpliste du volume de prime basée sur une vision d’un assureur contre le marché. Partant d’un modèle de marché à une période, un jeu d’assureurs est formulé, où l’existence et l’unicité de l’équilibre de Nash sont vérifiées. Les propriétés des primes d’équilibre sont étudiées pour mieux comprendre les facteurs clés d’une position dominante d’un assureur par rapport aux autres. Ensuite, l’intégration du jeu sur une période dans un cadre dynamique se fait par la répétition du jeu sur plusieurs périodes. Une approche par Monte-Carlo est utilisée pour évaluer la probabilité pour un assureur d’être ruiné, de rester leader, de disparaître du jeu par manque d’assurés en portefeuille. Ce chapitre vise à mieux comprendre la présence de cycles en assurance non-vie. Le chapitre 3 présente en profondeur le calcul effectif d’équilibre de Nash pour n joueurs sous contraintes, appelé équilibre de Nash généralisé. Il propose un panorama des méthodes d’optimisation pour la résolution des n sous-problèmes d’optimisation. Cette résolution sefait à l’aide d’une équation semi-lisse basée sur la reformulation de Karush-Kuhn-Tucker duproblème d’équilibre de Nash généralisé. Ces équations nécessitent l’utilisation du Jacobiengénéralisé pour les fonctions localement lipschitziennes intervenant dans le problème d’optimisation.Une étude de convergence et une comparaison des méthodes d’optimisation sont réalisées.Enfin, le chapitre 4 aborde le calcul de la probabilité de ruine, un autre thème fondamentalde l’assurance non-vie. Dans ce chapitre, un modèle de risque avec dépendance entre lesmontants ou les temps d’attente de sinistre est étudié. De nouvelles formules asymptotiquesde la probabilité de ruine en temps infini sont obtenues dans un cadre large de modèle de risquesavec dépendance entre sinistres. De plus, on obtient des formules explicites de la probabilité deruine en temps discret. Dans ce modèle discret, l’analyse structure de dépendance permet dequantifier l’écart maximal sur les fonctions de répartition jointe des montants entre la versioncontinue et la version discrète. / In non-life actuarial mathematics, different quantitative aspects of insurance activity are studied.This thesis aims at explaining interactions among economic agents, namely the insured,the insurer and the market, under different perspectives. Chapter 1 emphasizes how essentialthe market premium is in the customer decision to lapse or to renew with the same insurer.The relevance of a market model is established.In chapter 2, we address this issue by using noncooperative game theory to model competition.In the current literature, most competition models are reduced to an optimisationof premium volume based on the simplistic picture of an insurer against the market. Startingwith a one-period model, a game of insurers is formulated, where the existence and uniquenessof a Nash equilibrium are verified. The properties of premium equilibria are examinedto better understand the key factors of leadership positions over other insurers. Then, thederivation of a dynamic framework from the one-period game is done by repeating of theone-shot game over several periods. A Monte-Carlo approach is used to assess the probabilityof being insolvent, staying a leader, or disappearing of the insurance game. This gives furtherinsights on the presence of non-life insurance market cycles.A survey of computational methods of a Nash equilibrium under constraints is conductedin Chapter 3. Such generalized Nash equilibrium of n players is carried out by solving asemismooth equation based on a Karush-Kuhn-Tucker reformulation of the generalized Nashequilibrium problem. Solving semismooth equations requires using the generalized Jacobianfor locally Lipschitzian function. Convergence study and method comparison are carried out.Finally, in Chapter 4, we focus on ruin probability computation, another fundemantalpoint of non-life insurance. In this chapter, a risk model with dependence among claimseverity or claim waiting times is studied. Asymptotics of infinite-time ruin probabilitiesare obtained in a wide class of risk models with dependence among claims. Furthermore,we obtain new explicit formulas for ruin probability in discrete-time. In this discrete-timeframework, dependence structure analysis allows us to quantify the maximal distance betweenjoint distribution functions of claim severity between the continuous-time and the discrete

O planejamento econômico familiar e a necessidade de liquidez das famílias

Cunha, Caio Henrique 26 June 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:48:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Caio Henrique Cunha.pdf: 1240002 bytes, checksum: d3aa1b3bb4da112f67bfc43a9eb55969 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-06-26 / The dissertation examines the need for families to have a family economic planning, understanding the context and risks of Brazilians who are productive and are concerned with maintaining the standard of living present and future. The new demographic behavior, which follows a trend of an aging society, makes Brazil a tendency to accentuate the character of public pension accounts. Secondary factors such as retirement contribution time, the exoneration of payroll increase in the minimum wage and are facilitators for increased pension debt. This creates a scenario of uncertainty in Brazilian society, due to instability in the maintenance of the public pension system in the long run. Therefore, the dissertation seek to calculate the need of liquid present and future in order to maintain a continuous income families. Through different patterns of consumption and personal savings as well as the financial vulnerability of households, we can conduct a study to understand the need for liquidity of life insurance policies and savings for retirement, will be treated as capital insured and private retirement, respectively / A dissertação analisa a necessidade das famílias em ter um planejamento econômico familiar, entendendo o contexto e riscos dos brasileiros que estão em fase produtiva e se preocupam com a manutenção do padrão de vida presente e futuro. O novo comportamento demográfico, que segue uma trajetória de envelhecimento da sociedade, leva o Brasil a uma tendência em agravar as contas públicas de caráter previdenciário. Fatores secundários, como a aposentadoria por tempo de contribuição, a desoneração da folha de pagamento e o aumento do piso salarial são facilitadores para o aumento da dívida previdenciária. Com isso, cria-se um cenário de incertezas na sociedade brasileira, devido a instabilidade na manutenção do regime previdenciário público no longo prazo. Portanto, a dissertação buscará calcular a necessidade de liquidez presente e futura, a fim de manter uma renda permanente a família. Através de diferentes modelos de consumo e poupança individual, bem como a vulnerabilidade financeira das famílias, pode-se realizar um estudo para entender a necessidade de liquidez em apólices de seguro de vida e poupança para a terceira idade, que será tratado como capital segurado e aposentadoria privada, respectivamente

O seguro prestamista: uma análise sobre a natureza jurídica e a importância socioeconômica / Consumer credit insurance: an analysis of the legal nature and socioeconomic importance

Gonçalves, Tiago Moraes 23 October 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:21:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tiago Moraes Goncalves.pdf: 2154021 bytes, checksum: 86a5747d3bda29b3b2db8a263e9f0aa8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-10-23 / The purpose of this Master's dissertation is to analyze a type of insurance contract ¬ that is becoming increasingly important in Brazil and the world, and that is sti11little 'explored by the doctrine and mistakenly interpreted by case law: the Consumer credit insurance. This type of insurance guarantees the payment of a debt of the insured person, or part thereof, in case of the occurrence of an event covered by the policy agreed upon. The consumer credit insurance is developed within the scope ofthe Consumer Society and one ofits focal points is precisely the credit, assisting in maintaining the status quo of the social structure, by making possible a significant reduction in the risk of default in the concession of credit, thus fulfilling, an important sgcial function. The analysis therefore is not Rossible, without a theoretical overflight on the socioeconomic reality that justified the creation and development of the consumer credit insurance. Furthermore, with the aim of establishing the foundations for the interpretation of this contract, the work focuses on an analysis of the insurance transaction, addressing key issues inc1udingtransindividual interests, the entrepreneurship of the insurance activity, the commutativeness of the contract and the; interest as a legalIy protected asset, as welI as a brief digression on the legal framework of the insurance contracts and legal matters conceming their legal c1assification. The work finalIy analyzes the consumer contract insurance itself, exploring all the components, coverage provided, interests involved, the practices of the insurance market in the pre-contractual stage, the completion and execution to, at the end, offer a new insight into their legal nature, aiming to contribute to the doctrine and national jurisprudence for a better understanding of this contractual model. / A presente dissertação de mestrado possui o objetivo de analisar uma modalidade de contrato de seguro que ganha cada vez mais importância no Brasil e no mundo, e que ainda é pouco explorado pela doutrina e equivocadamente interpretado pela Jurisprudência: o seguro prestamista. Essa modalidade de seguro garante o pagamento de uma dívida do segurado, ou de 'parte dela, em caso da ocorrência de uma dos eventos cobertos pelo contrato. O seguro "" prestamista se desenvolve no âmbito da Sociedade de Consumo, que tem como um de seus eixos justamente o crédito ao consumo, auxiliando na manutenção do st'atus quo da estrutura quo da estrutura social, ao possibilitar sensível diminuição do risco de inadimplência nos contratos de concessão de crédito, cumprindo, assim, importante função social. Impossível a análise, portanto, sem um sobrevoo teórico sobre a realidade socioeconômico que justificou a criação I e o desenvolvimento do seguro prestamista. Além disso, com intuito de estabelecer premissas para a interpretação deste contrato, buscou-se realizar uma análise da operação de seguros, passando por questões essenciais como a transindividualidade de interesses, a empresarialidade da atividade seguradora, a comutatividade e o interesse como bem juridicamente tutelado pelo seguro, assim como por breve digressão sobre o marco lega1 dos contratos de seguro e questões relativas à classificação jurídica dos mesmos. O trabalho, por fim, irá analisar o contrato de seguro prestamista propriamente dito, explorando as partes que o integram, as coberturas prestadas, os interesses envolvidos, as práticas do mercado de seguro na fase pré-contratual, em sua conclusão e execução, para, ao final, propor uma nova visão sobre sua natureza jurídica, visando contribuir com a doutrina e jurisprudência pátria para melhor compreensão desta figura contratual.


MARIANA AROZO BENICIO DOS SANTOS 28 September 2005 (has links)
[pt] O propósito deste trabalho é analisar o impacto da tributação na seleção de produtos de acumulação de recursos de longo prazo sob o ponto de vista de um investidor individual. Para o investidor tributado e avesso a risco é realizada uma simulação de seu patrimônio final líquido de impostos sob três estratégias distintas: aplicação em fundo de investimento, aplicação em plano de previdência PGBL e aplicação em seguro de vida com cobertura por sobrevivência VGBL. Além da hipótese de resgate total dos recursos, é realizada a comparação dos veículos sob a ótica do recebimento de uma renda mensal após o período de acumulação. São examinados diferentes horizontes de investimento, saldos acumulados iniciais, faixas de renda, taxas de retorno e tipos de fundos onde estarão aplicados os recursos. O trabalho incorpora as alterações das regras tributárias divulgadas no final de 2004 e início de 2005 (Leis 11.033/2004 e 11.053/2004 e suas regulamentações) e se propõe a auxiliar os investidores na escolha do melhor veículo de investimento. / [en] The purpose of this research is to analyze the impact of taxation on the selection of long term wealth accumulation products under an individual investor's point of view. For the tax paying and risk averse investor, a simulation of his final after-tax net worth is accomplished under three different strategies: investments in mutual funds, investments in retirement plans similar to Individual Retirement Account (IRA) in the USA and investments in life insurance with coverage for survival. Besides the hypothesis of total redemption of the accumulated balance, a comparison of the three vehicles above is accomplished under the assumption of reception of a monthly income after the accumulation period. The analysis is performed under different investment horizons, initial invested balances, levels of income and profiles of funds where the resources will be invested. The research incorporates the new tax rules alterations published in late 2004 and early 2005 (Laws 11.033/2004 and 11.053/2004 and their regulations) and it intends to aid investors on how to choose the best investment vehicle.

Aktuální trendy světového a českého pojišťovnictví / Actual Trends of Worldwide and Czech Insurance Industry

Stuchlík, Jiří January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis summarizes the history of the insurance industry in the world with a detailed focus on the Czech Republic. The thesis continues to discuss the situation on insurance markets in the last twenty years. It is described how insurance companies deal with natural disasters and a new type of risk - terorism. The thesis proceeds with actual trends in the insurance industry and supervision in insurance.

Contributions au provisionnement en assurance de personnes et à la gestion des risques / Contributions to non-life Insurance re-serving and Risk Management

Olympio, Anani Ayodélé 25 September 2019 (has links)
Dans le secteur de l’assurance, les dernières évolutions règlementaires et des normes comptables vont dans le sens de la standardisation de la gestion des risques au sein des organismes. Dans ce contexte, l’objectif principal de ma thèse est de proposer différentes méthodologies d’évaluation et d’analyse des risques dans ce secteur. La première partie de ce manuscrit traite de la problématique de provisionnement individuel en non-vie. Je propose des adaptions d’algorithmes d’apprentissage automatique ensemblistes et de certaines métriques de performance pour l’estimation des durées des sinistres ainsi que des charges sinistres ultimes en présence de don-nées censurées à droite. L’application de ces méthodes à des données réelles de contrats de prêts ou de contrats de prévoyance collective conduit à des estimations plus performantes et plus robustes des paramètres considérés. La deuxième partie présente une approche d’estimation de choc à un an sur des paramètres spécifiques à l’entité (Undertaking Specific Parameters) du module santé assimilable la vie du pilier 1 de la formule standard de la norme Solvabilité II. L’utilisation de la crédibilité américaine (ou crédibilité à variation limitée) permet la prise en compte partielle des contraintes de disponibilité des données d’expérience (volumétrie et profondeur d’historique) lors du calibrage des chocs. A titre d’illustration, j’ai appliqué cette approche aux risques d’incidence et de maintien (ou de rétablissement) des garanties d’incapacité et d’invalidité en arrêt de travail d’un portefeuille de contrats de prêts. Les résultats obtenus montrent des baisses significatives des be-soins de capitaux de solvabilité requis (SCR) du risque de souscription par rapport à la formule standard. La troisième partie est une étude descriptive des calculs de la formule standard pour l’évaluation du besoin de fonds propres économiques du risque de dépendance. Elle permet de mettre en évidence les insuffisances de la norme et de proposer des pistes d’améliorations en vue d’une meilleure prise en compte des spécificités de ce risque. Enfin, dans la dernière partie du manuscrit, je propose une étude comparative des préférences d’attitudes face au risque dans le secteur financier, notamment la banque et l’assurance. Il s’agit d’une analyse empirique menée dans trois zones géographiques (Amérique, Europe et Afrique) afin de mesurer les liens et les différences entre les profils d’attitude face au risque et certaines variables sociodémographiques / In the insurance sector, the latest regulatory developments and accounting standards are in line with the standardization of risk management within organizations. In this context, the main objec-tive of my thesis is to propose different methodologies for risk evaluation and analysis in this sec-tor. The first part of this manuscript deals with the problem of individual non-life reserving. I pro-posed adaptations of machine learning algorithms and some performance metrics for the estima-tion of the durations of the claims as well as the ultimate claims in the presence of right censored data. The application of these methods to property and consumer loans insurance contracts or group protection contracts leads to better and more robust estimates of the parameters consid-ered. The second part presents a one-year shock estimation approach on entity-specific parame-ters (Undertaking Specific Parameters) of the life-sustaining health module of Pillar 1 of the Solven-cy II standard formula. The use of American credibility (or limited variation credibility) allows partial consideration of the availability constraints of data (volume and historical depth of data) when calibrating shocks. By way of illustration, I applied this approach to incidence and recovery (or non-recovery) of incapacity and disability risks. The results obtained show significant decreases in sol-vency capital requirements (SCR) of underwriting risk need compared to the standard formula cal-culation. The third part is a descriptive study of the calculations of the standard formula for eco-nomic solvency capital need of long term care risk. The main purpose is to highlight the inadequa-cies of the standard formula and to suggest ways of improving them in order to better take into account the specificities of this risk. Finally, in the last part of the manuscript, I proposed a compar-ative study of risk attitude preferences in the financial sector, including banking and insurance. This is an empirical analysis conducted in three geographical areas (America, Europe and Africa) to measure the links and differences between risk attitude profiles and sociodemographic variables

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